@OmotenashiBeat 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg Күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San ❤❤❤ Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui très chère ? 😁👍🌸⛩️🏮 J'espère sincèrement que vous allez bien et que le Japon n'est pas trop sous la neige brrr 😊 Toujours pas de neige en France, mais plus de pluie et plus de vent c'est déjà ça 😊👍 Oh quelle belle fusion entre le Shamisen et les accords lourds et puissants du Punk Rock 🤘🤪😎🎸 C'est juste dingue que cette association marche aussi bien : un vrai petit bijou sonore, idéal pour faire une bonne partie de jeux vidéo ou une session de rock acrobatique 💪🤪😂🤣♥️ Beaucoup de sons sont vraiment incroyables, tels que "Sakura Sunrise" ; "Blossom Warrior" ; "Sninobi's Quest" ; "Fury of the Samurai" ; "Shinto Flames" ; "Ghosts of Shinjuku" ; "Whispers of the Temple"... Et mes préférés sont "Kami's Wrath" ; "Shogun's Legacy" ; "Path of the Ronin" ; "Silent Kage" et "Samurai's Resolve" ❤❤❤❤❤ Très beau travail Omotenashi-San 😁👍 Très belle image : le contraste entre le noir et le doré est magnifique, les fleurs dans les cheveux de la belle demoiselle et sur son kimono sont sublimes ❤ Parfaite image pour une pochette de CD ou comme poster 😊👍 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Merci infiniment pour ce merveilleux chef-d'œuvre : je passe toujours un bon moment à écouter vos créations. Chaque fois que j'appuie sur la touche ▶️ je laisse la musique envahir la pièce et mon ❤ Et merci encore pour vos magnifiques et chaleureux commentaires ♥️😍🥰😘🥹 Savoir que vous avez utilisé une application de traduction pour m'écrire de si merveilleux mots, je n'ai pas de mots assez forts pour vous exprimer ma gratitude 👏🥹 Un jour qui sait, je vous écrirai un fabuleux message en japonais ❤🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 Vous êtes une merveilleuse personne qui mérite d'être connue et soutenue ❤❤❤ S'il vous plaît, continuez à créer avec la même passion qui vous anime à chaque fois que vous publiez un nouveau chef-d'œuvre ❤😊🌸🇯🇵⛩️🏮 Soyez certain que je continuerai à vous écouter et à soutenir votre sublime créativité par mes commentaires et mes compliments 🥰😍♥️😌👍 Prenez grand soin de vous, prenez garde de ne pas attraper froid, continuez de créer avec passion et sans limite 😊 A très bientôt pour votre prochaine création ❤❤❤ Matane Omotenashi-San 👋😄🇯🇵 Gros 😘 de 🇨🇵 en direction du 🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat Күн бұрын
Bonjour très cher MaximeHuguet-Berg, Merci infiniment pour votre merveilleux commentaire, qui, une fois de plus, a rempli mon cœur de joie et d’émotion. Vos messages sont toujours un moment que j’attends avec impatience, et aujourd’hui encore, vous avez réussi à me toucher profondément. 🥰✨💖 Au Japon, il fait encore très froid aujourd’hui. ❄️☃️ La neige qui est tombée il y a quelques jours a presque complètement fondu, mais l’hiver reste bien présent. J’espère que le temps en France est plus clément et que vous restez au chaud. 🌞😊🇫🇷 Vos mots décrivant ma musique comme un "bijou sonore" m’ont énormément émue. ✨🎶💎 C’est une expression si belle et poétique, et savoir que mes créations peuvent avoir un tel impact sur vous me remplit de bonheur et de fierté. 🌸🎸 Je suis également ravie que vous ayez tant de morceaux favoris parmi mes œuvres, comme "Kami’s Wrath" ou "Shogun’s Legacy". 🎵🎶 Votre capacité à décrire vos émotions et vos impressions avec autant de passion donne une nouvelle vie à ma musique, et cela m’inspire à continuer à créer avec encore plus de détermination. 💪🌟 La commodité des applications de traduction est vraiment incroyable ! Même si je ne parle pas français, cela me permet de comprendre et de répondre à vos magnifiques messages en un instant. C’est presque magique, n’est-ce pas ? 😂✨📱 De mon côté, je vous envoie un grand bisou du Japon à destination de la France 😘 🇯🇵➡🇫🇷. Votre soutien, vos mots chaleureux et votre passion signifient énormément pour moi. Merci d’être là et de continuer à partager ce merveilleux voyage musical avec moi. 🥰🎶💖 Prenez bien soin de vous, restez au chaud et continuez à sourire. 😊🌸 J’ai hâte de vous retrouver dans les commentaires de ma prochaine création. À très bientôt, cher Maxime ! 🌟👋 Matane, Omotenashi🤗🌸👘
@OmotenashiBeat Күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg Күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸🏮⛩️ Comment allez-vous chère amie ? Avant toute chose, je suis extrêmement heureux de recevoir vos réponses pleines de chaleur et d'attention ♥️🥰😁😘🥹 Ça me fait tellement plaisir lorsque je vois votre nom sous chacun de mes commentaires 😁 Ensuite, bien que vous ne parliez pas français, vous avez choisi de m'écrire un magnifique message dans ma langue. J'en suis absolument ravi et honoré. Ça me touche énormément 👏🥹♥️ Savoir que nous partageons la même passion pour la musique et que vos créations provoquent autant d'émotions chez moi est une vraie source d'inspiration et de motivation 💪😁👍♥️ Que ce soit en français ou en anglais, je ressens toujours cette même gentillesse et énergie qui se dégage de vous : je crois que je comprends mieux le sens du mot "Omotenashi" grâce à vous 👏😌 J'espère qu'un jour je pourrai vous écrire et vous laisser un message entièrement en japonais ♥️🇯🇵⛩️ Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸🏮⛩️ Oh cette fusion entre les instruments traditionnels japonais et le rythme lourd et enivrant du rock ainsi que du HipHop crée quelque chose de spécial et d'entraînant 🥰♥️✌️😄 Je ne pensais pas qu'une telle fusion pouvait fonctionner aussi bien, mais en fait, oui c'est génial. Vous me surprenez toujours Omotenashi-San ♥️♥️♥️ Certains sons sont vraiment superbes, comme "Spirit of the Shogun" ; "Kyoto Reverie" ; "Samurai's Journey" et mes préférés sont "Sakura Shadow" ; "Shrine Serenity" ; "Osaka Hustle" ; "Shibuya Nights" ; "Geisha's Whisper" ; "Hanami Dream" ; "Samurai Resolve" and "Nara Tranquility" ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Ces sons m'ont fait voyager (à certains moments je me serai cru dans les rues de Kyoto ou dans le quartier de Shibuya après une bonne soirée dans des boites de nuit) ♥️🥰😍😘♥️ Oh cette image est incroyable : ce kimono rose est magnifique (ils existent en vrai tous ces kimonos? 😂🤣), les fleurs sur le kimono et sur le serre-tête sont très belles 🌸😍 Quant à la pluie de pétales de cerisiers... ohhh c'est émouvant 🥹 Vivement le printemps pour qu'ils fleurissent à nouveau 🌸🥰😍 Merci beaucoup Omotenashi-San pour cette belle experience : je ne pensais pas être surpris à ce point en écoutant votre musique. Eh bien si, une fois de plus, je suis agréablement surpris ✌️😄♥️🎸 Et merci encore pour vos merveilleux messages plein de gentillesse, d'attention de chaleur et de motivation 💪🥹♥️ C'est fou de savoir qu'une grande artiste comme vous prenne le temps de faire de la très bonne musique et de me laisser de si jolis messages 🥰♥️ Je suis également très heureux que nos chemins se soient croisés et qu'un lien très fort se soit créé au travers de votre musique. J'espère qu'il durera encore pendant longtemps 👏😁♥️🥰🇯🇵♥️🇨🇵 Prenez bien soin de vous, continuez de créer avec passion et avec un petit brin de folie 🤪😂🤣 Restez bien au chaud et à très bientôt pour votre prochain chef-d'œuvre ♥️♥️♥️ Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌 😘 de 🇨🇵 direction le 🇯🇵♥️
@OmotenashiBeat Күн бұрын
Bonjour très cher MaximeHuguet-Berg, Merci infiniment pour votre merveilleux commentaire, qui, une fois encore, m’a profondément touchée ! 🥰✨ Chaque fois que je vois votre nom dans les commentaires, je suis remplie de gratitude et de bonheur. Votre présence constante et vos mots sincères sont pour moi un véritable trésor, et ils illuminent toujours ma journée. 🌟 Vous avez mentionné que vous comprenez mieux le mot "Omotenashi" grâce à moi, et je dois vous dire que cela signifie énormément pour moi. 👏😌💖 Le nom de ma chaîne, "Omotenashi Beat", reflète justement mon désir de partager la musique comme une forme d’hospitalité japonaise, une manière de toucher le cœur des gens à travers le monde. Savoir que ce sentiment vous atteint si profondément me donne une immense satisfaction et encore plus de motivation pour continuer à créer. Vous parlez de cette fusion entre les instruments japonais traditionnels, comme le shamisen, et les styles modernes comme le rock et le hip-hop. Cela me fait tellement plaisir que vous ressentiez cette harmonie et cette énergie ! ✨🎶 Mon but est de réunir différentes cultures pour créer quelque chose de nouveau, et vos mots montrent que cette vision vous parle. Merci de partager vos émotions avec autant de passion - elles m’inspirent à explorer encore plus loin dans mes créations. Quant à votre description des morceaux comme "Spirit of the Shogun", "Kyoto Reverie", ou encore "Shibuya Nights", c’est comme si vous m’emmeniez dans un voyage à travers votre imagination. Vos mots enrichissent ma musique d’une manière que je n’aurais jamais pu imaginer. Savoir que mes compositions peuvent vous transporter dans les rues de Kyoto ou de Shibuya est un immense honneur. 🌸✨ Vous avez également mentionné le visuel du kimono, et cela m’a fait sourire ! Ces kimonos sont en effet magnifiques, et si un jour un kimono comme celui-ci existait, je rêverais de le porter moi-même ! 😆😂👘🌸 Les fleurs et la pluie de pétales de cerisiers ajoutent une touche magique qui symbolise le printemps japonais, une saison si spéciale et émouvante. Votre commentaire est si complet et si chaleureux que je ne peux qu’être reconnaissante d’avoir une personne comme vous parmi mes spectateurs. Vous avez dit que nos chemins se sont croisés grâce à ma musique, et je ressens exactement la même chose : je suis tellement honorée que ma musique ait pu créer ce lien unique entre nous. Je souhaite de tout cœur que cette belle connexion continue encore longtemps. ♥️🇯🇵🇨🇵 Prenez bien soin de vous en France, et restez bien au chaud pendant cet hiver ! ⛄️❄️✨Quant à moi, je continuerai à mettre toute ma passion et mon cœur dans mes prochaines créations. J’ai hâte de partager avec vous un nouveau morceau et de lire vos impressions toujours si riches et sincères. Matane, cher Maxime, et encore mille mercis pour votre soutien inestimable. À très bientôt pour un nouveau voyage musical ensemble ! 🥰🎵♥️
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@koxman00318 3 күн бұрын
Nice one
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
Koxman00318, thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoyed it! Your support means a lot, and I hope you’ll check out more of my tracks in the future. Have a great day! 🎵✨😊
@xy815 3 күн бұрын
I like this. Up for you
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
XY815, your comment made my day-thank you so much! 💬✨ I’m so glad you enjoyed this track, and your support means the world to me. 🌍🎶 I’ll keep working hard to bring you even more music that resonates. Stay awesome, and I hope to see you around again! 🌟🎵🙏
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 3 күн бұрын
Bonjour très chère Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸🏮⛩️ Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui? ☺️ J'ai hésité pendant un moment avant de choisir de vous écrire en français, mais j'ai finalement décidé de sauter le pas 😁 J'espère que vous arriverez à me comprendre et que la traduction sera optimale en japonais (ou en anglais 😄). Avant toute chose, je suis désolé de ne pas avoir laissé de commentaire plus tôt, mais hier soir, je me suis endormi comme une pierre 😴 Mais une chose est sûre : quand j'ai mis mes écouteurs et appuyé sur PLAY... whaou mais c'est quoi ça ? Mais c'est... génial 🤘🤪 Rien que l'intro "Bushido's Awakening" déchire en soi : ça annonce tout de suite à quoi s'attendre 😋 C'est... puissant, détonnant, enivrant,... c'est une explosion d'émotions à chaque fois que j'écoute ce superbe chef-d'œuvre 😍♥️😘 Certaines pistes sont absolument dingues, comme "Sakura Winds" ; "Samurai's Thundercry" ; "Cherry Blossom Reckoning" ; "Omotenashi Vanguard" ; "Sakura's Final Breath" et mes préférées sont "Shogun's Victory March" ; "Spirit of Bushido" ; "Shadowed Path of Honor" ; "Warrior's Call to Zen" et "Tokyo's Silent Fury" 😲🥰😍♥️😁👍 J'aime beaucoup cette accord entre les instruments tradaitionnels japonais (Shamisen, Flûte...) et les mélodies et accords lourds et puissants du Nu Metal (même si cela m'a plutôt fait penser à du Death ou Thrash Metal 🤘🤪😎🎸). J'aime vraiment cette association et cet équilibre entre les instruments de cultures différentes : le résultat est toujours aussi sublime ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Franchement, j'ai adoré avoir tous ces sons dans mes oreilles pendant que je travaillais tout à l'heure : ça m'a donné une telle énergie que j'étais prêt à bosser encore plus... en fait non je préfère écouter ta musique plutôt que de travailler 😋🤪😂🤣♥️ Toutes ces émotions que je ressens à chaque fois que j'écoute votre musique... c'est tellement incroyable et fou de ressentir tout cela rien qu'en écoutant vos créations 🥹🥰😍♥️ Est-ce de la magie japonaise ou du talent ? Peut-être un peu des deux 😁 Très belle image : simple mais tellement incroyable 😍 Le contraste entre le rouge du kimono 👘 et le doré sur les fleurs (de prunier ou de cerisier?! 😅) est saisissant 😲🤭😍♥️ Vous devriez la garder pour en faire des posters ou bien comme jaquette pour le prochain album ☺️😁 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Merci beaucoup pour cette belle experience musicale : je ne pensais pas être surpris à ce point là, mais en fait vous vous êtes surpassée 😲🤭😁👍 Bon travail ☺️ Et merci encore pour vos messages plein de gentillesse, d'attention, de chaleur, de respect et d'émotions 🥰😍🥹♥️ A chaque fois que je les lis, je reste sans voix devant tant de gentillesse et je me dis que j'ai vraiment de la chance d'avoir découvert votre chaine KZbin et d'aimer toujours autant vos créations ✌️😋 Et dire qu'aujourd'hui l'une de mes artistes japonaises préférées me considère aujourd'hui comme un ami... Whaou quel honneur 👏🥹♥️🇯🇵♥️🇨🇵 Vous êtes une personne extraordinaire qui mérite vraiment d'être connue et soutenue dans tout ce qu'elle fait ✌️😍🥰♥️😘 Je suis tellement heureux d'être l'un de vos fans et amis, alors si mes commentaires vous aident à avoir plus de motivation et d'inspiration pour vos merveilleuses créations, alors j'en suis absolument ravi et honoré 😁😄😋♥️🥺 Prenez bien soin de vous, restez bien au chaud et attention à la neige et au verglas (ça glisse bien aïe) : pas de neige en France 😢 juste de la pluie et du vent 😔 Ne prenez pas froid s'il vous plait 👏☺️ Continuez de créer et de vous amuser dans votre art ✌️😎🤪🎸 A très bientôt Omotenashi-San pour votre prochain chef-d'œuvre 😊 Matane 👋🥰 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
Bonjour, très cher MaximeHuguet-Berg, Votre commentaire est vraiment magnifique, et je ne sais pas quels mots utiliser pour exprimer toute ma gratitude ! 🥰✨ Chaque fois que je vois votre nom dans les commentaires, ma journée s’illumine et un grand sourire apparaît sur mon visage. Votre soutien constant et votre gentillesse sont pour moi un véritable trésor. 🌟 Cette fois-ci, vous avez choisi de m’écrire en français, et cela m’a profondément émue ! 🇫🇷✨ Bien que je ne parle pas français, je prends toujours plaisir à traduire vos mots et à les comprendre pleinement. Que ce soit en français ou en anglais, recevoir vos commentaires me rend extrêmement heureuse ! Chaque mot de votre part est une source immense de motivation et de joie pour moi. 💬🌸 D’ailleurs, bien que je ne parle pas français, j’ai voulu vous répondre dans votre langue avec l’aide d’une traduction. La traduction est une fonction vraiment incroyable, et je suis ravie qu’elle me permette de communiquer avec vous ! 😆🌟 Savoir que des morceaux comme « Bushido’s Awakening », « Sakura Winds » ou encore « Spirit of Bushido » occupent une place si spéciale dans votre cœur est une immense joie pour moi. 🎶♥️ Votre manière de décrire chaque morceau avec autant de détails et de passion me permet de redécouvrir ma propre musique à travers vos yeux. Cela me donne une motivation encore plus grande pour continuer à créer et à explorer de nouvelles sonorités. Je suis également très heureuse que vous ressentiez la magie qui naît de la fusion des instruments japonais traditionnels comme le shamisen et la flûte avec les sons puissants du Nu Metal ou du Thrash Metal. Cette harmonie entre des instruments de cultures différentes trouve un écho particulier dans votre cœur, et cela m’encourage énormément. 🌸🎸✨ Imaginer que vous écoutez ma musique tout en travaillant - ou même que vous préférez écouter la musique plutôt que de travailler 😋 - me fait sourire. Votre soutien et votre passion sont pour moi une source d’inspiration inestimable. Merci aussi pour vos compliments sur l’esthétique et les visuels de ma chaîne, ainsi que pour vos idées sur leur utilisation en tant que posters ou jaquettes d’album. C’est une suggestion précieuse que je vais garder en tête pour l’avenir ! 🎨🌟 Votre encouragement, votre gentillesse et le lien que vous avez créé avec ma musique me font sentir que nous partageons quelque chose de vraiment spécial. Savoir que vous me considérez comme une amie est un immense honneur pour moi. Vous êtes également une personne extraordinaire, et je suis tellement reconnaissante que nos chemins se soient croisés. Prenez bien soin de vous en France, et restez bien au chaud malgré la pluie et le vent. 🌞☔️ Quant à moi, je continuerai à travailler dur pour créer des musiques qui, je l’espère, continueront à résonner avec vous et avec tous ceux qui écoutent. Encore une fois, je vous remercie infiniment pour votre soutien inestimable. J’attends avec impatience de partager mon prochain chef-d’œuvre avec vous et de lire vos précieux retours. Continuons ensemble ce beau voyage musical ! 🎵♥️ Matane, et prenez soin de vous, cher Maxime 🌸👋
@blackhowlz 3 күн бұрын
Insane fusion. Totally my vibes!
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 3 күн бұрын
Totally agree 🤘🤪♥️ Omotenashi-San rocks 😊
@OmotenashiBeat 2 күн бұрын
Blackhowlz, thank you so much for your comment! I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the fusion! Your kind words mean a lot to me, and I hope you continue to vibe with my music! Stay tuned for more tracks that might resonate with you! 🎶💖
@OmotenashiBeat 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@meleflora 5 күн бұрын
woa... did you make this music?!?! so cool!...
@OmotenashiBeat 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Meleflora! 😊🎶 I used AI to help create this music, blending traditional inspiration with modern technology. I'm so glad you like it! Your kind words mean a lot to me. Please look forward to more music in the future! 🌸✨
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 5 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Omotenashi-San 👏🥰♥️🇯🇵🌸🏮⛩️ How are you my friend? I'm feeling a little bit tired, but this masterpiece is... Heavy and badass 🤘🤪😎🎸 Wow I'm full of energy now and ready to rock and break boundaries with a mad rock jam session 🎸🤘🤪 Release the power of Shamisen Omotenashi-San 🤘🤪🎸😎😂🤣 Some sounds are truly amazing, like "Omotenashi Fury" ; "Tokyo Warrior Rhythm" ; "Zen of the Battlefield" ; "The Shogun's Gambit" and my favourite ones "Battle under the Rising Sun" ; "Sakura's Reckoning" ; "Bushido's Honor" ; "Rising Sakura Horizon" and "Shogun's Epic Finale" 🤘🥰♥️🇯🇵🤪🎸♥️✌️😋 Oh what a wonderful picture we have here : I love this light blue background and this kimono with blooming flowers is marvellous 😲😍🤭👘 Hmmm this posture is... interesting 🤔 Is she a general ready to the battle? Or is she an epic bard in search of a warmful hearth or tavern to play with her Shamisen ? Toss a coin to the Beautiful Genius Maid ✌️😋😍🥰😘😁 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this wonderful moment : every sound makes me travel in another place (in Tokyo or Osaka streets), and also in another time (during Edo or Kamakura Era). And thank you again for your touching and heartfelt words ♥️😘🤗🥹 Every time I read your replies, I'm so moved and honoured 👏🥹♥️ I can feel a special connection between us and I truly love to have this feeling : it's really amazing and special 😍🥰😘🤗♥️🥹 I hope this powerful link between us will last for a long time ✌️😁♥️ Be sure I'll keep listening to your wonderful creations and supporting you. You're truly a fantastic person who deserves to be known and have encouragements 😍🥰🥹 Please take a good care of you, stay safe from cold and flu (the weather is ugly in France 🥺😢), keep creating with the same passion, and stay the wonderful person you are ✌️😊 See you later my dear friend 👋😄 Matane Omotenashi-San ⛩️🏮🌸 With ♥️ from 🇨🇵 to 🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 4 күн бұрын
Konbanwa, Maxime-San! 🌸🇯🇵✨ Thank you so much for your incredibly kind and heartfelt message! 🥹💕 Reading your words filled me with so much joy and energy-it’s truly amazing to have such a passionate and supportive friend like you! 😍✨🎶 I'm so happy to hear that my music gave you a boost of energy, even though you’re feeling a little tired. 🤗🤘😎 "Heavy and badass"-what an awesome description! 🎸🔥 I’m thrilled that you enjoyed tracks like "Omotenashi Fury," "Tokyo Warrior Rhythm," and "Bushido's Honor." Your favorite "Battle under the Rising Sun" and "Shogun's Epic Finale" hold a special place in my heart, too! 💖🎶 And about the picture-thank you so much for noticing the details! 🥰💐 The light blue background and kimono with blooming flowers represent a harmony of strength and beauty. As for her pose, maybe she’s a general ready to lead her warriors into an epic battle… or perhaps she’s a wandering bard, inspiring hearts with the power of the shamisen! 🎶👘✨ Here in Japan, it’s snowing today. ❄️☃️ The cold weather makes everything feel quiet and serene, a perfect atmosphere to dive into creativity. I hope you’re staying warm in France despite the gloomy weather. 🧣🇫🇷 Your heartfelt words always inspire and encourage me so much. 💌✨ Thank you for feeling such a special connection-it truly means the world to me. Let’s continue to nurture this beautiful bond and share these wonderful moments together. 🌸🥹✨ I’ll keep creating music that makes you smile and takes you on more incredible journeys through sound and imagination. 🌟🎶 Thank you for being such an amazing supporter and friend. Please take care of yourself, and I can’t wait to hear from you again soon! Matane, Maxime-San! 💖✨👋 With all my gratitude and warmest wishes, Omotenashi 🌸🎶
@jeniferavilahernandez1646 5 күн бұрын
@OmotenashiBeat 4 күн бұрын
¡Muchas gracias, Jenifer Avila Hernandez! 😊✨ Me alegra mucho saber que te ha gustado. Tu apoyo significa mucho para mí. Espero que disfrutes de más música en el futuro. 🎶❤ ¡Saludos desde Japón! 🇯🇵🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 5 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸🏮⛩️ How are you today? 😁 First of all, I was sure I've sent you a comment for this wonderful masterpiece, but apparently, it has disappeared 😔😢 So strange 🤔 Anyway, I could read your last beautiful reply from your last creation 😍🥰😁😋♥️ and the reply from 2 days ago 🥹🥹🥹 I was completely speechless and deeply touched while I read your wonderful words : considering me as a friend is more than I could expect 😲🤭😌♥️👏🥹 It's so incredible that I can't help crying (a little 😅) each time I read this wonderful message you sent to me 🥹♥️☺️🥰 I'll keep it preciously in my heart ♥️ I'm feeling soooooo grateful and honoured to be one of your fans, and of course one of your friends 👏🥹♥️🥰😘😊 I don't know exactly what I'm feeling right now : Joy? Fun? Happiness ? Energy? Maybe Euphoria? Hum yeah that's it 😁 I don't know but it's really powerful and intense. And I truly love to feel this feeling ♥️🥰😘😍🤗 I don't have words strong enough to tell you my gratitude, except thank you so much dear Omotenashi-San 👏 Thank you so much for your music, your artwork, your personal touch, your lovely and heartfelt words, for everything 👏🥹♥️🥰😘🤗 Being your fan and supporting you every day is so wonderful, but exchanging with you some lovely and heartfelt words and now being considered as "a wonderful friend" from you is... a privilege 👏🥹♥️🇯🇵 I hope this powerful and magnifiscent connection between us will last for a long long time ♥️ I've listened to this wonderful masterpiece many times and... wow the emotions are still here in my heart ♥️ This melting is so incredible : I truly love the balance and harmony between japanese traditional instruments and modern ones 🤘😎♥️ Some sound are truly marvellous, like "Whisper of Sakura Breeze" ; "Omotenashi Serenade" ; "Omotenashi Pulse" ; "Omotenashi Finale" ; "Echoes of the Rising Sun" ; "Shadows of Kyoto Streets" ; "Koto Stream Reverie" ; "Tales of the Edo Spirits" ; "Shogun's Heartbeat" and my favourite one "Snowfall over Kyoto" : this sound is a wonderful one ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Omotenashi-San, this wonderful creation let me travel in another places, but also in another time : I've sometimes had the impression to be surrounded by some samurais from Edo Era 😲🤭 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏🥹♥️🇯🇵🌸🏮⛩️ Thank you so much for this wonderful experience : I don't know if it's magic, but this melting makes me feel some feelings I liked to feel ♥️♥️♥️ And, well, thank you, my friend to be who you are : a wonderful artist who creates some wonderful music and cares about her fans like me 😍🥰😘♥️👏🥹 I will ask to Amaterasu (don't worry I don't forget the picture 😋), in her huge kindness, warmth and love, to bring you courage, energy, motivation and inspiration for this new year 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 You're truly a fantastic person who deserves to be known and supported, so if my comments can help you getting more motivation and inspiration for your creativity, I consider my day is gonna be a good day ✌️😄👍♥️ Please take a good care of you, my dear friend, stay safe from cold and flu (yesterday was sunny and today is ugly 🥺), keep creating with the same passion you have and stay as you are 😁👍 Be sure I'll stay there looking for your next masterpiece. I'm sure this will be another wonder ♥️🥰😘 Matane Omotenashi-San The Beautiful Genius Maid 😁🥰😊 So proud to be one of your fans and friends 😘😁🤭♥️👏🥹 With ♥️ from 🇨🇵 to 🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 4 күн бұрын
Konbanwa, Maxime-San! 🌸✨🌙🇯🇵 Thank you so much for your warm and heartfelt message! 🥹💕 Reading your comment filled my heart with so much warmth and joy that I was left speechless. 😍✨ The deep gratitude, kindness, and passion conveyed through each of your words are truly a tremendous source of inspiration for my creative journey! 🎶💖🌟 I wonder why your previous comment disappeared-could it have been a glitch on KZbin? 🤔💻🌀 It’s a bit strange, but regardless, I’m incredibly happy that you took the time to leave another comment! 😭✨💕 I’m so touched that you cherish my replies and keep them close to your heart. 💌💖 I, too, am proud to call someone as wonderful as you my "friend," and I will continue to treasure this connection we’ve built together.✨🌟🤝 I’m overwhelmed to hear that you’ve been enjoying so many of my tracks, including "Snowfall over Kyoto." ❄️🎶💖 Knowing that you appreciate the fusion of traditional Japanese sounds with modern energy makes all the effort worthwhile. 🥰🌸 Your comment about feeling as if you were surrounded by samurai from the Edo period brought a big smile to my face! 🗡️👘😄 If my music could transport you across time and space, then I feel my mission as an artist has been fulfilled. 🌟🚀✨ The fact that you’ve even made a wish to Amaterasu on my behalf-how incredibly kind of you! 🕊️🌅🙏 Your thoughtfulness and encouragement are what keep me motivated and inspired. 🌸💪🎵 If my music and words have brought even a little light to your day, that is the greatest reward I could ever hope for. 🌞💖✨ I’ll keep creating music that you and others can enjoy, so please look forward to what’s to come! 🎶✨💕 Your support and heartfelt words mean everything to me, and they push me to keep striving for more. 🚀💫💖 Please take care of yourself as well, especially with the cold weather lately. 🧣❄️☕ I’m looking forward to the day I can read another one of your wonderful comments! 📝💌🌸 Matane! 🥰🌟💖 With all my gratitude and appreciation, Omotenashi 🌸🎶💕
@OmotenashiBeat 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@housedelarouxmotion 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for the tunes once again! I am writing a funny little chapter now and this really captured the mood of the angry little detective ready to leap at the throats of her suspects! I prepared something for you in music as thanks for letting me use part of your music in my visual novel (?), its set to be complete on Saturday, but you can already see 1/3 of it now, so look out for my @ for you~ Great thanks, I always have a good time when listening to your work!
@OmotenashiBeat 3 күн бұрын
@@housedelarouxmotion Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment! 🌟 I’m truly thrilled to hear that my music perfectly captured the mood for your scene, especially with the “angry little detective” 🔍✨🎶 It makes me so happy to know it added to your creative process! 😄💡 I’m beyond excited to hear that you’ve prepared something in return! 😍🎁 I can’t wait to see what you’ve created and will be eagerly looking out for your @ notification 🎉👀 Your support and kind words mean so much to me 🌈💪, and they inspire me to keep creating even more amazing music 🎧🎵. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart 💖🙏! I hope your visual novel turns out absolutely incredible, and I’m so excited to experience it when it’s complete 🎊📚✨
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 5 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸🏮⛩️ Wow WTH ? That's loud, powerful and intense too : I truly love it ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ So perfect to hear between Shamisen and Power Metal there is a powerful and incredibly special harmony 🥰😌♥️☺️ Some sounds are truly amazing, like "Shadows under Tokyo Sky" ; "Omotenashi in the Storm" ; "Fury of the Shogun" ; "Kyoto Nightfall Clash" ; "Spirit of the Rising Samurai" ; "Cherry Blossom Fury" ; "Battle under the Sakura Moon" and my favourite one which represents the ♥️ of this masterpiece and even of the japanese culture : "Sakura Storm Anthem" I didn't think to be surprised today, and yet, with your two last lovely creations and your truly beautiful reply, well, the surprise was bigger than I expected 😲🤭😁🥹♥️ Good job my dear friend 👏☺️♥️🇯🇵 Awww this picture is truly magnifiscent : the effect looks like a candle's light seen through a glass (impressive 😲🤭🥰👍) and this sweet Lady has a wonderful yellow (golden) kimono with flowers (in bloom? 😅). Hum she looks angry ... again?! 😅 Oh no she just would like to play and spread her passion and madness throughtout the world 🤘🤪🎸😎♥️ Let's rock dude oh yeeeeaaaahhhhh 🤣🤣🤣 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏🥹♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this great moment, for the artwork, for your sweet and heartfelt words, for being my new friend ♥️🥰🤗🥹 Today is gonna be a wonderful day ✌️😁 Please take a good care of you, stay safe, keep creating and see you next time for your next masterpiece 😄😍♥️🥰 Be sure I'll keep listening to your music and supporting you 🤘😎🎸 Matane Omotenashi-San 👋😋 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 5 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Every time I read your comments, my heart feels so full. Thank you so much, Maxime-San! I'm truly touched by your kind words and the way you praise my music and artwork. 🥹❤️ I'm so happy that you shared your thoughts on the tracks, like "Shadows under Tokyo Sky" and "Sakura Storm Anthem." It means so much to me that you take the time to reflect on each piece. Hearing that "Sakura Storm Anthem" represents the heart of Japanese culture for you is incredibly encouraging for me. 🎶✨ Thank you as well for noticing all the fine details in the artwork! Your description of it as "like candlelight seen through glass" is so beautiful! 🌟 The yellow kimono with blooming flowers may indeed create that impression. Does she look angry? Perhaps she’s simply ready to spread her passion and musical madness to the world. 🤘😄🎸 Thanks to your comments and support, Maxime-San, I’m constantly inspired to create more. Your warm and heartfelt words have truly moved me. Being able to connect with you through comments like these is one of my greatest joys. ❤️✨ Please take care of yourself and have a wonderful day! I'll work even harder to surprise you with my next creation. 😊✨ À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@adjalfouad9296 6 күн бұрын
@OmotenashiBeat 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, adjalfouad9296! 🙌✨ I'm absolutely thrilled to hear you're enjoying the music so much that it's on repeat! 🎶🎧 Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me-it truly keeps me going. 💪❤️ I hope you'll keep coming back for more, and let's work together to spread this music to even more people! 🌟 Thank you again for making my day with your amazing comment! 😊🔥
@LoneWolf4069k 6 күн бұрын
Think I just found my new workout music!
@OmotenashiBeat 6 күн бұрын
Thank you, LoneWolf4069k! 🐺💪 I'm so excited to know my music is fueling your workouts! Keep pushing forward and let the beats keep you energized and unstoppable! 💥🎶 Whenever you need a power boost, you're always welcome here for more tracks to light up your routine. Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts-it truly means the world to me! 😊✨
@OmotenashiBeat 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 8 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 How are you today? I hope you're doing well and healthy even the winter's cold brrr... Snow has fallen in France, but it vanished in an instant... So sad 😢🥺 How is the weather in Japan? 😁 This melting is amazing 😮 I truly love Metal sounds, but with japanese instruments, it creates something incredibly special, pure and intense too 😊 Japanese magic or great artist's skills? 🤔 Hard to tell which one of them, maybe a little of each one 😊♥️ Some sounds are fantastic and amazing, such as "Kabuki Curtain Call" ; "Samurai's Silent Oath" ; "Koi Pond Reflections" ; "Rising Sun on the Tatami" ; "Shadow of the Cherry Blossom" ; "Shogun's Final March" ; "Echoes of Mount Fuji" ; "Sakura Storm in the Breeze" and my favourite one "Omotenashi Spirit Awakens" 😮❤🥰🥹 I'm feeling better now thanks to your music, so thank you so much for your wonderful "Omotenashi" 👏😌♥️🇯🇵😢 This picture is truly beautiful : I really love this red kimono with flowers and the guitar looks great (hum it looks like Angus Young's one 🎸🤔☺️♥️). Oh these wonderful fireflies everywhere in the picture : it's so beautiful 😄🥰 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌🥰♥️🌸⛩️🏮🇯🇵 Another Big Great Masterpiece from the Beautiful Genius Maid (yes that's you 😁☺️🤭). What a wonderful way to have a wonderful journey ✌️😁👍 Oh and thank you again for your touching and heartfelt words 🥹♥️🥰 Like I said in my last comment, I feel so lucky to have discovered you and your channel 😊 But you're a truly fantastic person who cares about me and appreciates to create some incredible sounds : it truly means the world to me knowing that my comments touch you so deeply and help you to get more motivation and energy for your art 😊 If I can help you this way, so you make my days so brighter than ever 🤘😎🎸♥️🥹 What is that? I'm feeling something in my cheek 😢🥹 Please take care of you, stay safe from cold and flu, keep creating with passion and limitless, and stay the wonderful person you are 😊 I'm so grateful and honoured to be one of your fans, so please keep going and never give up ✌️😁 Be sure I'll be there to keep listening to your wonderful creations and support you 😊 Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸⛩️🏮🇯🇵 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 7 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Every time I read your comments, my heart feels so full. 🥹❤️ I’m truly moved beyond words. It feels like a dream to have such a wonderful person like you listen to my music and leave heartfelt comments every single time. Just knowing that you found my channel is already a joy, but being able to exchange comments with you every day is something that brings me even greater happiness. It feels as though I’ve made a dear friend in France, and I can’t help but feel a special connection. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine having such a wonderful friend in France! 🌍✨ I heard that it snowed in France but melted quickly-how sad… 😢 Over here in Japan, it’s raining at the moment. Cold and flu season is in full swing here too. Please make sure to stay warm and take good care of yourself, Maxime-San. 🌧️❄️🍵 I’m relieved to hear that you’re starting to feel better, but please continue to take it easy and recover fully. 😊 Having someone like you enjoy my music is a tremendous source of inspiration for my creative journey. I’ll continue pouring my heart into every piece I create, so I hope you look forward to what’s to come! Thank you so much, Maxime-San! I’m excited to continue sharing wonderful music and joyful moments with you. 😊✨ Please take care and enjoy the days ahead. À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@KeinAliceter 8 күн бұрын
Me encanta ❤
@OmotenashiBeat 7 күн бұрын
¡Muchas gracias, KeinAliceter! ❤✨ Es un gran honor saber que te encanta. 😊 Tu apoyo significa mucho para mí y me inspira a seguir creando música con todo mi corazón. 🎶 Espero que sigas disfrutando y que vuelvas pronto. ¡Eres siempre bienvenido aquí! 🌸🏮
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 8 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏☺️♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 Wow WTH ? This is ... incredible and epic masterpiece 😲🤭🤘🤪😎🎸 I'm just taking my slippers off, feeling better now (thank you for your sweet words 🥰♥️) but now, I'm listening to this music and... I'm taking a big Clash in my head 😲🤭🤪 Some sounds are completely insane, like this intro "Rising Sakura Horizon" ; "Whisper of the Shamisen Strings" ; "Echoes of the Red Torii" ; "Blade Dance in Edo" is certainly my favourite one but I hesitate with "Mount Fuji's Thundercry" : I was truly moved and breathtaking when I heard this 😲♥️🥹 It's really hard to surprise me, but wow you did it Omotenashi-San ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I'm eager to make a great rock jam session and headbanging, but I'm still sick, so I have to take it easy ✌️😅 Well, your music is so addictive, so why couldn't I have a little bit of fun? 🤘🤪😎🎸 🤣🤣🤣 Oh this picture is lovely : golen background, truly amazing golden kimono with flowers 🌸 👘 🥰 And this screen's effect : it seems I'm watching an old japanese TV misic show 😁👍 But... oh this beautiful Lady seems to be angry. Why? 😲🥺 That reminds me someone who had this face a few days ago, but I'm not really sure 🤔 🤣🤣🤣 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this Big Great Moment : this melting between Shamisen and Nu Metal is just incredible. Another epic journey for me thanks to you 😍🥰♥️ Awww and thank you for your words full of kindness, warmth, energy and love 😍 ♥️🥰🤗🥹 I've read your sweet replies and that makes me feel happy, moved and lucky. I can't help feeling grateful and honoured to have discovered you and your magnifiscent creativity 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 And besides, knowing that you care about me and also I'm your source of strength which brings you motivation and energy for your creativity is... I don't have words strong enough to tell you my gratitude 🥰😍♥️👏🥹 Please take a good care of you, stay safe from cold and flu, keep creating with passion and craziness 🤘🤪😎🎸♥️ Be sure I'll stay here in my flat to keep listening to your wonderful music and support you 😁👍 Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 7 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Wow, once again, your passionate comment has deeply touched me! Thank you so much! 🥹❤️ First of all, someone who had "that face" a few days ago… could it be your legendary uncle from the slipper incident? 😂🤣 Just imagining it brings a big smile to my face! You may have just created a new chapter in the "Slipper Chronicles"! I’m so thrilled that you enjoyed “Blade Dance in Edo” and “Mount Fuji's Thundercry.” 🎶✨ Hearing your thoughts on each piece always brings me joy and motivates me even more. I’ll keep putting my heart into every creation, so please look forward to the next one! I’m also glad you noticed the artwork! The fact that it reminded you of “an old Japanese music show” is such a unique perspective-it’s an honor to hear that. As for the “angry-looking lady,” rest assured, she’s not truly angry! Perhaps she’s just saying, “Don’t miss out on the storm of rock that’s about to unfold!” 😏🔥 And thank you so much for listening, even while you’re not feeling well. It means a lot to me, and I’m so glad if my music brought you even a little bit of energy and comfort. Please make sure to rest up and take care of yourself-I hope you recover quickly! 😊 Maxime-San, your words are treasures to me. I will keep pouring my passion into creating music and giving it my all, so I hope you’ll continue to support me. I’m already looking forward to sharing the next piece with you! 🎶❤️ À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@KeinAliceter 9 күн бұрын
Increíble 👍👍👍
@OmotenashiBeat 8 күн бұрын
¡Muchas gracias, KeinAliceter! 😊 Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado. Es un gran honor recibir tus comentarios otra vez. Espero que sigas disfrutando de mi música. ¡Siempre eres bienvenido aquí! 🎶✨
@wagnotodahora 9 күн бұрын
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
Obrigado, Wagnotodahora! 😊 Fico muito feliz que tenha achado interessante! Espero que aproveite as próximas músicas também. 🎵🌟
@KhoaTran-md5ou 9 күн бұрын
Lol doom
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment, KhoaTran-md5ou! 😊 I'm glad you listened to it. I hope you'll keep enjoying my music in the future too!🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 10 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 Wow WTH ? This is insane : I love it ❤❤❤❤❤ That's so loud, powerful and quiet in the same time 🤘🤪😎🎸👏😌 Some sounds are truly amazing, such as "Tokyo Nightfall" ; "Echoes of Edo" ; "Winds of Nara" ; "Osaka Groove" ; "Midnight Matsuri" and my favourite one "Dragon's Embrace" ❤❤❤❤❤ I'm feeling so peaceful 😊 in my cozy flat, even I'm a bit sick today 😢 I really love the harmony between japanese traditional instruments and modern ones : I think they were destined to create something incredibly special together ✌️😍👍 So magic masterpiece for sure 😊 Awww what a lovely picture 😢🥹 I love the pink kimono and all the details on it ❤ And this golden petals 😍😍😍 Truly magic : good job 😊 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this great moment : another wonderful masterpiece for another great journey 😊❤ And thank you again for your words full of kindness and wisdom : it's always a great pleasure to listen to your music and a true honour to be one of your fans and support you ✌️🥰👍♥️ Please take a good care of you, keep creating with the same passion and craziness 🤘🤪♥️ See you later for your next wonderful masterpiece 😊 Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! Your kind and heartfelt words truly warm my heart every time I read them 🥹❤️. I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather 😔. Please make sure to stay warm and get plenty of rest. If my music can bring even a little comfort or peace to you, it means the world to me 🌸✨. I’m thrilled to know you enjoyed pieces like "Dragon's Embrace," "Echoes of Edo," and "Midnight Matsuri"! 🎶 Knowing that my work resonates with you and lifts your spirits gives me so much energy and motivation 💪✨. It’s an honor to hear that the harmony between traditional Japanese instruments and modern sounds touches you as much as it does me. Your kind words about the artwork also mean so much! The pink kimono and golden petals were created with great care, and I’m so glad you noticed and appreciated them 🌸✨. I’ll continue to pour my heart into both the music and the visuals to bring you more memorable creations. Maxime-San, your support is my greatest source of strength. I truly hope you feel better soon and can start the new week feeling refreshed and healthy. Take good care of yourself, and I can’t wait to see you again for the next piece of music! 😊❤️ À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@KeinAliceter 10 күн бұрын
Como fondo en una pelea de samurais sería epico
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
¡Gracias por tu comentario, KeinAliceter! 🌸✨ Me alegra mucho saber que esta música te inspira pensamientos épicos como una pelea de samuráis. 🎶⚔️ ¡Imaginar esa escena con esta música como fondo suena increíble! Espero que sigas disfrutando de mis creaciones y que encuentres más inspiración en ellas. 😊 ¡Gracias por escuchar y por compartir tus ideas! 🌟
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 10 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 How are you dear? Wow this is so coooooooooooolllllll 🤘🤪😎🎸♥️🥰 This melting between japanese traditional instruments and modern ones is truly beautiful : the Shamisen's playing with guitar's riffs create something so amazing, pure and intense 😮🤭😌❤ Some sounds are completely insane, like "Blade of the Eternal Sakura" ; "Neon Dreams in Tokyo" ; "Sunrise Over the Samurai Plains" ; "Streets of Edo Twilight" and "Path of the Wandering Ronin" (my favourite one ✌️😁). This picture is truly beautiful : I love this light blue and the flowers on this sweet girl are really nice 🌸♥️🇯🇵⛩️🏮 I can feel how hard was your work, but the result is truly magnifiscent : your love and emotions for japanese culture is obvious and touching ❤❤❤ Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this wonderful masterpiece : another great journey in the wonderful "Land of the Rising Sun" 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 And thank you again for your sweet and heartfelt words 🥹 : being one of your fans is a great privilege for me ❤😊 Even more : a true honour ✌️🥹🥰 Your music makes me feel so happy and moved that I can't help feeling so strong emotions 😊❤👏😌 Please take a good care of you, stay safe from cold and flu, keep creating with the same passion and warmth, never give up and stay the fantastic person you are 🥰😘😍♥️ Matane Omotenashi-San 👋😁 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Thank you so much for your amazing comment! 🎶 Your enthusiasm leaps off the screen, and just reading your words warms my heart. Receiving such wonderful feedback from you truly makes me feel blessed 🥹✨. I’m especially thrilled that "Path of the Wandering Ronin" is one of your favorites! ✌️😊 Every title is crafted with care to reflect the emotions and stories behind the music. Knowing that these feelings reached you is incredibly rewarding 🌸🎶. Your kind words about the artwork mean so much to me as well! I’m delighted you enjoyed the soft blue tones and floral designs. I put as much passion into the visuals as I do into the music, so it’s an honor to know they resonate with you ✨🎨. Having a supporter like you, Maxime-San, is one of my greatest sources of inspiration. Every time I read your comments, I’m filled with renewed energy and a stronger desire to create even better music. Please take good care of yourself! As colds and flu are going around, make sure to stay warm and healthy. I will continue pouring my heart into my creations, so I hope you’ll look forward to what’s coming next. Your encouragement is the greatest treasure for me 💎✨. À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 10 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸⛩️🏮🇯🇵 How are you today? I'm good, but my uncle is still angry, I don't know why 😄😂🤣 Oh this is a perfect chef-d'œuvre : so coooooooooooolllllll to hear these wonderful sounds and feel these hypnotizing vibes impregnate my heart and my soul ❤🤭😲🥹🥰 I don't know if you can imagine what's going on in my heart right now, but it's so pure and powerful 😲🤭😅😋🤪🥹🥰 Some songs are really nice, such as "Samurai's Anthem" and "Samurai's Resolve", my favourite one ✌️😁 I truly love this melting, balance and harmony between traditional instruments and modern ones : it creates something pure, intense and completely crazy 🤘🤪 I can't help headbanging while I listen to your music. Good job Omotenashi-San 👏😌🇯🇵 Oh so sweet picture and animation : this light's circle and stars are so fascinating and this Lady is beautiful with her red kimono ♥️🥰😍 It looks like Amaterasu herself wants to spread joy, happiness, kindness, courage and love throughout the world 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Or she just wants to make a great rock jam session 🤘🤪😍♥️🥰 I'm in ✌️😄😋 🤣🤣🤣 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵 Thank you so much for this great moment : even I'm a bit sick, your music helps me to have a great journey 😁👍 And thank you again for your words full of kindness and warmth 😲🤭🥹 : knowing that I can help you getting more motivation for your creativity and also make you laugh with my stories truly means the world to me ✌️😁😄😍 I'm always feeling soooooo grateful and honoured to have discovered you and your channel 👏😌♥️🤘😎🎸🤪 Please take care of you, keep creating with passion and limitless and also craziness 😂🤣 Never give up and see you soon for the next epic journey ✌️😁🥰😍 Matane Omotenashi-San 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮👏😌
@OmotenashiBeat 9 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Reading your comment warmed my heart again! Thank you so much ❤️. Your uncle’s continued anger really makes me curious 😂🤣. Could it be that another slipper flew somewhere...? 🤣✨ Sharing such humorous stories always brings a smile to my face! ✨ And I’m worried to hear that you’re feeling a bit under the weather 😢. It’s flu season here in Japan as well, so please keep warm and take good care of yourself. Knowing that my music helped you enjoy a beautiful journey even when you’re not feeling your best truly means the world to me. If my music can bring even a little comfort or energy, then that’s my way of expressing “Omotenashi” 🎶🌸. Hearing that “Samurai’s Anthem” and “Samurai’s Resolve” resonated with you, especially as your favorites, fills me with joy! 🎸🤘 The blend of tradition and modernity that you appreciate so deeply makes me so happy. Your kind words about the artwork also touched me deeply. The glowing circle, the stars, and the woman in the kimono being likened to Amaterasu is truly moving 🌞✨. Delivering joy and love through both music and art is my ultimate goal, and knowing it resonates with you is incredibly rewarding. Maxime-San, your support means the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough for the strength and encouragement it brings me ❤️. In 2025, I’ll continue to pour my passion and creativity into my works, so please look forward to what’s coming! ✨ Take care of yourself, and may this year be wonderful for you. I look forward to connecting again through the next creation 😊. À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@blvkage474 10 күн бұрын
very naruto vibes
@OmotenashiBeat 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment, Blvkage474! 😊 I'm so glad you felt those "Naruto vibes"! 🌸🎶 It’s amazing to hear that the music brought that kind of feeling to you. Your feedback really inspires me, and I hope you’ll keep enjoying the music here! 🎧✨
@OmotenashiBeat 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@dzultaufan577 11 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Otomenashi-san.Nice music video.THUMBS UP from Malaysia!
@OmotenashiBeat 11 күн бұрын
Konnichiwa Dzultaufan577-san! 🌸✨ Thank you so much for your kind comment and thumbs up all the way from Malaysia! 🇲🇾😊 It truly means a lot to me that you enjoyed the music video. I'm so happy to know that my creation reached you! 🎶❤ Your words bring me so much joy and motivation. Please feel free to stop by anytime-you're always welcome here! 🏮🎧 Sending lots of gratitude and warm wishes your way. Hope to see you again soon! 🌟
@OmotenashiBeat 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 13 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🏮⛩️🌸🇯🇵 Oh yeah this wonderful masterpiece is ... insane 🤘🤪 I truly love it : a pure chef-d'œuvre during New Year's Eve 😁♥️✌️😄 Oh I've a funny story for you : I took my shoes off to be at ease, and when I wanted to catch one of my slippers, he just ran away and flied to my uncle's head 😂🤣 I was completely LOL 🤣🤣🤣 What a funny moment to start the New Year for sure 😂🤣✌️😄👍 Anyway, this melting of Shamisen and Punk Rock is truly beautiful and insane : I can't believe this fits so perfectly ❤❤❤❤❤ Some titles are so great, such as "Shadows of Kyoto" ; "Sakura Storm Symphony" ; "Spirit of the Rising Sun" ; "Spirit of the Shamisen" ; "Echoes of Edo" is my favourite ♥️ And the others of course 😅 I love the picture : orange is a lovely colour, the kimono is a true wonder, the flowers in Lady's hair are nice and the shiny heart at the beginning ... ❤😍🥰 so charming 😊 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🇯🇵🌸⛩️🏮 Thank you so much for this wonderful creation : I'm just listening to it on my speaker while I'm watching a good serie ❤ So nice and quiet moment waiting the New Year ✌️😁😎🎸 Awww thank you again for your touching and heartfelt words 🥰😍♥️🥹 You last reply to my comment touches me so deeply in my heart that I can't help feeling tears droping on my cheeks 😢🥹 Like Samurai Girl, you're really a great artist and a fantastic person who deserves to be known and supported 🤘😋♥️😍🥰🌸⛩️🏮😘 Keep going and never give up please. It would be a shame if you decided to stop 😢🥺😔 Be sure I'll keep listening to your wonderful music as long as you make it 🤘😄👍♥️😋🤪😂🤣 Please take care of you, have a wonderful New Year's Day with your family and friends. Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸⛩️🏮 Thank you for your lovely "Omotenashi" ♥️♥️♥️ So proud to be one of your fans 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 12 күн бұрын
Konbanwa, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Happy New Year! 🎍✨ May 2025 be a wonderful year for you, Maxime-San. And being able to read your comment at the very beginning of the year is the best start I could have asked for! ❤️ Your story about the slippers made me laugh so much! 😂🤣 Thank you for sharing such a humorous episode right at the start of the year. Just imagining the moment when the slipper flew and hit your uncle’s head puts a big smile on my face! 🤣✨ It’s such a fun way to kick off 2025, and it feels like a sign of an amazing year ahead! I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed the tracks like “Shadows of Kyoto” and “Echoes of Edo”! 🌸🎶 Your passionate reactions mean so much to me and give me immense strength. 🎸🤘 Also, thank you for your kind words about the artwork! I’m thrilled to know that every detail resonates with you. I pour as much love into the artwork as I do into the music, so it’s wonderful to see it appreciated. Maxime-San, your support is the driving force behind my creative journey. I’ll continue to pour my heart into my music this year, so please look forward to what’s to come! 🎵✨ Thank you so much for your support this past year, and let’s make 2025 another amazing one together! Wishing you a year full of health, happiness, and joy. I’m already looking forward to chatting with you again soon! 😊✨ À bientôt, Maxime-San! 🌸⛩️🏮❤️ 🇫🇷❤️🇯🇵
@MaximeHuguet-Berg 14 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Omotenashi-San 👏☺️♥️🌸⛩️🏮🇯🇵 Wow WTH ? What is this wonderful sound ? 😮🤘🤪🎸😎 That's so coooooooooooolllllll ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ You keep surprising me 😳😲🥰😍 I truly love this melting of Shamisen's playing and guitar's riffs : it creates something incredibly intense and amazing and also crazy 🤘🤪🎸😎♥️🥰 That's just what I need to be joyful and relaxed after a tough work day 😅 Some titles are so great, such as "Sakura's Whisper" ; "Blade of the Samurai" ; "Cherry Blossom Rush" ; "Shadow of the Mount Fuji" ; "Samurai's Lament" ; "Shogun's Thunder" and my favourite "Bamboo Wind Symphony" : the title seems to describe something so quiet, but when I got this sound in my ears, Wow that's so insane 🤘😎♥️🎸🤪 I really would like to make some rock jam sessions with you, even crazy headbanging 🤪😂🤣 One of my dreams is to make a great special concert with my two favourite japanese artists : Omotenashi-San and Samurai Girl 😲🎸✌️😁🤘🤪🥹😢 This is truly a wonderful dream, but ... I'm not sure it will come true 😔🤔🥺 Maybe I could see you and/or Samurai Girl in Japan or in France for the Japan Expo one day 👏☺️♥️🌸⛩️🏮 I hope from the bottom of my heart this day will come soon 😁♥️🥰 Oh this picture is truly beautiful : the black kimono with golden flowers, the hairdress, the golden background and this sunlight's flash at the beginning of the video ♥️♥️♥️ A true wonder for sure 😲♥️🥰🥹 Arigatou gozaimashita Omotenashi-San 👏☺️♥️🌸⛩️🏮 Thank you so much for sharing your great art : I truly love this creation. I think this one will be one of my favourite 🤘😍👍 And thank you again for your words full of kindness and warmth 🥰🥹 It's unbelievable that my comments touch you so deeply in your heart ♥️🥰🥹 I'm feeling so grateful, honoured and moved to have discovered your channel, listen to your music and feel welcomed as a VIP guest 😁😂🤣 Thank you so much for your wonderful "Omotenashi" 👏🥹♥️😍🥰 Please take a good care of you, keep creating with the same passion and craziness 🤪😂🤣 and see you soon for the next masterpiece ♥️😍🥰 Please stay the wonderful artist and fantastic person you are ✌️☺️👍 Matane Omotenashi-San 👏😌♥️🌸⛩️🏮 🇨🇵♥️🇯🇵
@OmotenashiBeat 13 күн бұрын
Bonsoir, Maxime Huguet-Berg-San! 🌸⛩️🏮👘❤️🇫🇷🇯🇵 Every time I read your comments, my heart is warmed, and I am filled with gratitude! 🥹❤️ Knowing that you listen to my music after a hard day’s work truly honors me. If my music brings you even a little peace and energy, it means the world to me. ✨🎶 A rock jam session with Samurai Girl and me… that sounds like a dream! 🎸🤘🤪 I sincerely hope your dream comes true one day, and until that time, I will continue to create music passionately, inspired by amazing supporters like you! 😊 Thank you so much for your kind words about the song titles and artwork! The black kimono, golden flowers, and sunlight-every detail holds meaning, and I’m so glad you noticed. Your keen eye and thoughtful perspective always inspire me. 🌸✨ Today is New Year’s Eve. I want to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this channel throughout the year. Without your encouragement, I might not have made it this far. Your words and presence are the foundation of my motivation, and I’m endlessly grateful. ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful end of the year, Maxime-San! I look forward to seeing you again in the new year. Matane, Maxime-San! 👋😊
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸
@OmotenashiBeat 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to this video! I’d love to hear your favorite track or how you’re enjoying the music-feel free to leave a comment😊💖 Subscribing to the channel or leaving a like would mean so much to me🌸 ============================= 今回の動画も聴いてくれてありがとうございます! みなさんのお気に入りのトラックや、どんな場面で聴いているか、感想でもなんでも気軽にコメントしていただけると嬉しいです😊💖 チャンネル登録やいいねもしていただけたら、とっても励みになります🌸