2 Guys 1 Halo: Halo 2 | Episode 4
16 сағат бұрын
Why Modern Gaming "Sucks"
2 Guys 1 Way Out | Episode 3
Move Up The Beach, Noble
3 ай бұрын
2 Guys 1 Way Out | Episode 2
Walter White Plays Halo
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Will This Update Save Halo?
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343's Halo: Null & Void
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How Noble Team Retakes Sword Base
Will Forge Save Halo Infinite?
2 Guys 1 Way Out | Episode 1
Make Halo Great Again
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2 Guys 1 Halo: Halo 2 | Episode 2
Halo Infinite's Needler is DEADLY
2 Guys 1 Halo: Halo 2 | Episode 1
Butlr Is A Simp For Overkills
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@rgregory3598 12 сағат бұрын
PEAK FRANCHISE Cod: Mw2 Classic BF: BF2 Halo: Halo 3 Just had to correct that bullshit you said Signed: Millennial Boomer
@YolkiiGaming 11 сағат бұрын
You're not wrong. I personally can't decide between Halo 3 or Reach as my favorite, but BF4 and Black Ops 1 are KING
@jorgealonso9792 Күн бұрын
Modern gaming doesn't suck your just farming the negativity for clicks sad really because at less than 1k subs your not even doing that right!
@YolkiiGaming Күн бұрын
1. It's spelled: "you're" not "your". 2. 4:09 Did you miss the part where I said I'm approaching the topic with a glass half-full mindset? I never said gaming outright sucks. 3. 6:13 This entire section of the video is pointing out the good things in gaming. 4. 8:31 "Even with all the problems the gaming industry has, I still think we're in a net positive position". 5. I'm not farming for clicks, but if I was I would be succeeding anyways since you clicked on the video and watched it AND took the time to comment which provides more engagement for my channel. So, actually thank you!
@jorgealonso9792 Күн бұрын
@@YolkiiGaming I've been playing on console and pc for years since the nes era it just gets better your thumbnail says otherwise I actually don't watch videos with modern gaming sucks bs in them gl with the clicks I guess
@elecspark 2 күн бұрын
There's always a place for some Halo, I'd love more videos of this mode from you guys! (2 Guys 1 Halo is also goated)
@Drew_Thomas626 3 күн бұрын
@YolkiiGaming 4 күн бұрын
I hope you all like this game I've shared with you and I hope you'll join us for a game night in the future!
@Drew_Thomas626 5 күн бұрын
Glad to see this series come back. It's been too long...
@zahkrosis666 7 күн бұрын
The struggles of Iron Skull & the damn Elevator. Btw 6:12 I spat my fcking tea!
@8bitkid835 16 күн бұрын
I think halo peeked at halo 3 because back in the day a lot of people did not like halo reach.
@cha11eng3r7 20 күн бұрын
Ok, so if so many people want games like the good ole days, why does nobody do it? With how many people that want a modern version of Black ops 2 or modern warfare 2 in terms of quality and the things actually in the game, you would think that there would be at least 30 million people itching to buy it day one. It just seems so easy for a studio to make something like Black ops 2 but make it even better and unique in its own ways and make hundreds of millions of dollars. We must either be a loud minority or something that keeps companies from going this route.
@YolkiiGaming 20 күн бұрын
Sadly, many companies know they can still make outrageous profit by putting in minimal effort. They figured out how to skate by and still win.
@thiccElite 21 күн бұрын
That things crushing us and we're waiting for backup? They will be backing up a graveyard!
@YolkiiGaming 21 күн бұрын
48 hours? That's imminent!?
@Beni_Hana 23 күн бұрын
Good point about idiots in the world. As a former idiot, I first had to realise that I was an idiot so I could stop being one. Unfortunately idiots aren’t very self aware, it was easy for me because I don’t have an ego. To put that in the context of gaming, idiots will keep defending AAA developers with these horrible business practices. So I don’t see much changing to be honest.
@kiwirabbit8874 23 күн бұрын
Halo infinite looks fast paced compared to halo 3. And halo infinite is kind of slow compared to apex and call of duty.
@YolkiiGaming 20 күн бұрын
Halo has also been pretty slow paced. Halo Infinite looks decievingly quicker than other games, however I find it to be about the same as 3. Apex is really fast.
@Ryan61121 23 күн бұрын
Nearly 1k subs! I thought you woulda had more. Great video. You should invest in a higher quality mic eventually to up the quality just that little bit more 😊
@YolkiiGaming 22 күн бұрын
Thank you! I have a Blue Yeti but I need to play with the mixing a bit to make it sound better. Thanks for the kind words!
@SERXO111 24 күн бұрын
I hate greed. I get shivers just thinking of how much hatred i got. Ps2 era>>> and xbox 360 mann.. WE BALLING THROUGH THE PAIN WITH THE GREED IN GAMING.
@alienfac32 25 күн бұрын
my opinion. singleplayer have to be able to be played offline no problem. Having to matchmake ruined it alot for me. joining a server makes for joining people that play on the same server often. also means easy for modded servers. private servers means a longer lifetime of the game as they cant just pull the plug on the servers. i still play cod2 (phoenix) as they have a server. and play with people i often play with. have none of them friended.
@kiillabytez 26 күн бұрын
The most common statement about modern games I've been seeing is: "This game looks awesome!" Looks aren't everything.
@lcoyle1998 26 күн бұрын
Ngl part of the reason modern gaming 'sucks' is because it makes phenomenal amounts of money. Stop paying for games with business practices you disagree with. If you've already paid for something, your complaints no longer matter. You don't have to only buy games from the same scumbag series over and over again...
@RacerC45 27 күн бұрын
No, modern gaming does not suck. You are just being cynical.
@waterhose8467 27 күн бұрын
I don't think it should be " is gaming dying" it should really be is the AAA gaming industry dying?" Those examples you list Halo battlefield and call of duty are huge billion dollar corporations that has been struggling creatively for the past few years. In games like Red Dead redemption 2 are great but it's a shame that Red Dead redemption 2 came out back in 2017 and we never had that quality of open world games since ghost's tsushima which is from sucker Punch studios compared to open world games like Ubisoft it just feel bland and boring.
@rjdiggs738 27 күн бұрын
Why do you sound like KZbinr Mutahar? Lmao
@YolkiiGaming 27 күн бұрын
I am him. In disguise 🥸
@BeansLive567 27 күн бұрын
im thankful indie games exist and are continued being made day by day
@Cappuccino_Rabbit 27 күн бұрын
Everyone says how this is a bad time to be a gamer, and they're right, but they never say how this is a HORRIBLE time to be a developer or even a small studio CEO. Just look at what Microsoft did to some of their owned studios, we were supposed to have another Dishonored and Hi-fi Rush sequel (both heavily acclaimed games) but Microsoft don't like good things apparently. Companies today don't make games for gamers, they make games for executives/investors. This is why indie and AA are in their golden era, and that era will go on for a long time.
@Elitesolider1023 28 күн бұрын
The only way to save modern gaming is get rid of these scumbags ruining it just to make a quick buck and do things on how they did back then letting developers do what they want as long as it's a good idea that will make a good game with a good story just have affordable microtransactions that are purely optional and non-predatory and finish your game before launch because people shouldn't have to wait only to have to wait more to get content that should have already been on day one not to mention another way to give these idiots a reality check is compared their sales of games back then from previous generations to now since I'm pretty sure they made a lot more money than today's games to show them how stupid they have become and how greedy and keep political garbage out of games since the whole sjw agenda is also destroying movies if they would just stop being greedy and political and more patient and stop with the whole crappie live service which shouldn't be crappy but literally just be as perfect and excellent as hell divers since that is life service done right as every other live service game over the years should have been like the list goes on and on on why modern gaming sucks and is dead and how to bring it back to life and save it and that's all I got to say for this comment section to read and understand it's not too late to save modern gaming and make it just like how gaming was supposed to be because it sucks that we got all this next gen Tech that can make games just as good as trailers and such but yet they barely put in the effort because of corruption and greed only way to save it is also the separate the chaff from the wheat and bring back the positives of old gaming alongside the new ones I'm sure publishers and devs would make a lot more money than they ever did before it's not rocket science just have games that are worth playing again live service or not.
@Snufflegrunt 28 күн бұрын
Every franchise have their time in the sun. You're focusing on series that are more than a couple of decades old. Even when old IPs return after a long hiatus, they usually go through a massive genre change/shakeup (Fallout, Doom). You hit the point on the head, but I feel like your examples are lacking.
@RBFR01 28 күн бұрын
Modern gaming is dog shit change my mind.
@noodlez7101 29 күн бұрын
4:35 hopefully this will come to an end as the StopKillingGames movement is trying to make the practice of revoking purchased licenses illegal. Apparently this practice is only legal in the US and is a grey area everywhere else.
@yourpststudios Ай бұрын
Black Ops 2 was honestly the last COD game I was excited about and also the last game where I really felt like I was shooting, running, and doing something. I don't understand COD now. Even the menus alone are just too much now.
@johngaracinii8827 Ай бұрын
Dude I waited 5 weeks to get Helldivers 2. Guess what? You have to have a PSN account to even RUN the game on PlayStation. I only wanted to play with myself. Like, the game will not EVEN RUN. WHY???? WHY????
@Gator159 Ай бұрын
Seeing online gaming was so weird months after I canceled my Xbox Gold subscription.
@mrsaturn1792 Ай бұрын
No ai voice yay
@how2pick4name Ай бұрын
You can't complain about crap games if you keep on pre ordering said crap, again and again and again. I remember shareware, try before you buy. Now it's buy before you try. It all started with DLC, you all swallowed it because you WANTED IT NAOW!!! You made your bed, now lie in it.
@crestofhonor2349 Ай бұрын
Modern AAA games are both progressing and regressing. Honestly it depends on the studio. Capcom is significantly better today than they were 15 years ago. They've had one or two faults recently but most of their games are great. Squeenix is also doing better as well despite their recent dumb decisions. They have some great games they've released recently. Nintendo is Nintendo so I don't feel like they're much different. EA is one big mixed bag. Sometimes they put out great games like Titanfall 2, Fallen Order, and Jedi Survivor, other times they make the Fifa games. Ubisoft is in a similar boat but overall they're overall worse than they were 15 years ago. Sony in some ways is better and worse, they lack the variety they had in games 15 years ago but today most of their games are built to an extremely high standard with them often times having the best looking games of the year. Konami is well Konami, they have been in a downward spiral for a while especially with what they did to Kojima. Xbox is in an odd spot where they have some nice smaller games but these past few years have had some of their studios screwing up. I personally hate this overly negative view of modern gaming. Things weren't as great as people make them seem back then. We forget about the broken and poor performance of games back then either because of the improvement in PC hardware brute forcing past the issues or people not playing older consoles. There is so much variety in the number of games sold today that boiling down gaming to just the broken AAA games is disingenuous. Back then we didn't just define the older consoles by what just the big studios were doing, we also considered all the smaller titles releasing as well.
@notmirelnam248 Ай бұрын
There was a shift from when the studios saw gamers as their customers to when the studios saw investors as their customers and gamers were relegated to the title of "consumer." Watch when their language changed. When they switched "customers" with "consumers" is right around the time when things started falling apart.
@binky24 Ай бұрын
Halo reach custom games inspired Fortnite’s I stand on that
it's 2024 and THEY STILL WONT let us play the og halo1/2 on the xbox series x LOLOLOL (and those are the flag ship games that made xbox big in the first place). How is that i can play old azz starwars games (even dark forces) on the xbox series x....YET WE CANT PLAY OG HALO 1/2 on the xbox series x. These shutdowns are done on purpose. They force us to play garbage MCC and other garbage games. They're forcing us to play this modern garbage because all the good games where back on the OG/360 consoles sane days. These garbage modern games suck and we all know this. How is it that i can boot up halo3/reach from years ago and watch theater clips from years ago....yet when i get on horrible mcc....you cant even watch the last 24 hours of theater clips LOL......we need to fire phil spencer! He's the sith lord yall was looking for. He's the xbox destroyer LITERALLY!
@CrazyKraut20 Ай бұрын
It used to be that devs where gamers themselves and also the decision makers within the gaming industry. Nowadays decision makers are corpo suits. I also used to carry a 256 mb MP3 Player at my belt, which was the style at the time. Hey Nurse! peeeelllz Here! (grabbin peelz)
@ChadSpittingTruth. Ай бұрын
Tbh some Indie game are sucks thou But not worst than "AAA" and "AAAA" game nowadays
@munerodriguez5445 Ай бұрын
Like why do you need internet to download campaign to basically playing offline?🤔🤔🤔🤷‍♂️
@YolkiiGaming Ай бұрын
"You will own nothing and be happy"
@shiningdragon8737 Ай бұрын
You're still getting a least version 1.0 when you buy physical. For the most part I've stopped playing live service games, and buy all single player games physical.
@alface935 Ай бұрын
For the Crossplay point of being "Unfair" because Key Board and Mouse always rules supreme above all I think is wrong because different games require different controllers - Key Board and Mouse works best in Shooters but are terrible in 3D Platformers - Controllers works best in 2D and 3D Platformers but are terrible in Shooters - Guitars works best in Rhythm games but are terrible in Shooters - Motion Controls works best in Motion Control and Virtual Reality games but are terrible in Shooters etc etc etc Different controls are great in different games so no Key Board and Mouse don't rule supreme above all Yes most games that have Crossplay are Shooters but to say that all games with Crossplay are Shooters is False
@Alamo-316-editz-whatever Ай бұрын
And then ppl wonder why i dont game as much, i think many video games suck now, big games suck and indie games are better usually. Even though it shouldnt it should be both are good but indie games should suck compared. Like battle passes they suck, and then buying skins, and buying money for the game? It sucks i hate it. I mean its so money oriented instead of fun oriented, I only play a hand full of games most indie or small compared to others, or you dont have to spend money in. I don't mean to be negative this is just what i think. I do enjoy gaming though, i think we're in a much better position then say 20 years ago as it was considered nerdy then and had less access less games and less creativity in games Edit: Also you make some great points man, i honestly agree with you dude
@cosmicsvids Ай бұрын
I just pretty much mostly just emulate nowadays and play the games i missed out on or that where before my time.
@Alamo-316-editz-whatever Ай бұрын
@@cosmicsvids same here dude either that or RPGs for me with microtransactions you don't have to do which I don't I don't see the point in them to get further in the game why not just play the game
@user-bn5do2ev3i Ай бұрын
i would say we have way too many bland games being sold as "masterpieces". People see everyone praising it,talking about sales,talking about metacrit scores,then you go for it expecting said masterpiece and is not but a mix of a bunch of thing you have seen done better before with no soul at all Spiderman 2 comes to mind. No surprise when everyone wants to show you how good the game is they link the same CUTSCENE instead of actual gameplay
@Ivotas Ай бұрын
One of the most accurate statements that I've heard on the state of modern gaming was said by Allanah Pierce a few weeks ago when she said: "You are not the customer. You are a consumer of the product but you are not the customer. The shareholders are the customers." She wasn't trying to disrespect gamers. Far from it, she is very disappointed that this is the reality. And while I kinda overall knew this to be the truth before, hearing it with this choice of words just made it click a lot more to me. I agree with what you say that not all gaming is doom and gloom nowadays. But for those areas where it does go downhill in terms of quality of the product, I think this right there is the number one reason. The big publishers just don't see us as customers anymore. We are only there to consume the product (meaning to pay for the full price and/or microtransactions etc.) so that their actual customers are happy. Yes, we are just as essential in the equation as the actual developers are but just as with the developers the publishers don't give a damn on how we actually feel. They don't aim to please us. We are just a tool to them to make their shareholders happy.
@saintxrage2311 Ай бұрын
I agree with most of what you said and wish I could agree with all. The part about consumers deserve better and there are the same amount of idiots now compared to the past, just now the Internet makes them louder. I used to blame the publishers for their infestation of greedy mobile micro transactions in our console games, but the consumers have proven that they'll take up the rear by constantly filling these CEOs bank accounts. The Star Wars Battlefront community opened my eyes how quick these so called fans give up. The CoD community cry and complain every year, but still nothing changes because they throw their credit cards at them willing which is why CoD's the top selling multiplayer game every year. The Star Wars Battlefront community doesn't have a game they can fall back on every year when one sucks. They've been starving for a good Star Wars multiplayer game for a decade. So when EA thought it was a good idea to milk their fan base by throttling the grind to unlock heroes, that starving community put their foot down and started refunding in massive amounts which got Disney involved to make changes to the game. Now that's what will power looks like. As for as the Internet being a mega phone for idiots I've said the same as you, but when I met younger people in real life they're lazier, more rude, and less grateful then when I was younger. I believe social media has conditioned them to feeling entitled and self absorbed. Sorry for the long winded rant. Also I liked and just subscribed to you, and hope you succeed in the future.
@YolkiiGaming Ай бұрын
I appreciate your input, no need to apologize for going long. Thank you for the kind words and I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thank you for your subscription!
@saintxrage2311 Ай бұрын
@@YolkiiGaming You're welcome good sir.
@ALAYZA1000 Ай бұрын
Nice video triple OG
@amwazdraws6890 Ай бұрын
lmao, putting Palworld as a quality game in the list with good graphics and a good "story". The graphics are just a mix of Zelda BOTW and Elden Ring with Pokémon-esque creature design slapped on top of it. I just don't think the game really deserves to have a spot next to the other games you mentioned, as even the devs admitted of just making games out of popular trends and it's so clear in Palworld and their other projects.