Digital Readiness of Microenterprises
Kárpátkemence - 1100 év ízei
@antonpasternak-gw4dk 3 күн бұрын
Thank for your support to open the eyes in the World!👍❤️
@MsGyzy 5 күн бұрын
Megadjanak, az izraeliek nepirtast kovetnek el tobb mint fel eve, tobb mint 30 ezer embert meszaroltak le, az egyik leffelkesziltebb es felfegyverzett hadsereg harcol egy fegyvertelen elnyomott neppel! Kis tortenelmet nem artana tanilni az eszmetortenesznek! Jarj utana mi folyik 1948 ota a palesztinokkal.
@MsGyzy 5 күн бұрын
Marpedig olyan nincs, hogy szolasszabadsag sem jobb sem baloldalon!
@user-fq4rb1it9n 7 күн бұрын
He is a genius ❤
@gergelymagyar5529 9 күн бұрын
Ideje volt megkapargatni a témát. Ahol persze sántít az őszinte feltarás látszata, az a fidesz jobboldalinak csúfolt társaság tagjai és vezetői érintettsége pobt ebben a folyamatban, ügynöki csaladi háttér és besúgói mult. Mert ugye nem akarja senki beadni hogy csak a szoclibek erintettek. Emlékezzetek!
@babezulechazazulu172 16 күн бұрын
There is a contradiction between Mearsheimer's theoretical assumptions and his practical counsel/interpretation of practical events. On the one hand, he said states can never know the intentions of other states as they cannot see into people's heads. On the other hand, he assumes Putin and Russia's intentions in Ukraine are neither imperial nor indicative of 'Greater Russia' designs. Thus, Mearsheimer imputes motives and intentions to Putin's and Russia's rhetoric and actions whilst at the same time claiming their underlying intentions cannot be seen or known. I really like Mearsheiner and his thinking but thought I'd raise this honest point
@andras5kozma 18 күн бұрын
Köszönjük a Fidesznek, hogy nem vetett ki adót az internetre, csak különadót a szolgáltatókra. Olyan ez, mint a tanmese a kút tisztaságáról.
@overTbi 26 күн бұрын
A TV megállláaaaása?! Bátor téma ez manapság.
@evadr.kovacsne5384 28 күн бұрын
Na most akkor a hazugságról említsük meg Sulyok Tamást is. Tipikus példa arra amiről beszélgetnek. Az elhallgatásról, a hazugsågról
@horvath-komjatimartongerge8695 4 күн бұрын
Sulyok Tamást hagyjuk ki a dologból, mert egy olyan helyzetet teremt, ami nem adja vissza a valóságot. Ne egy viszonylag ismeretlen történészre hivatkozva támadjunk valakit, főleg ne úgy, hogy egy olyan sajtóorgánumnak nyilatkozott, amely hajlamos a nyilatkozatokat saját javára úgy formálni, hogy a politikai ellenfeleket lejárassa.
@TheHusztijanos Ай бұрын
Az '57 Május 1-ről először Szántai Lajostól hallottam, ő is azt kérdezte - főleg magától -, hogy miért ment ki százezres tömeg Kádárt "éltetni", alig fél évvel a forradalom után (???), miközben nem messze onnan épp forradalmárokat tartottak fogva, esetleg éppen akkor kínoztak, vallattak, stb. Úgy tudom, a kivégzéseket szerették Karácsony környékére időzíteni, ez mennyire gonosz! A nyelv kisajátítása pedig folyamatosan is működik, pl. ha azt mondjuk, hogy meleg, az embernek azonnal beugrik egy kép, de ez nem, a szónak az eredetileg az anyai szeretethez, konkrétabban az anyaöl melegéhez kapcsolódó metaforája. Az, hogy paraszt, az ötvenes évek előtt nem volt szitokszó, hiszen a paraszti magángazdaságok erőszakos felszámolását és tszesítését nem mindenki tűrte, ezért, ezeket a gazdákat először - gondolom - lehülyézték, onnan pedig már egyenes út vezetett a hülye parasztozáshoz. Jó lenne lecserélni már valami másra! A bunkó például egész jó erre a célra. A melegséghez még visszatérve, szerintem a "buzizásban" nincs semmi sértő, ha valaki olvasott Burgess-t, akkor tudja, hogy a Földi Hatalmakban futólag megemlíti Oscar Wilde-ot, aki vállaltan homoszexuális volt és a nála jóval fiatalabb, szőke fiú barátját Boozie (magyarul kiejtve buzi) becenevén emlegette. Ez nem sértő, nem gúnynév, hanem pont az ellentettje lehetett, tehát a szó eredete szerintem rendben van.
@guilelmusguilelmus8267 Ай бұрын
Ki kéne végre mondani, hogy származási alapon szerveződtek a mocskok! Ebben van az erejük… amíg ezt a birkák nem veszik észre, és nem szorítják ki őket. De ma is u.ezt csinálják az élet minden szegmensében. ÉBRESZTŐ!
@user-tk1vu2lx9v Ай бұрын
mocskos propagandisták...
@johngood8742 Ай бұрын
Jó ez a szoknya! Legközelebb legyen még rövidebb!
@JanosH-hn7mz Ай бұрын
v. ne is legyen rajta
@johngood8742 Ай бұрын
@@JanosH-hn7mz Hát azt várhatjuk...
@szaboattilazsolt2298 24 күн бұрын
@@johngood8742 úgy mint azt a bizonyos home videót Varga Juditról ... :(
@johngood8742 23 күн бұрын
@@szaboattilazsolt2298 Nem tudom miről van szó.
@NONLIBERALS 21 күн бұрын
​​@@szaboattilazsolt2298mesèlj szabó! Csurog a nyálad?
@user-ve3qu4jg7n Ай бұрын
Kedves André, Te annyira finom uriembernek tünsz, bár a gesztikulációd alapján a mozgásod a homoszexuális férfiakra emlékeztet, erre az elöadásokon jobban oda kellene figyelni. Remélem jószándékú figyelmeztetésem nem veszed rossz néven.
@redatticus7606 2 ай бұрын
What an amazing strategical thinker and an amazing process of thinking. BTW just my 2 cents - the US will try to do to China the same thing it did when another Asian power was rising - Japan. Not just before WW2, but after in the 70s when it threatened to overtake the USA. What happened, in the 80s I beilieve with the Plaza accord - which stymied Japanes exports. This also led to lowering interest rates and encourage dangerous spending and borrowing that led to the crash and the Lost Decade. Doesnt get talked about AT ALL. Dot think Japan has ever recovered from that shock. Chinese economy is slowing, although China is not making mistake of signing on accords with the US, def not a ally of the US as Japan was. But the US will use financial instruments as weapons of war along with physical and AI/software assets. This will happen to all emerging powers like India and maybe United Nations of Europe one day too.
@OLGALAZINDr 2 ай бұрын
fuck @victororbancriminal, shame on you and your fake thanks to the Diktators in HU.
@ehfik 2 ай бұрын
nobody will ever talk about the basic underlying structures. people created religion which formed societes which became nation states which accumulate capital which is transforming humanity, via science and technology, for a few thousand years now. all of the steps are connected, with decreasing influence over distance. each step transformed an idea into a more useful concept, despise that all these entities want to impose on to others, which leads to most problems. so if we cut out the intermediate steps, what is left? people using capital to build utopia, thats right! star trek, in a nutshell.
@MarcCuster 2 ай бұрын
Sigh! When you study history the strongest always falls off it's pedestal. It is always turns ugly. America is heading towards the ugly. If it was done through trade, the competition never ends. Through war, eventual defeat and destruction. Corruption always enters the picture. It is a path of bad juju.
@Nik-xi2ri 2 ай бұрын
America is on an island. It can only be destroyed from within
@alexchristensen9712 2 ай бұрын
@alexchristensen9712 2 ай бұрын
PROPAGANDA PUTZ. The US negotiated Ukraine giving all their Nukes to Russia for a Security Agreement worth a rubbles worth of toilet paper when they were the 3rd biggest nuclear power in the world. CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS MY R's
@jhngfdsdfgkjnbv 2 ай бұрын
nope. Ukraine did not have its own nuclear weapons, it was always controlled from Moscow and, according to the agreement on granting Ukraine Independence, Ukraine had to respect its non-aligned status
@alexchristensen9712 2 ай бұрын
Half step from Jihadi Imam with suicide vestments
@alexchristensen9712 2 ай бұрын
Meresmear is Pedophile should be illegal for him to talk to a teenager.
@alexchristensen9712 2 ай бұрын
John Meresmear is Old. OLD SCHOOL COMMUNIST, bought and sold and bought again by The Russian Federation of One. Japanese Empire attacked us and begrudgingly fighting NAZIS IS HEGEMONY BUILDING? He and Tucker Prawn should defect to Putin's R's.
@nvangr 2 ай бұрын
This nut needs to retire. What stupidity?
@davidjosephdidia 2 ай бұрын
Isn’t it an intention to survive, I thought you can’t know intent
@westunion5481 2 ай бұрын
Hazudik !
@gokul1255 2 ай бұрын
Now that's a very narrow perspective without understanding how the human mind works.
@brigittatundebiro371 2 ай бұрын
7 hónapja lemondtál, mert t{kig benne voltál egy maffia ként működő szervezetben. Akkor O1g kimenekített. No most várjuk a következő lemondásod köztrágya sági elnökkel karöltve. Fétised van a pedofilok iránt? Hogy akarsz te Brüsszelben tárgyalni, olyan vagy mint Bayer, megszólal sz folyik a sz@r a szádból és a hazugság! Vagy van annyi bőr a pofádon?
@henryng9406 3 ай бұрын
Mr. Meirsheimer, you're wrong, we do know who will be running Germany in 20 yrs: The US.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 3 ай бұрын
Cease and desist on malicious use of AI against myself and my family. You're not your property, nor is the rest of the world
@genelarson6849 3 ай бұрын
Great powers correct ?Russia as a great power has the absolute right to annex Ukrainians sovereign land for it's needs what's wrong with that?
@sophiemariekung5086 3 ай бұрын
Cooperating with Japan in a bridge game partner in the Pacific and Atlantic Theaters for WWIII, German President Steinmeier, is visiting Thailand 24-26 January 2024 to invest in vocational school for building weapons for Germany+Japan. Now because Thai PM is a businessman with no clue in world affairs. When Mr. Steinmeier visited Japan on 31st Oct-3rd Nov 2022, WWIII military agreement was agreed upon.
@genelarson6849 3 ай бұрын
Yeah john USA picked a fight with Russia. Pure d bullshit wtf were McDonald's hamburgers doing in down town moscow. Why didnt Putin cultivate trust and friendship with his slavic brothers instead of pushing them into the arms of NATO. And Americans aren't realistic right mear? Perhap you should look in the mirror you wear that stupid grim when you crap out you bullshit
@genelarson6849 3 ай бұрын
Mearsheimer cant name 2 liberal democratic nations who went to war with one another.if i had taken one of his classes at the university i would have dropped out the first day
@user-jw1ox6wc9t 3 ай бұрын
I am disgusted with USA stupidity, I lived in Tijuana 2000-2004 and cannot speak Spanish, I was NEVER bothered. When you met me and invited me into your Casa me a homeless Hobo with a Guitar- the Soul reconized My soul. after 74 Years of life I understand this person Dagoberto Gutierrez anguish and frustration. "Revolutionary Tendency" this is the Heart & Soul or Real People. America has no such a thing, it is unthinkable. May Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe bless you my friend. Ans your Casa bless also. John Bernays 1
@StepanPazderka 3 ай бұрын
None of this is anything new. Mearsheimer is just repeating all the Russian propaganda message that Russians are fed all day long. However, it’s important to understand that Russia is threat to Europe. It’s a non-democratic state ruled by KGB officer with clear signs of fascistic and racist politics. Therefore it needs to be contained. If there would be no Putin in power, there would be no need for NATO
@richardivey9186 3 ай бұрын
Mearsheimer is trying to sell reprints of his obsolete books. The guy should have returned years ago. Professor Alexander Stubb explains why Mearsheimer is "yesterday".
@fablapp 4 ай бұрын
in reality the Ukrainian was can be red inside the scheme provided in this talk. A EU(Germany)-Russia alliance which provided economic benefits to both parts was not wellcome by the USA. In addition NATO resulted redundant and NATO is an extentipon of US military power to Europe essintial to mantain US egemony.... so in reality it made sense for the US, in preparation to move towards China and deal with their real priority, to set the limit here in Europe, leaving the continent in recession stopping its economic engine (Germany), and leaving the Poles and Baltic states in NATO to deal with Russia maybe demobilising some troups and reducing military investments.... they probably did not fully consider that Russia could have not only survive the economic sanctions but possibly get even stronger and compact, in addition to polarize its immense resources towards China, which is counterproductive.... fascinating anyway
@fablapp 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant analyst....a pleasure to listen to him and read his papers... one reflection about not being sure of the other state intertions... in reality it turned out that this is the only hting we can be reasonably sure based on this logic o f power maximization adn survival.... All states turned out they want to become like the US at leats in their regional geopolitical space.... Also RUssia was very clear what were their intention and did not do anything to hide them....
@lastfirst6626 4 ай бұрын
Why did the US want to integrate China into the "rules-based order", but not Russia?
@crewcutsloan9485 4 ай бұрын
Excellent lecture! Many thanks...
@reycareaga6731 4 ай бұрын
The U.S. already succeeded by incorporating Finland into NATO. Once Sweden comes into NATO the U.S. will support Russia’s version of Ukraine neutrality. The U.S. will then use strengthened NATO as leverage to turn Russia east.
@Zfast4y0u 4 ай бұрын
taiwan is baked potato yo!!!!
@pedropicapiedra1429 4 ай бұрын
It's a pity this man continues to spread the nonsense that the US has ever had a mission to spread democracy. Firstly, he contradicts himself about that, and secondly it's total rubbish. They weren't spreading democracy when they overthrew the democratic government in Iran in 1953 or when they invaded Guatemala in 1954 replacing a democracy with dictatorship. Or when they invaded Nicaragua in 1912 and sponsored terrorism against them in the 1980s. In dozens upon dozens of cases, the US has either invaded or intervened in countries and brought about the downfall of democracy and the rise of dictatorship. Realism is frequently not theory, but a means of justifying brutality and violence. It assumes that humans are incapable of change and condemns the world to continual violence.
@KRYPTOS_K5 4 ай бұрын
Future about intentions... Only 10 years not 20 years...
@sophiemariekung5086 4 ай бұрын
To control Southeast Asia via Thailand, Japan has two prongs strategy: 1) use naive Prime Minister Srettha and money-making Minister of Transport Suriya to grant building military base and logistic railways in Bangkok and to Chiangmai; 2) use Move Forward Party to seize the State power to control foreign policy.
@lorincszabo2452 4 ай бұрын
Mr. John J. Mearsheimer As much as I want to be right, I can't. I understand that as an American citizen you think this way, but not everyone is an American citizen. If you look at America's behavior in political life - well, it's catastrophic. Superiority permeates their politics completely, because it existed for a few decades and they were brought up in it. Churchhill said that in politics all human decency ends. It shouldn't be like this. Killing millions of people, looting countries, why? - because I can. It is dangerous to be America's enemy, but also its friend. There is no great power in history that remains so forever. The same fate awaits America. We can't see whether this is better or worse, but it will end at some point for sure. America would crush Russia - maybe true, but it would certainly cease to be a great power. There is no defense against the current nuclear missiles, and whoever starts them will also fall into it. It's a misconception that they don't support you back. The missiles are still on their way, the answer is already in the air and the superpower status is over. Experts say that the trajectory can be predicted after two rockets, but there are already rockets racing back together that are unpredictable. A country with nuclear power cannot be defeated. Is Russia losing the war against Ukraine? Who and what goal set themselves, why didn't Russia march to Kiev? - because this is not his goal, nor is defeating Europe his goal. It protects the Russian-speaking minority from the Nazi Ukrainians, 4-5 counties and the Black Sea Ukrainian base it occupies. Ukraine is no longer an adversary to him, no matter what kind of weapon they deliver. Its population will be 10 - 25 million, of which 10 million are pensioners and 60 - 70% are women. Its territory With the annexation of Black Rock and Russia, half remains - a small country with a small population. If it is taken up by the Union - it will be ruined, or the members will leave one by one, because Ukraine only has to pay and pay. In return, it destroys European agriculture.
@zsolt1128 5 ай бұрын
A magyarországi korrupciót és jogállamisági deficitet nem csak a bizottság állapította meg. Ezzel egyetért a parlament és a tanács is. A bizottság javaslatokat fogalmaz meg, a döntés nem az övé.
@user-li4oz6pp1w 5 ай бұрын
@user-li4oz6pp1w 5 ай бұрын
@mollynoble6145 5 ай бұрын
Hogy a k@rva életben van az, hogy a sok hívő szavazó nem tobzódik itt és issza minden szavát a milliárdokkal kitömött Századvégnek? A teljesítményük nulla, a pénz mégis ömlik és a hiszékeny szavazók bármire is ikszelnek! Hihetetlen! 3 nap alatt 184 megtekintés! Nevetséges, komokyan!