The 3 Families of Choy Lee Fut
One arm Sparring
3 ай бұрын
Chapter Two Shadows of betrayal
Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut SPARRING
@jasonkurtrix357 10 күн бұрын
which one is Hung Sing CLF?
@hungsingkwoonusa650 10 күн бұрын
tells you in the title.
@jasonkurtrix357 10 күн бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 thank you. Sifu Frank. Forever undefeated Hung sing (Bright Victory)
@hungsingkwoonusa650 10 күн бұрын
@@jasonkurtrix357 Our hung sing means Great Victory. thanks tho
@jasonkurtrix357 10 күн бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 of cause Sifu Frank, you carry Hung Sing legacy and Buk sing is like a brother or cousin to you. But I prefer to call cousin lols. Even I am not train, in any choy Li Fut. Furthermore Sifu Frank you are showing the world that Kung Fu can fight.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 10 күн бұрын
@@jasonkurtrix357 Buk Sing are brothers to Hung Sing, because without Hung Sing, there would be NO Buk Sing at all. If i am succeeding at showing the world CLF is a good fighting system, and it sinks in, then i pray i am doing a good job and leaving that legacy behind when i leave this planet. thanks man
@CrazyDEntertainment 13 күн бұрын
I guess I was supposed to be watching this video tonight.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 11 күн бұрын
what's going on with your friend? you know who. he done fell off youtube. lol
@jasonkurtrix357 14 күн бұрын
Sifu Frank if you consider Buk sing lineage is only 80 or 90 old Buk Sing can evolve more, also don't Tam Sam got kick from Hung Sing school, because he beat down all Hung Sing school student during that times. Tarm Sarm is only live for combat not sport right? Note: I am not in any Buk Sing school but I taking interest a lot in Buk Sing choy li fut.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 13 күн бұрын
there are a few stories to why tam sam left his CLF teacher. but him getting into a fight and hurting a CLF elder, he had to go. all clf in those days was for combat. not sports. buk sing is a good system.
@guadalupej.acostaii9163 14 күн бұрын
Beautiful 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼!
@igorbabenko575 15 күн бұрын
Thanks 🙏
@MrRourk 20 күн бұрын
A sister art to this Fong Yang Quan is dying out.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 20 күн бұрын
sorry to hear that
@jasonkurtrix357 21 күн бұрын
Sifu, I got questions can sow choi works? Today I was having fun with class mate that do boxing. We were talking about martial arts and stuff. I told I want to learn Kung Fu. I show, him sow chui, he told me that I do too high, and I will get upper cut. What is like cause of action, should be lower? Note I am not train and being at any choy Li Fut school. I just video of sow choi.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 21 күн бұрын
Choy Lee Fut has everythng in its arsenal that boxing and muay thai has. everything. I know you have seen over hand strikes. in CLF those are Sow Choy's. One masters the sow choy he can chose various ranges to launch them. THE TRUTH IS FOUND IN THE WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW AND WHY OF THE TECHNIQUE. WE NEVER use the sow choy as an opener. it MUST be following some other strike first. alone, the sow choy CAN be defended against. but yor boxer friend, i would tell him "think of an angle, and CLF has it. Think of a strike and CLF has it.".
@jasonkurtrix357 21 күн бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 thank you sifu. Did they is movie about hung sing life, call choy Li Fut (1979).
@hungsingkwoonusa650 21 күн бұрын
@@jasonkurtrix357 part of that movie is in my documentary here.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 21 күн бұрын
@@jasonkurtrix357 here is another old CLF movie you never watched before
@jasonkurtrix357 21 күн бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 thank you, Sifu. Wish they one about Tam Sam
@Thoraxziod Ай бұрын
Hey there Sifu Frank. Do you happen to have footage of the Dadao sword form?
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
youtube this: Dadao 2011: Large Saber Techniques for the Army by Wong Hon Fan 大刀術 黃漢勛
@Thoraxziod Ай бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 thanks
@user-ud3tf1st2f Ай бұрын
The Fan nice form well done.
@jasonkurtrix357 Ай бұрын
Choy li fut in one championship, when?
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
what are you asking me?
@jasonkurtrix357 Ай бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 just saying I want to see choy Li Fut on one championship.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
@@jasonkurtrix357 we would all over to see that. But clf people only care about the safety of their friends and family from the harm of violent people. And one championship doesn't mean much unless your chasing titles, money and fame
@universidadekungfu1469 Ай бұрын
E lamentável ver um documentário sobre o Choy Lee Fut dizer que ele foi fundado por Jeong Hung Sing... o Choy Lee Fut foi fundado pelo Grande mestre Chan Heung. SE Jeong Hung Sing existiu de verdade, foi apenas um aluno do mestre Chan Heung.... lamentável.
@universidadekungfu1469 Ай бұрын
It's sad to see a documentary about Choy Lee Fut say that it was founded by Jeong Hung Sing... Choy Lee Fut was founded by Grandmaster Chan Heung. IF Jeong Hung Sing really existed, he was just a student of master Chan Heung.... regrettable.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
Claramente no conoces tu historial CLF en absoluto.SE Jeung Hung Sing existisse." Cara, Jeung Hung Sing foi o professor mais famoso de todo Choy Lee Fut. Mais famoso que Chan Heung. Mas aqui vou te educar. Jeung Hung Sing tinha 12 anos (1836) quando estudou com Chan Heung. Choy Lee Fut não estava completo neste período. Jeung Hung Sing treinou com Chan Heung de 1836 a 1841. Novamente, choy lee fut estava longe de estar completo naquela época. . Jeung hung sing foi enviado para o monge Ching Cho, onde completou seu aprendizado do sistema Fut Gar Então me diga agora, se fut gar foi o ÚNICO estilo de kung fu que ele completou, qual foi o seu estilo principal que nunca foi concluído? muito novo, ou fut gar que ele completou? jeung hung sing retornou para chan heung e então ensinou-lhe o que aprendeu com monge ching cho. Ao compartilhar o que aprendeu com monge ching cho com chan heung, jeung hung sing se. uma espécie de cofundador do clf por suas contribuições ao choy lee fut por volta dos anos 1864-1867. Mais tarde, Chan Heung e Jeung Hang Sing desenvolveram seu Kung Fu separadamente. Então deixe-me dizer o que é triste. que você não sabe como fazer sua pesquisa corretamente e, em vez disso, ouve as mentiras que lhe contam.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
@@universidadekungfu1469 You clearly don't know your CLF history at all. "IF Jeung Hung Sing existed". Man, Jeung Hung Sing was the most famous master of all Choy Lee Fut. More famous than Chan Heung. But here, I will educate you. Jeung Hung Sing was 12 (1836) when he studied under Chan Heung. Choy Lee Fut was not complete in this period. Jeung Hung Sing trained under Chan Heung from 1836 to 1841. again, choy lee fut was far from complete at that time. Jeung Hung Sing got kicked out for defending himself against chan heung students. Jeung hung sing was sent to the Monk Ching Cho, where he completed learning the Fut Gar system. so you tell me now, if fut gar was the ONLY style of kung fu he completed, what was his primary style? choy lee fut which he never completed because it was too new, or fut gar which he did complete? jeung hung sing went back to chan heung and later taught him what he learned from the monk ching cho. by sharing what he learned from the monk ching cho with chan heung, jeung hung sing became sort of a co-founder of clf for his contributions to choy lee fut around the years of 1864-1867. then chan heung and jeung hung sing separately developed their gung fu from one another. so let me tell you what is sad. that you people don't know how to do your research properly instead you listen to the lies that you are being told.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
also this video is about Lau Bun and not jeung hung sing or chan heung. just lau bun.
@universidadekungfu1469 Ай бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 Olá Sifu. Grato por apresentar a sua versão dos fatos. Respeito sua versão e respeito aquilo que vc acredita. Antes de mais nada, quero deixar claro aqui que não quero criar polêmicas e nem conflitos, mas apenas deixar claro o meu desgosto na afirmação que Jeung Hung Sing criou o CLF, e isso está nesse vídeo. Aqui no texto acima que você apresenta, vc diz que ele FOI ALUNO DE CHAN HEUNG.... Ok, isso está correto porque existem registros históricos sobre o Fato... e você também pode afirmar que ele finalizou o estilo (já ouvi também essa versão) embora eu não acredite nisso, as pessoas são livres para acreditarem e falarem o que quiserem. ... essa divisão política entre King Mui X Foshan é antiga... O que pedimos é o reconhecimento do Grande Mestre Chan Heung... Grande abraço.
@TreyYork1 Ай бұрын
Is the way "Heung" is pronounced representative of how you all pronounce it? I always heard it pronounced pretty differently. It was closer to "Heh ung" and if I really went for it, it would be something like "Heh(r)un(g)" with a soft r and g... To be clear, I'm not aiming to be insulting, nor am I interested in being "right"-- just more interested in how things change as language meets different dialects and accents over time, and how different groups may pronounce something like that differently
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
The voice was ai. Can't help how he pronounced the surname
@TreyYork1 Ай бұрын
@@hungsingkwoonusa650 That's absolutely fair! Still, I now really want to hear if how you say it is similar to how we pronounced it! Is it safe to believe the AI is different than how you would say it? I'm a little curious about the advantages of using AI like that as well... I imagine you probably have a very neutral U.S. Midwest accent. It's funny how we can each perceive these things, because CLF nerds can be bonkers didactic about basically anything(guilty, but trying to grow as a person)! 😆 Even knowing how y'all say it, it's just a tiny piece. I am pretty certain that we could come up with how Cantonese speakers from King Mui said that Surname(and that might be different than the folks in Hong Kong and San Francisco said it.) Then again, what does it matter other than curiosity? I really appreciate and enjoy your videos! They remind me of who I was decades ago, and what I *love* about CLF and TCMA-- the comments sometimes remind me of what is embarrassing about it, and why I'm glad is in the past. I love to imagine what CLF would have looked like if Chan Heung had all the advantages that we have, instant communication world wide, post UFC, excellent padding and synthetic weapons for sparring!! I really believe quality research can help us clarify what may or not have been lost, misunderstood, or even forgotten-- I reckon if the time, money, and effort are found to do that work, you'd be pretty good at sharing those truths with your skill for content production and editing
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
@@TreyYork1 I've been doing Choy Lee Fut for over 40 years. I know how to say his name. LMAO. I have a hood accent because I grew Up in the hood and on the streets. I've also grown up in the Chinese Community. So, i know the accents well . Chan (Her-ung). I've spent a good chunk of my life researching Choy Lee Fut history and reaching out to elders to gain whatever information i can. I will tell you this, CLF history is rough terrain. Lots of mistruths. lots misleading pieces of information. lots of political bs. in fact, one very high up master of the buk sing lineage who is passed on now, said that Chan Heung never even knew kung fu until Cheung Hung Sing. That Chan Heung was more like a scholar. The only thing he taught Cheung Hung Sing was calligraphy. But much of that was agreed upon not to be brought up again. but later generations dug it up and put it out there. another thing is this, Chan Heung's birthday. Chan family members claim it was in 1806. however, the encyclopedia of guandong has him listed as born in 1814. Some chan fam writings even stated that he was a certain age in 1848 and when you back tracked, it actually placed his year in 1814. Another issue is what did chan yuen wu teach? first they said it was Hung Kuen. then because of huge forum debate i was part of, they changed it to Fut Gar. But now, they claim it was Hung Fut. so which one is it? see, history of CLF is my thing.
@IronWireMartialArts Ай бұрын
Good Work Sifu Frank! Love that you keeping your history alive. 🎉Keep up the good work, I see you!! 😊
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
thank ou brotha
@blazingdragon9607 Ай бұрын
Greetings from a fellow Kung fu practitioner 💙
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
@allenng2471 Ай бұрын
Choy Lee Fut was my first Kung Fu practice under Sifu Buck Sam Kong. My honor to them.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
may your former sifu rest in peace. did you know he recently passed away?
@allenng2471 Ай бұрын
@nicholasgreen339 Ай бұрын
Really good
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
@whisper8742 Ай бұрын
Does Lu Ben have an active defendant school in San Francisco now? It would be good to know.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
Lau Bun down to Jew Leong, then to my Sifu Dino Salvatera who is the current successor of lau bun's lineage then to me.
@stingytrevor Ай бұрын
absolutely not, martial arts has nothing to do with satanism
@williamkubischke5794 Ай бұрын
Well done brother.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@juanmarquez1679 Ай бұрын
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ya.
@juanmarquez1679 Ай бұрын
Bak Mei
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
why are you mentioning bak mei?
@juanmarquez1679 Ай бұрын
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ya.
@juanmarquez1679 Ай бұрын
Choy Li Fut
@igorbabenko575 Ай бұрын
@kevgoes Ай бұрын
@Zorro_c.s. Ай бұрын
Beginning my Hung sing Choy Lee Fut training on Friday, can’t wait !
@hungsingkwoonusa650 Ай бұрын
with who?
@ScottPalangi 2 ай бұрын
So great to see theres people who out there who appreciate old school kung fu. I love all martial arts and this is rare stuff. Thanks man.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
thank you for watching
@salvadordeadly723 2 ай бұрын
Tam Sam had been defeating so many Masters that a man began following him and documented many of Tam Sam's fights , he was working on a book 100 undefeated fights of Tam Sam but unfortunately died before he had finished his book.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
that would have been a great book indeed.
@salvadordeadly723 2 ай бұрын
@hungsingkwoonusa650 I inherited Sifu Dave Laceys personal file from Sifu George Michelson and it used to contain around 6 of the fight documentations, George must still have them, I remember reading of the fight between Tam Sam and Iron Lohan and Tam Sam's techniques that defeated him, but then Iron Lohan challenged him to a pole fight which ended in a draw so Tam Sam unhappy created a Buk sing Pole form.
@emptyemptiness8372 2 ай бұрын
Now these are the boxers I like to learn about, I can appreciate mma but it wasn't a sport for these guys and they didn't earn millions for a fight....they earned respect, which is priceless.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
yes sir
@Delta2AlphaDesign 2 ай бұрын
Such a great video
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
thank you bro
@mranderson380 2 ай бұрын
That would make an sick Hong Kong action movie back in the 80's lol. There is an movie based on Cheug Hang's life here on youtube but it's not historically accurate
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
i totally agree with that
@BrokenToothEnt 2 ай бұрын
Tam Fei Pang was avtually approached by film producers once about possibly doing a movie about Tam Sam and he declined the offer. Didn't want the legacy tarnished by being over exagerated or understated.
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
@@BrokenToothEnt someone should try that now while keeping all the respect and honor in tact.
@dteun 2 ай бұрын
Sifu lacey was a beast in buk sing rest in peace
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
@dashindave1 2 ай бұрын
Very nice!
@michaelm2952 2 ай бұрын
χαχαχα🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 αυτος ειναι muai tahai fighter ???? καλοοοο......
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
it's ok. laugh all you want at the Muay Thai fighter. I'm Choy Lee Fut, and the guy who defeated the MT fighter is Choy Lee Fut. so, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA trolling ain't easy.
@takusungjung3894 2 ай бұрын
u imagine devoting urself to teaching the gospel in china he would have been a true legend..
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
who would have been a legend in china for teaching the gospel??>????
@gregmatanjun4602 2 ай бұрын
Is this a joke? That is not a Muay Thai fighter. Why don't they arrange a fight with Superlek, Tawanchai, Rodtang or even the aging Buakaw?
@illuminaughtyparty 2 ай бұрын
YOU are the joke. Yes, that was a Muay Thai Match. Why are you so dumb? why don't YOU fight Superlek? or buakaw? or whomever? why are you just sitting there typing words instead of proving your point? cause you're no fighter. you're just a keyboard warrior. that's all you'll ever be.. LOSER
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
Give your fingers a rest man. go for a walk. you're wasting your life trolling on youtube. In fact, please show us YOUR muay thai. im sure you will not post any video of you fighting muay thai. that makes you a MOUTH boxer. are you really proud to be this mouth boxer?
@IchBinUbermensch1 2 ай бұрын
Could you beat Superlek, Tawanchai, Rodtang, or Buakaw?
@hungsingkwoonusa650 2 ай бұрын
so unless it is Superlek, Tawanchai, Rodtang or even the aging Buakaw, no one else is a Muay Thai fighter????? what about when my student went up against a muay thai fighter in an exclusivley all muay thai combat competition? were they not muay thai fighers either? you sound like a a bully victim mad at the world cause you got beat up.