#17 - Interview with Charles Hayden
@douglindberg1547 6 күн бұрын
cnbc watch it and lose.
@douglindberg1547 6 күн бұрын
These people didn't hear a word Warren said,, clueless!!!
@knobfieldfox 14 күн бұрын
Treasury bonds are analogous to a savings account paying interest. Nobody complains about the banks having billions of dollars of debt to some of their customers, because their other clients are indebted to them. However, the analogy falls over if your conflate loan repayment interest with taxation. Private banks only have a licence to print money for lending, and not for paying interest out to their customers who deposit money with them. In contrast, the government has limitless overdraft with the Federal Reserve in the USA, or the Bank of England in the UK. This overdraft facility the government has is constantly moving up and down with the ebbs and flows spending and taxation. Mosler says the true purpose of taxation which people aren’t aware of isn’t to pay off that overdraft, but to control inflation by adjusting the money supply in the economy. And one final world: the government never has to pay back its overdraft because it effectively owns the central bank anyway.
@Rob-fx2dw 14 күн бұрын
Absolutely wrong. You don't know what a pure financial asset such as treasury bond is. Treasury bonds are Not a savings account at the Treasury. They are bonds that are backed by debt but it not in the end government debt. There is also no such thing as treasury bonds that are backed by debt of government because they are only pure financial assets that are backed by debts of the taxpayer. The treasury does not back bonds by anything other than the debt that it passes onto taxpayers who fund the payout and the interest because government does Not pay for anything but ultimately charges the taxpayer for what it spends. If the treasury could create financial assets without a debt it could create wealth without debt which is complete impossibility and never been done anywhere just as a privately created financial asset without debt could be created with is another thing that has never been done.
@cathleenwoodul8836 27 күн бұрын
Looney tunes
@thomasd2444 29 күн бұрын
20:24 - 21:33 -
@flankspeed Ай бұрын
Corporations are basically legalised sociopathy.
@flankspeed Ай бұрын
Spot on.
@pauldandurandboots Ай бұрын
I asked Warren Mosler this question after listening to this episode: "If the Fed suddenly decided to increase interest rates overnight from, say 5% to 15% in one jump. Would this kind of shock cause a recession or would you maintain that the huge interest payments to quickly balance out the negatives, continuing economic expansion?" His reply was: "I'd say expansion, but yes, could be a short term setback." I replied back with: "I was thinking the same with an initial setback. But once that shock is settled, and if the Fed maintains the high interest rates, the new spend in interest payments start to be felt which would restart the economy." He replied with a thumbs up. So, it looks like Warren does agree there would be a short term setback. I guess if the interest rate jump was severe enough, it could lead to a recession, but with today's Debt to GDP ratio at 124%, a maintained high interest rate of 15% or more could quickly turn it around into an expansion with such high interest payments. Keep in mind that the 1979 to 1984 Volcker hikes were facing a Debt to GDP ratio at between 31% and 34%. Today, we're 300% higher with 124%, so that's a big difference.
@MC-oo4pk Ай бұрын
David is a classic academic. Even though he's spent time in the private sector he brings no data and just speaks about narrative.
@MichaeldeSousaCruz Ай бұрын
David: “… naïve…. naïve … naïve… naïve…” MMT: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
@MichaeldeSousaCruz Ай бұрын
24:20 “late 19th century, a period of rapid economic growth, the Westward expansion” yes, it was funded by U.S. Government spending. Cowboys, post offices, military bases, etc. all government investment 🤷‍♂️
@ronaldvormwald1172 2 ай бұрын
I'm a trader and an mmt er. I follow Dr Steven Keene who also takes a physics system dynamic approach to debunking economics. This cast really hit a similar mark. I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to following you. Many thanks.
@AppliedMMT Ай бұрын
Thanks for listening. Douglas from our team recently went on Steve Keen's show: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j6jbi3qdlrqnaNE
@teevee2145 2 ай бұрын
Varney sucks
@dannywindham3295 2 ай бұрын
Great show guys. Could you guys do a show on social security?The republicans are foaming at the mouth again to cut it, Again, great show guys, thank you.
@bulentosmane 2 ай бұрын
A decent conversation thank you.
@MC-oo4pk 3 ай бұрын
Listened at 1.5x. Great episode
@seanmoore19 3 ай бұрын
If it’s done and being viewed in Australia, then why can’t we see it in the US? It’s counter to the notion that this is as important as it is, the solution to the problem that plagues the world can’t be behind a paywall or the solution will never be available to the masses and thus this doc was never about getting the word out to the world (actually making a change) its about some individuals making a profit and patting themselves on the back.
@seanmoore19 3 ай бұрын
I’m happy this doc is finally coming out. I am worried it took way too long and now that it has come to fruition I’m still even more worried the way it’s being released. I understand the need to make money on your product but let’s just take into consideration how paradigm shifts occur, they are incredibly difficult to get going. In order to do so we need the word out yesterday and it has to be accessible both for understanding and the ability to actually see it…if the movie is done, release it to the world! It’s like holding onto the anecdote for the poison coursing thru the population and saying hang on I’m not ready to give it to you yet! If indeed this is such an important issue, which I do believe it is then we need it to get out to the public!
@dannywindham3295 4 ай бұрын
I hope Finding The Money gets out to millions and millions of people. And we spread this understanding. The republicans and some democrats are dying to cut social security. And without this understanding they may be successful. Thank you Marnah Poitras
@GhostOnTheHalfShell 5 ай бұрын
What was the fiscal spending that allowed the banks to de leverage? What was purchased? Economic peasant here..
@jeffcrawford6061 5 ай бұрын
What are the true intentions of the wall street owned fed?
@MC-oo4pk 5 ай бұрын
Higher deficits and lower inflation? But sir, the models say this cannot be lol😂. Keep up the great work guys.
@AppliedMMT 5 ай бұрын
Impossible! Thanks for listening.
@drakekoefoed1642 5 ай бұрын
ok, so why is everyone broke and nearly homeless? why are groceries up 30%
@avadheshsharma1173 5 ай бұрын
Warren Mosler should have been given more time for an in-depth discussion. Only after a thorough review Warren’s theory can be accepted or rejected. On the face of it, he’s s ideas sound brilliant. Of course, there will be a lot resistance to any new idea in the beginning. A lot of influential folks are the beneficiaries of the current export oriented economic model.
@mcgilcol 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think that there’s any significant difference in positions between Goyal and Mosler here with respect to the policy rate. Mosler says that the “natural” rate of interest - the one which obtains absent government interference - is zero. He does NOT, however, state that the policy rate OUGHT to be zero. I have heard him speak many times and he is careful not to specify some arbitrary rate but rather that the central bank ought to set it and then leave it unchanged - a position I take to be consistent with fiscal dominance.
@dangerzone007 5 ай бұрын
Interesting podcast
@dangerzone007 5 ай бұрын
Interesting podcast
@MC-oo4pk 5 ай бұрын
First again. Keep the content coming guys. Also it would be great if there could be a Tri-state area meet up for the MMT community.
@AppliedMMT 5 ай бұрын
You're in luck! www.meetup.com/modern-monetary-theory-in-new-york-city/
@SimonSozzi7258 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant 👏
@Rob-fx2dw 6 ай бұрын
Mosler misses the point entirely. All government debt is forced onto the public to pay because the government and reserve bank which funds new money creation for government to spend is created from government's Treasury department selling treasury securities to the Federal Reserve bank. Those treasury securities mature and the government taxes the public to pay them off on maturity with existing money colected through taxes. What Mosler puts across is incorrect. There is no marking up of accounts for newly created money that does not affect both of the Governments liabilities balancing out with the increased assets of the Federal Reserve. This is because accounts must balance in any organisation and between organisations with over all assets and liabilities affected at the same time which means debt is created. You can see this in the reports of the Federal Reserve bank which they often referr to as their balance sheet variations. An increased balance sheet shows the reserve bank's assets which are the government's liabilities and which government must pay out on maturity with tax money from the public.. .
@neilanderson891 4 ай бұрын
You said, "... new money ... is created from government's Treasury department selling treasury securities to the Federal Reserve bank." That's not quite right: The government's Treasury department cannot sell treasury securities to the Federal Reserve bank (the Fed). The Fed buys (previously issued) US Treasury Bonds from the (public) Bond Market. The Fed can't buy (newly issued) US Treasury Bonds directly from the US Treasury because it's "against the law". It'd be a conflict of interest for the Fed (an agent of the US Treasury) to be buying bonds directly from the US Treasury. The Fed has the power to --literally-- print money out of thin air. The Fed, thereby, has an unlimited amount of money, and thereby is insensitive to the price paid, unlike any other buyer. Sure, there "could" be other buyers bidding on the same newly-issued bonds from the Treasury, but the Fed would easily drown-out all other buyers, and the resulting price would hardly be a "market price" set by the bids of willing participants in the Treasury Auction. The market price of bonds is inversely related to it's yield-to-maturity (YTM), and the YTM is the actual "market-price signal". The market-price (i.e., interest rate) is a signal which informs the world about Uncle Sam's financial stability. If the YTM rises, one can surmise that there's a perceived increase in risk of default, and/or expected-inflation. If the signal is blurred, or eliminated, there could be a breakdown in financial markets. And this leads to the other question: What difference does it make if the Fed buys (previously-issued bonds) from the (public) Bond Market? Well, the public bond market is much larger than any Treasury Auction, and the Fed can only buy bonds until the market interest rate falls to the Fed's predetermined target. The Fed determines the "target interest rate" based on what they perceive to be "best" for the Economy, not what's cheapest for Uncle Sam.
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
@@neilanderson891 Yes, the law says US Fed buys Treasury bonds on the market but recently it has bought them directly from the government. It does not really matter if they buy them on the market because they actually buy them according to their agreement. Besides that all the law does is put in an intermediary which is the market. Just like me agreeing to buy your house through an intermediary. I still get the house and you get the funds and without an understanding of the whole situation there would be no bonds and no transaction that created new money for government to borrow. The key understanding of the whole money system today and paticularly since 1971 is the official sovereign money of countries is all based on credit and credit is financial asset as well as it being unable to exist in any form unless corresponding debt obligation held by another party also exists. All financial assets can only exist with this in place. Additionally all financial assets be they money (e.g. dollars) or other forms of financial assets are connected to each other because they are on the market and are exchanged with each other. e.g. like which was illustrated by the Sub prime mortgages of the GFC. I agree with what you say about the bond prices and the market but in addition to what you said there is always present the three combined components of the demand, supply, price mechanism in action. More newly created money therefore creates additional financial assets with a price shown on the face of dollars. Those dollars compete with other existing dollars and that forces prices up because all financial assets can bid for goods and services either directly or indirectly.
@neilanderson891 4 ай бұрын
@@Rob-fx2dw - You said, "but recently [the Fed] has bought them directly from the government." Are you sure the Fed bought Treasury bonds directly from the Treasury, which I suppose would've been in an Auction? Where can I find confirmation of that? When was it? Why would they need to do that?
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
@@neilanderson891 I cannot immediately find the article now but ask why it would matter if they did not buy them on the market or directly. The idea of buying government treasuries from the market instead of directly was to demonstrate the independence of the Fed from government. It is just really smoke and mirrors. In either case the government creates them and the Fed buys them through the market or not. In either case they are financial assets that were created and paid for with newly created money therefore there is new money in the economy with new debt and no new goods produced because of it but along with that there is also a future obligation on the private sector (the public) which will have to be funded by them to pay off the treasury debt on maturity.
@neilanderson891 4 ай бұрын
@@Rob-fx2dw When the Fed buys "old" bonds from the Bond Market, there's more money in circulation, and a price signal which indicates what the Bond Market thinks about the Government's debt burden and inflation, even though the burden has not changed. This is like driving a car by carefully assessing what can be seen in the rear view mirror. If the Fed were to buy "newly-issued" bonds from the US Treasury, there'd be more money in circulation, but no price signal to indicate what the Bond Market thought about the Government's increased debt burden, nor the prospects of inflation. In the last year, I've seen one or two others talk about the Fed "buying from the U.S. Treasury", but figured they simply mis-spoke. It was outlawed in 1981, I think. Why would the Fed need to buy from the Treasury - Was the Bond Market frozen in fear?
@JCResDoc94 6 ай бұрын
15:05 Argentina central bank meeting. _JC
@JCResDoc94 6 ай бұрын
37:30 tax compliance as digging holes & filling them in. _JC
@JCResDoc94 6 ай бұрын
15:50 argentina. _JC
@erniekeller1093 6 ай бұрын
Among the many things Varney doesn't understand is this. All federal spending is new money created by the spending process. Taxation removes some of the money to regulate the value of the currency. While the political consensus is TABS (tax and borrow to spend) in the real world it's STAB (spend and then tax and borrow). You can't tax back dollars or exchange them for bonds until they have been spent first. Then you can tax them back or swap them for bonds.
@MC-oo4pk 6 ай бұрын
Yay you're back!
@AppliedMMT 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for listening!
@scirrhia_kruden 6 ай бұрын
They didn't have any arguments against him, didn't know what to say, but couldn't let him keep going either. "Let's call this a start in trying to get your idea out in terms of how deficits work, in your opinion. I'm sure it's very controversial, but thanks Warren Mosler." Wow. That's simply wow. Thank you for finding these clips.
@ozzyoz1495 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if Stuart Varney will everook back at this video and realize how wring he was. You can feel his contempt for Warren oozing out
@jarirutanen8762 6 ай бұрын
Surprising fact: we are not in gold standard anymore 😄!
@chachaman4980 8 ай бұрын
Mosley: Why bother talking to an imbecile like Varney.
@jaymills1720 8 ай бұрын
Love me some Mosler
@chachaman4980 8 ай бұрын
You can’t explain MMT in 30 seconds. This was a setup.
@cosmicblaze1608 8 ай бұрын
Understanding modern money has been a real revelation for me. So glad that we have such intelligent and composed individuals like Warren and Bill.
@kensheck2049 6 ай бұрын
Please tell me I'm not being naive: the basics tenets of MMT are quite simple to understand and are incontrovertible. Stuart Varney really doesn't understand that the Federal government spends U,S. dollars into existence and that taxes aren't needed to fund Federal government operations?
@andyy6481 8 ай бұрын
he didn't even get to finish...
@MichaeldeSousaCruz 8 ай бұрын
Here’s another example of Thought-Terminating Clichés, such as “printing money”, a tactic used by each and every destructive cult to stop critical thinking from occurring. Warren is correct. Modern Money is correct. In just 8 weeks, I’ve made 12% Trading on the market applying the principles of Modern Money. Just so anyone who comes across this comment understands what I’m saying I’m going to lay out some math for you: If I had $10,000, I made $1,200. If I had $100,000, I made $12,000. If I had $1,000,000, I made $120,000 If I had $10,000,000, I made $1,200,000… in just 8 weeks… Warren is correct. Modern Money is correct. Everyone who speaks like the other 3, have been duped, and mind controlled. Don’t beat yourself up, because unless you’re a Psychopath or a Psychotic, you are susceptible to coercion, to mind control, to brainwashing. There are psychopaths out there trying to manipulate you, and then have you manipulate others on their behalf. I made 12% in 8 weeks.
@MC-oo4pk 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting this guys. Hope you'll have more content coming out soon!
@herbwiseman9084 8 ай бұрын
It seems to me that we should look at the power dynamics of the inflation balance sheet. Inflation is the imposition of liabilities -prices - on us by those with the power to impose prices. In other words, the owners of the resources and distribution networks. The purpose is to extract or transfer more assets for the benefit of those with the power to set prices to make ever higher profits to please Wall Street. When central banks raise interest rates to allegedly fight inflation they signal the financial markets to impose more liabilities in order to transfer more assets to those financial operatives. Purely and simply, inflation is price gouging by those with the power to do so when there are or may be some shortages in supplies. That is also the logical and simple explanation for growing inequality. Inequality is directly related to the power imbalances that Mosler and other economists often seem to gloss over in their explanations of inflation.
@Rapture_Ready_Rabbit 9 ай бұрын
..... TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message... REPENT NOW !! TRUST that God raised Him from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !!
@pauldandurandboots 10 ай бұрын
You mentioned that if the Treasury wants to spend $100, the Treasury would need $100 in cash before they can spend it and therefore needs to issue securities (sell $100 in bonds). If this is fiscal spending, would Congress order the Treasury to hit keystrokes to create $100? And if so, is this instant cash with is them sent to the Central Bank as new bank reserves? Then to manage interest rates (which is no longer needed) is it the Treasury that sells securities in the equal amount to reduce back reserves? I may have this order wrong, but in my scenario I’m talking about new fiscal spending per order of Congress such as a $100 of new military toilet paper.
@pauldandurandboots 10 ай бұрын
I think you answer my question in the episode with using the term “Fed”. Question - when you use the term “Fed” does it represent the Treasury and the Central Bank combined or is it one or the other? I can’t recall its technical meaning. Thanks
@MMTMacroTrader 10 ай бұрын
Another great episode!
@AppliedMMT 10 ай бұрын
@peterelliott6510 10 ай бұрын
Yes, oil and gas billionaires are absolutely funding right-wing propaganda. They fund the Daily Wire and PragerU for example.