@BJovke 15 сағат бұрын
Technically Serbia is Southern Europe, not Eastern. People often classify it as Eastern exactly because of this. 😅 But there's still a BIG difference, Serbia has never been in the Warsaw pact.
@IOSARBX Күн бұрын
Summer Ehly, You deserve more subscribers, wanna collab and grow together?
@The_regular_home Күн бұрын
@@IOSARBX so kind of u to say! Email me.
@shroomi_the_gnome Күн бұрын
yumm! my dad grew up with the rice crispy cereal, and so we made these together a while ago! delicious!
@The_regular_home Күн бұрын
Nice! So simple yet so comforting ❤️
@karenstein1490 Күн бұрын
boring! lol my mother added to this recipe : peanut butter and brown sugar. turns into peanut fudge rice crispy treats!
@The_regular_home Күн бұрын
@@karenstein1490 ooooo that sounds so good!
@jasminkacosic4881 Күн бұрын
Good job 👏
@The_regular_home Күн бұрын
@@jasminkacosic4881 Hvala Minka 🥰
@radoslavmraovic8947 3 күн бұрын
Alles gut erkannt top video nur eine Sache haben sie leider falsch erkannt ..Vegeta... bitte meiden
@JovicaMilutinovic 3 күн бұрын
You have a channel on YT about people from all over the world who live in Serbia today. Attic life is channel name.
@leechlake4575 3 күн бұрын
You shouldn’t ride a bike while your dog is in a leash you could get yourself hurt and your dog
@The_regular_home 3 күн бұрын
@@leechlake4575 we’ve been doing this since he was a pup, he’s 10 now and it’s his favorite time of day. He gets the exercise he needs, he smiles the entire time, I don’t think we will stop anytime soon… But thanks for the concern…
@nenadperisic9915 4 күн бұрын
They are not social. Just normal people. Unlike west brainwashed civilization
@tasicjeshmeker 4 күн бұрын
ovo su samo neki od americkih strahova logicnih za podneblje USA ali kod nas nema potrebe ...u vezi plivanja....decu treba nauciti vec sa 2 godine da plivaju i to bez pomocnih vazdusnih jastucica ali uz to ih treba i uciti gde kada i kako se pliva a kada i gde nikako...najbitnije je to da svoje strahove ne projektujemo kroz nasu decu jer ona to sve osete i usade u sebe,treba da se oslonimo na Boga i da radimo sve sto je do nas da ih osposobimo jer cuvanje dece u "mehuru" nikad nije dobra ideja.
@The_regular_home 4 күн бұрын
More food content?? I mean honestly going to do it regardless of the feedback! ❤
@GA_ME 6 күн бұрын
Shout out to Leonard Susskind, love that guy and his lectures :)
@The_regular_home 5 күн бұрын
@@GA_ME Me too, amazing mind!
@zazu9117 7 күн бұрын
Different concepts. Life based on cars. I live between Serbia and Spain and last 10 years I don't have a car. Don't miss it at all. I could write a tiny book about how wrong was that concept (the first one) from the beginning. Here only wars for oil, pollution, 1 million deaths per year which is more than all natural disasters in 20 or 50 years, and so on.
@The_regular_home 7 күн бұрын
@@zazu9117 wait, where, Serbia? A million deaths per year from what?
@darkobrzakovic6589 7 күн бұрын
You are talking nonsens.
@zazu9117 7 күн бұрын
So sincere & natural.
@bokulica 7 күн бұрын
hey, u were in my reccomendations, so i clicked and u really surprised me. u are beautiful young mother, u speak calmly, and u are very objective. thanks for all the comments about Serbia, its nice when someone from USA come and see reality here, we are not druglords, criminals, rappers, murderers, we are small nation, but very proud and hospitability one. again, keep going forward u are doing great job ! ps: sorry for my english im just not yet good at it but im trying my best without translat :)
@The_regular_home 7 күн бұрын
@@bokulica your English is great! And thank you so much for such kind words. I am in the states now and actually miss Serbia very much. No your people are wonderful people ❤️
@R-yb8xw 7 күн бұрын
Similar family set up to yours, I would love to hear about the steps your family takes to raise your children with both languages? I find the grammar so difficult but it’s a beautiful language. Hvala puno.
@The_regular_home 7 күн бұрын
Goodness I find the grammar so difficult as well. Honestly with my toddler going to my in laws home all the time (they live down the street from us in the USA) they only speak Serbian to him, my husband speaks to him in Serbian as well. It’s made it pretty easy for him to pick up.
@viking4476 8 күн бұрын
Serbia is safe country. Unfortunately with ugly communist Cities, dirty street, crowd, unplanned buildings and houses. Nature is OK but with a lot of garbage, unarenged wildness, unplanned houses and bad infrastructure. People are friendly but very primitive and rude, so be careful what you talking.
@peka003 7 күн бұрын
what are you talking about dude
@AnaB012 6 күн бұрын
Have you ever traveled somewhere else?! Or you are just some of our sneaky neighbors?!
@Mex1968-k3n 8 күн бұрын
Like because of Mr. Susskind. :)
@The_regular_home 8 күн бұрын
@@Mex1968-k3n A true genius, no doubt
@Mex1968-k3n 7 күн бұрын
Tako je. :)​@@The_regular_home
@STASHYNSKYI 8 күн бұрын
What's your origin? If is not too personal ? Best greats from Banjaluka 🇷🇸
@The_regular_home 7 күн бұрын
My mom is Japanese, my father is mixed German/french
@tomislavciganovic1244 8 күн бұрын
Uvek možete ponovo da posetite Srbiju. Samo zapamtite da će Srbija uvek biti u vašim srcima i lepo je čuti da govorite malo srpski. Kako mi kažemo... "Pričaj srpski da te ceo svet razume!"
@bgdabg6769 9 күн бұрын
Kids are safe because we have collective mentality. If my kid have some trouble walking to the school, store, friends...I trust in every single neighbour, any person that bypass in that moment to help. If I see kid in trouble I consider (like it's my own) my obligation is to take them and keep them until they are safe. Serbian society is like wider family, mostly
@The_regular_home 8 күн бұрын
Yes exactly, it’s how it should be everywhere in the world. ❤
@manjag513 9 күн бұрын
we don't consider american people as stupid, but ignorant yes. but it is all to your government decision, to keep you as an on island, not giving you information of world around. they keep having you inside of bubble of your exceptionalism, and your ''democracy'' and unique human rights and all that crap. like all of us around you are living some stone age lives. people are people and they are the same everywhere, the only differences that exist are cultural differences, and these are quickly learned and overcome. what we despise is the policies of your governments which are disastrous for the world outside the US, and now for your own side. all people are welcome here in serbia to enjoy together in this beautiful country where we were happily born. best regards snajka, dođite nam opet!
@karabasevic1000 9 күн бұрын
All good people with an open mind and heart are welcome to Serbia.
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@karabasevic1000 Yeah. Let's welcome the whole world to the country they destroyed so we can not afford to live in our own country anymore. Brilliant.
@Ivan80054 9 күн бұрын
As a Serb, i would like to tell you something about the way we see our familes. No matter how hard it is, as family if we are united we will deal with it. Family is our shelter and our eternal strenght to face with problems which inevitable will come in life. Also about kids,, most of us thinking this way, what is the point of being super rich if u dont have anyone to share with it? When kids come into your life, they also coming into lives of uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers. They are the most import thing in our lives and it will be always like that. Even if u have 30 or 40 years, to your parents you are always their child and they care about you like you are still 10 years old 😂. Wish u all the best and your family.
@The_regular_home 8 күн бұрын
I love this aspect of Serbian culture so much!❤
@Ivan80054 8 күн бұрын
@@The_regular_home Just give a time to yourself to learn our culture Our families are super important to us, same goes for our really close friends Even if u are not the same blood, in your heart, mind and soul these people are our brothers and sisters.Sometimes can be annoying but most of the times is a treasure to have them in your life. Also remeber this,, when your baby get older and have own friends who will come into your house, it is normal thing to feed them if they are hungry. Because for us that is common sense and it would not surprise you if someone other feed your child, if he or she went to the house of his/her friend.
@louiskrstic Күн бұрын
"if u have 30 or 40 years, to your parents you are always their child..." Ivan, with this you said that in Serbia, parents are tied to their children, not allowing them to mature spiritually and grow up as people capable of living their own independent lives . It is a picture of insufficiently spiritually mature and capable people, both adults and children. It should be known that we exist with a certain purpose, meaning and goal, and that is for everyone to be able to face life without cultivating dependence on others. Don't worry though, everyone has the right to live life the way they are capable.
@MilosStuparKistu 9 күн бұрын
Once you come here, you become part of us. Then you bring back to US part of Serbia, the good part. Biggest "tnx" for us is to share that we are ordinary good people, like anywhere in the world. All the best.
@The_regular_home 9 күн бұрын
@@MilosStuparKistu oh yes, wonderful people. I married one! My children are half Serbian, your culture surrounding family is far superior to the US I believe..
@MilosStuparKistu 9 күн бұрын
@@The_regular_home ah, both sides have + and - in Serbia lot of people are not making family at all, because of the life standard, lot of people stay with they parents until is to late to leave... Be good!
@bgdabg6769 9 күн бұрын
​@@MilosStuparKistuWe have stupid people like you explained. Weak and stupid are those who are described.
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
​@MilosStuparKistu That's the case in the West now too. There's no jobs, no money to be made.
@The_regular_home 8 күн бұрын
@@XYZOxyz ? Uhhh where are you speaking of? I Live in Las Vegas. Sooooo many jobs, soooo much $ to be made…
@dejanstojanovic1966carapan 9 күн бұрын
@dusanpantic792 9 күн бұрын
I can cover around 30 km's a day by foot. And i walk relatively fast... 😂 Greetings from Zemun. 🎉
@raderadumilo7899 9 күн бұрын
Actually you can say: Serbs or Serbians. Serbians would more closely refer to Serbs from Šumadija (Serbia proper). It has become a bit pejorative in las couple of decades, but some people from Serbia proper still call themselves Srbijanci (Serbians) while other just say Srbi (Serbs). Croats, Slovenes, Bosnians and Montenegrins are more likely to call Serbs from the Serbia proper: Serbians.
@The_regular_home 9 күн бұрын
Thank you, good to know. 😌
@gerillazack77 9 күн бұрын
@@raderadumilo7899 Дрина је кичма српског рода, сломе ли је неће остати ни Шумадија нити Београдски пашалук, а можда ни Шљивик-резерват-енклава. Моји потичу из "Србског ИЗВОРИШТА" Црне Горе и старе Херцеговине-Шћепан поље са Соко Градом (по Стефану Косачи херцегу од Светог Саве) где се Пива и Тара здружују да формирају Дрину најлепшу србску реку нашу вековну кичму и језичку и културолошку. Источно-Херцеговачки дијалекат-говор и култура певања и облачења је по етнолозима најсрбскији најчистији и најстарији део рода то ти могу потврдити и лингвисти и етнолози, није џабе Вук Караџић изабрао за основу, све епске песме су написане на том наречју динарском и оне су изродиле многе јунаке-вође који су касније сеобама населили остале крајеве србсог рода!
@milorad3232 7 күн бұрын
Serbs outside of Serbia call everyone from Serbia - Serbians no matter what they might be (Serbs, Slovaks, Hungarians etc.) since it's clear where they are from when they start speaking (ekavica), same as people from Serbia call people from Bosnia - Bosnians (as they speak ijekavica). Using Serbians as pejorative is nonsense that happens to exist in Vojvodina as people can be edgy for stupid reasons.
@gerillazack77 7 күн бұрын
@@milorad3232 this would help those uneducated ppl to understand that they are doings big historical damage to Serbian nation dividing them over regional speaking of "old Yat" letter....according to them macedonians and bulgarians as they also are "ekavica"... sr.m.wikipedia.org/sr-ec/%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87%D1%98%D0%B5
@raderadumilo7899 7 күн бұрын
@@milorad3232 Well, our own old songs say Serbians rather than Serbs: "...Jelek, anterija i opanci, po tome se znaju Srbijanci..." 😀
@glicmathan1771 9 күн бұрын
I was there and in Montenegro a few months ago and loved them! All you say rings true to me. Any chance your family might move there one day? I know the income and creature comfort luxuries are better in the US, but in terms of safety, peace and tranquillity, the Balkans has it beat by a long measure.
@The_regular_home 9 күн бұрын
It’s so true, my husband and myself have talked about it. Let’s just say it’s not completely out of the question…
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@glicmathan1771 NO! Because of you, we can't afford to live in our own country anymore. You stay where you are and you fix whatever you're complaining about instead of ruining our already small and poor country (made small and poor by YOUR elites/government). We've had it with all of you! Do NOT come!
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@glicmathan1771 No! Because of foreigners, we can't afford to live in our own country anymore. You stay where you are and you fix whatever you're complaining about instead of ruining our already small and poor country (made small and poor by YOUR elites/government). We've had it with all of you!
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@glicmathan1771 NO! Don't come. Because of foreigners, we can't afford to live in our own country anymore. You stay where you are and you fix whatever you're complaining about instead of ruining our already small and poor country (already destroyed by your elites/government). We've had it with all of you.
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@glicmathan1771 Don't come. Because of foreigners, we can't afford to live in our own country anymore. Stay where you are and fix whatever you're complaining about instead of continuing to ruin our already ruined country.
@Brave2standalone 9 күн бұрын
On several occasion I caught our "friendly neighbors" trolling and insulting foreign visitors pretending to be Serbs. I tell'em; "Ti nisi Srbin" - odakle si?* If they claim their Serbian hometown I ask him about bunch of my cousins living there (I invent some crazy nicknames). If they say "'Yes' I know them" I tell'em to get lost as the names were invented! It works every time!
@gerillazack77 9 күн бұрын
Немој да плачеш сестро, радуј се следећем сусрету, чекамо те следеће године да поново дођеш са твојом слатком дечицом нашим братом и твојим супругом🤗🤗🤗, и боље упознаш наш прелепи Београд и остале градове и природна богатства Србије. Србија није толико велика, богата и препуна природних и националних богатства као Америка, али је јединствена на свој добронамеран начин на малом месту пуно историје традиције гостопримства вере љубави и наде☦️❤️🇷🇸! Надам се да ће се Америка променити на боље.
@The_regular_home 9 күн бұрын
Actually the balkans is such a beautiful place. So fertile and lush, so peaceful. Yes America has much to offer, but Serbia does as well. A better, more enjoyable quality of life is for one.
@tomislavciganovic1244 9 күн бұрын
Ne treba te se plašiti. Mi smo dobri ljudi. Naš dom je vaš dom.
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
Ma samo ih ti zovi. Nakotili se da mi ne možemo više da živimo u sopstvenoj državi.
@22kapiten 8 күн бұрын
@@XYZOxyz sedi ti kod mame kuci, ne brini za drzavu
@XYZOxyz 8 күн бұрын
@@22kapiten Ja sam žena, supruga i majka. Imaš neku utakmicu da ideš da navijaš ili nešto da otmeš/ukradeš/diluješ????? Ne brini ti ni za državu ni za mene, od takvih kao ti ne očekujemo apsolutno ništa, pogotovo kad sebe zovu "young thug"...žali Bože...
@milorad3232 7 күн бұрын
@@XYZOxyz ajde ne seri. To sto si supruga, zena i majka ti ne daje pravo da budes bezobrazna. Zapitaj se da li si sa takvim stavovima dobra majka, zena i supruga.
@XYZOxyz 7 күн бұрын
@@milorad3232 Kuš bre nakazo antisrpska!!!! Žali Bože što postojiš!!!
@glicmathan1771 11 күн бұрын
I was recently in Serbia/Montenegro and completely agree with you. It’s much more sociable and far less ageist than the US. I was making friends with all ages. The US is one of the worst countries for aging, socially.
@The_regular_home 11 күн бұрын
Such a true comment! Oh my goodness, yes. I was hanging with older, younger, getting wonderful advice from older generations etc. here in the states that would be so weird…
@j01237 11 күн бұрын
So your nipt was actually negative
@Bazi-Samurai 12 күн бұрын
As a cook i would use cream instead of milk.
@The_regular_home 12 күн бұрын
@@Bazi-Samurai sometimes I do, but all I had in the fridge was milk. As a home cook (preparing 3 nutritious meals for my family every day) I have learned to be adaptable and resourceful when it comes to delicious dishes.
@urosparezanovic7620 12 күн бұрын
Although your physical appearance doesn't show it, it seems to me that you have something Serbian in your character, I can't describe it, but it's noticeable.
@The_regular_home 11 күн бұрын
Hmmm perhaps because I’ve been married to a Serb for over a decade. But I’ll take it as a compliment, Hvala! 😉
@TheMaoTao 12 күн бұрын
European values are much more aligned with family and close community connections.
@The_regular_home 12 күн бұрын
It’s so true, and very obvious now.
@salvatoryo7212 12 күн бұрын
Looks like you should invest in a good Trailer Park Community , it's always a sociable place and everyone's looking out for each other's kid!
@michaelkocher9774 13 күн бұрын
Move there. Why did you come back to this country then.
@The_regular_home 13 күн бұрын
@@michaelkocher9774 because we live here…
@michaelkocher9774 13 күн бұрын
@The_regular_home then it must not be as good as you said. If it's that great you would pack and move there and not use we live here as an excuse.
@The_regular_home 13 күн бұрын
@@michaelkocher9774 there are pros and cons of both. I’m an American, I love this country, but the social environment IS indeed very different and I appreciate Europe in that sense. It’s ok bro, don’t have a cow…
@glicmathan1771 11 күн бұрын
So she shouldn’t give her positive opinions about Europe unless she moves there?
@The_regular_home 11 күн бұрын
@@glicmathan1771 exactly… dammed if I do dammed if I don’t.
@ogimati5175 13 күн бұрын
You mean quality of life..
@The_regular_home 13 күн бұрын
Yes basically…
@PretendeP 13 күн бұрын
good luck!
@SamObein 13 күн бұрын
So you can always go back
@dorie7427 14 күн бұрын
Dobro dosli
@minjaciric7024 15 күн бұрын
Those trees you were wondering about are called paulownia
@balkanwitch5747 16 күн бұрын
That’s just non-EU Eastern Europe though
@KuvDabGib 16 күн бұрын
Trees are here called "Lipa" - in English that would be "Linden" - well known for its flowers and fragrance. Also it is used as a tea plant.
@Sofronic 17 күн бұрын
It was filmed quickly and briefly, but at 3:12, as far as I could see from the leaves and the trunk, the tree is a linden (Lipa in serbian). It is a common tree both in Belgrade and in Serbia, it is planted because it grows quickly and provides shade in the heat. Village women use it to make linden tea, although it is not recommended in urban areas due to pollution in big cities. It is not recommended to park the car and keep it for longer than 4-5 days under a linden tree because some sticky syrup is leaking from the leaf, so the windshield and the whole car is plastered when someone poured dissolved sugar on it.
@heys4425 18 күн бұрын
I recently got a call for high risk trisomy 13.. it has been the most stressful few days.. thankfully we get into MFM tomorrow.. but hoping for some reassuring news as I know this will more than likely be a few weeks long of a process to know for sure :( I wish I never did the NIPT, but also if it’s true.. I guess I rather know in advance rather than being blind sided at the anatomy scan..
@The_regular_home 16 күн бұрын
@@heys4425 ugh my heart goes out to u! ❤️ I agree, it’s rough, and yes perhaps it’s better to know in advance.
@user-op3tm7ml7i 18 күн бұрын
very safe city for all people
@hi1is 19 күн бұрын
Unfortunately we get this heat every single year
@The_regular_home 19 күн бұрын
Really, my entire family has said it’s just in recent years. Either way, it’s terrible
@hi1is 19 күн бұрын
@@The_regular_home by recent years I’m guessing they mean the 21st century. I know that before 2000 summers were cooler but that’s true for most of the world
@The_regular_home 18 күн бұрын
@@hi1is I hear may is nice. We will come earlier in the year next trip
@hi1is 18 күн бұрын
@@The_regular_home yep May and September I’d say are the best