@jimmyallen9188 Сағат бұрын
If we had the opportunity to answer the rich young ruler’s question in front of Jesus, what would we say?
@stephenrae6207 6 сағат бұрын
ESV is corrupt. Read the beginning introductory information. They have translated it based on their doctrinal beliefs they call orthodox. You do not translate anything with your own doctrinal preferences because then you would have to have a different translation for every denomination. Additionally they specifically mention "the trinity" as their orthodox belief in which they are implementing in their translation. NO DOCTRINAL beliefs should be any part involved when translating.
@alanmunch5779 9 сағат бұрын
My first realisation that something is wrong with Calvinism came when a friend tried telling me John 3:16 doesn’t mean what it says, and he went on to adjust several words in it. So, to him the world means the elect, God doesn’t love everybody, and whosoever doesn’t mean what it usually does! That was the first telltale sign to me. I’ve since discovered numerous other problems with that worldview.
@alanmunch5779 10 сағат бұрын
I once had a Calvinist argue with me that Calvinism is not an -ism!! I asked him to think about what he was saying.
@DTSWVP 12 сағат бұрын
Sir go preach the gospel, win souls for Jesus, spiritually you are an idiot, a moron and you are not helping the gospel, you need to be slapped and you need to wake up you anti Christ wannabe
@mariem7250 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you for standing up against the lies of Justin Peters. What will it be like on the day he clearly sees the evil he is doing by attacking so many genuine Christian.
@GamingDrummer89 15 сағат бұрын
His views don't just reek of narcissism; they come across as extremely insecure. I don't see this from other Calvinist pastors at large or pastors of any kind at large for that matter. I wonder if he realizes his own fallibility and the possibility that his own wife could grasp something correctly while he could be mistaken.
@911tbf 17 сағат бұрын
John MacArthur is not doing well. Maybe he will see that miracles of healing are still present. He believes the gifts had stopped. I wonder how he prays now.
@lightbeforethetunnel 20 сағат бұрын
Justin Peters was born a biological female. I am not joking. Research the biological markers of how to identify inverts. They're all present. And I happen to know that he is a member of a secret society that does controlled opposition that infiltrates Christianity. Justin is a servant of Satan posing as a Christian to cause division, confusion, and gatekeep.
@katf5222 20 сағат бұрын
Calvinists, like leftists, engage in mass projection and Arguementum Ad Hominem - The logical fallacy when instead of addressing the issue being discussed, the character and/or beliefs of the person is mocked. This common fallacy is usually employed when the attacker has run out of arguments. If ad hominem is all the attacker uses, then it logically follows that they never had any valid arguments to begin with.
@tommythompson6156 23 сағат бұрын
He is dead wrong, it's NOT the churches that are failing, it's the PASTORS. He is avoiding personal responsibility. Dr. Failure.
@paulswilley3737 23 сағат бұрын
I wish you knew how hypocritical you are. I guess according to you Peter on the day of Pentecost failed in preaching bc he said nothing about the love of God and yet 3000 people were added to the church that day. You have problem. Work on yourself
@larrylafferty3836 23 сағат бұрын
Get to point 😂😂😂
@lmorter7867 Күн бұрын
This makes sense because Jesus took care of the sin problem on the cross. He died for the sin of the whole world. The only barrier to having eternal life with God is refusal to believe Him. Salvation is offered freely to all but it has to be accepted just like any other gift.
@brittanygreen Күн бұрын
The truth is, Calvinism is against evengelism, so preaching the simple gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Luke 24:47, and Acts 20:21 is appalling to them. Because, if they are elect, they'll be saved without you. If thhey are non elect, you're wasting your breath. Sure, there are Calvinist who are excellent evangelists. But, that is them bein consistent with the Bible, and inconsistent with Calvinism. Whatever your philosophy, be consistent with the Bible.
@darylhughes277 Күн бұрын
There is a group that hates the Baptists it's called the Catholic Church (not the Catholic parishioners)
@timothyking1102 Күн бұрын
Thank u... its been a small while since i came up on your posts.. all the best to u and family during these times.. 🌈 Faith on Fire
@shirleyjessome5047 Күн бұрын
Love your videos, Brian. I just started to watch a video by Justin Peters giving his reaction to a video you did about Susan Heck. Saying you did not check to find out if she preached/teached to a mix congregation. I never heard of this woman. Did you check her out? I think I kept Justin,s video so I could go back and comment on it. Thanks Brian.
@selahlee Күн бұрын
I’m a “66 book biblicist!” Selah!
@selahlee Күн бұрын
The Bible IS enough…Theology is not and does not supersede it! Selah!
@zyxwfish Күн бұрын
After I was saved I started listening to Piper and he had me doubting my salvation. Why is that? Piper adds works back in. Maybe I didn’t do enough good works according to Piper.
@jasonflores1387 Күн бұрын
not one scripture says it’s man’s decision. he said he prays for the ones the father gives him. no one can come to me unless the father grants the permission. those appointed to salvation became saved. everything is done according to God‘s will, and purposes the ones that were chosen in predestined are the ones I died for and glorified and justified. I will have mercy on whom I want. I will have compassion who I want and I will harden who I want.sounds like you don’t like the scriptures
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
Romans 11: 32 says God will have mercy upon all. You must keep reading. Romans doesn't end at chapter 9. And John 6 doesn't end at verse 44. Calvinists hate context and they hate to keep reading Scripture once they land on an isolated verse they think upholds their false doctrine. John 12: 32 is when Jesus says if He is lifted up (on the cross unto death) He will draw ALL men to Himself. Case closed! Calvinism is a demonic infiltration into Christianity designed to be a "Yea, hath God said" Satanic perversion and undermining of God's Word.
@JPuncut Күн бұрын
James white and Marlon Wilson made a response live stream to you (at least a portion) you going to respond?
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
I guess that depends on what they said. Please leave me a link to their video so I can find it. I will see your comment with the link in the "hold for review" comments section because KZbin removes comments with links from public view and puts them there, but I can see them. Thanks.
@JPuncut Күн бұрын
@@faithonfireministries it’s on the Gospel Truth channel, the live stream is named “everything Calvinism with James White” and it happened yesterday. Speed through the live stream and you’ll see it, if you can’t find it after these directions let me know.
@colingr318 Күн бұрын
Calvinist's are so very proud of taking the position, that they had nothing to with the act, or decision, to repent and admit that we are all helpless and lost sinners, incapable of making ourselves right with God.
@MaryJones-vo5nz Күн бұрын
Thank you, I saw him recently and thought to be sure there is mercy in this man if he truly is a forgiving Christian, but NOT. it is ruthless in his condemnation of others. I am so grateful that my God is forgiving and merciful, and doesn't call us liars without truly knowing us. Be Blessed
@mimisides Күн бұрын
I've lost track of how many threads I've replied to on this, so I'll summarise my thoughts here, and then I'm done, including with this channel. I'd be lying if I said I was anything less than shocked at Brian's teaching on this, and the way that he then avoided my questions. This is all off the top of my head. If I I spent more time I could come up with many more agruments. 1. Everywhere "repent" is used in the Amplified Bible it's about putting away your sinful life (as explained in the brackets accompanying the use of that word). 2. When John the Baptist baptised people they confessed their sins publicly 3. When the Pharisees came to be baptised by John he told them to bring forth fruit in kleeping with their repentance. 4. Acts 2:38 5. Act 26:19-20 6. Why are we under God's judgement? For our sins or not believeing in Christ? If we weren't under judgement for our sins, we wouldn't nbeed to believe in Christ. And why would God forgive us of our sins if we are still doing them openly without being remorseful or making any attempt to stop doing them 7. Mt 7:15-16 8. Titus 1:16 9. Mt 25 - the sheep and the goats. The only difference between the sheep and the goats is their works 10. James 2: 19 and 24. In fact all of James 2 11. Works in the Bible is used in two contexts - dead works, and works that prove you repented. Nowhere does it refer to the act of repenting. And if you understand Grace, and the mechanism of the atonement, you would understand that repenting and believing does not earn forgiveness anyway As to the argument (used by Brian) "if repenting means repenting of your sins, does that mean that God had sins to repent of when that word is used to describe him?" Fair enough - so let's use your definition - that repenting is going from not believing in Christ to believeing in him. So is that what it means for God too, Brian? Quite obviously, the term "repentance" is context dependant. If becoming a Christian means being forgiven of our sins, then why would or could we be forgiven if we aren't actually sorry for them. I've attempted to engage Brian on some of these issues, but like Calvinists, cessationists and atheists, he's not interested. Like Justin Peters he'd rather hold onto his doctrine than have an honest discussion about what the Bible says. Final comment - as far as I can tell this dicrine is peculiar to the Sourthern Baptists. No church in Australia teaches that you can become a Christian without repenting of your sins. Ok I'm done. And I'm done with this channel.
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
The moment you indicate you read the Amplified Bible and abide by the added words you have lost credibility because the Bible forbids adding words to God's Word and that is exactly what that so-called bible version does all throughout it. You are trying to derive truth by the added words, rather than just the words of God in the KJV Bible. I'm okay with fellowshipping with Christians who read different Bible versions, but just be prepared for me not to give credibility to the notes in somebody's study bible nor of the added words in a paraphrase or the Amplified Bible version. Those notes or added words aren't the inspired words of God. They are someone's opinion, and nothing more. Lastly, you have the wrong understanding of what repentance means and my video proved that. You have only demonstrated you don't believe that Jesus is the Savior but that you must save yourself. You are a works salvation person, and though you made some really insightful comments in the past here, I now realize you are trusting in your own works and not in the finished work of Christ. That concerns me about you but it also is normally coupled by a Pharisee like response when the true Gospel and Biblical repentance are taught correctly. No surprise, you have responded like a triggered child with rudeness and zero grace. So, you said your are done with my channel. Goodbye and best wishes to you. I hope you come to the truth of the Gospel of Christ one day and begin to trust in Christ and stop confusing salvation with sanctification.
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
Also regarding your Amplified Bible version, Proverbs 30 says “5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”
@timothymcdonald7407 Күн бұрын
Justy Peters is a stud. I guess Justin took some time away from worshipping little Johnny MacArthur to bring us the news. Thank you Justin. Huge news.
@ddt3006 Күн бұрын
Kenneth Copeland is MOST DEFINITELY a False Teacher. 100% If you can't see that then I question your IQ
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
You didn’t watch this video, or your IQ is super low if you think I was defending or affirming anything of Copeland. Just as his theology is false, so is the Calvinism and Cessationism Justin follows is even more egregiously false.
@ddt3006 Күн бұрын
@@faithonfireministries I was stating a fact. Not directed at you, but I can see how it would be taken that way. My apologies
@dhenderson1810 Күн бұрын
How are Calvinists so certain that they have been chosen?
@dhenderson1810 Күн бұрын
The biggest thing is, by being Calvinist, John Macarthur invalidates his own ministry.. Why is he even bothering to preach? If you are chosen, you don't need it, and if you aren't, it won't make any difference to your life anyway. So why bother? What's the point?
@michaelglass9604 Күн бұрын
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 so he duped all those people. It reminds me of the tactic of DQ story hour.
@joshuaacuna8471 Күн бұрын
You are false sponent Go read the scriptures You completely wrong Repentance before God erase your words
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
You are a liar who doesn’t even care what the Scripture says if you watched this video and saw clip 4 and are willing to defend Justin Peters. He literally admitted that there’s not even one Bible verse that says any spiritual gifts have ceased. So, if you agree with Cessationism, then don’t lecture me about reading the Bible. I do, and I know what it says. You don’t care what it says.
@brianchristopher4493 2 күн бұрын
1.) Go look up the definition of a Cult! 2.) Please impart your Bible wisdom to explain away the many multiples of scripture that support Calvin's teachings. I'll check back.
@faithonfireministries Күн бұрын
Don’t bother checking back. You were given the truth and you rejected it because you have chosen man-made false theology over Biblical truth.
@brianchristopher4493 Күн бұрын
@@faithonfireministries and YOU are the standard barer for Truth? Spurgeon, Sproul, and Macarther got it wrong ??? 🤣 remember none of these teachings originate from outside the Bible? So you turning it into a cult or at least describing it as such makes me wonder how well you really know your Bible. In any case, I will go ahead and unsubscribe now and leave you to your work. All the best man, I didn't come here to pick a fight with you.
@43sweb 2 күн бұрын
Non-Calvinist and agree with you EXCEPT many Calvinist I know would never say God hates anyone
@faithonfireministries 2 күн бұрын
They are not likely to be blunt and open about the most obvious flaws of their theology, but rest assured they do believe God hates the non-elect. Their theology and confessionals teach it. Their prooftexts they use out of context say it if we accept their interpretation. So, simply ask a Calvinist you know if they think Romans 9: 13, (Jacob I loved, Esau I hated) means their theological view of God predestining unconditionally some to salvation (the elect) and the rest of humanity to damnation (the non-elect)? When they affirm this, ask them if they think God literally hated Esau from before he was born and did anything as it says? They will say yes. Therefore, in their theology Esau represents all the non-elect and therefore God hates all the non-elect which makes sense in their false theology considering they believe God has withheld from all of them the only hope of salvation offered to mankind. What sort of God would do that to anyone He does not hate? In fact, that verse means God chose Jacob (Israel) and not Esau (Edom) in order that Israel was chosen to be a blessing to all other nations, and "hate" did not hold the same meaning in that context as we apply today in modern English. We know this from Genesis in which God chose Abraham to be the father of the nation of Israel that it states will be a blessing to all others nations as Scripture says. It was not that God chose Abraham and Israel out of love and all other nations God hated and cursed, but that God chose the nation of Israel to be a blessing to all other nations, from which the Savior of the world would come through. Lastly, Jesus said in order to follow him you must "hate" your brothers and sisters, and mother and father, and even hate yourself. Jesus also said love your neighbor and don't hate your enemies. How do they square that? So, it takes context and a little spiritual understanding to figure out that Jesus is saying choose Him over all others, including your family and your own desires, but not meaning to literally hate yourself and your family, nor did God literally hate Esau, nor does God hate anyone, but so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3: 16).
@LadyNolaJ 2 күн бұрын
Lonnie sinned after a powerful world and life changing ministry. How many other preachers have not ended well? A few kings and prophets in the Bible whose obedience to God brought mighty changes and miracles to Israel? Men of God fall - just like you and me - but our secret sins don't go public because we haven't done enough to make us famous or influence a city, region, nation, world. When we have, MAYBE we can criticize others on that level. Christian critics of the weaknesses or failures of those God has used for "wonderfulness" in His Kingdom, need to get on their knees and repent for arrogance and self-righteousness. You will stand before God the second you die and judgment of EVERY WORD you have spoken and EVERY DEED you have done, will come before God. People get ready. Be busy about the Father's business....and not a busybody in the lives of those who did well and then incurred failure. Are you without sin???! Then you are not qualified to cast even the first stone at Lonnie.
@yan24to 2 күн бұрын
I believe the elect are those that God foreknew would turn to him, anyone can.But many don't.
@yan24to 2 күн бұрын
It all sounds good for the chosen ones,it just so happens that the Calvinists are all chosen, what if they are not.
@Philthefisherofmen 2 күн бұрын
New listener. I would just like to say that was a very fair, balanced and positive message. I appreciated how you ended the message. There’s hope for anyone that’s still alive. You made a good point. He’s been stripped bare. If he doesn’t come to the cross now, he never will. It’s true only God knows the heart. If he is a born again believer. I just do not believe the Holy Spirit would let you get away with that for five years. Speculation? It would seem like he’s a self-righteous religious lost person and there are many of them. That is what is going to be so confusing when Jesus Christ returns for those who belong to him. Many of the most religious people are still going to be here.
@awethinic8379 2 күн бұрын
The issue isn’t about prophecy, the issue is false prophecy. The issue isn’t about healing, the issue is sowing a seed for healing. You are no different than them. You are defending your religion and denomination. Seems to be the norm these days and you and the ppl you oppose leave out a few scripture verses too. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. The devil has invaded the church. We fight over this stuff while ppl are starving, dying without faith, kids being slaughtered, mutilated and abused. But but I have to defend my fellow Christians and compare theology. What good is it to have all these gifts and not have love.🤮🤮🤮 i don’t see Jesus in you nor in the ppl you oppose. I see defending your denomination, i don’t see turning the other cheek.
@TruthLivesNow 2 күн бұрын
Brian, now we know who Kat Kerr is from Justin Peters... In Justin Peters newest videos he went back to that picture from 2011 in the National Enquirer of the Benny Hinn and Paula White holding hands. Randy White has divorced Paula White in 2007, and Suzanne White had divorced Benny Hinn earlier that year. Pastor Phil Johnson when he made the announcement about Steve Lawson made the point of saying, "It is not like they were just holding hands...," and I am sure that Pastor Phil Johnson had permission to make that announcement from Pastor John MacArthur. As much as I despise the doctrines of Reformed Baptists, and Cessationism, I will give credit to both Pastor John MacArthur and Pastor Phil Johnson for exposing this. One the other hand, Justin Peter's silence is Hypocritical beyond belief to me!!!
@alexandervilla9580 2 күн бұрын
May the Lord curse you, stupid
@DK-zl8rw 2 күн бұрын
Hello Brian, I wanted to point out some things about calvinists, some of whom are always criticizing charismatics. There are many , many false charismatic preachers, however there are many sound charismatics. These calvinists should tell everyone about all the heretical teachings that they believe. To me the most diabolical, heretical teaching of the calvinists is hard determinism in which they believe God predetermines everything including sin, including rape, murder, lying and also our own personal sins. Now that is heresy.
@zyxwfish 2 күн бұрын
Putting those other things first in life like money are idols. Anything that can pass away is an idol. This includes man made philosophies such as Calvinism.
@dove767 2 күн бұрын
Im not cessasionist i dont judge them but they certainly take the baton to judge others. We can judge fruit in light of Gods word. There are those who are not false eg: j Cahn better be careful that your doctrine is not overcoming your mind in thinking you understand all things. but act like you do. Thapts very arrogant. Obviously there are those who are one note preachers, teachers that you can discern preach their own gospel. Let not us be in Gods eyes do the same in thinking oh we are right. God is right
@pointofdefensewithjohncrawford 2 күн бұрын
Having been a pastor and in ministry for several years, I can tell you from experience that churches are "dead" and have "disempowered religion" because of a lack of spiritual maturity and evangelism. This. has NOTHING to do with a lack or disbelief in signs and wonders. Having a lack of faith is a weak argument. There are many examples in Scripture of people getting healed that had no faith e.g., The apostles themselves, during their time, ceased to heal 1 Tim. 5:23 "No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities." No faith mentioned here, 2 Tim. 4:20 Erastus stayed in Corinth, but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick. not because of a lack of faith. In many cases, signs and wonders were used to initiate faith, e.g., Miracles used to initiate faith in Jesus The faith of Nicodemus was initiated by hearing about & seeing Jesus' miracles, John 3:2 healing the invalid at Bethesda, John 5:1-17, The exorcism of the demoniac initiated the faith of many, Mark 1:21-28 the healing of the blind and dumb demoniac (Matt 12:22-28) was clearly to initiate the faith of the crowds that observed, the miraculous catch of fish, Luke 5:1-11, effectively created Peter (& James and John's) faith in Jesus, and the crippled man at the temple gate in Acts 3:1-8 nbNow Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. 2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; 3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. 4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. 5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. 6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. Notice that this man had no faith, he was expecting money not healing but God chose to heal him with no faith present,. Have you ever seen one heal someone on the steps of city hall, in a shopping mall, or at a public park? If these faith healers have the same ability as the apostles, why do they do their “healings” in church buildings, in front of people who already believe? Signs are given for unbelievers; Christians do not need to be convinced that Jesus is the Christ-they already believe. In addition, I challenge any signs and wonders proponent to heal someone at the hospital, or go to the grave yard and raise the dead, just like the apostles. How about that? Come on my podcast and let's debate!
@thewomannoonelovedbutjesus 2 күн бұрын
That was such a a powerful video of the preacher it is bringing tears to my eyes!
@kermitdaplug 2 күн бұрын
bro is a Beta letting women rule over him that’s why he’s trying so hard to defend women preachers
@faithonfireministries 2 күн бұрын
Nope! You’re just an insecure male that has to belittle women to gain a false sense of importance because you probably never did anything of consequence in your life. God is no respecter of persons. Learn the Bible. Read Galatians 3:28.
@kermitdaplug 2 күн бұрын
@@faithonfireministries galatians 3:28 does not talk about being a women preacher but that you can inherit the Kingdom of God good job doe Beta you really out did yourself there, just the way you lashed out trying to defend yourself shows how much of a little beta, Ned Franders Christian you are you think having a channel spreading misinformation is being a man ? No one is belittling women they are to be protected by Real Christian Men who do not sit behind a screen trying to debunk what the bible clearly says respectfully you are just scared to preach the truth and dnt want to get “cancelled” by the culture you’re too worried that it’ll make you sound controversial saying women are not supposed to be up in the pulpit preaching the Word of God, clearly shows how you’re a push over little beta insecure to receive criticism and be “controversial” for standing on what the bible says let me ask you something u believe a women can be a bishop or a deacon ?
@kermitdaplug Күн бұрын
@@faithonfireministries bro deleted my comment😭 can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen then beta
@darrennelson5855 2 күн бұрын
I would not go so far as to say someone who answers "How are you saved?" with "Repent of your sins" is not saved! One is saved if they have put their trust/faith/allegiance in Jesus. Lots of people have done that and are therefore saved, but still carry bad doctrine with them due to a variety of factors. Just as you argue that repenting of sin is not a requirement for salvation, I would argue that correct doctrine is not either. It's all about knowing and being known by Christ.
@occasionalreader 3 күн бұрын
Good luck to you, I wish you well and will prayer for your safety
@GodsMan500 3 күн бұрын
@Faith on Fire - I am very confused. Who on earth has the gift of healing? I’ve never once seen someone with that gift (authentically). I need healing. Where can I find someone with this gift? And why wouldn’t that person be spending the majority of their time in the hospitals? It seems to me that a person with an actual gift of healing would make huge headlines. The healing would be irrefutable. I’m in search of the truth, not trying to be argumentative.
@faithonfireministries 3 күн бұрын
First you have to a correct understanding from Scripture how the gifts of the Holy Spirit work through Christians. Don't be confused by fake faith healers trying to make money off desperate people. Avoid them. However, counterfeits out there do not mean there are no genuine spiritual gifts in operation today through faithful Christians. God is the healer, not any person. The gifts are given to people through whom God manifests His power when God chooses to. It is not any person who God grants the ability to be God on earth with the power to go around and heal anybody they wish to. Do you believe in the gift of evangelism? That is a spiritual gift and I don't know any Christian, Cessatinonist or otherwise, who does not agree evangelism is a gift of the Holy Spirit today. So, would you expect a person with that gift to be able to go to anyone and save them on the spot by evangelizing the Gospel to them, and guaranteed and verifiably they will be saved on the spot each and every time the person with the gift of evangelism so desires to preach the Gospel to an unsaved person? Of course not! Some people respond to the Gospel message and get saved, others don't. The gift of evangelism and gifts of healing work the same way in that regard.