KETCHUP REVIEW - (Feb - Mar 2024)
3 ай бұрын
ECHO - (JamesMCD's TVlogs)
4 ай бұрын
@sablebirdzell7144 Күн бұрын
originally it was slated to be a disney plus series that had 10 episodes. but the execs scrapped that idead and shoved it together to make a movie.
@Dashathan01 5 күн бұрын
@BMoney8600 5 күн бұрын
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already!
@mitsusah2612 6 күн бұрын
I want it to be good, but I agree that many things look the same. Didn't the first movie end with Moana leading her village to get out the big boats and teaching people to use them? And now she is alone on a small boat. With Maui. Again.
@EpictasticJoshuaYT 12 күн бұрын
A great trilogy that was worthy of giving Apes new life.
@LombaxOttsel 19 күн бұрын
i like how cyclops is played by a final fantasy protagonist
@jamesmcdreviews4699 19 күн бұрын
I had to check to make sure that was true😂 that’s amazing
@theonlytman2344 24 күн бұрын
Definitely a spicy opinion to have Dawn in last place! For me, Koba really made the film an engaging watch for his motivations and conflict against Caesar
@rubeng370 Ай бұрын
I'm happy you still feel disappointed and bored of the 2 bad prequel movies. So many fans online keep saying that the prequels are freaking flawed masterpieces when ep. 8 and 9 released 😢 Even as a kid when I rented this movie, I would always skip the talking scenes since I played the Lego Games 😂 and focus on the action scenes. But still wasn't a big fan or not find Jar Jar funny 😢 I rewatched the prequels couple years ago after like a decade of not seeing, and I still don't like 1 and 2. Very dull, boring, disappointing fights, lack of great on screen villains (Clone Wars fixes all the issues), all characters 😴, poor written, poor directing... Probably give both movies a 5/10 Phantom Menace still has the title of being the biggest disappointing movie with massive hype (in this case, the #1 most hyped up of all time, more than the last 2 Avengers movies) surrounding it.
@rubeng370 Ай бұрын
Jedi Survivor has been the best recent Star Wars content 👌 it's amazing and heavily lacking in the movie 🎬 industry
@LombaxOttsel Ай бұрын
this movie is my melatonin ❤
@V0RTA Ай бұрын
The first Lego Movie was a banger but the sequel didn’t meet the expectations of the first movie. It was fine but it’s not that impactful, but I did find a slight enjoyment from it.
@brycehumphrey3975 Ай бұрын
Won't be watching the sequel
@rpgincorporated8302 2 ай бұрын
I'm one of the rare people who enjoyed the second part more than the first, and your video helped me understand why my opinion isn't as popular. I liked the first movie, a lot, but nothing felt like a plot twist in it. That versimilitude was shattered as soon as I saw the first "relic." The plot twist being"*Gasp!* LEGO is a TOY?!" didn't even register as a supposed twist, and I didn't feel that playing into the tropes served the story, but it was a fun ride nonetheless. Meanwhile, I liked how we got to fully embrace that they were toys in the second part, I somehow did not realize that Rex was voiced by Chris Pratt as well, "Not Into Gotham City Guys" and "Not Evil" played on repeat in my house, and the twist at the end how the entire gimmick of the movie was born out of the brother's love for his sister got me good.
@beerenmusli8220 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic essay.
@LegoMoviesSuck 2 ай бұрын
@dinomation 2 ай бұрын
Definitely one of my favorite movies, it’s so creative and fun to watch!
@YuutaTogashi0707 2 ай бұрын
How has it been 10 years already!?
@benfostersworldofwonder8226 2 ай бұрын
Here are my personal rankings. The Lego Movie: Absolutly groundbreaking and one of the best movies ever. 10/10. The Lego Batman Movie: Nice story and great message: 8/10. The Lego Ninjago Movie: Basically a giant anti-bullying PSA. The heroes are idiots the side characters are assholes and the villans are either stupid or are just there for the sake of having a bad guy. Also the ending made the entire adventure completley and utterly POINTLESS and honestly painful to rewatch. 3/10 The Lego Movie 2 The Second Part: Could have done without the nasty side characters and idiotic storytelling but had some good ideas and at least they wrapped up the lego movie story. 5/10
@TheGreatEvan 2 ай бұрын
hey algorithm this video is so engaging i am very engaged
@mycroft3322 2 ай бұрын
Dayum that’s a really well done video, I wasn’t expecting you to have less than 500 subs, we should change that
@stephenparallox 2 ай бұрын
It's Lisan al Gaib!!!
@TrueBagPipeRock 2 ай бұрын
this is a very good review. Kind of my experience as well. Been so long since we've seen cinema, that many people do not know what to make of it when they see it. For people saying it was slow or boring, they should be forced to go see Lawrence of Arabia on a big screen, and review that. If they say boring or slow, then we know.
@francesopintore2073 3 ай бұрын
It's not a "guilty pleasure". Denis Villeneuve almost copied scene by scene the original one. The mistery has gone from the new one, altough I have to admit, the CGI is great, but it does not make a great movie.
@shabad0009 3 ай бұрын
Slow paced, pretentious borefest, like the first one.
@LordLemoncake 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, but no. If this adaptation was created fro newcommers it failed because it left out too many detials about the world. If this adaptation was created for book readers then it was also a faliure because it changed the story just to put Chani into the focus and dumbed down the story. The miniseries made in 2000 was a much better adaptation because it stayed true to the book. If you say that Dune 2 was great cinema, from a movie making point of view, i agree with you, it will get a lot of praise and awards, but that is only because the movie industry is on a pretty low spot right now, as an adaptation it failed.
@Arcadius8 3 ай бұрын
Well, no. This movie was exactly as it should have been. It is better than anything we've got out of Hollywood in last 10 years. But unfortunately maybe for next 10 years after Dune, the Dune 2 or 3 will still be the best we will have gotten.
@nuggetospaghetto 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, but no. Don't even need to elaborate.
@gertfeikens7311 3 ай бұрын
People want to see great movies in the cinema, but what they don't want is being insulted by some neomarxist woke crap movie. It is also a warning for the next James Bond and Star Wars directors. The upcoming movies have to be epic, definitely not woke. I even suspect that the true motive of woke is: make crap out of selfhate and really disappoint people so that the movies ends up in serious debt. Don't end up like nearly broke Disney with their disgusting "Snowwoke and the seven magic creatures" or broke Bud with their woke beer commercial. It will cost you billions. People don't want woke. They don't, seriously. Dune 2 is one of these epic movies that makes people happy and the cash flow.
@nuggetospaghetto 3 ай бұрын
Please read a good book or something, grow up and let people enjoy what they want. And stop using the word "woke" as much, annoying af.
@teh1782 3 ай бұрын
@chewy1709 3 ай бұрын
Why is neomarxist a problem? You prefer low minimum wages that don't put food on table?
@4idenn 3 ай бұрын
Literally Absolute Cinema
@bobleroe3859 3 ай бұрын
No other Sci-Fi movie I've seen captured as well the alien-ness of the environment: the architecture, clothing, even gestures. I have read the book and have also seen the SF-TV version. The new one seems to have borrowed from Lynch and it has a washed-out, sepia look to it. Even the indoor scenes were dim.
@russelljackson8153 3 ай бұрын
A Superhero movie where no one becomes a super hero but we get to see a trailer's worth of flash-forwards to where they will be. Greeeeeeat!
@ferminmarkpousada1455 3 ай бұрын
I might be one of the few people who genuinely loves The LEGO Movie 2
@chickenporkadob0 3 ай бұрын
i didn't feel anything on lu ten's funeral scene because there's nothing to root for uncle iroh and zuko. their character wasn't developed for you to care for them that's why Uncle iroh's story is on book 2. the show is so rushed and they mixed season 1 and 2 story plot. they didn't let anything developed. 2.5/5 for me.
@DS9megafan 3 ай бұрын
Loved it, loved it, loved it! ❤❤❤ If others don’t/ didn’t enjoy it, then that’s fine, but I thought it was pretty amazing and truly hope we get to see the complete story… Bring on season 2! Until then I’ll rewatch it again along with watching the animated version for like the 20th time! 👍🙂
@boombasett6038 3 ай бұрын
Loved it. Purchased the animated series, and into season one. It is hilarious! yes, they have changes from what I've seen so far from the animated, but the live-action is still good. Some of the dialogue is very wooden though.
@Aaylias 3 ай бұрын
No, it's actually not been ten years... right? it's only been 5 years... no.. 3... ITS BEEN 10 YEARS????
@hiddencitypictures 3 ай бұрын
I personally prefer Lego Ninjago to The Second Part. It might just be the Ninjago theme, but it is physically impossible for me to watch The Second Part in one go, while it isn't for Ningago.
@jamesmcdreviews4699 3 ай бұрын
I’ll give you that; the second part just feels longer and more drawn out.
@internetabyss 3 ай бұрын
It was awesome
@ElectroPopSelection 3 ай бұрын
🥶🥶🥶the actress who plays Katara has the same facial expression in every scene. That's not Katara! It felt like she was doing a High School Play with a monotone performance! The Aang actor: Great Acting and very Expressive, and he's a younger child actor! Avatar Roku was a joke! King Bumi was suicidal and cold! That's not Bumi! He's the only remaining friend Aang has from the old world! He's the hope Aang needed!
@stmk011 3 ай бұрын
MadWeb. This Deserves All Its Failures. Terrible Cynical CashGrab with a VeryWeak and Limited ComicBookCharacter.
@Regor-mv8ti 3 ай бұрын
I saw this and realized this guy has less than 100k subscribers. What the fuck, this guy is great he deserves WAAAY more than less than 500 subscribers.
@EdgarOnRRVR 3 ай бұрын
@tylermitchell7686 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for that look back! For me personally the Ninjago Movie is another highlight. It was the first of the Lego movies I watched (and my first contact with Ninjago) and Justin Theroux as Lord Garmadon alone is worth a million rewatches. 🙂
@MorrowMoon_thenightwing 3 ай бұрын
Infinity train is SOO good. Nothing like it.
@ClassyNugget 3 ай бұрын
This was the most amazing movie ever! A trippy psychedelic psychological horror film, that has things happen for no reason, jump scares out of nowhere you can't prepare for. Somehow does the glitch thing in Spiderverse but does it wrong. Somehow managing to shit all over Spider-man fans, source material, & fan service, they figured out how to do fan service even worse. I'll just say what happens because I'm a bigger superhero by spoiling this movie, so no one has to go see it. 1st of all halves of the movie is reused footage because Madame Web is living Groundhog Day until she makes the right decision. You saw the movie by trailer alone because there literally is no surprise scene they were covering up for a "big reveal" or "final battle". She has visions of the future & stuff, sometimes she cheats the vision by playing it out differently, sometimes she ignores it, then gets upset when she doesn't sometimes. The main big bad, big time bad guy supervillain criminal mastermind Ezekiel Sims (who is a mentor to Spider-man in comics) looks in the Amazon for rare spider, he finds it, kills everybody on the camp site, even Web's pregnant mom. A tribe of Spider Warrior Footsoldiers wait until he escapes & takes her to these magic healing water. She did not survive, but her baby does. Web is a medical person, she keeps seeing these girls everywhere she goes, everyone here sucks at driving so, she bulldozes her way through traffic, almost killing by running over 1 of the girls, she flips her off, Web saves one of the girl's mothers, & the other girl lives in the same apartment as her. Web tries to save someone dangling off the bridge in their car, Ben Parker (Adam Scott) pulls them to safety, but Web is stuck inside, & the car plunges into the water & almost dies of drowning but it's ok because it activates her dormant powers like an Inhuman. Ben Parker says: "I found someone" & it's Mary (Aunt May) For yes plot drive reasons she attends the baby shower, they all try to guess surprise it was Peter. A bunch of balloons of the baby shower are popping in her head so that means someone is in danger & dying somehow for some reason. She goes to the scene of an unstable explosives factory but by not listening to her visions she lets some people die. The villain is in bed with his wife when he has a nightmare vision of Spider people killing him in the future & then he kills his wife for being a government agent. He gets someone else to do his dirty work, although he has all these powers, he needs a gal in the chair to use some high-tech equipment to identify these girls without their superhero costumes & masks on, so he can kill the right group of 3 little girls before they kill him. Yep, that's the entire movie. She's at home & realizes she cannot just see the future but also change it's outcome by opening the window for a bird to fly into her place instead of hitting the window to die like most people did watching this movie. She's in the train but has visions for what feels like 25 minutes until something happens. After watching everyone get brutally morbidly murdered over & over again by the villain, she evacuates everyone off the train. Villain pissed Web has the vision powers too. Only Web & the girls know the true story of the guy trying to kill them & Web tells them all that he's trying to kill you all & I don't know why, but they still hesitate to trust her. Everyone thinks Web is a child kidnapper. She steals a taxi & they go off the grid. She tells them all that she can see the future & they don't believe her & give her fake backstories about themselves because "stranger danger". She leaves them in the woods so she can get answers of her mom's spider research, surprise they are gone because they find a diner nearby & they're teenage girls who don't listen. A guy in the diner gets the description of the kidnapper of 3 girls while reading a newspaper & calls it in. The villain's gal in the chair picks up the transmission to the police station & villain rushes to kill the little girls. Web has a vision of them dying again & her included so she rams the taxi into the diner over the villain, saving them all. They stay in a motel. They are starting to believe & trust her right after she's about to give up & say: "I want no part of this". They reveal themselves & say they have no parents & you're the only one who can help & save us. She has a change of heart & teaches them all CPR. She abandons them all in the middle of the night to go meet with the villain but that was just a vision too, I think she was thinking about it but her vision was telling her how wrong that would go, I guess. The villain knows now that somehow her mom ties back to what happened in the Amazon long ago & he can't believe it, finally realizing how & why she also has the same similar like powers. Web trying to figure out the ties to it all, realizes she has to go the point of origin to get some answers, Web stressin out with babysitting & then she all like: "I had it with these fools" & drops them off at Parker's house. She goes to where she got her powers at & meets with that Spider tribe again which I'm sad to say looks a lot like some bootleg Sam Raimi suits & tell her she hasn't found the full potential & scope of her powers set yet & that the bad guy keeps having these visions because he's trying to escape an inescapable prophesized fate by dying by Spider heroes that he still tries to escape from even though it is no use. "Why does my mother hate me?" Well, it's revealed through her in a flashback, unlocking more of her vision powers, her baby had muscular damage so she went to get this Spider to save her life & Madame Web loves her mother again now & they all hug. Out of all people these Spider Warrior Footsoldiers who Web has no idea who they are or related to them in anyway given her the most butchered "With great power comes great responsibility" quote I've ever heard. Yay motivation, so she goes back to the house she left the girls at the Parker family, but they all leave because Peter is about to be born but the villain still after them. Steals another vehicle, this time an ambulance but because she is medical person she can. It shorts out, so she comes up with this great plan to take them all to this unstable, dangerous, explosives, & fireworks factory to slow down & kill the villain with from the earlier scene where her partner dies in, & she's like: "It's all good lads, I'm an omnipotent clairvoyant being, so child endangerment is ok as long as you stick with me yalls should be good m8s". Near miss after near miss, my God she could have gotten them killed faster than the villain did & had the work done for him but you know movie magic plot device says that not so be the case. Web sees her death but instead tricks the villain into dying, she falls from the sky into the body of water the same way her powers were activated, she is blinded by an incoming projectile forever, than by the looks of it she adopts the girls because they have no parents, even though she's blind but she can still she the future and telling them how" Bright their futures are". That's the only time you see them become Spider anything & Web gets a new superhero costume. Movie ends. No after credit scene.
@jamesmcdreviews4699 3 ай бұрын
@MinecraftWorld1954 3 ай бұрын
This film is one of my favorite movies of all time and my 4th favorite animated movie ever made behind the Spiderverse movies and How To Train Your Dragon. Every frame of this movie is a treat for the eyes and the story is just great. And it's absolutely hilarious to boot.
@lasercraft32 3 ай бұрын
This movie is 10 years old already? I feel old. :(
@ToonyTails 3 ай бұрын
So do I, and I’m only 17
@luigimario5944 3 ай бұрын
I love this movie, I watched this in theaters when I was a little kid! And Emmet’s is still beautiful! 🧡🥹
@LombaxOttsel 3 ай бұрын
Alright, I’m gonna have to call you out. For your information, I went on the redline at 11:30 once and got murdered. Checkmate, liberals.
@jamesmcdreviews4699 3 ай бұрын
How foolish and ignorant of me. I promise I'll do better😂
@TimBorg 3 ай бұрын
i wish they would make a 3rd movie and a classic space / benny spinoff movies
@jamesmcdreviews4699 3 ай бұрын
Ive always had a trailer in mind for a Monster Fighters movie but that will never happen lol
@BaronDipitous 3 ай бұрын
What a beautiful tribute to my favorite movie. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you.