A Love Letter to Splatoon 2
2 жыл бұрын
@wouterdutch4706 2 күн бұрын
Omg yes this plaza is so incredible!! Have a great splatfest, let's fight for the present :D Also omg your cats are so cute
@RoseofBattle 2 күн бұрын
@@wouterdutch4706 Let's go, Team Present!!! Good luck in your games!
@wouterdutch4706 2 күн бұрын
@@RoseofBattle thanks as well, and good luck on the charity run ^^
@crystalkawaiistar6555 9 күн бұрын
i got Judy...with the campsite 🗿 (yes i came years later but i no care i am enjoying my first months of switch and my first months of this game)
@GothSalemW22 18 күн бұрын
I am trying to find this app and I cannot find it. And I want to use it…
@Inkpanther413 Ай бұрын
I am intimidated by Brellas. It’s so silly. I need to just use one in a game.
@RoseofBattle Ай бұрын
They're quite fun! I personally hate playing against them because they counter a lot of things I play (they do well against shooters and dualies). I hope you'll try some of them out for fun~
@Inkpanther413 5 күн бұрын
@@RoseofBattle I will! 😉
@s-wo8781 Ай бұрын
Damn, why doesn't this video have subtitles? I'm trying to watch at work.
@RoseofBattle Ай бұрын
@@s-wo8781 it's a very old video of mine, and I'm slowly going through to videos to add subtitles. I can prioritize this one for next (not sure why automated subs aren't showing up, though)
@Drowned_Brother Ай бұрын
Going to my second con in 26 days qnd it's my first time cosplaying at a con (currently on con crunch making my cos) this is super helpful
@RoseofBattle Ай бұрын
@@Drowned_Brother Good luck with getting your costume ready! I'm doing final prep for Otakon in time for next weekend. I made this video so, so long ago, and it blows my mind how it's still helping people today!
@Drowned_Brother Ай бұрын
@@RoseofBattle haha it's very good tips
@giganticmoon Ай бұрын
i feel like everyone’s sexist to both genders equally, whether it’s misandry or misogyny, if we just take them both out, we’ll have a better community as a whole
@netizen10008 Ай бұрын
That’dve probably take too much time out of the dev cycle, but lockers and splash tags do virtually that
@RoseofBattle Ай бұрын
@@netizen10008 Yeah, the apartments were my hope for Splatoon 3, but I like what we have! I only wish we could get additional lockers or something. Too many trophies and things to display!
@0f128 2 ай бұрын
Never knew this was a thing at all
@RoseofBattle 2 ай бұрын
@@0f128 a 2-day tournament just happened at this event space for Splatoon too!
@mateostefancic4015 2 ай бұрын
nice video and my name is Mateo Štefančić its nice to meet you and i m from Croatia 😇
@wouterdutch4706 3 ай бұрын
Oh god yes this challenge was so funny
@kiyos_curse 3 ай бұрын
Honestly I wish people didn't have to deal with sexism
@maryjohnson2646 3 ай бұрын
Limbrick and all other stuff
@maryjohnson2646 3 ай бұрын
Limbrick and even though you may be able that way 👉🏾 👈 👇🏾 😌 🙌 🙏🏾 👉🏾 👈 👇🏾 😌 🙌 🙏🏾 👉🏾 I am attaching a postcard with a QR code that takes you directly to the application and check it out to you to see how do I wait until the last next 😀 😉 I don't have any questions about this 😉 😀 😜 😄 I have a friend 😀 😉 😜 who 😄 me in my life 😀 I 😅😅and you 😀 😉 😜 and 20.00
@maryjohnson2646 3 ай бұрын
1.35 school man
@Sylvatic98 3 ай бұрын
All of the recent horrible jackpot stuff adds onto this even more Like god, I thought the funny squid game would be more accepting of people
@TownDarling 4 ай бұрын
Those drinks look so yummy hehe
@I_Dont_Believe_In_Salad 4 ай бұрын
Nah sis, the community is bad because the game got a lot of different people playing not just YOU. Same can be said for any multiplayer video games out there including game i play like Overwatch. And Splatoon as we know the game are targeting CHILDREN so of course the community will be full of Angsty Teenagers.
@RoseofBattle 4 ай бұрын
You'd be surprised how many adults play and/or organize competitive Splatoon 😌
@Beatrixie12 4 ай бұрын
I didn't even know this existed that looks like so much fun
@Darz52 4 ай бұрын
Woah that's so cool!!
@misspixisix 4 ай бұрын
you got the overtime clam throw clip omg!! that was a crazy moment fr
@RoseofBattle 4 ай бұрын
It was UNREAL!!! We screamed so much!!!
@pokemon_trainer_isaiah 4 ай бұрын
Cod bless John Splatoon 🙏
@RoseofBattle 4 ай бұрын
Cod Bless 🦑🙏
@pokemon_trainer_isaiah 4 ай бұрын
I missed out on so much this year omg I wish I could’ve gone (says me who needs to renew their passport)
@finix4391 4 ай бұрын
Omg that looks so fun!!
@RoseofBattle 4 ай бұрын
It was a blast!
@danielhughes4451 4 ай бұрын
Anyone who excludes me is my enemy.
@UncomfyAngie 4 ай бұрын
Former Smash competitor here. Before I left the scene for good last Winter (which just happened to coincide with me socially transitioning), there were almost no cis or trans women and the PR (power rankings) for my region in Texas had no women among its top 100 as far as I can remember. That’s changing rapidly due to a rising talent in a player named Meg (shout outs to her, she’s amazing and so, so talented) but it’s still going to take some time.
@cobaltcabana 5 ай бұрын
"I wish Ihad the confidence of a mediocre white man" Me too, me too.
@Malarkey64 5 ай бұрын
Did you see the results of the world championship? Pretty historic. I’m hoping there are more gaming opportunities for my daughters, maybe America will take the lead!
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
Yes!!!! So proud of Jackpot, and especially .q and Leafi!
@corndogbark5915 5 ай бұрын
I’ve actually never heard of a LAN event before (as much as I love Splatoon, I’ve only had the game for a few months now,) but looking it up, this seems like an awesome event!! I’m glad you and your team did well and had lots of fun (:
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
They just announced the dates for Gridlock, their two-day major tournament!
@corndogbark5915 5 ай бұрын
I just came from your video on men-exclusive tournaments (not realizing this was another one of your videos) and had a complete jumpscare when it was your face again. (A... good jumpscare? It was cool, I was just surprised to see you so soon-) Thoughtful commentary and art things pertaining to my current hyperfixation? consider me subscribed lol
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
Hahaha, surprise!!! And thank you!
@missingna 5 ай бұрын
i feel like no matter what way you turn, there is so much discrimination against trans women, especially in environments surrounding things like sports. whether its people saying we aren’t truly women, people saying we have some sort of advantage (which in almost all cases is entirely false), etc., there is so much discrimination and hate. As a trans woman, it is so disheartening hearing all of it, but also so empowering when people decide to stand up for whats right and do something about the discrimination.
@skyewells0821 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this .
@MonikaCinnyRoll 5 ай бұрын
You did NOT deserve the hate you got for this video. You were spitting absolute facts
@PK_Tungsten74 5 ай бұрын
great wokeness is entering the community through the stupid "exclude men" thing for "diversity"
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
🤭 imagine using "wokeness" as a pejorative
@PK_Tungsten74 5 ай бұрын
@@RoseofBattle ok then wokeness wokeness wokeness woke up with ness wokeness wokeness wokeness woke ness from earthbound wokeness wokeness wok to cook the ness in ok im done ☺️
@TownDarling 5 ай бұрын
bro to them or to you? you had like 3 opportunities to get that splat before they jumped away which was probably the right move for them
@Flibbertigibbet502 5 ай бұрын
I would like to develop games for a living. As a guy that (although Christian) would like to be as respectful and sensitive as possible to all demographics, ethnicities, and backgrounds; how should I market my projects to look exciting and action packed, without appearing biased towards a certain gender? I want to share my ideas with the world, not just boys or girls. Is it enough to have a protagonist that is not a boy? Or do i need to do something bigger? I'm really confused as to what the gaming community wants. Can someone please help me out?
@kixelmon 5 ай бұрын
This video is well researched and I agree with many of the points. However, I just want to know if trans men and enbies that do not feel comfortable playing in this cup will be able to play in a safe environment as well. Also that thumbnail is NOT good, I understand that it will push the video more and appease the algorithm, but I think that it'll discourage people that need this video the most from watching it.
@Anna_Rae 5 ай бұрын
As a trans woman, for a while I struggled to "pass" in gaming communities. But now that I finally pass, my reward is just plain old misogyny; I hate it :/ I used to be really big into Destiny 2. I loved teaching new people and helping them get really fun weapons, but the toxicity and sexism made me disengage completely from playing that game with strangers. I don't trust men to not be rude or dismissive to me anymore.
@fernandobignardi6716 5 ай бұрын
I don’t know how to start this comment. I guess I will start with statements: A) I am going to refer to 2 buckets of people, the cis man and trans man(because those can not participate in girls duo cup) as MAN while everyone else (cis women trans women, non binary and a lot more that fit under the umbrella) because it keeps simple while typing. 1) yes I agree that a tournament for NON MAN is important to exist and incentivize. 2) humans are social beings that do thrive on finding a space they feel comfortable at. 3) human beings can be massive cunts, but it takes maturity, self control, discipline to not be a cunt. Examples: the many sexual cases expose by both smash, Splatoon. undertale having cooked cookies with needles in it to hurt people at an event, fire alarm at G7. The most atrocious cases of Splatoon safety; there are bad people in this world. 4) hormones are a strong thing in a person’s body and causes effects both on the inside and outside and have an effect on a persons brain, the people under the hormone therapy in the trans community know it well. What I feel I kinda want to say is that it is expected competitiveness to attract MAN, but I don’t want to say the players feel an urge to keep it secluded from NOT MAN because of patriarchy, it is a combination of hormones in the brain, a necessity to try to fit in and fail to understand certain things that are said in a voice channel are not supposed to be sad(e.g. woman, make me a sandwich) There are certain statistical behaviors and careers that are more common to find certain groups, even job careers; Working on oil rigs is still MANY dominant, what is wrong is to assume no NOT MAN can work there. Same goes for video games, it still sells more to MAN; they have to write the audience that will buy when making the GDD. Both Barbie and The marvels had the same audience in mind but Barbie turned a profit because the audience was bigger for Barbie. We should celebrate our differences, anyone can enjoy regardless of gender a marvel movie, or a doll. I have yet to see a Splatoon tournament TO disrespect people because of gender, but because this community is more welcome still than COD. Do I want to see a only NOT MAN team to beat FTWin or whoever is the GGboys in Japan, of course I do. But I rather see over a group that actually is looking to bring cis trans women, non binary, genderfluid rather than focusing on excluding MAN as the goal. PS: discussing this topic ain’t easy, I can’t do a concrete thesis on a topic and neither did rose could talk about it in 5min
@beech5950 5 ай бұрын
As a cishet guy, it pains me that these compromises need to be made in the first place. I wish people would just treat others with respect.
@tori_emerald 5 ай бұрын
I think one of the biggest signs that splatoon still has a lot of work to do around gender imbalances is the fact that, despite lots of women playing the game casually and at lower levels, top level is still dominated by cis men. I honestly dont know any top level woman other than Leafi and q, and I can only name a handful of high level players who arent cis men! With how insular and tight nit the top levels of competitive splatoon are, we need more women and NB femmes at that level to make it more accessible.
@taursula 5 ай бұрын
hey, gem sent me! ill copy and elaborate what i commented on his post pre-watching the video: i havent watched the video yet so i hope it addresses this, but it very much reeks of "women and ~women-lite~" where anyone who is transmasculine or who isnt a thin white androgynous nonbinary person will be excluded bc were "men". when in actuality, we are some of the least visible folks in general... its very reminiscent of cis women who will shit on trans men bc "youre just as bad as cis men!" i am really happy to watch and be able to say this was a very trans inclusive video, however my point of excluding trans men from "marginalized genders" is still a huge issue among attempts of trans inclusive language. i will say you did a really good job explaining the "opt in" part of the girls duo cup explanation, and this is by no means a critique of you/your video personally- im just curious as a trans man if i would be welcome to join the girls duo cup, how i would be met with that, ESPECIALLY if the TOs are cis women. like i said this isnt a you specific criticism, its just a general thing i thought would be relevant to bring up. really good video!!!
@taursula 5 ай бұрын
also, W vdualies gameplay from a vdualies main myself 😎
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
@@taursula Dualies are so fun!!! Thank you!!! I'm a cis woman myself, so I don't want to center myself in how to best include trans men. I'd actually love to hear your thoughts on it! But my first thought would be to make a tourney/server explicitly for and celebrating trans Splatoon players, so that we have a space that does explicitly include trans men. If somebody does set this up, I'd love to spread the word/moderate/provide commentary/ask around for additional help/etc
@armoredanteater609 5 ай бұрын
I feel like part of the reason I stopped wanting to play splatoon was bc I was made to feel like I wasnt good enough and would never be good enough.
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry people did that to you. No one is born perfect at this game, and I certainly get beaten badly in tournaments, and it'll shake my confidence on top of all the other stuff we deal with regarding gender and a history of needing to prove we belong. If you come back, I hope you find a good community and space to have fun with and have a great time with it.
@DJParticle 5 ай бұрын
The reason why video games became a boys' market was because of the aftermath of the 1983 Western video game market crash. Before the crash, games were sold to the whole family. When Nintendo brought the Famicom to the West as the NES, electronics departments wouldn't carry it, and stores instead relegated it to the toy section, which was (and even now is, to an extent) separated between boys and girls sections... ...so they put it in the boys section.
@Manoli_ 5 ай бұрын
So I watched the entire video and would like to share my thoughts. If anyone wants to comment, feel free to do so but please make sure to read my entire comment first and be respectful. You said that a lot of women don't go into competitive because there are mostly guys. Of course there are idiots that call you slurs etc. but tournaments never disallowed women and if anyone would call you a slur etc. there, they would be disqualified. In the german Splatoon bundesliga, racism, homophobia, transphobia, using wrong pronouns etc. all lead to a punishment - usually a ban. There is nothing men can do to make you feel more welcome except being nice to you. One of the professsional chess players said that the day might come sometime where we don't seperate men and women in tournaments: But you do your own tournaments just for women aswell..? Also: You said that trans-, non-binary and genderfluid people are allowed. If I feel like a woman from today to tomorrow, I could play? Basically anyone could just say that. Splatoon is a tactical game, so no gender has an advantage. If women should actually play worse because playing against a guy: What should he do about that? He didn't choose his gender either. I probably forgot some of my points because the video was too long to remember everything. I remember that you want a safe space but even if you might not get hated on because of your gender, it could always be because of something else. No matter if it comes from a guy or not.
@rockinggamerdude 5 ай бұрын
16:30 I think it would be a good, maybe fun experiment where the opponents don’t know the gender whatsoever of the player
@rockinggamerdude 5 ай бұрын
I’m ignorant about anything with women and the LGBT+ community I want to be supportive, but I just don’t know how. Except maybe saying you can or you’re great or stuff like that, but that’s just in retrospect.
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
I would love to see that study!
@OneCoolCatKC 5 ай бұрын
I agree with many of your points. But I just hope you are not implying all Men are like that. Or that Men and Women are incapable of getting along in a esports environment. Lots of my friends happen to be women and I treat them with much respect as I would anyone else. I think to help with this is that we as men need to hold other men accountable for their behaviour.
@solvdev 5 ай бұрын
I didn’t realise there was such a problem with it in Splatoon as even competitive has had quite good gender balance (for esports anyway LOL) as far as I’m aware in recent times. Sucks to see it’s not always true, especially in one of my favourite games. Let’s hope for a more equal and inclusive future.
@thegoldenblob69 5 ай бұрын
Wasn't Splatoon originally designed to be more female friendly and oriented, or a sort of opening to give girls an interest in third person shooters/video games in general? Or am I just tweaking?
@RoseofBattle 5 ай бұрын
I don't know if it was their explicit goal, but they've had female characters front and center, and that has definitely helped.
@DJParticle 5 ай бұрын
@@RoseofBattle originally, Nintendo wanted ONLY female player characters...
@staticaleel5068 5 ай бұрын
This is a great video. As a gamer since 2011 i know that e-sports has been generally toxic for many. So while I agree that a women’s league is necessary for their safety and participated broadly, I would like to criticize that the thumbnail is a little too inflammatory. I mean, excluding men? Has a more negative connotation to it than what you actually mean. That being we want to include women more by making spaces exclusive to them. Not that we’re targeting men for exclusion.