The Live Service Bubble Has Burst.
Marvel Rivals Proved Skeptics Wrong.
Nvidia's New Plan Will Lock You In.
Space Marine 2 Is Out Of Date*
The Judge Ruled Against Valve.
@Paradox_Grael 16 секунд бұрын
Ship of Theseus. Broward died years ago. If they hadn't, we never would have seen even a hint of Anthem.
@AmicusVirtutis Минут бұрын
Bellular...what evidence have you seen that the writers of Veilguard are willing to learn anything?? All ive seen is the opposite via their public statements basically trying to avoid any legit criticism.
@WhichDoctor1 6 минут бұрын
The problem is that when its management’s incompetence that’s responsible for problems, management isn’t going to fire the incompetents, because that would require firing themselves. And any managers who leave have to be replaced by the incompetents that are left. Who probably are as incompetent at recruiting as they are at manageing. It’s the rot at the heart of a lot of big corporations. Unless you have a body able to hold incompetent managers to account, from outside of management, you’re going to get these issues. That’s why we need worker democracy. We need workers to be able to hol incompetent management to account for the sake of their jobs. Just as we currently have managers to hold workers accountable. If the power only flows one way, then you end up with idiots empowering idiots and both the company, the shareholders and the workers and the customers suffer
@godlygamer911 6 минут бұрын
Why did he change the thumbnail?
@pnjdumal 7 минут бұрын
Shocker mismanagement, hiring not based on skill and incompetence plaguing every level of company led to its death, who could have seen that coming ?
@AlucardNoir 7 минут бұрын
No, no this was suicide.
@clouds5 11 минут бұрын
Creative studios can't exist in these mega corps like EA. It just doesn't work. First of all as soon as they get bought the important people leave and then all the decisions are made by business people who are only passionate about profits. This has been happening since forever and it will continue. Remember Westwood? AMAZING studio. Bought by EA, killed by EA.
@10-OSwords 11 минут бұрын
Veilguard flopped because of bigots who hate LGBT people & won't buy anything not starring cis straight white male characters. All you have to do is read the hate comments on any video covering it. It wasn't as good as Inquisition & the writing was lame simply because nobody plays a video game to talk non stop about anybody's feelings, but the gameplay was very good & you can skip through most of the writing. This failed because of HATERED & NAZIS.
@10-OSwords Минут бұрын
(Also, veilguard IS on frostbite & looks amazing. Whatever problems people are saying there WERE with the engine are fully gone. Looks far far better than anything on UE including FF7.)
@MentalMaxen 12 минут бұрын
I'm sorry but Bioware wasn't murdered it committed suicide. Ea might have handed them the loaded gun but you cannot force someone to pull the trigger. The games industry as a whole lacks the backbone to simply tell the people funding a game that their ideas and not what the players want. Until this changes we'll be in for disappointment after disappointment.
@kinghell9061 15 минут бұрын
They died in 2010, but the EA animated corpse confused folk for a while.
@shardinhand1243 17 минут бұрын
i wont forgive what they did to dragon age and if they do the same to mass effect, well, i cant do any more than what im already doing, not giving them any money to burn.
@SnareGG 18 минут бұрын
honestly, if it does end up being a mass effect themed destiny clone ill be happy
@Satook 18 минут бұрын
The long game looks (from very outside the know) like death by bad senior management. Shit managers take over and unless they’re capable or removed the teams under them lose all their talent or have to retain them at high cost. But the talent loss leads to quality loss leads to cuts leads to talent loss. Bioware is at about round 8 of this now and not only have they lost talent, as you point out they aren’t creating an environment where people can grow into their roles. Amazing writers, directors, programmers, gameplay designers don’t just spawn from the earth like Urukai!
@shardinhand1243 19 минут бұрын
bioware was one of my all time fav devs, and they killed themselves, the devs to drunk on theyre own self importance destroyed theyre own series.
@e56hdyhdfgh 20 минут бұрын
The last time I even bought something from Bioware was ME2. Unless SWTOR came out after that, then it was that. But we all know how that went, so makes sense I never went back. I never thought I'd be so entertained by AAA burning. And it's completely free and well deserved. I've got plenty of stuff to play, but if the future means less saturation from high marketing cost piles of crap filled with nonsense like DEI, that only leaves room for games actually wroth playing. Sounds good.
@christopherr.561 21 минут бұрын
BioWare killed itself. It’s been dead in spirit for years, just time to make it official.
@DuaneWashington-e1i 21 минут бұрын
*Organize, Unionize, Socialize* the games industry.
@dororo101 25 минут бұрын
This is like the5th time this has happened
@thedarkone246 26 минут бұрын
The saying is "-did not die, it was murdered." Killed and murdered are synonyms but died and killed are not.
@AGrumpyPanda 26 минут бұрын
At least part of the reason for the projections and targets being completely unreasonable, is those projections are mostly made using cold data. It's very easy for the boots-on-the-ground people to see that something's impossible, but when all you do is sit in an office all day looking at spreadsheets and line graphs it looks proper because the 'math' says it's proper.
@XX-121 27 минут бұрын
lol all the laid off people posted their messages on bluesky ahahahahahaha
@PartOfTheGame 28 минут бұрын
Yeah, no excitement over the new Dragon Age or Mass Effect at this point. Bioware can't make a single-player story-driven game anymore, and it shows. Uninteresting characters, shallow personalities, little to no lore value, and predictable story elements.
@DuaneWashington-e1i 29 минут бұрын
1. Bullfrog Productions (1987 - 2001) 2. Westwood Studios (1985 - 2003) - Command & Conquer 3. Origin Systems (1983 - 2004) 4. NuFX (1990 - 2007) 5. Pandemic Studios (1998 - 2009) 6. PlayFish (2007 - 2013) 7. Black Box Games (1998 - 2013) - Need for Speed 8. DreamWorks Interactive (1995 - 2013) 9. Phenomic Game Development (1997 - 2013) 10. Victory Games (2010 - 2013) 11. Mythic Entertainment (1995 - 2014) 12. Maxis Software (1987 - 2015) - Sim City, The Sims 13. EA Salt Lake (1992 - 2017) 14. Visceral Games (1998 - 2017) list of studios over the years EA has gutted and acquired the IPS. It's a miracle Bioware has lasted this long under EA.
@HairFIip 29 минут бұрын
I'm still salty about Anthem. That game had so much potential and it was all pissed down the toilet. The things they did right were great, but it did not outweigh all the issues with the game.
@Svafne 31 минут бұрын
Bloatware -_- Bioware died over a decade ago..
@YourTamedLion 33 минут бұрын
You messed up the Video title 🤦
@YuneChaos 36 минут бұрын
Also something to note according to David Gaider the head writer for Dragon Age Inquisition is that starting around the development of the Inquisition DLCs BioWare leadership had a disdain and sabotaging attitude towards the writing team so that would explain the varied writing in Vanguard.
@Agent-lr4ez 37 минут бұрын
6:02 Learn from their 250 million dollar failure?
@turk88 38 минут бұрын
it was suicide. They sold themselves to EA , EA insisted on their live service strategy to dev team that never done that before and then DEI hires within Bioware ran the company and IP to the ground. But good news, Corinne Busch is been hired by WotC and if there is one company who deserves to be shuttered, it is WotC so hopefully he works his DEI magic and next year we will get happy news of WotC gone.
@renba3242 38 минут бұрын
day 37537th of Bellular defending talentless "devs", sigh.
@F0rger513 40 минут бұрын
If they want to make ME5 a live service game I wouldn't be against it depending on how it's implemented. Basically, if they gave us an expanded version of the ME3 multiplayer, that'd be great. AS LONG AS the focus is on the story initially. You can grow the live service part off of the full story as the game continues to live and evolve as long as the story is compelling and the mechanics feel good. I'm imagining something like after completing the game you get introduced to a system where you customize a character from one of the triumphant factions to continue galactic stability missions. This could also be a vessel for DLC in the future. I mean, look what happened with GTA. The single player experience was the selling point but it had a simple and fun online multiplayer that evolved into a live service game. All of that would be ok... as long as they do the story justice.
@ludwiglanestudios 41 минут бұрын
IPs we used to love should just be looked back with nostalgia. Hostile takeovers of these companies are inevitable, and once that happens, they are DEAD. Star Wars- dead Indiana Jones - Dead The rest of Disney- Dead Bioware- Dead Bethesda- Dead It happens all the time. Don't cry about it because they are never going back to their glory days. Look at them as WWII vets who are close to the end.
@Arnyh0ld 43 минут бұрын
It's been a ride... DA: Origin was awesome, the ME1-3 (with the fixed ending....) were good. The rest? 1. Back in the day DA:2 was when I decided I will never ever preorder any games again. 2. When they have announced Anthem (it was not even out yet) I knew I will not get a single more BW games even on sale years later... The rest are slop, not worth mentioning. Good riddance.
@Darmoth85 45 минут бұрын
I mean... To be fair, if you could swap out the insufferable Veilguard npcs with other players, it might have been a slightly better game.
@Stu98765 47 минут бұрын
Nobody forced Bioware to sell out to EA. Just like Blizz, Bioware died the second they sold.
@Darmoth85 48 минут бұрын
It was self-exit.
@valantheflame0193 48 минут бұрын
Make better games
@Queldonus 50 минут бұрын
They should let BioWare go away quietly with what dignity remains. I have zero faith in EA to not give us another looter shooter with a Mass Effect paint job.
@cyberwaste 51 минут бұрын
If EA continues to ignore reality, they'll soon be bought out by Microsoft.
@Mister-Thirteen 52 минут бұрын
Let's be honest. This started a LONG time ago. Recall that they shipped Neverwinter Nights 2 in a barely functional state back in 2006. Same crunch, same outcome. Nearly 20 years ago.
@mattsullivan2458 53 минут бұрын
Man, that title is...Clean. 😎
@Rapunzel879 54 минут бұрын
Inquistion was where BioWare began to fall off, and ever since, they've been looking for the bottom.
@oyster2746 56 минут бұрын
Shared world elements almost certainly means cross overs, like fortnite, so making the game worse in all possible ways.
@solasslym3 58 минут бұрын
I'm content to watch EA burn. The last game they released I was interested in and purchased was Future Cop: LAPD. Never heard of it? There ya go.
@mul118 59 минут бұрын
Crunch == systemic failure branded as a solution. Brilliant insight. Ty!
@im36degrees 59 минут бұрын
its ok for franchises to end... i dont need another ME or DA. same with studios. Bioware had its day, but like you said, they lost all their talent. they are just a name now.
@chefffs Сағат бұрын
I think they just fired anyone who had a bluesky account
@vivi1649 Сағат бұрын
My brother in Christ, where have you been for the last _decade_ ?? Are we just gonna ignore Anthem? Andromeda? Inquisition? We've known for years that Inquisition was a miracle and that things were already falling apart then, and you're acting surprised now? Please...
@tophmonster947 Сағат бұрын
Good. They haven’t made a good game in a decade. They shouldn’t be paid to make games anymore
@DagothDaddy Сағат бұрын
At this point EA should just put the brand out of it's misery. No one from the Good Bioware is still there why even keep the name?