Ай бұрын
A Genocide Without Censorship?
Do We Need American Marxism?
Top 5 Worst People of 2023
4 ай бұрын
@mikesmith6461 Сағат бұрын
All parties in bed with the pope.
@alan_jackson_jihad8135 3 сағат бұрын
bombass speech!
@longviewpotato 4 сағат бұрын
UUGHH Ultra why don’t you support every Muslim radical because they HATE AMERICA???? The idea that the world is multipolar is treated as a forgone conclusion when the very nature of multi polarity means that multiple “poles” have relatively equal power. In which case why should you oppose the hegemony of the West with any greater zeal than China? Unless you think China is socialist. If that’s the case then please pick Das Kapital back up you learned nothing.
@AlexMig 5 сағат бұрын
Wait isn’t that socialism
@comradehogan7636 5 сағат бұрын
This guy's so brainwashed
@grosty2353 5 сағат бұрын
How the hell is Mises a Neo classical?
@MidwesternMarx 5 сағат бұрын
How is he not? Genuinely curious.
@missingsig 6 сағат бұрын
carlos u gotta speak up you lack clarity my guy
@hazelwray4184 7 сағат бұрын
1968: The Fire Last Time. By Chris Harman.
@mauricioamezcua9081 8 сағат бұрын
Excelente contenido y admirable resistencia por parte de Midwestern Marx
@SnapCracklePapa 10 сағат бұрын
That's not the sound of trophies clacking together, it's the marbles in your head. Best communism quote from someone who lived through it: Reporter (after the wall was torn down) - what are you going to do now? East German - I don't know. For 40 years we pretended to work, and for 40 years they pretended to pay us.
@PresidentWashingtonFounder 11 сағат бұрын
Communists Always shift The Blame Stalin Killed around Over 30 Million At Mimimum Mao Killed 100 Million
@p51wildfyre 12 сағат бұрын
Among the imperialists, ancient & contemporary, only PRC government aborted/KILLED approximately aborted/KILLED approximately 336 million unborn babies for the sake of economic recovery/MONEY (One Child Policy), by state law/by default/NO CHOICE, of their OWN BLOOD, in peacefult times/NO WAR, from 1979 to 2015 (decades of SILENT KILLING in the MILLIONS), NO APOLOGIES to the people of China/NO ACCOUNTABILITY!!! PRC government SLAUGHTERED the future of the people of China! Unborn babies TREATED like PESTS! Sparrows, flies, mosquitoes & rats had a BETTER DEAL with the PRC government with the FOUR PESTS CAMPAIGN (1958 to 1962 as part of the Great Leap Forward program of PRC) with only 4 years of massive extermination of those pests while for One Child Policy it was at least THREE DECADES : approximately 336 million unborn babies denied of ther lives!!! Nanjing Massacre 500,000 killed, Holocaust 2 million killed, World War II 60 million+ killed ! Worst atrocity in the history of mankind! Confucius, Sun Tzu and Bruce Lee would weep in their graves! PRC government BORROWED a FOREIGN IDEOLOGY that CORRUPTED Chinese culture and heritage!!! Why side with PRC government ??? Tik Tok That !
@shreygaming4551 12 сағат бұрын
•imagine looting 45 trillion •breaking weaver thumb so India •making india economy fall down •murder millions of Indian •got 80% tariff tax from India back then •American rail which costed 2000 pound per mile,they made it in India using 18000 pound for a mile •lying about having gifted a gem from India, why would we gift someone who destroyed our whole economy •looted jewelries, pottery. •called Indian poor •they bought racism in India. •some guy said there were abt 500 million Indian and 20 million Britishers back then so why didn't they defend bcz Indians used swords and Britishers used rifles •they did not educated Indian, India was already educated enough to make profit, discover 0, and discover of yoga
@mimosveta 16 сағат бұрын
jimmy ain't libertarian, he calls himself a classical liberal, but he tends to lean to socialism, he's just never had anyone answer his questions properly, so, when there was a fight on his live about stalin, he sided with random member of the audience instead of his friend, but he couldn't very well start shouting at his friend over disagreement. he has been bringing more and more communists/socialists, but I feel like none of them really address jimmy's delusions. even with haz, he ended the segment "both communism and cra*pitalism end in the same place" and haz didn't even address that, but despite not having deep understanding of communism, he's profoundly against cra*pitalism, and that alone means he can't be libertarian, libertarians are good at identifying the issues in us society, unlike dems and reps, but they can't work out the solutions worth a sh, due to decades of brainwashing, they tend to be like "we need more cra*pitalism, to solve issues caused by cra*pitalism" but I've watched ron paul and daniel mcadams repeat berletić talking points glorifying communism, because he didn't call it communism, he talked about the thing like "oh well, you know, there's this random difference between china and russia one one side, and lamerica on the other" and they didn't even figure out that the difference is communism vs cra*pitalism...
@SammySam20230 3 сағат бұрын
On the one hand it was good exposure for Haz, on the other hand Jimmy realllllly looked ignorant during that segment. He said Communism and Capitalism were two sides of the same thing and both end up bad. He ignored all the historical context Haz tried to explain and never really grappled with what was said. He basically has the political understanding of some teenage anarchist. And then went on a canned rant about Rachel Maddow.
@charlesbrown1365 16 сағат бұрын
Trumpy is guilty of _cheating in the election _ . His Mussolini-style March on Rome March on the U.S. Capitol was trying to cheat in the election, too.
@mimosveta 16 сағат бұрын
omg, we can pull together, make capital for kids, with bags of bananas, I'd love to illustrate that... or would it qualify as racist to show all cra*pitalists as monkeys?
@mimosveta 17 сағат бұрын
maybe that's why communism mostly took of in racially homogenous nations, and may be a reason why us gov is pushing so hard to dilute the racial make up of usa. you can't really get bunch of Serbs, or Russians or Chinese to hate each other based on race... so they already had one battle fewer to fight in order to get proletariat to unite
@mimosveta 17 сағат бұрын
man, have we ever seen carlos' hair before? I always imagined him bold like lenin...
@PizzaChess69 18 сағат бұрын
The only reason people listen to her is because they secretly think it will make her want to... you know... do stuff with them...
@Fierissimo 19 сағат бұрын
2:48 the owners of all the RIZZ 😎🥂
@Ollyatlas 20 сағат бұрын
Tony stark is a narcissist who wouldn't have his money if it weren't for him stealing stock from other companies and earning from his dad Hes a sociopath
@nawafdreams 20 сағат бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:31 *🎶 Introductory music* - Introductory music plays in the background. 01:00 *👏 Applause and more music* - Applause is heard, along with more background music. 01:46 *🎶 Continued background music* - The music continues playing in the background. 02:34 *👏 More applause and music* - There is more applause and the music continues. 04:02 *🎶 Ongoing background music* - The background music persists. 04:59 *🎶 Continued music* - The music continues playing. 05:59 *🎶 More background music* - The background music goes on. 07:02 *🎶 Ongoing musical accompaniment* - The music keeps playing in the background. 07:59 *👏 Applause and music* - There is applause and the music continues. 09:19 *🎶 Persistent background music* - The background music persists. 10:02 *🎶 Ongoing musical accompaniment* - The music keeps playing in the background. 10:33 *🔇 Technical difficulties* - The speaker mentions having their mic muted the whole time. 11:56 *🙋‍♂️ Introduction to the livestream* - The speaker introduces themselves and provides context for the upcoming interview. 12:23 *🇵🇸 Interview with Libre about the situation in Gaza* - The speaker introduces Libre, who is on the ground in Gaza, and they discuss the ongoing situation and Libre's involvement in providing medical aid. 18:12 *💼 Libre's background and involvement with the organization GIA* - Libre shares details about his background and how he got involved with the organization GIA, which is working to provide medical supplies and support in Gaza. 19:06 *🧠 Explanation of the historical context of the conflict in Palestine* - Libre provides historical context about the Nakba, the 1967 Naqsa, and the ongoing colonization and genocide of the Palestinian people. 29:17 *🌍 The importance of international solidarity with the Palestinian cause* - Libre emphasizes the need for international solidarity in the fight against imperialism and the Palestinian cause, which is a global struggle. - The speaker and Libre discuss the strategic and economic interests that drive the oppression of Palestinians, including the role of imperialism and the unipolar order. 36:32 *🏢 Real estate opportunism during the siege of Gaza* - Real estate companies were already trying to sell beachfront properties in Gaza even before the October 2022 siege began, indicating a pre-planned strategy. - The speaker, who was born in the 1990s, has now witnessed six different genocides, highlighting the ongoing oppression faced by Palestinians. 37:25 *🔫 Restrictions on Gazan fishermen* - Gazan fishermen are limited in how far they can go out to sea, and those who venture further are shot at by the Israeli occupation forces. - The speaker witnessed the Israeli forces shooting at fishermen who were trying to make a living, which has become a normalized occurrence. 38:03 *💵 U.S. funding of the Israeli occupation and genocide* - The U.S. is using American tax dollars to fund the genocide in Gaza instead of investing in affordable housing, healthcare, education, and infrastructure in the U.S. - The U.S. prioritizes funding the killing and genocide of Palestinians over improving the quality of life for its own citizens, despite being on occupied indigenous land. 39:14 *🌱 Restrictions on Gazan agriculture and self-sufficiency* - Gazans have the right to grow their own crops, such as olives, oranges, and strawberries, but are prevented from doing so due to the ongoing bombing and genocide. - Instead, Israel allows its own trucks to sell food to Gazans at inflated prices, further exploiting and controlling the local population. 40:23 *💀 The scale and brutality of the genocide* - The ongoing genocide in Gaza is much worse than any social media post can convey, with consistent and inhumane acts being committed. - The U.S. is using the conflict to justify increasing its military budget, as it often does when the economy starts to decline. 43:27 *📊 Inaccurate reporting on the death toll* - According to UN briefings, the death toll in Gaza has reached over 35,000, with over 8,000 injured and 15,000 children left unaccompanied. - The actual death toll is likely much higher, as many bodies have not yet been recovered from the rubble, and hospitals and ambulances have been targeted. 46:09 *📍 The reality of life in Gaza* - Despite the U.S. being a first-world economy, it has third-world conditions for many of its own citizens, highlighting the hypocrisy of funding the genocide in Gaza. - Every single person in Gaza has lost someone or something, and the impacts of the genocide are deeply traumatizing and devastating. 51:38 *🤖 Calling out the inhumanity of the Israeli actions* - The speaker describes the actions of the Israeli forces as "every disgusting depraved thing that human beings could possibly do to each other," highlighting the monstrous nature of the ongoing genocide. - The speaker encourages everyone watching to constantly reflect on the reality of what is happening in Gaza, as it is an ongoing tragedy that deserves continuous attention and action. 52:16 *👨‍⚕️ Appreciation for the speaker's humanitarian efforts* - The speaker expresses gratitude and appreciation for the humanitarian work the interviewer, Libre, is doing on the ground in Gaza to provide aid and support. - The speaker acknowledges that this work is heroic and a duty for revolutionaries, but also recognizes that the Palestinians in Gaza have been living through this tragedy for decades. 54:04 *💪 The need for tangible action and solidarity* - The speaker emphasizes that solidarity with the Palestinian people must go beyond just words and must involve tangible actions to make it economically and strategically unattractive to support the Israeli genocide. - The speaker calls for protests, organizing, and using economic leverage to pressure governments and corporations to end their support for the Israeli occupation and the genocide in Gaza. 57:14 *🌐 The double standard and lack of accountability* - The speaker highlights the double standard and lack of accountability that the Israeli government and the U.S. government have faced regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza, despite overwhelming evidence of their crimes. - The speaker questions the "red line" that the U.S. government claims to have, as the atrocities in Gaza have been ongoing since 1948, with no meaningful action taken to stop the violence. 01:02:50 *🧠 Critique of US government's inaction on the Gaza conflict* - The US government could easily intervene to stop the genocide in Gaza, but chooses not to because it serves their interests. - The US is the enemy of the Palestinian people, not just the Zionist entity in Israel. 01:04:17 *🛡️ Legitimacy of Palestinian resistance* - Resistance against the Zionist occupation is a legal right under international law and a necessary response to violence. - Palestinians are not the aggressors, they are defending themselves against a genocide. 01:07:28 *💪 Supporting the Palestinian cause* - We have a responsibility to support the Palestinian cause and stand in solidarity with their struggle. - Effective actions include participating in BDS movements and organizing/joining protests to pressure governments. 01:13:33 *💌 Maintaining hope and resiliency* - Despite the immense suffering, the Palestinian people remain hospitable, hopeful, and resilient. - Their ability to endure and resist such a brutal occupation is inspiring and a testament to their determination. [- 01:28:41] 🤖 Witnessing humanity amidst genocide - Seeing people lose everything yet still find a reason to fight. - Observing children greeting with smiles and laughter, even in the face of genocide. [- 01:29:22] 🧠 Finding hope in the midst of despair - Acknowledging the harsh realities of the situation, including the uncertainty of survival. - Expressing a desire to help others as one would want to be helped in a similar situation. [- 01:30:16] 🌱 The power of children's resilience - Recognizing the priceless value of a child's smile, which allows them to forget the horrors they have witnessed. [- 01:30:42] 🌍 Reasons for hope in the face of adversity - Acknowledging the poor infrastructure and 20 years of blockades that have impacted Palestine. [- 01:31:35] 🌍 International support for Palestine - Addressing the challenges in discerning the true extent of international support for Palestine due to media misinformation. [- 01:33:46] 🗣️ Challenging mainstream media narratives - Urging people to think critically and not blindly believe what they hear in the mainstream media. [- 01:35:49] 🌍 Effective actions for Western citizens - Emphasizing that everyone has a role to play in supporting the Palestinian cause, whether through activism, education, or using one's unique skills. [- 01:44:21] 🔥 The urgency for action - Highlighting the critical importance of addressing the fuel shortage that is impacting the delivery of aid and the functioning of hospitals in Gaza. Made with HARPA AI
@lorenzobetancourt5559 Күн бұрын
That image of the bombs that are also falling in Detrit is strong.
@obaome Күн бұрын
John Basedman with another banger 🔥🔥🔥
@radicalesotericcentrist Күн бұрын
5:15 - Yes, you should read them. Then you would finally know that their ideology is very much similiar to yours.
@Spico_ Күн бұрын
Good succinct assessment of the situation. Many people also refer to them as the "Fake Left"/"CIA Left" and also sometimes contentiously "Woke Left". And whenever right-wingers bring up "Cultural Marxists", a true Marxist should correct them, by telling them those are the "Fake Left" or "CIA Left", or "Woke Left" if you feel that will win them over more.
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
@walkerswaim Күн бұрын
The south is the same way brother
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
@walterbrownstone8017 Күн бұрын
The relationship between the American lawyer and the American people is exactly that of Israel Palestine.
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
Damn how far you have fallen being a peddler for toilet paper
@aclown36 Күн бұрын
Leftists try not to infight challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
@q__________ Күн бұрын
@nomanejane5766 Күн бұрын
@UkrainianSocialist Күн бұрын
powerful speech, Carlos! Very inspiring
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
You get inspired by diarrhea damn no wonder communists are pathetic
@UkrainianSocialist Күн бұрын
wise words, John!
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
Only to simple minds
@Spico_ Күн бұрын
@@firetop-cn8vb I've never heard of this guy before, and everything he said in this video is correct. My guess is he has said something in the past that you disagree with, and you're bringing that into here.
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
@@Spico_ wrong on all accounts You should delete
@AndrewsMobs 13 сағат бұрын
@@firetop-cn8vb You should delete, you're quite the simple mind
@JoeySchantz Күн бұрын
John Jackman is incredibly based
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
@richardv8461 Күн бұрын
The Compatible coin a phrase. You know who they are; so does the CIA...
@11-AisexualsforGod-11 Күн бұрын
Isn't nihilism just the logos of philosophy as in reducing everything to its most pure form? From this we can deduce that anything in the place of nothing is a false idol to be destroyed in Jihad.. This is contrary to Christianity that permits Christ flesh in place of nothing whether that be a Pope or a racist white aristocracy of labour which we have currently
@11-AisexualsforGod-11 Күн бұрын
Trotskyite Islamic jihad against the white aristocracy of labour
@user-ck3xz9so7h Күн бұрын
Love that this silly man did not bother to check what the Royal Institution is - a purely scientific academic body - hundreds of years old. Having the word Royal in the title means nothing. Our lifeboat rescue service is Royal, as is one of our trade unions that has led weeks of strike action - The Royal College of Nursing.
@charlesbrown1365 Күн бұрын
US Left Purity fetish central tenet : US Democrats and Republicans are both parties of the Big Bourgeoisie over the last 90 years .
@Lucas_Shaolin Күн бұрын
I ordered a hard copy last night
@firetop-cn8vb Күн бұрын
Lol buying toilet paper online
@Lucas_Shaolin 21 сағат бұрын
@@firetop-cn8vb 😂 does this book hit a nerve with you? Did it hurt you in the feels?
@firetop-cn8vb 21 сағат бұрын
@@Lucas_Shaolin no as I don't have any feelings for it, why did my comment of saying it was toilet paper hit a nerve for you did your feelings get damaged
@firetop-cn8vb 21 сағат бұрын
@@Lucas_Shaolin maybe I was lol at buying toilet paper online
@firetop-cn8vb 21 сағат бұрын
@@Lucas_Shaolin you should delete yourself from KZbin
@tpbandz Күн бұрын
communism sucks
@CountOrlok22 Күн бұрын
Just to respond to the live chat comment about degrowth, I think the idea that degrowth is either bad or counter to communism conflates growth with development. Degrowth is about environmental awareness that material resources are not infinite and that the current capitalist course, upon which most of the world is set, is not sustainable. The basis of capitalism, aside from the establishment and maintenance of a predatory class system through the coerced or forced extraction of surplus labour value, is that endless growth (ie, endless profit and expansion of those profit margins) is real, which is a material falsehood. Scientific socialism (ie, Marxist communism) has pretty thoroughly reputed that through its recognition of the monopolisation stage of capitalism, which Marx, Engels, and Lenin all pointed toward and/or spelled out as the imperialist stage, when resources and labour are depleted in one area requires colonisation in another; expansion of the empire or state to sustain itself at the expense of the world and people outlying it. That need to constantly expand the parameters of empire and the state in order to attain new material resources and new sources of labour is antithetical to socialism. There have been forms of socialism that sought such imperialist approaches and have yielded flawed economic/environmental models as a result, and which should be open to critique, but at the same time without disregarding the advances of socialism that they have made overall. So, when we talk about degrowth, we're talking about scaling down the kind of rapacious industrial consumerism, driven solely by endless profit and the idea of technological development for its own sake, regardless of the impact upon the natural world, toward more localised and cooperative models that both allow for greater longevity of those resource but also more autonomous native and labour populations. Development, on the other hand, should be seen both as technological development, but also refinement of processes by which we arrive at less destructive and more sustainable modes of production; ones which don't require an endless expansionism or rely on inequitable and exploitative labour practices.
@infrawiki Күн бұрын
No taxation without representation!
@waitingformyman9317 10 сағат бұрын
Nobody cares
@mohammadhasanabasiyan Күн бұрын
Haha 🤣 you put guidlines for your comment section? 😂 Bro, just go home jerk off to your karl marx books. You're not smart enough to understand reality. Oh read animal farm if you love Communism.
@dustjamesamerica Күн бұрын
Short, inspiring, and powerful speech. King would be proud. However, it would probably go further in a union hall or in a space facilitated by those engaged in struggle in our communities. Unfortunately they seem to be using you for cover in a for youtube production hosted to self promote reactionary grifters and trolls that down play racism and bigotry, make fun of children for their voices and appearances online or even tell us to be quiet about our black comrade in Old Miss standing up for Palestine while a mob of facists grunt monkey sounds at her. It's unfortunate to see a powerful message such as this be used by those propped up to smear the name of American Communism and divide our class.
@user-ud2pf8jo6s Күн бұрын
Free Palestine 🇵🇸