@umtatraining 4 күн бұрын
Very well explained
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 17 күн бұрын
I picked up this hand from the Vu graph records. On one of the other tables, Sandip Thakral made nine tricks in 3Nt by concocting four Diamond tricks just about the same way as described here, and used South as a stepping-stone to the fourth Diamond in the Dummy. Details in this article. bridgeduniya.com/the-spots-and-the-auction/
@joshtomlin9790 18 күн бұрын
Nice hand! If you are confident that South is 2155 (I am) then a better play is to win the lead in dummy, take a heart finesse, cash the SAK then exit a club. South is endplayed into playing a diamond, and you have the entries to take two more finesses against them. This avoids relying on the singleton 6, 8 or 9 of diamonds.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 18 күн бұрын
Did you mean 'cash SAK' rather than 'cash HA and SA'?
@joshtomlin9790 18 күн бұрын
@@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Oh right, yes that's what I meant
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 18 күн бұрын
@@joshtomlin9790 Thanks. While the line you suggested is a shade better, it is so only if you are absolutely sure South does not have six Clubs. In most systems, with a 1156 distribution, say, the opening bid will be 1D, and rebid, 2C, so there is that small chance that South has six Clubs.
@a_visghhwas 27 күн бұрын
Hello, I have gone through your playlist somewhat few months back. I am an absolute novice who wants to learn bridge from a book preferably. Can you share the name of any good enough book for an absolute beginner like me? Thanks
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 25 күн бұрын
Hi, Thanks for the query. I will post two answers. 1. Here are a couple of classic books from last century. 'Five Weeks to Winning Bridge', by Alfred Sheinwold and 'Goren's Bridge Complete' by Charles Goren. There are other, newer books, however, please note the following - my second answer. 2. In last couple of decades, learning Bridge has increasingly got mixed up with learning a particular bidding system - mostly the standard American Bidding system - simply because popular websites like the Bridge Base Online offered robots that only played some form of Standard American. This is changing now, slowly but surely, so in near future, you will have more options to learn just bridge rather than learn only that part of the game that is wedded to the standard American bidding system. At present though, you could simply register on Bridge Base Online for free and learn bridge by playing among the robots that are available for free for certain types of the game. www.bridgebase.com/ Do please let me know if you have any further queries.
@williamthurl2607 Ай бұрын
Sensible Acol bidding goes : 1D-1H-4H end. With Hearts 2-2 you probably make it as Diamonds are 4-3 and can be set up if necessary. If South plays a Club through Dummy's Void you just let it go and North can take his Ace - you can now make 1 trick in each of the side suits ( 3 in all ) and 7 trump tricks to make 10 tricks.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Ай бұрын
Hi. Thanks for the comment. Let us consider the uncontested auction 1D-1H-4H with a couple of different East hands. Example Deal 1: ♠A94❤KJ97♦A5♣T763 Example Deal 2: ♠J64❤KJ97♦752♣AK6 In both these hands, East has 12 HCP and a more or less balanced hand. In Example Deal 1, a Grand slam is cold, In Example Deal 2, even a 5❤contract will be in jeopardy if Diamonds were 3-1 and if South started with a singleton Diamond. After a 1D-1H-4H beginning of the auction, in which of these two hands should East make a forward move? on what basis?
@williamthurl2607 Ай бұрын
You're probably stuffed if CA doesn't come down on the 2nd round , particularly if North wins CJ and plays back a trump. Most Souths would play CA on the first Club , holding only Ax. Finessing C10 on the first round of the suit is extremely risky.
@umtatraining 2 ай бұрын
Great - I absolutely agree with you. The Convention card is so complicated, that it's a nightmare to read / understand. Making a simple one is the best option. 😀
@deevarsridhar 2 ай бұрын
Excellent. Thanks.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 2 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@johnworf 3 ай бұрын
nice hand - I love a double squeeze 🙂
@checkvideo12 3 ай бұрын
yr videos are in 480p & the recording software does not capture text well, it is blurred & unreadable, pls change
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. Will check the settings.
@suchitraravichander2470 3 ай бұрын
How do you get the time stamp on the hands played. is it available in settings pls
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 3 ай бұрын
@@suchitraravichander2470 It is through a browser extension.
@somanirajesh7980 4 ай бұрын
Agree with you 100%
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Rajesh. Please follow this up at the Club and the State level to get the desired changes implemented.
@milindkumarkavale2302 4 ай бұрын
Yes psyches should be allowed
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Milind. I hope bridge players give a serious thought to this issue and persuade their clubs/associations to bridge about suitable modifications in the policy.
@KrishnanR-iy2jz 5 ай бұрын
Hi Panja I agree with you and Venky about 0:19 opening 2C is not great and would take the auction into a wild spin. However the Par contract of 6S can be reached in both 2/1 and Precision Using 2/1 responder should rebid 3D (3NT shuts the door - a hurried action) to give room for exploration ( After all opener could have 6H or 3S as evidenced) A 3S bid would enthuse responder to make a slam move thus cross 3NT - The question is what would be a slam move here that would not cause confusion- It is 4D… Now North needs to bid 5D as EKCB and eventually discover absence of the SQ and rest in 6S.(This requires a fair amount of partnership understanding) On the contrary in Precision I disagree with your suggested auction. Clearly the opener can see Grand slam potential after a 1S positive response by responder. The 3C rebid by opener can throw the spanner into the works and cast doubts. Instead a simple 3S bid would elicit a 4C cue-bid and opener can check for the trump Q and get to 6S. Yes the Precision auction is easier. (There is a case for opener to rebid 2C instead of 2H… Now 2D by responder..2S… 6S. ( By now the 1C opener knows almost all about the responder’s hand and has plenty of space to explore slam. Let me know if I missed something here. Kista
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 5 ай бұрын
Hi Kista, you aren't missing anything at all. I did mention that after a 1S response in a Strong Club system, the opener can take control of the bidding to investigate slam. The Strong Club auction I have presented just has basic, natural, no-frills bids. Advanced/Expert partnerships will no doubt have their own methods and will employ much more science.
@vasantkulkarni2191 5 ай бұрын
What happend in the slam? Who Won? Could the team complete the contract of 6 NT means 12 tricks?Pl. Reply.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 5 ай бұрын
6Nt went down two. I have mentioned that in the video.
@umtatraining 5 ай бұрын
Probably the number of Bridge help sites is more, because Bridge is more popular than Chess?
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 5 ай бұрын
Or is it because of what Kahneman found? Namely, 2⃣ Irrationality Humans are not rational. We all make a lot of irrational mistakes. 90% of Americans think they can drive better than average and 70% think they are smarter than average. (replace 'can drive better' with 'can play bridge better')
@umtatraining 5 ай бұрын
@@demicomabridgeacademy9079 you are correct in saying that a lot of the so-called 'teachers' online may not be really knowledgeable. So, we need to be careful what we 'learn' - it is much better to learn from a 'proper' teacher (that you pay to teach you), at least till we understand the basics and can decide what works and what doesn't.
@ramkavaidy 5 ай бұрын
3C should have been re transfer for Diamonds slam interest
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 5 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@udaymaitra3346 5 ай бұрын
Panja, given the bidding , there is an even better line of declarer play. Draw trumps, and eliminate hearts. This gives away at least 11 cards (at least 7 clubs to KQ, 3 hearts, 1 spade. Then play the AK of diamonds and throw East in with club J for a ruff and discard.
@ianconcessio1763 5 ай бұрын
Your analysis is not right, given the bidding
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 5 ай бұрын
Please clarify.
@ianconcessio1763 5 ай бұрын
0:46 as long as the 4 h bidder has any 4 diamonds you make, ruff out hearts, cash AK diamonds, & play club for R&Dl​@@demicomabridgeacademy9079
@lubakuskova5458 6 ай бұрын
Great Video ❤
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Luba. Welcome to the channel.
@wolpertbridge 6 ай бұрын
Interesting. I wish they showed this stuff on the leaderboard. I have a higher loss rate and lower tie rate because I play very heavily for the cube. I am not sure it’s the best style but I have fun doing it. Youth :) lol tell that to my kids.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 6 ай бұрын
Hi Gavin, thanks. A grumpy old man made this video. For him, most every other bridge player is a young player!
@Marco-hd5wb 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if kingsladin is several people using the same account.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 8 ай бұрын
It is possible although quite improbable for an account that holds a top rank. Getting 'several people' of equal calibre isn't all that easy. Just my view.
@sashacooper9326 8 ай бұрын
How do you view your stats like at 00:40?
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 8 ай бұрын
Please click on History
@yogeshabhyankar9759 9 ай бұрын
Please Close that Window Curtain on Back.
@willinnewhaven3285 9 ай бұрын
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. Let us fix up a Bridge match. My partner and I play the Joshi system. You play your favourite with your partner.
@willinnewhaven3285 9 ай бұрын
@@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Where when and for how much?
@milindkumarkavale2302 10 ай бұрын
Cannot see cards
@yogeshabhyankar9759 Жыл бұрын
Why West Ely Did Not Open His Hand ?
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
As I have mentioned in the video, they were playing Plafond, not Bridge per se. North should be the deal on Deal 101 as per current practice. On this deal, however, West was. The French bidding was based more on 'gut feeling' than on any system. That was why Ely Culbertson thought that it would be easy to defeat them because he had a 'system'. Sorry, this doesn't really answer your question. If I get more information about East-West methods, I will post a little better answer than this.
@dolphin25121 Жыл бұрын
Best line to make 6C, Thank you and looking forward to many more such videos.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@10albatross Жыл бұрын
Nice explanation !!
@dolphin25121 Жыл бұрын
Next time perform pooja at the table before playing to avoid bad luck
@shrikantdeodhar4096 Жыл бұрын
Sir, your comments on board no 8,9 and 11 are good . However I would like to add further comments On board no 8 west was right to balance with a double because he had 4 spades If he had good hand, about opening hand he could have bid 2H on 2D transfer by south . A balancing double says he had few high card points and 4 cards of spades Whatever, east was outright wrong in competing to 4D.If he thinks that he is making 4D then the opponents are sure to go down in 3H Even 3Diamond contract goes down , so south should have thought before competing to 3H which goes two down , he should consider himself lucky not to get doubled On board 9 it is a close decision whether to open with this 12 point hand by north . Even if it satisfies 20+2 condition the hand has many losers ( 8 to 81/2) and once north decides to open then the bidding has to be precise South has 12 points and invitational hand against 12 points minimum. In our methods we show stoppers with maximum at least 14 points up So north should bid 3clubs to show minimum hand and south should pass Not all 24 point hand make game At the other table a heart lead was too timid . West has 2 HCP and hence his partner should have 12 to 14 HCP . In order to defeat the contract he must require some tricks in diamonds and a 4th best diamond lead is best On board 11 both east were right in a jump shift of 3 diamonds to show a strong hand . However in standard ,openers reverse bid in second suit and even after a strong jump shift should not be taken too seriously about length in second suit ( 3card suit is quite common but anything less than 3cards should be alerted) especially when opener rebid his first bid suit) At both tables the hand was overboard in 5D and 5H At one table 5D was two down but at the other table east was lucky to score 5H because of KQ of spades doubleton and heart queen dropping in two rounds of hearts . That was a lucky swing Your further comments are required about all three hands
@shrikantdeodhar4096 Жыл бұрын
If Robot had KQXXX of clubs he would not remove trumps but play a spade at trick two When the king held he would have continued with spade queen and established two spades in dummy when there are two sure entries in dummy with heart king and club ace So ducking the spade ace twice will not defeat the contract but may allow declarer to score an overtrick and a bad score Playing spades twice from the hand suggests his clubs are semi solid without the jack , otherwise he would have tried to establish spades before playing trumps
@shrikantdeodhar4096 Жыл бұрын
You are right A heart 10 lead from K109 is dangerous against certain lie of cards Looking at both black aces west should know that all diamond ace king and queen of diamonds is either with declarer or dummy . So there is no harm in leading a passive trump and play awaiting game As the cards declarer cannot park his 4th spade but a heart lead May cost a trick if declarer had QX or AX in hearts
@shrikantdeodhar4096 Жыл бұрын
There is no need to play for a guard squeeze as described by you . Why not take double finesse in diamonds and score 5H 4D 2SP 1Cl? You can make all 13 tricks if diamonds are 3-3 and both queen and jack are with east
@rohansoman129 Жыл бұрын
found it difficult sir
@rohansoman129 Жыл бұрын
done sir. you shuffle cards with finesse.
@rohansoman129 Жыл бұрын
Completed Sir
@rohansoman129 Жыл бұрын
Good introduction Dr
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
P.S. At 18:15, deal 23, defending against East's 3Nt contract, I mention that North's small card will be the deciding factor in the game. On enquiries, I found out that NS play Rusinow and lead of a K is the big lead, asking for unblock or count. Accordingly, on the lead of the HK, Keyzad, sitting North gave a count with H2. Technically, in their method, the HQ would have been the correct lead. North would then have been able to indicate encourage/discourage, out here, discourage Hearts by playing a High card after which South might have found the killing shift to a small Club.
@johnworf Жыл бұрын
just to let your subs know - I'm giving away my entire beginners course on how to play bridge - 52 videos: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qZrLeaKIfptkh9k
@mukhopadhyaysubhrajit1145 Жыл бұрын
Interesting anecdote to prove your point but it's at best a single data point...Luck vs Skill is an interesting debate and in all sports some luck exists ...and at what proportion is the key question...Most of the sports (governing) bodies are working towards a system which is more towards skill than luck.... Random errors don't prove any biases unless the trend is established on a larger data set....
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
Hi, thx for your comment. I had played the deal on 16th March and noticed that the luck played a big part in a rather unusual way. I see where you are coming from - the discussion on a WhatsApp group - , something that might have made you believe that I was trying to prove a point. As you have rightly mentioned, only a large dataset will neutralise the play of luck. It isn't possible nor is it a right idea to isolate one or two deals, or even a small set of deals, and wonder if there is some other way in which we could eliminate luck. If you take that argument further, even the commonly used methods of minimising the influence of luck - duplication of boards, all-play-all formats, and a few other schemes - might begin to appear as weak methods. But that discussion won't be useful till we can increase the number of boards played (per hour, or per day) played by a factor of 2,3, or 4.
@arvindsrinivasan5016 Жыл бұрын
Board 19 is interesting. A very sharp declarer could consider ducking the CJ. It is a cost nothing play if you assume the lead is unlikely from KJT
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
Maybe. West could have started with ♣KQx and ❤Axx and a Club continuation would be necessary to defeat, either at trick two, or after cashing a Diamond winner.
@saumitrabasu6693 Жыл бұрын
What happened in board 22
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
2S down 1
@arvindsrinivasan5016 Жыл бұрын
well done Puja ji
@yogeshabhyankar9759 Жыл бұрын
I Would Have taken Liberty to Open 2C
@deshpandepradeep Жыл бұрын
Hello. Great conduction and analysis ! 👍🙏 ( A query. Will the contract make without a Trump lead ? )
@kcbalu14 Жыл бұрын
Super KRV
@peiyushjain6758 Жыл бұрын
The second heart spot you played was different. Did the other 4S+2 also play a different heart spot? It is possible that influenced the hand generation algo and resulted in it playing for the drop.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
Indeed, it is possible. If I can figure out how and why exactly that different Heart spot led to a bad result, I will play a different card next time. I haven't figured out yet, so I guess I will continue to look for items that bring good luck. 💎💎
@peiyushjain6758 Жыл бұрын
@@demicomabridgeacademy9079 In hands where it does not matter, perhaps you could try playing spots like the field would and maybe avoid bad luck this.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
@@peiyushjain6758 How do I know what the field is going to do? 💎The robots, too, seem to be playing cards in a few different ways - up the line sometimes, hi-lo some other times.💎
@peiyushjain6758 Жыл бұрын
@@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Presuming there is a human in the same seat as you, I would guess lowest spot available would be the field choice? Of course, you probably have the data here to confirm/refute etc. I am just guessing.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 Жыл бұрын
@@peiyushjain6758 Let us say I hold Jxx in another deal, on another day. Will skipping a spot card persuade the robot to play for drop? It would be great to know. It would be great to know if that is part of what I should be told, or part of what I should find out myself. Till then, the gemstone 💎is the only recourse.
@norahdean5252 2 жыл бұрын
That defence doesn't beat it. Declarer cash's one trump and makes 1 club,1 diamond, 1heart and 7 spades ( ruffing 2 clubs high )
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment. Declarer needs to ruff three Clubs, not two. If East held ♠K98, Declarer could still make, but with ♠K94, that would not be possible.
@shrikantdeodhar4096 2 жыл бұрын
Sir, my comments are as follows A) Playing support redouble South’s pass is good news for north as he knows that south can have at the most two spades and his spade losers can be ruffed by south in a diamond contract. North has six diamonds and four spades and a highly unbalanced hand Therefore North should reevaluate his hand based on East’s double showing a good hand, probably showing remaining two suits hearts and clubs B) The only way north can reevaluate his hand is by Adjusted modern losing trick count method. North has 1) 1 1/2 losers in spades 2) 2 losers in hearts 3) 1 1/2 losers in diamonds after deducting 1 1/2 losers from 3 obvious losers in diamonds ( Deduct 1/2 loser for 8 card diamond fit , 1 loser for 9 card fit and 1 1/2 losers for 10 card fit ) as south is most likely to have 4 diamonds even playing preparatory diamond opening 1 loser in clubs The total no of losers in North’s hand works out to be 6 C) 1 Diamond opening by south promises a 7 loser hand. Therefore as per the loser theory the total no of tricks available for N/S in a diamond contract are 24 - ( 7+6 ) =. 11 D ) The next to consider is “ Positional values “ In view of east’s Double of 1SP showing a good hand , north knows that all south’s values are working values , meaning all finesses and kings are likely to win through east E) North knows that a 5 Diamond contract is likely to make though not 100% sure F) Therefore in a team game north should jump to 5Diamonds as a two way shot ,as competing only upto 3Diamonds or 4 Diamonds is conservative Comments are invited from the members
@norahdean5252 2 жыл бұрын
The pass of 2 spades doubled ( which was a take out double, converted to penalties by partner ) cannot BY ITSELF be sufficient evidence of an illicit or undeclared agreement. West can be almost certain that 4 hearts is on for his opponents, so he took a view, minus 200 or minus 500 was better than 4 hearts making.
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Norah. Bridge players often stop thinking when someone shouts 'ethics'. They simply tend to go with a general (unnecessary and counterproductive) impression that 'it must be unethical' if someone thought so.
@norahdean5252 2 жыл бұрын
The odds change when East has 6 clubs. You should finesse for of diamonds
@demicomabridgeacademy9079 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the comment. I have discussed this in the video. I made a quick calculation of the changed odds. Playing for 3-2 trump break turns out to be the better option by about 15%.