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Star Citizen: The Meat Man
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@nathanieljefferies5491 19 сағат бұрын
This is why his romance is not worth it…I gotta give Mama K that strength potion. Dude is damn needy it is annoying. Felt like i was talking to a whiny toddler
@356z 19 сағат бұрын
Dude cut the clip before the end of his sentence
@Randaddy25 Күн бұрын
As a brand new player (about 3 weeks), I finally saved up enough to buy me a vulture. I'm so excited to make some real scratch, as I wanna buy so many ships lol. Thanks for the guide, friend!
@asog88 5 күн бұрын
I 100% plus I wish fuel was extremely expensive and I wish some ships were more efficient than others. So more efficient quantum drive and just more efficient ships in general matter more. I just could NOT agree more with you. And it would be so huge for encouraging multi crewing a ship. I’m mean, CIG hire this man! Us players of hardcore/ survival games just can not wait for choices to matter and for there to be consequences!
@schakTheNerd 9 күн бұрын
The C1 flies great and it has a respectable cargo grid. But it has a huge landing footprint, which negatively impacts it's utility outside of just hauling cargo. I'll stick with my Cutty.
@BigCrazieTJ 10 күн бұрын
No. No. No NO. NO. Don’t get scammed
@nelsonorna9204 12 күн бұрын
Carrying enemies like Dror Ragzlin to the Underdark to have them raised up by Glut is so funny
@DAce-qr6ym 12 күн бұрын
bro drake vulture easy 300k per run
@mandark10110 14 күн бұрын
Love the HullA but really needs a tractor beam..maybe ability to swap the useless guns on front to a tractor. AND HULLB while im at it
@sntki8561 16 күн бұрын
Pledged it
@hotdogwaterjug 16 күн бұрын
i didn’t get the lantern til like the end of act 2 and she was already dead
@arcadealchemist 17 күн бұрын
after pyro UEC is most likley gonna be scaled back heavly and well item prices will be dictated by the market as the players will run the economy to a point CIG can handle basic item and resorce traffic but authentic produce is player made so how would you approch making a video about how to craft 50 wooden tables and earn yourself 12 bottle caps and a Box of Protine waffers! YEEEHAAAW
@BeardofOz 17 күн бұрын
Easy. I'd start off with an anecdotal statement about under the table payments in a Lawless System, transition with a "Citizens, My names BeardofOz" statement, then break down my 6 step guide to producing tables from ruined Aegis Ship wings and selling them to the Rough and Ready gang for 14 bottle caps and a pet Marok in a cage.
@JunIor-ou2ng 17 күн бұрын
100 ppl on a server.... better have only one terminal 😂
@upisdown8912 18 күн бұрын
I liked the cut of your jib
@blackbird9962 18 күн бұрын
cargo trading, not hauling.
@Atrax23 19 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this guide, I just got my vulture today. but unfortunately the servers were bugging massively, so I couldnt sell anything yet. Anyway, thank you for this very extensive yet brief guide, recommend it a lot, and its still up to date 7 months later.
@Sir-Prizse 22 күн бұрын
The route from Nuen Waste Mgmt. to Brio's Breaker Yard is a really fast and lucrative route, because you don't have to leave the planet Daymar at all. But if you do it too often, pirates start to accumulate and I than usually flee to GrimHex or leave Crusader. The cutter is robust and can withstand a lot, too bad it only has 4 SCU storage.
@1976Themika 24 күн бұрын
Cave missions are great. But derelict mission examble he didnt mention any about kamikaze drones if you aproach bigger vessel. You dont have any change. And there is 3 defender. One is medium class ship. So you need good fighter to these missions and skill.
@JagHiroshi 25 күн бұрын
In 4.0, when we get MM revisions, the C1 needs to differentiate from the Cutty and Freelancer with more straight line speed and a touch more agility. Why? Because it has no turreted defence capability.
@Opti-Myst 27 күн бұрын
How do u get this to happen?
@Cotton_Cloud4792 28 күн бұрын
Yes i am not letting tadpole powers into my character, it does nothing good for sure
@mac-PT0395 28 күн бұрын
I know this comment won't get noticed but for all the star citizen players I bought 2 copies of this game but I don't own a PC I only did this to support the game my dream is to own a PC good enough to play it but alas I grew up in a broken home and can only dream my son on the other hand will not grow up like I did he has everything only I'm broke my family deserve everything I can give them but my dreams are but a memory so i don't think I'll ever get the chance to play this glorious game
@FelixFelicis117 29 күн бұрын
That dude definitely fell asleep playing.
@jamesshepherdson5578 Ай бұрын
wait did you kill him
@Berserkerbaboen Ай бұрын
I would be afk trying to look up the manuel on how to operate the screen. And then a dude comes in, snaps my neck, and can explain it on his channel... #NOffSaid
@tylertiffin9067 Ай бұрын
I'm just starting Star Citizen and the C1 Spirit is my 2nd ship after the Avenger Titan. I got this over the Cutlass Black purely on looks. And idk I like the look of it over the Zeus, it's sexier. Even with the one entrance in the rear is fine by me, that's how I like it anyway lol. And since I don't have a large crew and no need for more storage, I'll probably keep the C1 for a while.
@BeardofOz Ай бұрын
It's absolutely worth it's weight in the PTU for cargo missions at the moment.
@soyayourpantsgamer5819 Ай бұрын
Just make more terminals 😅
@marcospheitosa Ай бұрын
What location is this?
@Jan_Strzelecki Ай бұрын
I was like, "what do you mean Vulture is not ingame yet?", but then I checked the date of the video, and I was like, "Huh. Has the Vulture really been flyable for just a year?" But yeah, Buccaneer is a beast. It's too bad that its redesign made it look worse and less logical, but many CIG redesigns suffer from the same affliction.
@gyratingwolpertiger6851 Ай бұрын
As someone who heads up the logistics for their old, if I could upvote your video twice I would. Choices should matter. Be that components ships or how you fly them.
@7starblade Ай бұрын
when i got to aim at the ore it doesn't scan or do anything even though i have the mining tool nothing its been like this for me for weeks i don't know what to do is there a button i have to press to scan or what? lol
@BeardofOz Ай бұрын
There's a bug recently that causes that to happen. When it works as It should it's a scan that happens automatically.
@jpsaayman9220 Ай бұрын
Great idea 👍 but you forgot about some ship have working fuel scoops. 100i picies Carrack 890 jump and some others. It's gonna make most ship unwilling to own because of fuel costs. Example why is no one flying the Nomad? Coz it runs out of fuel so damn fast it's useless
@BeardofOz Ай бұрын
I mention the 100i in the video
@chaoscorgi9348 Ай бұрын
If CIG values our time at least half as much as they attempt to value our money, then increasing the cost of fuel for "immersion" could be ok. With so many easy ways to die due to desync, bugs and errors counting as timesinks already, the only effect raising fuels prices would have is costing people more time. BUT, the bigger picture issues with SC is that the general immersion level of the game is going down as a result of the push to 4.0/1.0 (Master Modes, combat changes for both ships and FPS, fewer unique stations, less reason to go to planets that aren't just literal timesinks, and using time as a primary sink due to their marketing model of FOMO & convenience). Because of this, how much would an increase to fuel pricing benefit the game? None, as starter to medium ships should still be cheap upkeep, and if you can afford a large ship but aren't concierge or close with lots of ship options you won't care. Until they make an actual economy, or use a combination of the commodity tracker and starsim/quantum/whatever to make a tier 0-0.5 placeholder for one, I don't think much of anything in game will make financial sense. Once ship progression is not the only major focus, and refueling is relevant to some degree, AND they make it so there is some real risk of running out of hydrogen in Pyro w/o proper planning, then making fuel a part of it can make sense.
@AlbuquerqueBandit Ай бұрын
Oh I probably have done this. Didn't realize nobody can use terminal when I'm on it. I'll be sure to not do that
@ROBK636 Ай бұрын
Hydrogen double or triple prices and raise quant way up. Can't got for distance much in a Vulture, but then its like 35 credits to refuel the quant tank from empty.
@piedpiper1172 Ай бұрын
I agree with you about fuel in general, but I don’t think it’s the answer to multicrew. No amount of “fuel is expensive” will overcome the negative feeling of manning 2 badly placed S2 guns on a Corsair while the pilot controls more than 10x the dps. They must fundamentally reconsider the human experience of the turret/multicrew player (and no, clicking fuses, isn’t enough). I really think almost every manned turret in the game needs to go up at least 1 size, or gain a significant function in addition to its current weapons (emp, interdiction, etc). They also need to add flak to provide a real tool for large ships to contest lone fighters. Unless they nerf speeds down to like, 100ms, it’ll never be possible to hit a competent fighter that’s at the edge of its cannon range with a bigger ship turreted precision weapon-and frankly it shouldn’t be. That’s why WW2 featured flak, and that’s what we need. Create the ability to zone out fighters and poof, the entire game opens. Make flak exclusive to *manned* turrets and that’s a real reason to want to use them. Meanwhile I’d say the Warden is a clear example of needing to go up 2 sizes, to have a manned 2x S4. The Sentinel’s turret can stay S2, but should gain a QED. Similarly, the Scorp’s turret should go up 1 size to 4x S4, and the Scorp A gain the current 4x S3 in addition to its current tools. Manned turrets are meant to be the primary play loop for a human being, competitive with the level of engagement flying the ship gives. Historically, the balance was… questionable but largely fine. Manning the turret on a Scorpius really was a worthwhile experience compared to personally piloting an Arrow or Gladius. But, the F7 Mk II’s and the Corsair *exist.* If that’s the quantity of firepower we think a single pilot player should have, then we have to radically improve turrets. Ships like the Corsair, Connie, and Redeemer should be able to slave multiple manned turrets to a single manned one by default, and some of those will still need size upgrades. Other ships like the Hammerhead and Tali need burst dps buffs, either by adding 2 more hard points to each turret, or via size upgrades. No amount of “but engineering” in the future changes the fundamental combat design. It simply cannot be someone’s gameplay to have literally only the emp and QED of the Scorp A, or a single 2x S2 Corsair turret with terrible sight lines.
@niklasdahlgren7641 Ай бұрын
Also ships should not be claimed via insurance and get new missiles and torpedoes.
@pxkqd Ай бұрын
Pretty sure it has always been the intention to rise fuel prices. As well as tune every ship fuel capacity and consumption. Current values make no sense.
@gelobledo Ай бұрын
This and Elite dangerous do this. Fuel is like nothing. Now Truck sim games got this right. When fuel prices went up in real life they made the game reflect that. So now I plan my routes with fuel on my mind because certain states are dirt cheap and others are way expensive. Makes for some interesting game play. If they did this in Elite and Star citizen you would have more players at certain points for cheaper fuel leading to more player to player interactions.
@d2wk3 Ай бұрын
You are absolutely correct on everything, including insurance claims! Problem is that this will conflict with the sort that has no patience and wants more of an action shooter than a space sim. This is a struggle within the community about what the game will be. Also, I really want a fresh start server at release, only 1 starter ship package at the start, per account... so you have to play, not pay!
@Gundobald Ай бұрын
No one cares what you think
@Glathgrundel Ай бұрын
I do.
@WorldGoods Ай бұрын
I dunno it also has to be fun at the end of the day
@stevejamieson1613 Ай бұрын
I agree entirely. Side note: why no ships in the verse with solar sails?
@SoulShaper12 Ай бұрын
Honestly, this. I wish we had more 'planetside' missions for delivery, where hydrogen flight, via not burning through atmo but steady cruised cargo flight, conserved hydrogen enough to really make it worth while flying in atmo. Right now, it's crazy that if I choose to spend 'time' to hydrogen flight around the planet (I like flying) I am actually punished. The 'quicker' route of quantum not only generates more money through quicker delivery, but also, for a bizarre reason, conserves cost. You literally save time, and save money, as opposed to conducting an actual thought out process in this current fuel economy.
@Maxxmentum Ай бұрын
Fuel in pyro will likely be expensive. Also, maybe Q fuel cost more but I am not sure hydrogen should be. With the bugs in place, I can die in an elevator or walking down a ramp. This, coupled with AI and griefer, pop out of nowhere to blast you for no reason; the strange way my ship guns fail to fire from time to time, and I blow way more money / time on armor and gear and getting back to my ship. An empty ship replacement...that is some such ass customer service. Maybe fix the game first then work out where its reasonable to have higher prices, maybe even get ship armor working first. This is kind of like how I believe the ship should have a bathroom, and it impacts long trips but should not be a managed aspect of the game.
@JoelBondoux Ай бұрын
Agreed, however, don't expect the detail that has been considered for Quantum (Star Sim) has not included fuel - and that is also the incorporation of the refining of fuel. All features in this alpha have been awaiting their refactor and it is clear the team have decided to not waste time making intermediary systems when the next tier is in development (the map is a good example - we had the awful map for years!). With the alpha clearly presenting new features and game loops as profitable and then 'nerfing' them back into a more balanced environment - I would say this is to encourage test data to keep flowing. I suspect fuel pricing is the same. While the Sim model is in development they have just essentially given us fuel to be a side thought - one that can create work for the player if ignored, but also one that is not restricting the testing (sorry playing) environment. And also one that tests the fuel game systems ensuring the ships are bug free in regards to this feature. I would say be patient and wait for the economy refactor - and potentially not the first tier of it either, but a pass nearer release to see any really significant changes to fuel pricing. But I am certain this is not missing in their design plans.
@philipquaglino Ай бұрын
Id be ok addressing this AFTER no more bugs, clipping through worlds, spontaneous death, spontaneous explosions, way less time sinks in favor of "gold" sinks, Desync a thing of the past, far less time consuming to meet up with friends. Time alone slows down the ability to make $$$.
@lordnai8260 Ай бұрын
I agree for the most part with you. Another idea that would go along with your idea of spawning with an empty fuel tank is to have each personal hangar have a (possibly upgradeable) personal fuel tank that you can fill with fuel yourself from possibly cheaper areas. Would give a better reason to transport fuel for plywrs
@ShinigamiAnger Ай бұрын
Stop requesting to increase the price of everything, not everybody is rich, there are casuals too. kthxbye
@arrclyde4325 Ай бұрын
I would also say that fuel cost is way to low. BUT since its an Alpha and balancing usually happens in beta, fuel tank sizes and components resource consumption rate is only a rough placeholder, and the fact that CIG wants players to playtest more to deliver on important data, i think that it will change for the release version of the game, for sure. 😉