Trust in God: Walking Towards Success
The Transformative Power of Forgiveness
The Transformative Power of Forgiveness
Renewing Hope in Times of Adversity
21 сағат бұрын
Motivation and Faith: Put God First
Unwavering Trust: God Is with You
@LindaSmith-l2g 26 күн бұрын
It was the fall of Lucifer the fallen Angel's did not become Demons they don't roam the Earth they was immediately bound in chanes in a dark place until God's judgment Amen
@WolfWilmore-ug3df 2 ай бұрын
Lucifer is not Satan and Lucifer is not a man
@JerryJericho-kj3dn 2 ай бұрын
True, Satan is Samael ! Once cherubim
@emmanueladamsgiwa7765 2 ай бұрын
Amen forever❤
@jamesrain4545 3 ай бұрын
I trust in God
@BensonHedge 3 ай бұрын
Angels dont lOOK like FEMININE WHITE MEN... WITH ARMOR stop the white washing weirdo knock it off delusions of grandeur
@ferencneberki4924 3 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Köszönöm szépen Drága Istenem
@rubengandara1567 3 ай бұрын
@mhd7832 3 ай бұрын
@RaphaelMburu-wx3dx 3 ай бұрын
My king devil 😈
@mhd7832 3 ай бұрын
@shadowwolf9329 3 ай бұрын
Satan slowly leads people astray little by little until he has them in his grip
@timhaley3459 3 ай бұрын
How many have looked into the word "Lucifer", meaning "light bearer" in Latin, that is from the Latin Vulgate (and found in the King James Bible as well as the Catholic Douay Version), to see WHO is really being spoken of once at Isaiah 14:12 ? Proverbs 18:2 says, and please do not take offense: "A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding; He would rather disclose what is in his heart", making no serious effort to "uncover the truth", just making an "off-the-cuff " comment that has no value or is accurate, accepting what videos say and continuing to spread the falsehood that Satan is "Lucifer". How many have read Isaiah 14 CAREFULLY ? Most will readily believe what a religious leader will tell them without verifying whether or not what he said is "truth". They are NOT like the ancient Beroeans who "examined the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so", of what the apostle Paul said was true.(Acts 17:11) So, who is "Lucifer" at Isaiah 14:12 ? What is Isaiah 14 about ? This: "For Jehovah (God's name, see Isa 12:2, KJV) will show mercy to Jacob (after being exiled in ancient Babylon for 70 years, Jer 25:12, in its minor fulfillment), and he will again choose Israel (that transitions to spiritual Israel, see Matt 21:42-44)." "He will settle them in their land (of Israel), and the foreign residents will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob.(see Isa 61:5, 6) And peoples will take them and bring them to their own place, and the house of Israel will possess them as male and female servants in Jehovah’s land; and they will be the captors of those who held them captive, and they will have in subjection those who were forcing them to work." "In the day when Jehovah gives you rest from your pain and from your turmoil and from the hard slavery imposed on you, you will recite this proverb against the KING OF BABYLON: “How the one forcing others to work has met his end ! How the oppression has ended !"(Isa 14:1-4) So, Isaiah 14 is about "the king of Babylon", or Babylonian dynasty of kings, especially King Nebuchadnezzar (reigned 625-582 B.C.E.), who was fierce in his attitude and actions.(see Dan 2 and 3) King Nebuchadnezzar, who built ancient Babylon into an empire over his 43 year reign, was "the one furiously striking peoples with unceasing blows, the one angrily subduing nations with relentless persecution".(Isa 14:6) But "Jehovah has broken the rod of the wicked, the staff of rulers", when he took down ancient Babylon by means of the Medo-Persians on October 5/6 539 B.C.E., the night that King Belshazzar of Babylon saw "the handwriting on the wall" at Daniel 5, whereby shortly after this, he was killed by Medo-Persian soldiers.(Dan 5:30) So at Isaiah 14:12-15, it accurately says: "How you (the Babylonian dynasty of kings) have fallen from heaven, O shining one ("shining one", Hebrew heylel, meaning "shining one"), son of the dawn ! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who vanquished (or overthrew) nations !" "You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens. Above (or over) the stars of God (or kings of the two tribe kingdom of Judah) I will lift up my throne, and I will sit down on the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. I will go up above the tops of the clouds; (in their arrogance, they will say) I will make myself resemble the Most High.’ Instead, you will be brought down to the Grave (Hebrew sheol, meaning "concealed, unseen", "hell", KJV), to the remotest parts of the pit." And then at Isaiah 14:16, 17, it says: "Those seeing you will stare at you; They will closely examine you, saying, ‘Is this THE MAN (King Nebuchadnezzar) who was shaking the earth, who made kingdoms tremble (compare Dan 3:1-23; Jer 51:1, 25), who made the inhabited earth like the wilderness and overthrew its cities (see Jer 25:15-25), who refused to let his prisoners go home ?’ " Then at Isaiah 14:22, it says: "I will rise up against them,” declares Jehovah of armies. “And I will wipe out from BABYLON name and remnant and descendants and posterity,” declares Jehovah." Clear as the nose on a person's face, the only problem is that people CANNOT find their noses, when it is right in front of them. So, "Lucifer" at Isaiah 14:12 in some Bibles is NOT Satan the Devil, but was the Babylonian dynasty of kings, who sought to be a "shining one", who sought "the limelight", who sought to be "No 1" on the earth, but which Jehovah caused to "fall from heaven" as third world power of Bible history (632-539 B.C.E.) and die as so many other political governments have done, "here today, gone tomorrow", and will also happen to the entire political system in the near future, as Daniel 2:44, 45 shows.
@augustsoomre4795 3 ай бұрын
Need kirjakohad aitavad paljastada saatana ehk kuradi tegelik olemus!!! Esimene Moosese raamat 3:14 Siis Issand Jumal ütles maole: „Et sa seda tegid, siis ole sa neetud kõigi koduloomade ja kõigi metsloomade seas! Sa pead roomama oma kõhu peal ja põrmu sööma kogu eluaja! 15 Ja ma tõstan vihavaenu sinu ja naise vahele, sinu seemne ja tema seemne vahele, kes purustab su pea, aga kelle kanda sa salvad.” Teine Ajaraamat 18:9 Ja Issand ütles: Kes tahaks ahvatleda Ahabit, Iisraeli kuningat, et ta läheks ja langeks Gileadi Raamotis? Siis rääkis üks nii ja teine rääkis naa. 20 Aga üks vaim tuli ja seisis Issanda ees ning ütles: Mina ahvatlen teda! Ja Issand küsis temalt: Kuidas? 21 Tema vastas: Ma lähen ja olen vale vaim kõigi ta prohvetite suus. Siis ütles Issand: Sina oled ahvatleja ja küllap sa suudad. Mine ja tee nõnda! Iiob 1:6 Ent ühel päeval, kui Jumala lapsed tulid ja seisid Issanda ees, tuli ka saatan nende sekka. 7 Ja Issand küsis saatanalt: „Kust sa tuled?” Ja saatan vastas Issandale ning ütles: „Maad mööda hulkumast ja rändamast.” 8 Siis Issand ütles saatanale: „Kas oled pannud tähele mu sulast Iiobit? Sest tema sarnast maa peal ei ole: vaga ja õiglane mees, kardab Jumalat ja hoidub kurjast.” 9 Saatan vastas Issandale ning ütles: „Kas Iiob asjata Jumalat kardab? 10 Eks sa ole teinud igast küljest aia ümber temale ja ta kojale ning kõigele, mis tal on? Sa oled õnnistanud tema kätetööd ja ta kari on siginenud maal. 11 Aga pista ometi käsi tema külge ja puuduta kõike, mis tal on! Kas ta siis õnnistab su palet?” 12 Siis Issand ütles saatanale: „Vaata, kõik, mis tal on, olgu sinu käes! Ära ainult pista kätt tema enese külge!” Ja saatan läks Issanda juurest ära. Jesaja 14:12 Kuidas sa ometi oled alla langenud taevast, helkjas hommikutäht, koidiku poeg, tükkidena paisatud maha, rahvaste alistaja? 13 Sina ütlesid oma südames: „Mina tõusen taevasse, kõrgemale kui Jumala tähed tõstan ma oma aujärje ja istun kogunemismäele kaugel põhjamaal. 14 Ma lähen üles pilvede kõrgustikele, ma teen ennast Kõigekõrgema sarnaseks.” Hesekiel 28:Nõnda ütleb Issand Jumal: Sa olid nagu eeskujulikkuse pitserimärk täis tarkust ja täiuslikult ilus. 13 Sa olid Eedenis, Jumala aias, sul olid katteks kõiksugu kalliskivid: rubiin, topaas ja jaspis, krüsoliit, karneool ja nefriit, safiir, türkiis ja smaragd; su raamistised ja õnarused olid kullast tehtud, valmistatud su loomispäeval. 14 Sa olid nagu keerub, hiilgav kaitsja, ja ma panin sind pühale mäele; sa olid otse jumalik olend, kes võis käia tuliste kivide keskel. 15 Sa olid laitmatu oma teedel alates su loomispäevast, kuni sinus leiti ülekohut. Saalomoni Tarkuseraamat 2:24 Aga kuradi kadeduse läbi tuli maailma surm, ja seda kogevad need, kes kuuluvad temale. Matteuse evangeelium 4:Jeesust kiusatakse kõrbes 1 Siis viis Vaim Jeesuse kõrbesse kuradi kiusata. 2 Ja kui ta oli nelikümmend päeva ja nelikümmend ööd paastunud, siis tuli talle viimaks nälg kätte. 3 Ja kiusaja tuli tema juurde ja ütles talle: „Kui sa oled Jumala Poeg, siis ütle, et need kivid saaksid leibadeks!” 4 Aga Jeesus vastas: „Kirjutatud on: Inimene ei ela üksnes leivast, vaid igast sõnast, mis lähtub Jumala suust.” 5 Siis võttis kurat tema kaasa pühasse linna ja pani seisma pühakoja harjale 6 ning ütles talle: „Kui sa oled Jumala Poeg, siis kukuta ennast alla, sest kirjutatud on: Sinu pärast käsib ta oma ingleid ja nemad kannavad sind kätel, et sa oma jalga vastu kivi ei tõukaks.” 7 Jeesus lausus talle: „Samuti on kirjutatud: Sina ei tohi kiusata Issandat, oma Jumalat.” 8 Taas võttis kurat tema kaasa ühe määratu suure mäe tippu ja näitas talle kõiki maailma kuningriike ja nende hiilgust 9 ning ütles talle: „Selle kõik ma annan sinule, kui sa maha langed ja mind kummardad.” 10 Siis ütles Jeesus talle: „Mine minema, saatan, sest kirjutatud on: Kummarda Issandat, oma Jumalat ja teeni ainult teda!” 11 Siis jättis kurat Jeesuse rahule. Ja vaata, ingleid tuli tema juurde ja need teenisid teda. Luuka evangeelium 10:18 Tema ütles neile: „Ma nägin saatanat kui välku taevast maha langevat. Johannese evangeelium 8:44 Tema on mõrtsukas algusest peale, ta ei püsinud tões, sest temas ei ole tõde. Kui ta räägib valet, siis ta räägib enda oma, sest ta on valetaja ja vale isa. Pauluse teine kiri korintlastele 4:3 Kui meie evangeelium on siiski kinni kaetud, siis on see kinni kaetud neile, kes hukkuvad, 4 neile uskmatuile, kellel praeguse aja jumal on mõtted sõgestanud, nii et neile ei koida evangeeliumi valgus Kristuse kirkuses, kes on Jumala kuju. Pauluse kiri efeslastele 6:12 Meil ei tule ju võidelda inimestega, vaid meelevaldade ja võimudega, selle pimeduse maailma valitsejatega, kurjade taevaaluste vaimudega. Jaakobuse kiri 4:7 Alistuge siis Jumalale! Pange vastu kuradile, siis ta põgeneb teie juurest. Peetruse esimene kiri 5:8 Olge kained, valvake! Teie süüdistaja, kurat, käib ringi nagu möirgav lõvi, otsides, keda neelata. Johannese esimene kiri 3:8 Kes teeb pattu, on kuradist, sest kurat teeb pattu algusest peale. Selleks ongi Jumala Poeg saanud avalikuks, et ta tühistaks kuradi teod. Johannese ilmutus 12:4 Ta saba pühkis ära kolmandiku taevatähti ning viskas need maa peale.8 Lohe ei saanud võimust, ja enam ei leidunud neile aset taevas. 9 Suur lohe heideti välja, see muistne madu, keda hüütakse Kuradiks ja Saatanaks, kes eksitab kogu ilmamaad - ta heideti maa peale ja tema inglid heideti koos temaga. Ilmutus 20:Lõplikust võidust saatana üle 7 Kui need tuhat aastat otsa saavad, lastakse saatan lahti oma vanglast 8 ning ta läheb välja eksitama paganaid, kes on ilmamaa neljas nurgas, Googi ja Maagoogi, koguma sõtta neid, kelle arv on nagu mereliiv. 9 Ja nad tulevad üles ilmamaa lagendikule ja piiravad ümber pühade leeri ja armastatud linna. Ja taevast langeb tuli ning sööb nad ära. 10 Ja kurat, nende eksitaja, visatakse tule- ja väävlijärve, kus on ka metsaline ja valeprohvet; ning neid piinatakse päevad ja ööd igavesest ajast igavesti.
@misaghkhosravi4541 3 ай бұрын
@shamusteakiawa 4 ай бұрын
I can't wait for the these AI creating apps to improve so we don't get these distorted faces, lol
@dianaagnesszalek6913 4 ай бұрын
And why is that wrong???? Is my huge question for all human kind species?😊.
@SyonNathanAaronAstinHewson 4 ай бұрын
The only Way Forward is to call the Archangel Uriel a Spirit of Wisdom and Insight he has given up his Sainthood to fight for Satanail his loyalty to Satanail is immense for it is a Manifestation of his Faith in God
@dirkxon 4 ай бұрын
What I know is the heaven which revelation is talking about is the 12 Zodiac thus he took a third of the zodiac. Be it 12 or 36 I don't know. 1/3 of the princes of the zodiac. But other angels who were out of his realm did not fall with him. The second angelic fall is when the watchers fell under the influence of lucifer. Their offsprings did died during the deluge of Noah.
@SecretsOfScripture 4 ай бұрын
Be my stronghold, O God, and deliver me from the hands of my enemies. You alone are my refuge and strength, my fortress in whom I trust. Psalm 71:3
@alexwijaya4769 4 ай бұрын
Mereka itu balasan nya ialah Ditimpa laknat ALLAH para Malaikat dan manusia se LURUH nya
@alexwijaya4769 4 ай бұрын
Anna Allahimla natallahi Wal malaikati wannasi Ajamaiin(a)
@phuakiangee8626 4 ай бұрын
All believers will be saved.
@JasnaPrusa 4 ай бұрын
But you should put different picture then because they don’t look like that anymore
@dripgod4x620 4 ай бұрын
They never looked like that I heard they look like something straight off the conjuring 😱
@JasnaPrusa 4 ай бұрын
@@dripgod4x620 ?
@FaithAndMystery 4 ай бұрын
🌟🙏 Through the trials of addiction, Jesus's love never wavered. His mercy carried me through the darkest nights, offering me strength and courage to persevere. Today, I stand as a testament to His faithfulness and unfailing love.
@glengrieve544 4 ай бұрын
Great content and beautifully presented thanks for the upload
@bonwestlake3928 4 ай бұрын
Is this a Christian site? Why don’t they capitalize God, He, Him.
@phuakiangee8626 4 ай бұрын
The prostitute Rahab is in the genealogy of Lord Jesus.
@beauhancock4922 4 ай бұрын
Lucifer is a servant of Satan, one of four as a matter of fact. Not Satan itself. But whatever, you do you dude!
@WaggaDaBagga 4 ай бұрын
No! Lucifer is not a servant of Satan. The servants of Satan are: Beezelbub, Asmadeous, Samael, Lilith, Azazel, Death and Sin. It says; specified that Satan appears as a red dragon that spews fire in the rebellion war in heaven. He was described before he committed the sin of pride as an anointed shining Cherub so "Bright" powerful and full of wisdom. Cherub=angelic being of light. (White fire). When God asked who will bow down to Adam? Everyone did it.¨ Except only "One". This is Lucifer (Latin and means light bearer or light bringer). He turned himself into Satan. Satan=means; Advensary of God. The Serpent in the Garden of Eden around the trunk of the tree of knowledge between good and pain. Was possessed by the spirit of Satan. And the spirit spoke to Eve, through the serpent's mouth. And told a lie (accuser of God) "The Devil".
@alidar8703 5 ай бұрын
Cindy sheen
@stevebillieroberts9582 5 ай бұрын
Jesus is my lord and Savior
@ValensRocks 5 ай бұрын
Careful with your words. You know not what they do.
@leticialillestrom3043 5 ай бұрын
Separate Lucifer and Satan, they are different deities
@PRWarrior1986 4 ай бұрын
They are one and the same
@PurrdyGurlDesignsbyTasha 3 ай бұрын
​@@PRWarrior1986 g.m actually it's two. Lucifer was the prideful one and the hi ranking ark angle the beautiful one... Satan is the most High ranking follower of Lucifer. He's not a Churrbin he was a angle he was the one that convinced others to follow he is a demon people mistake them as on they are two
@leticialillestrom3043 3 ай бұрын
@@PRWarrior1986 In my understanding Lucifer is an angel, whose name means "morning star." In Hebrew, his name was "Halel," which translates to "the shining one" or "morning star." He rebelled against God, much like a child might disobey their parents, and was consequently cast out of heaven. On the other hand, Satan is a title that means "accuser" or "opposer." This title can be applied to anyone, including other fallen angels, demons, and even humans, who take on the role of an adversary.
@timmonsgraphixsartstudio 5 ай бұрын
I hate to break it to anyone who doesn't believe in Christ Jesus or God for that matter I used to be an atheist and I can honestly say 1 + 1 equals 2 if demons are real then angels are real which means God is real the true reason why an atheist claims to be one is to simplify that they actually hate God the only being that could save them from Eternal damnation which is completely foolish you'd rather burn in hell did live happily forever in heaven how truly lost this is the only thing that is not a mythology
@mhd7832 3 ай бұрын
@chrisnyhuis2733 5 ай бұрын
Like any mythology it's all up for grabs
@WanhongTan-em7kr 5 ай бұрын
Thank you it's hard to trust nowadays who are truly people of God only those who can and are telling the truth. Who have no evil Intentions they have no need to lie and pay for the Iives they destroyed. It made me so angry I was only 8 yrs old when grandpa and papa died. They were able to do many good to us and I get to know they were good people. But those people who did me so evil Destroy my life, reputation, steal, mislead, manipulate, cause injustices, the cause of my health deteriorate, suffer deprivation, and bear torture of pains from all losses everything was forced for steal from me, life suffering. Memories and experiences had became nightmares for decades they have to do all evil made me, confuse question myself what is wrong with me. Made me scared and find someone to help me move on bec relationship not hving future only I who thinks of wanting to have a future with him when he never care, I was so stupid I didn't see the red flag. All their intentions were for evil.
@troyhayder6986 5 ай бұрын
None cause that shit it isnt real and your bent...
@timsteppeler7489 5 ай бұрын
Trouble is everyone kids themselves god is on their side.
@phuakiangee8626 5 ай бұрын
If God is for Israel who can be against Israel?
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@veneciasingh9494 5 ай бұрын
Thank You my Jesus Amen
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@idamiranda1834 5 ай бұрын
God chosen people and God's apple eye.
@witnessdlamini 5 ай бұрын
We love you Israel.We are praying for your victory and peace.You are God's chosen people Iran has to understand that Our Lord God is on the throne He will never leave nor forsake Israel in Jesus' name
@stonemuk 5 ай бұрын
KJV Revelation 13:12-14 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
@ronnielara6913 5 ай бұрын
Do not be deceived! John 10:10 the thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy. Israel has stole their homes, murdered thousands including 15,000 children and counting and destroyed the holy land. In Leviticus there was conditions to the promise, to obey God's word and to not abominate the land lest it spits you out when you make it unclean. Thousands of innocent blood stains the holy land and in it is not in Jesus name!
@zre5104 5 ай бұрын
We love you so much God of Israel.. Amen...
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@ioriskharbamon6039 5 ай бұрын
Glory be to God in the highest.
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@samueltujare9222 5 ай бұрын
Why Israel will be in difficulties? God's plan is to punish nations and in the end nations will come to know God's power!
@nishamakerdooj-ws6kc 5 ай бұрын
Amen glory to Jesus.
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@lindabond7964 5 ай бұрын
What a crock of s*it
@elenamaputyryanryan5867 5 ай бұрын
Amen. Amen. Praise you and bless you Lord Jesus Christ.Amen🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇✝️✝️✝️
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
@Midnightsun99762 5 ай бұрын
I really need you Father God. You know what I need help with so I ask in Jesus' holy name I will receive the right help. In Jesus' holy name I pray. 🙏 ❤ thank you Lord for another day 🙏 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@Dailyprayers10 5 ай бұрын
🙏 ❤
@Midnightsun99762 5 ай бұрын
@@Dailyprayers10 God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@mohammedal-eryani3359 5 ай бұрын
are you a religious delusionists? you are just spreading hate!!! is that what your god tells you to do? to spread hatred?