Hunting in Canyons and Ravines
2 жыл бұрын
Speed Scouting Basics
2 жыл бұрын
How to use Bait for Mature Bucks
Deer WILL move in high winds
5 жыл бұрын
@RustyShacklefardd 5 күн бұрын
All I wana do is hunt. I like bows and crossbows. Crossbow doesn't hurt my shoulder and it's easier to aim. 🤷‍♂️
@68DMag 8 күн бұрын
He states I wanna take a deer with a recurve bow, so I got a compound bow. Smdh. How much does your camera weigh??
@Yamom2323 9 күн бұрын
I just watched a video where you gave up cross bow hunting but then I see a video where you are rifle hunting
@quityourfuckincryin 19 күн бұрын
congratulations you went back to a compound bow. zero fu&ks given. good luck
@johnsmith-oh2xo 20 күн бұрын
Just because we like to hunt with a crossbow doesn't mean we are not well rounded hunters or less of a man what is this bullshit narrative that if you hunt with a crossbow your less of a hunter or man lol so stupid...Everyone buy's into all this internet bullshit just stop caring what people think or say then your free...
@tedluna624 22 күн бұрын
after 40 yrs of pulling trad and compounds im starting 2025 with a jacked sholder so im going to crossbows. im happy for them because they keeping me in the woods.But i hope ye injoy compound archery as much as i did.
@Crayz919 26 күн бұрын
Some of comments from People in comments are stupid as a screen door on a submarine ... never hunt a oak flat ,food plot , apple tree ,or any food source because its baiting and providing food ... gtfoh! If u use scent doe urine , mock scrapes then u are attracting deer just as corn or ag., food plots etc. ! So its just like baiting huh ?
@Crayz919 26 күн бұрын
Get produce thats discarded by the produce man at your local grocery store and get him or her to save all fruits and veggies they throw out because of a lil bruise etc. And the bucks will come from miles to eat that PRODUCE BUFFET ... I've killed alot big bucks on produce piles !
@brushcrawler8612 Ай бұрын
They know how to get you fools to buy new pieces of equipment every year to keep up with the Jones'. It's all about the "trad fad" this time.
@cliftonfreeman5481 Ай бұрын
I'll deer hunt with a cross bow when I can no longer pull my bow back. Why you can hunt with cross bow during archery season baffles me( unless your handicap in some way) same thing with black powder. Inlines and scopes, it used to be iron sights only and either black powder or pyrodex.
@MrTrpl6 Ай бұрын
Do what you gotta do. I'm in my late 40s and have always had physical labor jobs. I have also spent the last 20 plus years in an automotive assembly plant. I have already had to give up riding motorcycles due to my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders being pretty much worn out. So I can't pull back a bow string. But a crossbow with a crank system is perfect for me. At least I can still keep in the game this way. Good luck with your hunts.
@CarolMoore-g7k Ай бұрын
I too have shot trad and compound but the older you get the eyes start going bad your shoulder so now I shoot a crossbow that gives me the ability to still hunt the bow season that all bow hunters enjoy so kudos to you for taking that step to become a better hunter
@foggymountainman9138 Ай бұрын
You might eventually have to go back to a crossbow, I did. I miss shooting my bow, but I'm just not able to nomore. I shot and hunted with a bow for 50 some years. Crossbow hunting is way more aggravating and difficult to maneuver, especially stand hunting..
@EChunter Ай бұрын
Find lighter weight footwear , 1 lb per boot is a huge difference in your hike way more than the few lbs lost by weapon switch.
@EChunter Ай бұрын
Can't afford a high end crossbow ? What vehicle do you drive ?
@Chris-ip8pz Ай бұрын
Where I’m from baiting is illegal but that being said to me it’s no different than someone spending 3-4 gs making awesome food plot. Or someone hunting over a small corn field. It’s zero difference. Anyways I bait deer and no matter how I do it or when I start which is usually mid June, bucks don’t even show up until the 1st or second week of October. So I’m basically just feeding does until then lol I don’t bow hunt either and stop feeding deer a week or 2 before rifle season. Killed a nice 14 point doing it like that a couple years ago.
@santosknives6278 Ай бұрын
Congrats man, enjoy the journey!
@donwilson350 2 ай бұрын
You know, to really be honest? I am used to compound for many, many years And as you get older and your job changes a crossbow Really works well for me. I am a truck driver. I am 56 years old. And I am not able to practice with a compound bow Like I used to when I had different jobs so a crossbow was a real Blessing to me if I wasn't able to use a crossbow. I would not be able to deer hunt anymore. And as you get older, you will see this Add my opinion Crossbows are easier to operate they perform better. You could miss judge yardages and still Make a good shot. And they are just better all the way around
@danorris5235 2 ай бұрын
Well, your personal reasons are your own, but your explanation leaves me extremely confused. I hunt trad and crossbow, rifle, shotgun, and revolver and have always had a pretty contentious relationship with compounds. I don't dislike the delivery system itself, but the snobbish and baseless elitism it seems to breed like cancer for the entire sport. Certain members of that community have some people convinced via their marketing schemes, wild egos, and rampantly overall shamelessly poor attitudes that compound hunters are the REAL hunters and everyone else in all things are pretenders. I had no clue all the boot work, patterning, scouting, map reading, tracking, stalking, sign reading, ambush crafting, woodsmanship, planning, study of anatomy, behavior, and biology of the target species, calling patterns, blending to the environment, land navigation, weather reading, gear maintenance, bushcraft, harvesting, prepping, packing, cooking, and ultimately eating the animal had a single flipping thing to do with your preference for arrow or bullet delivery system. Oh, but to a compound elitist? That's the whole thing, and the marketing companies and their bootlickers sucker more in every year. Loosing a space age piece of equipment does nothing to make you better hunter. Nor does using nothing other than a stick and string. There's way more to it all than solely that, and anyone attempting to convince you otherwise is conning you. That being said, I personally know several other hunters who are of great talent who also use nothing other than a compound bow. Their skill has zero to do with the bow and everything to do with everything else they do. It's just a different kind of archery which ultimately has nothing to do with the hunt itself. Every single one of the snobs is a middling aggressively mediocre hunter who invented false prestige for themselves due to a laughable lack of legitimate skill by claiming their weapon system makes the entire operation so much more insanely complex and difficult that only a real man could possibly do it. Anyone who has done a wide variety of hunting with varied equipment to include the compound knows that's an epic joke. Please enjoy whatever delivery system you choose and get fulfillment out of it. And if that's compound? Great. It has its own unique benefits, particular skills, and knowledge to gain with proficiency and discipline to display. But, please, for the love of God do not let cognitive dissonance ring and think that you're suddenly a whole new class of elite hunter for using a compound bow and join the ranks of the hacks.
@sh4969 3 ай бұрын
Great plains bows American company make some great hunting bows. My Cottonmouth 2 bamboo 40lb recurve bow weights nothing. My other Ash longbow 80 inch that weights nothing either.
@ratorgersen7938 3 ай бұрын
your problem is that you are trying to compare a vertical bow and a crossbow...that is your mistake....a vertical bow and a crossbow are two different animals....there are reasons that lots of people use crossbows........there are lots of pros and cons for both......if its to heavy how and the hell do you carry your may as well scrap that also.....your using way to heavy and way to long and wide crossbows....REALLY?????????? of course a vertical bow is easy to you think you found a secret......the difference is crossbow hunters dont wound 6 deer a season to bag 1......and as far as a second shot with a bow......1 in 100 try to practice
@dakotarudow 3 ай бұрын
To all you shouting lazy for crossbow hunters.. get out of your sit in stand and come hunt some public where you aren’t hunting whatever food your putting in and every square inch of your land on camera.. shooting a mature buck on public with a crossbow is harder than shooting one on private with a compound.. I love using compound and I love using xbows.. I have to shoot a compound lefty bcz I tore my rotator cuff but even barring the injury I would still use my xbow..
@blackerthanblack814 3 ай бұрын
If you have to use weapons to hunt your not a real hunter 🐑🧠
@dougtrollcoast1629 3 ай бұрын
This man taught me everything I know about baiting. Years of hands on instruction from on how to bait, when to bait, and what to bait for has been immensely helpful. I even bait for my friends and family, heck I’ll even bait for guys I run into out in the woods. Nothing feels better than a good successful bait, so I’ll do it as often and frequent as I can. If you need some help and advice, this guys videos are so helpful, he is definitely a master.
@dougtrollcoast1629 3 ай бұрын
Good to see someone unashamed of transitioning 🏳️‍⚧️
@homerangehuntsmen1298 3 ай бұрын
@steamman9193 4 ай бұрын
I’m switching back to compound bow for the main reason you stated that carrying a crossbow through woods it catches everything, and there is just no good way to carry them comfortably and quietly
@redeyecycles2017 4 ай бұрын
Love how humble you are great video man keep it up
@RhodesLessTraveledOutdoors 4 ай бұрын
Nice buck! Congrats! New sub here.
@AndrewCooper-z4m 4 ай бұрын
Then you didn't try all crossbow because there is cobra rx what is very easy to load have a look at it it's a tactical crossbow and cobra adder can shoot 5 botls in 7 seconds faster then bow and arrow
@samuelleal6149 5 ай бұрын
i'm perhaps younger than you but for some reason i get shoulder joint aches after some time moving around but if i could i'd use a bow, it's more portable than a crossbow and honestly looks more fun
@chrismartin308 5 ай бұрын
That fat guy thinks he's hiding 😂
@larrymiller4875 6 ай бұрын
100 percent HORSESHIT .
@robinfielding1108 6 ай бұрын
You can fire a bow faster then a cross bow I use a recurve cause the compound has to many parts I got a compound and traded for a recurve then got 2 more 35, 50 and 60 I got the 35 for my wife the 50 I got in the trade the 60 I got Cuse it was pretty and just fit my hand right.
@martinmyles57 7 ай бұрын
What do you charge for a 3 day hunt ? lol hope you have a great season!
@rahlap2449 7 ай бұрын
Speaking of reloading a crossbow: you should consider the Steambow Onyx. Its probably the easiest (and safest) way to reload a crossbow. Amazing tech aswell.
@superman6210 7 ай бұрын
Great song, great band
@zach3305 7 ай бұрын
Really like your content man. I could see you on meateater.
@zach3305 7 ай бұрын
I was always taught that high winds make deer move because they get nervous.
@simonkingswood2032 8 ай бұрын
Brevity ?
@Suplexcityme316 9 ай бұрын
The biggest difference IMO between a compound and a crossbow is pulling and holding the string back without startling the deer, and that is really the only thing compounds have in common with recurve and longbows, besides being vertical obviously. In that scenario, the crissbow is much closer to a gun, than archery.
@piercem56 9 ай бұрын
I respect that. I think if we want to revert more and more to a primitive style of hunting might as well grab a stick and fashion a spear head out of sharp stone and go that route. Each step backwards becomes even more challenging it just depends on how much you want to handicap yourself.
@stephenferguson6363 9 ай бұрын
It's been hard to use compounds I am right handed but shoot left because I lost my right eye. So cross bows have been the way to roll. I am giving another compound a try tho
@TomBean-qf6zv 9 ай бұрын
For me and my age and iffy shoulder the crossbow works best for me, puts meat in the freezer so I'm good.
@pestushmb5957 9 ай бұрын
Gathering energy from these comments to get myself a deer for 12mph wind/20 gust.
@homerangehuntsmen1298 9 ай бұрын
Awesome! Get in close to bedding while keeping your scent blowing in a safe direction!
@timex8321 9 ай бұрын
colbra seige crossbow is the way
@keithpierson5754 9 ай бұрын
Those are all fair reasons. Hunting is a journey not a destination. I started with a compound and struggled with tuning and got frustrated at the complications of the cams and arrow tuning. I got into traditional archery and learned the fundamentals of archery form, physics, and tuning which I was able to apply to and drastically improve my compound skill. Now I have work and family obligations that restrict my time to practice and hunt, so on the few days I get out I need to harvest game to feed the family, so I use a crossbow.
@joelkrystof5877 10 ай бұрын
I've hunted with all 3 all fun to shoot the crossbow is the most eithical tool for the job
@campeze7955 10 ай бұрын
Ease of carrying is a major reason I’m thinking like you. Almost like your reading my mind with the reasons to switch. 😊
@JesusIsGoodTruth 3 ай бұрын
If you’re too lazy to carry a crossbow, you have bigger problems
@fabiancanada8876 10 ай бұрын
I have been hunting mostly with a crossbow for the past 7 years. I have a simple excalibur crossbow (I think it is a 380) and that thing is just a brute. I have a tree stand and with my setup I am shooting at about 30 years. I can shoot wherever I want in the shoulder and pretty much always get a pass through. The usually fall over after about 50 yards with a decent double lung broadside shot. I recently sold one of my rifles because I am seeing myself crossbow hunting hopefully for a long time. My kids want deer jerky again so hopefully we can do that soon. Cheers
@tygetb7785 10 ай бұрын
I started with recurve bows 5 yrs ago. Moved on to compound and just bought my first crossbow. Gotta admit. I like them all. It started out as physical therapy and now it's mental. I just like to hunt and the meat is good for the family.