@patthesoundguy 4 күн бұрын
I got lucky with mine... I paid $125 Canadian on sale on Amazon. I did the ground jumper on it and set the PA Bias in the settings and it works very well. I have gotten great signal reports up to 7000km away. I had zero expectations it was going to even turn on let alone receive and transmit. I have it with me in a case in my truck so I can do portable anytime. I teamed it up with the cheap ATU-100 auto tuner.
@W4DNQ-AmateurRadio 9 күн бұрын
@teotwaki 28 күн бұрын
That header you soldered the capacitor to is the Arduino style ISP connector for upgrading the software (edit: but it sounds like you found out later it's not the right place to solder the cap)
@tomsworkshop5856 28 күн бұрын
That is correct. It's amazing what those header pin are also connected to, should you look at the schematic. ;)
@teotwaki 28 күн бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 I was fortunate to have already been working with Arduino boards before buying my first of these radios. I now have three. The ISP pinout in the radios and an Arduino Nano or Uno turned out to be the same arrangement.
@tomsworkshop5856 28 күн бұрын
@@teotwaki Cool, I've ended up with three of them too!! And ya, I've flashed them all, a time or too. And yes, the microphone in is literally on of the pins. And so is ground.
@stevec5000 29 күн бұрын
He should get a mic so we can hear him!
@tomsworkshop5856 28 күн бұрын
I'm always open to equipment upgrades. But, as an Amateur with limited resources, I tend to run hand me down equipment. Besides, I've only got one more video in the works, and I'll have created all the content I intend to. After all, I'm not paid in anyway to make these videos. And was only hoping that some folks might be helped by my experiences and find their own value in them.
@eriklundqvist9032 Ай бұрын
Thank you Tom for a very good video. I fixed the grounding issue with a piece of copper wire from the bnc to the chassi screws, and it made a big difference - no more static instability and also better (clearer) on receive.
@WilliamLee-eh6hy Ай бұрын
Tom, Thanks for the research and information. I dont expect this unit to perform like a Icom IC-705 or an Elecraft Kx3 but for the money (fixed income here) and for a portable QRP CW rig it should work OK. Did the grounding thing and added the 100K resistor and the TX audio did improve however the cap on the header reduced the power output to 1 watt or less. This was bought from Ebay as an new but open box unit with no internal battery. I think it is the latest rev board. I would like to replace the encoder as it jumps when you press it in as if you turned it one notch up or down. would you know the part number or where I can get a better replacement? Thanks again for taking the time to share your information with us less gifted but radio afflicted hams.
@valetech8751 2 ай бұрын
thanks for the video. I have now bought 4 of these radio and tried to get them to work with no luck. I am only decent at software so the firmware update sadly didn't help. At least I was able to send them back for a refund. Now i am close to my wits end with what to do to improve this. I am not an electronics engineer, i'm an IT guy so i can't do much. As for the original creator I would love to support him but his version is lacking a lot of the stuff that the chinese sellers have added to it. The thick metal case, the integrated battery and most importantly no soldering or hardware work to speak off. This is where i think a lot of the ham projects / products out there are lacking. They are built to the old school mindset of the operator can soldering, has eletronics experiences, understandings how these things work internally so they release small kits which are hard for an average non eletronics person to use. Then Chinese sellers see these products, see the gap in the market so they take the existing designs and sell them cheaply en masse. The advantage here is that you get more people in the hobby and hopefully help to reduce the age of your average operator Unfortunately, the problem here seems to be miscommunication / mindset. If we got together with aliexpress seller and directly approved a handful of them to manufacture ready made hardware which has been quality controlled and approved then we could all win.
@johng.3740 2 ай бұрын
I have a USDX white buttons it works great as a receiver you know AM and SSB but the SSB transmit audio quality is unintelligible. I've tried changing microphones, modifying the PA bias min, max, noise gate, TX drive and still SSB transmit is unintelligible. I've read that updating the firmware to the latest version helps SSB transmit audio quality so I ordered the Arduino Uno and the cables... we'll see if the transmit audio quality improves. I may have to program the SDR radio myself to make the transmit audio quality sound good, other comments underneath this video indicate that the SSB transmit signal is not true SSB or that changes in the circuitry are emulated in the SDR....well I'm going to look at the firmware code....i think you can modify the digital filter design coefficients and the like....oh one last thing...the output amplifier is Class E meaning that it attempts to reconstruct the output RF signal using switching, sort of like how switching power supplies construct DC output by filtering the output of a square wave.
@valetech8751 Ай бұрын
BTW is is possible to do the update with only a raspberry pi if you already have that. The arduino programmer is unnecessary.
@dougkathydavies3024 3 ай бұрын
Would you please show, with better light, the fix you did on the speaker jack on the rear panel? I would like to do that as well but need a clearer picture. Are they just jumpers from one side to the other? Also, is there another value of capacitor I can use for the processor fix? I can't find any 47nf disc ceramic caps anywhere, not even DigiKey. Thanks, Tom. Doug VE7DRF
@tomsworkshop5856 3 ай бұрын
Hey Doug, so the capacitor that I used on the header is just a run of the mill Ceramic disk capacitor that you can buy off of Amazon in a bulk assortment for $15,. I used a 47nF, and it is over-kill. Two others I've worked on sounded better with a 10nF capacitor installed. www.amazon.ca/10pf-Capacitor-Multi-Layer-Resistance-Assortment/dp/B07RWM9TMN/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2S66BFC1UKI7K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qBNfiB-Mnah2LuthN077qKv5aT23XiaDdGyIkx9OSuOFmwzbt3zP8mVLcDqxommNx7hLUrXTmu5JjDKhwhHuIuFTnLSIDXFGkoO2U-8RcnmkUXrZ-8BCbAMoSWOj6N2GXFAVtQ64ji627k6NHcs5TL2-ltapeHAgm-ap0vnC7UCEAOIivwQdrCFaN0IbKhUUyMjh45bfT81GYwh7nxZBX6aeZLa9ULaQd77dvgO9hiiWmKlxWDPUahuSvc8f3cLY1pY1pJzsoW0Brrcb5lKPxNQxu9QXwymzsqDLZ70l0N4.rhwtd1RAsGLKj_75woU5XFLE04FPi11hrpwY-_00EmA&dib_tag=se&keywords=450pcs+multi-layer+ceramic+capacitor&qid=1719961429&sprefix=450pcs+multi-layer+cermaic+capacitor%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 As far as the jumpering of the speaker portion of the k jack, The radio is now well and truly built into its permanent station, so I'm not really wanting to take it appart again, as it is working well enough these days. You might be able to hear me on the Aurora Net from time to time. :) With that said, of all the video and pics I had taken the best did make it into the video. But yes, essentially it's just two wires jumping across to the opposite side of the jack. 73 Doug -Tom VE7NGK
@dougkathydavies3024 3 ай бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Thanks for the reply, Tom. I think I'll forget about the cap replacement. I don't plan to upgrade the firmware, at least not at this time. I have installed the 100k resistor at R23 and done the jumper mod so all is good for now. I'm gathering the parts to build an EFHV antenna to try out using the uSDX+. We'll see how that goes.
@tomsworkshop5856 3 ай бұрын
@@dougkathydavies3024 You know, I've got a few radios. I love to rag chew, and one of them I use on 80 meters every night, and it sounds good and everything. But the uSDX+ V2 is now installed at my place of work, and gets used at coffee, lunch and after work times. I've hunted 187 parks so far, armed only with a 60' random wire, powered by the OGS-50W amp, and the ATU-100. Out of my fleet of radios, this little thing has become my favorite. I do plan on posting a follow-up video of some other things you can get/do to get the most out of it.. So stay tuned, and good luck! I hope to hear you on the air one day, and hopefuly soon!
@mewrongwayKOCXF 4 ай бұрын
Thank You Tom! Awesome videos!! 👍👍👍
@tomsworkshop5856 4 ай бұрын
Most welcome!
@BrightBlueJim 4 ай бұрын
I bought one of these a couple weeks ago, and I made sure to buy it on Amazon instead of any of the dealers on AliExpress. It cost me a little more this way (I paid $132 from Amazon), but I'm glad I did, because now I can RETURN it. The radio I got is basically deaf - it can hear noise, but nothing else. Not WWV, not ANYTHING on 20 or 40 meters. And no, I'm not going to spend 40 hours on trying to make it work, because I am convinced that both the uSDX+ AND Manuel's (tr)uSDX are junk. Not just bad construction (although this may be worse on the uSDX+), but by design. I actually bought the (tr)uSDX first, from the approved vendor on Amazon, but apparently I didn't read enough reviews first, because i was disappointed in its performance. Guido, who wrote the firmware for all of these radios,, started off by modifying a QRP Labs QCX transceiver, which is a CW-only radio. He replaced most of the components in the receiver circuit that were doing an image-rejecting detector, which includes among other things, several op-amps and associated resistors and caps to shift the phase of the demodulated signal so that the undesired image signal gets canceled. This Guido replaced with code, doing the phase shift in the firmware. But he went way further than that, cleverly finding a way to produce SSB modulation without adding a lot of circuitry - again, he does this in software. I won't go into detail, but he takes the mic input, which goes through that phase shift network, and does a little more math on it to convert it from an I/Q signal to separate phase and amplitude signals. The phase he deals with by doing real-time small adjustments to the frequency of the Si5351A synthesizer chip, and the amplitude he fed to a transistor that was being used on the QCX radio to amplitude-modulate the keyer signal so that the rise and fall times of the RF aren't so sharp that they cause unpleasant key clicks. Which apparently worked all right, BUT, after some testing, he determined that the amplitude modulation isn't completely necessary - if you disconnect it, you get what sounds like highly-compressed audio, because that's pretty much what it is. And then he doubled-down on this, claiming that disabling the amplitude modulation actually improves the readability of your signal when it's down in the noise. Which of course is true, but it's not something I want to have disabled all of the time. Well, too bad, because he actually removed that circuit from the (tr)uSDX design. It LOOKS like he may be doing a slight amount of amplitude modulation by changing the DC bias on the FET gates (that circuit that you showed that had the missing 100 kohm resistor), but it's not nearly as effective. I even read one review that says that unlike TRUE single-sideband, where you only produce RF when you are talking, this radio puts out the same amount of power whether you're talking or not! I found this unacceptable, but I thought that maybe I could just add that proper modulation circuit back to the radio, and modify the code to make it work like it did in the earlier versions. So I looked on Manuel's forum to see if I could get the source code so I could fiddle with it and make it more like REAL SSB. I found a post where someone had asked essentially what I was going to ask, but he asked instead if he could use the source code from the uSDX project on the (tr)uSDX. Manuel chewed him out, accusing him of "software rape". Literally. I wrote to Manual, telling him how inappropriate this was, and also that I have no use for the firmware if I can't modify it for my own purposes. This IS amateur radio we're talking about, not commercial radios. But no, he chewed me out as well. So I thought, okay fine: I'll buy one of those Chinese uSDX radios, because at least then I would have the amplitude modulator circuit. Well, that turned out not to be the case; the design that got ripped off and built by several different Chinese manufacturers uses a later version that also does not have the amplitude modulator. And besides, as I mentioned at the start, the receiver is pretty much useless as well. So here I am with two useless radios, but at least one of them (the uSDX+) I can return. The (tr)uSDX I bought in kit form, and at least it works, but I'm probably never going to use it because I WON'T use it in its present form because what it produces is not SSB, but more importantly, I can't modify the code to make it work with a proper modulator because Manuel believes it's HIS radio, not mine. Not at all happy, and now I'm working on re-designing the whole rig because it's such a hack job to begin with. That is, starting over from scratch using a microcontroller that's up to the task.
@KirkRake 4 ай бұрын
rest easy you most probably did not blow it up. there is a problem in the design. You have a better shot of winning the lottery than getting one that is good and not need to be McGyvered
@pilotsvvv 5 ай бұрын
Are there mar mod for this... I can to tx on 6675 MHZ ????
@tomsworkshop5856 5 ай бұрын
Being this is an open source design you could theoretically re design the filters in the PA stage. However, being MARS operations require reliable equipment, with skilled operators this radio should never ever be used for that service.
@ugsisr 5 ай бұрын
Tom's Workshop, Here is a link to a video you may or may not have seen yet, I found it very informative of the USDX design... kzbin.info/www/bejne/i6eYqZqOa7Kth7c Thank You...
@pilotsvvv 5 ай бұрын
Mars mod for this...
@noble-challenger 5 ай бұрын
I just got my usdx+ and it has no reception on all bands. I am using long wire antenna. Compared with tecsun pl330 and the same antenna, reception is very good on this little reciever. Has someone had this issue? I did a fix with connecting the ground to the case only. Did not solder the resistor and capacitor yet.
@tomsworkshop5856 5 ай бұрын
That’s very odd. I’d make sure the noise filter and attenuators aren’t turned up. But that would be a new problem I’ve not run into. All 3 of mine can hear a pin drop on the far side of Mars.
@ward5821 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes an added amplifier will have spurious signals, these unwanted spurs being to sent to a tuned antenna, and that can create high SWR..
@tomsworkshop5856 6 ай бұрын
Not only might the amp create those emissions, but the radio's own spurious emission will get amplified. And it only takes a small signal that's not resonant with the antenna to cause artificially high SWR readings. The difference being that the amp usually won't blow up from a secondary or even third harmonic that's 45db down from the main signal. ;) But filtering is definitely needed.
@sleeve8651 6 ай бұрын
I bought on sometime ago, and promptly forgot it ! Decided I needed a small tuner, and luckily, or not (?) remembered where I left it ! Plugged it into a charger, and so far nothing ? Thought it might at least light up, but nothing so far ! Waiting for the Two hour charge cycle as described here, fingers crossed ! Are the only indicators for charging, when you switch the unit on ? I scanned the QR code on a card that came with it, but says in it's no longer available ? So Zero instructions, etc. ! Any help appreciated ! Thanks in advance !
@tomsworkshop5856 6 ай бұрын
Well, this is an interesting one indeed. So, you have a couple of things going on there. Since it may have sat for a very long time, it is possible that the 3.7 volt lithium ion bettery has bit the dust. It's a small pouch battery glued to the shell of the unit - right beside the charge controller and boost converter. The tuner runs on 12v, and thus the converter boosts the voltage from the battery. Due to a bad design, this boost converter is always on, and always drawing a few milliamps of power. After a few weeks the battery is dead. After a few months the battery is shot. With that said, on that board, inside the unit are 2 indicator LEDs. One red for charging, and one green for full. When a correct USB cable is plugged in, it should charge, or at least create the 12v needed to run on the tuner. If this does not happen, make sure you are using a dumb 2.1a USB block, and the dumb USB-C charging cable. Fast charging blocks and data USB-C cables do not work with this tuner. (Like many cheap Ali-Express/Amazon toys with such power in ports. If this doesn't help, I'd suggest removing all the battery related stuff, and putting a regular 12v supply to the unit. As the base tuner is actually a decent design. Hope that helps! 73 Tom
@sleeve8651 6 ай бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Yes Tom, thanks for getting back ! After giving it a few hours charge, it lit up ! So it seems to work, to a point ! It seems to function on A.M. and SSB, but switching to FM, it seems to shut the tuner off ? Using a very old 25 watt Radio Shack HTX 10, which I think is running less than 25 watts ? Running into a 2 foot helical mag mount on my truck. Have made contacts so it seems to function, but I don't understand it kicking out on FM ? I installed a common mode choke on the antenna lead thinking some RF was getting back ? Still more to do ! Also tells me I've reached Max Power, if I whistle it up on SSB ? Not running anywhere near the 100 watts I thought this was rated for ? Any thoughts ? Thanks !
@tomsworkshop5856 6 ай бұрын
Ya, they do have some quirks to them. The FM shouldn't really bother it. I've done some FM work with mine at 50 watts. One thing they do suffer from, and causes the screen to crash is bad grounding. I'd make sure everything is well grounded. !! I also never leave mine in auto mode!! It goes stupid at higher power, when it starts a tune cycle, and gets above 9:1 SWR it will show 100s of watts. And at that point you can easily fry your finals !! There's also issues with the quality of diodes used in the SWR bridge, which is the heart of the unit as power and SWR gets reported to the CPU from there. I'd do a google search for ATU-100 diode replacement. Good luck, brother!
@sleeve8651 6 ай бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Thanks ! Well I know more than I did ! Lol ! I bought the thing some time ago, and kind of forgot it ! And as typical, no instructions to be found that I know of, so just been following my nose ! Thanks again Tom ! '73 !
@johnbelcher7164 6 ай бұрын
I have one of those Rigs it came with no Arial can you tell me where I can get one love your Vidios
@tomsworkshop5856 6 ай бұрын
Hey, well, there's so many different antenna combinations available that it really does depend on what you're planning to do. Set it up in a car, take it out into parks, or set up some sort of home station. I'd suggest doing some searches for HF antennas on here. There's lot's to learn. I hope that helps. And, depending on time, I do want to create a video about the random wire antenna. (You'll need a tuner to use one,) but they do an OK job across the all bands if you get them set up just right. If you're new to the hobby I'd suggest contact your local ham club, they are always wanting to talk and help new comers along. :) 73! Tom
@thebuggy736 7 ай бұрын
Yes, I can see were you coming from. The Chinese copy only good designs. It is the enthusiasm of people having a problem and doing research and development and come up with a new product. A good engineer needs this ability of having fun in understanding things and a child like attitude to improve it. Ones in the process you can't stop, you have to go on. Unfortunately in our world everything gets messured in the equivalent of a value of money. A good engineer is not necessary a good salesman. I can understand, I am also an engineer. Can I raise a question? The radio amateur is more and more a consumer. There is a whole industry trying to sell stuff to hams. This is a very sad development. For many years every radio amateur was a developer and researcher. Today he is a consumer with the industry getting more and more power over hams. We are on a point now where you buy a "black box" without documentation. You buy it like a can of beverage and recycle it after use.
@tomsworkshop5856 7 ай бұрын
You have summed up the average new ham radio operator very correctly. There are some of us that still love to play, fix and make better. But for many, that would be too much to ask. With that said, I know of two new hams that are less than 16 years old, that have bought tubed equipment and fixed it, ground their own crystals. (thanks to KZbin instructional videos) and are having more fun with old junk than new radios. The fun for me, is when Chinese junk and old junk get together for a QSO. ;)
@valetech8751 Ай бұрын
Well i sorta disagree that chinese only copy good designs. This is exactly what was said of the japanese at the start of their rise to electronics fame. I think we forget history far too quickly. Even if you look at some of the usdx copies / clones you can see that they have added things to make this a complete product that could be picked up and used by anyone. The integrated battery and thick metal case make the product quite unique. You won't find anything from any other sellers in that size and form factor. So that is already an innovation that no one else has done. It is of course true that the quality is terrible and lacking, This is due i think to many different complex factors. as for new hams being more consumers this is probably a good idea. Ham radio needs to expand from being the preserve of a handful of electronics engineers. This is partly why the hobby is so grey at the moment. Not everyone who wants to operate on the air waves is interested in the same things and this is the advantage of ham radio. here is where having cheap, easily accessible, ready to use gear is an advantage. It encourages younger people with less experience or other people in other industries to come into the hobby and play. The fact is ham radio has dominated by one particular, gender, social class, race for a very long time. This is partially i think because the cost of the equipment and the requirements made it quite hard for other people to participate. So i think what we need to take a less adversarial look at the Chinese sellers and instead start some kind of certification program with a select handful of them to make equipment that meets minimal requirements which still keeping the cost down and allowing others to join the hobby. Yes it's great if you have the time, money and skills to build your own kits but having gear that works correctly and is cheap is the way forward for the hobby.
@JensGrigull-ij6fd Ай бұрын
This radio is an experimental radio. I have tested the Chinese copy and it has some technical problems but it is ok. I would recommend it to experienced hams. The world has changed. You can build good high quality products everywhere, there is a transfer of knowledge all over the world. There are good universities and engineers in China. I would never deny this. China is a big producer of goods for an international market. They produce good quality products and low quality goods accordingly what the consumers like to buy.
@ИгорьГончаров-я2п 7 ай бұрын
Так этот шунт нужно будет удалить?
@tomsworkshop5856 7 ай бұрын
Если вы имеете в виду конденсатор в шапке, то да, если собираетесь обновлять прошивку.
@ИгорьГончаров-я2п 7 ай бұрын
Привет! Подскажите пожалуйста где можно взять прошивку
@tomsworkshop5856 7 ай бұрын
Найдите группу USDx USDR в Facebook, она есть в разделе файлов. @@ИгорьГончаров-я2п
@everettrantanen1732 7 ай бұрын
I heard the Baofeng Microphone works on this radio. Is it a better mic as far as audio quality?
@tomsworkshop5856 7 ай бұрын
I've used the Hand held Baofeng mic with it, but got reports that it sounded very bad. Now, the little ear piece/microphone one that comes with the UV-5RE is one that I think would work very, very well. But I was hoping to find it, and try it before commenting, but I think I must have left it laying on a park bench somewhere. Hope fully someone else has one, gives it a try, and let's us know.
@Tocsin-Bang 8 ай бұрын
Dis the microphone capacitor mod, but used a female header so I can remove it. For the antenna socket grounding I used adhesive copper tape.
@bobdrayer2900 8 ай бұрын
Politics and credit mongering are alive and well in a hobby intended to share openly....build your own and settle the argumant!
@PaulReedy 8 ай бұрын
I ordered the PA50+ online, and they sent me one of these. Granted it was a great price, and now I know why. The one I got does look different than the one you have shown. They have added 3 large resistors to the board, 2 of them are 420 ohm, one is 120 ohm, so I wonder if they have tried to fix the input VSWR issue. I couldn't get a chance to test it as once I applied power, the power light came on for a brief microsecond, then something in the amp shorted out, so I started a return.
@tomsworkshop5856 8 ай бұрын
Wow, definitely worth returning if it only had a millisecond life span. But most interesting that they are still working on ‘improvements.’ Hope you end up getting a working amp in the end. 73
@petervk7kpc180 8 ай бұрын
Hi, I have recently received one of these with the extra resistors. Measured at 43 Ohm and 12 Ohm. In PI network theoretical attenuation nearly 9 dB and return loss of about 7dB, equivalent to a VSWR of about 2.5:1. Supposedly better than previous. Just waiting for replacement MOSFETs as the smoke escaped when checking bias voltage. Cheers Peter VK7KPC
@gkaltsid 10 ай бұрын
Hi. I take today the usdx+ v2 and the amplifier. I want use with atu-100 like you but not tuning. Needs 10w and up. When i use the ldg z100 tuning (i listen rele and green led show tuning) but the bridge say 7-8:1. Any idea?
@gkaltsid 11 ай бұрын
i have bought the usdx+ V2 and the ogs-50 and i have the at-100 tuner. on the usdx I connect the ogs-50 and then the tuner. correctly? how can i tune without transmit 50 watts to tuner? can i add a switch to the amp to turn it off when tuning?
@tomsworkshop5856 11 ай бұрын
So, you've got it set up correctly! With the amp un- powered, you tune the antenna, and then connect power to the amplifier. I've not installed a power switch into the amplifier, but there is a video on here somewhere where someone installs a magnetic power switch inside the amplifier. I just pull the power cord out of the amplifier when I'm not using it, but yes, a switch at the battery or power supply would be very much helpful. For those following along the connections are: Radio out to amplifier in, amplifier out to ATU in, and then ATU to the antenna.
@migalito1955 11 ай бұрын
Hi & thanks Tom, If I understand correctly the maker or designer of the amp did not allow the input side on the amp to appear as a 50 ohm load to the source radio, correct? Because I did not open the case yet I just want to be clear about where I connect the pair of parallel resistors. I saw the proper location on the relay so I am good on that. I believe you said for the other the ground tab of the two BNC connectors, correct? I guess the two connectors share a common ground tab, but as long as the connection is made to what the connectors ground to should be fine, correct? Also, how critical are the 200 ohm in parallel =100 ohm 6 watt resistor assembly values? I'll probably have to order them anyway since 3 watt resistors are not typically in my build box and I am wondering if it was just a workable value you had and perhaps there is an even better selection. Thanks again....
@tomsworkshop5856 11 ай бұрын
Yes sir, you've got it right. However, there's a different version of this amp being sold now, and it is identifiable by the blue power light instead of red. I recently bought the second version, but have not yet been able to do the modification as they went through-hole for the relay. I'm hoping to make a follow up video on this newer version as to how the modification can be done, because, well, it still doesn't present a good 50ohm load to the radio. Hope that helps!! & 73
@migalito1955 11 ай бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Thanks Tom. Yep, I have the blue light version. I will wait for your video and I did order the resistors.
@tomsworkshop5856 11 ай бұрын
@@migalito1955 Sounds good, hopefully this will be a simple (ish) mod, I do know I need to pull the board out, and that means the temp switch and unbolting the FETs. So, might take a bit of effort, But I'm hoping to find some "top side" connection point after I go through it. We shall see.
@petervk7kpc180 7 ай бұрын
@@migalito1955 Hi, Blue light version has an attenuator already fitted Cheers Peter VK7KPC
@migalito1955 11 ай бұрын
I bought one too. I also like it. I was aware of it not having reflected power protection, so I am only using it on a resonate 40 meter inverted V in NVIS configuration that also has very low SWR on the 15 meter band. At the moment I am using it with either a bitX-40 or early ubitX. Each does not have adjustable power so I power the transceivers with 9 volts at 2 amps max that allows the rigs to output about 0.8 watts of signal which combined with the amp becomes about 28 to 30 watts. So far no issues. I suspect but don't want to push my luck that my low input allows for a little bit worse than 1.5 SWR for maximum SWR. The only thing I noticed is the relay that switches from receive to transmit has a lag of about 200 miliseconds. I only use SSB so to avoid being initially cut off I tap the mic or otherwise spoof the start of audio. I will take a look at your SWR protection video.... 73 from kc2wvb
@martinsmith8732 Жыл бұрын
Great video Tom on making the usdx a better radio. I know you didn't want to get into the firmware update, probably because of added issues after updating it. Is it worth to doing a firmware update or just leaving it the way it is? If so, which firmware update do you recommend? Thanks, Martin.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Hi Martin, thanks for the kind words! So, all of my uSDX+s are running 2.00c, and it seems to work rather reliably. I've also heard, but not tried good things about 4.00c, with 4.00d soon to come out on the Facebook group for these radios. 73, Tom
@billruppert9007 Жыл бұрын
It was open source. No violation. Also you bought a second version of this radio which was known to be bad. The original company had stopped making these. You should have done your homework before buying it. I own two of the original versions of this radio and have worked all over the world with fine audio reports.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Well, and that's the reason for this video. For others who are doing that research. I now own 2 of these radios. And, like you, I get glowing signal reports, now. The original one featured in this video is in daily service, and has logged many, many contacts, and has even done net control duty. As far as the legitimacy of this radio, and all those based on it's foundation. It could truly be called a disaster with the licensing changing in mid flight. Not to mention the addition of clones of clones. But I'm glad you are enjoying yours as much as I am enjoying mine.
@billruppert9007 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Tom. It is so funny how clones of clones of clones show up. Sadly, they get worse as time goes on! But it is great how popular QRP has become. I started in 1968 and there was never talk of it. Thank you for telling guys how to fix the later versions.
@eugenenesterenko8228 Жыл бұрын
The toroids for the 15m and 10m filters should yellow core.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
I've heard this a couple of times, but mine does seem to do OK and 15 12 and 10, for as often as those bands have been open for me.. So I'm not complaining.
@alvarogaitan2529 Жыл бұрын
Great job Tom you safe my amplifier jejejejej thanks
@richardsenining7410 Жыл бұрын
Hi sir. How are you can i ask about two meter linear what is best tube type or mosfet thanks 73
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
That's a tough question to answer because everyone uses VHF a little differently. If you're just looking to boost your handy talkie a bit, then Btech (Model # AMP-V25) makes a nice little amplifier that also has audio (in and out) to turn your handy into more of a mobile / base setup. If you're looking to do VHF SSB, AM, or Digital then I'd be suggesting that you look at the offering from RM Italy. Hope that helps. 73! VE7NGK
@richardsenining7410 Жыл бұрын
Thank you sir... But i need to purchase linear vhf 144 to 148 if have can you help me about that sir and im willing to buy thaks 73
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
@@richardsenining7410 Sorry, I don't have any VHF amps.
@mudzburong2701 Жыл бұрын
Dont you just talk, it can't help,, instead do some conserning to. Its uses, on how to bypass or tune the SWR..
@shanehogarth6373 Жыл бұрын
Nice one Tom. Will look out for one at that price.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
It got my 2 watts up to 4.5 watts on my shop's random wire. :) I've got another OGS-50W on its way to see what fun I can have. ;) 73's good sir!
@sleeve8651 Жыл бұрын
If you please, where do you find the operating manual, as the tuners don't come with one supplied ? Thank you !
@vincentditizio8790 Жыл бұрын
Mine never worked right. I have no interest in fixing it. I ordered something that should work better and not break so easy.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Sad to hear that. I'm curious as to what you bought to replace it? And would love to hear how it works for you. :) 73!
@grin4it Жыл бұрын
Спасибо Том! Очень полезные советы!) Удачи 73)
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Добро пожаловать!! 73!
@bobnrainy Жыл бұрын
Open source is not intellectual piracy
@trashpanda-rz2xy Жыл бұрын
i just got one of these, after watching your video i decided to tear it apart and lo and behold i'm also missing that resistor! I've only ever done through hole soldering so i guess it's time to learn smd. I haven't noticed any issues with grounding like you mentioned although mine is in the same anodized case. i might still do what you did just in case and ground the sleeve to a screw. the one problem i've noticed so far is that when in cw mode, my sdr dongle picks up tones from the uSDX. Both devices are sharing a single antenna and i'm not sure if that is causing abnormal behaviour but since i have yet to get my technicians license i'm quite nervous about accidentally transmitting. i guess the only thing to do is run some tests with an oscilloscope and see if it's acting up and then consider returning it and getting the trusdx if i can't resolve the issue.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Good day!! And congrats for holding off transmitting until you get your appropriate license. :) If you're planning to use this radio for CW, you will not be disappointed. The odd behavior comes into play with using it for sideband, and not all of them suffer from it. If you can get the (tr)usdx, you'll have a much more enjoyable experience, especially if you're not comfortable with moding the uSDX. But, yet again, I don't know what you paid for it, but if it was cheap enough, it could be a good learning opportunity. As far as sharing an antenna with another receiver, that's really not the best idea at all, as it will blow the front end out of the other receiver with ease if you transmit without some sort of duplexer... (And that would be a feat to create for HF, IMO.) If you're just receiving with both, then yes, the uSDX will create some birdies that the other receiver will pick up. I know that when mine is tuned around the 80 meter band, it will break the squelch on my VHF receiver. But they are very localized emissions.. All the best!!
@dadigz Жыл бұрын
Do you know what watt rating the SMD resistor should be that goes under the speaker? 73
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
The one I used was 1/16th (0402.) Physically the tinyest thing I've ever soldered. 1/8th (0805) would be easier to use.
@MrSoundCreation Жыл бұрын
If that not work (to small to get solder, you can try a axial model 100k, if done that l, it works perfect, and nice in place. Thanks for the video and the improvement ls you made Tom I have done all '73
@mssippijim Жыл бұрын
I have one of these, but didn't realize it was a clone until I had purchased it. It is basically ok for what I paid, but if I had it to do over again, I would buy the real thing. In fact, I probably will purchase one of his soon. Manual is a great guy and deserves the money. Thanks for your time invested. BTW, do you have the firmware link?
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Well, if you're looking for the latest, I'd go over to here: github.com/GW8RDI/uSDXOpen?fbclid=IwAR0MN9C83QCF1Jqf92JiBB5VGB2yIvysUgtn6yr5L_Do7c2wAiihL5JjIC4 I hope that helps!
@Tocsin-Bang Жыл бұрын
Same here, mind you mine kind of works OK from new, same issues the grounding I fixed using copper foil, added the capacitor, waiting for some smd resistors.
@robc3863 Жыл бұрын
Pleased that you found the 4.00d firmware useful. C24 is on the MOSI line, which is the microphone ADC input, so yes it is the RFI filter, given that the external microphone lead is unshielded and acts as an antenna. It is also the data input for programming so C24 distorts the data and easily bricks the atmega. uSDX was an open project with many contributors, the license does not prevent commercial use, (tr)usdx was a version where the uSDX design was used but modified, and the firmware closed. The (tr)usdx kit was sold and currently licence keys are provided, as far as I understand, to several "approved" Chinese makers, so take what you've been told with a large pinch of commercial self interest lol
@Upnorthof48 Жыл бұрын
Keep the vids coming Tom! I really appreciate your support on this rig! I added your improvements, and it has made a difference. I’ve had a lot of fun so far, making many cw and ssb contacts at very low power. I think the best I’ve seen, is 3.5w on 40m and maybe 20m. I love to tinker, but need a little direction. Thanks again!
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Trevor! Mine has become my daily driver for lunch and coffee breaks at work. Way too much fun when you finally get it to the acceptable point. :) 73!!
@rockshelter Жыл бұрын
So I did the mod and it sure made a real difference in the swr presented to the radio. So far I only tested with an usdx and the reports were bad, to say it mildly. I dont think the usdx is anywhere near a finished product, and thus it does not like this amp it seems. I could test the PA with my 817, but the risk and the pain involved in renewing finals on the sweet little Yaesu makes me a bit reluctant to mate these two. Maybe I am overcautious... I dont have deep experience with practical electronics but is there any way this amp could be put to work? Any bands with less unwanted emissions? 10-15-20 meters maybe ? Simple filters?
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Ya, the USDX is a pain. And the 817’s finals are fragile to say the least. As far as making the USDX almost useable, check out my other video. And search Facebook for the USDX group where you can find better firmware and how to upload it to your radio. Mine’s doing OK now, but dang, RF getting back into it via any connection, power, mic, etc.. makes it sound very bad - and adding the amp really compounds the problem. It seems, for me at least, I get the best results on 20 meters. I hope this helps, brother. 73s!
@redeyegooner Жыл бұрын
I've just seen the uSDX_ATU for sale for 185, which is the transceiver and atu all in one. I wonder how long before they add an amp?🤔
@shanehogarth6373 Жыл бұрын
Great video Tom. Lots of true words spoken. I bought one of these and it arrived last week, already I wish I had bought the tru version. I think I have the same instability problem you experienced and was putting it down to a noisy BNC connector, so at least I now have a head start. Mine seems to work well on 20 and 15 but 40 and 80 have some sort of problem on receive that sounds like the recovered audio is being restricted by around 75%. I will start pulling it to bits soon and if I find a solution will post. I am intending to buy another, but for sure it will be a Tru sdx this time. Thanks again. Subscribed. 73s Shane. G7EWL
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Thanks! 40 and 80 have weird sound to them on both my radios this week. Most of the folks I talked to on 80 last night were commenting on the after effects of the geo storm we had last week, so may don’t do anything drastic just yet. ;) Also, the Noise filter / blanker (NB) setting seems to work more aggressively on the lower bands. (On mine, anyway.) All the best!! Tom, VE7NGK
@MaciejSzewczyk-x6w Жыл бұрын
Funny thing, I got mine yesterday. I did some quick test on dummy load and quess what - mine produces 90-95W from circa 6W input. Any ideas? Regards
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Two things come to mind. Drive power should be 2 to 5 watts, and if you're using an mcHF/RS-918 type radio, (Or similar experimental radio,) harmonics. Often times the 3rd harmonic.
@MaciejSzewczyk-x6w Жыл бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Hi Tom, thank You for your answer. Yes, the drive power exceeded 5W - in fact it was around 6-7W. But would it make such a difference? Today I tried handheld Albrecht 2,5W and USDR reduced to similar power. The amplifier gave 40W on output , and a few qso-s were made with good reports. Harmonics - yes, but would it not affect SWR (and it was exactly as expected)? Anyway - best regards - Maciej SP5ZE
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
@@MaciejSzewczyk-x6w They often do effect SWR, but in some cases, especially with non-resonant antennas that are being made to transmit with a balun or unun, such as the popular 9:1 random wire. The SWR, even with out a tuner can often be under 2:1 on all HF bands, thus, the harmonic(s) might not affect the SWR as you would expect. Now, if it is a mono band antenna, I'd be surprised. But, not everything works out to simple answers. Also, I often run my amp in excess of 75 wats on 80 meters. It gets warm, the fans run a lot, but it seems happy doing that. ;) I just wouldn't recommend doing it, if you don't have replacement IRF530s on hand.... All the best and 73's VE7NGK
@MaciejSzewczyk-x6w Жыл бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Thanks, 73!
@plotdoc Жыл бұрын
Appreciate the video! However, I set up several jigs with two samples of this amplifier, and loaded it with both tuned antenna and dummy loads, and measured the VSWR on the exciter (a (tr)usdx) on all bands, with the OGS either powered on or off. Worst case was on 80 meters, and was approximately 1.5. Best measurement was on 11 meters (no surprise). I could not repeat your observation. Can you display the actual test setup you used? Also, I would be very uncomfortable using this amplifier without some filtering. It is sending large spikes at the second harmonic, on all frequencies measured, making it unacceptable as an out of the box amplifier, even for 11 meter operation. Wonder if the manufacturer has something to do with the problem: different stores in China have wildly different pieces with the same name. Not doubting your findings! Just want to know what accounts for your findings. Again, thanks for all you do.
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
Good day George. So, I've stopped using my uSDX with this amp as it creates far too many spurs and harmonics. The class E final setups in those radios are not up to being connected to an amplifier at all. I've exhausted many hours trying to clean up the emissions. With that said, I use this amp with my RS-918, that has had Wayne NB6M's modifications done to its filters. The OGS-50W is a dumb amplifier, and has no input loading, thus, unless they've changed something in the last year, I'd wonder how you got a good match at all. (And I'm not doubting you and the fine manufactures change things everyday!) The tests I did used the SWR meter in the RS-918, confirmed with a direct connection to a dummy load (Showing 1:1ish) and my Random wire without tuner (2:1) and then tuned 1.06:1 Using my ATU-100, and the OGS powered off in between the radio and tuner, and repeated on all bands. Once the the amp is powered on and trips into transmit, the reported SWR on the antenna tuner stays low, 1.15:1 (Some change expected with the increased power, and resistance of coax, balun, etc.) However, the radio's indicated SWR (5:1) was so high that radio was only pushing 2.5 watts into the amp, while set to 5 watts, in many, but not all of the bands. There is good news: The harmonics detected from the output of the antenna are 40 to 50db lower than the fundamental, compared to 9db lower than the uSDX substituted for the RS-918. Test set up was TinySA, using supplied antenna polarized in the same direction as the random wire and 40 feet from center of that transmitting antenna, with the TinySA set to measure harmonics. (Notably the 3rd harmonic was the worst in all cases, with both radios, likely because the amplifier favors frequencies in the 10 to 15MHz range.) So, you are correct. If your radio is dirty, or has high DC out, such as the uSDX families of radios. (This is evidenced by the uSDX radios only generating about 30 watts out of the amplifier, but traditionally built commercial radios without the DC component will do 55 watts with the same 3.5 watts in.) Don't use this amp without a filter system BEFORE the amplifier, unless you've cleaned up your radio's emissions to all harmonics being -50db or better. A filter setup after the amplifier is a good idea, but if you haven't cleaned up what it is amplifying, you will be converting all of your output to heat in the filter network. It should be noted that it will work on 10 meters, or as you say 11, but it is super inefficient. I hope that helps, and all the best to you!
@plotdoc Жыл бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856 Appreciate the thoughtful reply. I will set up the OSG-50 with an RS-918 (one of my favorite portables!) and see what I measure. My measurements were with the SWR meter and transmatch at the base of the antenna. The OSG-50 was left inline, both powered and unpowered, and worked well, with many spurs noted, which likely reflect the Class E operation, as you noted, of the (tr)usdx. I use an LPF-7, as well some other stiff filters on most of my Chinese equipment, as the second harmonics are often troubling. I am a product of the early sixties amateur scene, and recall "pink slips" for inappropriate emissions. All said, this amplifier is a work in progress, and needs a bit of work to be a good ham radio product. V73 George KF5WFA
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
@@plotdoc Hey, Thanks for the kind words! I do agree, the amplifier is a work in progress. BUT, I can say I've now logged over 100 hours of TX time on it. So, at $1 an hour investment, seems to be rather good. lol All the best George!! 73's de VE7NGK
@plotdoc Жыл бұрын
@@tomsworkshop5856FB, Tom. I set up a test rig, using a QRP SWR/Wattmeter between the exciter and the amplifier, and another SWR/Wattmeter between the amplifier and the load, which, for purposes of the test, was a Cantenna KW load (finally, a use for it!). With the exciter active, and the OGS non-powered, the forward power was set to 4 Watt, and was seen on both power meters. SWR stayed at 1.1 or better, on all bands, from 160 to 10 meter. Then I energized the OGS with 13.8V, and repeated all the studies. You are correct, Tom. The reflected power to the exciter was several Watts, making the VSWR nearly 6! The lowest value, 4, was obtained on 15 Meters. I will certainly try your fix, but excellent pickup on this one, OM! 73 George de KF5WFA
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
@@plotdoc I honestly can't take credit for finding this. But, once it was brought to my attention, fixing it made a world of difference. It's possible to use two 100 ohm resistors to make things happy, but the amp suffers. (I tried) So, the end result is 2:1, and the amp doing its job. Kind of a compromise, but a good way to not hurt your radio. (The amp's finals are easy enough to replace....) Have a good one friend, hope to talk to you on the air. I love 20 meters on Saturdays. ;)
@ricardojvf1728 Жыл бұрын
Tks for the tip, but I think I heard two resistors and I see four resistors, is there another modification ?
@tomsworkshop5856 Жыл бұрын
If you take the top off, you’ll see two in the final section. The two I’ve added are just as described in the video.