@LarcTald 4 күн бұрын
Hey, I received my M8 last night and started reading the manual, but damn! there is nothing better than a simple and nicely done tutorial as yours. I really appreciate your efforts in making those videos for beginners. Thank you, thank you and thank you! 🙏🏽
@BNLNRD 4 күн бұрын
@@LarcTald Oh yeah! Happy to hear that you found my video at the exact point it was meant for. :)
@Javeton 9 күн бұрын
Goddd I couldn't figure out why my notes weren't playing. Thank you for showing how FE works
@Coinmancer 9 күн бұрын
These lessons are so great I was sad to reach the end. Make more! Great lessons and hilarious. 😂
@ItsCooperTho 13 күн бұрын
haha can i get that samples folder link?
@NetvoTV Ай бұрын
Is it possible to make non 80s, non video game like and syntheave musics with it like soundtracks from Tenet movies because most musics I listened made by it on KZbin has sound from these I mentioned, I like these but don't want to make only these, and if the community of it is mainly filled with people from these genre you will feel not connected and able to find help that much, even if it's possible, is this M8 Tracker idea to make not these genre of musics? I like it's small and the graphic but OP-1 feel like it's actual mechanical while M8 is just keyboard with screen so you still feel like you are using a computer? Should I just use iPhone with some apps if music making for now it's just hobby for me
@evilrainbow 29 күн бұрын
It has a powerful sampler and editor as well as synth engines. Trackers have been historically used to make video game and IDM music, but if you can learn how to use them, you can import any sample and make any kind of music. It will cost you about $30 to do a headless setup on your laptop or home computer if you want to try to out.
@NetvoTV Ай бұрын
Hey Leonard, my name is Johnny and I'm a freelance logo designer, currently I'm looking for more works, do you love to have a logo for your channel's branding to have a memorable graphic based monogram logo to help your audience recognise and follow your channel easier? I would love to design a musical themed logo inspired by your direction for you! Let me know if you interested to make it happen! :-)
@mad.operator 2 ай бұрын
Great explanations. Hadn't quite grasped the automation commands. Very useful!
@BNLNRD 2 ай бұрын
@@mad.operator Automation is what trackers are all about! Glad you liked the video. :)
@joentjaaa 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for these great tutorials 👍🙏
@BNLNRD 2 ай бұрын
@@joentjaaa Thanks for the lovely vibes!
@VidarIX 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! This is a very straightforward and clear intro. At 9:50 the max volume is 64 because that's hex for 100 in base 10, if anyone is wondering. I'm not thrilled with 16 steps per phrase, but when I get my headless set up I'll see how it goes
@BNLNRD 3 ай бұрын
When writing and starting a new Chain I recommend setting up multiple different blank Phrases before diving in and starting to write (melodies, for example). For some reason, it removes some of the temptation to just copy/paste a phrase and instead makes you actually use the space. Also you won't have to jump back and forth from Phrase view to Chain view to add a new phrase, then write, then add again, then write...
@voxmnemonic 3 ай бұрын
Also I just listened to this track on bandcamp and its unbelievable. Great work!
@voxmnemonic 3 ай бұрын
This is pretty rad, great job on the video!!
@augustusvonwatts555 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the videos
@Hardest 3 ай бұрын
Wow, you put very much love into your tutorials 🎉 Thanks a bunch! 🙏
@ruffark 3 ай бұрын
Holy crap! Thank you for sharing all this knowledge, I subbed.
@voxmnemonic 3 ай бұрын
Man I love your videos! Please keep going. They put me in a great mood.
@BNLNRD 3 ай бұрын
Wow, thanks! Love to hear it. :)
@voxmnemonic 3 ай бұрын
This is a great video! Full of character and utility. Wonderful job! 🤘
@BNLNRD 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Happy you found it useful. :)
@dolo747 4 ай бұрын
I missed out on preorders for V2. I wasn't privy to the information unfortunately for me.
@joeqj 2 ай бұрын
Same, im thinking as preorders are shipped it'll be easier to pick up the 01 model for a good price
@RecMirage 4 ай бұрын
So much of what people find complicated about the M8 can be fixed with logical changes. One of the biggest ones is making chain phrases locked to those chains. That also should have made chain lengths optionally be up to 128 steps. The 16 step limit is a bit extreme for a a machine people are using in 2024. The playhead issue can be solved by using Abeltons clip system. Finally hexadecimal use is just wtf. The biggest issue by far however is the general hardware. There simple should have been more dedicated buttons. I know it’s inspired by the game boy but the game boy wasn’t supposed to be a musical instrument, the M8 is.
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Key to appreciating the M8s layout is actually using it. It's an overall trade-off of short term complexity vs long term complexity. For example, not having phrases fixed to chains allows you to reuse phrases over multiple chains - say, you only want to switch the last bar of a drum phrase to do a fill in, that only requires one additional phrase. Within the workflow of copy-paste-iterate (on phrase, chain and instrument level), it makes perfect sense. When it comes to the number of phrases per chain, considering chains make up the basic building blocks of your song arrangement, ask yourself how many times you'd require chunks of more of 4-8 bars. Also, working with chunks of that size makes it simple to set up looping "clip islands" that you absolutely trigger Ableton style. It's called Live Mode. Lastly, Hex certainly seems odd - but remember that on a handheld device, screen real estate is limited, and having access to 4 bits of information using just one digit goes a long way, especially because it directly ties into the very architecture or digital music making. That's part of the reason the M8 can get as much power from such a limited interface. Lastly, having few (8) buttons for the interface sure is harder to get your head around - at the beginning. But let me tell you, learning and internalizing the first few basic commands takes about an hour, and then you won't even look at buttons anymore. They're laid out in a way that doesn't require looking at your hands *at all*. It becomes about as immediate as something can be. The only thing I can compare it to is working in a DAW and having all key commands relevant to your workflow memorized. Sure, for an absolute beginner it would be easier to go up to a menu item - or right click for a context menu and logically named sub-menus - but not having to take your eyes of the screen at all is so much more rewarding and efficient.
@RecMirage 4 ай бұрын
@@BNLNRD I disagree with pretty much everything you have said there. You could copy and paste the chains but the numbering system would be reset to 1 or 0 per phrase. Why would you go beyond 16 steps? Because it’s a tracker, if you ever used Octamed or Renoise, you would get the idea. The hex thing still doesn’t work no matter how you twist it, screen space isn’t an excuse because we have the power to show more than two digits with a screen that has a higher resolution than the one found on a gameboy. Yes, I am aware of live mode (I do actually know how the M8 functions lol) but it’s workflow should look more towards Abelton than what it’s currently at. It’s simply not an intuitive as it could be and if there is a system that works exceptionally well why not use what Abelton is doing? For example; There should be a one bottom method to hit everything in a row, not a weird combo. It’s not an effective system and requires too much awkward input.
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
@@RecMirage Different Workflows for different people, I suppose. Luckily, there's a plethora of methods to choose from - I have found my favorite in the M8, as have many others. It sounds like you would be happier with a Polyend device perhaps, or with a laptop running a more complex software.
@avrilcadabra 3 ай бұрын
@@RecMirage Hello, I like trackers, such as defmon, sidwizard, goat tracker 2, sid factory II, pro tracker, noise tracker, octamed, deflemask, furnace, piggy, lsdj, edlib. Also use the M8, they all work a bit different, but they are all fun and interesting. Just find one you like and use it, if not trackers and you like ableton thats fine too :)
@song-mode 2 ай бұрын
@@RecMirage and I also like trackers, and am a long time ableton user and I disagree with you. I would not like it to be more like ableton and prefer the chains as a sort of "auto pattern chain" (in elektron parlance) or a column of ableton clips with follow actions automatically set. as well as being able to have references to a pattern instead of always having a duplicate. You no longer can edit that pattern in one place and have its changes cascade. That is huge on efficiency of writing. I agree with you on the hexadecimal, but I just got lucky in that I have it beaten into me by having had to write css for a long time.
@abn0rmalJ 4 ай бұрын
great videos! keep it up
@jeremywho2289 4 ай бұрын
Loving this series, can't wait for #4!
@Lostdog 4 ай бұрын
Whens the next one? Enjoying this series so far
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, I'm glad. :) Not sure I'm going to make another tutorial like this because there's tons of stuff that goes into detail already. But I might share some ideas for Patches or Tables!
@mit136speichenumdiewelt 4 ай бұрын
Deine Stimme hört sich genauso an wie beim Herrn "Captain Pikant" ;-)
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Ich sag mal so: Man hat mich und Captain Pikant noch nie im selben Raum gesehen...
@mit136speichenumdiewelt 4 ай бұрын
gut gekontert!
@baconcow 4 ай бұрын
Is that a battery pack attached? If so, which one? Looks like it fits well.
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
No battery pack, the cord is simply connected to the computer for screen capture (and charging). The M8 is 100% handheld, and the model:02 (a hardware upgrade) has a battery life of about 12hrs.
@evilrainbow 25 күн бұрын
what you're seeing is the raised screen bezel terminating at the device case, creating the illusion of something behind it. the micro USB cable is just tucked behind the unit to create a clean working area.
@baconcow 25 күн бұрын
@@evilrainbow Yeah. Now that I am more familiar with the difference between this and the Model 02, I can see this.
@sebastien5597 4 ай бұрын
I learned a lot with your 3 videos, thanks a lot !
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Happy to hear it! Thanks for watching. :)
@eeclarkutube 4 ай бұрын
Another great video. Thanks for calling it M Eight (since that is the name and not “mate”).
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Canon is that Aussies are allowed to call it Mate. Exclusively.
@surrealchemist 4 ай бұрын
I noticed they did some UI changes to make it easier to see whats selected, but the little dot on the instrument page that shows what the LFO is doing went missing. I hope they add it back.
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
It's not gone, but it's reserved for changes made with FX commands in the Phrase.
@ВоваТрошин-щ5д 4 ай бұрын
you are very good at explaining things, be sure to make a video about working with the sampler
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! The basics should be covered in the first two parts, but yeah, it's a really deep instrument. I'll probably explore it a little more in the future!
@Hardest 3 ай бұрын
Yeah please 🥺
@ellislamar2894 4 ай бұрын
You’re the best, keep going
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Oh, thanks. That's so sweet! :)
@mrchairboy 4 ай бұрын
That was the most hilarious and useful explanation of the M8 I’ve encountered. Thank you for this- it demystified a lot of the roadblocks I often run into. I hope you make more of these- you’re an exceptional teacher!
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! There's one more in the works that touches on Synthesis, and there's so much more I'd love to talk about. Just gotta make time for making the videos :D
@Jeeboo007 4 ай бұрын
Really nice man, I've had hard time finding some detailed tutorial to get a better idea how to operate & play the M8. Your video is really clear, can't wait for the next episide! Thx ! :)
@willywerner5224 4 ай бұрын
Because of showing how to master the M8 you have a new sub sir !
@nonlimitmusic 4 ай бұрын
Your account must be incorrect. For only 50 subscribers you have way too professional videos and really creative, well thought out content! I'm also really looking forward to the next "Get to know the dirtywave" Please keep up the good work! You have a great talent! (Both musically and in video editing)
@nonlimitmusic 4 ай бұрын
Oh, I didn't even realize you were from my country. I live near Cologne. Your English is probably too good too 😅
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
@@nonlimitmusic Hey, dann sieht man sich vielleicht auf der Superbooth? :) Außerdem - danke für die Blumen!
@nonlimitmusic 4 ай бұрын
@@BNLNRD Ich würde so gerne auf die Superbooth gehen! Besonders auch, weil ich das Model:02 vorbestellt habe (und vorher keins hatte) und auch so viele interessante Leute da sind... Du hast mich schon wieder dazu bewegt, nochmal zu gucken, ob ich es schaffe 😅
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
@@nonlimitmusic Lohnt sich!
@eagereyes 4 ай бұрын
Nice! Great track, too!
@jblue727 4 ай бұрын
Really well explained, looking forward to the synthesis tutorial!
@djegasus 4 ай бұрын
I really appreciated the image of the Genesis as you said "it's like the A button on your Gameboy". Just perfect! Hahahaha... Thanks for making the tutorial, resources like these are always welcome in my eyes ❤
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for checking it out! :)
@eeclarkutube 4 ай бұрын
Have fun at Superbooth
@BNLNRD 4 ай бұрын
@@eeclarkutube Oh, I'm planning to :)
@emelyhedel Жыл бұрын
this is not only a walkthrough, it is almost like a little audio book pulling you into this beautiful score :)
@NimaiOfficial Жыл бұрын
@NimaiOfficial Жыл бұрын
@sxsxk 2 жыл бұрын
Meditation Vibes 🧘
@BNLNRD 2 жыл бұрын
Ihr hier, was für eine Ehre! :D
@kahzn 2 жыл бұрын
Beautifully made and well narrated! I really have a feeling for the game even though I never played it. Well done! :)
@BNLNRD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I have a bit of a thing for melodrama. ;)
@magistrixx4208 3 жыл бұрын
Du lebst
@jamesallen2033 4 жыл бұрын
its cool to see everyone's interpretation of the doom UI for the competiton . Your's is super tasteful as if it could easily take a back seat to the music that would be playing along side it. Great work!