@moroteseoinage 2 ай бұрын
Pedestrians and cyclists are not just dangerous to themselves, but others. In my city a truck driver killed a cyclist and it completely ruined his life. A man doing his job has blood on his hands because some idiot was playing in traffic and tried to pass a turning truck. Cyclists don’t belong on streets. And public funds should not be used to diminish public infrastructure for a hobby. What next, special tow ropes for bicycles in hill? The idiocy has no end. Buy a car. Take an Uber. Stop externalizing the risks of your death wish on the public. Cyclists are a moral hazard and a traffic hazard.
@urbandenizenmobility 2 ай бұрын
You are completely right! A lot of pedestrians have been killed by cars as well, so I guess they don’t belong on the streets too. That’s the perfect world, no bicycles, no pedestrians, just cars, trucks and motorcycles moving about. A perfect image of Paradise.
@hairypotter259 2 ай бұрын
@svr5423 3 ай бұрын
One more car going at the flow of traffic isn't an issue. But a single cyclist can severely disturb the flow of traffic, adding not only delays but increasing fuel consumption. The road is there for everyone and road planners must make the lanes big enough to get past each other. But so are the rules of the road and cyclist must be trained better and held accountable. Mandatory training and license plates would go a long way improving safety, including for cyclists.
@Hurdlecurdle3321 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you should examine your statement more. 😅
@GaigeGrosskreutzGunClub 2 ай бұрын
wow, if a cyclist can disturb car traffic that much, I wonder what other cars can do
@PP-cm4re 2 ай бұрын
This is where the hatred for cyclists stems from. You think one more car on the road isn’t an issue because they are able to maintain a certain speed. Where a cyclist holds up traffic for a few seconds because they can’t travel as fast as cars. Would really rather have all cyclists in cars? The more cyclists we have, the more road space there is which means less congestion.
@svr5423 2 ай бұрын
@@PP-cm4re Compare the amount of personkilometers travelled, cyclists don't have much of a share compared to airplanes, trains and cars. And most of those are only for recreational purposes - so when you ride your cycle around the lake for fun, you wouldn't take the car instead. If you truly want to reduce congestion, you built more roads, limit immigration and improve public transport. Also good to separate bicycle traffic from the rest of traffic (but this is very unpopular among the bicycle and "green" community).
@catairlines-peciarda Ай бұрын
What if it was more than one car?
@Alvey_en_Ecuador 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I live in Ecuador where I ride my bike for transport. The noise of the traffic in this country is SO loud, in particular, busses, trucks, motorbikes (Fireworks, alarms, and barking dogs also add to the insanity). For me the noise of the airbrakes or the roar of diesel engines on the many passing trucks and busses when I ride is literally painful as they are passing me so close I could touch them. I am confident my hearing is being damaged by this, as is the hearing of the many children and other people who walk along these same streets. It's a real problem that for some reason most people simply ignore. Thanks for bringing attention to it.
@gregstretton8584 3 ай бұрын
Cyclists should be made to pay insurance, pay road tax, and use compulsory safety gear, they should all be licenced and have tags/number plates on their bikes. And lastly, they should be made accountable for abiding by the law of the road. They are basically a motorcycle, so the same rules should apply.
@urbandenizenmobility 3 ай бұрын
You should travel to The Netherlands or Japan, it would definitely be a wonderful experience for you and your family. 🙂
@vin424242 3 ай бұрын
I ride push bikes and im insured, i dont pay road tax as you call it just like all the EV drivers and the ICE cars in the past which were exempt, my wifes ICE car is exempt, pushing your narrative against only cyclist!!!!!!!!, do you go up to EV drivers and ICE car drivers and spout off to them they should pay it, i guess not, its not the fault of cyclist, Ev and ICE drivers fault they don't pay it it's the government, so instead of making some ill conceived comment you might use one of your 2 brain cells to think logically
@MichaelSheaAudio 3 ай бұрын
That's ridiculous and you know it (or perhaps don't which is okay). Everyone pays tax that goes towards roads already. If you knew just how much damage cars do, then you'd realize that drivers are the ones who aren't paying nearly enough. Cyclists shouldn't pay insurance because there's nothing to really insure. A cyclist can't really do any damage. Cyclists shouldn't have to wear safety gear because cycling isn't actually that dangerous. It's the 4,000+ pound cars that are dangerous to cyclists, which is why they should be separated from car traffic as much as possible. They are incompatible. I don't know what good a license plate would do for a bicycle. Bicycles are not basically a motorcycle, that's ridiculous. There is no motor and anyone of any age can ride one. I do think that some cyclists should be more aware of their surroundings and more courteous, same goes for drivers. It is not safe to weave between traffic or make unpredictable movements. Most people are terrible drivers and shouldn't be trusted to do anything properly, so don't assume they can see you or know what you're going to do without being obvious. However, bikes are lighter, slower, and have fewer blind spots, so cyclists should be more aware and have more time to react than a person in a car. This is why they don't need to stop at stop signs/lights and can break motor vehicle rules. Things like stop lights only exist because of cars, people on bicycles are fairly safe without any traffic signals. See the Netherlands for examples of all of this.
@ambiarock590 3 ай бұрын
1) Cyclists already pay their share when it comes to funding roads, that's called the tax system. In fact cyclists actually subsidize drivers. Drivers don't actually pay for all the infrastructure that they need. Very little of car expenses actually go into the roads. General taxes are what fund roads not gas taxes. NotJustBikes has a quote where he says "You want cyclists to pay their fair share? Okay, start calculating their refund checks." Cyclists save cities lots of money by not wearing down the roads, reducing congestion, improving air quality and noise levels; and these tax savings mean lower taxes for everyone, including you. 2) There is a reason that bicycle licensing isn't a thing, it makes no sense to implement it. Cities have tried this in the past, it went away for a reason. The cost of building and maintaining a database of bicycles just would not be financially worth doing for the almost nonexistent amount of danger that cyclists pose on others. Our pockets are finite, we cannot just slap bureaucracy onto everything and call it a day. Paperwork and databases cost money to maintain and people on bicycles pose virtually no threat to other people so it makes zero sense to license and register bicycles. 3) Cyclists shouldn't have to follow the roads as strictly as motorists do because again, cyclist pose almost no threat to anyone else but themselves, so a cyclist running a red light is only likely to get themselves hurt not anyone else. The amount of energy a 200 lbs person on a 20 lbs bicycle travelling 15 mph possesses is significantly less than someone in a 4,000 lbs motor vehicle travelling 35 mph. Also bicycles are hard to get moving from a stop, so allowing cyclists to keep rolling when it is safe to proceed saves time for drivers too. Also one bicycle on the road is one less car on the road and people just LOVE to complain about traffic. You are not stuck in traffic, you ARE traffic. Allowing cyclists to roll through stop signs when it is safe to do so not only saves time for drivers but it is actually safer for the person on a bike too as they can spend less time in an intersection. 4) Bicycles are absolutely NOT motorcycles, nowhere close actually. Ebikes, maybe; but manual bicycles are more fast pedestrian than motorcycle. As long as a cyclist is riding responsibly then who cares if they break a few written rules, so long as they're not being a nuisance to others, in fact someone using a bicycle for transportation is saving you as a driver time cuz they removed one car's worth of traffic from the roads. Same goes for ebike riders. With power comes responsibility. As long as someone on an ebike is riding responsibly then who cares if they break a few small rules? These micro-mobility devices are doing a good job reducing traffic which is something that drivers love to complain about. Someone on a bicycle poses virtually no threat to anyone.
@svr5423 3 ай бұрын
@@MichaelSheaAudio Most taxes come from the sale of mineral oil products or electricity. Therefore cyclists contribute very little to the infrastructure. Cyclists use food as fuel, so maybe the taxes have to be raised to 100% of something to compensate :). Or just have a mandatory license plate that has to be paid for.
@derekjolly3680 3 ай бұрын
The footage reminds me of the total stupidity of China virus masking outside, or on bikes. Or basically anywhere, anytime.
@marcvanderwee 3 ай бұрын
Well, just watch videos about the Dutch cycle infrastructure and/or visit the Netherlands to look how it works here...
@Horus-Lupercal 4 ай бұрын
Is that an A.I thumbnail?
@urbandenizenmobility 4 ай бұрын
Yes it is 🙂
@Tony.in.motion 4 ай бұрын
Thank you cyclist and pedestrians
@pantsgaming759 4 ай бұрын
many times ive been in big traffic jam then get to the front and realise its some loser bike rider causing the entire problem.
@urbandenizenmobility 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I bet it was definitely the cyclist that caused the traffic jam and not the volume of the cars. 🙂
@pantsgaming759 4 ай бұрын
@@urbandenizenmobility The traffic jam was only behind the bike after the bike completely clear on the same road. So yes it was all because of 1 bike.
@urbandenizenmobility 4 ай бұрын
Of course it is. 😉
@Karonar 4 ай бұрын
@@pantsgaming759 imagine giving the biker the fault for the bad infrastructure 🤣
@pantsgaming759 4 ай бұрын
@@Karonar well fuel tax pays for road maintenance so maybe if bikes paid for there own paths then they wouldnt have everyone hating them for valid reasons
@mudelta4068 5 ай бұрын
Without a doubt the day will come when people's eyes open and see cars for the great destroyer they are and have always been.
@killerkraut9179 5 ай бұрын
The Anti Car Peaple are usually Opressors!
@killerkraut9179 5 ай бұрын
There are many places so unsafe there is the car the only half safe Option!
@killerkraut9179 5 ай бұрын
The Clima stuff isnt that clear!
@MrMinecraftLestFail 5 ай бұрын
@killerkraut9179 5 ай бұрын
@@MrMinecraftLestFail I say just Michael e Mann Hockey stick fraud!
@victorbarberis2603 5 ай бұрын
Bro, get a car!
@urbandenizenmobility 5 ай бұрын
Actually, I do have one. You should get a bike, it’s not that bad. 🙂
@kylepasta 5 ай бұрын
Kids die swimming all the time, so ban swimming too .
@asdnfakjfsdlasdjfksalf 5 ай бұрын
The H-Bomb has never killed anyone, thus, everyone should be able to have it.
@urbandenizenmobility 5 ай бұрын
Who said anything about banning anything?
@dannymullins4356 11 күн бұрын
Compare the deaths from swimming vs cars.
@ToTheSky17 5 ай бұрын
I support alternative modes of transport in the Philippines. However, creating a bicycle infrastructure using the Netherland's model isn't a great idea. Being a tropical country, our main problem is the intense daytime heat. One possible solution is by having more tree lined roads to provide shade to our cyclists. The Dutches can't relate to a 40+C heat index 😅
@urbandenizenmobility 5 ай бұрын
A perfectly reasonable point. However, it is worth noting that the transport sector accounts for 13% of the Philippines' greenhouse gas emissions and is the most significant source of urban pollution. Motor vehicles emit total heat, which is trapped in metropolitan areas without ventilation, decreasing the thermal comfort of the environment. Cities may minimize heat emissions from human activity by lowering vehicular traffic or by switching to alternative modes such as EV's or active transport.
@gregmilne281 5 ай бұрын
Not sure you can look at Singapore's ERP as the best example of this without taking into account the COE system that makes car ownership extremely expensive and discourages ownership and forcibly keeps the number of cars in the city down.
@urbandenizenmobility 5 ай бұрын
Definitely! Thank you for pointing that out.
@linuxman7777 7 ай бұрын
If it is over a highway or train tracks, foot bridges or pedestrian overpasses are a good idea. When paths of dangerous vehicles are encountered, and when people need to pass it is definitely safer than a railroad crossing or a crosswalk. In a downtown context, the pedestrian overpasses are unneccesary, but when going from city to city or town to town on foot they are a godsend, as they let you avoid trains and highways, and the accessibility isn't an issue as if you are healthy and able enough to walk from town to town, the stairs really aren't a problem.
@zeighy 7 ай бұрын
Anywhere that you see a footbridge (or pedestrian tunnels like in LA), you know they cared more about making it convenient for cars than for people. They'd rather spend money building a footbridge rather than creating a minor inconvenience for the car drivers or creating better alternative means for travel.
@bradleydawson9043 11 ай бұрын
As a cyclist, my motto is: "Never trust a motorist."
@jrnamida5470 Жыл бұрын
I agree a electrical or non electrical bicycle could get many of us to work much faster than any other form of transportation. But looking at my supervisor the thought of them riding a bicycle to work has me in stitches. Massively overweight and they break a chair once or twice a year, but cycling 2 or 3 days a week certainly might change their physical condition. There are climates across the US that would be good for year round cycling to and from work, there are other climates that would limit the ride the bicycle to work for several months - Severe winter storms, hot climates/humidity in some the East coast, and Southwestern Deserts. Also their might be certain jobs that exclude employees from participating in a healthy ride to work. A gym membership very close to your work site could eliminate the sweating or its to cold concerns, Having your work clothes professionally cleaned and delivered to gym, by employer could be a nice employment perk. The only downside I can see is no gym near your work place, or no access to safe cycling infrastructure. Not every employee could/would participate every day, but every employer can subsidize this transportation change with additional payroll for an employee bicycle purchase reimbursement, and salary up to cover bike insurance, gym membership and much lower cost health and long term health insurance. This could increase the likelihood of residence movement closer to work, or into housing where safe bike routes have been developed and are maintained by local government/councils...
@ayoubketfi8109 Жыл бұрын
And the sweatiest .
@mylan3707 Жыл бұрын
sweat is weakness leaving your body. building a strong rider 💪 haha
@ayoubketfi8109 Жыл бұрын
@@mylan3707 not when you commuting to work
@urbandenizenmobility Жыл бұрын
Excellent point! Sweating can help to cleanse the body of alcohol, cholesterol, and salt. Toxins are released from the body via sweat. Toxins that can clog pores and cause acne and blemishes on the skin are expelled from the body through sweat.
@tautology4706 Жыл бұрын
@@mylan3707 solution: pre-arrangements - have a place to washup at work and have a change of clothes. No sweat. Lol.
@mylan3707 Жыл бұрын
@@tautology4706 yessir. Walk in freezer definitley helps hahah
@tautology4706 Жыл бұрын
They really need to look in to other means of transportation and not just focus on car-centric infrastructures. There are places were they have placed bike lanes but still placed it as “shared lanes” which is still not safe for those who opt to use bicycles a means of transportation. Safer bike lanes and exclusive bike routes will definitely lessen the congestion we are having on our main roads.
@urbandenizenmobility Жыл бұрын