Enter Fred Johnson
7 сағат бұрын
Atea gets a gun
Күн бұрын
The Gunfight
14 күн бұрын
Following Dr Matteo
21 күн бұрын
What is Elder Birch hiding?
The Missing Mormons
Ай бұрын
Find my brother
Ай бұрын
The Patient
Ай бұрын
Space walk
Ай бұрын
Flint's first day
2 ай бұрын
What is Opal?
2 ай бұрын
The story begins
2 ай бұрын
Bonus: Countdown to Launch
3 ай бұрын
Bonus: What happened on Eros?
@damonvi013 5 сағат бұрын
*sees pronouns* Nope. Cya
@darthderecusgaming 6 сағат бұрын
@LuigiGam1ng123 15 сағат бұрын
@callmebymyname6732 Күн бұрын
it all depends from the people you play with :(( let her be, she had her time to shine
@jacobsurace4835 Күн бұрын
The Blacksmith arrives!
@Mendozam4 Күн бұрын
I really liked Jack's confidence when offering guidance to the party as the GM when he mentioned the dossier. When I first started GMing I was terrified to tell the players what to do. I thought it would ruin the game experience. However, done in moderation it helps avoid pacing issues and keeps the story on track. (In the best of ways) Bravo to everyone. Really enjoying the story so far. 🎉
@SoundsLikeAdventure Күн бұрын
Thank you! We totally agree 😃 Even though you're giving some information above the game, it helps the players stay immersed by giving them the information their characters would just have by seeing or remembering.
@jacobsurace4835 2 күн бұрын
I mean the man has a point
@jacobsurace4835 2 күн бұрын
This episode title can be taken wildly out of context
@givingshitsincetwentyeleven 3 күн бұрын
sometimes I forget we are even in combat lol
@alex12ray 3 күн бұрын
Are you playing The Expanse RPG or D&D?
@SirFluffy100 3 күн бұрын
I saw lays for $8!!!!!
@SoundsLikeAdventure 3 күн бұрын
😮 Criminal!
@SirFluffy100 3 күн бұрын
@@SoundsLikeAdventure what is this 1840s Ireland!
@SoundsLikeAdventure 3 күн бұрын
@grimm516 3 күн бұрын
The expanse ttrpg.... Set when pre fall or post fall... It's just exciting 😮
@SoundsLikeAdventure 3 күн бұрын
Pre fall! The story we're telling is happening just after the events of book 1. But there's source books that allow you to incorporate the ring gates and they've just announced a new book in the transport union era!
@grimm516 3 күн бұрын
@@SoundsLikeAdventure oh wow now I'm needing to hunt for all of this I need it 😭 more expanse I need it hahaha 🤣. Thanks for the info
@SoundsLikeAdventure 3 күн бұрын
Yess!! The rules are made by Green Ronin Publishing 😃
@grimm516 3 күн бұрын
@@SoundsLikeAdventure I will check them out thanks a bunch
@Mendozam4 9 күн бұрын
I thought this was a ttrpg video, then was confused and disappointed when I saw the comments section. Immediately releaved when I continued listening to the video.
@andrewreed4216 19 күн бұрын
Try, nemenhah.
@brettpinion4233 19 күн бұрын
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you" The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
@Toothnut_Hamsterfolder 19 күн бұрын
Or both. Just sayin'. And fyi, it's Moroni, not Maroni. 😊
@brettpinion4233 18 күн бұрын
@@Toothnut_Hamsterfolder Thanks. Fixed the typo. Now as to both being false, the evidence points to one being true. 🙂 The very short reason for my belief in the Bible? It is the humility of the death on the cross and the empty tomb. No other religion has a savior who died for them. Not Budda, not Muhammad, not Hare Krishna. No other religion has a savior who willingly died for them even while they were mocking him. Christianity could have been stopped cold by producing Christ's body yet Christianity started right there in Jerusalem 3 days after being put to death. Further, It also seems unlikely that the early Christian Apostles and martyrs would die for a lie or a metaphor when they were in a position to know the truth. Life has taught me people lie for a reason- financial gain, power, greed, lust, and to protect themselves or others. But the apostle's had none of those reasons to lie. All but one likely died a gruesome death and none were trying to get power, riches or women with their ministry. Also, there are too many early, eyewitness sources that testify of it, and too much converging circumstantial evidence (prophecy, embarrassing details contained in the bible, martyrs, establishment of the church, the historical, archeological and non-Christian sources that confirm recorded events etc.) that substantiate it. Christianity could have been stopped cold by producing Christ's body. Think about it, Christianity started 3 days after his death, hung on a cross with criminals, in the very city where he was put to death. This even was no legend or rumor. It spread quickly right there in Jerusalem where the crowd just yelled "crucify him", and was spread by this rag tag group of disciples whose leader (Peter) had just denied him and gone back to fishing. Further, It also seems unlikely that the early Christian martyrs would die for a lie or a metaphor when they were in a position to know the truth. Life has taught me people lie for a reason- financial gain, power, greed, lust, and to protect themselves or others. But the apostle's had none of these reasons to lie. All but one likely died a gruesome death and none were trying to get power, riches or women with their ministry. Also, there are too many early, eyewitness sources that testify of it, and too much converging circumstantial evidence (prophecy, embarrassing details contained in the bible, martyrs, establishment of the church, the historical, archeological and non-Christian sources that confirm recorded events etc.) that substantiate it. I have to add that it contains hard teachings that are not aimed to please the crowd or grow a following. They had to deny Caesar was God (which was required and was on the Roman coins of the day). This meant certain death for many. It spread among the poor, slaves and women are often heroes which is unlikely to be falsified given the culture of the day. I also know what Christ did in my life. God bless.
@TheSocstar 18 күн бұрын
@brettpinion4233 Christ will be so thrilled at all the time you have saved him by judging the Mormons so he doesn't have to bother with it. What if Christ is more merciful and more loving than what you give him credit for?
@brettpinion4233 17 күн бұрын
@TheSocstar I have not judged them. I love them. That is why I speak the truth of Christ. Nothing else. Jesus warned us that wolves would come after his sheep to destroy them. J.S. was a wolf who taught a different God and endless God's. That is a lie and I give the biblical truth. If someone is walking in danger do I really love them if I stay silent? God bless.
@TheSocstar 17 күн бұрын
@brettpinion4233 If God did not appear to Joseph Smith, then you may be right. But, if God and Jesus Christ did, in all actuality appear to him in a sacred vision, not a dream, than what you say is totally incorrect. But you are adding to Christ's steps for salvation. To be saved He did not say: 1- Recognize you are a sinner and need redemption. 2- Accept Christ into your heart and believe in Him (Further steps added by you) 3- Don't believe in the "Mormon" Jesus who taught the same teachings, lessons, parables, and way to live that your Jesus did. 4- Believe only in the Holy Trinity as taught by the 3rd century Roman government, or you can't be saved. 5- Make sure that @brettpinion4233 is a middle man to determine if your personal relationship with your Savior, Jesus Christ, is valid.
@aidanmarshall9945 Ай бұрын
The ability to write the story as it happens while part of your mind is essentially participating in being the story is probably the most important thing a ttrpg can do.
@dr.spudies1555 Ай бұрын
There have been hundreds of case studies, many formal studies, and a legitimate published teaching theory that has been published and is often taught about the enjoyment of a subject or activity correlating to the ability to absorb that knowledge or the core concept of what is being taught much much easier than sitting down and listening to someone talk about something. Finding ways to engage your students in a way that appeals to their interests or how they learn best is how you efficiently teach.
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
@feralenigma Ай бұрын
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
@Anna464 Ай бұрын
To be fair, that is an extremely accurate depiction of Shane x]
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
Spot on!
@The_pebble_music Ай бұрын
I created training programs for educators about TTRPG as educational tools and have practiced them for a lot of years. I'm super glad to hear that other initiatives like this exist in other countries, it warms my heart. World Health Organization has a list of ten psychosocial skills that are fundational to healthy development in childrens. As a matter of fact, TTRPG put the ten of them in action. The key for educators is, in my opinion, to learn about these skills and have them in mind while GMing with kids. In and out of school, the educative potential of RPGs are tremendous.
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
TTRPGs are so powerful!
@jacobsurace4835 Ай бұрын
New Space adventure!! Let's gooo !!!
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
Let's gooo!
@udbhavshrivastava Ай бұрын
What cards are ya talking about ?
@roxasthegreek Ай бұрын
When quarantine started, we were playing remotely every single night. Could you imagine 30 hours of dnd in a week?
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
Sounds like a dream!
@roxasthegreek Ай бұрын
@@SoundsLikeAdventure it was great! We ended up slowing down a bit and eventually taking a few months pause before coming back to it, but we managed a full levels 1 to 20 campaign!
@5sibROBLOX Ай бұрын
One of my players is in AT LEAST three campaigns; one that I have no part of every second Friday, mine every other Friday and one that we're both in every Wednesday. I have a character I made for when they were originally going to DM before it fell to me that I cannot WAIT to play
@SoundsLikeAdventure Ай бұрын
@@roxasthegreek wow! You actually did it!
@reday9474 Ай бұрын
When I first started, my group would play 7-9 hours every Saturday night. DM went off the deep end and alienated the group, but I do miss those days
@bonzwah1 Ай бұрын
gah what a dream.... even if they had only had the 4 hour one shot, that would still have been the longest dnd session I've ever played XD.
@nitsanraviddaos4797 Ай бұрын
Wha? Really? That's like average session length. My longest is 18 hours, so much caffeine, we didn't sleep all night.
@OfGodsandGamemasters Ай бұрын
I stand by it.:)
@jordancook192 Ай бұрын
YES, this is what we need. Stern traditionalism to keep games for being fun. An explination like that made taverns in dnd for a GM seem stale, to "oh, now I know how to create an interesting introduction to a town for my players". Or... teach them how to go outside and find a job by talking to people. The real world USED to be like this. Now its literally a fantasy. Strange how times change.
@callumrichmond4535 Ай бұрын
But dnd isnt the real world
@copperboltwire320 Ай бұрын
TOTALLY agree. 9 year GM here, and if you like one more advice, Look up village/town histories - BEST place for ideas for quests. Look up myths and legends on the internet, and weave it into your game as part of the world. "Red Haraings" can possibly derail a game, sure, but if your clever, those can also spark new more interesting stories. For first time GMs, stick to premade stories to get some experience. But after, improvise stories from legends and myths. People will gobble it all up FAST and greedily.
@JackLovell-b1t Ай бұрын
@SeanPS 2 ай бұрын
Instead of using gunpowder you can use drops of alchemists fire.
@elricengquist9989 2 ай бұрын
Yup when you get the player invested in the story and events, than the character will fallow, but also use the alignment and personality or background of the character to inform how they might react or act given a storyline. The character has a farm than maybe the local lord or council owns the lease for it, and so can enforce the character into going on the adventure like how a king could draw soldiers and knights from his own lords during war. Maybe the character during the late fall thru winter months is a part time adventure using this time between harvest an planting season to earn some additional money (it was known in the past people did this getting additional jobs in the fall winter seasons to supplement their money supply).
@neudson9131 2 ай бұрын
this works well for CHARACTERS who don't want to go on an adventure, that is, the player does, but when it's the opposite, you warn the player that the ttrpg is about adventure, continue the story, and if the player continues to get in the way, make everything works for the character so he has no reason to go on an adventure, ask the player for the character sheet and say "this is now an NPC" roll another character, if needed repeat
@connordovah7933 2 ай бұрын
Great story. But this is why bosses need legendaries.
@gazz3867 2 ай бұрын
I cast YEET!
@GVerny 2 ай бұрын
Nice story. PS: the water whip doesn't work this way. Still could be any spell that *pushes* far enough.
@kanealkoraghooli1682 2 ай бұрын
you made me go and check. It works that way; it says you can pull the enemy 25ft towards you.
@GVerny 2 ай бұрын
​@@kanealkoraghooli1682 No, it doesn't. The ability says "pull it up to 25 feet closer to you". Thus it does not move the enemy any further. So the enemy stops in the position where whip user is between him and the edge. Even if it was worded "25ft towards you" - and it wasn't quite for that reason - it wouldn't change the above, since "allow it fly by me and further" isn't "towards". And that is quite aligned to all non-Newtonian physics in DnD, BTW. It would also work if there was an abyss between them, e.g. they were on two nearby hovering ships or islands.
@masterdeathdragon3592 2 ай бұрын
That's an amazing story. And definitely a keeper! I hope you have the whole interview. And more like it.
@SoundsLikeAdventure 2 ай бұрын
We do! The full interview is available on 'The Table Business' podcast. You can find it in your podcast app or right here on KZbin. bit.ly/45VZ5qO
@alisilcox6036 2 ай бұрын
Arquebuses are balanced as hell, too. Enormous, slow to fire, innacurate, you might die..
@arlensandinobarrameda8108 2 ай бұрын
Depends on the type of guns used. Totally fine with muskets and pistols. But no to semi-automatics :)
@badjokesaregoodithink9231 2 ай бұрын
What about a fully automatic pistol?
@TabletopBookshelf 2 ай бұрын
Thank you again for letting me share my thoughts and story
@SoundsLikeAdventure 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for coming on!
@irongrid4682 2 ай бұрын
I got rid of magic for a more realistic dnd had a ton of fun
@titanayrum 2 ай бұрын
guns are a big part of the second half of the Medievel Ages.
@Squidbush8563 2 ай бұрын
I reinvented gunpowder, made it 10 times more reactive and explosive (due to a magical ingredient) for my world. Handguns and rifles exist, but gunpowder is SUPER expensive so they're rare. When worldbuilding, you can do what you want.
@SoundsLikeAdventure 2 ай бұрын
This sounds super fun!
@prebenkul 2 ай бұрын
There is pirates in dnd according to saltmarsh and that campaign is official. And those pirates have guns. So you can have flintlocks and blunderbuses.
@axelgalloway4294 2 ай бұрын
You can't even reason with a weeb that katanas were created around y1400. I understand if you want to adhere to a theme or aesthetic, but unless it creates major plot holes or worldbuilding problems player creativity should have the priority
@Arthemax 2 ай бұрын
While the specific katana type sword is newer, similar-looking swords (like the longer tachi) had been in widespread use for hundreds of years already. And unlike the debate about guns, the katana wasn't a result of technological progress, it was just a matter of what form factor of sword was popular over time. Nothing's really stopping a character in a 10th century setting from asking his swordsmith to make his tachi a bit shorter and less curved. Voila, a very reasonable introduction of katanas 500 years 'too early'. Having the same characacter bring together both smiths and alchemists to make a handful of scientific discoveries to facilitate very basic guns in the same setting would feel much more forced.
@OfGodsandGamemasters 2 ай бұрын
@@Arthemax Gunpowder weapons in China date to the tenth century.
@Arthemax 2 ай бұрын
@@OfGodsandGamemasters Yeah, but the scientific development from "gunpowder weapon" (fire arrows) to actual guns is considerable.
@OfGodsandGamemasters 2 ай бұрын
@@Arthemax And they had handgonne equivalents by the late 13th century, with man portable bombards in the 12th century.
@OfGodsandGamemasters 2 ай бұрын
And the tenth century was fire lances, not fire arrows.
@JohnWestHam 2 ай бұрын
My first dnd character ever was a dwarf barbarian obsessed with tnt and explosives, my dm managed to work it into the story and it was the most fun i ever had in dnd lol
@alstoyle 2 ай бұрын
I have gunpowder be more valuable than almost anything in the game. Canons and shit exist, but only really successful pirates, and like only one poor lord on the outskirts of the kingdom, have one becuse they're never attacked anyways and don't produce enough yearly capital to afford a court wizard.
@SoundsLikeAdventure 2 ай бұрын
Great idea!
@yumby2024 2 ай бұрын
PERFECT viewpoint from the speaker here, if you don’t want guns in DnD it’s not for any reason other than YOU don’t want them. Just be honest with your players and they’ll respect your wishes But in a game where you can make up literally everything… c’mon, you ain’t fooling anyone with any bs excuse. If you’re a player, try and have a lil fun with it, if you’re a dm go ahead and add body armour to enemies… there isn’t an excuse, just have fun, that’s what DnD is about
@SoundsLikeAdventure 2 ай бұрын
Agreed! Have fun with it, like Jack says "what time period?"
@internetuser969 2 ай бұрын
Which gun was he referring to that predated full plate armour? Or did he just mean the cannon?
@Squidbush8563 2 ай бұрын
@@SoundsLikeAdventure lol exactly. The current year in my world is 2427. it has ZERO correlation with the real world. Do what you want.
@OfGodsandGamemasters 2 ай бұрын
@@internetuser969 Handgonnes. Full plate is 15th century. Rapiers are 16th century. Handgonnes, mid to late 14th. Cannons even earlier. Smaller pistols around 1419. Note that I specify full plate, not plate and mail.
@user-vn3gz6nw3l 2 ай бұрын
Baby girl, I wouldn't think I would need to say this since you're obviously much more up with the current vibes than my old a** But little word of advice don't ever talk about your partner. Or even hint at having a partner as an cute or attractive. Female on the internet. You will lose at least half of your audience. Bye bye
@robertellis6853 3 ай бұрын
He did have a chance at survival, true. But that chance wasnt tied to any choices the player made, beyond attacking the bbeg. Now, I dont think the DM was terrible, and maybe his hands were tied a little because it was league play, but it certainly is a terrible situation that I would have done something to alleviate. If they roll behind the screen, then I would have just turned it into a regular hit. I might have ruled that they did a non lethal attack flavored as a sign of contempt for the party, like a bash with the hilt/pommel/flat into the stomach, leaving them writhing on the ground, even maybe out of the battle, but not dead. I may have fudged the flat damage that gets added on to the damage dice to leave him at 1. Any number of things to say "you need to learn not to attack to far above your level, you can very easily die, but Im leaving you alive to learn the lesson"