@user-pd2mc1gh6w Күн бұрын
I still learning for your operation and race line , still can't copy but little working affect in REDBULLRING!!! Bro I have to say you are really good at judge car and car speed interval👍
@joniua84 Күн бұрын
you don't need to copy, everyone has their own style that they acquire with experience, and the style is also influenced by the steering wheel on which you drive, or the joystick. I had the same trajectory in yesterday's race until 12:20, and then the trajectory changed, they helped =)
@joniua84 Күн бұрын
choose a track that you ride more often, drive 20-30 laps and I'm sure you can drop 2-5 seconds, and so on every track =) I rolled Macau like this yesterday, I started with 2.48, in two hours it was already 2.22 on a Porsche 992 gt3 , I want to set a time of 2.20 !!!
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Күн бұрын
@@joniua84 I express wrong lol , I mean copy is saw your and other drivers line with practice , then I got my own driving style , so you all the teacher that meaning for me , sorry my grammar is not so good haha : (
@joniua84 Күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w Don't worry, I also often use Google Translate =)
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 4 күн бұрын
який час тут показав на бентлі?
@joniua84 4 күн бұрын
якщо чесно то не пам"ятаю, йду в ТОПІ поставлю час і відпишу
@joniua84 4 күн бұрын
50.4 зараз, але реально зняти ше сотку
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 4 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 я один раз лише 5.6 зміг, у мене проблеми в першому повороті, там авто не повертає вліво на максимальному вивороті "керма". Тому там 0,150 - 0,200 програю там...
@joniua84 4 күн бұрын
@@user-qp1hf9zg8z в мене в змійці проблеми, дуже там в швидкості програю - перекладка не для "комода". Тай вообще не парюсь, бо можна іхати гавіть на стандартному сетапі, все одно там всі дуже повільні а за рахунок потужності він вигрібає на прямих =)
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 4 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 покращив свій результат, 50,380
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 11 күн бұрын
Bomb is behind us at beginning !!! hahahaha...  nice race bro!!
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 13 күн бұрын
Тут я тут)) цього разу попались авто де на клаві лише із вкл авs и трекшеном можу їхати, тому важко буде попасти в топ 250
@joniua84 11 күн бұрын
=) та якшо так, то нехай буде і трекшн і абс головне шоб не сидів без діла =)
@sapyiv 16 күн бұрын
Як кажут єговісти -«запрєтний плод сладок»- Пак так і ти куме, негоден ти ся легдити тим плодом, плодом любви пяного сантехніка і завгоспа у каптьорці, рожденний у темних кутках підвала ПТУ! Благословенний на вічне забуття симим Сауроном. Ібо я єсьм конєц, я єсьм тємнота, я єсьм забвеніє… Да обойдьот мене сіє участіє в єтой вокхоналії. Амінь. 😢
@joniua84 16 күн бұрын
які слова, до сльоз
@sapyiv 17 күн бұрын
Вангую, завтра котлета буде на опелі!!!
@joniua84 17 күн бұрын
йо, розкатую, бо аж не буду катати то казали шо установлять мені НФС і заставлять іздити на мітсубісі О-О
@sapyiv 17 күн бұрын
Упереджене ставлення до марки опель, викликає зменшений інтерес до переглядів відео! Натомість неупереджене ставлення до МІТСУБІСІ, невикликає жодних заперечень. Прошу прийняти на розгляд комісії. Завчасно дякую!!!
@joniua84 17 күн бұрын
Дякуємо за звернення. Команда рейсруму розглянула вашу петицію що до відсутності марки мітсубісі в грі, і своє рішення не змінила - КОНСЕРВАМ МІСЦЕ В ХОЛОДИЛЬНИКУ! З Повагою =Р
@sapyiv 18 күн бұрын
Носсе йо! Йсе нові горизонти!!
@joniua84 17 күн бұрын
Х"ю Хефнер сказав - то всьо для тебе =)
@sapyiv 17 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 дале голі баби на капоті!!-₴)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 18 күн бұрын
he don't need to do that!!!! OMG!!! both disqualifed T_T
@joniua84 18 күн бұрын
AH, and the rating was taken away by -20, but it’s okay, I decided to get it back from the very morning and ran 7 races, only losing one against Hyundai, it just goes incredibly well in long turns =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 18 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 Oh! I also want to ask you for FWD car's setup suggestion , I always brake locked and understeer.....
@joniua84 18 күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w I have all the standard settings, only I reduced the brakes to 95%
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 19 күн бұрын
what a crazy powerful moment!!I can't even run an effective lap at full power in Nord...... always invalid and car's full damage ...
@joniua84 19 күн бұрын
practice, practice and more practice is all I can say. No one has yet gone straight to Nordschleife without adventure =)
@sapyiv 20 күн бұрын
Здороуляааа!! Сидів з попкорном пу ночи сночи, ци доїде?! Доїхала!-) Пак переживау нО!
@joniua84 20 күн бұрын
пробаааач! бурш так пузно іхати не буду =Р
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 20 күн бұрын
really good !!! in Sepang when you been wreck by somebody that I was thought that you might got car's damage , but that race luckly we both got rating : )
@joniua84 20 күн бұрын
oh yes, there were suspension slaps. But that's not all, then I was taken out two more times and I couldn't catch up with anyone anymore =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 23 күн бұрын
what?? 1:12.... faster than me more 2sec , incredible!!! what a skill , did you reduce much more wing angle !? amazing....
@joniua84 23 күн бұрын
on this track, the r52 is faster than the r51, but still the gearbox in the r51 is better! And one more thing, I'll let you in on a secret: I tuned the R52's rear suspension like an R51, and I became faster =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 23 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 it's big secret!!! I always thought that R51 faster than R52 , and C14-1 is faster than C14-2 , maybe gear box that easy using points and settings
@joniua84 23 күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w on standard settings, the r51 is indeed faster than the r52, but adjust the suspension as I told you and you will see the result =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 24 күн бұрын
1:47....phenomenal !!!
@joniua84 24 күн бұрын
ocram1959c - 1.45s o_O oops =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 24 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 finally we found how to race fast for portimao after update!!!
@joniua84 24 күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w only when i beat ocram1959c's record will i be satisfied =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 24 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 he is not usually talking to others , one day , we both in bridge map practice so many round and feel little tired , and he say to me "how old are you " and I said to him 33 , and he said "oh! my daughter is 39" and that was the only time he talk to me lol
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 24 күн бұрын
рекомендую перший поворот скидати 2 передачі. Останній поворот атакувати апекс на повному газу (не відпускати взагалі)
@joniua84 24 күн бұрын
дякую, але не парся, то після Нюрбурінгу та Спа на GT3 "приціл збився" =) а потім ще ред бул катнув, не адаптувався під іншу машину. Але спробую, гляну шо буде =)
@joniua84 24 күн бұрын
ще таке питання, чи пробував розкатати передній привід WTTC? думаю спробувати, але якщо воно таке як audi tt клас то не цікаво, зовсім не розумію цю машину =/
@user-qp1hf9zg8z 24 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 аналогічно, ще й на клавіатурі, дуже важко (Спробуй проїхати "компетішн" на бмв м2 (не рейтинг, о там одразу нище). Я там перший раз їхав, дуже сподобалась траса.
@sapyiv 25 күн бұрын
Но сссее йооо!
@joniua84 24 күн бұрын
ай ем пушінг ал рейс, фром старт ту фінішг =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 26 күн бұрын
I am really not good at this car , It's no more space lower second gear , and shift up and down very frequently , embarrasing red zone is always happened , you can handle every car very well bro !!!
@joniua84 26 күн бұрын
to be honest, I don't really understand this Audi TT in the same way as the BMW M2. I will try these classes a few more times, and then we will see - you are not alone =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 26 күн бұрын
@@joniua84I finally understand what you said before about rating , After discovering that there are such things as rating and reputation , The mental will be very tight. In every race, not only must various factors be taken into consideration, such as whether you are familiar with the track or not, and whether you are familiar with the car , and must also try your best not to make mistakes
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 26 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 In a non-ranked race, if you make a mistake, you can just run again and there will be no record. But if it is a ranked race, once the race starts, you have to use all your strength to overcome it even if the situation is not good or the car is damaged
@joniua84 26 күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w look at the number of mistakes, I just finished a ranking race (RaceRoom Ranked Event - Nürburgring 2.4H 2024) and I wasn't the fastest there, but I passed without mistakes and accidents, I even missed those who from the beginning of the race were driving like crazy, no matter what they damaged I have a car - and as a result I'm in 7th place and they didn't catch up!!!!
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 27 күн бұрын
what a race!!!
@joniua84 27 күн бұрын
oh yes, thank you. will you be today?
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 27 күн бұрын
@@joniua84 I'm still thinking about which GT3 car is suitable for me lol , Audi is so unstable and easy spin out especially EVO2 , Bentley and Mecedes , BMW M4 is really good car that makes me feel at ease , but I consider for Z06 , super fast straight line , but if battle with other drivers , the tracks can't be in only one perfect line , very exciting now : )
@joniua84 27 күн бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w take a corvette c7, it's slower in a straight line but much easier to drive in corners
@sapyiv 28 күн бұрын
НопаксеЙо! Айбо громи божі, бурш агресії, бурш крови, бурш мʼяса!!😊
@joniua84 28 күн бұрын
"RED CODE" "RED CODE" - то коли бентля червона, значить уйо тоді агресивний =Р
@sapyiv Ай бұрын
Куме, кум прийняв кумівське рішення, руль йде за корабльом!!-))😂
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
Nooooooooooooo =\
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
1:50 this rejoin move is so dangerous , what does he thinking.....
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
that's why we ride online and not with bots =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
he's not slow that we understand but sometimes that motion is no matter the rating and reputation high or low, anyway tracks still much cars moving that he must konw : ( luckly we have no damage and done whole race , nice race : )
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
First Teuber be like he doesn't notice create space to let the other car in, but second Teuber is murder : ( ..... If R3E can add new penalty with this , it's could be better!!
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
the second tauber makes content =)
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
when I rolled down, it was more interesting to go, but the damage to the suspension prevented me from enjoying the race =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 I hate suspension damage , very : ( I remember once I suspension broken seems like 70~80% , and drivers in my back still through in , cause game still running , and I heard a guy talk to me " hey man watch out!" that moment I be like os :come on ! IDK how to go straight😥 hahaha
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
1:19 unfortunately he lose grip and this place also thinner after update , so many collision and lose control happened here : ( 4:25 he shouldn't do that so risky and dangerous , it's be like "you back or we crash" no good for that motion
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
oooo, in the Tatus f4 and Mazda mx5 classes, every race is like this, everyone wants to win in the first turn, there are a lot of collisions, I don't even want to go there anymore - I lost a lot of rating, but it's fun =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 yeah it's really red hot !!! : ) rating depending that incident and time , podium , but that's not our could control element , even lost or what , driver's name will be certified , At least i think so!!! good job bro!!!
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w thank you, but I'm waiting for you in the GTR3 class, because I know you can take this class - and I don't accept any refusals =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 hahaha alright lol
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 hey bro , which one GT3 class would you recommend?😃
@petrdunay7438 Ай бұрын
Привіт не можу зрозуміти як розраховують в кінці рейтинг і репутацію, шукав по форумах якщо є якась інфа поділись будь ласка. Граю також на цій платформі (поки слабенько тільки починаю) зустрічав твій нік в рейтингу )).
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
Салют, аналогічна ситуація, робив експеримент, одну гонку злив, другу закінчив на тій самій позіціі, а третю на пару піднявся - а райтинг весь час в низ повзе (говорюсаме за серіію TATUUS F4 ). Не розумію чому, хоча в других классах все ок рахують (наприклад GTR3. P1. P2. MAZDA DPI, DTM навіть FORMULA JUNIOR) злив свій ретинг в унітаз за пару гонок =)
@petrdunay7438 Ай бұрын
Ти всі гонки кваліфікувався?
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
@@petrdunay7438 здається я не кваліфікувався тільки ту шо хотів злити
@petrdunay7438 Ай бұрын
Вибач що турбую за що накидають додаткові кілограми може тобі щось відомо
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
@@petrdunay7438 не парся, нам не накинуть, я так зрозумів на старіші версіі гри понакидували шоб урівяни машини з новими. Бо на старому компі у мене був рум там на деякі понавішували, а з нового року встановив на інший комп і там вже не було тик лишніх кілограм (ВОР для урівняння можливостой, або шось тіпа такого в перегонах)
@user-qp1hf9zg8z Ай бұрын
Гарна гонка, вивчай трасу і поїдеш на секунду швидше як мінімум!!!
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
та трасу знаю, тільки сетап для на порш не можу підібрати щоб мене устроів. На британському "комоді" іду спа 2.20.200s але той правий руль .... =), сьогодні на ньому гонку рубанув, ша загружу, глянеш шо дід там творив =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
After update , I feel that sector 3 parts is more thin space to me , I still tried to find the method that could figure out this problem , and this problem is mine's , acutally before update I have been not good at sector3 , and now after update that made me so headdack
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
yes, I agree 100%, but I think let's roll it out and everything will fall into place =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
every corner deeper or shallow is very difficult , especially after left turn uphill needs another left turn and then downhill right turn , oh my gosh , throttle skills!!!!!!
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
it's very difficult for a Porsche here, mid-engine ones are not interesting because everyone rides them, I want to try something completely different here - BENTLEY CONTINENTAL GT3 or CALLAWAY CORVETTE C7 GT3-R
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
Hey bro , your brake skill is amazing.... when long straight line and need hard braking , in P1 class that I always feel tires is locked and car would be spin , but I saw your driving style has no this problem ....
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
thanks again, but as you can see, I was also spun around a few times, but that's only because a slower car was always ahead in the turns, and when I pressed harder, it immediately blocked the wheels and spun me around. That's why I mostly choose races with a rating no lower than 78 - I will be the slower driver there, and I don't have such problems =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 I really want to see your input meter , that would be my reference , it's built-in R3E function , you can look for control set , so many option , and you will see that option
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 btw , does your brake pressure lower to 80%?
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w no i put 92%, and removed 15% from TC, did not change anything else
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 I see
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
I like NORDSCHLEIFE , Spa and Le mans , Although a run on the Nordschleife takes more than eight minutes or more, it is a test of technique and memory of every corner , and Spa , Le mans is famous and popular track impression for me : )
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
The tracks are top, I agree with you 100%. But with Nordschleife, I can't race, every time I can pass the qualification by myself in 8.35, but in the race itself it's as much as 9.00 minutes. Why =/
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
I saw somewhere that you had a video of the Asset Corsa, how are things there?
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 you better than me bro , I can't complete whole game hahahaha
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 AC's track and car not so much DLC , both good , but raceroom is better
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
Hyper car really looks great : ) , btw this track is very hard to me : (
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
now I know too =) just decided to try something new, but already after the sweat stop I didn't feel my ass!!! very difficult
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
I still really want to try the front-wheel drive class, probably the Macau track
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 hahahaha
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
@@joniua84 All I konw about FF class is corner easlier to understeer , and raceroom is complete simulator to real experience , so might be very hard
@joniua84 Ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w I don't like when it's easy - it's not interesting, that's why I try other classes after I bought the full version of the game. But I won't be able to follow the formula, I need a better steering wheel than I have =(
@user-pd2mc1gh6w Ай бұрын
Thanks , bro !!!
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
what a hot battle bro , can I saw your car settings and control advance , I don't mind you two guys valid or not , your racing method is so robust and precise!!!
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
ok, I'll make screenshots, where do you want to drop them?
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
write an email here, when I send it, then delete it
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
Did you got DC or any other social Media account
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w no, I'm an old man, why should I =) that's why I wrote for the mail
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
@@joniua84 Let's go for game talk
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
he is parking right there , what?? track?? lol
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
I let off the gas late, I thought I would dive in the middle of the turn, but ..... =)
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
interestingly, he didn't even move, I think he had problems with the Internet and just hung up
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
OMG , every control in corner and straight line , entrance and exit timit , all is perfect , I am so proud that you are my friend bro , we are not old enough man lol
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
thank you friend. Nothing will come of your request, because it thinks that I have two gas pedals =) the contact is constantly on the gas and does not respond to the brake
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
I will try another program, but I think that the problem is with the drivers, because I did not rearrange them, but left them from the old steering wheel
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
what a battle , Rodrigo is finding chance whole game , and you concentrate on tracks , got patience in every laps , good race bro
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
thanks, but I have a problem with the steering wheel, every time I turn to the left I am electrocuted =)
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
@@joniua84 Is it could be repair??
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 2 ай бұрын
oh I wanna say something is that I can learn it more with your video , can you show the input meter??
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w LOGITECH FORMULA FORCE EX is my old steering wheel, I probably won't repair it. And I will take the LOGITECH DRIVING FORCE GT from my son, he does not need it and I will break all the records =)
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
@@user-pd2mc1gh6w I don't understand what it is "input meter"???
@ninjagamer4781 2 ай бұрын
Wuts ur setup?
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
standard, only changed the brake pressure 90%
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
I also try with different TC settings, chassis did not change at all
@ninjagamer4781 2 ай бұрын
@@joniua84 wuts ur tc setings
@joniua84 2 ай бұрын
@@ninjagamer4781 now -15% everywhere
@IrvingCollins-yw9kb 2 ай бұрын
Ухты) не плохо Я не зря попал сюда Я тҽбҽ 𝓬дҽлαю ρҽƙлαᙏყ Ԩα 𝓬ßσҽᙏ 𝓬тρиᙏҽ бҽ𝓬плαтԨσ, Ԋαбҽρҽᙏ тҽбҽ пσдпи𝓬чиƙσß! 3αйди Ԋα этσт ƙαԨαл ყßидиɯƄ 𝘬𝘢𝘏𝘢л 𝘖бзич - п𝘰дпи𝘸и𝘤ь 𝘏𝘢 𝘏𝘦г𝘰, эт𝘰 я! А я тебе пожелаю удачи!ывсс
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 3 ай бұрын
oh my gosh my bro !! , these p1 class has 4 guys could even touch 1:02 valid result in traffic track , Ocram is good , I think he using less TC to up the power , but that would be hard to control , when I saw your cockpit sight that I got it , your instant judgment is better "more" than me , I am not your rival bro : )
@joniua84 3 ай бұрын
thank you friend, I lowered the TC by 15%, but it is very difficult for my steering wheel to hold the car, I tried to lower it to 40-50%, then I make a lot of mistakes. But I think if I play more often, I can even compete with Ocram1959, but I don't have time =(
@user-pd2mc1gh6w 3 ай бұрын
@@joniua84 He just like you say phenomenal fast , and still an unstable element is , too many disqualified drivers or we need to call them " gamer" in the same tracks lol :D
@mfk_exo 3 ай бұрын
дощу тут не було з 2019 року і напевно вже й не буде
@joniua84 3 ай бұрын
побачимо, але дивлячись на розвиток технологій багато сімів вже додали дощ, то чому цього не зробити і цьому поважнома дідусю RaceRoom =)
@mfk_exo 3 ай бұрын
наскільки я знаю, движок гри не підтримує дощ @@joniua84
@joniua84 3 ай бұрын
можливо, в такому я не розбираюсь, але IRacing ще старший, в ньому чекали дощу як манни небесноі - дочекались =)