@marcocasini9808 4 күн бұрын
Occhio che spesso ti mangi alcune parole ad inizio frase. È un vero peccato perché per me almeno, il contenuto è spesso interessante
@StarStalkerGaming 14 күн бұрын
Before starting the game you need to set the multiplayer to ON to be able to do this
@KnowJake 8 күн бұрын
gread advice bro! TY!
@ahlairgaming4551 15 күн бұрын
it not completed until you get st. trinas smile
@ahlairgaming4551 15 күн бұрын
youre supposed to do it 5 times, talk, to thoillier and then he will invade you, after fighting him he will drop an item. talk to him again, then there will be more diolog. imbue the nectar one more time. after that im not sure if there is more you can do yet.
@KnowJake 8 күн бұрын
ty bro, so he won't kill trina??
@ONYX1768 17 күн бұрын
Still not fixed. Nice.
@jasonscott6067 17 күн бұрын
Can't even understand you bro,why are you talking like that
@lucavitalilv 17 күн бұрын
Ciao vedo che sei molto bravo. Volevo chiederti se con questa guida posso platinare il gioco su ps4 dato che mi mancano i trofei di un finale e tutti gli oggetti presi e i gesti. Grazie mille attendo una tua risposta 😊
@KnowJake 8 күн бұрын
Ciao! La guida si basa sul cercare di fare più quest possibile in una sola partita, escluse le covenant, quindi no, non si concentra sul platino! Ma di certo ti aiuterà a fare già molte cose lungo la strada e non perdere nulla
@TheTugenukem 17 күн бұрын
This "trick" doesnt work anymore for getting 11 any skill, i tried it and it didnt let me pick endurance even with -2 end while carrying too much, so i went for another one, but the build it self is interesting...
@KnowJake 8 күн бұрын
Maybe they patched this with the cringe new patch... Incredible, they went back on the game randomly after years to just try to make it worst, I'm sorry bro
@TheTugenukem 8 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake Dont worry, i have been playing with the spec and i like it. I only looked few starting perks and went to my own path from there, i think im around 38 ish atm. Sure i have died, but i guess its just part of survival experience :) Im surpriced they fixed that and they havent even fixed the most annoying problem which is long loading screens. I mean you have to go yourself and get mod for that.. This spec doesnt like power armor, all thou im not much into power armor, it also makes game easier on survival aswell, but if you play on hardest difficulty, do you take power armor to make it easier? Hell no :D
@KnowJake 6 күн бұрын
@@TheTugenukem what build bro? high endurance?
@TheTugenukem 6 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake Yes
@TheTugenukem 18 күн бұрын
I enjoy this one, i have been looking what kinda build i go on survival, played base game 3 times without dlc's sadly on normal, then i took dlc's and went on hard and 100 level challenge (my own challenge), now im thinking which build i go for and this looks fun
@TheTugenukem 18 күн бұрын
Bobblehead doesnt have weight? Noo :D
@TheTugenukem 18 күн бұрын
Molotov - typical :D
@Xx_chill223 20 күн бұрын
Bro I killed him and now how do I get him back 🧍🏽‍♂️ 😭
@lacinho1131 24 күн бұрын
Grande Jake
@KnowJake 24 күн бұрын
Come va? stai giocando il dlc? :)
@dafyddrogers9385 25 күн бұрын
This is a lot of complaining for something you don't know much about, that isn't even a glitch a boss won't always transition the moment it get's to the threshold of going to phase 2 especially when you were in it's face attacking and then poise broke it. How about try actually dodging the attacks rather than spamming the same weapon art over and over and complaining about nothing
@KnowJake 24 күн бұрын
for how long did you fight him? You don't even know what you are saying, I didn't use any weapon arts. That's just the heavy hit.
@sulfurdd130 28 күн бұрын
That map is not even 100% gitgud nerd
@KnowJake 25 күн бұрын
you hit your head as a kid?
@justinu1130 29 күн бұрын
All your responses to everyone's comments are just that of a sorry spoiled loser that seems to not understand the concept of souls games. Get fucking good. Change your gear. Learn new weapons learn enemy attacks die and try again. If you don't like it don't play but don't spout bs about a game that has won game of the year and is still better than games that have released since its arrival. This is one of very few games that's actually worth its retail price. As for lag? You must be playing on a PS4 or some shitty PC cause I've made it through some of the hardest bosses in the dlc without absolutely any issues. If your purposely setting restraints on yourself (not levelling, not maxing gear, not using fragments) than that's your problem. People have beaten these bosses naked and with fists, some not even leveled up, its possible, its a matter of patience and skill, its sad to see that the current gaming industry has forced you to believe you need to try and finish a dlc in 2 hours, or any game in 2 hours. Seems like gaming has actually rotted your brain lmao 😂 also respond if you want but it'll just be another copy paste response from all the other comments so just dave yourself the time and don't xD
@justinu1130 29 күн бұрын
Ps. Based off all your videos on your channel your not even a souls player so I stand by my statement
@dreamshakejake3736 29 күн бұрын
So basically, you’re complaining about having to explore the world to get stronger? I for one love the new scaling system, no longer can someone just farm 1000000000000000000 runes and steamroll the game. It forces exploration instead of just exploiting the game for runes. Also, divine beast was pretty easy if you don’t use cam lock… 2nd try I crushed the thing. Dodging its attacks wasn’t a problem, it’s the AOE frost/lightning that hit me most. But if you don’t get hit by the bosses main attacks you’ll be alright.
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
I'm probably one of the first people in the whol e world to complete the exploration of the base game. I completed the game 100% on my first playthrough, I love exploring, even if sometimes it can be a bit boring. The problems I explain in the viedeos are clear. Not having choice and be forced to grab the Scadutrees to get stronger. An you yourself are saying some attacks are problematic. Go fight the boss without being Op like I did, and let's see if you find accettable being hitted and oneshotted becasue of garbage hitboxes
@user-yl7nz8zo4m 29 күн бұрын
Womp womp
@Splash999 29 күн бұрын
Ur dog water lmao go play slime rancher bucko
@screamingstrings76 29 күн бұрын
Bro you don't even have Limgrave fully mapped out and I'm supposed to take your opinion seriously? Certainly not for 20min lmao
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
Imagine thinking people have only one save file. So brainless
@harshvardhanpratapsingh4510 29 күн бұрын
Just bcz ur bad at something doesn't mean it's bad, its just not for u
@limitedhangoutlive 29 күн бұрын
Who is “we”? Lmao. Most people are playing and the DLC is touted is one of the best DLCs of any game ever. Use your mimic if it’s too hard for you.
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
It is hard for you level 500 player, I'm playing at level 100 without scadutree fragments
@asphal.t 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake “Im playing the game the way it was not intended to be played, and its too hard” you are a goofball. Its not that bad I just beat it on New Game +5
@paxipher 29 күн бұрын
​@@asphal.t Classic, I feel like Jake spends most of his time on Twitter xdd
@obiwanshinobi87 29 күн бұрын
Skill issue
@davikersulks9525 29 күн бұрын
git gud
@user-ve2zx7zc4i 29 күн бұрын
so u want a dlc that u waited for 2 yrs and just easily smash thru everything based on your level if u wanna just finish quickly then whats the point of this dlc bro its been 2 yrs why would the keep the bosses difficulty the same as base game people are so damn lazy to enjoy learning . the satisfaction of killing a boss is just better than in base game gave actually in this dlc
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
Just wanted a cool though dlc, not one with laggy and glitchy bosses that you need to overpower at all cost since you can't dodge them consistently
@sleepyallen5993 29 күн бұрын
Git gud
@samfartson881 29 күн бұрын
Morgott is one of the best bosses they’ve ever made🧌
@jacobinman2921 29 күн бұрын
get good lol
@KingoftheTemp 29 күн бұрын
KZbin won't let me reply so ill retaliate everything with this one comment "The game is perfect: and yet all bosses are garbage, woth terrible hitboxes and random attacks that are unavoidable in some situations. Go play the game from the start without getting op, and see if you are able to even complete the game. Defeat Elder Beast without Torrent, without any buffs and with a +13 weapon at level 113 like I did, and then you will agree with me (and also every speedrunner and pro that know how bad the bosses are." 1: Zero hitbox issues, i have genuinely never experienced one, 2: If "random" and "unavoidable" attacks were in the game, no hits would be impossible, however literally within a week of release, multiple no hits have been completed 3: What does playing the game from the start without getting op even mean? I'm guessing by "op" you mean cheese builds, however you most definitely don't need a cheese build to beat ANY boss in the game, I'm LITERALLY speaking from experience, ESPECIALLY for the base game. 4: What in the actual fuck is this argument???? Literally never summoned Torrent for Elden Beast, in fact you literally couldn't till the most recent patch, I have never needed to buff for Elden Beast out of my 5 playthroughs. Why in the good name of god would you have a +13 against the final boss???????????????? this is not the fault of the game you are literally just refusing to use game mechanics like a complete moron. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bro, I entered the dlc at level 113 without any good accessories nor a single spell, and I defeated Rellana without using a single Scadutree. I thought you were being funny, but looks like you were serious, I can't believe you are so cringe" 1: Good job for torturing yourself I guess? Again you are LITERALLY refusing to use intended game mechanics and then calling the game difficult, THIS IS ON YOU, imagine playing a fighting game and refusing to learn how to block, then complaining you can't get out of combos or attacks, this is NOT the fault of the game, but on YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If a boss can't be dodged and hits you wothout touching you and forces you to grab power ups around the map or summon things to get help, it is unfair." 1: Please tell me ONE attack that is not dodgeable or jumpable, Every single boss gives you a way out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If someone would like to say that the main game bosses are fair, I just have two words for you: Godskin Duo." 1: Sleep pots (INTENDED PERFECTLY USABLE GAME MECHANIC) 2: learning how to dodge properly 3: If you're literally so incapable of beating it just use a summon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The game is just tottally balanced like shit. The truth is that because of the spirit ashes they decided to make the bosses unfair, since with the ashes are too easy. The game is not balanced on playing single player or melee. You can cheese anything by just running around and slowly killing it, or use summoning, but on melee the bosses are garbage, random, with lag, and attacks that make no sense being unavoidable and impossible to predict. As I also said in the video, you are not rewarded anymore for fighting. You can only get Scadu Fragments, and you have to, because you can't avoid every attack, and the enemies have no good openings, so YOU HAVE TO take hits while you hit back the enemies, so you either have enough stats or you lose. On top of this saying people being serious with "git gud" is so cringe and pathetic, when they probably played the game at level 500 using spirit ashes and summons plus long range one shot spells." 1: The game is NOT balanced around spirit ashes, you can EASILY beat every boss without spirit ashes, 2: The game is very much so balanced towards melee and singleplayer, not only is there a lots of buffs/talismans ( USEABLE GAME MECHANICS ) but it's in my experience way better than mage, infact playing mage feels awful and not fun. 3: What in the fuck are these cheeses you're talking about? running around?????? what does that even mean, what does "slowly killing it" even imply? 4: What do you even mean by "random"? Random as in lore placement or random as in random attacks? Either way both would be incorrect. 5: Lag is the one valid critique here and I'm 100% sure it'll be fixed within a week 6: I've already talked about how nothing is "unavoidable and impossible to predict" 7: What do you mean you're not rewarded for fighting? You get souls, armor and weapons. What more do you want, a handjob? 8:"You can only get Scadu Fragments, and you have to" What is it with you and this hatred of playing the game properly?? God forbid you use very clearly intended game mechanics. 9:"because you can't avoid every attack, and the enemies have no good openings, so YOU HAVE TO take hits while you hit back the enemies, so you either have enough stats or you lose." LITERALLY JUST WRONG, no hit runs are possible, EVEN if they weren't this does not imply the game is unfair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Please use intended game mechanics, Leveling up is not "Easy mode". If it was, you could literally say anything is easy mode. "Oh you opened the inventory fucking easy mode bro" 2: LEARN TO DODGE, or alternatively LEARN TO PARRY 3: This isn't a "git gud" issue, you are just genuinely incapable of rational and critical thinking
@deadlyspud7399 29 күн бұрын
Git gud bro. Apart from its performance issues on some graphics cards, it's really not that bad. The duality of mankind when it comes to elden ring is ironic when they contemplated how easy the base game was and they review bombed the dlc because they refused to use summons and collect fragments to do more damage and take less damage, which resulted in them leaving themselves in a checkmate status complaining how hard the game is for them. Not even the bosses in the base game are that hard. The whole game gives you the option to use summons, bleed, ash of war, etc. But you refuse to use them because you set yourself the challenge of melee only. And that underlines the problem. I hardly use summons and the bosses in the base game are not that difficult. Both the base game and the dlc involved exploration to level up. Unlike dark souls where you are directed to kill bosses and enemies in order to level up, you can roam wherever to level up and fight if you feel under leveled. Just watch some guides, collect fragments and analyse move sets.
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
Bro you are so cringe. Play the whole game with a level 13 weapon and without any buffs like I did, then you can come back and talk.
@paxipher 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake what kind of graphics card do you have? And don't tell me a 4090, 4080, or 4070 because I know your ass can't afford that xdd
@deadlyspud7399 28 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake get some fragments if you want to do actual damage lmao. Quit complaining. If you hate a challenge, this game is definitely not for you. If it were supposed to be easy, they would not require you having to beat mohg and radahn before accessing the dlc. Why would they spend 2 years of development on a dlc that would be gone in just a breeze? That ruins the whole foundation of the game in the first place, to be difficult.
@KnowJake 28 күн бұрын
@@deadlyspud7399 you are illiterate bro
@KnowJake 28 күн бұрын
@@paxipher bro I can buy you and your entire family, anc I can also buy you a guide to get better at the game so that you don't need to play Elden Ring dlc at level 700 using summons
@yuv9603 29 күн бұрын
when you say margit has bad hitboxes or any boss in general do mention the attacks that you think is bad, this dlc is crushing but thats the whole point of the game, maybe get gud stop yapping about the most random bs. this game infuriates me too at some point especially bayle but im not here complaining, learn the boss use every advantage and you will win, but it is not meant to be easy it never has been. i like this dlc because it forces you to learn the movesets. you saying the base game is bad is one of the most delusional thing i have heard in this whole video.
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
So, you are saying the point of the game is having garbage hitboxes?
@yuv9603 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake no iam not saying that, the point of the game is to challenge the player and for the player to get gud not make bs excuses about hitboxes.
@paulistastars 29 күн бұрын
git gud
@artval5340 Ай бұрын
I dont find the game hard but the base was so trash i skipped the dlc completely
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
the dlc is super glitch and laggy, talking about bosses.
@paxipher Ай бұрын
I feel like you're ONLY saying the things you're saying, because you want to create waves and cause chaos and piss people off, not because you actually believe the things you're saying. Notice how every one of the comments practically are against what you are saying? You're saying Elden Ring is a terrible game and we're just NOW noticing? Surely that's why it won game of the year. Surely that's why it's one of the best selling games in history. Surely because it's highly renowned for being the best souls game in history. You can have opinions without saying something is garbage and terrible. There may be discrepancies about the game, but yours make no logical sense.
@beetlefan2000 29 күн бұрын
Yeah it’s rage bait
@paxipher 29 күн бұрын
@@beetlefan2000 basically. People can sniff this out quickly.
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
No bro, I just said the truth. Lag and garbage hitboxes and movesets are not good and make the game worst.
@nemesi8800 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake Lag can be fixed and probably will in the weeks to come. That doesn't make Elden Ring a terrible soulslike game, look at the previous dark souls game when they first game out, helloooo? the lag?? Garbage hitboxes? Haven't heard many people complain about that to be honest, it's not a game where you attack and attack and attack, it isn't mortal kombat. Movesets not good? Bro there's TONS of movesets with all different kinds of weapons, you can play the game how you want. The game is so dynamic with movesets. Anything else about the game you don't like then?
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
@@nemesi8800 Why all hitless low level runs have people running around for one hour in every boss fight? Because the bosses are alla unreliable. Go watch some good players being chads on Elden Ring. Or play the game again your self like I did, and maybe you will wake up and notice what is wrong. You can also just play the dlc without scadutree fragments nor buffs. Let's see what happens
@Str8DropElite Ай бұрын
bro you just suck... grown man saying a game someone else created is unfair. its unfair for you to take away someones creativity and tell them to dumb down something they created because your senses arent keen enough to conquer it! I guess you never played mike tysons punch out NOBODY i knew ever even got to the end of it and ppl love that game! IF YOU DONT LIKE THE GAME YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY IT.... go to the gym or something just dont cry, shit is weird
@moafishing5654 Ай бұрын
FromSoftware is trying to overwhelm themselves by creating even harder content. Lets make the game harder just because its cool and we are FS. Elden Ring is a good game but far from a masterpiece. There are already games out there outshining Elden Ring and other FS titles. From Software are becoming more and more the pioneers of tryharding in the souls genre. The only masterpiece from them is Sekiro. Everything else is just decent.
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
The game is just tottally balanced like shit. The truth is that because of the spirit ashes they decided to make the bosses unfair, since with the ashes are too easy. The game is not balanced on playing single player or melee. You can cheese anything by just running around and slowly killing it, or use summoning, but on melee the bosses are garbage, random, with lag, and attacks that make no sense being unavoidable and impossible to predict. As I also said in the video, you are not rewarded anymore for fighting. You can only get Scadu Fragments, and you have to, because you can't avoid every attack, and the enemies have no good openings, so YOU HAVE TO take hits while you hit back the enemies, so you either have enough stats or you lose. On top of this saying people being serious with "git gud" is so cringe and pathetic, when they probably played the game at level 500 using spirit ashes and summons plus long range one shot spells.
@RainStormHD 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJakegit gud
@111lead Ай бұрын
skill issue map isnt even fully unlocked
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
@@111lead ahaha not exploring and grabbing every scadutre fragment otherwise you get oneshotted if you are not OP is skill issue
@111lead Ай бұрын
@@KnowJake don’t play then
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
@@111lead Bro, I entered the dlc at level 113 without any good accessories nor a single spell, and I defeated Rellana without using a single Scadutree. I thought you were being funny, but looks like you were serious, I can't believe you are so cringe
@111lead Ай бұрын
@@KnowJake didn’t order a yappachino
@paxipher Ай бұрын
@111lead notice how practically every comment on here is disagreeing with uploader, and the two comments that are agreeing with him seem like he posted those comments himself? Huh weird xdd
@roryrubymace3749 Ай бұрын
Git gud brotha
@shippy1001 Ай бұрын
Just my own opinion here, might be wrong, but the bosses are not impossibly hard, I`ve beaten the DLC last night, and some bosses I chicken-out and used summons, and even with the summons I had a bit of hard time, but I enjoyed the DLC, and won`t turn a blind eye to the complaints because some are valid: 1 - They are immune to the majority of status effects, this is cheap and artificially increasing difficult by narrowing build choices, you can`t use poison, rot or madness, but bleed works just fine? bad design IMO. 2 - They have too much poise, all of them, Mallenia was "hard" unless you had a poise break build, it was a clear weakness, now all of these bosses have at least 1.5x more poise than every other boss in the base game. 3 - The camera fights you more than the bosses do, but that`s all Souls games. 4 - The "fragments" that supposedly makes you stronger (do more damage, receive less damage), doesn`t do anything, or at least not enough, I got 10 upgrades and was still getting 1-2 shotted by regular mobs, so 60 vigor means nothing, making the lvl progression meaningless, someone with 20 vigor have just as much chances to beat the boss than someone with 60. 5 - If you use a shield the game is a cake walk, I didn`t knew how strong a shield build could be in this DLC until I watch a tiktok video of someone beating every boss with it. 6 - Terrible performance on PC with higher end CPUs, not my case, but if your PC is 2020 and up, chances are you gonna have a hard time getting good performance with the DLC. 7 - The bosses being hyper aggressive narrows your build choices, like if you are a mage? good freaking luck bro, the bosses have different movesets to close the distance, and they are clearly easier if you are close to them, all bosses are like this, I think Fromsoft hated the one shot laserbeams people where using to defeat the bosses in the main game. 8 - Recycled bosses and dragons, I don`t like that this DLC is $40 and re-use the same bosses from the base game multiple times, it`s not like this was released 10 months after the game got released, it`s been 2+ years and cost $40, why being so lazy? 9 - The loot is kinda bad... Ngl I was excited after I defeated the Gaol Knight and got all his armor set and weapon, but there is like just a handful of bosses like this and most of the time you get a Smith Stone from hard-to-reach areas. 10 - Some NPC quests only progress if you call them to fight with you in some of Boss Arenas. 11 - No new ending to the base game? Meh, lazy...
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
@@shippy1001 thank you for sharing your experience, full of facts and analysis that are true about the dlc.
@waliss733 29 күн бұрын
LMAO, use crab and high physical resistance armor to strenghthen your physical resistance, take off any soreseals and pay attention to the bosses stats to know if you need better fire, magic, or holy resistance and you just wont get 2 hit. I have built characters that get 4-5 hit without scattertree frags, and the frags work but the further you go into the dlc the stronger the enemies get. each frag and other upgrade thingy increases stats by about 10% from my testing. yall need to do some building and less yapping
@paxipher Ай бұрын
Two words that many people have told me over my playthroughs which pissed me off but I eventually did it: those two words are Get Gud. xdd
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
@@paxipher I don't need to get good since I destroyed the base game without ever summoning anything and only fighting in melee 😁 From Software should get good at making bosses with good hitboxes and without lag.
@b-mill4306 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake git gud or grab the shit that makes you stronger. It's simple really
@paxipher 29 күн бұрын
@@b-mill4306 pretty much!
@itsamean5391 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake wow you "destroyed" the base game, well as you said yourself elden ring base game is the easiest souls like so congrats lmao 🤡git gud you hader
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
@@itsamean5391 no, if you are not op you can't do that, becasue all the bosses are garbage and not balanced around your abilities to avoid damage, but to overcome damage by having high defences when you are op
@ChrisMorrissey-wq7oq Ай бұрын
I am terrible at souls games but I'm nearly at the end of the dlc. There is a way to evade absolutely everything in the game, you have to be patient and learn. Bosses are not unfair, you just can treat all of them the same.
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
If a boss can't be dodged and hits you wothout touching you and forces you to grab power ups around the map or summon things to get help, it is unfair.
@cesarmaluco769 Ай бұрын
@@KnowJakethats literally fromsoftware’s design philosophy 😭😭 this is not your usual baby game, you are supposed to explore and use every tool given to you, you clearly have never played any of their other titles
@hownowbrown5111 Ай бұрын
@@cesarmaluco769jeez get a load of this KnowJake freak, more like not know Jake. I swear it’s always the foreign ones too
@THENIGESLATER 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake or maybe you are just bad
@ChrisMorrissey-wq7oq 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJake I think you are mistaking something being very difficult with being unfair.
@Lingerminator Ай бұрын
The game is perfect. And thats the problem with commentary and review. Its subjective head butting and means absolutely nothing. Yet many profit from that nothing meaning. They are called leeches.
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
The game is perfect: and yet all bosses are garbage, woth terrible hitboxes and random attacks that are unavoidable in some situations. Go play the game from the start without getting op, and see if you are able to even complete the game. Defeat Elder Beast without Torrent, without any buffs and with a +13 weapon at level 113 like I did, and then you will agree with me (and also every speedrunner and pro that know how bad the bosses are.
@moafishing5654 Ай бұрын
Nothing is perfect. Lol,. pathetic fanboi
@howard8410 29 күн бұрын
@@KnowJakeLevel your gear?
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
If someone would like to say that the main game bosses are fair, I just have two words for you: Godskin Duo.
@atomcatz 29 күн бұрын
sleep pot
@tastelesshumor8707 29 күн бұрын
One single bad boss. Whereas Godfrey, malenia, morgott, maliketh, radagon. All of these are incredible boss fights. I've gone through the game at low level and no spells or summons or items. I promise you it's just a skill issue.
@Mitchasauraus 29 күн бұрын
And we have 2 words for you.....Git Gud
@davikersulks9525 29 күн бұрын
you said ''bosses'' and only said one...
@KnowJake 29 күн бұрын
@@tastelesshumor8707 no, they are all garbage and broken, play them at low level and see if you can consistently dodge them
@bicepsking Ай бұрын
this guy looks like super mario
@lada8744 Ай бұрын
So true, glad to see someone calling out how bad the end of the game and how much it lets down the rest of the game. A lot of what made act 1 so good was excellent hyping and hinting at things that never happened in act 3.
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
I hated that didn't matter what you did, everyone got the same ending. This was not rewarding at all. And the story in it self... Way to cringe in the end.
@danielepesce337 2 ай бұрын
Grazie, una domanda: quanto tempo devo stare attaccato al pc per arrivare alla fine?
@KnowJake 2 ай бұрын
daniele non comprendo bene la domanda, scusami. Puoi uscire e rientrare nella partita quando vuoi. Se invece intendi quanto ci vuole a raggiungere il boss finale in ogni run, dipende dalla difficoltà, l'esperienza, il percorso. Potresti metterci meno di un'ora o tre ore (se non perdi prima)
@danielepesce337 2 ай бұрын
​@@KnowJake Grazie per la risposta.
@KnowJake 2 ай бұрын
Di niente! Se posso lo faccio volentieri! :D
@lelegira924 Ай бұрын
@@KnowJakeciao, ho comprato da poco il gioco con tutti i dlc inclusi, non capisco però quale percorso di gioco devo seguire ( quali aree fare) e quali fanno parte del dlc. In poche parole che “biomi” devo esplorare all’inizio
@KnowJake Ай бұрын
@@lelegira924 Ciao! I biomi che segui non hanno importanza, il gioco avanza solo se arrivi al boss finale e lo batti sbloccando le nuove difficoltà. Se invece vuoi dei percorsi ideali per principianti magari cerca delle guide più specifiche! Alcuni sono decisamente più semplici di altri anche se potrebbero darti meno ricompense
@robertaobeng7106 2 ай бұрын
Secondo voi a chi devo assegnare Belias lo stregone?
@MonkeyJayce 2 ай бұрын
Nice! But why are you moaning?
@LostArkDPS 2 ай бұрын
dude !
@carpetburns1222 2 ай бұрын
am I high which one was S tier