@brightskyfireworksuk Ай бұрын
Sozo is totally unbiblical and should be avoided at all costs. Dawna speaks from the imaginations of her own mind and is a false teacher. Sozo uses regressive therapy which the professionals ditched in the 1990's as there were so many court cases against them. That is probably why Sozo practitioners get you to sign a 'disclaimer' before undergoing a Sozo session so that they won't be held responsible for any adverse effects and damage done in their sessions.
@dennismartin9358 2 ай бұрын
Even as a small child i felt the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God. I have been Blessed to have had my life's pathway shown to me, teaching me his word as compared to mans teachings which fall short of God and truth. It has been a long journey and I have had to unlearn many things taught in church which were wrong teachings. Being as a child and humbling your heart to his obedience listening to what he places on your heart is key to relationship with God. Reach deeply into his spirit when in prayer for thankfulness as well as what you ask for, as there will be answers to such things within time. Some you will know immediately and some after a time. From the time of the temple all the way into the life of Jesus, a Holy man has carried the anointing smell and a overwhelming sweet and calming peace. Jesus was anointed in life and in Heaven, I have been Blessed to when deep in thought and prayer to smell his presents as if sitting right next to me. These times were in tragic times when I prayed for others and miracles happened in life or death situations. Miracles in which only God could have done, I will not name names but will give you the situation in which a couple of times were answered by God's power. A woman who had a stroke that Doctors said would not make it because of brain damage and blockages, they had told family to come as she wasn't expected to live through the night. I prayed as the anointing smell joined me as if sitting next to me, I knew immediately that this prayer was powerful because of th Holy Spirit and was being answered. This woman awoke the next day, proclaimed she had been visited by Jesus and that he had healed her. The Doctors were amazed for it was beyond their imaginations how she could recover from such brain blockages and brain damage as test also showed. She walked out of that Hospital on her own feet knowing she had been visited and healed, proclaiming the miracle. Another time a friends mother who lived in a mobile home in Florida was in the direct Hit line of a category 5 hurricane just a short drive from the gulf. Again I prayed and the sweet anointing smell came over me as if sitting right beside me as I asked for her protection from this storm. Again I knew this one was being answered in great power. The Storm passed and damage was massive, power and communications were non existent for a short time, but finally by the help of a storm chaser contact with the woman was made. Everything around her was destroyed, homes, trees and neighborhood, but on her property there was no major damage and her home was unharmed. Here I give you only 2 of the many experiences I have been Blessed to be a part of. Remember when things get out of man's control that they still are in God's control and can be changed if we in the right spirit only pray and ask. There has been a lifetime of answers and teachings shown to me in this life, there is absolutely no way to return to unbelief of the power of God after my experiences. I am undenominational and do not associate myself with area traditional churches which teach the untruth and operate using pagan beliefs. I have found that our Saviour himself would not like or endorse much of what is in the Christian churches and their pagan rituals and symbolic use.
@DanielleSuzette4444 2 ай бұрын
@IsoughttheLord70 2 ай бұрын
God gifted me with discernment since I was a little girl, I sensed things but when I was saved 2 years ago I started having dreams and I felt I had to share them with certain people and co-workers. I truly feel I am a prophet in sensing like you mentioned. I will start practicing no doubt about it, thanks for the tips 😊
@Lisa_Thelejane 3 ай бұрын
Scery movie
@mashiahaaroeh3506 3 ай бұрын
Ppl we are in the last days! Many will come on his Name and deceive many!! (Matt.24) There is no way you can "activate" (which is a new age word you cannot find in the bible anywhere) the Anointing of the Seer, or sit in the lap of The Almighty! Are you craza'? That is how it NEVER works/ed. This woman, like the many, are a sign of the times. It is written, before there will be a one world church, women will rule over you. There are no female Seers, Apostles, or Pastors. Only the Heavenly Father will call you as a Seer if you are a male, called as a Prophet, and have another ministry gift calling like Teacher. The order of the Seer is based upon Samuel the first Seer of Israel. This nonsense about sitting on His Lap is ludicrous. He says, "will you not tremble in my Presence"? (Jerm.5:22.Ps.114:7.Isa.32:11.) ppl I tell you all that this and anyone is telling is false bc they cannot call to Him and He answers in your presence (while they are recording) and He answers. He ignores them bc they are all lairs! To be in His Presence you feel like you are dying the closer He gets. Remember how the children of Israel told Moses, we do not want to hear Him. BC we heard Him and it felt like we were dying!!! "Sit on His Lap"? Ppl this woman is lying through her teeth to your faces when she says she was "seeing" at 5 years old. That is sheer deception bc you must be filled with the Holy Spirit to do miracles. None of the Godhead fills children. There is no way the Lord or the Heavenly Father would even think to put that on a child. That is NOT the Holy Spirit but a familiar that attached to her at that age to deceive her now. She knows she is still in her sins, so how can she be called Seer by Abba Patyr'? He is Holy and insists that you be holy. Women are cursed! (Gen.3) They are not to teach men! If they do that is how you know they are cursed!
@StaciRodriguez-lb7fe 3 ай бұрын
I am very excited to read the book I as well have a son but he was born with Cerebral Palsy thank for inspiring others thank u
@wmfc7560 3 ай бұрын
Ana, if that word is not for me then I don't know cause I was talking to papa about bringing me into a new season as I need it to go into the new phase...I am the little warrier..thank you, God bless you..
@KristoferDreemurr 3 ай бұрын
Patience is key to finding the patterns
@wesenambaye1200 4 ай бұрын
Amen God
@cindycox57 4 ай бұрын
This is a now video for me
@RAcHELRAsZsA 5 ай бұрын
My first encounter with this anointing was: I was full of the Holy Ghost during a morning Sunday service. I was sitting there praying in tongues but low and I looked over at this lady that joined the church a week prior to this service. The second I looked at her I saw that she was a Witch. But… God opened my mouth and I said it out my mouth as well. The interesting thing was, it was very low, but extremely fast where the person next to me couldn’t hear what I said. I then put my head down and started repenting because I thought that was Me. I looked up again at her and it happened again. But this time it was louder out of my mouth . I put my head down again and was just praying. I told my Bishop after service what God said. And he actually rebuked me.. hmm 😮. But the next service he rebuked witches and she got up and left the service. She never came back. I do not know why I got in trouble but lol. I could not look at her without seeing it and it coming up out of my mouth! Do I didn’t look at her again. Not even the next service. 🙏🏽
@karenperry2287 6 ай бұрын
Amen Jesus Amen ❤❤Thank you Jesus ❤❤❤
@Princeofpeace7773 7 ай бұрын
I am hearing this ... I don't follow Ana ..but some how Holy Spirit led me here to hear Her. Right on point Ana . Thank you 🔥🥰
@motivemystic 8 ай бұрын
Wow, this video really hit home for me! I used to struggle with negative thoughts that held me back, but these 3 steps to transform your mindset have been a game-changer. I couldn't believe how much power I had to overcome negativity once I started implementing these tips. Thanks for sharing this amazing guide to supercharge our mindset!
@MimikaCooney 8 ай бұрын
SO happy to hear it!
@margiebrugmann6384 8 ай бұрын
Can you help me
@lisastephens9703 8 ай бұрын
Thx...new season. Woman Army veteran Learning I'm a seer and why I see/ hear/know things... KZbin waynesville NC USA 🇺🇸 veteran
@TheDeliveranceDelusion 10 ай бұрын
Dawna De Silva, Teresa Liebscher, and Bill Johnson are ignoring the fallout from Sozo and other inner-healing ministries that they endorse. There is a long and growing trail of wrecked families from false recovered memories acquired during the Sozo memory editing sessions. They have been confronted in person, and in writing, by families that have lost loved ones to Sozo which is reminiscent of the false recovered memory movement of the 1980s and 1990s. I have documented proof of this. Bethel is actively engaged in trying to sweep this under the rug. Fame and affirmation have lulled them to sleep. The truth train is coming. As Bob Dylan said, there is a slow, slow train coming up around the bend. It's coming slowly, but it is most definitely coming. Two weeks ago, I spent over an hour on the phone with a couple that lost their daughter to Bethel Sozo in Redding, California, over a decade ago. They are so broken-hearted that I felt bruised for days afterward just from hearing their pain over the phone. An important book for any pastors who are considering introducing Sozo to their flock is, Smiling Through Tears, by Pamela Freyd and Eleanor Goldstein. Published in 1994, near the peak of the false recovered memory movement, it gives accounts of parents falsely accused of sexual abuse stemming from false recovered memories. The following are from page 2: …An elderly couple lived through the Holocaust in Poland where they met as children in a concentration camp. They say, “this is worse.” …A father of three glanced out of the window as his young daughter ran across the street. She was killed by a speeding car. He says the anguish now is worse. …A grandmother whose entire family had to leave Austria in the 1940s, penniless and fearful of losing their lives under fascism, says she is more tortured now. …A mother suffered several years with a daughter dying of leukemia. She says her life is more miserable now than it was then. Many Sozo “clients” have experienced false recovered memories in the sessions which are similar to those former repressed memory regression sessions that destroyed thousands of lives and families. Many falsely accused parents went to prison. Many committed suicide. Many others are still living lives of quiet devastation. Last week, while rereading the book, Memory Warp by Mark Pendergrast, I nearly broke from the following: …Some accusing adult children retracted their repressed memory allegations, while others established uneasy contact but never apologized. In all too many cases, however, elderly parents have died without ever seeing their children again. “I am now 93 years old and having a very hard time,” wrote one man in 2015. “The reason is that my wonderful wife passed away recently. Her last words were ‘Where are my daughters?’ Then she looked at me and said ‘I love you’ then she closed her eyes. She was 85 years old. We have not seen or heard from our daughters for 23 years.” The mistake Bethel is making is assuming experiences like that of the couple I mentioned earlier are outliers, rare, questionable. They are not. Bethel needs to consider this issue from another perspective, and that is of the shepherd who left the 99 to seek for the 1. Parents, sisters, brothers, who have lost their loved ones to Sozo want them back. If they go public, they risk driving those lost further away. Not to mention the added bonus of publicly advertising they are accused of unspeakable crimes. Going public with the horrors of Sozo is a lose-lose for the accused and not much better for the accusers, even if they later learn their memories were false. My point is, every person who goes public about the Sozo fallout represents, conservatively, another thousand who are trying to get their loved ones back while protecting themselves. The real question is, what is it going to take for a trickle of people to go public, which will then embolden the flood of others? I know the answer to that question. If Bethel cared as much for these broken families as their reputation, they would publicly request all families that have lost loved ones to Sozo come forward to bring to light the problems. We will see this occur, but it will be a before-midnight self-defense maneuver as those harmed become increasingly public and the ridiculous Sozo release-of-liability form is breached by attorneys and psychological consultants who will demonstrate to juries that Sozo is dangerous and is in fact psychology practiced by amateurs. If Bethel needs a model, they should consider the one demonstrated by Dr. Paul Simpson, author of the book, Second Thoughts - Understanding The False Memory Crisis And How It Could Affect You. He introduces chapter 7, entitled Coming Clean, with this statement: “I was finding that one by one, the assumptions I had so fervently believed and taught were falling apart under closer inspection.” Dr. Simpson, a spirit-filled believer by the way, was a practitioner and leader in the repressed memory movement (RMT). He sincerely believed he was doing God’s work. Slowly, he began to doubt the validity of this practice. He then faced a horrible dilemma. On page 117, under the heading Righting Wrongs, he said: “What was I to do? I had been using regression techniques on my clients, and they had developed hypnotic images of abuse, right on queue. But I had come face to face with the reality that the regression techniques I had been taught were invalid, that they were creating delusional states of mind in my clients.” On page 118, he states: “I had watched believers in repression completely cut themselves off from their families. In turn the parents were left locked out, confused, anguished, and angry. The great divide in silence that lay between the two only fed the deep wounds for both. Something had to be done. With my background as a family therapist, I was convinced that a significant part of the solution lay in opening up lines of communication. In 1993 I began an experiment that would eventually become Project Middle Ground, the first mediation program in the nation specifically designed to reach out to families torn apart by regression. With permission of the parents, I started contacting accusers by mail and phone. I wanted to know if any would consider a family meeting in a neutral, safe setting in which both sides could engage in dialogue about their differences. Predictably, a number of the accusers were adamant in not speaking with their parents until they confessed. But encouragingly, some were willing to meet and talk if they could be assured that they would not be told their memories were false. In turn the parents agreed to meet if they could be assured that they would not be “ambushed” by a therapist believing they were guilty and simply in denial. The family meetings began.” The program had success for many families, and many previously convinced of their false memories of abuse eventually retracted their claims, which lead to the reconciliation with loved ones. However, not all. Dawna, Theresa, Bill, even if you gain the courage to face the harm you have facilitated, not all will be made whole. Dawna and Theresa, it’s time to come into the light. Bill, retract your endorsement of the Sozo programs and books. The longer you ignore this, the more formidable the destroyed families become. In the book SOZO Saved Healed Delivered, we find the following statement: “Building a strong connection to each member of the godhead is critical to living the life Jesus presented in the Bible.” While I see no scriptural precedent to support that we should seek out distinct relationships with each member of the godhead, I will take them at their word that they see a value in this. It follows, therefore, that they should endeavor to emulate the Great Shepard who said: “Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the 99 in open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” If Bethel truly believes this, go public with the problems you are now avoiding and ask all those harmed by Sozo to come forward. Perhaps you think that losing 1 family to false recovered memories is worth it if you are saving 99. The Good Shepard will leave the 99 in open country to go after the 1. Dawna, Theresa, Bill, what about you?
@Kirtfamily7 10 ай бұрын
Woah I'm so blessed by this. As if God was speaking directly to me as she spoke. I receive in Yeshua name
@cu6454 10 ай бұрын
That was me behold all things have been made new I never heard of her before but saw my brother from church had her book so I looked her up I saw her on a video with someone else then here now here God spoke to me now felt like it was a new season love that scripture I'm short been severing God 36 yrs I'm short have the jacket with medals been wanting to wear my army boots and more thank you so much I very encouraged God bless 🙏🕊️✝️🙂 I just keep rewatching this word and I see how much it's true I'm living off it Thank you Ana 😃
@Boho_Star 10 ай бұрын
Wow.....amazing!!!! I just learned that my FEARY MAGIC is about to come online 🥰😃and one of my first gifts to come in is the "gift of sight".....so does it mean im a SEER??🤔
@cornondacobcorn9248 10 ай бұрын
Bro fr tryna say dads cant be stay at home 💀 its litterly the same thing hon. You do not own anyone anything. The only real reason we are alive is to survive and have happiness. If something not bringing to happiness, then you shouldn't be forced to stick with it. *Why force yourself to be unhappy?
@ImJustMovin 10 ай бұрын
We alive to worship our Lord Jesus Christ if it wasn’t for him life would be in vain
@kingsagenda 10 ай бұрын
Wow 1111 yes!!
@alberthafcoker9094 11 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@Tswanabynature 11 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness that word was spot on and was for me, the first one and the second one, I downloaded this video to watch later and today after a week or so watched. I am a seer more a feeler and like Ana said we need training. I am soo happy I found this video, Mimika thank you for inviting Ana and thank you for all the efforts. God bless you both.
@MimikaCooney 11 ай бұрын
You are so welcome
@oforiwaaamanfo8362 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@MimikaCooney 11 ай бұрын
@TheMessianic Жыл бұрын
Just discovered your channel. I love both of your accents! :)
@MimikaCooney 11 ай бұрын
Glad you like them!
@wilfridmatkowsky2851 Жыл бұрын
*promosm* 🌷
@anqunettecooper9457 Жыл бұрын
So Awesome and Amazing, and Helpful!!!! Thank You Father for using them, Bless them!!!😇😇😇😇
@MimikaCooney 11 ай бұрын
Thank you too!
@libbylib1819 Жыл бұрын
Busy can equal overworked. Try telling people suffering from stress and burnout that they are full of pride.😐. I have resigned from 3 jobs in the last 19 years because my emperors thought they could keep on piling on extra tasks onto me to the point O was literally waking, working and sleeping. I know I'm not alone as I've seen (ex)colleagues have nervous/mental breakdown and health complications due to work related stress or being overwhelmed with too much work.
@tracystruths1762 Жыл бұрын
Incremental steps. Our brain only has so much capacity and for me, all things are not meant to be stored.
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
So ture!
@georgewealth5790 Жыл бұрын
What is the difference between knower and feeler.
@tracystruths1762 Жыл бұрын
Like homeostasis, change and healing is possible "if" folks want to do the work🌹
@theresalwaysyahweh Жыл бұрын
Why do I feel like everything she saying was for me
@lenorskillett8754 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ana, I am so inspired. God bless your ministry. Amen
@gayemuller1379 Жыл бұрын
Listening from Perth Western Australia thank you God bless you ❤
@gracefullyblessed555 Жыл бұрын
Praise God for testimony many if us deal with control...till we finally surrender all he can have control, thank u for the video
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
Yay happy to hear it!
@FadelAlmusawi Жыл бұрын
@shurbs3332 Жыл бұрын
I was Not scared my first time riding I did not fall I mastered it in one day lol
@Elmos_world456 Жыл бұрын
@kaiba21 Жыл бұрын
Hey keep doing this 💪
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
🚀Get Free Guide "8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset" www.mimikacooney.com/supercharge/
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
🚀Get Free Guide "8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset" www.mimikacooney.com/supercharge/
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
🚀Get Free Guide "8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset" www.mimikacooney.com/supercharge/
@lungisileg.1394 Жыл бұрын
Thank u!!!
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
👉FREE GUIDE 8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset bit.ly/3n5k6xk
@MsSongbird716 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I needed to hear this today! 💗
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
Yay you're welcome!
@kathleenmarie4761 Жыл бұрын
I see things on people and boy do I sense things when I walk into a room, takes a bit, then it hits and its something else. ( a feeler) as you say and it is very strong. Thank you for mentioning this . It actually helped. I also see angels and demons as well and have some open visions to.
@MimikaCooney Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!