@ratmayo 23 сағат бұрын
I find it interesting that you spent a half an hour talking about the issues of the 2-heart event (which are valid issues that needed to be addressed) but at 1:12:00 you do a stereotypical southern accent for pam. You are inadvertently insinuating that people who live in trailers are all white-trash southerners even when it is known by you that the setting of the game is based off the Pacific Northwest.
@wiltedrose6699 23 сағат бұрын
I grew up living in a trailer, and I also grew up in the South. Ironically enough I am also currently living in the PNW (moved here 6 years ago for work) and you would be surprised how many people out here do indeed have a southern accent! Ignoring all of the other wonderful points and discussion that Fiona brings up and speaks about and treats with respect to bring this point up feels really disrespectful. I bring this up because I would like to point out that Fiona never said that Pam was white-trash - that's something you added in. On top of that, Pam has voicelines that specifically hint at her having a Southern type accent. When you give her a loved gift - “Well, I'll be darned... I never expected to get a gift like this. You made my day, kid!” When you give her a disliked gift - “This just ain't my thing.” When you talk with her on a rainy day - “Howdy, kid. Stayin' dry?” I would also like to point out that trying to compare an accent to a severe issue that the disabled community are continuously dealing with is messed up. Doubly so when you take a look at the fact that Fiona didn't give Penny this accent because Penny's voicelines don't really have the same indication of a Southern accent like Pam does...
@ratmayo 22 сағат бұрын
@@wiltedrose6699 Thanks for your input but I'd like to point out that pam's voice lines definitely does not "specifically hint at her having a Southern type accent" lol lot's of people from the West and Midwest talk like that as well (I've lived all across the US so I should know). I am not comparing the ableist scene directly to the accent. I am comparing the differences in which these moral issues are treated in this video. I am just pointing out the fact that using a southern accent to depict pam's character was unnecessary and targeted. It would be the same if she used a "hood" accent when reading Maru's or Demetrius' voice lines. its wrong to assume and portray character's backgrounds when they are unknown.
@fionasangster 5 сағат бұрын
hi!! i’m sorry to have caused offence, you’re not the first person to have commented this. because she says “aint” in the line that i read i associated that with a southern accent - being from the uk I don’t have a good understanding of the different accents across the US so as you pointed out it was a stereotypical accent. i didn’t know that other regions of the US also can talk this way. i didn’t really think it through since i didn’t do all of her voice lines that way, i really did just think “huh she says ain’t. must be southern”. i wasn’t trying to insult or make judgements about people from the south or people who live in trailers - im truly sorry if it came across that way!! i understand it would be jarring in the middle of an admittedly pretty moral high ground-y video lol. i’ll keep it in mind in future :)
@emmacarmichael706 Күн бұрын
Listening while doing hw lmao. An analysis of an article reviewing the move "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
@birdsrneat Күн бұрын
@dionis685 Күн бұрын
KZbin recommended me your channel, and this video specifically, and I couldn't have been more grateful! You make such nuanced, empathetic, and complex points that they make rediscover why I love stories (and video game ones, in particular) so much. Will binge the rest of your channel immediately after finishing this essay!!! 😤
@fionasangster Күн бұрын
omg what a lovely thing to say, thank you so much ❤️
@kzenias 2 күн бұрын
Small town doctors kind of have to do it all
@bestlaidplans2024 2 күн бұрын
I think maybe Leah wrote the older bachelor note when she first arrived in Pelican Town, as she was scoping out the singles scene
@coralanderson9771 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been binging all your videos for the last few weeks and I’m so sad I have to wait in real time now 😭 I love your content so much
@fionasangster Күн бұрын
aw thank you! the sebastian vid is coming together i promise, just bought some fingerless gloves and everything
@bestlaidplans2024 2 күн бұрын
Would definitely love a video series on the Dream Daddies 😅
@bestlaidplans2024 2 күн бұрын
I think Kent is also a reference, to Guile from Street Fighter. Also a blonde soldier with hair that stands up. ALSO, Jodi is a name that often gets used by soldiers and people in jail for 'the guy stealing your girl while you're away'. Made me wonder what's going on in their marriage, if CA was also aware of that reference while naming the characters.
@daelynmcgee594 3 күн бұрын
I also picked decorate and reset my day 😭
@ACertainMonth 3 күн бұрын
What if Abigail isn’t actually dyeing her hair? What if she just woke up one day with the purple hair and dyed it to match her normal hair before her mum found out? And then lied that she dyed it purple once she got older??!!! 🤯
@mmmkayyyworm 3 күн бұрын
I don't think I've ever made "eye contact" with someone for so long! Love these videos!
@beepskeep7040 4 күн бұрын
My boyfriends name is Sam
@mamahaas3940 4 күн бұрын
I absolutely love all of your deep dives, Fiona. They are so well constructed and thought out! My personal conspiracy theory about Abigail and her hair is that maybe she was born with chestnut-brown hair after her grandmother.... But then as she got older, started looking into the occult, and got involved with witchcraft... Her hair went from her "nonmagical human" color to the iconic purple we know and love. Think about it! The only other people who have "unnatural" hair colors are Abigail... Her mom, who runs the services to praise and worship Yoba... And Emily, who does that weird dance that causes her to levitate and trip Tropical balls (tm).
@belseygell9258 4 күн бұрын
1:37:44 "You're not a Sebastian stan." Missed opportunity to include a picture of actor Sebastian Stan. XD
@cameronhector9074 4 күн бұрын
Okay so I don't have your expertise in game design or your experience being queer (I'm Generic Cishet White Guy #439124), so take the following with a mountain of salt, but I always interpreted the Kel-gender thing as a way of representing that Leah was canonically interested in other people of your gender before you, and that when it comes to comparing the ex with the new partner, you can compare them in terms of their character and not draw some problematic conclusions. I also think (from the experiences of the different predominantly bi women I've dated) that setting Kel as default female plays into a trope that bi women's queerness is only valid if they're dating another woman or enby. It's bi erasure, but from the opposite angle to the usual "it's just a phase for straight women" line. ConcernedApe could have set Kel to be the opposite gender to whatever the Player picks, but this would potentially open up other issues of Leah "just needing to find the right man" to cure her queerness OR "just needed to have a gay experience to know she was lesbian". I have absolutely no idea what the optimal solution is here, and I'd love to know your thoughts on how valid any of my interpretations are! Bloody love these deep dives though, love from Bristol <3
@Missadgreene 4 күн бұрын
But I would describe Gus as a plus sized character, too, and he's one of my favorites.
@fionasangster 4 күн бұрын
oh that’s true. i guess i was thinking of the romanceables but i don’t think i said that out loud rip love u gus
@kzenias 5 күн бұрын
Id love for you to revisit Abigails 14 heart scene after your new found perspective with krobus the shadow guy
@kzenias 5 күн бұрын
21:10 the blank is not really meant to be filled in with a certain word/label. Like you said, she is implying she is whatever you identify as. I would however share another perspective: being vague about labels is a pretty common element in female homosexual relationship. Sometimes the omission is the best confirmation. When a girl says "you're *lifts eye brow*. Me, too." There are no words. It is non verbal. We just know. It is part of our culture
@Sal-wt3yd 5 күн бұрын
Fiona please the Sebastian video please please please please I'm going insane I am so excited for it
@fionasangster 5 күн бұрын
hahahaha i’m working on it!! still scripting so will be a little while but my husband said he would help me with editing 🫡
@Sal-wt3yd 4 күн бұрын
@@fionasangster this has brought my mind to ease thank you
@kzenias 5 күн бұрын
22:30 i will forever side with robin on the tomato scene and the bed/sleep receptacle scene. I worked as a botany researcher in university and i know better that, normal people, as in literally most of the world, know that when you speak of culinary terms when you go and buy fresh produce. Tomato is a botanical fruit, sure, then so are peppers, squashes, and even eggplants! Sure, my lab joke about tomatoes being a fruit but anyone who genuinely thinks tomatos and apples as equivalent are either snarky little smart alecs or really out of touch with the rest of the world. Do we really have to pick on robin for saying "normal people"? You know very well what she means
@timfreborg8759 6 күн бұрын
Why isnt Morris a candidate for rock throwing? Clearing out the "homeless" to aid gentrification is 100% the Joja way.
@jadefyrexiii 6 күн бұрын
If the witch went around cursing everything... is she part of the reason things are so broken, maybe? Hmm...
@belseygell9258 6 күн бұрын
33:05 it's even better. he's dressed like the governor from the luau scene (at least, it looks that way to me). lewis wants to be the governor really badly, apparently. XD
@kzenias 6 күн бұрын
44:30 the term tunnel vision used here regarding Alex's grid all dream is funny because he wants to play for the Zuzu City Tunnelers. He has tunnel vision indeed
@kzenias 6 күн бұрын
1:54:15 there are many reasons for bending knees instead of back: back pain. Neck pain, not wanting to mess up his hair, I'm guilty for all of those reasons every once in a while
@kzenias 6 күн бұрын
1:25:10 hello, amateur bluegrass player here(and adhd musician who has too many instruments but not enough hands to play them) Bluegrass music is a subgenre of country music, closer to folk music, but very different as to the point you cannot substitute them via definition. Banjo and mandolin are the signature sounds of the Bluegrass genre. The sinature banjo sound is non negotiable when a videogamr composer is trying to define the sound of a band via synthesizer. It would have been nice if we saw the animation/instruments of the 8heart scene vary based on genre but that'd be really a lot of work on top of the different arrangements. Here's a fun ish fact. The Bluegrass song is composed in the Key of F. Which is the most un-ideal key to play on a banjo, which the natural key is in G. It's like asking a piano player to play in b flat. It's the musical equivalent of having a grain of sand in your shoe, annoying 😅 Also your husband is 100% right about amps making a regular guitar sound bass-y
@pinkmuffin9842 6 күн бұрын
One thing annoys me: Demetrius is not innoccent. We see far too little of their marriage and you imply that robin behaves bad when we aren't watching and demetrius behaves well. Maybe Robin has discovered that communicating her needs doesn't help. Maybe she has given up and just bares with him? I am just confused why they are still together. Demetrius is clearly misunderstood and robin lacks the ressources to understand him. But why should Robin (or we) assume that his "dumb" questions are him being vulnerable? Maybe he just is a self-righteous know it all? You act as if he doesn't have it in him to talk but he gets his point across about us dating maru. I think it is unfair to put the blame on any of the two, they just need a therapist or something
@annsh.6487 6 күн бұрын
Damn, how come the thumbnail for this video changes every time I come across your channel these days lol
@fionasangster 6 күн бұрын
lolll sorry video isn’t performing too good so i keep fiddling 😭
@gemstonejasper17 6 күн бұрын
Fiona: maybe you're folding laundry. Maybe you're working... Me: maybe I'm playing Stardew with this in the background😅
@hopelessnihilist1425 7 күн бұрын
What if the patient's life that Harvey is referring to is your grandpa's death, & it weighs on him & makes him anxious about the other townspeople Edit: Should have let you finish your thought 😅
@amandaalencar9763 7 күн бұрын
25C is SUPER COLD where I live... A hot day here is like 41C... 25C tempeture is like a cold dream for us 😂😂
@angelbarrie-shaw4091 7 күн бұрын
Forever the best option.
@hopelessnihilist1425 7 күн бұрын
PS. I play a co-op game with a friend & while we were on call i wandered past maru and said something negative, & my friend says "wait, what's wrong with maru?" & I responded "nothing i guess, i just dont like her dad." (The first time i ever played i wamted to romance her & i got her 2nd heart scene & stopped because i was so put off by Dimitrius) BUT this retrospective has completely shifted my perception of him, and has even made me feel a little (a lot) guilty for even harboring negative feelings towards her on behalf of my dislike of her dad.. (who gave me the ick because of my own daddy issues LMAOO) so thank you! I originally liked her because shes cute, nerdy & extrovertedish, which i related to. Im gonna give maru a shot in one of my playthroughs. Do you think she would approve or disapprove of the joja route?? Lmao
@hopelessnihilist1425 8 күн бұрын
I always perceived maru's sprite portrait as having small dreadlocks, am i the only one?
@Robert-iu2ou 8 күн бұрын
@highesthoe6147 8 күн бұрын
Shane please
@sarastudies2657 8 күн бұрын
I think if the player is a woman, Alex's apology for being rude is a bit more warranted due to some of his sexist comments (playing catch with a girl, being a bit sleazy initially, and some other commenters mentioned the salad thing tho i haven't seen that in my playthrough yet)
@sarastudies2657 8 күн бұрын
I'm going to save the rest of the video in case i want to experience the other heart events in the game but just have to commend you for your analysis! Alex is a character that i found difficult to like and empathise with but you explain him and humanise him so well that i really have started to feel for the guy and think about my own theories on his inner life and his relationships with people around him. So excited to see the rest of the series!
@prynxeofdarkness 8 күн бұрын
we love our golden retriever boy
@Turambar88 8 күн бұрын
Penny is also the only one who loves poppies. Everyone else hates them.
@JamieJachimowicz 9 күн бұрын
I married Maru the first time I played and I have every time since lol. I was so shocked to find out that she was the least married! also, if you ever did a video just about narrative design i would absolutely watch it!!!
@pumpkinpartysystem 9 күн бұрын
Setting myself rewards doesn't help all that much for me. I know there's nothing actually stopping me, so nothing is actually stopping me and they don't do much. I either just go for the reward early, or don't bother doing the thing at all since the reward isn't even a motivator since I know it's all artificial. I kinda like some vegetables, but for me food in general doesn't "spark joy". it never feels all that good to eat because food is literally a death threat. if i dont eat, ill starve and die. thats not a very healthy environment for being able to enjoy something. for me, food is kinda just a way to survive, and food i like just makes the brief process of consumption more tolerable.
@ilovemusic1529 9 күн бұрын
when you're in medical or nursing school they teach something called threptic communication where they teach you how to say things are shit without it coming off as "yeah just give up"
@brightenthemoon 9 күн бұрын
Something I just noticed today about what you said about her kinda being a third wheel to Sam and Seb is that on one of Sams secret notes about his holiday shopping list she's not on it 😢
@bishrizz 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for making these videos I love seeing them while I play Stardew valley. It helps get a deeper understanding of the characters 😊
@maroalesgles9876 10 күн бұрын
I play on my switch in Spanish and they still use the old dialogue option in the 2 hearts event 😭😭
@lauren11222 10 күн бұрын
24:49 Bro . why did i see this just as my grandfather got diagnosed with cancer :(
@sweetpotao8666 10 күн бұрын
Unrelated to the super awesome deep dive into Leah, BUT I don’t think the material is the problem with your bandana! I made a two granny stitch bandannas , one out of cotton and one out of acrylic, and they both were a bit stiff and didn’t sit right. I’d try blocking it to make it sit better! (granted I only did this to my acrylic one and was impatient, so it didn’t help as much but it certainly did help!) I did this for a shawl I made and it made it flow and sit a ton better. It’s a bit of a waiting game but the actual set up isn’t to complicated and there’s helpful tutorials videos and articals about it! ps. Your headscarf if very cute I might totally use that pattern you linked