I got adopted (full story)
14 күн бұрын
@adamcollier-bp6mk 2 сағат бұрын
Block that b
@vinillaxman7758 3 сағат бұрын
Some marriages fail due to parents side from the lady.. after marriage it should be only basic should be met and parents should not overstep your boundaries. Ask ur wife to minimize the contact and set boundaries but in ur case u are already fucked.. so marriage counselling or divorce
@mja91352 3 сағат бұрын
You need to do two things: grow up and select better partners
@Direwolf216 3 сағат бұрын
1) Lisa grew up in a wealthy family / lifestyle. So she's entitled. That will never change. 2) She might have loved the OP, but she loves money and status more. And always will. 3) She put OP in the Eternal Friend Zone and is using him as her emotional tampon while enjoying her 'better' life. 4) OP needs to keep focusing on his own life. Talking to her is keeping him from moving on. And she knows that.
@seanwalsh72 Күн бұрын
She so desperately wants him in the friend zone. Dude should never have begun communicating with her again. He needs to move on and not be reminded of her.
@alexbrowne9566 Күн бұрын
No, don't talk to your married ex. Move on. The end
@user-mn6gq5gb1m Күн бұрын
She is someone else's problem now, move on!
@user-ei6tt6er1p Күн бұрын
Don’t complete the triangle OP.
@virtualatheist Күн бұрын
I would have gone straight to the police and my parents could go f*ck themselves forever!
@CapnAkira 2 күн бұрын
YTA for even remaining friends with someone who told you that you were beneath her.
@alanhawkins9478 2 күн бұрын
Not your GF anymore, so why shouldn't you block her??? She's someone else's problem now!! Let them worry about her.........
@robertjohnson6601 2 күн бұрын
This sounds weird but I do know things like this do happen. I was surprised to listen to someone I once knew decades ago. She was jealous that an old boyfriend of her's was dating again. She was the one who broke up with him but she was jealous even though she was with my roommate at the time. I asked why. I pointed out to her that it took him about two years to recover from her breaking up with him before he started dating again. She was embarressed to admit it but said in her heart it was okay for her to date but not him. I pointed out to her that that was bullshit. She agreed. I told her that if she didn't want me to ever mention it again that she would have to promise me that she would never try to interfere with her old boyfriend and his new gal and leave them in piece. She did but reluctantly.,
@user-ei6tt6er1p 2 күн бұрын
Your insecurities turned out to be a most valuable asset. You got off lucky. You choose wisely!!!
@tabicat.puccino7425 2 күн бұрын
it would be morally wrong to let her continue because if OP respected his ex's marriage even though she didnt, that tells you alot about his ex, meaning she would have done that to him sooner or later so he dodged a bullet there
@eXpriest 3 күн бұрын
Unless they came out of you you don't owe anyone your attention.
@thatonebich4382 3 күн бұрын
You can’t put it all in a short?
@jordanwebb3129 3 күн бұрын
I’ve seen this story but the husband cheated 😂 really goes to show that people of both genders ain’t shit
@KresusFIN 3 күн бұрын
Well, innocent until proven guilty, but absolutely odd by all accounts.
@phillipschwoerke8374 3 күн бұрын
The old saying is " Money can't buy you happiness". She is not your woman anymore. Time to block her. Time also to block some your old friends. I let an ex-304 gf stay in my life for a few years after breaking up. I 100% should have cut it off earlier.
@nazli70 3 күн бұрын
You’re right. Stop doubting yourself
@outforbeer 3 күн бұрын
Her conduct is not respecting her husband. It sound like she want best of both world. She love your company but dont want to marry you because you’re not wealthy . This is not healthy for you and your future girlfriend. Your should not be talking to your ex and very disrespectful to your future gf. She’s trying to stop you from moving on from her
@ViscaBarcaInter 3 күн бұрын
Because it isn't wrong, why is it wrong? Just being an ex doesn't mean you have to hate each other, guy.
@boukimagash2083 Күн бұрын
It's not about hating it's about putting boundaries
@jorgel.quiroz8862 Күн бұрын
True, but it also isn't wrong to stop contact if you aren't comfortable speaking with an ex.
@MrTweej 3 күн бұрын
You are never wrong for ignoring your ex for any reason. You don't owe them anything.
@DC-FGC 3 күн бұрын
The only thing this dude did wrong was not break up w/ her and cut her off a lot earlier. That whole "She deserved blah blah blah" garbage is just self-defeatist nonsense. When it comes to anything above subsistence level, nobody "deserves" anything unless they freaking *work* for it. She's free to look for whatever she wants, but if she's willing to dump a dude who's totally financially stable and frugal(ie planning for the future, as getting debts paid off ASAP is a *very good thing*) because she wants lavish vacations and s---, she doesn't deserve him. Period. Dude's even respectful of other people's marriages. He needs to just move on and leave her in the dust. He did the right thing blocking her.
@cohina8476 3 күн бұрын
You didn’t have to write a whole paragraph like that. Everyone knows you’re right.
@rojax_thevoicetm2385 3 күн бұрын
Stay tf away she’s a cake eater bro
@SnerMerNer 3 күн бұрын
An ex is an ex for a reason. Be cordial, but firm. Never go back, and always cut contact.
@setpunks13 3 күн бұрын
Gold digger behavior. She's got her ATM locked down and now she wants to have fun. Blocked
@unklesalty3732 3 күн бұрын
I had a now married ex reach out to me a couple years ago out of the blue. I flat out told her we had nothing to talk about. They’re testing the water guys; trying to see if they have a soft landing spot if needed. Nip that crap in the bud or just ignore them.
@paulbaddiley7326 3 күн бұрын
I would block every x as soon as you break up and go NC forever!
@mannydcbianco 3 күн бұрын
Lisa is trying to have her cake and eat it too. She's looking to have an affair, guaranteed. OP was who she really wanted but he wasn't rich enough, so she dumped him and got herself a rich husband that she might love as a provider but isn't in love with. She's trying to have the best of both worlds, and she's disgusting for it. Disloyal and shallow.
@darrellgray191 4 күн бұрын
Typical woman, won't work and doesn't do anything around the house
@aum1040 4 күн бұрын
There is something odd about how our society assesses the crime of rape and false accusations of rape. Intellectually, there should be absolutely no question that false accusations of rape are much worse. Not only do you destroy the life of your victim, but you also make it harder for actual victims of rape to get justice. But like almost everyone else in our society, the emotional disgust I feel towards actual rape is substantially larger than what I feel towards the false accuser. I do not understand this disconnect.
@stevealexander5415 4 күн бұрын
Once a cheater always a cheater
@jameslyons6655 4 күн бұрын
So he’s a full time probation officer now? He may as well make popcorn and sit in the corner to watch next time.
@donaldkue2364 4 күн бұрын
Yup! She was definitely the best he could do. He should start charging his customers! At least, make some money off of it!
@xxsqf 5 күн бұрын
I was littrally twitching caz u didnt even flip ones
@Dark_Lord_Abbadon01 5 күн бұрын
The”friend” was right the wife is dumber than a cow for not searching for evidence, serves her hell, sad that a good man and children has to suffer for some hone else stupidity
@elade7857 5 күн бұрын
Now that she has the ATM binded to her, she looks for some thrills with her ex. Typical. You are wise OP for staying out of this mess.
@kikoredog 5 күн бұрын
if you don't ignore her, you're a cuck so. take ur pick
@someguylivingonearth1727 5 күн бұрын
Keep her blocked. It's clear she wants to be more then your friend, if she suddenly contacts you after a year. Even if that isn't her motive, you still have the right to block her if she makes you fell uncomfortable. And tell your freinds to screw off, they have no right to tell you with what people to surround yourself with.
@tasktale6492 5 күн бұрын
Why lead her on? unless ur friends with their husband you got no business with her and so does her to you as well, you should have told her off saying your last goodbye at the first she called you back then you don't need to block her either. To any guy who thinks they're a man get the fuck off from somebody's wife whether she's your friend or ex, you know it could happen to your wife too, keep that in mind.
@DarrenSloan 5 күн бұрын
Don't forget a woman will oniy talk to you unless she wants something
@andrewd7112 5 күн бұрын
It would be morally wrong to not block her.
@user-ei6tt6er1p Күн бұрын
It’s a moral imperative to block her!
@Edwinschuur 5 күн бұрын
No matter who the person is. Everyone who calls you everyday unless its your lover or your parent is a stalker.
@XYZdude00 5 күн бұрын
Gold digger behavior
@Haxkarl 5 күн бұрын
NTA wtf is wrong with Lisa and your friends? And why are you even entertaining Lisa by talking to her???? She broke up with you because you couldn´t give her the high roller life she wanted.... Now she married in under 1,5 years LMAO!
@janvajs6139 5 күн бұрын
looks like she settled for a rich guy for a luxurious lifestyle while her heart stayed with you. A marriage of wealth and status seems to have brought her no satisfaction other than wealth and status. I think when she contacts you she's just testing the waters to see if she can have her cake and eat two. I bet her husband doesn't know about her activity of messaging you all the time. You are right, such contact with an ex is inappropriate for a married woman. There is no decent partner who could tolerate this kind of behaviour from his significant other. she has zero respect and love for her husband. Imagine being in the shoes of the guy. Keep her number blocked, she seems to be actively looking for a way to get into trouble, stay out of it.
@mscookie1937 5 күн бұрын
You can not live in the past, she has moved on and needs to remember that, ignore the idiots who say otherwise, just stay true to yourself.
@dinkyd1533 3 күн бұрын
For once an ex that is a decent guy with morals.
@jaidee9570 5 күн бұрын
You have no reason to entertain your ex regardless of her marital status. If you don't feel comfortable speaking to her, your previous relationship status and her current relationship status, does not matter a damn. As for your mutual friends taking her side, pressuring you to do something you don't want to do, they're out of order, I would take a step back from them as well. If they notice and ask why you're being distant, tell them it appears they have more regard for her than you, and they should prioritize their friendship with her, if they view you both equally, they shouldn't be trying to pressuring you into doing something you're not comfortable doing. If they don't notice, you know how they view you and can move on without them playing any significant part in your life.
@BlitzAce15 5 күн бұрын
OP respected his ex's marriage even though she didnt, that tells you alot about his ex, he dodged a bullet because she would have done that to him sooner or later