Liliana Talks - 04. Intermarium
Warsaw Institute Weekly #1
2 жыл бұрын
Transatlantic Relations in the Biden Era
Warsaw Institute - Polish think tank
Chinese Russian Unequal Partnership
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
Co to znaczy reżim Łukaszenki ?Dużo podróżowałem po Indii po Iranie po Chinach Azerbajdżanie Turcji Gruzji Bahrajnie i wszędzie spotykałem Białorusinów turystów .Mają paszporty w rękach podróżują, wracają do kraju .Granice Białorusi otwarte dla Białorusinów i turystów zza granicy..Ja bywałem w Białorusi.Gdzie tam jest reżim?..Pan z Budapesztu -przestań słuchać BBC (british bullshit corporation)...
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
Zachęcam do odsłuchania wywiadu Pana Dmitrija Gordona z Kijowa, który przeprowadził taki wywiad z Gen.Popowem szefem KGB- po1991 roku mieszkającym w Nowym Jorku i wykładającym w West Point..Nie Gorbaczow był pomysłodawcą PIERIESTROJKI i Głasnost' ale pułkownik KGB Jurij Andropow pracujący dl Washington City District Columbia.
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
Pan z Budapesztu czy Hiroszyma Nagasaki , niewolnictwo i morderstwo Afrykańczyków w usa lub morderstwo rdzennych mieszkańców Ameryki Północnej przez kanadę i usa jest finezją naszego świata czy globalnym morderstwem zatuszowanym przez tzw.demokracje?
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
A tak w ogóle pozdrawiam z Edynburga i w ramach waszego tzw.Wschodniego partnerstwa nadmienię,że polsko-litewska dynastia Jagiellonów pochodzi w linii męskiej ze Wschodu z okolic Uralu z ziemi ludów ugryjskich/uralskich..Badania genetyczne wykazały,że Władysław Jagiełło ma Haplo grupę Y-DNA N1c1 to typowy potomek ludów ugryjskich /uralskich..Przodkowie Jego przywędrowali na ziemie dzisiejszej Litwy ok.2700 lat temu....Główeczka do góry tzw.eksperci..Nie będzie żle.Wystarczy starać się być dobrze poinformowanym o dzisiejszym świecie i nie słuchać bełkotu BBC( czyli british bullshit corporation)ani bełkotu cnn czy skynews...Jeśli macie ochotę , to wyślę do was obszerne materiały o masonerii w Brytanii...Filmiki i wywiady wielkich królewskich lóż masonerii ..To bardzo bardzo ale to bardzo wyjaśni sytuację, kto zarządzaŁ światem a dziś to już się zmienia..
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
Uparliście się Unii Europejskiej ,która staje się anachronizmem historii w obecnej całkowitej przebudowie świata..Gospodarcza Inicjatywa OBOR czy SzOW (Szanghajska Organizacja Współpracy) z siedzibą w Astanie w Kazachstanie czy bardzo prężny BRICS to nasz nadchodzący nowy świat do Europy..Czy pozostanie coś z Unii Europejskiej czy nie-nie wiemy..Debilizm brukseli i zaściankowość tzw.euro polityków podpowiada ,że nic nie pozostanie z unii europejskiej..
@kriswolskinews 4 күн бұрын
Chińczycy nie zrezygnowali ze swoich planów i rozpoczęli budowę Great Stone czyli Velikij Kamień na Białorusi ,by rozwijać LĄDOWY OBOR w stronę Europy...Great Stone 35-40 km od Mińska ma się dobrze i co raz lepiej.Możliwe,że w przyszłości miasto Great Stone będzie logistycznym centrum na całą Europe w inicjatywie OBOR ,co zmieni bieg historii i Europa Wschodnia uzyska technologiczną finansową i polityczną przewagę nad Europą Zachodnią po 450 latach od czasów tzw.Odkryć Geograficznych..Na starych chińskich mapach jest zaznaczony Mińsk i Kaliningrad pod innymi nazwami niż obecnie w poprzednim Jedwabnym Szlaku , który istniał 1500 lat aż do Odkryć Geograficznych..
@harbinger6562 21 күн бұрын
Hi Maciej Paulina and David ♥️🇵🇱🇨🇳🦾😇🌹👋
@kriswolskinews 23 күн бұрын
Greethings to China and Greethings to Great Stone (Великий Камень) in Belarus...Привет Китаю и привет Великому Камню в Беларуси..
@kriswolskinews 23 күн бұрын
Greethings to China...I visit China longtime..
@wstctsw 18 күн бұрын
Wumao! 😝
@AlbertPakaj 23 күн бұрын
Dúfam že Brusel nikoho nebude nútiť aby kupovať len WW
@АлександрСайчук-й5д 23 күн бұрын
It is necessary to decide whether the relations between the countries will be built on mutually beneficial cooperation, or someone will try to teach freedom and democracy to someone, then forget about it.
@jackreacher8858 23 күн бұрын
@wstctsw 18 күн бұрын
Hilarious! 😀
@Morningrilled 23 күн бұрын
China King of lie's wumao
@wayandacin7914 Ай бұрын
@truongvy5210 Ай бұрын
Ah. D. D. Ch. R. V. X. V. Ng. Ch. T. Ch. Ch. D. Ch. H. R. ❤
@dr.kirtijha7845 Ай бұрын
Great discussion Anviksha. Well spoken.
@ryszardjacekrusniak7993 Ай бұрын
Mentally seriously disturbed 😅
@MeshackMaswanganye-g5w Ай бұрын
It's time for united states to meet their match
@monishboro8648 Ай бұрын
Poland should self reflect on where it stands. West is a dead end.
@p4relgic794 Ай бұрын
The reason we have wars in this world is that majority of western and european countries have contributed greatly in the rise of "communist" countries that have the tendency to bully and oppress its weak neighbors when they become rich and powerful. Ungodliness and greed of money and power is the main cause of wars and injustice in this world.
@NoelleChanHin Ай бұрын
The EU is a terrible thing it was not the idea in origin to work with the USza All the Eastern countries are under a terrible bureaucracy, Brüssel
@MetaView7 Ай бұрын
China used to buy steel from Czech. China used to buy cars and machinery from Czech. China is not interested in other people's politics. They are not confrontational. If they detect a gamer, they will just back away.
@dawuyong2218 Ай бұрын
@katateo328 Ай бұрын
hahahaha cac dong chi yen tam di. tutucacdongchicungseduochuongquychetoithuongcuachuthoongthoi hahahahaha
@JuicyCheez 2 ай бұрын
Im glad you guys are having talks because as you all probably know this country, US have went really wild and crazy. The fact is, china is overwhelming US and US is realizing that it cant catch up and that is when this ideology of rule based order comes in. Look at what US is doing to the whole world especially to EU. We are making EU pick sides and even threating. There's no such thing as diplomacy anymore in US. This country went crazy and every part of institution are corrupted, and especially in senate to congress and lawmakers. So if law makers are being bribed than the outcome becomes what everyone are seeing right now. I guess if everyone are able to watch without being censored. Right now the time have become very confusing and is very easy to fall into BS. People just have to call it out for what it is and go with natural instinct. I know nothing about EU or china, but from what I've been seeing US is failing hard.
@thomasrogers9146 2 ай бұрын
@lagrangewei 2 ай бұрын
no european country recognise Taiwan. Taiwan IS international recognise as Chinese territory. you have to understand Taiwan is China's Crimea. if Ukraine is going to FIGHT Russia for Crimea, can you really expect China NOT to do so when they are 10 times stronger than Ukraine? and it is double standard that European are playing with Taiwan issue while supporting Ukraine in taking Crimea which has been self rule since 2014... self rule simply does not mean independence. China has never recognise Crimea seperation from Ukraine. so why does European try to make an issue out of Taiwan?
@lagrangewei 2 ай бұрын
I am from ASEAN, and I will say that most ASEAN country have some seperatist movement happening in our borders. we want status quo, if Taiwan is allow to be independent against a country as strong as China. can you imagine how much that would enrage seperatism in our country to seek to be "the next Taiwan"? even Philippines which is at odd with China will deport Taiwanese from their country back to PRC and strictly maintain the one china policy. because this issue is alot bigger than China, it can destablised the entire Asia Pacific. to pick on the Taiwan issue will risk forcing Asian countries to rally around China. because none of us want to be the next target of regime change or seperatism.
@lioicomestai3703 28 күн бұрын
why your Shi Chainman claimed to Yankees that he doesn't have play to invade Taiwan in 2027? lol
@gregwang8628 21 күн бұрын
@@lagrangeweithat’s what the American wants
@WillisLinn 21 күн бұрын
Funny thing is Taiwan's leadership, used to be the rulers of China until WW2, then communist over through them and the last stronghold of the real Chinese government is Taiwan. That's why they see it so important to overthrow Taiwan They know their communist Chinese government is illegitimate and Taiwan is the government of China. So all the territorial claims of the Chinese government is based on a false information by a mafia like organization.
@wstctsw 18 күн бұрын
@@lagrangewei No worries! CCP days are numbered. Xi is running out of honey . . . 😝
@katrinagkatrinag6854 2 ай бұрын
Slavic people are speaking English instead of their own languages. Have you forgotten your Slavic languages?
@partizanSquad 2 ай бұрын
They're culturally colonized by anglo saxons, like many of us unfortunately.
@donotneed Ай бұрын
Have sold their souls to the US!
@lioicomestai3703 28 күн бұрын
Agree like most Cina people only do Pu Dong Hua by abandoning their own dialects under the order of CCP. Forced. At least speaking is not compulsory in EU.
@richardwilliams1986 26 күн бұрын
No, from J.B.
@lioicomestai3703 26 күн бұрын
Have most of younger generations in Cina forgot their own local languages? Since they were all forced to adapt Mandarin since babe age by CCP.
@waynegore5291 2 ай бұрын
Czech is a very powerful country , it should officially switch the diplomatic relation from mainland China to Taiwan.
@xushenxin 2 ай бұрын
If East Europe follows US, Ukraine is their only fate, which is very stupid. If they go with China, it will be mutual benefits and their security is guaranteed. Security not built on provoking Russia, but on building good relationship with Russia and backed by China.
@belmabalacano9959 Ай бұрын
Oh please
@Morningrilled 23 күн бұрын
Nah don't need small eyes😅
@petrhomolac3740 2 ай бұрын
The first attempt to shove himself and the whole country up China's ass made Czech President Miloš Zeman and ended up completely ridiculed. Fortunately, the Czech got off the hook. Maybe Poland wants to try on its own, ok, but don't forget, the Chinese are real Marxists and this ideology allows them to do anything to achieve their goal - which is absolute dominance of the CCP. Hungary and Serbia are just tools. More importantly, you become untrustworthy to the West, which, as we also know very well historically, is very bad and also extremely costly.
@edwardko1833 2 ай бұрын
Does China care about these barbarians 蠻族? 哈哈
@Thinkofwhat 2 ай бұрын
She’s pretty. Sorry I know it’s irrelevant in this talk nonetheless she is:)
@vincesiy1403 2 ай бұрын
So based on the speaker here. Czech's decision to support Taiwan is more about spiting China for money they expected to come from China that did not come based on their expectation lol. Czech republic is one of the most corrupt nation in Europe. Even Taiwanese companies and government are careful in investing there now because they do not want to rush and then get themselves get caught in a bad position and lose money and reputation.
@zeissiez 2 ай бұрын
The only problem that the EU has with China is….. Uncle Sam standing in the way.
@Su1.672 2 ай бұрын
I really hope that Central and Easten European countries will not fall into the Western Europe trap and becomes chess ponds in a geopolitical games that will destroy your economies development and social development. I'll am saying prioritize your trade relationship well.
@garytan9904 2 ай бұрын
the collective West are just colonialists and it's particularly insulting to them when those former colonies had liberated themselves and thriving eell
@wstctsw 23 күн бұрын
So, become "Go" pieces in endless malevolence and corruptions in Chinese orbit of desperate attempt in attaining global domination and super power status? Yeah, right! 😃😚🤔🙄
@danwelterweight4137 2 ай бұрын
7/10 Chinese EV cars going to Europe are Teslas manufacturered in China. Most Indigenous Chinese vehicles like BYD are going to Latin America, South East Asia and China's internal domestic market and BYD is going to build a EV manufacturing factory in Hungary which is going to be powered by Russian energy.
@Lee-vb4vh 2 ай бұрын
Will Hungarian BYD cars be taxed or have Tariffs ?
@kaimanyu586 Ай бұрын
@@Lee-vb4vh no, because they are made in the EU. But EU will probably cheat and change some rules to allow them to still put tariffs..
@gregwang8628 21 күн бұрын
@@Lee-vb4vhof course they will be 😂
@qingzhou9983 2 ай бұрын
While I agree with you in general. But none of the central or Eastern European countries did much harm to China during colonial era. Now they just want Chinese investment and trades. This is totally reasonable expectation. Unfortunately China now is under tremendous stress both from US and internal source. EU and NATO add to these stresses. So China is bunkering down for serious conflict with US and its Western allies. So China does not have resources to invest outside. This is unfortunate. For Czech, Taiwan is the most sensitive issue for PRC. It is willing to go to war with US if it involves militarily there. Be aware of danger ‼️
@MetaView7 Ай бұрын
Cina's worldwide trade surplus is US$2 billion a day ! EVERYDAY ! They are not confrontational. Their strategists are selected from the best of the best in the country. They will not be dragged into other people's conflicts. What can Cz do for TW? Nothing. Cina is playing the long game. They have a long leash.
@walhdamaskus2408 2 ай бұрын
China in Europe or china arrived to Europe with business, money and knowhow exchange. But when Europe arrived to china first with gun and now with lecturing on human rights. 😂😂
@Bryankips 2 ай бұрын
China's join ASEAN 🎉😂
@PGN1967 Ай бұрын
Forget the HUMAN RIGHTS, Germany , Ukraine, and Russians can tell you the meaning of Humanity. They're true Humanitarians. 😅
@kooklockklan1974 Ай бұрын
@@Bryankips ASEAN join China 🇨🇳
@svennielsen633 Ай бұрын
China in Africa arrived with slavery, suppression and blackmail. It is far worse than European colonialism that in fact invested in schools, churches, knowledge and education, hospitals and healthcare, roads, railways, harbors, airfields, mail service, telecommunication, modern industries and technology. Europe brought civilization, CCP brings only barbarism, tofu-dreg and fraud products. It brought what it had - and has - at home. Before Europeans came to China it was nothing but a feudal slave state with the population suppressed by an emperor. The state was in a constant state of war and imperialism. Just as the case is today.
@Andy-P Ай бұрын
China is helping the Russian war of aggression. Doesn't respect the sovereignty of european nations. We are vassals of America. Except Hungary & Serbia who enjoy a lot of largesse from China..... for being her vassals?
@SST-wale-sir 3 ай бұрын
Great insight Anviksha and Tomasz. UP is also the biggest state in India and has the largest number of Constituencies. Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and UP are 4 most important states called BIMARU States. Interesting fact - North Indian States have more constituencies as compared to South India where more land is covered under a single constituency as compared to states like UP where there are smaller Constituencies.
@anvikshapachori2488 3 ай бұрын
Quite insightful sir :) Thank you for sharing your views.
@MintuChamua 4 ай бұрын
Mary kuri ji ko nomon
@LuisSosa-n3f 5 ай бұрын
Anyone who has Critical Thinking Skills knows very well that the US is the number one producer of Misinformation Propaganda in the world!
@johncolberg7229 5 ай бұрын
It's a stupid idea. Russia does not want any nato bases in the countries bordering Russia. Look what's happening to Ukrain. what would the U.S. do if Russia and chins put bases in Mexico Cuba and china. There is no reason to have nato forces in the countries bordering Russia. As Russia said no nato and no army in Ukraine. Nato is the aggressor, and the people of Ukraine are waking up. Poland should put some serious thought into what is going to happen to them. How is the ukraine doing with all that support nato is giving them.
@trollfake9578 2 ай бұрын
Well, we in PL don't want ru military bases on OUR doorstep in Belarus or Kaliningrad. Poland responds symmetrically to ru provokations. BTW - nato is NOT the aggressor, nato didn't invade UA. It was ru who invaded. ru doesn't want their former slaves join nato because this stops them from re-conquering them.
@trollfake9578 2 ай бұрын
PS. "No army in Ukraine" - lol. So how would UA defend itself? UA is rich in resources land, a precious prey. They need strong army to prevent anyone from annexing their lands. BTW - mexico IS already ally of China-ru and all the fenantyl trafficking is made with co-op of the chinese-ru secret services. People of Ukraine want their land back, not to be ru slaves. nato has not given UA any serious aid, that;s the problem. Some old stuff in small amounts.
@johansenfrien4604 6 ай бұрын
"If you are an enemy of the United States it is bad. But when you are a friend of the US it's fatal." Good luck
@editeduque5951 6 ай бұрын
@freelancerkabir805 7 ай бұрын
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@Emre_Ogur 9 ай бұрын
I viligantly watched and listened the discussions you performed. It was such fruitful event. I want to add “BRICS” countries in terms of the possible effects to be on global economy and security issues. Thanks.
@noureddineelhoussni8704 9 ай бұрын
Apres quelques jours vers la direction generale banque populaire à casablanca à but de regulariser notre transfert de 5,8 milliards euros reçus de defferents banking europain union il s'agit d'un probleme de non autorisation de chéquier et de service remise de cheque sur notre application banque poplaire du maroc (pocket bank et chaabi net).
@annawooloff 10 ай бұрын
Syf polski
@balkananthropologist5836 Жыл бұрын
My question goes to stupid Albanians who thinks that USA and EU is interested on them Tell me something, Albanians, why America and EU invests in Serbia and not in Albania? Why Albanians can't travel visa free in USA if they think that yanks are their ally? If uncle Sam wants Albania to join EU, Albanians can be members of union in short period of time. Why USA don't want you in EU? Why is Albania the poorest country in the Balkans and Europe? Why is pseudo western democracy failing in Albania? Why are all the countries of Eastern Europe and some of the Balkans part of the EU and Albania is left aside in the ranks of Turkey to never become part of the union? I'm waiting for your answers