Hun Ya Geek Is Showing S4 Ep9 MAD MAX
Hun Ya Geek is Showing S4 Ep4
@theretromoviezone5121 Күн бұрын
Hi Guys. Son Of The Pertwee here, also known as the Calico Kryton. My sincerest apologies for taking so long to catch up with the latest HYGIS episodes. Time Lordy type things to take care of dont ya know. Those bloody Daleks have been at it again, making a nuisance of themselves. Bleedin oversized pepper pots. Anyway a cracking opening episode. I've made a ton of notes which i'll be digging into on my next recording next Sunday. Moving onto the second episode of your Star Trek extravaganza later today which brings me nicely up to date. Looking forward to Weds episode as always. Great work folks and hi to Jimmy Lee
@GinjaNinjaJK 4 күн бұрын
What?... I am sure I left a comment last week...It was a rather lengthy one too hahaha! What have I been watching... Torchwood. and The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horrors (first 31 eps for 31 days of Halloween) Loved the OG movies, the Series and TNG (and TNG movies), DS9 and Voyager. Never watched Enterprise, started Discovery but never got into it after the first 2 or 3 episodes... The new Star Trek movies... I enjoyed. They weren't as good as some of the OG ones or even the TNG ones, but .. Lens flare. Fck off with that! Ya blinding me! Discovery, Discovery, Discovery... I was intrigued by the first few episodes, but it didnt grab me or draw me in. Picard... It was... ok. Enjoyed it enough, but never got to the third season... I may do that now... Great episode and looking forward to next weeks discussion!
@GinjaNinjaJK 2 ай бұрын
I didnt comment on last weeks episode? I am sure I meant to... my bad. Even though I am not well versed in the Carry On films, was good episode and great to see Tony on! But now on to Firefly and Serenity... Firefly never really got a big run on TV over here (or at least not that I saw) but i remember getting the dvd box set from a local library and binging it all over a weekend. Never looked back. Loved it, so much fun. When the movie came out, again, not a lot of fanfare over here, but on DVD... loved it! I still have the DVD, but of course I upgraded to blu ray, and its just a great film, very overlooked. Sequel issues? Just call it Serenity: 20 years later problem solved. Great video, enjoy the break!
@rayne5932 2 ай бұрын
Wish version of Eddie Munsen. Stealing that for when I need it!
@Jimmy-Lee-C 2 ай бұрын
Well hello sis 😂 I see Next seasons shout out being fun 😂
@Jimmy-Lee-C 2 ай бұрын
Hello.... This should be fun considering when this is read out. Yes I was first to watch and add a comment......That I forgot to add to due to schedueling. Please wait for a live response coming to Calico very soon. Nice to see Tony on the show, Unsure about sober Guy.😂 Loved Carry on Doctor and Abroad. Remeber watching as a kid round my Grandparents. Great episode. Signing off 🤠
@GinjaNinjaJK 2 ай бұрын
Commenting late cause I took the day off yesterday to mentally prepare myself for....Deadpool and Wolverine! Im a huge fan of collectibles, but I dont have a lot of action figures... I used to but not any more, only a few...I do have a lot of pop vinyls and a bunch of collectible knick-knacks! And now, you've inspired me to show them off lol! I also have trading cards and comics, which are all packed away and of course movies, which is my main thing I collect now but I would love to get more movie related things and figures... One of my most prized figures, which has since been lost to time was my Evil Ernie action figure, which I think was a McFarlane toy figure but it was just soooo damn cool! Great show! Cacth ya next time!
@Jimmy-Lee-C 2 ай бұрын
Here First....ohhh goodie
@Jimmy-Lee-C 3 ай бұрын
Kick Ass. Awesome film. 15 years......😮 I remember watching it in cinema for free. I miss orange wednesdays. As I did with the second. Kinda miss unlimited card. Felt the second was slightly better. The comics.....I still need those there on the other list of catch up along with Spawn, Lucifer, Sandman and Firefly. ........ There goes the geek credentials again.😂😂 Don't think we'll get a third film, seems to be in same boat as Pearlmans Hellboy. Great episode as always, see you again soon, signing off🤠
@GinjaNinjaJK 3 ай бұрын
Hello! And thank you as always for the shout out... Not forgetting to comment this time! Now, this may get me excommunicated, but... I never really cared for Harry Potter. or the Carry On films. As for the Kick Ass films... They do indeed Kick Some Ass! Its brutal and fun! The sick stick ending of the second film? Brilliant! I will say one of the reasons these films stand out is due to the completely batshit insane fights, as opposed to the Marvel watered down drivel that has been sent our way of late. Hopefully that will change with Captain America New World Order which looks like it could be going back to the action of The Winter Soldier. The In-Betweeners is not too bad, but definitely not for everyone (I preferred Bad Education) and the UK version is 100 times better than the US remake! But.. What's wrong with fart jokes?! Keep Kicking Assss!
@GinjaNinjaJK 3 ай бұрын
Looks like work got it in the way of me hitting the "comment" button on my comment from the Predator Expanded Media episode... Dammit. Was a good one too. Hahahaha... Something about Dolph Lundgren being Dutchs brother, in the comics, and more... so, so much more... Damn you WORK! I have had so many shows that I start, and dont finish, that I have decided to just focus on one show at a time (Excluding The Boys, cause I cant miss that) and now that I have finished Chucky, I am going back to Torchwood. Maybe, after that I will revisit Supernatural... Maybe. Lots of great movies, and some very dubious ones (Thanks Disney) made at Pinewood. A lot of movies Ive really enjoyed, Krull, Event horizon, Interview With The Vampire and sooo many more! Great episode!
@Jimmy-Lee-C 3 ай бұрын
Hello. Clearly Alcohol took some toll.😂 I must apollogise about Mandalorian. However I haven't watched Obi or Ashoka yet. Life getting in way of my TV time. I've now gotta rewatch some films for sound. Noticed some of these, but didn't realise significance till now. Think Bugsy is Jodie Fosters first film. Remember something in special features to Contact. Pinewood is also massive, so many times that I've seen or heard a reference to it. Doctor series of films I have memories of My mum watched them on a sunday when I was growing up. Then the List exploded......😮 How can you not remember Pedro🤨 Great episode see you again Signing out 🤠
@225TheMab 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the shout out and yes Cali if you ever do find any links, please do send them me, would be very much appreciated. Supernatural I definitely need to get back to, myself and my wife did start watching it and got to the end of season 3, but decided that we needed a break, but that was over a year ago 😂 Guy, I think I said before, but I did watch the first episode of Bear and I couldn't get into it, but I'm thinking I need to give it another go. Fuck Harry Potter ? Nah fuck the Carry on movies 😂
@Jimmy-Lee-C 3 ай бұрын
Great Job again. Really enjoyed learning a bit more about this universe, only watched a few of the films and not so much of the newer ones. Remember reading some of the comics what felt like a life time ago. Hope this weeks Podcast goes well considering your recovering from a gig I remember attending last night. Bloody awesome night. Till the next one Jimmy Lee signing out.🤠
@theretromoviezone5121 3 ай бұрын
Hey Guys. Was determined to get my comment in on time this week. I will be bloody heard Goddamit it all 🤣 Great episode as per usual. Again you've educated me in a world i knew very little about. I always thought with Predator that it was just the movies. How wrong could i have been. Comic books, figures, paperbacks etc. Those Dark Horse comic books look amazing and the artwork is brilliant. Been thinking of watching Hail To The Deadites for ages but something always put me off. Now you've spoken about it in such glowing terms i'm definetely going to take a look. Also love that idea of the tv series set on the Predators home world. That's one i'd absolutely give a watch. Must take your advise from a few weeks ago and catch up with all the movies as i've still only watched the first one. Really enjoyed this episode and eagerly await the next one.......
@theretromoviezone5121 3 ай бұрын
Great episode as usual. I had no clue how much Star Wars expanded media there was out there. It's a vast subject to cover and you did a cracking job covering it. My only brush with it came with paperback books, the Star Wars Weekly Marvel comics of the 70s, which im sure i still have up in the attic, and of course my beloved 8mm condensed versions of the original movie which were my prized possessions back in the 70s when i had a projector and a white bedsheet to show it on. Happy days 😀
@Jimmy-Lee-C 3 ай бұрын
Heres the comment to the podcast I'm in.....😂😂 Thanks for having me back, pleasure as always, certainly earn that "Motor Mouth" title, apologies on that , but with this topic theres so much to cover and its hard to contain it. Looking forward to the next one, till then I'll continue catching up on The Boys and the other good squishies. 🤠
@GinjaNinjaJK 3 ай бұрын
Great vid all and fantastic discussion on the expanded universe of Star Wars. If you're looking for a new show.... Chucky! I just finished season 2 and moving onto season 3! Lot of fun with a lot of throwbacks to the movies! The expanded Star Wars is not something I am all too familiar with (besides the N64 game Shadows of the Empire which I played excessively and the recent Disney shows... but even then I am behind on most of them ... Haven't started Ahsoka, haven't finished the latest Mandalorian... I am sure there's another series in there somewhere) I did watch Rebels, and really enjoyed it (not sure if I finished it or not...)
@GinjaNinjaJK 4 ай бұрын
"How do robots fck each other?" ... In the rear exhaust.... Yeah, enough bad jokes from me. I really need to get me a Hellraiser puzzle box. Not a real one... well maybe a real one, but a good quality one at the very least. Ive seen a few online, but the quality seems dubious... Lucy Lawless is like a fine wine. Nuff said! The Boys. Hell yeahhhhh! So far so good! Dr Who, I havent watched the new season (Apart from the Christmas special) i'll wait till the seasons done then binge it. Ghost Rider is one of my favourite Marvel characters, and the Dan Ketch version (which I think that one was looking at the bike) looks awesome! Awesome vid!
@theretromoviezone5121 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this video Miss Violet. You must not under any circumstances sell this thing of beauty. It's way to good to let go. It may be over £100 but i'm so tempted. Just hope i don't find myself in Freak Treats with my debit card on me, coz i will be walking out with it 😀
@GinjaNinjaJK 4 ай бұрын
Be honest, do you ever hold it and say "Klaatu... Barada...Nickle? Necktie?" Hahaha That looks like its worth every penny! The detail is amazing!
@calicoproductions84 4 ай бұрын
You know, there are times when I've had a little too much to drink and I go "You know what, lets see if it works" 🤣🤣🤣 unfortunately, it doesn't...
@GinjaNinjaJK 4 ай бұрын
Greetings Calista and Guy from the land down under... Thank you muchly for the shout out, always appreciated! I will be diving head first in to all the Hellraiser films. Even the bad ones. But, yeah, the first 3 or 4 are the better ones. Fan Fic is all well and good, and often can be better than the newer stories. I think theres also a touch of fan service towards fan fiction now, especially when it comes to "sexy times" hahahaha... Best example, the recent Krakoa Era story in X-Men with the Wolverine/Cyclops/Jean ménage à trois. This definitely seems to be someone's fan fic gone wild!
@Jimmy-Lee-C 4 ай бұрын
Good Evening. Yes...I may need to Join the Decepticon Retirement Home. I can make XP Sing and Dance, however this new fangled cloud tech is a mystery. I nearly went and performed a samurai's last duty having nearly deleted a great reading source. I'm disappointed as is Mr Flibble, on someone not watching Red Dwarf. However efforts are being made at my own lack of viewing certain shows and films. Calista should back me up on this, Thanks for the DVDs. Have enjoyed your return, look forward to the next.
@theretromoviezone5121 4 ай бұрын
Really good to see you both back and what a cracking opening episode to the season. I knew nothing about Clive Barker, aside, from the first three Hellraiser movies, which I enjoyed, but haven't seen for years. Along with the amazing J.K, who's reviewing the movies on his Franchise Fridays thread, you've inspired me to take on the whole shooting match including the later sequels and the recent reboot. Brilliant episode both of you. Really enjoyed it and thanks for the shout outs and constant love for my channel. So very much appreciated. Kindest Regards, The Calico Cleaner, Your Very Own, Kryten 😊 P.S Never seen Red Dwarf but know all about it as one of my old Team Leaders at work also said I reminded him of Kryten 😊
@GinjaNinjaJK 4 ай бұрын
All I can say is... HACK THE PLANET! Love that movie! As for X-Men 97, the Wolverine adamantium being ripped out. Very close it the comic (Colossus went with Magneto in the comic, though...) Im not sure they will go straight into AoA, but would love to see it. As for Michael B Jordan as Superman...Not a fan of him as an actor. Based on what i have seen of this iteration of Superman, an older guy may be better suited, like good ol Idris Elba! I can DEF see him as Supes! And if you like Hellraiser... Hopefully you will get a kick out of my new Franchise Friday! I wont be touching the Hellraiser remake (But I loved Jamie Clayton as Pinhead! Hated the leads in the film. Still a decent horror movie) as I will only be focusing on the OG films. Totally agree with you Miss Violet! If you can embody the character, regardless of skin, sex, or anything else you should be able to play the role. Awesome vid and welcome back to the both of you!
@invincigaz4067 4 ай бұрын
Great review, i love that box art. Blurr was such a fun character in the movie. The figure looks pretty good but those arms are a mess. Does his head have light piping? When you moved him infront of your lights one of his eyes lit up blue.
@calicoproductions84 4 ай бұрын
He does have light piping need the light right behind, like, pretty much touching the back of his head 😆
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
Awesome! If i had the space and the money, I would have alllllll of these! I love the Transformers series, great detail and they are just fun!
@invincigaz4067 5 ай бұрын
Nice vid love, figure looks great. Whats your next pick up from the line going to be?
@calicoproductions84 5 ай бұрын
Funny you should ask that...I just picked up the legacy Blitzwing, review coming soon.
@guyjessop-braithwaite5296 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant first episode! Can't wait for more. Oh Miss Pietersen!! 😍😍 Although, is it me or does she have one boob bigger than the other??
@calicoproductions84 5 ай бұрын
You know what, I was thinking that, but it's the way the dress sits on the figure 🤣
@Jameswormsley319 5 ай бұрын
@theretromoviezone5121 5 ай бұрын
Sorry folks. Bit late to the party as usual. I'll be listening to this tomorrow morning while cleaning at work so i'll be commenting over the weekend, and i'm also sure your'e gonna give me plenty to talk about on my next Saturday Movie And Tv Zone 😀
@theretromoviezone5121 5 ай бұрын
Great show Miss Violet and a brilliant first episode. I agree with Jase the GingaNinjaJK. Elvira is a total legend. Looking forward to listening to her autobiography which i've had on Audible for a while. Great looking figure too. Look forward to seeing the next episode 😀
@invincigaz4067 5 ай бұрын
Winky face! I love that winky face, this is a great release by Neca. Very nice video love.
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
Great thumbnail too 🤣🤣🤣
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
I've said it before and I'll say it again... Elvira: Mistress of my heart! 😍😍😍
@invincigaz4067 5 ай бұрын
Wow whos the new kid on the block 😂 Aye up Guy the boss is in look busy 😂 Great episode as always! For your next re-cast segment, try Silence of the lambs if it was a comedy! I think my favourite part of the show this week was Guy coming to the realisation that he's the only person who likes STD. And to commemorate this occasion i have made something special for you 😂 Speaking on topic please go and check out the 2010's Avengers show, Earths Mightiest Heroes. Especially Ep3 to see the very special cameos. I'll let you report back. Enjoy your time off and don't do anything i wouldn't do. Or don't get caught anyway 😂❤
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
And now for the long comment! Awesome picks and I watched all of them (except that last one, with the timey whimey stuff) and enjoyed all of them. Though, I never finished any of them, due to Aussie TV being what it is (It sucked) X-Men TAS and Spider-Man were always my faves!
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
Enjoy your time off! Great vid and awesome picks. (just a quick comment)
@invincigaz4067 5 ай бұрын
Guy 😂😂😂😂😂 Defo check out the Alien trailer it looks like they've gone back to its roots. I agree with the Ridley films, not the best. Great show, love the original 3 mad max movies, fury road was meh, it needed more Max in it. They need to bring an aged Gibson back for a true sequel.
@jlufton9076 5 ай бұрын
Hello..... Sorry Tech Issues have caused comments to not post. So...My Credentials. I have them. However they are overdue an update.😅 With that, I'm now upto date with Xmen 97 and The Boys. I'm about to start Fallout, Gen V and have several potentials to fill a 3rd slot. So watch this space. I wont be following STD.....the less said on this matter the better (Potential RANT there) looking forward to Strange New Worlds and working out a catch up for Lower Decks. Love Mad Max seen first 3, feel 1 is better.....Fury Road just upped its self on watch list and Dredd....assuming scheduling can be arranged. Great episode again. See you again soon. Update Transformers............... I wish I could go back to thinking it doesn't Exist. That is all.
@GinjaNinjaJK 5 ай бұрын
Great vid, both of you! What have I been watching? Misfits and Kingdom. and of course X-Men 97! I loved how they are going somewhat comic book accurate with these episodes, as these are the stories that I started reading the X-Men with! Yes, there are some differences, but, only slightly. I would really like them to continue with this, would love to see some of the biggest moments and stories delved into... Fallout. Fallout. Fallout. So freaking good. So, So, So, freaking good! It is without question, one of the best TV shows I have watched, and yes, I may be a little biased as a fan of the games. But Miss Violet, I do agree with your take on Maximus, he is the least enjoyable character, and as I described him to a friend "A poor mans John Boyega's Finn character". A lot of the time he seemed to not know what he was doing, like he was lost... I dont know, just wasnt great. Mad Max. yeah... a typical Sunday in Australia... Hahaha! I love the entire franchise, with Beyond Thunderdome being my least favourite and the other 3 tied at number 1! They are all great! Never got into the game, though... I dont know why. I may have to track it down. Reacst... Star Trek The Original Series but with modern actors (not the 80s, but...) If you want 80s, the series V (not the remake) but recast with modern actors.
@theretromoviezone5121 6 ай бұрын
Hey Guys. Great episode as per. So much for me to talk about on next weekends Movie & TV Zone. Loved Guys rant. What a potty mouthed, sweary, booze fuelled outburst that was 😂 It's always massively entertaining when either one of you goes of on one, but this one, and Calis last verbal explosion were, to put it mildly, of epic proportions. Keep em coming as you can't beat a good old moan. Cali you mentioned something about an award. I had my acceptance speech ready but I must have missed it. Looking forward to finding out what I've been awarded 😊
@calicoproductions84 6 ай бұрын
You're the winner of the 2024 Victor Meldrew look-a-like contest hun 🤣🤣🤣
@theretromoviezone5121 6 ай бұрын
@@calicoproductions84 I'm honoured to be receiving this prestigious award and I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me especially Guy and Cali. 😆 🤣 "I don't bloody believe it". 😆
@GinjaNinjaJK 6 ай бұрын
Hahaha not a dig at all... I actually did watch and forget to leave a comment Gen V i did like, dont get me wrong... I simply preferred The Boys much more. Both great shows, but The Boys... I mean, come on?! Ha! Fallout. Fallout. FALLOUT!!!! Oh helllllll yeah! Loved it! As a long time Fallout game fan (the OG PC game from '97) this is the most perfect adaption I have ever seen of a game. Plus, its just a great show! The very first X-Men comic i read, was the Magneto/Rogue storyline in the Savage Land! So this storyline was great, I loved the little things they are doing in this series. As for Gambit... I have a theory... And it involves Sinister and Apocalypse... Great vid! Recast...The Walking Dead in the 80s.
@invincigaz4067 6 ай бұрын
Fun show you delicious bitches, I had to skip the xmen chat tho as I've not caught up yet 😅 I didn't mind the spawn movie when I saw it as I hadn't read any of the comics, but once I had, I found the animated series a helluva lot better & I do recommend it. Guy, guy, guy, smh STD is literally an std on Star Trek 😂 As for the Quantum leap remake be glad you didn't witness that car crash, it would have haunted you for the rest of your life. I think a rouge squadron movie could be fun, but I think I've checked out on star wars. I'd also not get my hopes up about it as lucas film cancels a lot of stuff. I'd wait for a trailer to get hyped. I really enjoyed the latest Hellraiser movie & I hear they're making a sequel! And also a Prey 2, which should be very interesting. Have you seen the teaser yet for alien romulus? Looooking gooooood. Looking forward to seeing you soon and to the new show, also the new segment sounds like a lot of fun! I love leaving these long messages just to fuck with Vi, love you Vi, love you Guy, bye!
@invincigaz4067 6 ай бұрын
Cracking chat, sorry I missed out. I'll be there next time with bells on. But I won't tell you were they are on 😂 I've also read the comics and seen the animated show so will be fun to tell you where things diverge. Hail Guy great seeing you back. And please, someone revoke Jimmy's geek card 😂😂😂 Good seeing you on again Jimmy.
@theretromoviezone5121 6 ай бұрын
Finally caught up with you. I'm now bang up to date as I've just watched The Boys episode. As you know I don't collect figures and toys but I loved seeing yours and Gaz's collections. Had no idea there were so many different versions of the same figures, Predator etc. Great episode guys and I have to say Gaz is a total hoot. Must check out his channel to see what he does KZbin wise 😊
@GinjaNinjaJK 6 ай бұрын
.... Oopps... I watched and failed to leave a comment. Thats me being a diabolical (Butchers favorite word) Hahaha! I am a huge fan of The Boys! Its just a completely batshit crazy look at the world of completely looney tunes superheros... Something we desperately needed after the whole Marvel/DC films. We needed a palate cleanser and this is certainly that! This is the kind of world I feel Deadpool would fit into quiet well! Gen V... Well, it had its moments, but compared to The Boys? Thats not a fait fight lol! Great vid all!
@guyjessop-braithwaite5296 6 ай бұрын
Great show! Really enjoyed it (I may have to have more time off 😉) Some great pieces there. Gaz did I see Ripley in her loader behind your shoulder? Ypue ED 209 looks awesome as well Random JB will return in "Thunderbollocks" 😂
@mgsghost 6 ай бұрын
Gaz u want to speak to us I speak to you enough 😂😂😂
@invincigaz4067 6 ай бұрын
@invincigaz4067 6 ай бұрын
Thanks JK i actually really like those Evangelion figures, they are SH figuarts though which means they are Japanese imports and they can be very pricy for what you actually get. Glad you enjoyed the show brother, thank you!
@invincigaz4067 6 ай бұрын
Such a fun show to do i always have a blast when you invite me on. It was super fun talking about collecting and showing off some of my favourite pieces. Looking forward to hanging with you again & it'll be great seeing the random man back!