Ай бұрын
@lauraakua9231 17 сағат бұрын
@lauraakua9231 15 күн бұрын
What a timely word.It’s really worth leaning on God👏
@lauraakua9231 15 күн бұрын
@laurenpraiz6186 15 күн бұрын
Mm🙌🏻. God bless you MOG
@lauraakua9231 Ай бұрын
I was anticipating part 2 of Jesus our example 🥹.Let me get my note ready for insights 💃.
@lauraakua9231 Ай бұрын
I can’t wait to learn🥳🥳
@lauraakua9231 2 ай бұрын
Bishop Baah Theme:Exercising kingdom dominion on earth 7/07/24 Integrity is a missing word in the 21st century church Psalm 115:16 ”He will bless those who fear the Lord, Both small and great. The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men.“ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭115‬:‭13‬, ‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Jesus is the one who God sent on Mt.Zion. Mark 11:13-14,20-24 Fig tree typically produces 2 crops per year The first time it produces fruit is late spring (May) or early summer (by June) There are seasons for fig to bear Mark 11:12-14 Jesus had come like the last Adam The first Adam was put in the Garden of God called the Garden of Eden Genesis 2:9-This is where he church began . The church begins in the garden but the church will end in a city. There’ll be a city coming from Heaven with 12 foundation and 12 walls -Rev 12:21-22 Your beginning may be small but don’t worry about the garden because God is going to bring you to the desired city . Rev 22:1-2-This is the holy city coming from Jerusalem .There’ll be a tree of life there and it’ll bear 12 kinds of fruit A time that God will bring in the end time in the final church :where the tree of life produces 12 type of fruits every month.No season And the leaves does not just cure .The leaves are for the healing of the nations.The leaves bring perfection securing the redeemed of the Lord against any foul disease. Being the last Adam,Jesus went demanding fruit from a fig tree whose season was not due He wanted figs to eat and he’s walking as the last Adam on earth .He must put a demand on the system but the system has been corrupted by Adam! The system could not understand the language He wants fig now but the tree has been subjected not willingly but by him who subjected it that Adam had subjected it to the curse Creature is longing for deliverance and creature shall be delivered The future mount Zion that is coming from Heaven which is the literal one we expected …..* That creature will be delivered and those trees will produce fruits by demand of the redeemed of the Lord Through the fall of Adam,the system was under a curse and could not understand the command . He could not understand the command the last Adam was demanding to produce figs even though it was not in season He could not respond that Jesus had to speak the language he understands Because he subjected himself under a curse,he had to speak a curse to it “Curse you’ll be and no man will speak to you “ The fig tree understands Hebrew We need to know who we are and we need to have dominion on earth We need to put demand on the system As the redeemed of the Lord we speak and believe that we ask shall be granted Mat 17:24-25 Whether you have or not,God requires every male born in Israel to pay half a shekel to the temple Just like Adam,the last Adam will put a demand on the system “The heavens belongs to God but the earth he has given to the sons of men We must know who we are in Christ.We must know who God has made us and we can use the authority he has given us When we walk with God ,we must have faith and obedience .You can’t walk with God without faith Heb 11:6 Believe that God can hear when you call Luke 17:20 The kingdom of God does not come by counting days on a calendar Learn to put demand on the system Everything will be according to what you say Psalm 2:7 Name it!It’s yours
@lauraakua9231 2 ай бұрын
Deep insights.God bless you Bishop
@lauraakua9231 2 ай бұрын
God bless you Bishop.Always a blessing
@lauraakua9231 3 ай бұрын
Another Sunday🥳
@laurenpraiz6186 3 ай бұрын
God bless you
@lauraakua9231 3 ай бұрын
I’m not late😀.
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
📌As you pray ,be strategic 📌. 📌Delay is not denial .The delay is to reconnect you back to God.📌 📌Eat pray,drink prayer,sit in prayer…
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
Woow. It’s always a delight to hear you Daddy🥰🙏. God bless you WOG.
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
I love the intro❤️😌.A blessed woman of God🔥.
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
Life on Mt.Zion by Bishop Prince Baah 6/05/24 God promises to restore his people as he brings them to the Mt.Zion to prosperity from him and in him .Our prosperity is in him and from him. .You’ll not lack in Mt.Zion .Don’t cry because of the pain you’re going through because it’ll work for your good. .Your tears will be tears of joy. .God will abundantly compensate and recompense you. .Isaiah 33:24 .Sickness is as a result of sin-Isaiah 33:24. .Psalm 105:37 .Jerusalem is delivered and deliverance of the city becomes the cure of the citizens .Sometimes our public thanksgiving for God’s mercies drowns our little sickness and pain .Your sickness is drowned in the mercies for your nation .When there’s deliverance/joy ,your little sicknesses and disease go through the window .There’s something called north and south divide.It happened in Israel when Solomon died and his son became king and the people said .”how are you going to rule us”?..He said my little finger is thicker than my father’s waist .If my father beat you with a stick ,I’m going to beat you with scorpions… .One nation was on one side and Judah and another nation went to the other side..It’s called north and south divide. .Sometimes,this is common in our lives .It is called north and south divide .You have a good job ,you’re doing well and everything but your marriage is bad. .At times,everything is blossoming but you have a problem with by our health . .Sometimes,business is booming but your family is in shackles .It’s called north and south divide .This is what God is saying “you’re not gonna have victory and peace and pain in Zion .The inhabitants with their victory and peace shall also have good health and there shall be no complaining on the account of sickness within their gates .No one shall say “I am sick”. .Heb 8:12 .When you come to Zion,God will be unmerciful to your unrighteousness .Why?because if God should regard our iniquities,no one will stand .
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
The title alone😅❤️
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
Glory glory🔥🙏🏾
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
Your enemy is no stranger indeed
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
You are a blessing Daddy
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
The undiluted word of God🥺❤️
@laurenpraiz6186 4 ай бұрын
God bless you 🙏🏾❤️. What a message!
@jason_champion._ 4 ай бұрын
God bless you Daddy.
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
Judge,lawgiver and king Speaker:Bishop Prince Baah 28/04/24 Message points .Isaiah 33:22-24 .When we come to Zion where the Lord has sent his king,who’s the seed of David,Jesus who becomes the judge,our law giver and king,the people of the land shall not say I’m sick because he shall save us .Even the lame in Zion will have their share. .When there’s a spoil to be divided,the strong and the fast people will take their own. .But here God is saying that the spoils will be so much that when the strong has ran fast to take their own,the lame who comes leaping will also have their share. Isaiah 33:24 .When you come to Zion,it’s a place for possessing your possessions and even the lame will get his share .In a kingdom,subjects are completely underneath a king .The constitution of the kingdom is given by the king. .The words of the king is final and a decree. .Kings don’t beg.They make a decree. Myles Monroe is one of the speakers who really spoke about kingdom .He said ”the kingdom is a governing influence of a king over his territory impacting it with his will,his purpose and his intent producing a citizen of people who express culture and reflect his nature “. .A kingdom is not democracy .Monarchy is by tribe/clan .Kingdom is affected by the mind of a king.A kingdom is impacted by the personal will of a king -Heb 4:15. .God is prophet,priest and high priest of our salvation.He’s not like other wicked kings who are not touched by our feelings Judge .God is our judge because he rightfully sees when we do what is wrong and when we do what is right and pronounces guilty verdict on our sins .The lord is our judge to whom we’re accountable .Because God is our judge,it is his judgment we prefer .His judgment is what we prefer.We don’t prefer the judgment of men,we don’t prefer the judgement of society …We prefer his judgment! .He’s our JUDGE and by his JUDGMENT we abide . King .God is our king because he has the rightful claim to authority over all things. .John 1:3 .When we come to Zion,we come to pay homage to our king. .When you come to Zion,the Lord is your Judge. The Lord is your law giver. .In Zion,your mind is not needed.What you feel does not matter.What you think does not matter. .In the kingdom,the word of the king is final,not debatable .Matthew 19:9 .In the kingdom,it’s not what your mind is but what the king says. .Matthew 5:28 .1Corinthians 6:19 The Lord is our king,judge and lawgiver.He will save us because of our allegiance to him .”He will”,not “He may” so it’s a must When you’re in Zion,don’t be afraid .At times,the enemy comes with sophisticated things that you know you finished but don’t be afraid because it’ll be short lived .If you’re in Zion, you’ll be anointed for time and chance .Your time is coming.Don’t worry about it .Even the lame shall possess their possessions . .Delay doesn’t mean denial Amos 9:12-13 .Your harvest will last till the sowing time .The scripture describes miraculous amazing blessings of restoration .God will recompense you for the losses you’ve sustained .The problem you’re going through now will end well .
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
Timely message 📌
@lauraakua9231 4 ай бұрын
@lylekunde 4 ай бұрын
'Promo SM' 🎉
@jason_champion._ 5 ай бұрын
@Laura_Hiati 6 ай бұрын
My Bishop ❤
@gracee22 6 ай бұрын
@PatienceDadzie 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Daddy for this wonderful word. God is about to give me my mir acle
@laurenpraiz6186 8 ай бұрын
The unadulterated word of God!! God bless you bishop for bringing us enlightenment. ❤️🙏🏾
@Laura_Hiati 8 ай бұрын
Things I took note of : .When you see the “Lord “capitalized in scripture it means Elohim. . God does not want you to worship anything besides him . . True servants of God will always prevent people from worshiping them even when they’ve demonstrated great power.God’s anger is revealed against such things . .The Lord in small letters means the preexistent one,the Lord Jesus Christ OR the pre-mortal Jesus Christ . . The reason why Haman had a problem with Mordecai was because Jews don’t bow to worship any man . .His problem with Mordecai was that he was a Jew and wouldn’t bow to worship him . .You don’t have to worship humans/ angels but God Rev 19:10,Rev 22:9 .Twice the angel said don’t worship me .Why the Baby Jesus was worshipped was because by the message from the Angel ,Joseph knew that he was Emmanuel,God with us.
@Laura_Hiati 8 ай бұрын
God bless you Bishop.Your teachings are rare to come by👍.
@bishopprincebaah-ccmi9343 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching
@laurenpraiz6186 8 ай бұрын
The good word of God💡👏 God bless you Bishop
@Laura_Hiati 8 ай бұрын
My bishop 🔥🎉
@laurenpraiz6186 8 ай бұрын
God bless you Bishop. It's always a delight listening to you. 🙏🏾❤️
@jason_champion._ 8 ай бұрын
@laurenpraiz6186 8 ай бұрын
Gloryy..God bless you Bishop❤️👏
@laurenpraiz6186 8 ай бұрын
So much light!! I’m eternally grateful to God for you Daddy
@jason_champion._ 8 ай бұрын
Blessings ❤️
@jason_champion._ 8 ай бұрын
God bless you so much Daddy 🥺‼️🔥❤️
@Laura_Hiati 8 ай бұрын
Miracle in desert places 2 Bishop prince Baah ✅May God heal you of all blindness that you’ll know the God you serve when problems comes🥲. ✅Some People can keep you away from the miracle God is about to work in your life . ✅It’s not enough to tell people about your Jesus.Invite them to come f ✅Stop the calculations and believe that God is “he”. ✅He’s God all by himself . James 2:26,James 1:45 ✅Amen A-Agree with me M-Move with me E-End with me N-Never doubt me ✅Don’t be afraid of the problems that you face today/that slaps your face today.He’s he. ✅If you’re a pastor,don’t feel secured about the younger generation:God’s agenda is to bringer the younger generation and the older generation for kingdom purpose . ✅Whatever you do,don’t do if for your personal ambition.Do it for the glory of God ✅Many times we concentrate on what we don’t have ,but let us concentrate on what is giving us. ✅It’s not about those who have left us but those who remain ✅When you serve the Lord,he’ll not exempt you from problems. ✅There’s always a storm before the rainbow ✅Your life is meant to be a testimony for someone else that is why you go through those problems . ✅There’s no testimony without a test. ✅You have no message without a mess . John 6:9 ✅When what you have is not enough,bring it to Jesus-Mat 14:18 ✅When what you have is not enough,put it in God’s hands (Luke 9:16).It depends on whose hand it is in. 18/12/23
@Laura_Hiati 8 ай бұрын
Always a blessing ❤️🙏
@Laura_Hiati 9 ай бұрын
The truth about giving to the poor By Bishop Prince Baah 3/12/23 2Cor 9:10 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.” Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,” ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ ✅When we freely scatter our gifts to the poor,our righteousness endures forever ✅There’s nothing wrong when you spend money for Yourself/on yourself but it’s not every money you receive that is for yourself. ✅You must use some to create a harvest of righteousness. ✅One of the ways to increase your righteousness is to sow or give to the poor ✅When you give to the poor,you lend to the Lord and God will surely pay you back .Proverbs 19:17 ✅Imagine how much interest God will pay to someone who lends to him. Luke 6:38 1 Sam 1:27-28 NKJV ✅If we’re stewards,we ought to handle whatever we receive in a manner that will please God ✅Whatever God gives us,we are stewards (keepers) of it and we should use it to please him ✅What Hannah did was an act of investment and pure worship ✅If we talk about borrowing and lending,they carry the idea of investment ✅Hannah did not send the boy in the raw state she received It. ✅When she received the baby,she waited for sometime,she breastfeeded the child and weaned the child from breast milk and she presented it back to God . ✅She added value ! ✅We don’t add value to whatever God has blessed us with but Hannah added value to the baby. ✅She gave it back to God and lent it to God. ✅In effect ,Hannah had improved on the raw Samuel.She gave it back to God in good measure . ✅God is faithful and he was faithful to Hannah and paid her with interest that which she lent to God ✅God gave Hannah 5 more other children The loan payment for both principal and interest that God gives back to Hannah,.. 1Sam 2:21 ✅1:5 She gave God 5,God gave her 1. What’s the interest?500% ✅Who can give 500 percent interest on what you give to him?Nobody,but God almighty ! ✅This Christmas,while you’re thinking about giving people gifts,think first about God .What do I have to give him for what he has done for my life ? Psalm * ✅Lend to the poor and live long People who are Godly people live longer Matthew 19:21 ✅When we give to the poor,we acquire /we put for ourselves treasures in Heaven James 1:27 Hebrews 13:2 ✅The Old Testament ways was a bit different from the New Testament ways In the New Testament way,Acts 4:32-35 ✅The exclusive growth of the New Testament Church was due to some Christians who were willing to sell their assets in order to finance the work of God .This is what we call kingdom investment and giving to the poor. ✅It was not just the miracles but the heart of the believers . ✅The growth of the church came as a result of such things. 1 Cor 16: 1-2 ✅Where was Paul copying this from( Vrs 1)?from Jesus himself ✅When you honour God,he’ll honour you . Mat 6:33 ✅Don’t worry about tomorrow when you give because God will take care of tomorrow 2Cor 9:11 ✅God will enrich you in every way so that you’ll be generous Law of extortion in lending to the poor Exo 22:25-27 1.Don’t lend money with interest to your brothers and sisters Lev 25:26,Deut 23:19-20,Psal 37:31 2.Borrowing and not paying back It is the wicked that borrows and pay not back and you’re not part of the righteous people we’re talking about ✅If you’re righteous,you pay back your loans ✅The righteous sheweth mercy and giveth 20 ways you can be a blessing to your church. 1. Believe in your church 2. Say nice things about your church 3. Say nice things about the leaders or Pastors of your church. 4. Preach Christ with your lifestyle. 5. Be involved in the events and services of your church. 6. Belong to a department in your church. 7. Attend your church activities 8. Learn how to preach Christ with your mouth. 9. Be committed to your service group. 10. Give your money to serve God & do the work of an evangelist and support KINGDOM WORKS. 11. Desire to be used to open another branch of your church. 12. Spread the news of Gods wonders and testimonies in your church (Don’t keep them to yourself). 13. Bring somebody new to church every week. 14. Visit and strengthen those you bring to your church every week. 15. Give assistance to those in your church and those newly brought to church. 16. Sacrifice yourself, time, money and energy to bring more people to church. 17. Attend seminars and training in your church that is meant for your personal growth and the growth of your church. 18. Encourage your Pastor and leaders by choosing at least 1hr every week to pray for him for more of God’s grace , anointing and revelation upon his life. 19. Learn to also encourage your Pastor and leader by giving gifts either in cash or kind. 20. Desire to be used by God more in the flow of ministry gifts and ministerial expansions.
@Laura_Hiati 9 ай бұрын
Eeii parrot 🤣🤣😭
@Laura_Hiati 9 ай бұрын
“Some people use their blessing for showdown”🤣
@Laura_Hiati 9 ай бұрын
Amazing!God bless you bishop
@laurenpraiz6186 10 ай бұрын
What a word!❤️🙌🏻 1. Recognize that God is your source 2. Give to God first 3. Expect a miracle