RL Episode 155 - All About Depth
Recording & Mixing Indie Pop Drums
MD 421 II vs. MD 421 U5 - Shootout
The Case for Bottom Mics on Toms
@SilkSexAndSugar 8 күн бұрын
This is the best and least confusing video yet. Thank you.
@marcusstrymon693 11 күн бұрын
So what I dont get: I would have to put a DI box between any rack unit, right? I go XLR out from Rack eq to rack comp, voth use piwer cable --> ground loop I go rack chanel strip --> interface, both have power --> ground loop
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
So, I know exactly what you’re thinking - and yes on paper it does look that way. But frankly, balanced pro audio gear does such a good job at rejecting noise and isolating in the power section that this is basically never an issue. For years, a standard way to wire studios was “OEO” aka “one end only” meaning, one side of the balanced line had a ground lift, exactly for this reason. Every single piece “theoretically” creates multiple ground loop since they are all connected to power, audio, AND they’re all physically touching in the rack rails! But truth be told, ground loop noise is a spectrum, meaning, there are “worse” ground loops than others. Some are insanely noisy. Some are technically ground loops but don’t have bad noise, as is the case in 99% of rack gear. The amount of noise is based on the small voltage differences, and for balanced pro audio it’s just not that bad. Imperceptible in most cases. So most studios don’t even bother with OEO wiring anymore, and most gear manufacturers are hip to this nowadays and design their gear well to accommodate for standardized wiring.
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
When you first “get it” it’s easy to look around at all of your gear horrified and be like “oh my god it’s all ground loops!” lol but don’t fret. Fix the noise when it’s a problem. If it’s not a problem, then no need to fix or change anything. And thankfully most gear nowadays is well designed enough to not have these problems. But like, I have to use a ground lifted setup on my vintage LA3A because it has a ground loop problem when interconnecting to other gear. But that piece is like, 60 years old.
@marcusstrymon693 11 күн бұрын
So reamping without a reamp box into lets say pedal reverbs and then back to the interface creates a ground loop, correct?
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
It can. That’s one reason why most reamp boxes have transformers and ground lifts. But, the transformer is also there to convert the impedance from low to high, and to convert balanced to unbalanced. And Like I said in one of my other comments, ground loops are kind of everywhere in complicated setups. Often, they are very noisy. Sometimes they are not.
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
Also remember… if the reamp box is passive, and the pro audio gear has a well designed power supply, then they’re both isolated from the power side of things.
@marcusstrymon693 11 күн бұрын
What if I use 2 isolated power suplies? In my case a voodo lab pedal power 2 and a styrmon ojai? Still a problem? So I have a ground loop somewhere in my board. For the last 8 pedals its all hood (all strymon pedals) but then it doesnt matter which other brand pedal i add, I get hum and rumble (low level) i have changed the strymon order afterwards and changed the cables so none of the strymons is at fault. And I have added the other pedals to the "good" ojai power. Doesnt mattr which one i add, the boss eq, jam pedals drives, expression pedal. A bit of buzz is there regardless. Does this just show the good build quality of strmon or is something incredibly off?
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
Well, Strymon pedals and power supplies ARE really well designed, are super quiet, and have excellent power isolation. And yeah there potentially could be issues using two different power supplies but, I don’t know, maybe not. That’s hard to say for sure and hard to diagnose. I’m not really sure I can say one way or the other just from this info. I would keep experimenting, try to rule out variables, different combinations. Make sure to test all your cables too. I’m sure you will find the solution. Sorry if that’s not much of a help.
@marcusstrymon693 10 күн бұрын
@@RecordingLounge Mate thank you so so much for all your answers! This is really really interesting to me, like its kust fascinating. And truth be told, I really need to turm up level to hear the ground loop, like I mean Inneed to go into a rack unit and go balanced out, crank the gain on the interface and turn up speakers tonhear the geound noise (which then you hear clearly) But alsonthen white noise from the focusrite scarlett 18i20 is allready a lot louder (which is an issue) A little side note also: would you say that most pieces of analog gear could potentially add white noise? Bc yesterday I was recording the level of my signal chain white noise a) with the presonus studio channel rack unit b) without it (firstly recorded a looped signal to make sure the base level is the same for both) Sadly the rms for whote noise only was about 2.5 db louder for the preamped signal compared to the normal instrument level signal with the exact same signal level for the loop itself which makes me sceptical if more hardware units is even a good idea. Simce clean signal is king. Again, amazingly, 8 strymon units didnt add anything in noise, like they are stone quiet. They need to get into rack units more
@RecordingLounge 10 күн бұрын
@marcusstrymon693 yeah, unfortunately white noise / hiss is normal for virtually ANY analog circuitry with amplification stages. It comes from transistors, tubes, even resistors! It’s unavoidable to some degree. I mean “Johnson noise” is literally the noise from electrons moving around inside of the components. Nothing can get rid of that. Over the years the components get better and the circuits get better. When it comes to analog gear you def gotta be careful with gain staging to keep it as quiet as possible. And keep in mind .. Strymon is primarily digital processing. They use the same SHARC chips that UAD cards use. There’s pretty minimal “analog” circuitry in there which is one reason they’re so quiet. And yeah, analog gear is noisy. Digital signal path with a clean pre can sit around -90, -95, 100dBFS. Insanely quiet. But a real Neve 1073 into an 1176? You’re sitting -70, -80 easy. Easily 20-30dB more than a digital piece. Some of it is just the cost of the sound. If you gain stage it right, the noise isn’t really much of an issue. But for some folks, they don’t wanna deal with it, or the sound of the dope analog stuff isn’t worth it for the noise. It’s something you get used to and learn to manage. It becomes part of the toolkit just like anything else - like, if I’ve got a quiet acoustic guitar player, I maybe can’t use that tube mic or compressor, because the noise is possibly gonna be too high. Maybe it’ll be worth it. But I might go for a solid state mic with a slightly cleaner pre and no compressor, and call it a good compromise. And when all else fails… there’s tons of great noise reduction plugins like Izotope RX. And sometimes that’s the compromise. We use the signal chain that sounds amazing but has a little noise, and just deal with it in post.
@marcusstrymon693 10 күн бұрын
@@RecordingLounge thanks once again for the long answer, starting to understand things So essentially one could think woth strymon allmost plugin in a box, right? So the presonus that I use has noise floor of 96 db which seems okay, however its still anoying as an always on. It just gets progressively worse when using the comp and adjusting makeup gain (obviously). Still, the value seems okay ish compared to other units (Warm audio bus comp <90, ssl fusion about the same and the harley benton cheaper unit goes in at a whopping 76 db noise floor, which seems unusable). One solution that seems to work is to boost the signal level with the strymon sunset jfet boost with low drive because it does not produce noise almlst at all. That almost reminds me about back in the day when they tried to record as hot as possible on tape as they could to avoid the high noise floor. Hm, difficult, I really like the idea of comp and eq after these strymons but I hate noise. Thing is, kust by tweaking around with that presonus for days with a gr meter whilst playing allready makes me understand compression a lot more intuitively (would beed a 2nd one for stereo comp maybe or some other nice unit like the WA vca bus comp or the art stereo comp for 600 bucks) For eq, I thought about the boss eq 200 as pedal seems like the easiest format but really I think parametriq with q and freq select is a lot more useful but there is nothing useful stereo in pedal format
@jmpascoe 13 күн бұрын
Great video! What are your thoughts on the Morley Hum Eliminator and similar products? kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5DPkJJvqJ1sipI
@compucorder64 13 күн бұрын
On electric guitar, I can see why you might like the MD421 II better. I still think I might prefer the U, but the II does cut nicely and could be great in a mix. But, if you are using 421 more generally, I think a U is the better mic to have. For the other typical roles, I prefer the U. They're smoother / less edgy on bass cab and floor toms. And mellower / less sibilant / flinty on vocals. And, if you want edgy/pushy there's the much cheaper SM57, which is quite good at that. I prefer the e906 as an SM57 alternative on guitar cabs anyway. And keep the 421 for bass mainly, which I think is it's natural home. Or floor tom.
@RecordingLounge 13 күн бұрын
FWIW, recently I have been preferring the U on electrics! Who knows, 6 months from now I may hate them both. Lol that’s how it goes
@compucorder64 13 күн бұрын
@@RecordingLounge I just got my 421 U, really like it, U 421 is best 421 :) Make sure you use your best sailor's knots, and all your plumbers tape and electricians tape experience to lash them securely to the mic stand. So they don't have a chance to faceplant themselves on the floor by jumping off the 'Crappy Clips' (tm). Then they stand a chance of lasting long enough for you to grow to hate them. Even then, a drummer will probably impale them, they're too big a target to miss.
@RecordingLounge 13 күн бұрын
@compucorder64 I use a small cable tie - it will actually slide right in the groove under the clip release button!
@sd4808 14 күн бұрын
Amazing video! Definitely helped me a lot in understanding what phase is and understanding polarity better
@TubeTapeGecko Ай бұрын
Hey I’m using one amp, pedalboard powered by cioks both plugged into a power conditioner and humbuckers and I will get wild hum all the time. What do you think I should try?
@RecordingLounge Ай бұрын
I would start by trying to narrow it down first: Try plugging straight into the amp, no pedals. Still get bad hum? If so, you could have a bad ground in your guitar. Try a different guitar. Same noise? A failing filter capacitor or bad connection within the amp can also cause hum. Try a different amp. If your guitar to amp is quiet, then add in your pedalboard. Could be a bad power supply (I’ve not had great luck with Cioks tbh), or a bad cable (extremely common) or a bad connection on a pedal jack (also common). The more you can narrow it down, the easier it will be to find the true cause of the issue. Also… make sure to quadruple check your instrument cables / speaker cables and make sure they are indeed the proper type, and that they’re wired correctly. Like I said, eliminate possibilities one by one. It can be time consuming, but it’ll be worth it when you actually find the root cause.
@RecordingLounge Ай бұрын
Also I should say… if you turn your guitar volume down and you don’t have noise, there’s either a wiring issue, or more likely, there’s noise in the room being induced into the pickups. One of the only ways to solve that is distance: don’t sit too close to your amp or anything with a power transformer, any computers, keep your phone out of your pocket. Theres tons of devices around us all the time, and not even humbuckers are fully immune. Induced noise sucks. I wish we could do more about it.
@TubeTapeGecko Ай бұрын
@@RecordingLounge I honestly think it might be my house because I still get hum plugged straight in. I’ve tried different guitars/amps and power supplies etc. would running a Lehle or something similar even with just one amp help at all or would that not work in this case at all?
@CarsSimplified Ай бұрын
I got an ad on a completely different platform for an article on this subject. I hadn't heard of it before, so now I'm here instead of going to that article that was probably trying to sell something. Great video!
@RecordingLounge Ай бұрын
I hope it was helpful! And hey, good news is that most of the time these things can be fixed without spending any money. Other than the need for isolation transformers Sometimes!
@BukanIbuMu 2 ай бұрын
Why not sidechain kick and bass with pro-mb?
@RecordingLounge Ай бұрын
Also a great option!
@clintsterling2225 2 ай бұрын
Great video, and fantastic tone! What's the clean riff being player here? Thanks!
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
I think that’s a Mateus Asato riff
@BukanIbuMu 2 ай бұрын
You are a genius!
@justinwolz4932 3 ай бұрын
I thought the stock sm57 works best on distorted guitar because it has more high-end push which contributes to the distorted sound. One acoustic guitar, it seemed to have too much honk in the mids. This was cleaned up by the transformerless version, but maybe too much. The TAB version seemed to strike a balance between the two.
@AmUniversum777 3 ай бұрын
Now if they would just address the clipping issue.
@scotti-stringz 3 ай бұрын
Very helpful. I agree 💯 about the Unidyne. Great playing too!
@RecordingLounge 11 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@belaneirmiller2637 3 ай бұрын
Best tutorial in patch bays I've seen so far🎉 great work!
@stephenchow5161 4 ай бұрын
@ajaypimpalapure1322 4 ай бұрын
I use a boss gt1000 do i need a buffer
@RecordingLounge 4 ай бұрын
@dylanjohnson7882 4 ай бұрын
Excellent video, thank you! Can you help me understand how it's still possible to have a ground loop in your examples where all equipment is plugged into a single power strip/the same socket?
@RecordingLounge 4 ай бұрын
Yes - so ground loops can form any time two [interconnected] pieces of equipment have different paths to ground, each having slightly different ground voltages or resistances. So if two pieces of gear both plugged in but are interconnected by an AUDIO ground (let’s say one is a pre and one is a compressor) it forms a loop: piece 1 goes to the outlet, and connects to piece 2 with an xlr cable (which has a ground) and piece 2 also goes to the outlet. Hence your loop. Current can flow around this loop from outlet > piece 1 > audio ground > piece 2 > outlet and back again.
@RecordingLounge 4 ай бұрын
If the two pieces of gear aren’t interconnected, you won’t form the loop. like say it’s two guitar amps but one is played by Guitarist 1 and the other is played by guitarist 2. There will be no loop because the two amps are not interconnected with an audio ground. But if guitarist 1 uses a splitter and goes to both amps, you form a loop from splitter > amp 1 > outlet > amp 2 > back to splitter
@MrJinusean90 4 ай бұрын
Schonmal probiert auf englisch zu gendern ? ;-)
@vontreherumaiBH 5 ай бұрын
🤔🔥Dope vid. Wish I coulda heard the difference with some vocals in this video every time you changed it ! 😢
@indraadhidaksa3052 5 ай бұрын
just curious.. are you selling your LT TB2 ..coz I need it if yes how we can deal it thx you
@RecordingLounge 5 ай бұрын
Already sold it
@aeonhakyavik Ай бұрын
@indraadhidaksa3052 I'll have one for sale in a week or so as I'm about to do this upgrade. :)
@gastonjabaly 5 ай бұрын
It almost sounds like you had the roll off on position 1 activated on the vintage one
@lilwombat 5 ай бұрын
I'm curious what hardware compressors look like in plugin doctor on the attack release page. Just wondering if they are majorly different to what they say.
@TomTaylorMade 5 ай бұрын
What an amazing deep dive down the rabbit hole. Love this
@MrSRellz 5 ай бұрын
Very good tips. Another one I heard from one of Dan Worrells videos is that you can use Fabfilters Volcano 3 plug-in as a 4 band “vintage” Eq by utilising its non-linear vintage filters
@panosskentzos 5 ай бұрын
I have to say, every single microphone sounds like a tom, for me the most important aspect of a "tom mic" is the off-axis rejection and coloration, which almost never appears on mic test videos...
@GustavoUnser 2 ай бұрын
that's exactly what I was thinking. Every mic shown is usable and has really minor differences
@DMKahn 5 ай бұрын
Such a great video, thanks for all you do man
@NevilleDMusicTV 6 ай бұрын
This was so good. I will have to listen again. also, your teaching method had me hung on to every word. I did not want you to stop. Well done!
@mikecarbone7214 6 ай бұрын
Hey Kendal...Thanks for the video. I just got back into music recently after taking a break for a while. I started listening to the podcast back in 2014 and am glad you are still making episodes. I think I've learned more from you than any other source. This is kind of driving me nuts at the moment and it's interesting that you posted a video about it. I have two pieces of analog gear. I have Seventh Circle Audio A12 (API clones) preamps, and Golden Age Projects EQ - 73s that were upgraded by revive audio. Admittedly I have only used waves and analog obsession plugins, but I think the plugins just can't do what the outboard gear does. If I do the same thing to the API or Nieve plug ins, like push the input hard on the preamp, or crank a frequency up a lot, it'll sound like crap in the plugin and still sound good on the analog gear. I guess that's just anecdotal, but that's my experience. I feel like plugins, at least the analog emulations that I have used, just can't do what analog gear does. What are your thoughts man?
@RecordingLounge 5 ай бұрын
I think it depends on the plugin. There are some that get very, very close IMO. But a lot of them just don’t. Personally, most of the Waves ones just don’t do it for me. But a few of the UAD ones get quite close. Really just depends on the brand and even the specific plugin (like the UAD 1081 not having any harmonic distortion that I mentioned later in this video).
@RecordingLounge 5 ай бұрын
For a cool Neve type plugin I def recommend the UAD 1084 or the Kit Plugins BB N105.
@mikecarbone7214 5 ай бұрын
Awesome...Thanks Kendal. @@RecordingLounge
@davidkey6623 6 ай бұрын
Always very enlightening to watch your videos or listen to the podcast! Thanks! Keep it up
@NathanBrown-dk5wh 6 ай бұрын
It would be great to get a podcast on vocals on everything from tracking to a full mixed vocals
@JohnPaquette 6 ай бұрын
Love your compositions here. Very good playing.
@calebmoore7079 6 ай бұрын
Long time listener here. I really appreciate your knowledge, experience, and ability to explain things well. Always a treat! 🙏
@brianpylant4617 6 ай бұрын
Please post all of these to the actual podcast platforms. (If you are, they're not showing up.) Can't listen to KZbin in the car without having KZbin as the displayed app (which means no Waze). Thanks!
@RecordingLounge 6 ай бұрын
Recording Lounge is on all the major platforms. Spotify, Apple/iTunes, Overcast, etc
@RecordingLounge 6 ай бұрын
You can go to my website (recordingloungepodcast.com) for direct subscription links on Spotify / Apple Podcasts.
@NathanBrown-dk5wh 6 ай бұрын
Could expand the predelay and reverb timing I would like to hear more about getting that right in the mix
@RecordingLounge 6 ай бұрын
You can almost think about pre-delay as "how far away are the walls from the source sound?" So, just imagine you're standing on a stage in a large venue, but you're just a few feet from a vocalist. The vocalist (the source) is close to you, but the walls are far away, so you'd want a longer predelay. Now, imagine the vocalist walked out into the room - they're now getting CLOSER to the walls, and farther from you. So, you'd want a shorter predelay here because there's less distance between them and the wall. Now yes, in real life, there would also be a time delay from their voice to your ears, but in a recording, we don't always want to simulate THAT delay. Instead, we're really just trying to simulate the timing of the source vs. its ambience. So to rephrase: if you want the source to sound close to you, and the walls to sound far away, use a longer predelay. If you want the source to sound FAR from you, then you need a shorter predelay (because it is "closer" to the walls)
@RecordingLounge 6 ай бұрын
So, for example, often we want our lead vocal to sound "closer" to us than our backing vocals. So on your lead vocal, its reverb should maybe have a longer predelay, but on the backing vocals, their reverb should have a shorter predelay. That will make them sound like they're farther back in the room, closer to the walls, but the lead vocal is closer to you, farther from the walls. This is all just one way to look at it. And it won't apply to EVERY mix situation necessarily; the goal is not always to sound "real." We can create whatever environment we want.
@herkyacuff 6 ай бұрын
I understood also optimal to have the reverb and delay synced to the tempo. Math isn't that hard to do this. Like, a quarter note delay on a BPM of 120 = 500ms. Subtract a little from this, for the predelay you want, to not soften up the initial attack. Or something like that...
@NathanBrown-dk5wh 6 ай бұрын
Best explanation of depth
@timroberson722 6 ай бұрын
I always thought the Unidyne had a cleaner smoother sound than the Low Z. This test proved it. The 3k was harsh and muddy. Most people will not know the difference. The highs were not as crunchy as the Low Z. More pleasant to my ears.
@ericlarkins 6 ай бұрын
Sweet, sweet silence indeed, thanks man!!!
@brunolarrieu9107 6 ай бұрын
have you noticed a difference in level between the II and the U5 (U5 is weaker than the II)?
@RecordingLounge 6 ай бұрын
If I recall correctly, yes
@jimilove7773 6 ай бұрын
Vintage is always better if the condition is good!
@Kathayne636 6 ай бұрын
I never knew this before. That's awesome.
@ernestdaniels1671 7 ай бұрын
Hello Spencer, may I ask what tape did you use on your Samson S Patch Plus patchbay? I tried premade patch labels, but the writing space was too small, however your added tape looks like the right size. Thanks you.
@jerahmaya77 7 ай бұрын
The U5 for distorted, The MKII for clean. What roll off setting were you set to with the U5?
@RecordingLounge 7 ай бұрын
No rolloff on either
@vigilant545 7 ай бұрын
Awesome information! Best explanation yet!
@CamilleSullet 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Dude for the video, i'm just switching from pro tools to cubase and your explanations are great !!!!
@RecordingLounge 7 ай бұрын
You won’t regret it. Steinberg FTW
@juanchis.investigadorsonoro 8 ай бұрын
Nice video Kendall! I had this one pending. At around 3:40 you talked about the "fat" description a lot of people use. I agree, besides there's a whole conversation on which adjectives could better describe & which people use. But I'm not sure if you are already considering this in the video (7 years ago). 3rd order harmonics appear really close to the fundamental one is a bit lower, or even 2nd order harmonics can go under that fundamental with f2 - f1.
@jamescassidy4045 8 ай бұрын
The thing with 421's though is they are just one of those Mic's where you could have like ten 421'II's , or U5's etc, and most of them would all sound different. I have four 421-II's, and two U5's. With the II's, I have two older one's, and two newer one's that are from the same batch, and the older II's sound a lot different than the newer II's, and quite different from each other, while the two newer II's sound much closer to each other, but still noticeably different. With my two U5's, apart from Obv sounding much different than all the II's, still sound quite hugely different from each other. So while different versions Def have "a thing", they are just such an inconsistent Mic. I know a dude who said he's had like fifty 421's in his life, and he literally told me that pretty much every single one sounded different. Sounds crazy, and it's not like I'm saying the differences are always so big that a certain model won't still have a signature, and sound like a 421, but there just seems to be pretty huge differences in a certain part of the frequency range, even in the same model. The best way to say it would be that they are like guitar speakers. You could have 20 different V30's or Greenbacks from different years, and they would all sound different, but still sound like that speaker.
@Therapyxx 8 ай бұрын
Hey! as I can see - you have 2 different mics near the guitar. Why not a similar pair? I'm just thinking about upgrading my mic and have 2 choices 1) Buy Neumann KM184 and use it with my current Sennheiser MK4 2) Sell my Sennheiser MK4 and buy like a pair of Rode's NT5 Unfortunatelly pair of neumanns a too expensive. Maybe for option 1, I could just add another neumann to a pair, but somewhere later. And I'm not professional, just hobby, learning percussive fingerstyle :D Could you advise? Thank you p.s. lets say I can eat few months rice and buy a pair of neumanns, I will heavily use 1 mic, and another will be stored 99% of time somewhere in a box, need it only once a month, when finished new composition and wanna do like achivement - good recording of that 😁
@RecordingLounge 8 ай бұрын
There’s nothing wrong with using a similar pair, or a different pair. Either can work. If you’re into coincident mic techniques like XY or Blumlein or ORTF, a matched pair is usually a better fit. For spaced pair or M/S, you can sometimes get away with different mics. I’d say for MOST things on acoustic, I usually do 1 mic, or M/S. If I’m doing fingerstyle sessions I may do a spaced pair like this. It really all depends on the situation.
@RecordingLounge 8 ай бұрын
Personally, I’d consider the KM184. It would make a nice spaced pair or M/S array with your Mk4. And maybe someday, if you still dig the KM184 over time, you could get a second one.
@shaunobi 8 ай бұрын
Anybody else get the feeling like you're getting real insights into pro-level mixing here? This is amazing.