SNIPING the town traitor night 2!
Weird quasi connectivity bug
@BreadLover-ts2cp Күн бұрын
This event is now closed, the server is closing in about a week from now. It may be relaunched later, but the discord server would be reformed. If you want to know when this is happening, join my main server, which is still linked here.
@iliongg2971 Күн бұрын
@VivalaVasudeva 2 күн бұрын
i think the reason why TT was killed by jinx was because he can't see which one coven is gonna attacking. unless this bug was finally fixed. He's in the same team but game thinks he is actually not.
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 күн бұрын
No that bug was fixed it was just horrible coordination LOL
@simple7708 4 күн бұрын
I only play All Any, but I shot a PB claiming sheriff as Deputy simply for saying inno/book/apoc/nk instead of just inno
@BreadLover-ts2cp 4 күн бұрын
LOL ok that wasn't a great shot but those are really weird results tbf
@simple7708 4 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp I have never seen a town post a will like that. Every time someone has posted like that in my games they have been neutral/apoc/coven
@unknowed5048 4 күн бұрын
3:03: 1. For Spy, I would have 2 wills which are similar to each other. The first one is written in notes. I would use this will to post to everyone while hiding my untriggered bugs. The second one is written in my will which I use to consistently update and reveal my bugs when I die. 2. When my bugs do trigger, I would specify when it was triggered while also reporting what happened. For example: Spy: (In my notes) N1: Bug 5 (Doused N3) N2: Bug random (not triggered) N3: Bug random (not triggered), I got dwed Spy: (In my last will) N1: Bug 5 (Doused N3) N2: Bug 3 N3: Bug 11, I got dwed
@BreadLover-ts2cp 4 күн бұрын
That's a good idea, if you have time. This is probably the best way to write it, that way you don't need a bug order that I kinda forgot to include in the video lmao
@Potionoob 5 күн бұрын
4:04 >:(
@BreadLover-ts2cp 5 күн бұрын
@mnogo-tos 5 күн бұрын
me when im boring cleric role again zzzz
@BreadLover-ts2cp 5 күн бұрын
By the way, something is significantly different about this video that's very subtle. Can you figure out what it is?
@BreadLover-ts2cp 5 күн бұрын
No, it is not that the video was marked as AdventureQuest Worlds for whatever reason
@Potionoob 5 күн бұрын
Replay mode goes crazy
@BreadLover-ts2cp 5 күн бұрын
@@Potionoob that happens plenty actually
@Malam_NightYoru 9 күн бұрын
Noted i will always knight n1 bc it is funny
@BreadLover-ts2cp 9 күн бұрын
@mnogo-tos 17 күн бұрын
this is why you dont push unrevealed people as NP. some evils DO have good claim
@BreadLover-ts2cp 17 күн бұрын
@@mnogo-tos yeah but it was them or the scummy guy and someone WAS hanging (both were pandora lmao)
@AgateChew 17 күн бұрын
people need to learn NOT to visit as a visiting TT role because they can die to their own team (jinx i.e in this video) and also possible hidden on-alert veteran (in my judge game I also carried because TT Coroner visited a hidden on-alert veteran and died, d2 was chaos because I called court xD | that aside, a non-posting coroner who found the bookholder - conjurer got mislynched and Town lost because of that mislynch)
@BreadLover-ts2cp 17 күн бұрын
Admittedly I do visit as TT, just so I don't get outed by tracker/lookout/invest, as those have higher odds of screwing you over than jinx with no coordination or hidden vet, but it can be less risky to not visit and make something up lol
@AgateChew 17 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp we can always fake TPower and not visit, when questioned claim to bait conjurer or ritualist xd | but yes miscoordination is deadly if the team has jinx
@BreadLover-ts2cp 17 күн бұрын
@@AgateChew That's true, I just find that that looks like a panic "woah woah chill out guys" claim
@AgateChew 21 күн бұрын
let me break it down to some stuff here: 1) Late Pest transformation can only mean their infected target died and/or tavern drugged PB one night 2) (non game-related) Can't you remove your webcam from the video edit? idk it might be possible 3) I see you wanna get yourself mislynched after Pest arrived so there's 2 KPN every night from that day onwards, you sly devil :P (explanation: transformed horseman cannot die to lifelink if their partner got lynched, and with at least a recruited player dead, Jackal can start killing people) 4) Town REALLY shouldn't believe your story but they obviously didn't care to think twice (also it's kinda obvious you're defending your recruited teammate btw - but only the sharp players can actually catch that), misplay on Town's behalf
@BreadLover-ts2cp 21 күн бұрын
1: Yes, yes it did. There were a lot of non visiting roles in this game! 2: Maybe I could have, but it was between match replays or webcam, unfortunately. I was considering splitting the left side of the screen from the VOD and the right half from the match replay, but that might be a wee bit goofy. 3: Yeah, I tried to. I thought that trying hard to get it hung would make it obvious that I was evil, but it didn't. I figured that hard pushing guilty brought the best of both worlds, since if I hung the jackal, it'd be weird to suspect me as pest. 4: Oh it's very very obvious I don't know how that worked LOL
@mnogo-tos 22 күн бұрын
admirer can go on same person, its just it wont do anything
@BreadLover-ts2cp 21 күн бұрын
yes I had a real admirer do that and rage at us for hanging them irregardless they were so fake LOL
@AgateChew 21 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp add to one round where a spy who stopped posting got salty and ragequitted on spot after getting lynched, when it's just to confirm the seer claim is fake or not (seer found jailor and monarch enemies and claimed either of them was framed by SC, there's indeed a SC in that game but I doubt that's the case) | Spoiler: seer was fake and it was Jackal.
@Ninja-Hunter 22 күн бұрын
I hate it when I’m backed into a cor(o)ner! It’s so (cor)over!
@BreadLover-ts2cp 21 күн бұрын
it's not corover until it's corover!
@redstonewolfx 24 күн бұрын
Also what was that judge on
@BreadLover-ts2cp 24 күн бұрын
@Potionoob 20 күн бұрын
Lack of sleep fr
@BreadLover-ts2cp 20 күн бұрын
@@Potionoob nah that's the next video
@redstonewolfx 24 күн бұрын
Even if you hadn’t gotten a soul n1, Conjurer could easily nuke your n1 target for a soul - death is almost guaranteed if you don’t die
@BreadLover-ts2cp 24 күн бұрын
@nonyabuisness3560 24 күн бұрын
4:02 i disagree with this, depending on the coven/apoc plays/roles posting d2 might get you targeted before you find anything useful. (coven with illusionist might target spy so that they cant out a coven, while a coven who doesnt have any roles that isnt immediately outed to town might kill a spy to make them think they have one of those roles) a better way to do spy results is to not post and fake claim (if you have to, if not just see how long you can avoid claiming) until a bug triggers then post full will, then post every day afterwards to show town that you are still participating the only people who benefit from spy posting a n1 not triggered bug are evils anyway, as town will not know who was doused/plagued/breaded/soul collected/hexed/illusioned/hexed/silenced it also tells evils that there IS a spy in the game "no info is still info" applies to roles like tracker and lookout, as when a spy's bug doesn't trigger they genuinely have no new info for town. unless you out who you bugged, then you can be lookout-lite, ie N1: @7 (not triggered) it says to town "nothing happened to 7" but that tells evils to not visit 7 until either you are dead or with a role they are okay with revealing (which can sometimes be helpful), or if the player is faking something that happened to them, like 10 gets put up onto the stand and claims silenced but you out yourself as spy and say that you bugged 10 and nothing happened to them (which outs them as evil/jester, both of which get lynched anyway) and any moderately alright town (if your town isnt moderately alright, you probably lost the game anyway) tends to understand that a spy not posting d2 when they have no n1 info isnt sus at all
@BreadLover-ts2cp 21 күн бұрын
I like to post that for claim reliability, because spy's a really easy role to fake claim. If people trust you, it's fine, but not many people believe it if you back into a spy claim, especially if your information turns out to be wrong. Niche use cases like countering fake voodoo master just doesn't outpace it for me, and backing into a spy claim is like backing into a coro/admi baiting claim, it's just so likely to be mislynched since it's not that hard to mislynch.
@nonyabuisness3560 21 күн бұрын
fair enough, that being said lets be real here spy is all niche use cases
@Potionoob 25 күн бұрын
3:04 I might be stupid but at least it made the video cooler 🙄
@BreadLover-ts2cp 25 күн бұрын
british legal system moment
@AgateChew 26 күн бұрын
first game the judge and conjurer are weird. Aside from original plans (proposed in night chat), I am also an opportunist looking for if more Town died (d2 court calling is ENTIRELY plausible to me as Judge, I did it before in DTT - once I courted green crusader the other time I courted green marshal who claimed TPower right off the bat, I am also a fast clicker on that so any day ability killer I will click faster than anyone else - including an immediate meteor, quick prosecution etc disregarding deputy since you can miss and it's higher chance to miss). So majority plan isn't entirely difficult to me but I do agree on evils being hesitant to do their job is just... frustrating to see, to say the least
@BreadLover-ts2cp 25 күн бұрын
Yeah. Especially as a judge, you know significantly less about the pandora's win condition than they do. I get that they wanted court + death (and it did make for a better video but shh) but you just gotta listen, majority win is SO easy with TT vigi
@AgateChew 25 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp yeah. That also reminded me of a DTT round (the same round I courted green Marshal d2), I found ATT n2 or n3 maybe n3, it was the night that SC was prosecuted at the day. I proposed the plan to prosecute the green people I found (Seer and LO) but ATT didn't do so and allow me to be lynched (I had no idea who CTT was but he was acting sus af and was lynched 1 day after my hang). Town was a bit too trusting on the prosecutor and ATT lucked out winning so TLDR: evils kinda got lucky NOT following my plan but if my plan worked and both TTs don't vote it's 3 v 3 including me and Town had no way to combat against that
@mnogo-tos 26 күн бұрын
I would NOT resist the urge to steal vigi claim, but it was maybe even better (until necro died)
@BreadLover-ts2cp 25 күн бұрын
tbf I don't think I was ever getting hung there LOL
@AgateChew 25 күн бұрын
@@mnogo-tos nah. When in doubt, sacrifice the TT. Transformed Baker/SC/Warlock is basically a win so TT dying instead will secure the win
@AlexGaming17369 26 күн бұрын
Game 1: Crusader that could do nothing but watch the town BURN Game 2: Actually played the game ironically enough Playing games with this guy is just fun
@BreadLover-ts2cp 25 күн бұрын
@Ninja-Hunter 26 күн бұрын
Man threw Marsh and Death into a gladiator ring for a thumbnail.
@BreadLover-ts2cp 25 күн бұрын
raaaaah fight!!!
@AgateChew 29 күн бұрын
isn't reaction testing a bit of a flawed logic here? because reaction can be fabricated, but logs and behaviours (behaviour here means how a player acts all game even including countdown) cannot. And countdown is always killing the passives/uncontributive/useless ones (or worse, if someone's pushing confirmed not TT or SLIGHTLY SUGGESTING confirmed not TT is sus, they die that day regardless how good their log looks like or whatever contribution they have for Town) | OR, if someone's being suspected of fakeclaiming, they die first too regardless of how good their log looks like
@BreadLover-ts2cp 29 күн бұрын
Reaction testing isn't the primary reason I push people in a TT hunt. If I reaction test, it's mostly to get them to slip up, it does nothing to confirm someone NOT tt, it's mostly just to confirm them as TT. I still follow the main strategy of TT hunt, I just also poke people a little :)
@AgateChew 29 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp my only way to test reaction is inno test, if the one I whispered did the same thing I did (proposed plan), then the one I whispered is 100% not TT and dependent on situation either the person on trial or the one who votes guilty is the TT - and usually it's always the one voting guilty, failing the inno test and exposing themselves as TT, if it's different from what I did then the one I whispered can be TT
@BreadLover-ts2cp 29 күн бұрын
@@AgateChew Oh absolutely that works too, usually TTs aren't THAT aggressive in guilting unless it's last day or you are intentionally indecisive about it, but especially abstains work to see how much stress they are under. Reaction testing has, well, never actually worked, but I figure it's worth a shot :) especially in a competitive setting, where everyone's already somewhat stressed or knows how to keep their cool under TT hunt pressure.
@AgateChew 28 күн бұрын
@@BreadLover-ts2cp yeah. The only way inno test will fail is if TT realized it's an inno test and voted inno
@Potionoob Ай бұрын
10:27, and so my legendary streak was born…
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@mnogo-tos Ай бұрын
tpow? more like free conj nuke
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@Potionoob Ай бұрын
So true
@AgateChew 28 күн бұрын
free meteor target you cannot deny it! ~Conjurer | make sure don't throw a meteor on NP and/or Egotist Town LOL
@charco809 Ай бұрын
Hi bread
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
Chat I forgot to upload the patched version some of these text boxes are shorter and bad 😭
@dragonunharm Ай бұрын
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@AgateChew Ай бұрын
ez I am 4 (Otherworldly Pulse) in this game, I was baiting a bit d1 ("little shit") so I protected myself, was not surprised I got attacked there - and my scumread is quite good too (this jailor however, "why don't you ask for admirer" - no m8, 1's outright fake no way 1 would live after that misplay lol) - so indirectly I saved you from being audited too ;)
@mnogo-tos Ай бұрын
oh its THAT game where I had to explain everything to 6
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@TubaAntics Ай бұрын
throwing. banned from BTOS2
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@mnogo-tos Ай бұрын
when you get into vigilante role that much that you actually dont visit N1
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
Sorry the text boxes appear for a shorter time, that is not intended and apparently I forgor how to proofwatch💀
@mnogo-tos Ай бұрын
this is why I record every game now (I have to clean my disk every day)
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@DoggieLicc Ай бұрын
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@philipgarritsen5162 Ай бұрын
I imagine the ???? Person just being a random traveler coming to the town and immediatly having their soul taken
@BreadLover-ts2cp Ай бұрын
@@philipgarritsen5162 LOL
@blatantslander Ай бұрын
Nice vid
@mm3shadowman982 2 ай бұрын
and that third game is why Baker is the best TI
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
@sngreal 2 ай бұрын
wanna play together
@Jonskipvp 2 ай бұрын
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
@colby2420 2 ай бұрын
If Famine got ignited how do they still have a house.
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
@@colby2420 I rebuilt it using my spare bread
@dragonunharm 2 ай бұрын
again with the sassy editing smh
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
corner 💀 i posted this 4 months ago I have 0 clue why I'm back but hehe corner
@sabarathore5174 3 ай бұрын
There is actually another way to write spy wills, If nothing happens Write Bug anonymous, redacted, or anything similiar, if something happens, write in parenthesis; (*Target* was *action*, After doing this, change your will and reveal at what night you bugged them, here's an example: Spy: N1: Bug [UNKOWN] N2: Bug [UNKOWN] Now let's say Your n1 target bug got triggered n2, now it looks like this (Let's say they bugged 3) Spy: N1: Bug 3 N2: Bug [UNKOWN] (3 was *What happened*) This method works just as well as the first one, you just don't use much space and it's a bit easier to read.
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
That's true. I like to include the night it's placed, so that people know when you were there, especially for things like crusaders that'll instinct call you out.
@demonmysterykid3343 3 ай бұрын
So cool.
@BreadLover-ts2cp 2 ай бұрын
@Stupidiot 3 ай бұрын
Are you the same Bread lover I played a few games with yesterday? I got coven with you twice in a row and we failed miserably both times