Star Wars Outlaws PC Gameplay
14 күн бұрын
Dead Space Remake random PS5 gameplay
Star Trucker: New Star Systems
Star Trucker: disaster special
Star Trucker: Second session
Star Trucker: First session
Starfield Ship tour:  Star Drifter
Starfield Random shoot & loot
Starfield Raiding the Mantis Lair
Starfield Capturing a large ship
Starfield Hornet's Nest ship tour
@Northlander74 3 күн бұрын
I will add, that Chevy carries that orange off well
@the_omg3242 3 күн бұрын
I used to have a coworker that had a 76 Chevy stepside with a lift kit and large tires and that same shade of orange. Thought it looked really good then and used that as inspiration. He never got into video games, but if he had I'm sure he'd get a kick out of seeing pretty much his truck in an off road game.
@Northlander74 3 күн бұрын
I think we all know how low gear is a given when going down steep gradients, but I've also found low gear to be very beneficial when using high centre of gravity trucks to reduce sudden weight shifting, thus reducing the potential to tip over. I've seen way too many videos on here of people complaining about certain trucks, but they drive them like a race car and wonder why thev tip over
@the_omg3242 3 күн бұрын
That's one of the reasons I don't like to run the roof rack on the CK1500. With big tires and the suspension lift it's already a bit tippy and the roof rack makes it even worse. Really bugs me that they don't have an option for extra fuel in the box and one of the reasons I'll often choose the Hummer instead of the CK1500. Some maps have a lot more roads set up for abrupt weight shift from side to side, like the Kola peninsula region. (it's like they learned a new trick and have to use it everywhere)
@Northlander74 5 күн бұрын
I came for your KSP 1 video, but stayed for your SnowRunner videos
@the_omg3242 5 күн бұрын
Glad to hear you're finding some stuff of interest here. As you can see, I don't try too hard to maximize the views on this channel. ;^) If you like space stuff and trucking stuff, Star Trucker might let you combine those 2 interests. (or Frontier Pilot Sim)
@Northlander74 8 күн бұрын
On your NAV Ball, you have a couple of additional features, the timer for when to burn and the +/- buttons with 50%??? Are they part of a mod or are they from upgrading something on the surface?
@the_omg3242 8 күн бұрын
That's part of the stock game. I think when you unlock the tracking station to show patched conics you get access to maneuver nodes and that display is part of them. The idea is that the game calculates how long you'll have to burn your engine at your current TWR to get your course to match the course you set up with the maneuver node. That's the burn time. It's also telling you how long till you get to that node. At 6:32 when it reads -40 seconds, it means I'm 40 seconds from getting to the maneuver node. Since the burn is going to take 47 seconds, it wants to do half of the burn before the node and half after the node. 47/2=23.5 so it wants to start the burn 23.5 seconds before the node which would actually be in 15.5 seconds, but the game rounds to the nearest whole number. (start burn in:15s ) If you were to change your TWR either by decoupling something or setting a thrust limiter on your engine, The burn time and start burn displays would update to reflect the new values. If you want to make very precise course corrections, like to fine tune your approach distance to the mun, lowering the TWR by thrust limiting is a good option. This can let you turn a .5 second burn into a 20 second burn and you can watch your course prediction on the map screen to get exact distances. The - 50% + buttons let you manually set what percentage of the burn you want to take place before the node. For a really long burn like going interplanetary, you might want to do 70-80% of your burn before the node and the other 30-20% after so that you're not too late in completing your course adjustment for the transfer.
@Northlander74 9 күн бұрын
It's great to see videos like this! I adore the AZOV 641. This truck in [ L- ] is a beast of a rock crawler!
@Northlander74 11 күн бұрын
This play list is an absolute life-saver! Thank you!
@the_omg3242 11 күн бұрын
It's a bit surprising that new people are still discovering this game after all the time it's been out. Such a disappointment that they screwed up so bad on the sequel. (at least there's still tons of mods for the first one though)
@Northlander74 9 күн бұрын
@@the_omg3242 I'm actually on the PS5 version, so for me, it's kind of a newish game...I had made the mistake of going Sandbox mode and following other YT channels that covered the mid to late game, but I felt that I've missed so much of the enjoyment (and actual science of rocket flight) so came back to the game and thought I'd see if I could find some well presented early 'career' gameplay. Pleased I found your videos!
@LemonToGo Ай бұрын
This is how landings will always be with the new atmospheric flight model.
@CoyRogue Ай бұрын
I would say a pro tip is to make sure to do hauls and keep a few grand on hand for repairs, and some spare replacement parts for the truck. The side quests with the convoy opens up new places and parts of your truck, but don't pay you. 😂 Upgrading the systems, etc. does help, but also requires getting used to. I have been addicted to this game for the past few days. I even dropped a couple bucks for support and got the dlc paint and trimmings...figured the least I could do since am playing on Game Pass. Enjoying watching and relaxing.
@the_omg3242 Ай бұрын
Yeah, keeping some cash on hand would probably be the financially wise thing to do. Not that I'd normally fit that description. lol. So far I've been counting on the upgrades saving me from repair costs although I do have spare batteries and UCC's in case I need them. I'm pretty impressed with the game and also got it on Gamepass. In some ways it reminds me of the Cyclops from Subnautica with being able to walk around inside it and fix systems. Wish it had TrackIR support though. I also sometimes like to just sit and watch other people play games I'm playing. It's interesting seeing how others react to stuff and sometimes you even notice stuff you were too busy to notice when you're playing yourself. Thanks for your interest.
@BiGG_X Ай бұрын
Gravity really eats up thos batteries and UCCs. Here is a tip to keep most things from flying around the cab when gravity fails and it will when you least expect it. Use those crates for everything you can. Here is the trick... when you put those crates on the shelve, open the crate while its on the shelf. It will be cracked open and kinda wedged in there so they wont float around when the gravity goes out on you 😉😉 Also, take advantage of free repairs before your warranty is up at 80k miles.
@the_omg3242 Ай бұрын
That's a really nice tip about opening the crates to keep them in place. You'd think they'd have netting over the shelves in a space truck. Thanks for that suggestion. The main complaint I see about the game is the speed that the batteries get used. I ended up restarting in the custom mode and turned down power consumption. Enjoying the game a lot more now. I missed out on the free repairs and my warranty is over. Damn.
@BiGG_X Ай бұрын
@@the_omg3242 I was thinking the same thing about netteing. I watch 1 person who tested the game and he said the reason they dont use netting is for balance. You know? you wont know how important it is to keep your gravity drive running LOL
@CoyRogue Ай бұрын
I play on xbox with a controller...there could be some fine tuning for better control of sensitivity. Hoping when you unlock upgrades it makes your rig a little less unwieldy. I popped out to repair without my suit, but popped back into the truck before dying and actually got an achievement 😂.
@the_omg3242 Ай бұрын
I actually died inside the truck in one of my sessions trying to change the battery in the oxygen system. Turned it off at the panel first and by the time I got the new battery in and back to the panel it was too late. Next time I'll try doing it in the space suit.
@Northlander74 2 ай бұрын
SKI = Solar Kinetic Interference
@Northlander74 2 ай бұрын
On my game, holding L1 on the PS controller, and using the left stick operates the rudder so you can yaw left and right
@the_omg3242 2 ай бұрын
That's interesting. It's been a while since I played but I might have to fire it up and see how well that works. Nice tip.
@Northlander74 2 ай бұрын
You lucked out on that run to Hardmine! Love it when games have this kind of dynamic economies and you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Even though I have the enhanced batteries and the CTOL upgrade for my Scarab, I've never plucked up the courage to fly from Raglor Transit to the main island.
@the_omg3242 2 ай бұрын
You're aware that higher altitudes give you less fuel burn? There's also headwinds and tailwinds in the game so every now and then, blip the AR on to check winds and see if they're helping or hurting you.
@Northlander74 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video! I'm pleased I found this! Some brilliant tips and suggestions on starting your logistics business. I know the version of the game I'm playing now, the economy is dynamic, so sometimes items go out of stock and sometimes different locations change what they need due to supply and demand. Could that be why Hardmine didn't want B2's at that point in your game?
@the_omg3242 2 ай бұрын
That's probably exactly it. When you sell something at a location it takes a while before they're willing to buy more. (probably to keep people like me from setting up easy trade routes) I think each location is fixed on what they want to buy and sell and the supply and demand is simulated with timers. (buy something and you need to wait a certain time to buy more, sell something and you need to wait a certain time to sell more of the same) I've never seen a location that wanted a particular thing, then later on wanted something else other than the scripted stuff like food to hardmine once.
@Northlander74 2 ай бұрын
I was confused too, regarding the battery "charge" So in my head I pretend it's a Hydrogen gas fuel cell, and for whatever reason,you need to recharge it with H² so it can keep generating electricity
@internal_voice 2 ай бұрын
You are complicating a landing. Honestly I see no benefit in that; moreover, I would land trice in usual mode for the same time you're landing in decoupled mode.
@the_omg3242 2 ай бұрын
Making easy stuff complicated is pretty much all we've got to pass for gameplay while we're waiting on CIG to add some ACTUAL gameplay. Besides, it's not really about making it faster, it's about making it smoother than there you nose dive towards the ground, come to a stop in midair, rotate your ship level, then strafe down to slam your ship into the ground. You ever see them do that in a movie? Probably not since it looks stupid but is the standard landing practice in Star Citizen for a lot of players. This is only intended to smooth all of those into a single move that looks a little more professional and cinematic.
@Star_CitizenYT 2 ай бұрын
nice to share thet experience, most things are simply turned off, because they are mostly only for beginners. And what pleases me the most is that in the near future smaller aircraft in the atmosphere will use only the rear thrusters, thus simulating more like a jet plane.
@the_omg3242 2 ай бұрын
Given the pace of development I don't think they'll be making major changes to the flight model in the near future. (or even middle future. Distant future maybe if the games survives another 5 to 10 years) As for simulating atmospheric flight, I don't really see them doing that in a major way since that adds stalls and reduced control at low speed and other sim like behavior while everything else in the game seems to be dumbing down to console levels. They might make wings and control surface have effect, but most lift will always come from bottom thrusters since the entire game is built around VTOL and there's not a runway to be found anywhere.
@Star_CitizenYT 2 ай бұрын
@@the_omg3242 they almost mentioned that VTOL will be mandatory in the next update, as well as what I mentioned for the thrusters, so that the smaller aircraft would be more similar to a jet-plane. Therefore, flying close to the surface will be more interesting and seem more realistic, rather than drifting above the surface
@Star_CitizenYT 2 ай бұрын
@@the_omg3242 So when you take off, the transition from VTOL will be by moving away from the surface, moving forward and raising the front a little bit, just like the real AV-8B Harrier II can do.
@dainsleif3122 2 ай бұрын
combine that with the limiter , and it looks even better
@CommanderStarfireWolf 3 ай бұрын
If you add the mod Improved Serpent's Embrace by Sfayte for Xbox and PC, along with the mod Va'ruun Spacesuit Replacer (Black) by zone79 You can play as a Va'ruun character. The Va'ruun will not be hostile to you and the mod removes the negative affects of Serpent's Embrace.
@Prometheus1992 3 ай бұрын
I have recently made my Va‘runn Crusader my homeship. I feel like a true House Va‘ruun leader now.
@omnijack 4 ай бұрын
Also: i think that was a GREAT ending haha. Fancy wing-work, even if the game didn’t entirely respect it
@omnijack 4 ай бұрын
You fly like (a real) airman. This game is a lot of “almost there”s for me: sadly, nothing else fills that void on console. So I learned the controls and learned to tolerate everything else. It’s not all bad, even though the game’s world desperately needs sensible air routes and non-spontaneous global weather events.
@just_bickers 5 ай бұрын
More of this game pls
@DreNizzo 5 ай бұрын
This is great but keep in mind that for any PvP, having a higher curve on (especially) up/down strafe will have you more of a sitting duck.
@the_omg3242 5 ай бұрын
Would it though? 100% stick deflection is still 100% control input so you should be able to strafe just as fast. This just gives you more precision for small control movements. That might not be an issue if you're using a full size stick for strafing, but I'm using a tiny controller size stick with my middle finger on my throttle so small strafe motions to thread between obstacles or lightly touch down when landing can be tricky. That's the main use for curves; small sticks or flying with a game controller.
@potteryjoe 5 ай бұрын
"..that would be crazy for someone with my limited skills..." is my entire play style
@jimmeislerthejammachine6434 6 ай бұрын
Keep on Trucking 🚚🚛🚙🛻
@Cronama 6 ай бұрын
I have the Avenger Titan and love landing it like a normal aircraft since it has standard landing gear.
@ElectricLamplighter 6 ай бұрын
Extremely helpful. I've got a tiny little thumbstick on my gamepad and was struggling to get things feeling right. This has already been a huge improvement for me, not just for landing, but also more control in combat and lowflying
@the_omg3242 6 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful. I started playing with curves because of the little analog stick on my throttle that I use for strafing up/down, left/right. Wasn't very good for fine control till I'd spent some time playing with the control curves, but works much better after some tweaking.
@ronaldwebb7298 6 ай бұрын
Good video. Never heard of this game but I'll check it out. Stormworks might be something you would be interested in as well
@the_omg3242 6 ай бұрын
I picked up Stormworks on a Steam sale at one point, but haven't actually tried it yet. (too many games, not enough time) Snowrunner goes on sale all the time so maybe wait on one of those if you decide you want it. The same dev has a new game called Expeditions, but many Snowrunner players don't really like it since it plays like a subset of Snowrunner.
@JetSe77er 6 ай бұрын
I plan to do this but add in a backflip.
@the_omg3242 6 ай бұрын
Saw a video where someone added a flat spin so they came in backwards and the rear hatch was facing the bunker door they were landing at.
@plmokm33 7 ай бұрын
I always assumed decoupled mode wouldn't automatically keep your altitude when in gravity so I avoided using it.
@colliehowardg 7 ай бұрын
You are a genius. Love the vid.
@Good_Schmidt 7 ай бұрын
Niice!! :D
@shmayazuggot8558 8 ай бұрын
Use thrust limiter for better control.
@loganater45 8 ай бұрын
Nice vid old man ;)😊
@notrudi6566 8 ай бұрын
How do you get so good at flying?
@mazack00 8 ай бұрын
literally the only way you're supposed to land in gravity fields.
@IveNeverStoodUp 9 ай бұрын
1,000 dollar monthly subscription to play a game that took 20 years to make but will only last for 3 years before closing the servers forever.
@the_omg3242 9 ай бұрын
If you were spending $1000 a month for a subscription they'd probably give you your own server and come to your house to tuck you into bed every night.
@waberoid 9 ай бұрын
Oh my god, thank you. I can actually slow down for landing now.
@alexpetrov8871 9 ай бұрын
"vector indicator" - lol, I thought this thing is something like quantum marker of other ships flying by in QT mode, like frameshift markers in Elite. I always see it moving over screen in random directions ))
@the_omg3242 9 ай бұрын
It's only random till you know what it does. It's also handy for low level flight using the strafe keys. If the indicator is on top of a hill, you'll clear the hill. If you watch some of the YT videos of people flying low and fast you'll see how it's indicating their flight path.
@MPjustaman 9 ай бұрын
If you can get the Blacklist Heli; it's the best. Very stealthy.
@the_omg3242 9 ай бұрын
I've got that one on my main character and it is one of my favorites. It's surprising how close you can land to bases without them going hostile. But if I'm doing coop with more than one other person I really like the missle version of the Overseer. Can carry up to 6 and very agile if you need to dodge incoming missles.
@safbrannovelis7480 9 ай бұрын
get going with panther class
@safbrannovelis7480 9 ай бұрын
well done ghost.. nice video
@Hackenberg 10 ай бұрын
I did a point to point in an Ursa Rover at Daymar. Mental Note: Drink something on a regular basis. If you do this, you will need to use the map and the shadows for a guide.
@the_omg3242 10 ай бұрын
I did that on a Nox once. Never really went too far with my Ursa though. Most ground terrain tends to be a bit rough for wheels and they're slower than I've got the patience for. Which often results in me dying on grav bikes when I hit a rock going much faster than the Ursa can manage.
@dsp4392 10 ай бұрын
Really wish the underbelly thrusters were a lot less powerful. As it is right now it's like you have a Flacon Heavy under your ship yanking you out of gravity. Makes most ships feel like they're made of cardboard. Lowering the limiter helps, but then the rear thrusters feel underpowered.
@broggyr 10 ай бұрын
Very nice. Thanks for this.
@c4tze 10 ай бұрын
so this is the trick for people who struggle with flying a ship properly?
@adampalmer1874 10 ай бұрын
P r o m o S M
@OnlineObsessionista 10 ай бұрын
Do you need to cut thrusters when landing or you keep holding it?
@the_omg3242 10 ай бұрын
The only thrusters that are active are the ones on the bottom of the ship that are normally used for hover. When you're on your glide path, (for lack of a better term) they're maintaining your rate of descent automaticly. In decoupled mode in gravity with your landing gear down the thrusters work to hold your current direction, but you're actually already throttled down even if your speed limiter is above zero. Your rear engines aren't firing except to maintain your forward speed against any wind or air resistance. When you use your spacebrake, the ships various thrusters work to slow you in every direction, (forward and down) so if you time the spacebrake so that you hit the ground slowly you'll stick to the ground since you'll no longer have any velocity for the decoupled mode to maintain. You do want to get into the habit of setting your speed limiter to zero after you land so that when you go back to coupled mode before takeoff you can smoothly accelerate, but that's more prep for your next flight than necessary to end your current flight.
@Brewer05 10 ай бұрын
This was amazing. Thank you so much!