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@user-ot5xs6li8t 11 минут бұрын
Trolls incoming
@XionEternum 12 минут бұрын
In regards to the "online game toxicity" discussion: I've personally tried very hard to maintain the ethical standard of, "if you wouldn't say it to someone in person, why would you say it online?" Because unlike in-person, there's no risk of getting your teeth knocked out.
@baronvonschnellenstein2811 15 минут бұрын
Wot! US$250 - US$400 for a skin/animations/voicelines for a game with craptastic cartoony graphics? I want some of whatever Riot games are smoking!
@paulvern3277 18 минут бұрын
Thank god i sold my account a year ago yo a collector. Female lead company? No thanks
@PoisonRemedy89 21 минут бұрын
I'm not shocked at the price i'm shocked that people still play riot games, like in all seriousness how f'ed up you need to be to still play these trash games?
@mariusjagdfeld823 22 минут бұрын
Why ban them? Riot should deactivate the voice and text chat of those people
@tee_es_bee 29 минут бұрын
1:30 I have no idea who "Faker" is. Nevertheless, $450 is the cost of a new console or a used car. 3:35 "they will never return" ... unless the company is going to need a small boost in which case they will come with a tremendous 90% tag that would still be an obscene $45. 10:30 Yeah, that's brutal. The player should be removed permanently from being able to play the game. 17:00 Wasn't this already being discussed earlier. Have a very strong feeling of déjà vu. 🧡💛🧡
@bullbrissot 31 минут бұрын
gameing is about to crash pepole are fed up with all this stuff it time to let it burn and let indys rain and keep gameing good
@PyroTech03 37 минут бұрын
Bring back the tribunal from League of Legends and let the community police it. It was great back in the day when it was a thing.
@FoxFlare 38 минут бұрын
Evey single change Riot does to the social features of there games, always ends up being terrible and makes the game worse off.
@reedk2402 45 минут бұрын
Raises an interesting question. We want protections for digital purchases but what happens if we get them? How does banning affect that? Sure the ban may be 100% warranted but if we got the protection we want then you can be sued for the loss of money. Also Faker not using skins but 100% signs off on his skin for a payday is kinda hypocritical
@dtkedtyjrtyj 45 минут бұрын
I have absolutely no problem with them charging $500 for a skin. I encourage it. If I made a game with micro transactions, I'd create such skins. The only thing that in any way _could_ make this immoral is if they later _lower_ the price and make them cheap. And if someone feels "Oh, I have to buy this skin to...". Learn to spend your money responsibly. If you really want that skin, good for you; if not: don't pay.
@BrobjeV 54 минут бұрын
Oh yeah, user tags, Vergil DLC for DMC5 has pretty funny ones
@avidcollector869 Сағат бұрын
I unsubscribed to every league streamer that bought that skin.
@shodanargie1574 Сағат бұрын
Toxicity kinda makes those games. Imagine these crybabies on Xbox Live for 360 in 2007
@LukasJampen Сағат бұрын
I lost track of all the games I never heard from before, saw them on steam and gave them a shot and fell in love with. Games from smaller dev studios might not get pushed to the front page but if they are in a genre I play a lot I might get it recommended none the less. Also just browsing for games is way easier/customisable than other stores.
@LyuboA Сағат бұрын
buying MTX is by far the most stupid thing you can do as a gamer but Paying for Skins that's even dumber i understand paying for DLCs and even some pay to win DLCs in Single Player games still SCAMS but this is just insane paying for skins is literally beyond stupid and this is talking about skins for few $ but skins that cost hundreds of $ i simple can't imagine how stupid and how much Lack of self control you need to have to do something like this
@LyuboA Сағат бұрын
macro translation is considered up to $1.99 atleast that how the game industry were defining MTX in the early days before they realized they can SCAM stupid ppl and make Huge Easy Money
@ragingmoonkin9039 Сағат бұрын
You know, I've never played a single Riot game, but I've seen Arcane. And if they need to get money from skins to get another season, I kinda gon't mind. Of course, it can be a problem in a perspective, but at least it's not a Lilith skin in COD
@SquishyRogue Сағат бұрын
Hey, have you seen what's happening with the EA App forced switchover for Mac users because it's been an even bigger mess than when it was forced for Windows. Or any of EAs recent disastrous moves within the Sims community? Both could be really interesting topics to see your take on
@FaceFish9 Сағат бұрын
Saying it will go against Spider man the like, and those games are already meddling when you compare to what they were up against, Baldur's gate 3 amazing story telling, amazing pretty much everything... Hellblade 2 was just never going to work without amazing gameplay and story.
@insertswear Сағат бұрын
I uninstalled LoL the moment they demanded that I install their kernel level spyware and I'm not going back.
@Poldovico Сағат бұрын
Nothing will change for people who can't post a clip to a large amount of followers on a third party platform.
@AtakenSmith Сағат бұрын
Every time I see a women cry about toxic players I just feel like do they not know how to turn off chat or voice...? I mean I'm a man and like what? Are we immune to these toxic players...? NO! I can't even count how many times my mother got Faucked by idiots and how manny different way. But give us a solution. Leaving a game and getting punished for it is there for a reason, the system can't figure it out if you left cause you have such a weakling hearth. We can't just turn it off, even with punishment there are players afking and leaving. What can you do with these players? Nothing... You report them and go live your life! If someone is a dcik to you then turn off the communication. It's not like life when even if you walk away they can follow you. Or better play with friends. Or NOT play the game, cause crying without an idea to solve the problem is not gonna help and she is not the first and not the last. I have seen the clip, wow... He really said some mean things. Wow. Such harassment... She is even lucky actually, cause she have proof, she can report him and he gets punished... But we have real rape, with real victims who don't get enough help, until they do I think these girl like her is just a drama queen with click baiting.
@AtakenSmith Сағат бұрын
Oh another thing... Imagine if we all took so seriously every time another player say or write "go die" "I will kill you" etc...
@Rerags_ Сағат бұрын
they try to milk the playerbase of their only successful game to make up for the losses of their other projects like skull and bones
@JachymorDota 2 сағат бұрын
The Artists don't see any extra revenue from the 450$ skin. It will be already in your computer when you install the update, so it isn't rare. If the game eventually shuts down, you get no return in your "investment", so it isn't even a collectors item. It is a scam. A pretty scam. But a scam nonetheless.
@ncrtrooper2370 2 сағат бұрын
Toxic playerbase is toxic. Riot makes skins comparable to star citizen ships. Water is wet and old men yell at clouds
@louiemimis598 2 сағат бұрын
You were being too leniant towards that "streamer". She unmutted and was trashtalking to the dude to make his say something crazy and get her views. And now Riot will use this oportunity to LITERALLY record your vc. GJ defending insane behaviour like that. First time you are completely wrong on a situation......
@shinjay5882 2 сағат бұрын
$500? I paid that for my Rivendell Lego Set. It’s been 3 weeks and I’m 40% there. For a skin? No!
@JustaSmilingHedgehog 2 сағат бұрын
Ah yes, telling your playerbase they are the problem when you get overwhelmed by corporate greed. The classic winning strategy, this has never backfired on anyone.
@sopek1427 2 сағат бұрын
Gamer streamer now soo weak and emotional.. get rekt
@cookiecreep9204 2 сағат бұрын
Remember when Japanese players got banned for saying "run" in Japanese? Yea, it's gonna be very American like that.
@kacpadestro8086 2 сағат бұрын
Remember they only made a stink because women where affected.
@1337foxs 2 сағат бұрын
Games with voice chat genuinely need word recognition that auto flags shit like this for review. And before you whine about not wanting your voice recorded, you text chat already is. Don't want it recorded, don't use it.
@Ghytiees 2 сағат бұрын
for $450 I want a statue
@Ricys 2 сағат бұрын
why is no agency looking into ubisoft?
@Marvin-mq9rk 2 сағат бұрын
Working 30+ hours pf a normal job to buy a video game bundle,i expect a ps5 to be part of it for that price
@cookiecreep9204 3 сағат бұрын
Neither am I. At least not league.
@the_dark_soul_of_man 3 сағат бұрын
Looks to me that Ahri will be banned a lot.
@joshuadelaughter7968 3 сағат бұрын
Managing expectations is a lot better than just leaning into the hype and then underdelivering.
@Satook 3 сағат бұрын
The items have 0 monetary value.They are transient and are non-transerrable. When the game shuts down, they're all gone. They might have some subjective utility to the buyer but it's worth separating that from the concept of monetary value.
@nexttonic6459 3 сағат бұрын
Can't the player decide to kick? Or better yet exclude him from the chat like reverse mute, I know there is no such thing as reverse mute but there could be. AND Riot can pay for it, by .. lets even make it cheaper for Riot if you report a player he's hole voice chat goes to voice to text engine and if there is word's that trickers the reverse mute.. Like in black mirror.. Imagine you can hear ppl but you can't talk to them.. Or even that the talk is made unintelligible, AND YES RIOT should PAY for it! For the server side voip analytics. This is the kind of shi... ppl has to deal with, all anti cheats also could be done server side but nooo that would cost money to RiotGames, they don't actually need these Anticheat software, that is a lie, they just want to save a buck by running it on the client instead of the server.
@ZeZZooo 3 сағат бұрын
Faker looks up to Jake Paul, with doing the same victory celebration 🤫
I don't support that guy from the valorant clip, but there is also another clip where she says that she is not muting him for content she could have muted him but she didn't for content and the got buthurt and left the game instead of muting the guy.
@ixenharroc3727 3 сағат бұрын
Two things about that whole "toxic" language problem. 1. there is a mute function, use it. 2. that content creature specifically chose not to mute them, wanted them to speak, just to make more content and a video about it.
@jeremyrichard2722 3 сағат бұрын
Well, I will put it this way. When it comes to competition, serious competition, part of it is psychological. Part of being mentally tough is to not let other people get under your skin, and there are plenty of people who are good at something but have weaknesses that can render them heavily rattled. This is something people learned quickly in multiplayer games where two people or teams opposing each other can confront one another. I've generally defended "toxic behavior" in a competitive environment because I've felt that if someone can be rattled through racism, or attacks on their sexual orientation or identity, then this is a weakness that should be exploited. It's up to them to overcome it, and develop the thick skin, or mental toughness to resist it. I doubt many of the "online racists" are actually racist, it's not their fault that certain targets are going to have a complex about it. I mean if you look at some of the trash talking around classic boxing matches, there could very well be a racial dynamic around it. Arguably if you need to shield someone from having their feelings hurt for them to be the best competitor they can be, they probably shouldn't be there. That's my opinion however, and to be brutally honest, I've felt that instead of policing this stuff, companies should simply lock out cross-team or cross-competition chat and voice chat and call it a day. That will deal with the problem. They shouldn't basically have the channels open for trash talking, and then put kid gloves on it, it defeats the entire purpose.
@Poldovico Сағат бұрын
This is the kind of reasoning that has players at Magic the Gathering tournaments not wash themselves, to put their opponents off their game by stinking. Nobody likes a stinker, and while the victory screen disappears when the game is over, the stink sticks to you in real life.
@jeremyrichard2722 Сағат бұрын
@@Poldovico I've never heard of such a thing ever happening, and even if it did, it is a bit out of context to the situation. An absurdist example like that doesn't actually make any kind of point what so ever. I put it more in the context of other kind of conflict based competition. Stuff like how you had Mike Tyson screaming he was going to eat his opponent's children, or some of the rather extreme trash talking guys like Mohammad Ali engaged in, as did some of his opponents. As I said though, they should either have no limits on it at all, or just shut down all communication between competitors. I'll also say, I don't think trash talkers get exactly the same reaction from people in general as something like the stinkers you mention, if they exist. That is why there are political sorts putting pressure on the companies to regulate, as the general audience gets it, and doesn't care.
@edmundmondo1682 3 сағат бұрын
Paying 450 with no happy ending....let me think about it
@MrExeetor 3 сағат бұрын
PoE is the best way. Some stash tabs for character power that makes 20-30$ needed money to be spent when you get to late game if you wanna interact with trade etc. otherwise just cosmetics.
@10MLaw 3 сағат бұрын
For The "F5"!
@jakalordarkblood4331 3 сағат бұрын
"Flex culture" isn't really... New? It's something deeply rooted in history. Sea: The fucking Pyramids.