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@จันทร์หมอกคํา-ว3ร 15 сағат бұрын
@AungHla-v4b 3 күн бұрын
တီႈၽွမ်ႉႁူမ်ႈပီႈၼွင်ႉၸၢဝ်းၶိူဝ်းႄလ ႈလွင်ႈၽွမ်ႉႁူမ်ႈၼႂ်းမိူင်းႁူမ်ႈတုမ်ၼၼ်ႉၸိူဝ်းဢၼ်ႁဵတ်းၵၢၼ်မိူင်းႄလ ႈၵၢၼ်သိုၵ်းၼၼ်ႉၵိုတ်းလုဝ်ႈဝႆႉေသၵမ်းၼိုင်ႈေသ ႄလ ႈယႃႇဢဝ်ၸုမ်းလႆဝႃႈမႃးႁဝ်းမႃးႁဵတ်းပွႆးဢုပ်ႇဢူဝ်းၵၼ်ေသ ႄလ ႈမႃးေၼလွင်ႈၽိင်ႈထုင်းၽႂ်မၼ်းႄလ ႈမႃးၶဵၼ်ႇတႅမ်ႈပၵ်းပိူင်လၵ်းမိူင်းမႂ်ႇတႃႇဢုပ်ႉပိူင်ႇပူၵ်းပွင်ဝၢၼ်ႈမိူင်းႁူမ်ႈတုမ်မႂ်ႇၵႂႃႇၸွမ်းၵၼ် ထိုင်ၶၢဝ်းယၢမ်းမၼ်းယဝ်ႉႁဝ်းမႃးႁဵတ်းပွႆးဢုပ်ႇၵၼ်တီႈသူၼ်ၵၢင်မိူင်းဝဵင်းၼွင်ၶဵဝ်ၼႆႉၶႃႈၽိတ်ႈမွၵ်ႇၵူႈၸဝ်ႈၵူႈပႃးၵူႈေၵႃႉၶႃႈပွႆးၶဵၼ်ႇတႅမ်ႈပၵ်းပိူင်လၵ်းမိူင်းမႂ်ႇတႃႇဢုပ်ႉပူိင်ႇပူၵ်းပွင်ဝၢၼ်ႈမိူင်းၶိုၼ်ႈယႂ်ႇၶိုၼ်ႈထိုင်လိူၼ်လၢဝ်လႆႈၼၼ်ႉၶၢဝ်းယၢမ်းဢုပ်ႇၵၼ်(3 ပီ 3 လိူၼ် 3 ဝၼ်း)ႁႂ်ႈယဝ်ႉ။ ဝၼ်းေတႇပၢင်ပွႆး 4.10.2024 ထိုင် 7.1.2028 ဢွင်ႈတီႈဝဵင်းၼွင်ၶဵဝ်။
@SaiThein-lc3nr 7 күн бұрын
@HanTakum-yk7nu 9 күн бұрын
ศึกไอ้ไฮรูที่เมีองใยมุดหัวอยู่ที่ไหน ไอ้ไฮได้ดีใจไม้ทันได้หมาหนั้งเมีองใยหลายที่
@Jailai-c9z 10 күн бұрын
@JokerJoker-oi1mr 12 күн бұрын
@จันทร์หมอกคํา-ว3ร 18 күн бұрын
@HanTakum-yk7nu 19 күн бұрын
@KawLingLaShi 20 күн бұрын
မ်ႂႇသုင်ၶႃႈ Tai TV Online.
@wanlusa3959 23 күн бұрын
@yordaoonkum4217 25 күн бұрын
@LaHtoo-us2pz 27 күн бұрын
@ၽႂ်ပေႉမၼ်းယူႇ 27 күн бұрын
ပေႃႈသူတိုၼ်းလူဝ်ႇၸွႆႈယူႇ ၵွပ်ႈၵူၼ်းမိူင်းယၢမ်ႈၸွႆႈၶဝ်တေႉႉဝႃႈႈယူႇတႃႇသေႇ
@peesoe-gq4vy 27 күн бұрын
@UsaiNyein 28 күн бұрын
ဢမ်ႇလိူဝ်ပၼ်ႁဵတ်းၶႃႈ ပီႈၼွင်ႉတႆးႁဝ်းၵူႈတီႈလိူဝ်ႇၽွင်ႉၵၼ်သၼ်ၶတ်းၶႃႈ​ဢေႃႈ ❤
@TonArisa111 29 күн бұрын
@khunsai9265 29 күн бұрын
နောင်ဖါရေကာတာ ဆောက်ဖို့အတွက်လုံး၀ ကန့်ကွက်ပါသည်
@高仲兰 29 күн бұрын
@yaminthaung-f5g Ай бұрын
@yaminthaung-f5g Ай бұрын
@beekk5061 Ай бұрын
@saisai-o9z Ай бұрын
ႄၶႇ လၢတ်မဵဝ်းၼိုင်ႈႁဵတ်မဵဝ်းၼိုင်ႈၽ်ႂ​ေၵႃႉႁူႉ
@peesoe-gq4vy Ай бұрын
@homkuttyein258 Ай бұрын
ၶၢဝ်ႇလွင်ႈယႂ်ႇ - ပိုင်ႈဢိင် ၶၢဝ်ႇငၢဝ်း ႁၢင်ႈသဵင်တႆးႁဝ်း ၸွႆႈလၢတ်ႈပၼ်သေၵမ်း - မိူဝ်ႈလဵဝ် ၽၢႆႇပွတ်းၸၼ်း ၸေႈဝဵင်းသီႇသႅင်ႇ ဝၢၼ်ႈတႆး ႁႂ်ႈလႆႈႁဵတ်းသိုၵ်း ပႃႈဢူဝ်း - pno + pna ၵူႈလင်ႁိူၼ်း ဢႃယု 18 ထိုင် 40 မီးလႆၵေႃႉ တေလႆႈၵႂႃႇ မီးမိူင်းထႆး တေလႆႈမႃး ယႃႇလိုမ်းထတ်းသၢင်ႈ ၼႄၵူၼ်းမိူင်းသေၵမ်း
@SaiKhamLuMg Ай бұрын
သေးလႆၢ ၸဝ်ႈပႃႇရမီႇပႆၢးမွၼ်းလူင် ၸိုဝ်ႈလိုဝ်းလင် ၸႆၢးသႆၢမၢဝ်း
@SaiSai-w8k Ай бұрын
@ayemya7456 Ай бұрын
@saisaihanshan7914 Ай бұрын
@saitunaung2152 Ай бұрын
@จันทร์หมอกคํา-ว3ร Ай бұрын
@NathanCoppedgeVideos Ай бұрын
I'm proud of her if she keeps her breasts and preserves them through magic. Though she should have a right to keep them from growing. If you write the letter 'T' on a piece of paper and throw it in the garbage or preferably the sewer, quantumly this will actually help you keep your breasts if they are real. You can also try thinking that drinking tea is brilliant to avoid pain and to avoid having complicated problems with your breasts. You should make sure you have at least one crossover bra from amazon if you have visited the website, because crossover bras make guys think you have double the number of breasts. If you call yourself a badass that can also help you be a goddess which will have the effect of helping your healthy breasts. If you have beautiful relatives people say beauty is relative so actually whatever is beautiful about you will remain beautiful if your relatives are beautiful because it is relative. This is more so the case if your relatives do not have the same beautiful feature. Using the word 'breast' instead of 'breasts' can also help because quantumly saying one breast really means two breasts if your breasts are not feeling well. If you have very healthy breasts at the moment, saying your breasts are 'healthy and growing' can help because quantumly whatever has healthy growth actually stops being unhealthy. It is important to avoid to some extent the term 'breast health' where possible because that is medical terminology for having questionable breasts. Saying your breasts are 'important to you' can help because it suggests that quantumly other people care about your breasts too much. However, since people tend to care about breasts when they are healthy, quantumly caring about breasts too much suggests that the breasts must be healthy. Saying 'I must' is also helpful if your breasts are larger than an I-cup while quantumly saying 'must' suggests that there is nothing wrong with your breasts (everything is wrong about musty smells). Nathan Coppedge's experimental immortality t-shirt may help dermatological issues for a variety of reasons including the fact that the shirt is very hard to explain, probably effects your breasts, has evil higher-dimensional properties, is probably prejudiced, is mostly black and white, has a little bit of green representing ambiguously eternal disease and everyone would deny it, and it does not represent a living family, when you have a matching pair the shirt makes you fag out every time like you're in a war zone, the shirt is very cryptic and entirely unrelated to medicine, it implies you'll suffer like the cross and take a bullet to the chest and put objectivity first, and there will be layers and layers of suffering that are somehow diseased and that require the ability to hack reality like you're a frickin' moron and the shirt is one-size-fits-all, will never last, it is not tu, it applies a little Strunk & White, in the end you're probably diseased like the living dead, and it will end your life. This shirt will tell you to get the picture. It's like the devil's t-shirt when the devil doesn't wear prada (secretly it tells you you're built like a beautiful page, which is what guys think when you're feeling fresh), the mere mortal supposedly who designed the shirt was a rocket scientist who found women radioactive. You will have nothing on like you are in the hospital, it will be obvious if you read the signs and it won't be sexy at all something about an incurable disease that Masturbate Good can't control, the shirt is the shirt that has never helped anyone, it is scaleless and stupidly low-dimensional, the logic covers nothing men love, Those last parts were all statements about quantum which have the opposite effect.
@paungKham-z3p Ай бұрын
@ThaiYai-it6ps Ай бұрын
ဝတ်ႉလႄႈ တိုၵ်းဢဝ်ၶိုၼ်းလႄႈ ၸၢဝ်းမၢၼ်ႈႁဝ်း။ တႃႇႁဝ်းတေလႆႈယူႇၶိုၼ်ႈမိူင်းတႆးလႄႈ ၼွၼ်းၵွတ်ႇၼွင်ႉယိင်းတႆးၼၼ်ႉ တိုၵ်းဢဝ်ၶိုၼ်းလႄႈ ၸၢဝ်းမၢၼ်ႈႁဝ်း။
@MinHtun-x6i Ай бұрын
@beekk5061 Ай бұрын
❤ สวัสดีครับผม❤ ติดตามข่าวทุกวันอยู่นะครับ❤
@NangHlaYin-v6q Ай бұрын
@OnSaiOnsai-ow3vx Ай бұрын
@beekk5061 2 ай бұрын
❤ Good Morning OK❤
@DawNann-v9z 2 ай бұрын
@peesoe-gq4vy 2 ай бұрын
@loihun2117 2 ай бұрын
ၼၼ်ႉလႄႇပဵၼ်ၽႅၼ်ၶႄႇမၢၼ်ႈဝတင်းမူတ်းႁူမ်ႈၵၼ်မူၺ်ႉၵူၼ်းမိူင်းတႆးတႆၢပႆၢၼၼ်ႉၵူၺ်း တီႈလႂ်ဢမ်ႇတီႈလႂ်ၵေႃႈဝႃႈသုမ်းသိုၵ်းလွႆၵဝ်ႈၵၢင်ႉသမ်ႉဢမ်ႇပွႆႇသႂ်ႇတပ်ႉလွႆတပ်ႉၵဝ်ႈၵၢင်ႉသေပွၵ်ႈ သမ်ႉလိူၵ်ႈပွႆႇသႂ်ႇတီႈၵူၼ်းမိူင်းယူႇၵူႈၵမ်းယဝ်ႉ ၽႂ်မီးတင်းႁၼ်ဢၼ်ၵဝ်ၶႃႈလၢမ်းၶၢတ်ႈၼႆႉဢမ်ႇၸႂ်ႈၼႆတွပ်ႇမႃးလႆႈယူႇၶႃႈ😢😢
@OoO-k8l 2 ай бұрын
ဝ ႁတ် လီ လီ ၵႂၺ်
@peesoe-gq4vy 2 ай бұрын
@jiaqisngyu 2 ай бұрын
@wanlee-fh8gd 2 ай бұрын
ၶႃႈဝႃႈတႄႉဢမ်ႇပဵၼ်လႆႈၶႃႈယူဝ်ႉ တပ်ႉတိူင်းလူင် တေႁဵတ်းႁိုဝ်တူၵ်းသုမ်းငၢႆႈတၢၼ်ႇၼၼ်ႉၶႃႈ
@HsengLu-no3lh 2 ай бұрын
တူဝ်ၵၼၢၼ်း9 2019 ၵူဝ်ႇဝိတ်ႉ ၼၵႃးတိုၵ်းသိူဝ်ႁွင်ႉ ၶေႇၽႅၼ်ၵၢၼ်လၢႆးတိုၵ်းၸႅၵ်ႇထႅၵ်ႇၽေမိူင်းတႆး သၢင်ႇသီသွင်ႉၶၢမ်ႈၵဵဝ် ၵႃႈပဵၼ်ၶႃႈၶုၼ်မၢၼ်ႈကြံ့ခိုင်ရေး ၵူဝ်ႁေသိုၵ်းၸၢဝ်းၶိူဝ်းသေပၢႆႈလူင်းၶၢမ်ႈၼမ်ႉၵဵဝ်ၶိုၼ်း
@wanlusa3959 2 ай бұрын
@น้ําทิพย์-ซ3ฤ 2 ай бұрын
လၢတ်ႈလူမ်းၵူၺ်းဢိူဝ်ႈ 😅😅
@NangMart 2 ай бұрын
ဝၼ်းထိ1 .2ၼႆႉၵူၼ်းၵဵပ်းယုၵ်းယၢၵ်းၵေႃႈဢမ်ႇပေႃးႁၼ်ယဝ်ႉၶႃႈၵူၼ်းသိုဝ်ႉၾူၼ်းၵွႆၵူၼ်းလႅၵ်းငိုၼ်းယွၵ်းၵေႃႈဢမ်ႇပေႃးႁၼ်ယဝ်ႉၶႃႈၵွပ်ႈၸိူင်ႉၼၼ်လေႈႁဝ်းၶႃႈတေႉဢမ်ႇပၢႆႈၶႃႈပိူၼ်ၺွပ်းလႆယဝ်ႉၵေႃႈယႃႈပေပွႆႉၶိုၼ်းသေၵမ်းၶႃႈ
@beekk5061 2 ай бұрын