Humans Have Unbelievable Potential
21 сағат бұрын
Our Societal Foundation: Shaken to Its Core
Loan-to-Own Is Dumb
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Capitalism Is a Great System
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Choose Greatness
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Abolish Federal Income Tax
Hard Work Doesn’t Pay
Ай бұрын
What Makes a Superstar ?
2 ай бұрын
@bigboy9693 Ай бұрын
I am from Australia, and I believe America has to get back to its roots and reject the current fascists in the white house, also America needs to stop bullying other countries, replacing their governments with stooges that they control, look no further than Ukraine when in 2014 when McCain and Graham went to that country and organized the coup that remove the legally elected government along with all the other illegal wars they started. Stop making money form war.
@schrodinger6991 Ай бұрын
The pledge of alligiance is so absuardly cult like, the way you force children to say it is absolutly mind boggeling to an outsider.
@tonysandrich315 Ай бұрын
When was America great? During slavery? When we dropped the atomic bomb? It is a comfortable delusion that we were great. That being said I am proud to be a citizen of a country where we have the right to disagree.
@rebeccagray2443 Ай бұрын
America has always been great. Meghan McCain said such at her esteemed Father’s funeral.❤
@markstoaks61 Ай бұрын
@musoangelo Ай бұрын
I agree with your view of America. I think what you don't get is the appeal of grievance that has been exploited by right wing media. 60% of Americans are living, pay check to pay check and an unlimited amount of propaganda, that is masquerading as news that tells that audience that it's someone else's fault that they are in that situation is an addictive message. It's gotten to the point that they are openly talking about overthrowing our way of life. The fact that the party that offshored manufacturing and crashed the economy in 08, were made whole again but main street was abandoned is counting on an uninformed population and a narrative that has saturated social media that we need to turn toward authoritarianism to fix it. It counts on that ignorance to maintain its support and deter people from really understanding what they are supporting. Vote blue in Nov.
@grahamyates2490 Ай бұрын
That belief that the US is "special", that no other country stands for things, is one of the reasons that non-Americans find Americans unattractively arrogant.
@wrlangIQ Ай бұрын
Poster child for indoctrination and willful ignorance. You have to recognize and accept both the good past and the bad past of the US to understand anything about the US. I pray every day that God will take up all the christian nationalists to heaven and leave this world a better place.
@ronaldlindeman6136 Ай бұрын
Sometimes it is not the ideal that we should look at, but the reality. The United States has the highest prison population percentage in the world, over 700 in prison per 100,000 people vs Europe and Japan with 80 to 150 people in prison per 100,000 people. The United States has very high crime rates. The United States has high rates of death by bullets from guns. There is a lot that the United States does well, but some of the reality of the United States, the US doesn't always do so well.
@truthseeker9454 Ай бұрын
One thought, and one question: Thought - Failure to perfectly live up to an ideal is not sufficient reason to discard the ideal. It could also be a reason to make greater efforts toward realizing the goal. Athletes don't all stop training when they lose a race. Some train harder. Question - World Population Review statistics report 37,040 Americans died from gun violence in 2019. The same source reports that in 2020, 930,130 Americans died from a deliberate medical procedure while trying to cross the border of the birth canal -- a journey they had no choice in beginning. The government wants to deprive law abiding citizens of their constitutional right to bear arms, and invent a right to murder babies. That's the reality. In your opinion does that represent progress as a nation?
@ronaldlindeman6136 Ай бұрын
@@truthseeker9454 What if someone needs someone else to donate a kidney to them, or they will die. Many people have been tested on whether they can donate a kidney successfully, but only one person is able to donate successfully. They ask that person, "do you want to donate your kidney." The person says no. Then they go ahead with the operation anyway, holding person down with ropes. The person who they are taking out the kidney is screaming, no I don't want the operation to take out my kidney and that person then gets told, it doesn't matter what you think, we will use your body as we decide.
@truthseeker9454 Ай бұрын
@@ronaldlindeman6136 You not only did not answer my question, you asked another one that has nothing to do with the subject as far as I can see. I know the situation you described happens in Russia, but I have not heard of such a thing in the US.
@John-b8j Ай бұрын
I used to admire the US deep down and wanted to go there until people on Reddit crushed my dream
@nyhchal5393 Ай бұрын
Liberals, whiny minorities, and illegals destroyed it.
@RV4aviator Ай бұрын
United we stand , divided we fall. God bless the America of old. What it is now in some Dem States is a disgrace..!
@musoangelo Ай бұрын
Sorry rv, it's the gop that destroyed these ideals. Read project 2025 and tell me that our 250 year experiment in representative democracy is wrong.
@laurellussen3512 Ай бұрын
All of the countries feel that they represent important ideas. This sample of "great intersection" is the least possible invovlement for citizens . So much work to be done. Being American is soon going to mean being willfully wasteful to our own extinction. And the polarization? That's a bill of goods brought to you by corporations worried that their tax loopholes could get shut down. The very wealthy may employ you, but should they deserve to capture you toward ideals that have outlived their usefulness.
@truthseeker9454 Ай бұрын
Would you care to provide an example of an American ideal that has outlived its usefulness?
@KiniAlohaGuy Ай бұрын
He's right, over the years patriotism has been frowned upon by the left. Even the so called first black president said we're not that exceptional. If your leaders are not in tune with American Exceptionalism, then we are just another country and not the beacon of freedom throughout the world. People flock to the United States, they're not leaving by the droves. Just look at our borders that have been corrupted by Marxist democrats and their version of democracy. Their philosophy is we must destroy democracy to save democracy. Their idea is through communism. We're going to Save America and vote for President Donald J. Trump.
@TheLonet Ай бұрын
Liberty is what Trump want to take from all of you Americans. But I’m truly curious for you to give me just an example of a country that is just “a piece of land with borders”. Just one, if you may.
@nyhchal5393 Ай бұрын
You have lost your mind,
@TheLonet Ай бұрын
@bigboy9693 Ай бұрын
Drunk the koolaid propaganda from the party of the Klan.
@HarryShagnasty-sc9zd Ай бұрын
Hahaha you are so deluded
@nyhchal5393 Ай бұрын
@TheLonet Ай бұрын
@@nyhchal5393you’re a truly trumpist. Nobody else ate entitled to their opinions. Only your’s must be accepted. How funny! 😂😂😂😂
@TheTimbo911 Ай бұрын
"Other countries are just land masses" This is the kind of fool that those land masses laugh at. The level of ego is out of this world. This asshat has probably never been anywhere else. You are correct sir...delusion.
@rdperrin5854 Ай бұрын
you're welcome to leave anytime and go live in some sh-t hole.
@rishusingh7900 Ай бұрын
Islam is on its way to destroy ya'll
@artificialanimeuniverse5063 Ай бұрын
0:25 NGL USA of back than was a nice place!
@eugenewalton7336 Ай бұрын
Still is.
@artificialanimeuniverse5063 Ай бұрын
Good for you!
@ericwong191 Ай бұрын
Sadly the US represents gun violence, racial hatred, double standards, blatant hypocrisy, and has lost respect throughout the world
@williamclements739 Ай бұрын
Based on this criteria you must be an ardent supporter of the intelligence, integrity and leadership of the Democratic party and must denounce the criminal enterprise of trump. Good to see.
@hance1976 2 ай бұрын
I've said it before and I will say it again. 380,000,000 people in this country and thats the best two we can come up with ?
@jvb5590 3 ай бұрын
Great insights but the audio is too low in this video that is hard to listen what is being said. Keep up the good work with your channel!!
@kencusick6155 3 ай бұрын
Well Said
@patrickcarella2089 4 ай бұрын
Look at your 225 lb self!
@dragonflydreamer7658 4 ай бұрын
@ovidvezza6259 5 ай бұрын
Hi Ethan! I’m watching..............Valentina (Nancy)
@challengesforfun938 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you
@pennsylvaniaforever7053 6 ай бұрын
Do we need those agenices for multi ethan?
@patrickcarella2089 6 ай бұрын
Bravo, Ethan!
@beckylatter9886 6 ай бұрын
Or is a precedence is set if they ignore criminal activity commited by politicians. This argument can be used by both sides.
@james9524 6 ай бұрын
They're not punishing political opponents. They are punishing criminal behavior. In America, no one is above the law.
@corkyduke8673 5 ай бұрын
Well said, why can't these people realize this.
@daiyahigashikata 6 ай бұрын
why did this video force my brightness to full?
@harrypothead42024 6 ай бұрын
Judicial system is not being used to punish Donald Trump because of who Donald Trump is, it's being used to go after Donald Trump for the crimes he was party to
@joeverna5459 6 ай бұрын
Then don't commit the crime if you don't want to do the time. Look how the Republicans are going after Biden with no evidence. All of the 'great' witnesses testifying against Biden are crumbling when put under oath. Trump is complaining about being the victim because this is the first time he's been held accountable in his charmed life.
@angelmerced4402 6 ай бұрын
Another nut🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜
@edwinblama8848 6 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? No one is punished Trump. What rock have you been hiding under? Take out of where you have it. He's been persecuted for the crimes he has committed. Ok if anyone has committee crimes like , so be it.