This Is Beautiful | RIVEN (Part 1)
@patrickblakethesaint 3 күн бұрын
Dang it! I haven't played it yet, so you'll have to forgive me for sitting this out for now. I need to watch your 3 randoms anyway!
@RhysSGaming 3 күн бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint need to get on them! 3 in total 🙂 oh yeah cool enjoy!
@vanochincharauli6691 4 күн бұрын
how is this channel not more popular? keep up the good work!
@RhysSGaming 4 күн бұрын
@vanochincharauli6691 thankyou appreciate the kind words!
@thesaiyannes9202 11 күн бұрын
23:00 XDXD that was insane lmao, o-100 is a perfect way to surmise that lol Coil-Heads are easily one of the scariest creatures in the game
@RhysSGaming 10 күн бұрын
@@thesaiyannes9202 haha yeah they are awful! Got a few good videos to come with them in
@hitchie 11 күн бұрын
the other guy sounds like greekgodx
@RhysSGaming 11 күн бұрын
@@hitchie he hasn't taken that as a compliment 😂
@thesaiyannes9202 12 күн бұрын
you guys are hilarious! one of my favorite playthroughs so far, and I've watched damn near every blind playthrough xD a REALLY helpful tip, you dont have to leave moons! this is especially useful for the paid moons because you only have to pay once and then you can keep landing on the same moon over and over until quota day. I notice y'all keep leaving the paid moon right away, but the paid moons have by FAR the most loot, and by far the most small items, which are universally better than large items as they tend to be around the same value, but take up and weigh less. TLDR; you dont have to leave the moons, it's randomly generated each time you land so if you pay for Titan, you can just land on titan 3 times and it'll be different each time. also, the game is best enjoyed with a party of 4-6 (more-company mod needed to go beyond 4) so if you have any other friends you want/can play with, it'll make the game a whole new level of fun. anyway, loving the playthrough, cant wait to see more if y'all continue to play, it's one of my favorite multi-player games, and easily one of the funniest imho
@RhysSGaming 11 күн бұрын
@thesaiyannes9202 @thesaiyannes9202 thanks alot I'm glad you're enjoying the series 😃 there's more to come don't worry I'll upload another one tonight! I can't believe we didn't know about that tip 🤦‍♂️😂 didn't know you could keep landing! Makes sense though! Alas we have no other friends to play 😂 makes the game more challenging I guess! Yeah we have looked for ages to find a horror co op to be as funny as phasmophobia and this is the closest we have found!
@thesaiyannes9202 11 күн бұрын
@@RhysSGaming if you dont have any others to play with I'd totally be down to join y'all if/whenever you want, I know it's a bit weird to have a rando join so no worries if you arent interested lol, I'm deff not the type to spoil stuff tho xD either way im glad y'all are enjoying the game! its both horrifying and hilarious which very few games can capture so well
@purplpasta 14 күн бұрын
Loving this playthrough, might be one of my favorites? You have the perfect mix of respecting / fearing the monsters, but still trying to work around them, as well as learning at your pace instead of looking at guides Three tips i can give you though, after you scan a monster look at the bestiary to get some basic info on what it does, without the strategy being spoonfed to you. Also if you want to buy multiple of an item, you can type "walkie 2" to order two walkie talkies for example Since you seem to never be using shovels, their main advantage over stop signs is that they weigh a lot less, so you can run faster while holding one. Also you don't have to sell it and can keep it for every subsequent run you survive
@RhysSGaming 13 күн бұрын
@purplpasta thankyou I'm glad you're enjoying! Yeah usually I do use guides but I quite liked trying to learn ss we go for this game! Awesome thanks for those tips they're really useful!
@purplpasta 14 күн бұрын
If you go to and stay at a paid moon, you don't have to pay again. So if you pay once, it's best to stay there all three days (unless weather screws you over) In other news, there's a random unrelated video in your lethal company playlist, probably got there on accident
@RhysSGaming 13 күн бұрын
@purplpasta I never knew that! Thanks alot for the tip 😃
@patrickblakethesaint 21 күн бұрын
Ah youve got to the Dillion part. Ngl, hard for me not to cry during that part. I actually turned off my camera the last time i srreamed it lol
@RhysSGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@patrickblakethesaint yeah I was not expecting it at all! Grim stuff. Haha I don't blame you doing that!
@patrickblakethesaint 20 күн бұрын
@@RhysSGaming there's so much I'm excited to see you play in the future. Especially the final part. And good job with finding her mom in the rocks. I always forget to do that!
@RhysSGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@patrickblakethesaint as in with this game or future games? Haha yeah I feel like I probably missed some too!
@patrickblakethesaint 20 күн бұрын
@@RhysSGaming this game. It's literally in my top 5. With Dying Light, Control, Link to the Past, and Darksiders (2) but I love all of those games
@RhysSGaming 20 күн бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint good list! Yeah even early on I can tell it's my sort of game, narrative heavy!
@seant9687 23 күн бұрын
I remember I told you there was like an AI ghost like character on this. Pause at 10:21...
@seant9687 23 күн бұрын
I posted this comment before watching the full video 😂
@RhysSGaming 23 күн бұрын
@@seant9687 I respect the good memory 😂
@RhysSGaming 28 күн бұрын
I understand I forgot to unmute my mic...
@patrickblakethesaint Ай бұрын
My man! This is an amazing game. Played through it 3 times. Played the second ine a few months ago (i have mixed feelings considering how good this one is). Im excited to watch and see how you like it!
@patrickblakethesaint Ай бұрын
Oh you have to use headphones. You can't tell in the video. It's otherworldly. If im not mistaken, you can play the sound through the speakers and only have the voices play in the headphones. Sorry, I fanboy over this game. One of the few full playthroughs I've done on stream
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint hey Patrick! I'm yet to play the second game but I had heard it wasn't really built upon from the first game which is a shame! I'll still get to it though. Thanks I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on how I find it!
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint haha oh that's cool using speakers and headphones!!! Absolutely loved the audio in this game.
@patrickblakethesaint Ай бұрын
@RhysSGaming it's funny. I was comparing and you and I have the same delivery. And we say all the same things lol. The second one is amazing, don't get me wrong. But it's sort of like Dying Light 1 vs 2. If all you've played is 2, it's incredible. Oh and the reason the graphics look so good on pc is because it's been enhanced.
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint haha like minds must think alike! Ah yeah totally get you, loved dying light 1 and couldn't get the same bug with 2. Ah okay makes sense, looks awesome!
@seant9687 Ай бұрын
That jump to 180 is my greatest moment on this game
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@@seant9687 agreed!
@user-wp9gn3cr5n Ай бұрын
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@@user-wp9gn3cr5n which was your favourite game?
@AbdulRafay-wj2tc Ай бұрын
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@AbdulRafay-wj2tc did you enjoy? 🙂
@yester30 Ай бұрын
Well done
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@@yester30 thanks! Hope you enjoyed
@geraldgerund Ай бұрын
This is considered one of the hardest puzzle/adventure games of its genre, and probably it's also the reason why it is so memorable, even with all the frustration: the amount of time and attention that you have to dedicate to the world and everything in it (together with the unique graphic and sound design) means that it's simply not easy to forget... for better or worse! :) The original point-and-click version was less punishing when backtracking since it was easier to zap to another location and skip travel animations (provided you didn't have to go to a different island, since each was on a different CD). On the other hand, the puzzles were even a bit harder. Most of the changes from the old to the new version have addressed certain inconsistencies in the world (e.g., in the original the village school could only be reached via submarine - which makes no sense) and some old-fashioned gameplay elements. Plus, the "fire marbles" as source of energy have a much more prominent role in the new game; they were left unexplained in the original. Thank you for sharing your playthrough! Many old-time fans have complained that the new Riven has been "dumbed down", but watching someone play it for the first time it's clear that players of the original are forgetting how much information needs to be digested and put together to figure out the puzzles. It's quite another story to play Riven if you already know the basic concepts of "eyes are symbols for colors and each island is associated to a color", "marbles on the grid need to be placed where the spinning domes are", "animal shapes connect to the Moiety rebels", etc.
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@geraldgerund I'm glad to hear it is considered hard by alot of people and it's not just me being stupid 😂 Also that still blows my mind each island was it's own disk! And there's me complaining the travel took too long (it did) That's interesting the puzzle changes! What's your verdict on this remake to the original? Thanks for your thoughts throughout I hope you enjoyed 🙂 (seeing someone struggle!)
@geraldgerund Ай бұрын
@@RhysSGaming You did great! If I'd had a Steam library of unplayed games in '97 I don't think I would have stuck with Riven without a walkthrough so long to solve it! I loved the original and I've watched many playthroughs of it, trying to recapture the feeling of discovering the world for the first time. I think that they did a remarkable job with the new Riven, making it familiar enough, and yet surprising and deeper in places to provide the best of both: nostalgia and discovery. I don't mind if the puzzles are a little "easier", I don't need everybody to suffer like I did ;) They do make more sense in this new version and that's really satisfying. Thanks again for sharing!
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@geraldgerund haha yeah if the game was twice the size I may not have played it so I liked the fact it was 6ish hours! Too many games on my list to play thanks to steam I'm glad as a longtime fan they did it justice for you! You're welcome 🙂
@yO_VenoMz Ай бұрын
@geraldgerund Ай бұрын
Yes they're manacles and Gehn is lowering people down! To feed them to the big creature/fish with tusks that you see depicted in idols all around the village :-)
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@geraldgerund oh yeah those creatures I saw in episode 1? Sinister stuff that!
@jaxontheanimekid6624 Ай бұрын
Yo do you know the name to the game u played a year ago it was were you had a music box and had to turn once in a while. And there was a crawling monster I just want to know what it’s called please and thank you❤
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@@jaxontheanimekid6624 it was called Notes Of Obsession 🙂
@jaxontheanimekid6624 Ай бұрын
Game name
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
Notes Of Obsession 🙂
@sashakindel3600 Ай бұрын
25:57 Most things in the original look pretty much the same as this remake but with low resolution and low color depth. They took great care to match the textures and lighting and everything. It often takes me a moment to figure out which version a thumbnail-sized screenshot is from. The ocean is one of the biggest differences. It's much less dynamic in the original, though it uses a subtle effect to make the water look like it's moving that is nonetheless pretty effective.
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@sashakindel3600 ahh okay that's good they kept it faithful to the original just with a more modern look 🙂 yeah I really liked the water effects in this game! Thanks for the insight
@geraldgerund Ай бұрын
Since you asked :) here's a very brief summary of the "story so far", trying not to spoil too much of what's happened before... At the very start of Myst (the game), you see up above a man and a book falling into a sort of dark, starry void. The man disappears but the book lands in front of you. You open it, touch its first page and you're transported to Myst Island. There you discover that Myst island is the home of a man called Atrus, the guy who sends you on a mission at the start of this game. He belongs to a people called the D'ni (which, confusingly, is also the name of their underground city). The D'ni developed the art of writing Books that physically transport (link) you to other worlds / universes / dimensions, which they call Ages. On Myst Island, you also find various items and letters that mention Atrus's wife Catherine (who has disappeared) and their sons. During the first Myst game, you eventually meet Atrus in person on K'veer (which is an island / neighborhood of D'ni city) while he's frantically writing... and you help him out with something. It is implied that you've been hanging out on Myst in between the events of the first game and this one, because Atrus has no Book that could send you back to wherever you came from at the start of the first game. Another important point is that Atrus and his father Gehn disagree on what these Books actually do. Gehn believes that writing such a Book actually creates a new world, while for Atrus it simply opens up a passage to a world that exists in another universe. And also: Gehn's Books never work properly (which is why Riven is collapsing)... the currently out-of-order book you found in the middle of the golden dome is another example. The lore is extensive... There are 5 videogames in the series plus a failed MMO (Uru) and 3 novels!
@RhysSGaming Ай бұрын
@geraldgerund wow thanks so much for the context! That's really helpful I don't think I'll ever fully understand what's going on with this game but that's definitely helped 😂 what a cool franchise this is!
@patrickblakethesaint 2 ай бұрын
You two so adorable! I'm so happy for you all! All the love!
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@patrickblakethesaint thanks so much!
@patrickblakethesaint 2 ай бұрын
Bro, its 113°f here on our east coast. Also, you have to play the full game!
@patrickblakethesaint 2 ай бұрын
I think there is a full game of this out already. I think I saw CJU play it? I also see there's a 2024 summer games trailer. Maybe they are remaking it?
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
Here's me complaining about 75f in the UK today 😂 this is a heatwave for us... Yeah you're right full release happened last year, but the dev pulled the game off steam to work on updates and a console version so it's now unavailable for a while! Did you see Blumhouse did a trailer of like 4 or 5 games they're helping devs with? Exciting stuff!
@patrickblakethesaint 2 ай бұрын
@RhysSGaming ahhhhh, that makes sense! Kinda. Anywho, ill have to check it out on its re-release. Also, the UK should never be that hot! It's crazy. It's never super hot here in DC, but the last 2 years have been really rough... at least we have central air conditioning in every establishment which, from what I understand, doesn't exist over there. Oh and I saw some of the Blumhouse stuff. As a horror fan, im excited to see what happens there!
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
@patrickblakethesaint yeah I'll be checking it out on release too 🙂 Yeah UK we can't deal with hot weather for long! We need AC or a pool 😂 so I sympathise with you having a rough couple years Yeah same! My next game when I get some time to record is Still Wakes The Deep, that looks beautiful.
@NivenHedinger 2 ай бұрын
Before thanking you a thousand time, I must underline the fact that like you mentioned, I did give you the code, but you were such a massive generous dude that you still did purchase this, so just letting everyone know that you are an awesome individual and deserver all the best! With that said, I am so happy you tried this one out. It is the hardest I've worked on the game and I hope it shows. The atmosphere was the key thing I tried to show best. Deeply appreciate the kind words Rhys! Best to you, your channel and keep being a phenomenal man! Cheers 🍻✨ Also, your voice - 👌
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
Niven! Thankyou so much, this comment made my day 🙂 Really appreciate the kind words. I can say 100% your efforts on this game showed, easily the most fun I've had with one of your games (not a knock on your others) my vote is for you to put that effort into each game going forward! (Obviously you have loads of ideas so sometimes I bet it's easier to make volume to cover each idea you have) Thanks for the ongoing support 🙂
@seant9687 2 ай бұрын
The return of the boys
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
The scrappy boys
@MrPatato-ek5lf 2 ай бұрын
I am liking the lethal company vids 👍
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
Thankyou! They're all in a playlist too incase you miss any 🙂 Will have another uploaded soon
@MrPatato-ek5lf 2 ай бұрын
@@RhysSGaming 👍
@RhysSGaming 2 ай бұрын
@MrPatato-ek5lf your lucky day I've just uploaded a new episode 🙂 enjoy
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
"Verily" lol. Niven outdid himself on this one, I think. Really well done. Enjoyed your commentary, as always ^^
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
I agree this one was a memorable one for me amo got all the Niven games I've played!
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, I had to keep replaying 0:28 LMFAO
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Haha it's such cute abuse too she can't resist it 😂 and there's me thanking her
@drissakelnya3794 3 ай бұрын
Keep on going :) I enjoy watching your content!
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Thanks alot!
@savagemark1 3 ай бұрын
Great video, loved the section where your character couldn't see the floor whilst you were being chased
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Thankyou glad you enjoyed! Yeah that was trippy haha, really fun games to test a relationship
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
Looks like so much fun! Hope y'all are having a great time. Love that she is wearing the Minnie Mouse bride's veil, so cute ^^ You look like you were a little nauseous there filming while riding the roller coaster lol. I don't think I can do them anymore bc I've developed motion sickness in recent years for some reason.
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the comment! Thankfully I felt okay it was just quicker than I remember it being 😂 Oh damn that sucks! Luckily there's a range of rides for all tastes there
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
ahhh well that's fun ^^ Really good demo. Would love to see you play the full game. Also, I think it adds to the experience to have a Brit playing it lol. Main dude looks a bit like Willy Wonka xD
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I'll deffo wanna play more point and clicks they're so fun! Haha yeah I do love a game based in the UK 😂 this one was done well with the humour
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
damn. DAMN. I'm glad you kept going even after your game crashed bc this was SO GOOD. I really thought it was just going to be a story about his mental illness in respect to agoraphobia, then you realized there was some sort of trauma/trigger to it so I was like oh, he'll figure out the parents were abusive and either he'll get worse and die or something or he'll find a way to escape the home and them. But the twist with them and then adding in the sister's part...O M G. Excellent. Definitely my favorite of the series. Also, I have to say I appreciate that you were compassionate toward him and realized that his state HAD to have come from somewhere, likely his parents with how he reacted to them, and not just a case of someone being born crazy. A lot of people would have just seen him that way and be grossed out by him. But your stance (while admittedly grossed out about the way he was living, which is fair) was compassionate from the start and wise enough to know there was more to it, specifically coming from the parents, something more than the dad just being a jerk. I truly do appreciate the mindset. And thanks again for letting me know you had done these! ^_^
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah if the game wasn't so good I'd have thought about abandoning it 😂 nothing more disheartening recording a game and it crashes without save points! I know I'm really glad it went more indepth than just a mental illness with no context as to why. Thankyou I appreciate that! I'm really glad I made it so you saw the series, Octavi Navarro is arguably my favourite game developer at the moment! I could play his games every day!
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
I feel bad for Eric, but what he did took it too far. Like you said, a gay black kid deciding to help violent skinheads bc his feelings got hurt? (from what I understand, he and Elijah weren't even in a relationship, it was just that they were the only gay kids there) He knew more than better, regardless of what he said. This was an awesome followup to the last game though! Very well written and executed. lol fun seeing Tina in the background of all the photos
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah couldn't agree more! Just a testament to what good a game it is, how it makes you judge the characters and even though you know the context around their lives it's still no excuse for their behaviour, love how a game does that when usually it's only really TV shows or movies that make you reflect like that.
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
Okay yeah so I hadn't seen this one or anything newer in the series. The story actually surprised me a bit. It did have that 80/90ish horror vibe to it, but it was done really well so it didn't feel "done" or anything. Also thanks for the pic of Leia xD she's so cute. Now I have to go to the next one to see what the truth is since you said your theory at the end was wrong lol. The whole mimic/doppleganger thing does unnerve me bc, and I might have mentioned this before, I'm schizophrenic and have actually had times where it made me think people weren't really themselves...which wasn't so bad until I started doubting that my wife was really her and thought she'd been replaced by an imposter. The last time was a few years ago though and thankfully I'm much better now. Thanks for letting me know you've done these ^^
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree, loved the vibe of this one definitely felt like a step up from the 2nd and 1st game! Haha yeah Leia is a dear. Oh man I had no idea that can happen to people with Schizophrenia! That must have been awful to deal with I'm glad you're much better now.
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
this one was pretty trippy to me. I think I understand it better now a second time through lol
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Haha yeah to be honest I think once I edited it (2nd time going through the game) it made a bit more sense, not 100% clear though 😂
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
The series definitely delivers on that Twilight Zone feel
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
This was pretty cool, getting to play as the kid instead of an adult. I love horror from child's POV bc their perception is usually very different. Things are scarier and more confusing. Love the death compilation lmao looks like me trying to play games
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah it is a cool perspective I agree! Haha yeah I imagine others would edit it out to look good..everyone struggles with games so I wanted to include it 😂
@patrickblakethesaint 3 ай бұрын
Crazy gane! Im omw to the hospital, so it may take a few days to watch the whole thing, but ive seen it and i really like it!
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Oh no hope everything is alright! Yeah take it easy 🙂
@savagemark1 3 ай бұрын
Finally got through this series, stupid real life getting in the way of watching KZbin. Loved the game overall but the final boss battle felt really odd. Felt like the end of a marvel film, it just needed a beam of light up into the sky.
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Hope everything's alright! I'd say the same has stopped me recording the last month but it was my wedding and honeymoon so I can't call it stupid real life 😂 but I relate. Yeah it was a bit of a nuts boss battle! Not the most fun one I've had
@savagemark1 3 ай бұрын
​@RhysSGaming just recovering from c0vid at the moment (spelling that word weird on purpose because I doubt youtube will let my comment be posted). Hope the honeymoon was great for you both
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
@@savagemark1 Oh no! Get better soon. It was amazing thanks! Been editing the vlogs for them today so first one should be up Friday as the new Friday series for a few weeks.
@aces_games 3 ай бұрын
Interesting games. Funny right as you're predicting the jumpscare to come, then you get jumpscared right after. About the House asset package being used in the last game, I own it as well, lol
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Haha yeah it's always the way.. oh that's cool I don't think it's a bad thing I enjoy trying to remember where I saw it from 😂
@patrickblakethesaint 3 ай бұрын
This ai voice acting in all these games is just getting annoying! I've watched so many indie horror games that use it in the last week. No voice acting is better than ai voice acting!!
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Agreed I don't think it's much to ask for in a short game for voice acting! I'd happily lend my voice! 😂 or if I made a game I'd deffo do the voice myself
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
Great lineup ^^ I felt the same about RE Village part with Demitriscu (spelling?) ending too quickly. They made such a big to do about Lady Demitriscu only for that part to be so short.
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Thankyou! Yeah they misled people with that I thought! Alot of people disappointed 😂 that was the only part of thw game I really felt the horror element, RE7 held that for longer imo!
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
@@RhysSGaming completely agree ^^
@patrickblakethesaint 3 ай бұрын
The trooper gun misses on purpose. When have you ever seen a storm trooper hit their target?
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
So true 😂 glad it wasn't my skills..
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
Bro. I need to see more of this. This was amazing O.O The graphics and animations are really good too. Very visually pleasing.
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! Just checked the page but it still says release date 2024 ☹️ I'll be sure to play it when it releases it was alot of fun.
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
I'm not sure I've finished watching all of the Midnight Scenes, but I definitely thought this was nice for a short little experience. The developer could make this into a full length game or even a series easily enough, I think, with the premise and all. Feels like books I've read growing up lol
@RhysSGaming 3 ай бұрын
Yeah it was minimal in story this one so separate to midnight scenes I think. They're all in a playlist on my channel under "Octavi Navarro Games" incase you wanna chrck you've seen them all 😃
@SchizoPlaysHorror 3 ай бұрын
@@RhysSGaming that makes sense ^^ Awesome! I'll go check it out :D