@JudithMatta Күн бұрын
Biography of St John Maximovitch; (no mention of monastery in. SF or Fr Rose) Cathedral Bookstore! ARCHBISHOP JOHN WONDER-WORKER OF SHANGHAI AND SAN FRANCISCO “This man, who appears weak is, in fact, a miracle of ascetic steadfastness and determination in our time of universal spiritual weakening.” - Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) “If you desire to see a living Saint, go to Bitol to Father John.” - Bishop Nicholas (Velimirovich) The future St. John was born on June 4, 1896, in the southern Russian village (current day Ukraine) of Adamovka in Kharkiv province to pious aristocrats, Boris and Glafira Maximovitch. He was given the baptismal name of Michael, after the Holy Archangel Michael. In his youth, Michael was sickly and had a poor appetite, but he displayed an intense religious interest. He was educated at the Poltava Military School (1907-14), Kharkiv Imperial University, from which he received a law degree (in 1918), and the University of Belgrade (where he completed his theological education in 1925). He and his family fled their country as the Bolshevik revolutionaries descended on the country, emigrating to Yugoslavia. There, he enrolled in the Department of Theology of the University of Belgrade. He was tonsured a monk in 1926 by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kharkov (later the first primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia). Metr. Anthony later in 1926 ordained him hierodeacon. Bishop Gabriel of Chelyabinsk ordained him hieromonk on November 21, 1926. Subsequent to his ordination he began an active life of teaching in a Serbian high school and serving, at the request of local Greeks and Macedonians, in the Greek language. With the growth of his popularity, the bishops of the Russian Church Aboard resolved to elevate him to the episcopate. Hieromonk John was consecrated bishop on May 28, 1934, with Metr. Anthony serving as principal consecrator, after which he was assigned to the Diocese of Shanghai. Twelve years later he was named Archbishop of China. Upon his arrival in Shanghai, Bp. John began working to restore unity among the various Orthodox nationalities. In time, he worked to build a large cathedral church that was dedicated to Surety of Sinners Icon to the Mother of God, with a bell tower and large parish house. Additionally, he inspired many activities: building of churches, hospitals, and orphanages among the Orthodox and Russians of Shanghai. He was intensely active, constantly praying and serving the daily cycle of services, while also visiting the sick with the Holy Gifts. He often would walk barefooted even in the coldest days. Yet to avoid the appearance of secular glory, he would pretend to act the fool. With the end of World War II and the coming to power of the Communists in China, Bp. John led the exodus of his community from Shanghai in 1949. Initially, he helped some 5,000 refugees to a camp on the island of Tubabao in the Philippines, while he travelled successfully to Washington, D.C., to lobby to amending the law to allow these refugees to enter the United States. It was while on this trip that Bp. John took time to establish a parish in Washington dedicated to St. John the Forerunner. In 1951, Abp. John was assigned to the Archdiocese of Western Europe with his cathedra in Paris. During his time there, he also served as archpastor of the Orthodox Church of France, whose restored Gallican liturgy he studied and then celebrated. He was the principal consecrator of the Orthodox Church of France's first modern bishop, Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis, and ordained to the priesthood the man who would become its second bishop, Germain (Bertrand-Hardy) of Saint-Denis. In 1962, Abp. John was assigned to the Diocese of San Francisco, succeeding his long time friend Abp. Tikhon. Abp. John's days in San Francisco were to prove sorrowful as he attempted to heal the great disunity in his community. He was able to bring peace such that the new cathedral, dedicated to the Joy of all Who Sorrow Icon of the Mother of God, was completed. Deeply revering St. John of Kronstadt, Abp. John played an active role in preparation of his canonization. He reposed during a visit to Seattle on July 2, 1966, while accompanying a tour of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God. He was laid to rest in a crypt chapel under the main altar of the new cathedral.
@milagroman75 2 күн бұрын
His teachings have affected Orthodoxy so severely in the United States that at moments I cannot stand being a catechumen. I know this isn't what the Church really teaches, but to have it constantly around me and being disseminated without penalty drives me up the wall. I've even had people say "St" Seraphim Rose despite a single bishop in Romania calling for his canonization is not how Saints are canonized. Then I'm told I am being a "legalistic Catholic" (I grew up Catholic but all that meant was going to Mass at school) and brushed off when I challenge these ideas and explain that they aren't supported by patristic consensus at all.
@JudithMatta 2 күн бұрын
thank you dear one, for expressing your experience! Keep learning the Fathers and Holy Scriptures without reference to this "nest of vipers". This is an open "sore" spilling poison into the Church here and all nations. The Lord have mercy - let us all speak out openly in disgust with its blasphemy against Christ's sovereignty and Redemptive power which we proclaim loudly as Followers of Christ! Fear Not - we will see the end of this soon, as we pray fervently!
@JudithMatta 2 күн бұрын
Please read St Mark of Ephesus writings against Purgatory of the Papal Church. Remarkably applicable to this horrible nonsense, take heart and draw near to Christ in His Holy Church where His Treasure of Presence is with us!
@JudithMatta Күн бұрын
A Note: Please write if you wish, to "[email protected]" for a more private discussion.. You may want to Look for a Greek parish or Serbian that probably does not have this kind of person amongst them, - better Orthodoxy and usually more attention to those teaching their catechumens. God keep you close we pray, please ask any question that you may have and perhaps Vl Lazar could add his insights into your case. Loving prayer, Matushka Irene
@emmanuelconstantinidis2151 2 күн бұрын
Do you have any evidence that St. John Maximovitch had any issues with Fr. Seraphim Rose? Everything I see online says they were on really good terms
@JudithMatta 2 күн бұрын
Do you believe the claims of Used Car Salesmen who are also online? Please realize that there is a purpose in bringing their Gnostic Hero into the life of St John Maximovich as his understudy. Not so unfortunately.
@emmanuelconstantinidis2151 2 күн бұрын
@@JudithMatta All I'm asking for is some evidence of your claim. Fr. Seraphim wrote a biography of him, and seemed to hold him in very high esteem. Search as I might I have found nothing other than your claim that they were on poor terms. Everything says he was blessed by St. John to start the monastery, nothing like how you describe it.
@emmanuelconstantinidis2151 2 күн бұрын
You can call your fellow Orthodox brothers and sisters whatever you like Presbytera, but at this point I have no reason to doubt their word any more than yours
@JudithMatta Күн бұрын
Yes you have reason to doubt them: because most of your acquaintances are too young to know those in the SF Church in the 60's. I have it on personal information that St John ordered Seraphim Rose, the Coffee House person, to leave and go into the hills away "from his children". As principal director of his school, that was his main concern. Where is the monastery for this "monastic" Seraphim Rose? No where to be found? This is Halloween with costuming and drama, but no historical basis for your beliefs.
@JudithMatta Күн бұрын
He wrote a biography to create a fictional tie between them. This of course, would give him some credibility.. this is usual in the case of those seeking reputation that is not factual.
@allsaintsmonastery 3 күн бұрын
@JudithMatta 2 күн бұрын
Dear Vladyka Thank you so much - you have spent your life and reputation for the Truth of Christ. We can only honor that and pray to be with the Lord Jesus Christ glorified among His holy witnesses St Irenaeus, St Mark of Ephesus.. and we pray somewhere in their midst, we will shout "Alleluia! to the Lamb of God- He is glorified forever and ever!"
@iona3669 24 күн бұрын
@catherinecapita1691 25 күн бұрын
Dear Matushka, You are SO right about how charletans change the meaning of words used to mislead minds to make truths into lies and lies into the "new" truths. They work to convince the weak-minded they have acquired secret insights- replacing GOD.
@j.rebekah8605 26 күн бұрын
Excellent, thank you!
@nibn4r 28 күн бұрын
Toll houses refutation book too. Many great references
@nibn4r 28 күн бұрын
This one Mentions Horologion
@justrubio3121 28 күн бұрын
Have you heard of Melkite Greek Church and what are your thoughts apparently the Patriarch of Constantinople didn’t acknowledge Antioch’s choice for bishop and replaced him with a deacon named Silvester; but this was not really canonical albeit the Melkite Church did acknowledge the election. So they are considered Uniates in a sense but have never stopped practicing Orthodoxy and believe the same as Antiochian Orthodox technically. The trace there succession back to 1c. AD Via Peter being in Antioch as well as Paul. I only ask because that’s where I’m at. But actually have yet to be transferred within the rite itself.
@JudithMatta 27 күн бұрын
Yes, have heard of it: The Patriarch of Constantinople is not acting within his boundaries, so we must ignore his reach into other jurisdictions. He did damage to us here by saying Jerusalem Patriarchate could come and establish Missions, and then, "Oh I changed my mind" injuring untold thousands of people there and here. The Apostolic progression is safest within the Orthodox boundaries; best to be certain with our saints and hierarchs for the most part, being graced by the Holy Spirit and with the Divine Liturgy as it is from 3rd century. God wants His Church - Orthodox from the beginning - and guards it above all others. God keep you close and your journey into the Orthodox Church continuing until He brings you to the right parish near you with a good priest!
@nibn4r 29 күн бұрын
I had never heard that great explanation of the alpha-omega-rho-x symbol before? It’s at 28:46
@catherinecapita1691 Ай бұрын
Such an important message! While we lived in Council Bluffs, Iowa I had visited the Sisters in Dubuque with my parents. But they were cold to me. I thought I was lost. And I was lost! This was the real impetus to strive after Jesus and find Him no matter what.
@JudithMatta 29 күн бұрын
Dear Catherine; nice to "see" you online! Yes, the arrogance of this order was palpable: it came from their higher education work - some of them excellent scholars, and the "airs" that go with philosophy from Jesuits. Problem is, this attitude has nothing to do with following Christ Who urges us "Follow Me for I am meek and humble of heart!" This was never mentioned. Errors abound here.
@mitchelljimeno3564 Ай бұрын
Praise the Lord
@nibn4r Ай бұрын
@lepajelena7441 Ай бұрын
Thank you ❤☦️
@justrubio3121 Ай бұрын
Thank you sister, Presbytera Judith Irene. Such meaningful videos really appreciate the effort you put into each one. Very edifying. ☦️
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Thank you so much - we appreciate your prayer especially for Jerusalem Patriarchate, some here in America! God keep you close we pray, Presbytera Irene
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Presbytera Irene here: please forgive that I did not know the Choir from Pochaev Lavra was singing the "Having Beheld.." Hymn at the end of the video... our Matins anthem! We pray fervently for the Ukrainian people who were brutally thrown out of the Lavra by secular troops and false religionists. We also pray that the young seminarians have found families in which to find refuge along with the Clergy. God help us - may this war be brought to a swift end, O our Christ!
@nibn4r Ай бұрын
What’s the classical music used in this video?
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Mussorgsky (Russian melodies of course) "Dawn on the Moskva River" - credits are at the end of video. I use these selections to relax and quiet the minds of the listeners - so more open to discussion. Usually best.. Often use Glazunov "Seasons"..
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Mussorgsky's "Dawn on the Moskva River". The credits include the information at end of video. Hope you enjoy the beautiful Russian composer - often use Glazunov's "Seasons" and Rachmaninoff "Adagio" among others.. Vespers very often accompany our videos. Thank you for asking..God keep you in His care, Irene
@timgahles4820 Ай бұрын
You are now GOARCH?
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Our Jerusalem Patriarchate was driven out by Antiochian priests jealous of Palestinian people who would desert them for their Mother Church. Sorry, plain facts of their "marketing" problems. So the Greek Orthodox brought Jerusalem parishes into a "vicariate" (latin term) meaning we're a "sub-set" of lesser parishes who remain virtually unknown to most Greeks except our wonderful Archbishop Demetrios, may he live many more years. So that's our history - a sad one but at least we're allowed to give the message of His Truths as we can.
@АнтонТюменцев-ь7л Ай бұрын
Кто бы мог подумать, Пашковский служил государству, где элита очевидно возомнила себя биологически другим видом. Поле с пшеницей и плевелами.
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Yes, I've not read Pashkovsky the philosopher? Could you give a reference for this concept in his works? Thank you so much for your insights. With loving prayer, Matushka Irene
@АнтонТюменцев-ь7л Ай бұрын
@@JudithMatta Борис Пашковский сын Феофила Пашковского.
@catherinecapita1691 Ай бұрын
Coming from an RC influence, I have noticed that their Creed has now been entitled The Nicene-Constantinopalian Creed, but still professes that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. How can this be when we know the Holy Spirit was the designated Spouse of the Virgin before the foundation of the world. Hmm.
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Dear Catherine in Christ! Good to hear from you! I've purposefully entitled the "original Nicene Creed as including "Constantinople" so that the Filioque problem would be assigned to those stealing "Nicene"... now, of course, they cover themselves by using both cities to pretend this was the Creed from the Beginning. Thank you for alerting me to this, and I'll search again.. still its best to include the city-name of the Seat of the Empire approving the 1st Council (and 2nd) completing this statement of Faith in Orthodox Christianity. Our Prayers are with you as you prepare for Baptism, Grace abounds Catherine! Love in Christ "Matushka" Irene with Fr. James' Blessing!
@justusetpeccator_ Ай бұрын
5 minutes in and it sounds like a gross misunderstanding of the Protestant view and of what the atonement truly is should I give it up or try to watch it all the way through
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
Have you been to a variety of Protestant churches? Have you been to (2 as I have been) Protestant Seminaries? Are you charismatic, reformed, or evangelical? All of these venues and teaching bodies differ in many ways: this discussion relates to the UNDERLYING premise of salvation by "Christ paying the price of His Blood to His Father Whose "wrath" against Mankind for sinning needed to be assuaged - "placated". This premise blasphemes Who God Is - "God is Love" according to our Holy Gospel of John - and that He added on our Human Nature (to His Divine Nature) to become a 2nd Adam - Obedient to the Father in living a perfect Human Life unlike Adam - and to pour out His Life on our behalf, go into Hades to rescue Adam His beloved, and to Raise all the dead along with Him in His Resurrection (Matt 27: 51-53). Introducing to you now the fullness of our Redemption from the Apostles who lived through and understood His salvation and our participation in it through His Life in us (Orthodox Baptism, Communion, etc) in Love of God in Christ and of our brothers and sisters in His Family of believers.
@justusetpeccator_ Ай бұрын
@@JudithMatta Wow! that's a lengthy reply. I appreciate the time you took to respond. I am a confessional Lutheran. I grew up in a Pentecostal home with Baptist radio and preaching always finding away to permeate my walk of faith even when I held charismatic views. I have many friends who are OCA and ROCOR background. For the past two or so years I've been in a pre-Sem program at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and have been attending vesper services at an Eastern church close by where I was constantly fed EO theology. Starting your argument with an ad hominem is a very ineffective way to defend articles of the faith especially considering that as Christians we are taught that God uses asses and children to reveal His kingdom for He resists the proud but gives more grace to the humble.
@justusetpeccator_ Ай бұрын
@@JudithMatta Also I would like to have a conversation on this but I'd rather do it through email than in the youtube comment section 😅
@JudithMatta Ай бұрын
You've "sampled" everything under the sun, and my experience in depth of the RC seminary and Protestant seminaries gives the framework of their teachings and thus, allows us to rationally respond. Hardly ad hominem. Experience, "my dear Watson" experience (Sherlock Holmes has invaluable quotes)! My email is [email protected] and I'll be happy to correspond but not argue. Your obstacles are important to coming into the Holy Faith, and grace abounds here, so we tread on holy ground. With prayer, Matushka Irene
@xnihilo1044 2 ай бұрын
I must admit this teaching is what holds me back to committing to Orthodoxy. Didn’t the Fathers teach this? I can only imagine the fear of those in their deathbeds if it’s true.
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
No, the Fathers did NOT teach this - they teach repentance to Christ our God and our triumph in Christ over demonic forces and satan. Why else would we - myself included - be empowered to drive out demons with the Holy Spirit? They have no power over us unless we give it to them. (Col. 2). "The Lord has not given a spirit of fear, but of POWER, Love and a Sound Mind." (2 Tim 1:7)
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
Dear friend; Come in - speak with the parish priest to make certain none of this is accepted..Greek Orthodox usually are free of this myth nonsense. If not find a truly Orthodox parish with a priest and people who know the Joy of Salvation in Christ Jesus, and deliverance from these demonic beings. (See Colossians 1-2)
@xnihilo1044 2 ай бұрын
@@JudithMatta thank you for replying, Sister. I looked at the Orthodoxwiki site and they confirmed a lot of Church Fathers’ teaching on it. However, Fr. Thomas Hopko said something to the effect of it not being something to really fear. How is one to know? The church seems to be all over the place on it.
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
Orthodoxwiki is "manned" by those in favor of Seraphim Rose. They have MISTRANSLATED FATHERS like "Macarios" and others to make them conform to this heresy. Period. Demons are not given power over CHRISTIAN SOULS at Death. It contradicts many, many Scriptures: You who receive My Body and Blood shall not die but Live." I am with you always even unto the end of the worlds" (Jn 14-17 teachings). "My sheep know My voice..." (Jn 10) My expertise is in the Gnostic Heresies; that's what my Masters Thesis is on: the exposing of Gnostic heresies in Charismatic and Now added to this, Orthodox teachings like this exalting satan over Christ. This is a Heresy and is perverted. There IS a battle for our soul at the end of life, this may be what is referred to as far as testing, but when we are with the Lord after breathing our last breath, there is NO - repeat NO possibility of satanic testing. We belong to Christ and are His. "We look for the Resurrection of the dead and the Life of the Age to come"! Satan is defeated (Col 1:13) we are "transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son".. Gnostics believe that the Soul alone is important, so that we must suffer spiritually and rely on satanic judgements - from those who are "LIARS" as the Lord Jesus tells us. Sorry, True Church Fathers are of one Voice in excoriating this kind of nonsense (Irenaeus "Against Heresies" Bks IV and V).
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
the Truth is not "all over the place"...the Fathers follow Scriptures if they are true Elders, if they follow Seraphim Rose and other Gnostic ideas and myths, they are not. You must choose - it is YOUR choice. Father Hopko as is well -known, was a diplomate not a theologian as he would readily admit, giving way to Dr Pomazansky and Irenaeus along with the early fathers. Yours is the choice, not to hide behind ignorance since we know that references are to trials before death, as we are all (who follow Christ) are unfortunately all too aware. Trials and tempting get intensified when we're older, this the Elders tell us and we have experienced. God keep you in His Truth of the Holy Spirit. You may look up "Basil the New and toll-house myths" in other writings to elucidate on these myths and gnostic dreams involving "payment for sin" ..a ludicrous idea since the Blood of Christ has reconciled in full our debts as St Paul so wonderfully writes, along with other apostles.
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the teaching on the Shroud of TURIN EXCELLENT TEACHING. Irene you and father Jim are the best. always BLESSED. (Larry Lixey) Orthodox Christianity: The Shroud of Turin: Resurrection REVEALED! @JudithMatta • 3 minutes ago God keep you close to His Will we pray.. so much more there is to learn! Alleluia!
@larrylixey6965 2 ай бұрын
thank you for the teaching on the Shroud of TURIN EXCELLENT TEACHING. Irene you and father Jim are the best. always BLESSED
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
God keep you close to His Will we pray.. so much more there is to learn! Alleluia!
@skatermom8259 2 ай бұрын
Many thanks for this 💗
@silassmith5348 2 ай бұрын
Hello! Any more info on why Seraphim Rose was such a proponent of this doctrine? Does your ministry have an email?
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
Fr Rose was a convert from Chinese esoteric religions: his mind was not stayed on Christ and His salvation, but on the "do-it-yourself" religion of fasts, rules, and in this case Demons and their power. ...If Christ is not Central as Savior and Lord, nothing is enough to fill in the heart except pride in knowing "secrets" of spiritual power (I.E GNOSTICISM !) See St Irenaios of Lyon "Against Heresies")
@silassmith5348 2 ай бұрын
@@JudithMatta Why do you think he's so influential on the internet? Have any higher ups in the Orthodox Church (like Patriarchs) condemned him?
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
@@silassmith5348 Our email is "[email protected]" - we'd be glad to give you more about Seraphim Rose. The world is filled with "False Mystics" - and people love those giving esoteric unusual teachings... just as in the beginning of the Church when the Gnostic thrived from Simon the Magician (Acts 8).
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
@justrubio3121 2 ай бұрын
Hello Miss I had a question are you at all interested in Rembrandt an etching of the prodigal son ? I’ve had a curator verify its authenticity.
@JudithMatta 2 ай бұрын
No thank you ! our favorite is the Icon by Romanian artist Murariu...an incredible spiritual insight. Should be online. The Renaissance was largely an intellectual scholastic move back to pagan philosophy: Augustine in Latin Frankish Church and not appearing clearly on the walls of the Vatican and churches in Italy. Replacing the Holy Scriptures and Christ the Incarnate God! God keep you we pray, Matushka Irene
@Oprinca_Alexandru 2 ай бұрын
Great video ❤ ☦️
@redquoter 3 ай бұрын
Lord Have Mercy, beautifully made. ☦️
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Please Subscribe if you want to are able to stand with us in Christ! All videos are available: youtube.com/@JudithMatta?si=vM35I-HHZo3oJ5y-
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Please help keep us in view, dear Christian friends: Press Subscribe button! All videos on: youtube.com/@JudithMatta?si=vM35I-HHZo3oJ5y-
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
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@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Please Subscribe: we need our friends in Christ to be with us! see all videos on Orthodoxy: youtube.com/@JudithMatta?si=vM35I-HHZo3oJ5y-
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Greetings in Christ from the Producer: please Subscribe if you can: our channel needs you! Other videos available: youtube.com/@JudithMatta?si=vM35I-HHZo3oJ5y-
@marciocorrea8531 3 ай бұрын
Eastern Romans, not "byzantine".
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Yes, absolutely right! Thank you - title taken from Vladyka Tikhon Shevkunov's "Fall of an Empire.." on KZbin
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Some evidently believe that taking Christ into "our hearts" and "being filled actively with the Holy Spirit Baptism" from the Hand of Christ is somehow belongs to PROTESTANTS?? In fact, if ORTHODOX DO NOT BELIEVE THIS, THEY HAVE NOT FOUND THE HEART OF OUR FAITH (St Seraphim of Sarov) "the entire Goal of the Orthodox Life is acquiring the All-Holy Spirit"! See St. Symeon the New Theologian who would sound "Protestant charismatic" no doubt to these same silly ears! Our Orthodox Faith is not a handful of "do's and don'ts" but a Relationship of Bride (us) to our Bridegroom Christ Jesus. Read ST Symeon the New Theologian (Vols 1-3) edited by Archbishop Alexander (Golitzin) with St Irenaeus of Lyons along with Saintly theologians St Justin Popovich and saintly Bishop Athanasius (Yevtich) of Serbia and so many of Mt Athos' saints like St Paisios (see KZbin videos). How sad that we have followers of the Heresy of Macedonianism among us! Learn what Orthodox Christianity IS, and IS NOT... lest you accuse others falsely and slander us Who sends His Holy Spirit to comfort and sanctify deify us by His Grace!
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
@NightShade671 @NightShade671 • 21 hours ago The problem with American Orthodoxy is the clergy. They are weak leaders with their modernism and ecumenism. REPLY: 1 minute ago Thank you for your comments; I experienced 8 years of non-sensical refusal from the OCA bishop in west (mentally "challenged") -a blessed time to learn, so the Lord knew best - and was refused the Baptismal service after all that. "Only Chrismation" I was told... this began my research into the influences quietly exerted on our Clergy not to "re-baptize" - when there is NO Baptism other than that of Orthodoxy. I've seen all the others and grace from the Holy Spirit is there for those who are sincerely baptized, but not anything like that Spirit of God that fills us with grace and Holiness to prepare for Communion with our Saving Lord Jesus! Thank you again and keep us in your prayer, as you are in ours now. in Christ, Presb Irene ...Read more
@NightShade671 3 ай бұрын
The problem with American Orthodoxy is the clergy. They are weak leaders with their modernism and ecumenism.
@JudithMatta 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comments; I experienced 8 years of non-sensical refusal from the OCA bishop in west (mentally "challenged") -a blessed time to learn, so the Lord knew best - and was refused the Baptismal service after all that. "Only Chrismation" I was told... this began my research into the influences quietly exerted on our Clergy not to "re-baptize" - when there is NO Baptism other than that of Orthodoxy. I've seen all the others and grace from the Holy Spirit is there for those who are sincerely baptized, but not anything like that Spirit of God that fills us with grace and Holiness to prepare for Communion with our Saving Lord Jesus! Thank you again and keep us in your prayer, as you are in ours now. in Christ, Presb Irene
@WPAOrthodox 3 ай бұрын
@JohnRegansReviewsTutorialsMore 3 ай бұрын
"The substitutionary sacrifice is a neopagan doctrine worthy of baal or molech but not worthy of the Living God." That's an incredible insight.
@ProtestantismLeftBehind 4 ай бұрын
You need to add the embrace of the broken in love, the bearing of persecution yet showing kindness in return, feeding the poor, community of the body of Christ worshipping, relationship with God
@clarino2 4 ай бұрын
A dropping birth rate, an immigration-based great replacement, and self-hatred in ancient Byzantium? What? It sounds like a ridiculous conspiracy theory!
@justrubio3121 4 ай бұрын
Love these videos thanks so much for the work you do! Still praying to be be received as practicing Melkite but was baptized in Roman Rite as a baby, I’ve been attending Greek Orthodox St Spyridon Cathedral here in MA., It’s beautiful but I miss CA. I was born there in W Covina. Blessings and Divine energy to you and your husband. Christos Anestí! Alēthōs Anestí
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
Why not just be received as anyone coming into Orthodoxy from denominations? Missing the Holy Mysteries is so painful - surely there is Baptism available since RC Church merely "sprinkles" or "pours" and there is the problem of "Filioque" error in their understanding of Holy Scripture and Christ's own words "I will send the Holy Spirit From the Father.."! Please hasten to the fountain of Life we pray!
@thane816 4 ай бұрын
Presbytera, were the Orthodox and Catholics really one church that split into 2? I'm getting the notion that these are 2 different churches because they come from 2 different nations. I'm getting this notion from studying Fr. Romanides, but also from the fact that for thousands of years, every nation had a state religion. God blessed us with Saints like Photios!
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
The Crusades were the sign that a new "papacy" had taken over Bishop of Rome that had been Orthodox since 100 ad.. 949 ad the Frankish rulers put their own appointee in place, unelected, and who brought Charlamagne's plan of 2 roles into this position: secular ruler ("above every king") and "religious" ruler ("head of every religion") is proclaimed when the Pope is "crowned"! (That Crown alone is ridiculous for apostles of Christ!) . Nothing to do with Orthodoxy. In fact that's when the BREAK came (officially from them in 1054 ad) and Augustine's platonic philosophy with "purgatories" indulgences from Temporal punishments, "magic sacraments" (just say the words from priest and God must obey) with NO Faith required began. Also, The forced conversions with threats of death, "inquisitions" etc ALL began then. Therefore, Another Religious institution came into being, making war (like Islam by force) against the Holy Orthodox Faith of the Apostles which remained steady in spite of terrible persecutions from both Papacy and Islamic warrior religions. Dr Romanides articles on the "Frankish Church" with his scholarship (romanity.org) gives more detail although he is difficult to follow since his writings were mostly from Class notes of his students on that site! ORIGINALLY, ALL NATIONS IN EUROPE AND BEYOND WERE PLANTED BY THE APOSTLES WITH THE HOLY FAITH IN CHRIST. So YES they were all one until 8th century when Charlamagne began maligning the "Greeks" ("pagans"). NOW the spiritual war is ongoing against Holy Faith in the God-Man Jesus Christ vs automatic philosophical "god" of the "man-god" pope.
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
All Orthodox Nations' churches were united in a "synod of Patriarchates" so they were united in the Faith though using other languages and cultures. They met in Councils at Nicea, etc the Last at the Palamite Council in 13th century. We have a Conciliar Church united as brothers in Christ.
@kazb6526 4 ай бұрын
I wish we still had veronicas Shroud and the original Icon made without hands. It would be a simple comparison.
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
Historic comparisons are in Oxford historian Ian Wilson's "The Shroud of Turin: the Burial cloth of Jesus?" 1978 - excellent sources from eyewitness accounts of the Shroud brought into Constantinople from Edessa with great reverence and processions 946 ad!
@johnsambo9379 4 ай бұрын
Notice how the Orthodox online hate everyone that isn't Orthodox? Doesn't seem very Christian. They especially hate Protestants.
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
"Hate" certainly isn't. in operation at this site: having Roman Catholic background, family and friends that are Catholic, they're suffering under this sham papacy - a Marxist interloper placed in Rome forcing the retirement of another more conservative Benedict. Benedict began to cleanse the homosexual and predatory elements out of Rome and America/European churches, but Pope Francis (are you wondering?) STOPPED the clean-up and recinded the regulations requiring dismissal of miscreants.
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
Blessed Thomas Sunday we pray for each of you, as we, with Thomas, explore the wounds and witness to His Resurrection in physical properties "recorded" somehow on the Linen cloth which covered the Lord Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever for this wonderful "time capsule" of His last days on earth!!
@JudithMatta 4 ай бұрын
Note to Orthodox viewers: Below, and also among KZbin videos denying the reality of this Shroud: the comments include the Protestant/RCatholic misunderstanding of the God-Man Jesus Christ! The claim that "it doesn't matter what Jesus looks like" etc indicates an incipient denial of the truth (heresy of Gnosticism- mythology) of the Humanity of the Lord Jesus and His place in our historical records. There IS a Tomb of Christ - empty from His resurrection- and an Historically correct place by the construction of Helen and Constantine the Great in 300's upon his making Christianity legal. This is Necessary: there is no mythical "Garden Tomb" created in a vision by a theosophist from England, Col Gordon. This is a false religion and gives us false information. Christians worship an historical Christ - coming to fulfill all prophesies about the Messiah from David's line - and taking His place as the LORD of History, the God Who loves us so much that He participated in every aspect of Human Life except sin. This IS important physical historical evidence and All Scientists examining this Shroud have agreed that this is indeed the MATCH for time, place prophetic and fulfilled signs of the scourging, thorns and nail-prints. Let's go with the EVIDENCE given to us from Christ's own Shroud He kept for us for today.