This channel is interested in earnings management analysis and statistics using stata and many important topics for PhD and Master students.
قناة تهتم بتحليل ادارة الارباح والتحليل الاحصائي باستخدام برنامج ستاتا وكثير مما يهم طلبة الماجستير والدكتوراة
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video 1
estimating earnings management, discretionary accruals using STATA video 1.mp4
Learn how to estimate earnings management, discretionary accruals using STATA
Jones Model 1991
The modified Jones Model 1995
Kothari Model 2005
video 2
Introduction to estimating # discretionary accruals, # step by step, using # STATA video 2..mp4
video 3
Estimating Jones model 1991 using Stata..mp4
video 4
estimating the cross-sectional Jones model 1991.mp4
video 5
how to write the tick and backtick in some stata commands.mp4