Who is the Woman of your dreams?
@tlaporter 2 ай бұрын
Wow at the poetry!
@Prophetbutler7 4 ай бұрын
So if one has a wicked wife utilizing self control, abstinence, etc. Should be the wise option?
@cookiescream6627 5 ай бұрын
Sister i need you to do a video about narcissist like is this a new term...
@kelvinbritt6201 5 ай бұрын
I may not want her that bad . i may just want her for a moment . I may not want to marry her . i may respect her but i don't know her parents and may not want o meet them . her family meaning her mother and father should have told her these things not me . That part is not my responsibility . The only time it will be my responsibility is when she becomes my woman or if we're spending quality time together or I have a special liking for that person . It's a parent and her own job to prepare herself for the world of men . You will like for me the feed her clothe her and give her a better life than her parents . When I go to meet them I will ask them what will your child give to me . They should have taught their child not to depend on a man . I don't need a person to cook and clean for me . i can do these things for myself or raise my children once again I can do this . As a parent I need you to prepare your daughter for the world this way she will be a better fit for me . We will face things together .
@researchtwins 5 ай бұрын
Culture has been tampered with…restoring rights of passage takes biological fathers. Stepfathers and mentors can’t do this work.
@shlomohbey6600 5 ай бұрын
Phenomenal offering great cosmic mother! I ask your consideration on this maxim of law. 'Many men know many things, some men know some things, but no man knows everything.' With that being said, Men who are reared through rites of passage in this day of time are groomed and developed in a skill that they naturally gravitate to. They take their skill ; and trade and barter with other men who have different yet equivalente skill sets that contribute to the advancement of the community. ie: I am a master mechanic, not a carpenter nor plumber, nor Hunter gatherer, or Fisherman. However, I build a relationship with a Master Craftsman from all of those skills in which I am not adept in. In exchange for my services to them they lend their services to me and my family in whom I am responsible for. I give thanks for You taking the time to share this wisdom. I am in complete solidarity with your message. Shalom
@lyricistanonymous8126 5 ай бұрын
Please, that woman has a wicked spirit. These record labels are soulless
@hadarawombcare 5 ай бұрын
Shalom, I am deeply aware of her wickedness and the abominations of the industry as a whole. I encourage you to watch the full video as she is not at all the point of discussion, nor is she seriously endorsed. The message encompasses much more than the title, and the more serious points within the discussion are far more worth one's energy of response than getting caught up in and distracted by one's assumptions based solely on the title. I am looking forward to thoughtful feedback and educated discourse on the community accountability, which was the larger point of the video.
@sebestainpitts7423 5 ай бұрын
Hell no not Cardi B!!!❤️🖤💚😇🤯💯🔥
@LuhNuba 5 ай бұрын
SAVE THE NUBA. MODERN DAY SUDAN. #LETSTALKABOUTSUDAN. the people of kush are in danger of ethnic erasure! The ancestors are alive and their blood is being shed!
@AlphaT2Delta 5 ай бұрын
Man are becoming women and women viseversa Nd thats being taught at earlyvage in schools ...too late now
@Yosef_Ben_Yacov 6 ай бұрын
@ardreedaniels4767 6 ай бұрын
This is an old fashion teaching! In Wayiqara (Leviticus 19:2) Ha Shem Ha Gadol Yahuah instructed Ya’Sara (Ysra’Al) To be Qedoshyim (Set Apart, Different, Unique, Consecrated, Sanctified, Holy). For I AM Ha Shem Yahveh your Power Life Source Am Qadosh (Holy). In Devaryim (Deuteronomy 6:1 The Most High says 1. “And this is the command, the laws and right-rulings which יהוה your Elohim has commanded, to teach you to do in the land which you are passing over to possess. Notice Yahuah says We must Do Them (Culturally Practice Them) In The Land. Everything that Hadara taught had to do with the Ancient Paths of the Doings of our people. We must return back to the Qodesh Ways of The Most High. We must repent and forsake the evil ways of the Gentiles and their gods and Return Back to Ha Shem and His Ways. Our Men must return back to being the Men that we were called to be and the women must return back to being the women that they were created To Be. YeshaYahu (Isaiah 52:1-2 1Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Tsiyon, put on your garments of splendour, O Yerushalayim, the set-apart city! For no more do the uncircumcised and the unclean come into you. 2Shake yourself from the dust, arise, and sit down, O Yerushalayim. Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Tsiyon!
@marketingwithwilliam 5 ай бұрын
Many terms and phrases used in this comment are not understood so no disrespect intended, the message would be spread much farther if you put this in "layman's terms" please..
@ardreedaniels4767 6 ай бұрын
Having a ministry of Deliverance, this is a powerful message. It was point on.
@Yosef_Ben_Yacov 6 ай бұрын
@millylove1252 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful sister 🌹🌹🌹
@ardreedaniels4767 6 ай бұрын
I wish I would’ve met you. My ministry is deliverance and I have seen many women like yourself with their innocence robbed and stolen and sacrificed which opened doors to all kinds of spirits and entities, and deities of that which are of the heavens above, earth beneath, and waters under the earth. In short, as you know, TMH HaShem Yahuah and His Anointed Meshyakh can Deliver you and any body else who are in spiritual bondage.
@hadarawombcare 6 ай бұрын
Deep gratitude Achi. I am glad you have a deliverance ministry. There are many deliverance ministries in the Christian world, however, I sadly don't hear of those with Knowledge doing the work of Deliverance among those who identify as Hebrews or Children of the Israelites who observe Torah. We certainly need more collective education in the reality of spiritual warfare and the process of Deliverance through Teshuvah and.prayer ministry.
@sofeyah8 6 ай бұрын
EVERYTHING you said IS apart of my DON’T💖
@hadarawombcare 6 ай бұрын
Indeed Sis! Your gifts are to bring Glory to The Most High as well as inspire, empower, edify, & educate others to Truth & wholeness. Too many using their gifts to deify the flesh & idolise themselves and literal demons.
@fs-DRAITHEO 6 ай бұрын
I watched you on Zion lexx. When you spoke about language/signs they do. You're right. Example I love you. Format in English. I LOVE YOU. Format in America Sign language. All Caps language can't be spoken. When spoken it's called onomatopoeia, not English. Any questions please ask.
@sofeyah8 7 ай бұрын
Thank you sista I needed this,We needed this..Shalom Shalom💖
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
HalleluYah Sis! I literally cried while editing this video and I was praying that if even ONE Sister could be blessed by this, All Glory to The Most High! Thank you for watching and reflecting Achoti! 🥲🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💜
@victorymusic7559 7 ай бұрын
Peace - There is a movie about this story that I think a woman wrote might be the Red Tent and it showed Dinah as a very explorative and independent woman that knew how daughters were viewed and discarded at that time. Saying that she was not assaulted in the way they tell the story . I always wondered why a group of men of another culture would also agree to be circumcised to prove their covenant with them for her hand if the prince was not serious about her. And yet these are the chosen people? The brothers took advantage and in the movie she was asleep with her husband when they came an attacked and killed him - then she was not a wife anymore. Women are used for all sorts of sickness between men. She was not protected and Tamar was assaulted by her half brother and she was not protected either.Absalom did slew him but she was lost in his house never spoke of so the story goes.. Blessings.
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
Greetings. The film you're referring to is called The Red Tent, based on a novel by the same name authored by Anita Diamant. That book is a gross misrepresentation of Hebraic culture and the Biblical narrative and I gently encourage you to read the essay I wrote about this book/film to understand how dangerously inaccurate that revision is. callingourmothersnames.wordpress.com/2023/11/22/uncovered-women-and-uncovered-bias-the-dangers-of-historical-and-cultural-inaccuracies-in-the-red-tent/
@victorymusic7559 7 ай бұрын
Peace - Ok I have no Problem with that. I did not see the film in completion I remember it was a paid film somewhere on cable I did not have - I saw clips of certain scenes that were uploaded years ago free on KZbin and I heard an audio version of the book as well but not enough to really have any deep opinion about it. I do know that it was always questioned whether Dinah was actually assaulted or not and what her life was like after.. Many stories about women in the bible are vague, limited and misinterpreted not in our favor in my opinion. But I love learning about women's stories, Of course my black women as well. @@hadarawombcare
@eyeonthesparrow9745 7 ай бұрын
There is a whole scholarly study and research on this story which proves that it was redone and rewritten over and over again in ancient times. Scholars have proven and shown that the rape version was not the original version, but a trumped up on to fit a political and religious narrative of the day that was supported. I took believe she was not raped at all, it was sex before marriage and the brothers absolutely hated the idea of having her lover as an ancestor so they started a whole war to make sure that didn't happen.
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
Yes I've studied this narrative deeply: and I am still studying, in fact, because there's so much information and interpretation to explore, whether to integrate in proper context or to refute when discovering its revisionism. I could happily make several presentations on the depth of interpretations, rewrites, and midrash on this story, but I tried to be as concise as i could because many aren't prepared to be fully attentive. There are many interesting and some shocking stories added to this narrative through midrash, especially those most emphatically perpetuated by the Rabbis among the Ashkenaziim. This proves why it is important for US to deeply study OUR Creator's language and the meaning as WE can interpret and ground in truth as He reveals to and through us, rather than interpretations clouded by European perspectives, Eurocentric cultural influences, and European myths & legends. This is why we need more of our so-called "Black" Hebrew scholars to really step up. I was fortunate enough to see Brother Divine Prospect give part 1 of his presentation on this topic earlier today, in fact, and I was happy to see him confirm alot of what I presented in my videos in the interpretations of the Hebrew language in the original text in Torah, however, I was even happier to see him bring out other profound points and facets of contextual perspective, humbly eager to learn more from him in respect of his tenure and study that exceeds mine thus far. This proves why the scholars among us are important to come together to bring stronger understanding to the collective through united efforts, each of us bringing our unique perspective and different pieces to the Table rather than how many Hebrews waste time arrogantly debating, arguing and competing, letting Ego divide through a selfish need to falsely proclaim monopoly on what Yah desires to reveal through all of us. Thank you sooo much for taking the time to watch my video and thank you even more for adding your voice! Blessings!!!
@dionneking8 7 ай бұрын
A powerful videos
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
So thankful to Abba YAH for His Grace & Mercy, His Healing & Deliverance. This humbling is medicine and His Name is Nourishment. So thankful to be able to share my story and how Yah has imparted wisdom through my experience. Thank you for viewing! Blessings upon you.
@WisdomKu 7 ай бұрын
Well spoken sisters. This Babylonian captivity has conditioned many our Israelite brothers & sisters into over sexualized themselves to the point it becomes deception & witchcraft. Times has changed.They now calling us men hoochie daddy’s.Youthful lust can easily turn into idolatry.I hear a lot of brothers talking about women butts being big which is cool,but There’s a thin line between admiring something & idolatry.Just my thoughts
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Brother. We need to hear more from the men in confirmation
@WisdomKu 7 ай бұрын
Excellent content
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
To Yah Be the Glory! Thank you so much; if even only one soul finds something edifying or thought-provoking in this content, I am so grateful to Yah for His inspiration and remain a humble, willing Vessel. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜
@tlaporter 8 ай бұрын
@tlaporter 8 ай бұрын
I love this!
@TivonaYisrael 8 ай бұрын
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
Toda Rabah Sister! It is such a gift to even be able to speak His Name, and a Blessing to feel the Joy of His Praise
@tee-tr8ns 8 ай бұрын
Shalom sister!! Good morning....can you explain to me from your understanding the meaning of this story I have heard it read it but never understood the significance of it!! What is THE MOST HIGH saying?? Thank you and have a blessed day!!!
@hadarawombcare 7 ай бұрын
Shalom-Shalom! Thank you for reaching out and I appreciate you seeking a sincere understanding of the Truth of what The Most High reveals through this story. I have been working on several videos in a series to clearly illustrate the significance of this story and how it applies to the lives of women even today. I invite you to view the presentation I recorded today that I believe gives a full and intensive exploration of the story and what is truly conveyed in the Scripture. Enjoy! kzbin.info/www/bejne/jovWc2hre7yAbsU
@zaharah3142 8 ай бұрын
That was beautiful. HalleluYAH!
@hadarawombcare 8 ай бұрын
ALLLL Glory to Yah! I only post as He truly gives me the inspiration and guides by the movement and prompting of the Ruach. I was/am so excited by this & grateful you receive it with blessings! Shalom!!
@newhopefamilyinvestmentsll3737 8 ай бұрын
This is spectacular, Sis! Awe, inspiring!
@hadarawombcare 8 ай бұрын
Shalom! Toda Rabah! Supreme Gratitude for this much-appreciated & motivating encouragement. I'm so excited for what Yah is bringing forth and the Glory He is getting from this. Always a Joy to receive an impartation from you!
@dionneking8 10 ай бұрын
@allwillberevealed777 10 ай бұрын
Baal is Orion 🗽, the androgynous god. The Nebula system represents the phallus. The sun passes over the Orion system ☀️🗽 representing the flame 🔥 Orion, Baal, Helios, Lucifer, Libertas, etc. Well, that's what it seems like. You can even see the movie called (Hereditary) where they worship this idol by another name 🗽 😶‍🌫️
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
Abraham sent a friend to find a wife for his son Isaac after Abraham wife Sarah passed away Issac waited for his friend to arrive with Rebecca He was waiting at his mother Sarah tent
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
It was Rachel at the well Rachel met Jacob at well Rachael had 2children with jacob 1 was Joseph who was sold into slavery by his 10 older brothers Rachel second son was Benjamin the 12th son of Jacob 12 tribes of Israel Jacob was renamed Israel Rebecca was married to Issac Rebecca had 2 sons Essa and Jacob
@hadarawombcare 10 ай бұрын
Rebekah met Eliazar, Abraham’s servant at the well and drew water for him and his camels. Rachel also met Jacob at a well. Moses met Tzipporah at a well. The Samaritan woman met Messiah at the well. If you've ever traveled to foreign countries, you know that the well is a vital, oft-visited, and potent meeting ground in daily life. Drawing water is woman's work, often daily. It is not surprising, then, that several men in the Bible had important, life-changing encounters with women at wells. Rachel is not the only one, nor is Rebekah. Thank you for your input. Blessings!
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
You are right Thank God you know your stuff I am sure God is smiling down on you Do you feel his blessings??
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
@@hadarawombcare you are awesome Your knowledge of God and his children is a beautiful thing I glad I was wrong so we could talk about God May God bless you all of your days
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
Is your name Hadara Or does it refer or mean something
@prahfetts825 10 ай бұрын
You must be from west Asia or Middle East You seem to talk from experience
@tlaporter 10 ай бұрын
@reneemitchell6083 11 ай бұрын
@cryptoroor9125 11 ай бұрын
Is that tax fraud?
@gloriabrisco2810 11 ай бұрын
@keithrosenthal4757 11 ай бұрын
She is a sick woman
@delphineborders7382 11 ай бұрын
Who gives a dam.
@duffyreed8625 11 ай бұрын
@TexasN67 11 ай бұрын
Dam girl get them teeth 🦷 fixed before you go on the internet talking bout folks🤕
@TexasN67 11 ай бұрын
They are lying this is the one clever way of justifying their adulteress life styles
@ericrivera8410 11 ай бұрын
Sge has hair . LoL
@Aaron_Patridge 11 ай бұрын
Stop judging others Pharisee 😒
@lindaromero4108 11 ай бұрын
Its not adultery if they arent cheating. You should work on judgung yourself not others.
@hadarawombcare 11 ай бұрын
By the legal definition it is literally adultery to have sexual relations with someone other than your legally wedded spouse while still legally married. That's the mandate set by your government and the judicial system, not me 😊
@eveyrapp2078 11 ай бұрын
What is clear is that ... good P.R can gaslight the entire public.
@delorescannon455 11 ай бұрын
@delorescannon455 11 ай бұрын