Pokemon horizons cbbc liko sprigatito amigo jose zuluaga
@PurpleCoin19 сағат бұрын
@ejikeokeke3840Күн бұрын
It's called stellar form
@PurpleCoin19 сағат бұрын
@kinganthony5885Күн бұрын
4:58 that's actually land's wrath
@PurpleCoinКүн бұрын
I completely forgot that Zygarde has 4 signature moves.
@martin705656 күн бұрын
So.. Lets go for the MIRACLE!!!!!🎉❤
@PurpleCoin6 күн бұрын
@hunterhq2957 күн бұрын
What Gibeon wants with Laquirium, one hand his perspective is reasonable, with longer life it makes you reliant on the material like a drug and not just the risks to pokemon it makes life meaningless if it isn't limited and precious.
@dupline9807 күн бұрын
Friede part was honestly 9/9 for inventiveness. The rest was meh.
@dupline9808 күн бұрын
I just put it together that Pagogo's name comes from the sounds it makes.
@PurpleCoin7 күн бұрын
@hunterhq29514 күн бұрын
Anyone realised the explorers could access Laqua all this while yet they never thought to catch legendaries to boost their forces?
@PurpleCoin11 күн бұрын
@kinganthony588515 күн бұрын
5:14 bruh, really? 😅
@PurpleCoin11 күн бұрын
@djw_tekken849016 күн бұрын
@PurpleCoin14 күн бұрын
Let's hope season 5 is better than 3-4
@chemicalmaster326719 күн бұрын
@Purple Coin That fire type version of Outrage is called Raging Fury.
@donavancampbell665828 күн бұрын
Whats the point in bitching about a filler episode in pokemon or just anime in general... Theres tons of filler episodes in fact most of it is filler if you aren't a fan of filler episodes then i would suggest you watch something else... Find a show with 8 or 10 episode seasons or something....
@PurpleCoin28 күн бұрын
If I will praise good filler Pokémon episodes I will also complain about bad ones. I'm not someone like you that just blindly love/hate something depending on what intellectual property it belongs too.
@enissaylea4945Ай бұрын
anime name ?
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo
@FlawPinkАй бұрын
Well, 4 episodes are out. They are not in chronological order and they are in english dub. So yeah. Maybe it's good to wait for at least half. I like it so far. 1 episode in particular stole my heart. It's episode "Daddycop", which is labelled as Season 6 episode 4. For me one of the better episodes the show ever got
@johndickson1683Ай бұрын
It really painfully to see former villian's mom die from car clash.
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
I wonder if she actually died in a car crash or if that's a lie they told Ametihos
@saberalter1586Ай бұрын
I think the Marine stripper scene was a reference to Holo GTA and Calli was there at the strip club as corrupted police officer on Day 1 😂
@starhawk3657Ай бұрын
Only Iyris could promote this 😅...
@hunterhq295Ай бұрын
Maybe the heroes may be divided among Liko, Dot and Roy depending on how Lucius gets addressed one day
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
What did you guys/girls think of the episode?
@hunterhq295Ай бұрын
Was real great but one thought- Not sure how dragon puylse and draco meteor took out tinkatuff and hattrem but when Crocalor was on Rayquaza's head imagine if he used stomping tantrum while up there.
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
Hattrem is a pure psychic type but tink should not be hit I think they just forgot that fairy is immune to dragon or it is just resistant to it in the show. Stomping Tantrum on Rayquaza's head would have been cool.
@ThrustersXАй бұрын
idk havent watched it yet
@x149teАй бұрын
Small and Smaller
@JDueler11Ай бұрын
Fluttershy vs Nermal
@Otes3fАй бұрын
"I am Italian and I use a translator to write. But do our heroes have all of Lucius's Pokémon, or is there still someone left to meet?"
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
Rayquaza is the only one left.
@K42UАй бұрын
"What are they gonna do? Fire me? I'll graduate anyway."
@hunterhq295Ай бұрын
Raging fury and buning bulwark
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
@dupline980Ай бұрын
I guess a contributing part of the starter problem is that they are always out of their pokeball. When it comes to spontinanious fights like this one, it makes sense to use the pokemon already out, especially when it is just a filler fight. It really harms the show.
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
I forgot that Oni means demon (Should remember it because of how much I have heard it from other Japanese Cartoons and Hololive) so the name Sango gave scream tail is perfect.
@PurpleCoinАй бұрын
Man I Love Sango
@dupline980Ай бұрын
Lol she's so cute!
@dupline9802 ай бұрын
I just found out that shuckle isn't in gen 9, so at least they didn't make that r*tarded decision.
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
@dupline9802 ай бұрын
Awesome battle, only marred a bit by the fact that they beat a champion. Yeah, it was a 3-on-3, but they still beat her fair and square. It feels like that should be unachievable until the very end of a series if ever. But the trope of losing, and being rewarded anyway for trying your best, is overdone. So I prefer it this way.
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
@flan-z8m2 ай бұрын
These two is like really good comedy of Hololive branding . I wish there are more of them same peer
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
Mikorone Love!
@dupline9802 ай бұрын
I wonder if the anime is allowed to use Pokémon which didn't return in Gen 9. Sounds foolish, but I could imagine the Pokémon Company doing that as a stupid marketing strategy.
@dupline9802 ай бұрын
Would you react to Fire And Ice (1983)?
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
Will add it to the backlog
@Healthy10102 ай бұрын
banger reaction
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
@dupline9802 ай бұрын
I remember in DP, Mespirit and Cresselia were roaming pokemon. Why did you make the reaction video private?
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
Wait it's private?
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
It went private when I scheduled it to be released on the 25th.
@Misto_deVito60092 ай бұрын
5:56 Seals are mammals dude
@PurpleCoin2 ай бұрын
I know... But I always assumed there was a transition period between getting milk from the mother as a baby and hunting your own food for seal pups.
@PurpleCoin3 ай бұрын
I sadly got Encoding Problems at 4:39 so I had to cut the video down heavily from 15min down to 7. I still added the animations that I reacted to in the description in the order that I saw them, wonder if Fauna killing FWMC caused my pc to go haywire . kzbin.info/www/bejne/n2bGgnWajcicY6c no encoding problems in this one. MAN I LOVE FAUNA
@hunterhq2953 ай бұрын
Ah the savanna, this one was missing Zebstrika, mandibuzz, pyroar and luxray, maybe donphan, hippowdon and krookodile also
@ThaitopYT3 ай бұрын
Wtf was the thumbnail lol
@midnightreyna68973 ай бұрын
Are these on Netflix? The episodes don't go up to the 70s 🥲 i havent seen this yet
@dupline9803 ай бұрын
Amazon video i think if you want to pay for it.
@dupline9803 ай бұрын
It was a really nice episode and all... but what exactly did Lucius die for? He got stuck inside the barrier and then the crystals were stopped by terapagos and the 6 heroes. Lucius just... died, because he stood too far forward.
@PurpleCoin3 ай бұрын
I don't think Lucius is dead because he did not appear in the crystal pond. I'm not entirely sure yet why he needed to stay behind yet but I'm sure they have a plan.
@Ra88ful3 ай бұрын
I don't think Lucius is dead more trapped in a space where he doesn't age
@dupline9803 ай бұрын
@@Ra88ful You know, that could be right. Gibeon is way over 100 and doesn't even look that old. Maybe Laquium keeps you youthful, and Lucius is surrounded by it lol.
@Nama-Novdl3 ай бұрын
(oknum) 😂
@hunterhq2953 ай бұрын
@PonchoCowboy3 ай бұрын
Where to watch? Help
@PurpleCoin3 ай бұрын
Check the description.
@dupline9803 ай бұрын
I just realised from the flashback last episode that in 100 years, the pokemon world went from feudal japan to an advanced modern society. This was a great episode though!
@PurpleCoin3 ай бұрын
That's one of the reasons I think they really should have made Lucius and Co be from 300+ years ago at least. But it does not bother me that much and I keep forgetting it.
@joesugondese24673 ай бұрын
Great uwu magic! Rissa would be proud
@wendytipstips51434 ай бұрын
@iiedeggadon4 ай бұрын
Great video
@dupline9804 ай бұрын
How many Pokémon does ash usually have by episode 70? Them having 2 seems really low, but imagine how little screen time each would get if they had 6? haha.