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Residency Interview Week | CARMS
What is Integrative Medicine?
@lventer165 17 сағат бұрын
So no veg ?
@globalwarninguk Күн бұрын
Great discussion. However, nature is made by God, He created all things, evolution is a lie. God gave us all things to eat, from meat to veg. Man has certainly messed around with the food we eat. The scripture says "the love of money is the route of all kinds of evil"
@whitefeinberg2081 2 күн бұрын
😂😂 35 inc=88cm and 40inc=101 cm 😮😮😮
@fabioriato 3 күн бұрын
Essentially, I started carnivore to resolve my gut issues. I had many problems with bloating, gas, and hemorrhoids. While I'm still in adaptation phase, I felt better already in the first week.
@gypsyeclipse9788 5 күн бұрын
Meat has blood which has natural salts in it if it's an animal kill but when we grt it from the store it doesn't have the natural blood so salt might be replacing the cell salts of the blood?
@josephmarcello7481 8 күн бұрын
Oh brilliant one, Your dubious inspiration to start your broadcast off with a series of spot questions is fatally flawed, as it puts the whole proceeding on a very mechanical basis and also places you clearly in the controller's seat which also casts you in a very narcissistic light. Just have the balls to have a normal conversation with your guest, respectful, interactive, without any of this hierarchical posing. It will be much more natural affair. Right now, you are suffering from an overdose of pretentiousness
@Anh-Cali 10 күн бұрын
At 2:03 talking about salt. My husband been eating carnivore for six weeks and very salty steaks i believe too salty he got kidney stones for first time in his life. Anyone got this too on salty steaks??? He’s been on carnivore.
@RebecaCazares-cn6ho 18 күн бұрын
Keep in mind... plants make the protein units. The protein is balanced and perfect. Animals cannot manufacture protein. Their protein is incomplete. The Animal Kingdom depends on the Plant Kingdom for protein.
@magdalenaskalska1803 18 күн бұрын
Has she ever heard the word "microbiome"?
@itsvonnieb 22 күн бұрын
Very informative. Thank you.
@kinleydorji 22 күн бұрын
❤ This is the most information dense Q&A with Anthony Chaffee that I have seen. Extremely well prepared and conducted, making this the best resource for me for picking the mind of this outstanding human being. Thank you, Thiago, and this makes you worthy of my humble subscription!
@SunilKumar-tj8rp 24 күн бұрын
Please don't get influenced no body knows anything about your body. You know your body best. This about diets is so stupid just remove ultra processed food everything else. Fibre is for your microbiome. There are people who I know have improved with it, there are who haven't. We are all biased. Be smart and do what is good for you. Don't listen to anybody.
@AmLih-wv2rz 25 күн бұрын
why this lady never ever speaks with Dr Will Bulsiewicz....
@thalesnemo2841 19 күн бұрын
Doctor B is a flaming VEGAN ! Laughable “doctor” just as Doctor Twiggy!
@ClareBoyd-f8c 25 күн бұрын
Garcia Brenda Martin Barbara Taylor Donald
@beardumaw24 25 күн бұрын
Mushrooms ? Give me steak and eggs ! Maybe mushrooms on the side.
@beardumaw24 25 күн бұрын
Have to get the anti meat 7th day Adventist out of power positions their in in the FDA and other government agencies where they have a say in our food guide lines!
@beardumaw24 25 күн бұрын
Vegetarian diet is so much more destructive to the environment than cattle meat could ever be. As a Nutral Resources specialist and growing up on a Ranch i have seen how cattle produce some of the most fertile soil in the world ! And how mass agriculture to support the vegan/vegetarian diet is destroying out soil, water and air by all the massive amounts of pesticides and fertilizers used in mass agriculture. Agriculture also uses massive amounts of water for irrigation that is tainted with the pesticides and fertilizers and all the pollution used by equipment to prossessed all that agricultural grains, oats, soy, veggies ! Most corn grows is used for vegetable oil and ethanol. Facts !
@anthonychaffeemd 25 күн бұрын
Thank you again for having me on your channel! It was great to meet you and speak with you, I hope it was helpful for your viewers!
@ItsMe-wm4mc 24 күн бұрын
Nice to see you check back in a year later!
@anthonychaffeemd 24 күн бұрын
@@ItsMe-wm4mc No worries! Hope you're doing well!
@rockyfehrgaming1829 25 күн бұрын
Me, I felt a lot better without salt
@ganeshjaguva9101 26 күн бұрын
How can these guys be so so so stupid. The diet which works for me may not work for others . Reality that each body is unique is the most important observation to be made and addressed. . God help us from these educated quacks. It is like giving a pregnant lady whose water is broken , some tablets to cure pain.
@vibrevtonez2421 29 күн бұрын
Love what Zoe has to say, but she says that the only food with all 3 macronutrients is nuts, but dairy also has lactose which means it has all 3 aswell.
@billyquaide1902 Ай бұрын
In a world full of corruption, this wonderful tribe Zoe belongs to is heavenly.😇The curtains hiding massive systemic corruption are falling all around the globe exposing decades of deep corruption faster than ever in history. All because of truth seekers like Zoe.
@Whatt787 Ай бұрын
Stay AWAY from Pork, Fried Foods(especially French Fries and Potato Chips)Sugared Sodas, Pizza and Ice Cream, and eat more fruit, especially berries, vegetables and Peanut Butter
@trinade3732 Ай бұрын
You are so wrong on so many levels here. FIRST broccoli was cultivated ( breed from other crucifrous vegetables) over 2000 years ago by Italian Farmers in the mediterranean area in the Roman Empire. They boiled it in wine and oil or cream sauce and wine and even served it at banquets to help absorb the alcohol. Then it spread in 1600 to England 1700 Thomas Jefferson and avid Gardner 1920 to the US You don't need to eat 6 cups in one setting. don't know where you heard that.?? None the less, you can sit down and eat 2 lb of rib-eye in one setting, now that's NOT NATURAL. SECOND you should not talk on a subject you don't know, like God. You don't know Genesis??? you know, In the beginning??? Read Genesis 1:28 Man was to rule over and care for fish, birds and living creatures. Then in v29 God said I give you EVERY SEED BEARING PLANT on the face of the whole Earth and every TREE THAT HAS FRUIT with a seed in it. They will be YOURS FOR FOOD. Everything that has the breath of life in it, I give EVERY GREEN PLANT FOR FOOD. And YET Genesis 1:24 When God created all ANIMALS, LIVESTOCK and CREATURES along the ground God said it was good. Notice He DIDN'T SAY it was for food. You can eat whatever you want, you don't have to eat broccoli However don't dare tell us, the audience, that it hasn't been around long, we just made it up from thinner and it is slowly kill us. I have been eating brussels sprouts, kale, swiss charts, Asparagus and sometimes cabbage for over 50 years. No colds, no flu's, and no covid nor jabs. The key, as with all aspects of life, is moderation and balanced. I would never eat 6 cups of anything nor would I eat 2 lb of meat in one setting.
@trinade3732 Ай бұрын
So this diet is for WEALTHY, workaholics, body builders and athletes. So, .000001%. 2 pounds of meat at at 1 setting, ridiculous. Rib-eye? I can't even buy 2 lbs of rib-eye once a year let alone 2 pounds in 1 day. Even cheaper fatty beef steaks are too expensive these days. I can't even imagine eating ground beef every day how boring. And what in the world are these carnivores going to do when they can't get their meat! Bill Gates and other ELITES are buying up all the farmland.. They're making fake meat and air butter and Petri dishes. I guess they can eat bugs like their ancestors they keep talking about. That's what our government is promoting now.
@anthonychaffeemd 25 күн бұрын
You don't just have to eat steak, or ground beef. Pork, chicken, and eggs are extremely affordable and nutritious. You don't have to only eat meat, although that is best, and you just eat whatever meat you enjoy, makes you feel the best, and that you can afford. Because you get rid of all the snacks and coffees etc, not to mention alcohol, people end up saving a ton of money on this way of eating. In fact, if you look at how much produce costs per pound, steak cost less than spinach per pound in many cases. So you actually save a ton and get perfect nutrition as a result. And the simple fact that the elites and governments are trying to eliminate meat and restrict it to only the elites tells you everything you need to know, that this is the most nutritious and beneficial way of eating, and that we need to fight to the nail to keep it around. Good luck with whatever you decide!
@frankfromupstateny3796 Ай бұрын
Learning how the United States "Food Pyramid" is utterly wrong.. is the first thing new med students and all prof health students MUST learn. Learning how this "Pyramid was established, and from whom in our recent history"...will change the trajectory of world-wide medicine. A new paradym takes a minimum of 20 years to change.. were only at 10 years now.....people are mocking the Keto-Carnivore diet for health ten more years...this topic will be well-accepted and perceived as OBVIOUS. ❤❤
@frankfromupstateny3796 Ай бұрын
Imagine...if "suddenly",...all of these students had to study "case-studies on keto-carnivore" as related to anthropology, man's history with meat, hunting, true health anecdotal studies, etc!! Then...have 500 anecdotal testimonies from carnivore/keto-carnivore candidates...with concomitant "blood profile studies...before and after" six months of carnivore!! This would changes medicine forever. People would become healthy.
@frankfromupstateny3796 Ай бұрын've been "red-pilled" now by some of the best "Carnivore teachers". If you get through medical schools,. .which is difficult for anyone...remember...youre part now of the "knowledge base for TRUE-HEALTH...not being a pill pusher".
@frankfromupstateny3796 Ай бұрын
Why bother going to med school...if nothing changes in thought, beliefs, with big pharma controlling everything, etc? If functional medicine doesn't grow quickly....our "species, literally dies". Why? If we stop "procreating"/making babies.. what happens to world-populations? Simple...not enough people to pay taxes...for world-governments to order to pay for societies needs or perceived needs - like "Wars". So governments.. .making people eat "carnivore", is in your presumptuous best interests!! ❤❤ Better start by keeping smalk farms...healthy animal husbandry... keep carnivores...keep sexual health.. or...we perish as a species. Billionaires can lives in "mountain sides,. with their' machines to takes care of no one will be around to further exploit!! How's that.. for logic😮😮😮
@frankfromupstateny3796 Ай бұрын
Whether its "goldfish" junk food carbs, or breading, or gummy bears, donuts etc,...its all junk and garbage. If God didn't make it...don't eat it". Really that simple. 😮😮
@thomasdupree2762 Ай бұрын
@cameraduong9886 Ай бұрын
I never listen to who ever I just listen to my body, seen I switched to vegan ,I feel great and never go back , I'm 5-6 inches I weight 140 pounds shredded, I do 1000 push up a day , 100 pull up , my leg press around 450 ,i punchling bag more than 300 pound , , i do calisthenics and traing everyday ,i wanna live healthy and young , meat it ain't good for you doctor
@anthonychaffeemd 25 күн бұрын
If you are interested in how your body feels, then try carnivore for 30 days. It will change your life in ways you didn't think possible. You think you feel good now? Just wait until you only eat fatty meat for a month, you'll feel like a superhero. Good luck with whatever you decide!
@sandramace648 Ай бұрын
Fibre does nothing to me but more constipation I just don't need it
@jackiemansfield8325 Ай бұрын
Thiago sounds very hesitant
@myroztoprozanski5824 Ай бұрын
What kinda meat did you use standard meat or special meat?
@anthonychaffeemd 25 күн бұрын
Any meat that you enjoy, makes you feel the best, and that you can afford, as long as it has enough that. You can add grass-fed butter to up the fat if the meat you are getting is too lean.
@nonobebert7646 Ай бұрын
Who can afford eating that amount of meat everyday ?
@thiagolusvarghimd Ай бұрын
That's what I wonder often, haha. Not affordable for everyone. The more affordable way would be to by half a cow and put the meat in the freezer. When you buy bulk, it becomes cheaper.
@lnsuvasquez2466 Ай бұрын
Not all people don't come back. Often I look around. Went to a couple meat shops just recently. I went back to one bought what I said. Won't go back to the other except to check for sales the mark up was too high. It took my 3 months and learning before I bought my first peptides. Most people won't come back but some really do need to think things over. I can't stay in budget by impulse buying.
@christopherpetersen8344 Ай бұрын
Acts 27:34 Wherefore I pray you to take some meat: for this is for your health: for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you.
@thiagolusvarghimd Ай бұрын
Link to full podcast:
@farmer_donny Ай бұрын
I think the final point Zoe made in this interview is the most important. People ought to educated to know what may be harmful and what may be healthful. They can then make their own informed choices as to what they wish to consume knowing the possible/probable consequences.
@MrUncleBob Ай бұрын
I’m curious how Chaffee’s professor, who doesn’t eat plants, is doing health-wise now that he’s older. Could you please update us, Dr. Chaffee?
@leslieaharden6183 Ай бұрын
Great. Love hearing Dr. Chaffee's interesting conversations.
@youtubee432 Ай бұрын
I fuggin love steak and coca cola for breakfast
@paulcarlson4230 Ай бұрын
Not more meat just less of the bad things, excercise
@rickzalewski2728 Ай бұрын
God created us to thrive physically, and spiritually as long as we align ourselves with nature and him. We call them miracles, but that’s just a sign of Gods work. You treated me at RVH for a broken clavicle in June. Within 4 weeks I was back on my bike and running. No miracles, just aligning and trusting God. Eat a human appropriate diet, be in the sun, ground your feet, sleep and be active. God bless.
@thiagolusvarghimd Ай бұрын
I remember you! Such a cool moment to be recognized and meet someone who has been a long time carnivore. I'm not surprised you healed so fast. Great to hear. Feel free to message me on instagram or via email. Has carnivore reversed any conditions for you or has it just enhanced your performance? What do you eat on a daily basis?
@rickzalewski2728 Ай бұрын
I used to get rosacea on my face and stiff joints, especially ankles in the morning. Used to take me 5-10 minutes to start walking normally. This started in my early 40's. I'm in my 50's now with zero issues. 90% of my diet is ground beef with 4 eggs and cheese in the morning. Kefir midday snack and burger patties or steak for dinner. Sometimes I'll have pickles or sauerkraut with dinner. I will have a little fruit in season. Zero seed oils and very little carbs. I'd love to share more information if you're interested. However, other than KZbin and email i have no other social media. More social, less media. 😊
@thiagolusvarghimd Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, like, comment, and share this video with someone you know! It will help the channel grow! :) The Wahls Protocol: My Amazon affiliate link: Grass-fed protein: Are you interested in staying up to date with the podcast or my career? Feel free to sign up to my newsletter: Instagram -
@katiehammond7845 Ай бұрын
2 thoughts. God cursed the ground, so I wonder if everything in it is tainted?Second the bible talks about wheat being puffed up which is known as pride and sin. I wonder if the only healthy form of bread was ancient unleavened?
@Gunthernow Ай бұрын
Good interview. Now imagine that you win 5 dollars EVERY time Dr. Ovadia says, "You know."
@hectorrazo8110 Ай бұрын
Wat wud be good for a person with diabetes or insulin resistance... ? I have a friend who wud benefit from this with guidance
@anthonychaffeemd 25 күн бұрын
Hi fat meat-based ketogenic diets have been in clinically proven in large human trials to reverse insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in humans. A carnivore diet is a high fat ketogenic diet, and it has the same effect. I have reverse every single case of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance that has come into my office. Your friend will do great on this.
@hectorrazo8110 19 күн бұрын
@anthonychaffeemd Thank you. What shud he follow? Just a ketogenic diet ? Of course high fat...
@Capt.Tony00 Ай бұрын
After listening to her it is terrifying to think that our leadership actually knows the truth and with this climate change agenda they are actually trying to genocide humans from the planet or at least that is going to be the result and they are still pushing it on society. It’s anti-humanism.