APL retreat center in Mexico
Flower Bath with APL Journeys
@danielweiser7370 2 күн бұрын
the name of Noe is actually - Metsa Ronin - spoken as metsah runin. In shipibo there exist no Letter "U" His Name translates to "beautiful Anaconda". I know this because I've spent 3 Months in the Jungle with him and his Family
@apljourneys 15 сағат бұрын
Hi Daniel! Thanks, indeed all shipibo people usually have two names - the Spanish one and a shipibo one. Noe mostly uses his Spanish one, but we always thought that Metsa Ronin is an amazing name. Great you brought it up 🙌🏼
@Roastedpotato1441 4 күн бұрын
i just came back from two ceremonies and beside from purging nothing happened to me lol no visions, no insights no nothing :(
@apljourneys 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s not uncommon for people to feel that way after their first couple of ceremonies. The purging you experienced is actually an important part of the process. Ayahuasca interacts with the vagus nerve, which plays a significant role in our body’s ability to release physical and emotional toxins. This cleansing is a crucial step in preparing your mind and spirit for deeper insights. In the Shipibo tradition, as well as in modern therapeutic approaches, it’s understood that sometimes more than two ceremonies are needed to truly feel the spiritual and mental effects of Ayahuasca. That’s why, in our retreats in Spain, we offer 7-day retreats with four ceremonies. This gives participants ample time and opportunity to connect deeply with the medicine. Let me share a story from one of our recent participants. She didn’t feel much during her first three ceremonies and almost lost hope. However, after the fourth ceremony, she shared that she finally understood the significance of each previous session and felt a profound connection. She was overjoyed with her progress and grateful for the entire journey. Sometimes, it takes time to establish a relationship with Ayahuasca, and it’s vital not to lose trust along the way. We all tend to give up just a moment before we win. Every journey with Ayahuasca is unique, and it’s important to be patient and trust that the process is working in ways that might not be immediately visible. If you have any further questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to us directly. Warm regards, APL Shamanic Journeys Retreat Center
@22Raffie 15 күн бұрын
Hi Pepe, is it possible to call? I obviously pay for your time 🙏🏼
@apljourneys 15 күн бұрын
Hi! The video is posted by APL Shamanic Journeys retreat center as we work with Maestro Pepe. You are welcome to visit our website and reach out to us if you have any questions.
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
Seek God, its cheaper, it is safer, it is the only real cure!
@apljourneys 19 күн бұрын
Thanks we’ve found one already, it’s us and nature and every little and big wonder around. But good luck to you in your search 🍀
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
@@apljourneys whether you see or understand it or not, your are playing with the spirit realm...i dont need luck, i have Jesus on my side, its you guys that need it, dont believe me....look up Aaron Rodgers testimony on ayahuasca, not only does he regret it he has an demon stalking him now....but good luck
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
Watch Aaron Rodgers testimony and how he has a demon that is attached to him now bc he did this before you go running to try this, seeking the most high, is free, its safe and its the only real cure for anything so is using Holistic medicine.
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
We are designed body, spirit and soul and, we are designed this way in order to connect with God directly
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
There is only 2 ways into the spirit realm and that is thru the LIGHT or thru the DARK side and when you do it this way you are opening door to demonic attacks especially if the person doing it isnt covered by the blood of Christ
@apljourneys 19 күн бұрын
We are not into covering ourselves with blood but to think that a God given Nature, the mightiest forest and its medicinal plants are not from a God is a demonic way of thinking for real 🤯
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
@@apljourneys but you are letting a man do witch craft and spit all over you??? Yeah that makes alot of sense....covering with the Blood of Christ is a metaphor...guess you guys dont read much and understand the power of blood which is why blood sacrifices are used in voodoo and witchcraft
@EdwardRazorHandz 19 күн бұрын
Its mind blowing how people will go this far to do these things but wont try God, Jesus and the Holy spirit for a spirtiual cleanse and he is the creator
@poker399 20 күн бұрын
How much does it cost
@apljourneys 20 күн бұрын
Hi @poker399 We are not sure if you inquired about Dietas with Pepe in Peru or Retreats with him in Spain, but the cost vary depending on the accommodation type. You can find the detailed information on our website. We expect Maestro Pepe to come to Spain in September 2024 to lead our retreats. Retreats in Spain - www.apljourneys.com/ayahuascaeurope Dietas in Peru - www.apljourneys.com/peruretreat
@Gunny221 24 күн бұрын
@apljourneys 24 күн бұрын
Thank you Nuts for your comment 🙌🏼
@astridjurathelas4351 Ай бұрын
I wish i can be part of this,and found myself .
@apljourneys Ай бұрын
You are very welcome to visit us whenever the time is right for you 🤗
@TattooedBacon Ай бұрын
@siriusfeline Ай бұрын
He's dressing like one and he may be doing shamanic practices, but he is not a shaman. He's promoting chemically forcing one's chakras open in order to acquire awareness that one hasn't earned. Don't buy it. He's also putting spiritual power in something (a plant) outside of oneself. It will be very short term, at best. Forgiveness, yes of course, but you need to organically march through and dismantle your personal obstructions to forgiveness, without a crutch. There are no spiritual shortcuts.
@apljourneys Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems like there might be some misunderstandings about the Shipibo tradition and the use of Ayahuasca. First off, the Peruvian Shipibo tradition is thousands of years old and involves much more than just Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is indeed powerful, but it's only one part of a much larger spiritual practice. Many other plants used in this tradition are not psychedelic at all. They play vital roles in the healing and spiritual development of practitioners, who spend years in solitude, adhering to strict disciplines in the forest, which are called Dietas with Master-Plants It's not about forcing anything open or taking shortcuts. The process involves deep preparation and integration, with guidance from shamans who have dedicated their lives to mastering these practices. The idea is to work with the plants as allies, not as crutches, to help navigate one's inner landscape and heal. Suggesting that these practices place spiritual power outside oneself misses the mark. The relationship between humans and nature in indigenous traditions is profound. The plants are seen as partners in the journey, not as external sources of power. The knowledge and wisdom of indigenous shamans are immense, built over generations of close connection with their environment. These practices encourage a deeply personal and spiritually expansive journey, requiring as much inner work and dedication as any other path to self-discovery. So, dismissing these traditions without fully understanding them does a disservice to the depth and richness they offer. It's important to approach them with respect and an open mind.
@siriusfeline Ай бұрын
​@@apljourneys I was not, in any way, dismissing the tradition and the historical traditional reality of the Peruvian Shipibo shamans or any authentic traditional shamanic lineage...far from it. I agree with everything you have said about this tradition up to the point where they consciously and deliberately left the planet and punctuated their presence and influence on earth according to the spiritual timeline they were aware of and adhered to. This person, regardless of what he may look like and may say, is not a part of that lineage. Dismissing what I am saying without fully understanding the truth of what I am saying does a disservice to the depth and richness the traditional shamanic culture so abundantly supplied.
@apljourneys Ай бұрын
You are sharing information that seems to be rooted in a belief that "the real shamans" consciously left the planet for somewhere else. We respect your belief but do not assume it’s something that can be reasoned with due to the nature of your statement. Good luck on your path.
@siriusfeline Ай бұрын
@@apljourneys If I wasn't directly told this by the first shamans to leave the Peruvian jungles in the early 1980's, I wouldn't have believed it myself. Looking back from the standpoint of the present, however, it couldn't be more obvious.
@user-py6vz7co2p Ай бұрын
Acabo de ver al maestro Pepe en the last shaman, excelente documental. ❤
@sandracano1111 2 ай бұрын
Gracias Don Pepe, maravillosa explicación, simple y profunda
@areharald 2 ай бұрын
This is a beautiful video.
@RobertKalliontel 3 ай бұрын
I have heard this song fully remixed at ceremonies in Estonia
@apljourneys 3 ай бұрын
Hey. Remixed like how?
@Lasierra700 3 ай бұрын
Mucho amor para don Pepe y toda la humanidad !!
@Lasierra700 3 ай бұрын
Gran respeto para los trabajadores de la luz !!!
@HunterMavar 3 ай бұрын
Can you diet blue lotus on master plant diet?
@apljourneys 3 ай бұрын
Hi! In the Amazon, you can engage in diets with Amazonian plants, which are considered master plants. There are hundreds to choose from. However, the Blue Lotus is not an Amazonian plant, and traditional shamans do not facilitate diets with plants that do not originate from the Amazon.
@HunterMavar 2 ай бұрын
@@apljourneys thank u! I’m gonna try bobinsana. Are you allowed to eat oatmeal and tofu? I’m trying to figure out what I should eat for breakfast and dinner
@apljourneys Ай бұрын
Hi @huntermavar, On the traditional diet, the primary foods are rice, boiled green plantain, and special Amazonian white meat fish. However, the diet is not only about the alimentary protocols but also includes strict behavioral guidelines and, possibly above all, isolation in the rainforest. This setting allows you to unite with nature and its beings, with the presence of an experienced shaman who opens and closes the diet. If you just start taking bobinsana at home while following dietary protocols, it is healthy and detoxifying, but do not expect too much from such a process.
@hannahward4703 4 ай бұрын
What dieta is recommended for this plant medicine?
@apljourneys 4 ай бұрын
Hi there 👋 The process of a teacher plant dieta is consistent no matter which plant you are dieting with. It involves isolation in the rainforest, adherence to strict dietary and social restrictions, and mindful focus on the experiences with a chosen teacher plant. You can learn more about dietas and how we organize them in Peru on our website at this page: www.apljourneys.com/peruretreat
@hizir1360 4 ай бұрын
Thank you❤
@ClareKelly 6 ай бұрын
Such a powerful and graceful intention and energy for this Icaro. I would love a longer version of the Icaro song, maybe start recording your album Toni. Love from Ireland x
@apljourneys 6 ай бұрын
Come to the retreat for a 5 hours long ceremonial version ☺️🤗
@robertdemeter5793 6 ай бұрын
Letter from Mother Ayahuasca.- "My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. I come from your present and future past, from all that you have been, and from your hopes and dreams. I have been calling you for a long time, but your ears were deaf to my song. Perhaps you have found your way to me after a dark night of the soul. I cannot promise to deliver you into the light, I can only show you the doors that you have always avoided by your fears, everything from that point is up to you. I can sit with you, for a while, as you learn to light your own candles. And it is possible that your night will get darker still, and that you will need to carry many candles before the dawn appears.I am the flesh and the spirit of the sacred wisdom of the earth, of the plants, animals and birds, of the moon and of all the stars, which I reflect back to you in your own visions. I am the Holy Spirit. I am the stuff of dreams and visions and Light, even though sometimes in me you can see only your own nightmares. I am the mirror of your soul, I am the mirror of the soul of ages, and the soul of the ageless. When you behold me, you enter the realm of the bardo, of your own symbolic death; the death of your Ego, the death of all your stories about yourself that blind you. And in that realm it is not external beings that you will see - (although at some point after several ceremonies with me, after I help you shed all your illusions and fears, I will allow you to meet the Angels and enter the heavenly realms) . What you encounter are your own heights and abysses, your shadows and projections. Your creations. I am the mirror that is calling you to stop running and to turn around. To face your own evasions and to witness the countless ways in which you've learned to hide. So that you can better know yourself. In the end, you must become your own healers and shamans. I will make you work like you have never worked before. The only real journey that ever really existed, that can exist, and the only real journey that will ever exist, is the journey deep within yourself. This is where I take you. My sacrament will be the most difficult and challenging experiences of your life, yet nothing in the Universe can ever be more rewarding. I can only walk with you, for a while, and hold your hand. But the journey is yours to make. And it is a journey you must repeat. It will take you from illusion to reality, from the consensus trance of a mad society, to the sanity and stillness of your heart. And from the death of lifetimes of quiet desperation, to the immortality of an instant. Let us share our visions, together. My dear children, the rooms in your house are a chaos. The house of your soul and the house of the earth on which you tread your feet, not lightly. I cannot put those rooms right for you. I cannot be a mother/father that admonishes you, with a stern voice of authority, to clean your rooms, under the threat of punishment or the promise of reward. That is not how Mother Holy Spirit speaks. I can tell you, with a voice that echoes the vibrations of love and understanding, and the melancholy of quiet sorrow: look at the huge mess you have made. Are you happy dwelling in this chaos, where it is difficult to encounter yourself? Difficult to find your belongings, where all your toys lay scattered and buried under the rubble of madness and folly? Can you not see that if you choose to clean your own rooms, not because of any compulsion or promise, but just so, for yourself, and in this present moment, which is all you can ever know of time, then you will be able to breathe better, to move around more easily, and to learn how to play? Once more. There are so many lost treasures beneath the mess you have made. I reveal the doors within yourself to Find them. My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. You see the cosmos as a stage on which the drama of good and evil is played out. You dream of a sword of light that would conquer and vanquish all the darkness. And you have made the whole world into a projection of the battlefield of your own Soul. You fight, endlessly, against the monsters and demons within yourselves. But those demons are the wounded inner children of your past, they are your pains and your defenses, they are the voices that could not emerge into the light and learned to live in forgotten caves. They are your insanity. They are you. And those others who you rage against, because of their ignorance, and immorality and ugliness… they are also you. Lay down your weapons and embrace your enemies, the enemies that live within you. Haven't you understood - no battle is ever won. They are not even fought. The battlefield only reveals your own folly and despair, and victory is the illusion of philosophers and fools. My dear ones, Let us share visions, together. I am the Spirit of Spirits. I am the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Universe. This moment is all you can ever know of time." - Mother Ayahuasca. "Fear of Self means you never live" Although each persons experience on Ayahuasca is unique, there are some commonalities that show up again and again. These include: -experiencing pure love and wisdom. -entering another realm more real than what we experience day-to-day on earth (in other words the 5th and 7th dimensions of Spirit that is everywhere all the time, far beyond our 3rd dimensional physical existence, yet the higher dimensions are right here all at the same time, and most importantly, these dimensions are within you !) -realizing we are all one (separation is total illusion, and how everything is connected is impossible to describe because it's infinite connections. The only way to know it is to experience it, and BE IT ). -fear of death eliminated, as you realize this is a temporary existence for your soul to grow and learn. -everything is conscious. -entering a realm where space and time no longer exist, everything is infinite and in the ‘now’. (the infinite now of the 5th and 7th dimensions of light, where no time and no illusions can exist) -experiencing unconditional love through every cell of your being, on a level we don’t have words to describe. -having access to all information in the universe instantly. Realizing we in our human bodies will never fully grasp all there is, reality is far more complex than we could ever imagine. -reliving past experiences of your life (and sometimes past lives as you are connected to Soul memory, not the mind memory of your false ego), first from your perspective, then from the other persons perspective. We get to feel how we made them feel. This is for us to learn, not as a punishment. -there is no punishment in this realm, even if you have a ‘bad’ experience. The ayahuasca is teaching you a valuable lesson, it’s up to you to learn from it. -digging up past traumas buried deep in our subconscious, bringing them to the surface and helping us face them and get over them. -a love for all living beings (people and animals). Many people eat less meat, go vegetarian/vegan or eat more fruit and vegetable following the experience. -giving up on the material world, many people change their field of work to one that help others rather than focusing on making money for oneself. -realizing that we are not here to accumulate money or physical possessions, we are here to help one another, love one another and grow. -during the experience the ego is removed, revealing your true self. -realizing everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. -feeling of your pineal gland (3rd eye) being sore for a day or two after, like a muscle worked out for the first time. -meeting other beings far more intelligent than any human and being able to telepathically communicate with them. The truth is, All the ascended masters in every religion were Shamans, who had many direct Spiritual experiences with Sacred Entheogen Plants. Since the first religion the "Rig Veda" of India. The divine sacred Plant Entheogens are our true teachers, always have been and always will be. What I absolutely love about Ayahuasca is she has such a perfect Universal design to only pull in people who have an extremely deep love for Truth. The Spiritual Warriors. She leaves out the insincere who have too short of a barrier of courage. She has such a perfect barometer and threshold for every human being on the planet. In other words, if a religious person who has been totally brainwashed by all the lies of churches, sees the ceremonies are done at night, and sees some snakes in some Ayahuasca Art, and sees it will be difficult at the beginning to face their Ego, they will immediately run away by their silly superstitions and illusions. Totally owned by all their fears. LOL. And totally ignoring the enlightenment and infinite revelations aspect later. Becoming absolute Truth to them is not worth it. And then on the other hand, someone who is into the occult garbage and into dark energies, will not want to take Ayahuasca either, because they will learn that Ayahuasca eventually leads to Enlightenment. LOL ! Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical <3
@virucarvalho06 3 ай бұрын
@maxwellandhissilverhammer7525 7 ай бұрын
1hr version please x
@apljourneys 6 ай бұрын
Come to the retreat for a 5 hour long ceremonial version :)
@lanastar8451 7 ай бұрын
@reggaetony2806 7 ай бұрын
Gracias 🙂
@silfredd 9 ай бұрын
@anamontoyagarcia1394 9 ай бұрын
Gracias por su honesta y hermosa existencia Señor Chaman!!❤
@1935Charm 9 ай бұрын
I look forward to meeting this plant soon
@1935Charm 9 ай бұрын
excited to experience this plant soon
@gnzen 9 ай бұрын
@naturelove4448 10 ай бұрын
I need this
@TheOvenCoven108 10 ай бұрын
@apljourneys 10 ай бұрын
🧙🏼‍♂️ Thank you
@pcps3079 11 ай бұрын
@apljourneys 10 ай бұрын
@D97mgtow 11 ай бұрын
@diederikvalsap4242 11 ай бұрын
I drank almost 20 times and never felt anything. Would you know what to do?
@apljourneys 11 ай бұрын
Hello there. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's not entirely uncommon for some individuals to not feel the pronounced effects of Ayahuasca immediately; thus 20 ceremonies is too many, so not to feel the connection. Also, we have no idea about the preparation you took before, the ceremonial setting, who was your shaman and guides, the quality of Ayahuasca, dosages, etc. It makes it hard to look into your situation. Still, here are a few considerations: Set and Setting: The environment and your mental state play a significant role in your experience. It's important to ensure you're in a supportive and sacred space, guided by experienced facilitators and knowledgeable shamans. Dietary and Medicinal Interactions: Certain foods and the history of taking medications can influence the effects of Ayahuasca. Following a strict Ayahuasca diet before ceremonies can make a difference. Dosage: The amount and potency of the brew can vary. It might be worth discussing the dosage with your facilitator to ensure it's appropriate for you. Intent: Sometimes, the medicine works in subtle ways, addressing deeper layers of our psyche or spiritual aspects that might not immediately surface as visionary experiences. Experience of a shaman: Well-trained shamans know many ways to support a participant in their connection with Ayahuasca. The skills of a guide play a crucial role and should not be underestimated. If you're considering joining an APL Shamanic Journey, our experienced facilitators work closely with participants to navigate and understand their unique experiences. We believe in fostering a deep connection and understanding with each individual, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their journey. Wishing you clarity and healing on your path. 🌿✨ Warm regards, APL Shamanic Journeys Team
@ramabalaji4068 11 ай бұрын
Felt demonic voices during Ayahuasca and scary
@apljourneys 11 ай бұрын
Hello, I'm truly sorry to hear that you had a challenging experience during your Ayahuasca journey. It's essential to recognize that Ayahuasca, like other powerful plant medicines, can sometimes bring forth intense, unexpected, or even frightening experiences. 1) Nature of Experience: Ayahuasca can bring up deep-seated fears, traumas, or suppressed memories as part of the healing process. Sometimes, these can manifest as auditory or visual experiences that can feel overwhelming or intimidating. 2) Integration: It's crucial to have a supportive environment and experienced facilitators to help you integrate and understand such experiences. Integration helps in deciphering the lessons, messages, or healing that these experiences can offer. 3) Safety and Support: If you ever decide to embark on another Ayahuasca journey, ensure you're in a setting that provides a safe space and has knowledgeable guides who can assist during intense experiences. 4) The Role of the Shaman: The expertise and spiritual grounding of the shaman leading the ceremony are paramount. A well-trained and intuitive shaman not only guides the ceremony but also plays a crucial role in ensuring that participants are protected from any negative energies that may be released during a ceremony or might try to enter from outside. Their presence, rituals, and knowledge act as a protective shield and guidance beacon for participants. 5) Seek Guidance: If you continue to feel discomfort or fear from this experience, it might be beneficial to seek professional guidance, like a therapist or counselor familiar with psychedelic experiences, to help process and integrate your journey. Remember, every journey with Ayahuasca is unique. While some are blissful and enlightening, others can be challenging. Both types of experiences offer valuable insights and potential for growth. Sending you strength, clarity, and healing vibes. 🌿💫 Warm wishes, APL Shamanic Journeys Team
@vytkoicaro 11 ай бұрын
Healing saga continues 🙏☯️
@psychicmediumalyshia5810 11 ай бұрын
You don’t know ayahuasca then. This is YOUR OPINION
@apljourneys 11 ай бұрын
Hello, Thank you for sharing your perspective. You're right, everyone's experience and understanding of Ayahuasca is deeply personal and can differ widely. Our intention is to provide insights based on collective experiences and learnings, but we always respect and acknowledge the uniqueness of individual journeys. We appreciate your feedback and are always open to hearing diverse viewpoints. It enriches the conversation and understanding around this sacred plant medicine. Warm regards, APL Shamanic Journeys Team 🌿✨
@awokenv7302 Жыл бұрын
Shpuld do a minimum 2 week retreat
@apljourneys Жыл бұрын
In our experience, one week with four ceremonies is usually enough for most people. But if someone wants to do two weeks, that's even better, and it can certainly help!
@1kaylababes Жыл бұрын
Wow Very powerful !!
@apljourneys Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🌿
@Sleepdeprivedthinking Жыл бұрын
You're very handsome and amazing explaination thanks
@apljourneys Жыл бұрын
So nice of you :)
@jaientenduunevoix726 Жыл бұрын
Irake, I pray everyone in the West who has interest in psychedelics can find this wisdom before they unintentionally create suffering. Ayahuasca is a plant and a tool. A machete is also a useful tool but you wouldn’t just hand one to your unsupervised child. We should have respect and gratitude for centuries of indigenous tradition and skilled experts who are more than “sitters” but true doctors.
@apljourneys Жыл бұрын
We can not agree more ☺️ Thank you.
@wellbeingpromotor1157 Жыл бұрын
I would love to participate in this shamanic ceremony!❤
@apljourneys Жыл бұрын
Come visit our website www.apljourneys.com
@queenbee7074 Жыл бұрын
Wow i didn’t realise dark spirits can enter the ceremonies too even more important to get an authentic Shaman
@Isaac-iw5jy Жыл бұрын
Amazing energy! Thank you Ayahuascero 🤲🏻
@CleoHiggins Жыл бұрын
Aww bless him 🥰. Thank you Shaman Pepe and yes, thank you Boris @apljourneys
@CleoHiggins Жыл бұрын
Love this. Thank you Shaman for sharing this tradition.
@summerrose995 Жыл бұрын
Muchas gracias, Maestro Pepe, for joining us and helping us safely navigate our own journeys into The Great Unknown 💚🙏😊