@stevescott8060 3 жыл бұрын
Building more and more condo type apartments even in ghetto slum areas and not affordable low income house. Phoenix used to conduct "Clean Sweeps" conducted by the Phx. Police to round up Homeless People which served no purpose whatsoever. There are solutions to homelessness and police involvement serves only a minimal purpose. Homelessness provides a cover for nefarious individuals who are not homeless. As a Citizen of the United States you have the Right to Move About Freely whether or not you are homeless. Most of the Low Income Housing Voucher Programs are nothing more than a fraudulent joke and are very limited. Programs that have nothing to do with low income housing.
@stevescott8060 3 жыл бұрын
One of the problems is Gov. Doug Ducey.
@darrelldixon9044 4 жыл бұрын
As a disabled homeless Veteran for the past 19 months, I am furious with this President's actions. His desire to disperse this nations wealth to the rich, while the poor suffer more and more. His lack of any real coordinated national covid-19 response causing unnecessary deaths across our country. His ability to lie and surround himself others that will also lie for him. His ability to ignore the constitution when it benefits him. This list could go on and on.. Meanwhile I am broke, stranded near Kingman Arizona, due to the inability to tow my derelect nearly 50 year old 10 foot trailer with my van due to mechanical issues. It's 120 degrees this week... I had been living on disability with housing assistance, prior the Donald Trump's presidency, but his desire to gut programs of funding and make it easy for large corporations to line their pockets. The large apartment complex I was living, along with many other residents , was sold to a huge rental property company. This resulting in notice they would no longer accept housing assistance. They informed those affected we would have to pay their rents in full without assistance, or move. I found that searching for an affordable apartment was going nowhere. The corporate takeover of many affordable housing options, so as to rent for more money and profit. My Section 8 housing assistance voucher expired before my rental contract with the Paragon/ Nolan Apartments in Mesa did. I left my apartment spotless, moved out prior to my final date, and still the kept the deposit. I have been homeless since. As a Air National Guard Veteran, I don't quality for any VA benefits, so I have been on my own to deal with my serious homeless situation... I now just pray this election everyone votes to "Dump the Trump Regime" I do not qualify, for VA benefits. many times I have tried. Even though I was active duty for over a year during basic training, avionics tech school, and follow on training when returning. All training hours. Not the 180 days of non training related full time service. I have been working feverishly this week trying to find a solution, I zero resources, suffer from many mental health conditions, as well a physical. No support at all available, from all of the referrals I have contacted, short of a few cans of food. I have done my best to cope and actually insulted that Air National Guard Veterans, in my situation, are not eligible for any services through VA. It would be volumes to write all I have had to deal with since being homeless again. I have been homeless many times. Mostly cause greedy landlords stopped accepting section 8 assistance. Might be different elsewhere, but in the Phoenix area, corporate giants have bought up much of the property residing section 8 and VASH tenants. Then sent them packing. I started working for the Air Force when I was still a senior in HS, a Civilian NAF position, worked up the chain for over 3 years, and decided I wanted to join the Military, Tensions were ramping in the gulf, my brother was transferring from the Marine Reserves to the Air Nation Guard, so I went to the recruiter and asked for the longest Tech School in electronics, I swore in and went on to basic in late 1989. I followed up with Avionics Technician Training, an intense 32 week program with a 70 percent wash out rate. I graduated with 97.8 average throughout the entire school. I also had a instructor give me all of the computer course materials that I did on my own. When I graduated and returned to Fairchild AFB, within days I watched as the F117s bomb command and communication on Iraq, war was on. My unit was deployed, I wanted to go badly, but returning from Tech School, I was a 3 level, and could not be deployed. I was on follow up orders for the 5 level training at Fairchild. I could have moved to 92nd AMS and went full time, but I was on a year leave of absence from my Civilian job at Fairchild. I finished my training and returned back to my full time Civilian NAF job. I did my 6 year enlistment, and working simultaneously both jobs. There were times I didn't have a day off for weeks, I was the Data Automation Manager For 92nd MWRS. I was in charge of 32 facilities computers and networks, training, and development of a plan for Y2K. At the time when I accepted the promotion I was NAF, but the plan ordered was to change the position after I was hired to Civilian Service, and A much larger GS pay grade, and retirement. Didn't happen, Congress cut 100s of Civil Service positions, no chance of conversion for me. In fact there was many "Rifts" where a Civil Service employee loses there position, so they "boot some lower & take their job I continued as Data Automation Manager, working for $10 an hour, I was one of the highest paid NAF employees. Things would be a lot different if l had been converted to Civil Service. When I went to MWRS Headquarters for training I found the others were GS grade 13 and higher.. Big Bucks! Most only had a dozen or so facilities, I had four separate Dining Facilities and the computer, network, and point of sales in each. I had two Lodging operation and networks, included the Survival School Annex. The list goes on. After designing and installing the New MIS networks, and working at bringing the Squadron "into the modern computer age, Training much of the staff, I resigned to pursue a job that would pay fairly. I also continued in the Air National Guard through my remaining obligation. Was awarded Airman of The Quarter for the entire Squadron, deployed to Volk Field Wisconsin, Mather AFB California, Yokata Japan. I served in the Air Nation Guard for 6 years, promoted to the rank of SSgt. I also was Simultaneously Employed as a Civilian NAF employee for the Air Force for a Decade. I joined the Air National Guard in 1989, taking a year leave of absence from my Civilian job as I attended Basic Training, and intense Avionics Technician Training at Kessler AFB. I graduated with a 97.8 Average through the entire training, where 70 percent of the others "washed out" not able to complete the training. As I returned to Fairchild AFB, I was a 3 level in my training status, immediately upon return, Operation Desert Storm kicked off. My unit was activated, but as a 3 lever straight from Tech School, I could not be deployed. I was placed on active duty and completed my 3 month follow on training at Fairchild. After completion I returned to my Civilian job at Fairchild, and continued with the ANG for my six year enlistment. I was deployed to Volk Field Wisconsin, Mayther AFB California, Yokota Japan. I was promoted faster than others in my shop, Awarded Airman of the Quarter for the Squadron, among others Awards..
@darrelldixon9044 4 жыл бұрын
I do not qualify, for VA benefits. many times I have tried. Even though I was active duty for over a year during basic training, avionics tech school, and follow on training when returning. All training hours. Not the 180 days of non training related full time service. I have been working feverishly this week trying to find a solution, I zero resources, suffer from many mental health conditions, as well a physical. No support at all available, from all of the referrals I have contacted, short of a few cans of food. I have done my best to cope and actually insulted that Air National Guard Veterans, in my situation, are not eligible for any services through VA. It would be volumes to write all I have had to deal with since being homeless again. I have been homeless many times. Mostly cause greedy landlords stopped accepting section 8 assistance. Might be different elsewhere, but in the Phoenix area, corporate giants have bought up much of the property residing section 8 and VASH tenants. Then sent them packing. I started working for the Air Force when I was still a senior in HS, a Civilian NAF position, worked up the chain for over 3 years, and decided I wanted to join the Military, Tensions were ramping in the gulf, my brother was transferring from the Marine Reserves to the Air Nation Guard, so I went to the recruiter and asked for the longest Tech School in electronics, I swore in and went on to basic in late 1989. I followed up with Avionics Technician Training, an intense 32 week program with a 70 percent wash out rate. I graduated with 97.8 average throughout the entire school. I also had a instructor give me all of the computer course materials that I did on my own. When I graduated and returned to Fairchild AFB, within days I watched as the F117s bomb command and communication on Iraq, war was on. My unit was deployed, I wanted to go badly, but returning from Tech School, I was a 3 level, and could not be deployed. I was on follow up orders for the 5 level training at Fairchild. I could have moved to 92nd AMS and went full time, but I was on a year leave of absence from my Civilian job at Fairchild. I finished my training and returned back to my full time Civilian NAF job. I did my 6 year enlistment, and working simultaneously both jobs. There were times I didn't have a day off for weeks, I was the Data Automation Manager For 92nd MWRS. I was in charge of 32 facilities computers and networks, training, and development of a plan for Y2K. At the time when I accepted the promotion I was NAF, but the plan ordered was to change the position after I was hired to Civilian Service, and A much larger GS pay grade, and retirement. Didn't happen, Congress cut 100s of Civil Service positions, no chance of conversion for me. In fact there was many "Rifts" where a Civil Service employee loses there position, so they "boot some lower & take their job I continued as Data Automation Manager, working for $10 an hour, I was one of the highest paid NAF employees. Things would be a lot different if l had been converted to Civil Service. When I went to MWRS Headquarters for training I found the others were GS grade 13 and higher.. Big Bucks! Most only had a dozen or so facilities, I had four separate Dining Facilities and the computer, network, and point of sales in each. I had two Lodging operation and networks, included the Survival School Annex. The list goes on. After designing and installing the New MIS networks, and working at bringing the Squadron "into the modern computer age, Training much of the staff, I resigned to pursue a job that would pay fairly. I also continued in the Air National Guard through my remaining obligation. Was awarded Airman of The Quarter for the entire Squadron, deployed to Volk Field Wisconsin, Mather AFB California, Yokata Japan. I served in the Air Nation Guard for 6 years, promoted to the rank of SSgt. I also was Simultaneously Employed as a Civilian NAF employee for the Air Force for a Decade. I joined the Air National Guard in 1989, taking a year leave of absence from my Civilian job as I attended Basic Training, and intense Avionics Technician Training at Kessler AFB. I graduated with a 97.8 Average through the entire training, where 70 percent of the others "washed out" not able to complete the training. As I returned to Fairchild AFB, I was a 3 level in my training status, immediately upon return, Operation Desert Storm kicked off. My unit was activated, but as a 3 lever straight from Tech School, I could not be deployed. I was placed on active duty and completed my 3 month follow on training at Fairchild. After completion I returned to my Civilian job at Fairchild, and continued with the ANG for my six year enlistment. I was deployed to Volk Field Wisconsin, Mayther AFB California, Yokota Japan. I was promoted faster than others in my shop, Awarded Airman of the Quarter for the Squadron, among others Awards..
@jlee9735 5 жыл бұрын
It’s ridiculous as much taxes is phoenix claims on food housing and everything else that they can’t upgrade the homeless shelter to accommodate and then it should not just be for women and children only and a lot of people that are homeless some of them are not drug dealers are dope or sir mentally L some of them just cannot afford housing and that’s not just in Arizona that’s nationwide
@timwarcloud 5 жыл бұрын
No one owes these people anything. Maybe they should get off the drugs, take a shower, shave, and go look for a job like normal folks do?
@VandashStumpedKnee 4 жыл бұрын
@@timwarcloud Hope you lose everything you heartless bastard.
@janiceevans1717 6 жыл бұрын
There r abandoned motels that could be used for shelter for men the homeless need stable housing
@arizonac9735 6 жыл бұрын
January 12th, 2018 To whom it may concern, My name is Amine Hakik, and I’m reaching out to you for help. I’ve been in a situation of chronic homelessness for the past 3 years, moving between staying with friends and acquaintances to cheap motels, homeless shelters, crisis centers, emergency rooms and hospitals. For the first 12 - 18 months I was lost, just focused on surviving each day. I received some assistance and was able to work with a case manager, received my SMI designation, medicines to help stabilize my conditions and a more stable place to sleep with CASS. Once I had a stable place to stay I was able to begin putting my life back together, dealing with legal and personal issues, receiving a small amount from SSI and food stamps to help me survive, taking care of my health by visiting my clinic regularly and even starting to work out at the gym. I was taking positive steps to address the problems I was facing and was very motivated. I had the energy and desire to return to work, to get a place to live and really restart my life after the personal and emotional tragedies that caused me to break down and loose everything. During my stay at the shelter I would occasionally still stay across the valley with a close friend, who was helping me work through all of these issues. The shelter staff at the time was supportive and would allow me to return to my bed on the nights when I did not stay in the East Valley. Unfortunately, there have been staffing changes and I have been informed that the number of times I was in and out of their facility during that time period was over the allowed amount and they no longer had a place for me. I followed the process to return to the CASS system, ensuring I was in the proper location each day for several weeks, both in the afternoon, and in the evening to attempt to enter under their overflow process. Each time and every time I was denied a bed. I’ve spoken with several staff members, my own case managers at Life Well, CBI and Southwest Behavioral, but all are unable to assist me in getting back into CASS. This was in October of 2017. Since then, I’ve really had difficulties continuing the positive progress I’ve made. I feel as if everything has stalled and I am unable to continue moving forward. My depression is returning, my PTSD nightmares are returning, and I am back where I was initially, trying to survive each day and find a safe place to sleep each night, and am once again becoming a man I do not want to be, depending on alcohol to numb the sadness and help me forget the anxiety and sleep. I feel that I was so close to recovering my life - I had a plan, I could see things changing because I was getting things done. I knew I could reach my goals, with just a bit more time and patience, however all of that is gone now. I was able to battle back from hopelessness once before, and I know with a stable place to stay I can recover and move forward again. This letter is my effort to take that first, critical step - to find a place to stay that will be safe and stable while I finish the tasks I need to finish and get to a point where I can stand on my own once again. Your help in that first step is all I need to make things happen again. Please, if your program can assist me, I know my goals are within reach. I still have faith in myself, and am hoping that you can see this as a reason to have faith in me and help me reach those goals.
@sonnyroy497 4 жыл бұрын
Amine, prayers and blessings to you
@antwanescott8774 4 жыл бұрын
To long, good luck😏
@eddiecastro5088 7 жыл бұрын
@marqueemark5917 6 жыл бұрын
Anybody can become homeless in the blink of an eye
@AllAccessReview1 9 жыл бұрын
Homelessness is a "Business" according to Mark Holleran - Chief Executive Officer of CASS.. That is the problem in a nut shell
@arizonamash9315 9 жыл бұрын
Want to help? Please participate in our phone and email campaign! Go here: docs.google.com/document/d/1sHcDpueXFqAWeEJjIjH4Y7vMi9zesn8rBAOcAfHxu8Y/edit
@arizonamash9315 9 жыл бұрын
Please share with friends, family and our city leaders. Join us March 9, 2015 at the East Lot 6:00PM Central Arizona Shelter Services to see if the simple demands to create humane temporary living conditions on the EAST LOT have been met. Solution : The Housing First Model and Short Term Shelters ... 230 South 12th Ave , Phoenix, AZ 85007
@brandiryan-cabot4218 9 жыл бұрын
This is shameful. These are our people.
@timwarcloud 5 жыл бұрын
Not my people, lol.
@VandashStumpedKnee 4 жыл бұрын
@@timwarcloud Shut the fuck you heartless nazi you are fucking acting like one towards your own fucking species I hope you trip and never wake up.
@esavino57 9 жыл бұрын
How do you make homelessness illegal? Our new Governor scrooge McDucey is unlikely to care :(