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Rencontres Nephro-Diet 2022 (2/5)
@arnoldundellaschroder2197 Күн бұрын
Mussman bei Zöilakiextra Geschirr und Kochtöpfe haben .
@ciuffoarancione8929 2 күн бұрын
Anticovid shots caused it to me. Life ruined forever. Damn me the day i trusted doctors. And i also have other syntoms. Was really fit and healthy a gym maniac now i m becoming a skeleton... I ve never seen so much cancer cases as from 2021 on, pancreas colon and liver the most... Doctors know it... And continue to lie about injured and deads after shots.
@manuela81111 2 ай бұрын
Vielen Dank, toll erklärt!
@catherinedamico4596 3 ай бұрын
I just had an MRI that showed I have congenital dorsal pancreatic agenesis. I have some symptoms of EPI, and what I assume is acute pancreatitis, but my pain was just epigastric and does not radiate to my back. Doctors please study this condition
@kierlak 4 ай бұрын
We need more doctors like him ! Open-minded, curious, questioning. And he's absolutely right - IBS is often a "lazy" label when doctors don't want to investigate further
@IZ8MWG 5 ай бұрын
Gluten (particularly gliadin, a gluten peptide) essentially acts as a neurotoxin. It's pure poison for the brain. I didn't have any intestinal problems at all, but I struggled with severe brain fog, memory issues, depression with anhedonia and lack of motivation, drowsiness, fatigue, light sensitivity and a nagging occipital pain that was resistant to all types of painkillers including opioids. I slept 14 hours a day and could barely get out of bed. I started experimenting on myself with different medications in desperate search of relief. Antidepressants like bupropion and amisulpride have given me some help with motivation by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine and I have been able to get rid of nape pain thanks to acetazolamide which lowers cerebrospinal fluid pressure. But no one was 100% effective, it was like taking a daily dose of poison with one hand while trying different antidotes with the other one without knowing which poison it was. I was on the verge of getting some irreversible MAOI, the most powerful antidepressant medications and wanted also try high doses of IV steroids (dexamethasone) when the turning point was the appearance of persistent dyshidrotic eczema which made me suspect some type of food intolerance/allergy. I used a drastic method: fasting! Only water and electrolytes for 3 days. Eczema gone! But not only that! I felt less tired with less need for sleep and more energy! You wouldn't think so for someone who hasn't eaten for 3 days! It was clear that the poison was in the food and it didn't take long to figure out that it was gluten! Following a strict gluten free diet all symptoms improved day after day..
@shannonlynch9426 5 ай бұрын
Dr. Imran Aziz interrupts every woman who speaks. Almost couldn't finish the video because of this.
@JennyRzezniczak 6 ай бұрын
Throughout my life, I have endured the challenges of Bile Acid Diarrhea (BAD), experiencing a multitude of symptoms similar to those described by the doctor in this video. Unfortunately, until recently, my concerns were not taken seriously by the medical professionals I consulted. After decades of seeking answers, I finally found a gastroenterologist within the NHS who listened attentively to my symptoms and medical history. It was then that I first heard the term "Bile Acid Malabsorption." Regrettably, the journey to this point was arduous; I had to advocate fiercely for a referral. Due to the prolonged wait times within the NHS, I have decided to pursue the SeHCAT scan privately. It is astonishing that none of the doctors I consulted before considered that my symptoms might be interconnected. My health struggles began in childhood when I had my gallbladder removed at the age of 14 due to gallstones, despite my slim physique. Later, I was diagnosed with celiac disease, but eliminating gluten from my diet failed to alleviate my symptoms. In the United States, doctors merely suggested lifelong antihistamine use for my chronic hives. I also endured five years of persistent hiccups and faced concerns about developing a fatty liver, despite abstaining from alcohol and tobacco and maintaining a slender build. Reflecting on my experiences, I can only imagine how different my life might have been if I had encountered a doctor like the one in this video during my childhood. It would have spared me significant pain, time, and financial burden. Even with private healthcare in the United States, I incurred substantial costs for tests and consultations, only to be told my blood tests were "normal."
@hayzersolar 6 ай бұрын
i had my gallbladder removed back in 2016.from that point i had diarrhea and heartburn none stop for 8 years. so is it me not producing enough stomach acid for the bile to mix with? doctor's have no clue. i just had a heart attack back in july 9 my sugar was 500. since that i been fasting and seems to help my heart burn but not my diarrhea. im on a no carb no sugar strait meat and egg diet.
@johnapple784 6 ай бұрын
@marionmeister4268 Looks like my reply did not stick, perhaps it did not like a URL in the comment? Let me try again. The article can be found here: and the book I found on Amazon but it has the following site as well.
@HarpreetKaur-ti2xp 8 ай бұрын
Thanks ❤ Dr for such a great informational video Dr what does loss of normal pancreatic lobulations means
@heeganbuuxa-tx1te 9 ай бұрын
thank you
@OnkelH 9 ай бұрын
Ohne Ton in der Vorschau dachte ich, es sei Comedy von Loriot 😂
@REIMARAValk 9 ай бұрын
Great webinar, ms. Nielsen. I like your labeling of the fodmap diet as a safe framework. criticism on the fodmap diet is often on nutritional inadequacy. my argument is that this is incorrect. it is not the fodmap diet that induces nutritional inadequacy. it is self restricted dieting. the fodmap diet does not exclude any food group. it includes meat, fish and eggs which are the most nutrient dense food constituents. as you rightfully addressed, lack of vitamins and minerals is often due to low fodmap alternatives that are ultraprocessed. these industrially produced chemical edible substances are devoid of fibre and other nutrients, so no wonder develop deficiencies. in regards the criticism on the fodmap diet regarding negative effects on the gut microbiome, you rightfully cited studies that have shown no harmful effects of the fodmap diet on the gut microbiome. in sum, I opinion that this diet is a great first line therapy to treat ibs symptoms and enhance quality of life! looking forward to more webinars on this topic. kind regards, miss Reimara
@REIMARAValk 11 ай бұрын
very insightful webinar. thank you very much. please post more of such interesting webinars. kind regards Reimara
@ivanymiriam2638 11 ай бұрын
@mariaelenabrull3947 11 ай бұрын
Excelente! Gracias.
@Juliette-78 11 ай бұрын
Hallo, ich habe eine Hautaufschlag mal mehr, mal weniger -Nasselsucht, und hatte mehrere Termine bei Hautärzten, 3 Fachkliniken ohne deutliche Verbesserrung. Meine Frage; bei Alergietest wird auch nach Glutentolleranz geprüft ? Oder muss ich es extra anfordern ? Wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar für die Antwort 😊 LG
@maharatkids3346 Жыл бұрын
How can we have an appointement with the doctor
@esmazingphotographycorneli6855 Жыл бұрын
I have been gf for more then 30 years. But was acting non chalent with cross contamination. Then 3 years ago i couldnt walk and was really sick. Dokters thought it was ms but mri cane back clean. I even had a positive babinsky reflex. Now i figured out myself some things like yeastextract are not gf and i am super strict. I got almost all the way better. Now 3 days ago i got gluten and had terrible spasms again in my whole body and neuropathy pain and muscels weakness. Not so bad as before but still very uncomfortable. Wish to see marios ones in my life
@folkforfreedom Жыл бұрын
Ärzte sind generell Mist. Ich, Hashi mit 25 "entdeckt", Zöli mit über 50, keine Behandlung bei Zöli, bloß ein "meiden meiden meiden", keine Behandlung bei Folge-Erkrankungen wie Fibromyalgie, Reizdarmsyndrom (lächerlich, ich vertrage fast nix mehr), multiple Allergien; Allergologen-Aussage damals: "sie können alles essen" - lächerlich - es gibt keine solche Patientenversorgung, wie in diesem Video dargestellt wird. Hausärte wissen nix. Foodmaps sind zu teuer und mit Nahrungsumstellungen wird man als Patient eh völlig alleine gelassen. Bis man dann später chronisch krank wird, nicht mehr arbeitsfähig (prima dann freuen sich die Ärzte, sie werden nicht arbeitslos), und natürlich arm. Das alles dank verblödeter Ärzte. Wenn man arm ist, kommt man aus der Schleife gar nicht mehr raus weil das Geld vorne und hinten nicht reicht, um sich anständig (gluten- und allergenfrei) zu ernähren. Wie oft mußte ich Sachen essen, von denen ich wußte, ich vertrage sie nicht, oder da ist bestimmt Getreide drin. Jeder der so ein Video hört, denkt, prima, ist alles in Ordnung in Deutschland,was die Medizin angeht, nein, das ist es aber nicht. Wer sowas hat, wird 5 mal, 20 mal, ja hunderte Male im Leben bestraft. Der einzige Grund: die nichts wissende Ärzteschaft.
@folkforfreedom Жыл бұрын
Die Diagnostik ist eine Katastrophe. Ich habe den sicheren Antikörpernachweis über Blutentnahme erst mit über 50 Jahren bekommen, mein Vater hatte das auch, keiner wußte das. Mein Verlauf war sehr mild, ich selber habe nie etwas gemerkt. Mittlerweile habe ich einen "lustigen" Rattenschwanz an Auto-Immunerkrankungen und Allergien dazu bekommen, inkl. Fibromyalgie, hashimoto und CFS. Alles dank unserer ach so "wissenden" Ärzte! Wenn ich könnte, würde ich alle meine früheren Ärzte auf Schadenersatz verklagen. Ich bin seit über 10 Jahren chronisch krank, Erwerbsminderungsrentnerin, hätte ich eher eine Diagnose bekommen, hätte man möglicherweise vieles davon verhindern können. Heute bezahlt mir keiner was dafür, nicht mal Nahrungsergänzungsmittel kriegt man von der Krankenkasse bezahlt. Mit den Folgen muß der Patient selber umgehen, wenn Ärzte Mist machen.
@il3mendo Жыл бұрын
Does the bile acid gets absorbed through the villi in the duodenum or ileum ?
@Operations-rc5el Жыл бұрын
I only occasionally have watery stools and it's usually only after taking certain compounds like magnesium and vitamin C in excess, however, I did show elevated primary bile acids on the C4 stool test. I had also been taking a digestive supplement with ox bile. I did get pretty bad bouts of flatus though. Should I stop the digestive supplement and then repeat the C4 stool test before trialing a bile acid sequestrant? Also, can you still have BAM with infrequent bouts of loose stools?
@MrApplewine Жыл бұрын
If you stop being lazy and gready it turns out you can diagnose and help your patients. Imagine that.
@TouTube-Growth-Consultation Жыл бұрын
Your videos are so informative and useful for worldwide people, I respect your work but they don't reach your videos because it is not getting top positions in search engines. If you need any support for grow your channel, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks
@phubblewubbphubblewubb Жыл бұрын
A Doctor who uses his brain and asks questions, a rare, lesser-spotted creature these days! I had this awful condition for months and months, I discovered Systemic Proteolitic Enzymes, (not Digestive Enzymes) the first dose cured the problem.
@Ana-hz3cw Жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für die super übersichtliche Aufklärung und den kurzweiligen Vortrag.
@JaxSwim1 Жыл бұрын
I’ve suffered with IBS all my life, beginning to think I’ve got this. But how do we cure it please?
@Cruella-Deville Жыл бұрын
I have had this for many years, its the bain of my life. Where's the nearest toilet? i have to think about this everywhere i go! If only , but would i be swapping one pill for another ie: Imodium for ? i take six to eight Imodium a day. it has ruled my life.
@Aar0nDown Жыл бұрын
Is the channel related to the bread company with the same name?
@danmcdaid 9 ай бұрын
@Namenlos-m1t Жыл бұрын
Ist die Weizensensitivität und die ATI Sensitivität die selbe Erkrankungen?
@TomeRodrigo Жыл бұрын
Think of Gluten as any prolamine protein in grains. Each type of grain has a different type of prolamine protein, and each of them can irritate your nervous system, therefore even rice (orzenin), oats (avenin), quinoa (I forgot the name of the prolamine protein),'s not just a gliadin (typical gluten as we know it) that is damaging your nervous system. Gluten-free products are made of rice flour, which can also irritate/damage your nervous system, as the orzenin in rice is still acting as gluten. Also, dairy products can be imitating gluten. Many people have absolutely no idea about these things.
@glen.simpson Жыл бұрын
@kathleenesmith204 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this. I had no idea this was possible, only knowing that I responded strongly to even G F oats. There’s a lot to learn about the neurological aspects of the proteins in grains as well as the connection with dairy products.
@bhardwajdimpy 5 ай бұрын
So if all grain can affect then what should we eat
@TomeRodrigo 5 ай бұрын
@@bhardwajdimpy I mean, I personally eat lentils, (and also some meat), veggies etc.
@solitairecat1 2 ай бұрын
An important fact might be that gliadin results in increased levels of zonulin which causes leaky gut. It is likely that leaky gut is what causes neurological problems.
@petecraft5777 Жыл бұрын
Good afternoon. I was prescribed welchol yesterday for bile acid diarrhea because of do gallbladder. I also have ibs d. Welchol is causing me to have nausea really bad. Does the nausea go away or is this something that i will have to deal with? Thank You for your help
@krissto22 9 ай бұрын
Ask the doctor to give you Cholestyramine orange flavored. It’s not bad at all and maybe easier on your stomach. It is on mine.
@sebastianw7254 Жыл бұрын
Wichtig ist eine lange Gehzeit des Teiges, damit die Mikroorganismen Zeit haben die Bestandteile aufzuspalten. Industriebackwaren sind auf Zeitdruck produziert, da ist ein Bäcker der traditionell arbeitet besser. Manche lassen den Teig 2 Tage ruhen bevor sie ihn weiterverarbeiten. Der Geschmack ist dann auch ein anderer
@streetfighter2sega322 Жыл бұрын
I got pancreatic deficiency after I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done it started about 2 months after I had the check which came up as negative for any issues
@puo2123 Жыл бұрын
After 9 years of chronic diarrhea i got an SeHCAT test and it was positive. Totally changed and saved my life! I already had a capsule with cyanide ready. I was treated by the head of the gastroenterology departement und i specifically asked if it could be BAM and he said no. Luckily my primary care doctor sent me to the SeHCAT test...
@Chichilovee 5 ай бұрын
Are you in the US
@puo2123 5 ай бұрын
@@Chichilovee no. Germany
@Chichilovee 5 ай бұрын
@@puo2123 ah ok thanks. I don’t know if they do it in the US.
@puo2123 5 ай бұрын
@@Chichilovee i dont know but its worth to go to germany for it. The test itself is like 500$
@Chichilovee 5 ай бұрын
@@puo2123 had you ever been prescribed the binders they talk about? Did you lose weight?
@ritahall2378 Жыл бұрын
SeHCAT test not available in the US GI Dr wont discuss it - failed horribly by GI community
@LB-sw2km Жыл бұрын
So what do we do to fix this? Did I miss that part ?
@chrisblue4685 Жыл бұрын
Very good
@danmcdaid Жыл бұрын
This guy and Alessio Fasano are the Watson and Crick of Coeliac disease
@chrisblue4685 Жыл бұрын
Hi this Christopher platts I’m still off The Drink still I’m 24 years and 8 months for the attentions from Ataxia UK thank I’m still to see you Mr Proffeser Maros Hadjivassiliou ❤ ❤❤Love you so much manny .you mush listen to the top man in the United Kingdom God Bless Chris Ataxia UK.
@chrisblue4685 Жыл бұрын
Hi thank you so much it’s very much appreciated GOD Bless Your Chris X.
@jean-pierredalles8743 Жыл бұрын
@rumdeal Жыл бұрын
Presented with great humour and very informative 👌
@ritahall2378 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had BAD most of my life but told it was IBS The burns on skin are excruciating pain No Sehcat test available in the US
@independently_ Жыл бұрын
Psyllium husk everyday for life is cure. 2 spoons in morning and 1 in evening
@nikzentertainmentnetwork5640 Жыл бұрын
I have Colesevelam tablets but still struggle with them can anyone advice how I should take them as Dr not helping
@joanbillings3842 Жыл бұрын
I struggle with colestagel too. Causing constipation. Also not to take any other meds for 2 hrs before or two hrs after. Tried cutting down but had acid break through. I'm really miserable.
@brukesisay8141 Жыл бұрын
Too many doctors keep on talking like they are genius just tell us does it work or not??
@margaux1298 Жыл бұрын
Warum muss ich im Reformhaus mehr für die Artikel von Schär mehr bezahlen als im Supermarkt? Sind die Preise von Schär nicht vorgeschrieben?
@judil3294 Жыл бұрын
After 30 years I finally caved and made another appointment with a gastroenterologist. Was told IBS forever, then suddenly this doc already has done tests showing the bile acid issue and elevated inflammation. Am now awaiting biopsy results. It's a new world out there.
@keeponhejtin 6 күн бұрын
Hi, u have any updates?
@judil3294 6 күн бұрын
@@keeponhejtin Yes the main issue is bile acid diarrhea causing constant issues, back when I was on fentanyl that controlled the bowel too but when I came off all hell broke loose. Biopsy ok, I now take colestipol, Lomotil and Imodium each day instead, at least 7 pills a day just for that.
@margaux1298 Жыл бұрын
Mein Vater hatte Zöliakie, ohne dass es irgend jemand wusste. Aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass er während seiner gesamten Lebenszeit ein Stück Kuchen gegessen hätte. Auch Brot kaum, nur wenn gerade mal keine Kartoffeln zur Verfügung standen. Vor über 100 Jahren hat man nur das gegessen, was der Körper wünschte und brauchte. Das haben diese Leute gemerkt, da sie sich noch völlig natürlich ernährten, besonders in der Landwirtschaft. Für mich ist das beste Medikament die "Kartoffel". Sie heilt Entzündungen. Die Zöliakie (Autoimmunkrankheit) ist zwar eine Erbkrankheit, sie muss aber nicht in jeder Generation ausbrechen. Dazu gehört immer ein besonderes Ereignis. Zum Glück gibt es heute diese Informationen über diese Krankheit. Vor mehr als 30 Jahren war ich völlig unwissend und habe mich auf die Ärzte verlassen. Lebte ich in Amerika, könnte ich eine hohe Summe an Schadenersatz fordern durch Nichtinformation und Falschbehandlung der Ärzte . So hat es mir ca. 30 Jahre eine sekundäre Demenz wegen fehlender Nährstoffe (besonders Vitamin B 12) eingebtracht.
@folkforfreedom Жыл бұрын
Das ist bei mir ähnlich, mein Vater das auch und keiner wußte es. Ich habe die Diagnose über Antikörper/Blut erst mit über 50 Jahren bekommen. Leider wurde mir sofort empfohlen, unbedingt auf Gluten zu verzichen, was ich dann gemacht habe. Deshalb war dann die vollständige Diagnose nicht mehr möglich. Man hat nur Nachteile bei dieser Krankheit und die Ärzte wissen nichts darüber. Ich habe Folgeerkrankungen bis hin zur chronischen Erschöpfung.