@sarahroosink3133 2 ай бұрын
Does the sandstone house still exist?
@jswaggart01 4 ай бұрын
Haha, this is great. I used to live near there and sometimes out of sheer boredom we would go and stand under that bridge when a train passed over it. Of course 40 years later it might go some way to explain why I don’t hear so good lol.
The cartouches have the identical headings (Musca the Fly or Apis the Bee, The Goose Returning which became Cygnus) appear on a 5th dynasty door lintel that only lost its plaster cover in 1991 - in the tomb of 19th dynasty Sety I - so how did 'hoaxers' know to depict those? Plus the die glock, Ninurta's sigil that Credo Mutwa wore around his neck and other details only coming to light now...
@steves6823 6 ай бұрын
get off the meth you twit
THIS IS GRUBBERMENT BRAVO SIERRA. I was there in 1958 and so were the glyphs. That year the Flora and Fauna Society mentioned them without saying they were hieroglyphs. Such bald deceit from grubberment frontmen
@steves6823 6 ай бұрын
bullshit they werent there , I bet you couldnt even find the place
@jesseadamsstein Жыл бұрын
But where is Vol I?
@superdanceaddict 2 жыл бұрын
just bought a roof basket. This is essential viewing. (BTW where is Volume 1?)
@michaelcoyle4283 2 жыл бұрын
Volume 1 was awesome, it was actual videos of cars trucks & buses smashing I to it which were most probably leaked from Gosford Council, police, or Insurance companies. it was circulating through Facebook but looks like Sony etc took it down for them running the "I saw the Sign" pop song as it's feature soundtrack & not getting Copyright permissions I gather 😉
@odin555555 2 жыл бұрын
Can you please link original report. Cheers
@steves6823 2 жыл бұрын
Links above - see more
@kerrykelaher2607 3 жыл бұрын
I love the 1920 s ( i live in a country style cottage love the old film classics)
@lightningfun6486 4 жыл бұрын
I remember that storm
@shellymurano7373 4 жыл бұрын
The Strong's house has been struck by lightning for disrespecting Elders and sacred stones . Lightning is the left hand of God sent to punish misbehaving humans
@anjoyplanet 5 жыл бұрын
ALL YOUR DOCS ARE BLUE !!! To much photoshoped (ha ha ha )
@steves6823 5 жыл бұрын
Do you even know what 35mm film from 1983 looks like you fucking moron ?
@thomaselliott573 5 жыл бұрын
A great piece of history. Thank you
@normdeeploom5945 5 жыл бұрын
Having visited the site myself I can tell you they are relics of the pre flood Tartarian super civilization whose history has been suppressed by NASA to protect the truth of flat earth and reptillian Masonic hybrids. Ohhh. And also to protect the secret of free energy with laser rock cutting tools. Anyone who doesn't accept the truth is a shill or being intentionally ignorant because my assertions are backed up by a couple of dodgy Egytpian tour guides who work for the Ponds...oops I mean Khemitology Institute. The local land council are being paid off by a super secret international cabal with bloodlines from Babylon to protect the big secret of ancient lost high technology because mechanical advantage is not a real thing, otherwise Graham Hancock would include in his well researched arguments for levitation technology. Since as we know there is no evidence of the ancients understanding any use of simple machines (except for the many modern forgeries of ancient texts) and therefore since they couldn't tie a hitch knot we must assume they had detailed knowledge of highly complex technology such as lasers and sonic levitation. Why are you denying the obvious truth that this is a Stargate? The "Stargate" documentaries are hard science and all the proof that is necesary to prove that Neo is the chosen one. it really makes me sick when shills like you refuse to do any homework and instead rely on logic, reason, documentation and other so called "evidence" to hide the truth of advanced alien technology from the time of the gods before the flood when Nephilim and giants battled over the sacred stone of Wijankahbay during the 2nd Great Galatic Conflict for control of the confetti mines of Glitteron 7 during the rise of the 8th Generation of Buzzwordian Dynasty. You can't explain that away can you? No I didn't think you could! Read Graham Hancock and Brien Foerster for the truth. As they and the Khemit Insititute point out the heavy stones of the ancint past couldn't be supported by wooden rollers. Of course the engineering sites post fake data about the strength of timber and every builder in the world works with this conspiracy to secretly using invisible Adamantium-Vibranium alloy to support their buildings. Why aren't you working to uncover this diabolical plot? I knew you couldn't answer that one either!! Grant Denyer is a lizard promoted by the illuminati!! How else can his popularity be explained??
@starman2024 5 жыл бұрын
All information on this video clip contradicts studies done that indicate aborigines have been aware of the carvings for generations. This and other areas in the vicinity is considered sacred ground by the elders.
@steves6823 5 жыл бұрын
Please contact the local Aboriginal elders at the Darkingjung Local Aboriginal Land Council before waffling off with absolute bullshit , yes the whole area is a sacred site but not because of the fake Egyptian glyphs
@steves6823 5 жыл бұрын
@illuminOz I bet you didnt even finish year 10 at school I'll leave it up to the experts , I'm just presenting the facts not some washed up hippy bullshit fairytale knock your socks off karionghieroglyphs.blogspot.com/p/the-npws-reluctantly-conduct-regular.html
@dehansfromoz4979 5 жыл бұрын
To me it looks more like your photos are faked with the use of a photo shop software; easy done.
@steves6823 5 жыл бұрын
lol why would I bother anything I have posted is easily checkable here you go knock your socks off heres more truth than you could handle karionghieroglyphs.blogspot.com/ , if you think my photos have been faked you obviously have no idea Feel free to get in touch with the photographer Jack Green he still lives in the area and GET BACK TO ME
@fordlandau 5 жыл бұрын
Fabulous! Great shots of original Hawkesbury Bridge and immaculate C32 class locomotive pulling the train.
@ianr02 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Steve. So who was this mysterious person who did the carving, and how was he able to carve heiroglyphs that actually tell a valid story according to the Egyptian Khemit school? How did you find out that the story about the site no being largely covered in debris is incorrect? Look forward to your reply.
@steves6823 5 жыл бұрын
My site karionghieroglyphs.blogspot.com/ , the Khemit School is not an archaeological institution start by researching that one lol
@normdeeploom5945 5 жыл бұрын
The Khemit School is to ancient Egyptian history what the Ponds Institute is to Nuclear physics.
@moussaawyan9956 4 жыл бұрын
He doesn't have anything he is full of 🐪🤬😂
@keifwoki 4 жыл бұрын
I thought this was a valid question. I came here for an answer to these questions as well. I see you put a great deal of work into this subject, which is great. 👍
@odin555555 2 жыл бұрын
@@steves6823 considering latest findings in Egypt and across the world and speculations on Egypt's first and foremost's archeologist being somewhat WRONG lol i will take this link with a grain of salt .
@ianr02 6 жыл бұрын
Ever thought that someone actually re carved the originals so they could photograph them better? Clearly someone went to a lot of trouble to carve all these right up the rock face. The story goes that this cleft in the rock was virtually originally invisible until a ranger's (?) dog ran into it, as it was obscured by fallen debris - including rock and bushfire debris - and it wasn't until all this was cleared that the site became visible. The strange thing is that apparently the original carver has never come forward to reveal who carved them.
@steves6823 6 жыл бұрын
The photos in this video clearly show that these were newly made in 1984 , there were already existing carvings at that site and another location it's no secret and they are all dated at less than 50 years old , the site was never obscured by debris , there was a farmhouse approximately 60 meters East of this site that was built in 1920 and you could drive your car to within 20 metres of this site right up until 2001, the site is a lot more accessable than most people would have you believe The work seems to have been done in at least 3 different time periods over 30 years starting with a small team of local schoolboys at a different site nearby in the 60's The western wall of the cleft seems to have been done in the mid 70' and most of the eastern wall in the 80's by a single person was was caught in the act by the National Parks and Wildlife Service , I have spoken personally to the council surveyor who found them in the mid 70' and a park worker who spoke to the man caught carving in 1984 Also every Egyptologist and anyone with basic knowledge of Egyptian language will happily tell you they are fake fake fake
@steves6823 6 жыл бұрын
The truth hurts 10 people in 24 hours ahahahaahahhahahahah
@odin555555 2 жыл бұрын
Have you asked the local Aboriginal elders their views? After all they have been here the longest.
@steves6823 2 жыл бұрын
@@odin555555 Yes I have spoken to the local land council and Australia's top Aboriginal rock art experts along with archealogists ,geologists and Egyptian experts from the Department of Egyptology at Macquarie University , links above
@gregoryolsen4509 8 жыл бұрын
WOY NOT? © G. J. Olsen Esq 2016 On the Central Coast of New South Wales There lies a little town That has had some bad press now and then Spike Milligan, his Mum lived there, Said some things that weren’t correct Although funny, they were a burden to bear Those that named that place Had a soft spot in their heart They liked it so much they named it twice But over time it’s become a joke To some ignorant folk Who don’t understand the joys of life I’ve come to love this little place Now that I’ve lived thereabouts For just over the past two years My spouse and I have relocated From the noisy big smoke And will never to return, no fear We’ve found our peace Among the trees full of birdsong The slower paced life appeals The sunsets are amazing, Sometimes the weather can be outrageous Storm damage is common these days For on the peninsular There’s a place for those not too insular There’s plenty up here to do So if you’re in the market For a different take on life Woy not Woy Woy for you?
@saxonthomas679 8 жыл бұрын
i still don't get how people hit it
@tonycpaul 8 жыл бұрын
Claude Flemming was my great Uncle. Never saw nor knew of this film. Thank you!
@bigglesflysagain1749 8 жыл бұрын
OOOHHHH MMMYYYYYY...................what a find for me !!!Grandpa had a cottage (named SANDILANDS) at Patonga and we used train up from Sydney to Woy Woy...smoke billowing into the carriage during the numerous tunnels on the way...what fun we kids thought !Then onto a bus to rumble over and down to Patonga...7.08 here on the film...BTW, a great shot of looking down on Patonga...gives the "feel" for it .....The Bay and The Creek.....Winter time was "hit and miss" to if we made it to Patonga because in those days the road was NOT paved and often the red, gummy mud would have us turn around before we motored down the hill to Patonga!Ahhhh...the peace of it all , in those days. So quite and calming to the mind and heart !One of my cousins used help at the wee bakery there (Patonga) by sprinkling poppy seeds on the unbaked bread before it went in the oven, done at night time.I used row Patonga Creek in my grand fathers clinker board small boat. Also snorkeled , along with the outgoing tide, in the shallows of that creek. Cool stuff !GREAT MEMORIES.....and a few 'sniffles' watching this !! ....but I had "a beaut of a good run", so I will 'depart' with a smile on my face, when the time comes ! :):):)
@suzannebaldwin3562 9 жыл бұрын
I was brought up here.. truly beautiful...
@critchley3819 9 жыл бұрын
This has been a fascination since seeing this area as a kid in the fifties, at the time we were lead to believe it was aboriginal..
@MrRecklessryan 6 жыл бұрын
brian critchley Well that is strange because the earliest known contact with the site was in 1983 lol
@ulture 4 жыл бұрын
@illuminOz do you do this for fun? get a better hobby
@dallymessengerIII 9 жыл бұрын
My father, Dally Messenger II, lived here most of his life. He died here. My late teenage years were spent here. I still lived here when I had my 21st birthday. I saw it change from village to town - sad. Dad was President of the Woy Woy Bowling Club and on Sunday nights I would help him count the money from the old style hand activated poker machines. They paid 90 cents in the dollar. A group of teenagers from Woy Woy were a contingent of the Gosford Catholic Youth Organisation - under the leadership of that great mover and shaker, Lawrie O'Malley.
@pegwestcott453 9 жыл бұрын
I used to go to Patonga as a child for holidays back in the late 50's and now have been living in Woy Woy for the past 10 years. Wouldn't go back to Sydney for quids.
@alexandrawright1450 9 жыл бұрын
WOW! doesn't look too much like that now.
@nevilleshedden 9 жыл бұрын
Although we now live in Redcliffe, Queensland, this film brought back fond memories of our holidays in Gosford, Woy Woy, in particular. Thank you.
@johnpurcellpurcell5207 9 жыл бұрын
My family has lived there for ages. Great place for all things good in life
@grahamshirley7725 9 жыл бұрын
It is indeed a period gem of a film. According to articles accessed via Trove Digitised Newspapers, it was commissioned by Woy Woy Council in Dec 1935 and completed by Mar 1936. It is not known when its public premiere took place, but it was screened privately at Newcastle's Civic Theatre in May 1936. Director-narrator Claude Flemming appears periodically throughout the film - initially arriving at railway station, after which he plays lawn bowls and takes a boat trip. Flemming also directed Peter Finch's first but now-lost film, 'The Magic Shoes', at Pagewood Studios, Sydney, in the mid-1930s.
@GMTabone 9 жыл бұрын
My first visit to Woy Woy was 1965...I live at Shoalhaven Heads very similar...love it.
@merrillie 9 жыл бұрын
Loved it thank you. We moved to Woy Woy nearly 6 years ago. Had my very first visit to Woy Woy 40 years ago as a 10 year old.
@butt3rfly999 9 жыл бұрын
I shared this with the Group Ocean Beach/ Umina History. Some thing haven't changed. :D Loved it, thanks.
@evilsaddist666 10 жыл бұрын
I think your wrong there are now over 91 sites in the surrounding area with similar stuff, I think there's more to this Egyptian thing.
@mulcontent 10 жыл бұрын
91 you say ? I bet you can't even name 3 of them , what you think is not science or important