Parsons And Part
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Nathan Gill 1
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tony parsons exposing the myth
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Tony Parsons March 2006
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Tony Parsons intro part 2
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Tony Parsons intro part 1
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Mr Tony  Parsons
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Ice cream eating banned in harrods
@chantingdroneflutes 9 жыл бұрын
The confusion and perpetuation of "me" and thus slavery persists simply because words like "you" and "me" are used. If these words of Ego-Self association, be it spoken or understood are used in Advaita explanation, the "me" persists... Those who are still seeking, need to start with the simplest in this 3d reality to apparently “awaken” and “become” liberated - it is to stop using in every day conversation the words like "me", "you", "us", "they"... Try it, for it may be nearly impossible to convey meaning without using these words of Self Identification, as in this system of things everything is based on pronouns... Apparent liberation starts with language and ends with apparent liberation. It is as simple as developing a habit of relating with and to the world around without the word “I” and “me”, which the brain is using to perpetuate Ego-Self identity daily using these words (hence apparent lack of liberation). In the video, Tony suggests to the audience to “get the sense in you that there’s nothing sitting there , it’s emptines...”. How can "you" picture that there's no one sitting there? How can “you” become liberated/enlightened? Well "you" can't, because the word "you" has been uttered/thought and the brain has triggered an association with the body-personality-habits-preferences-dislikes-likes-etc.-fill in “your” name... So apparently try not using these words "me", "you", "I", "they", "us", "we" - and watch liberation start apparently to unfold... which is only apparent, as really all that is happening is seeing of “what is happening” is happening without brain associating the Ego-Self with the sound and stream of spoken word and meaning out of body-personality-likes-dislikes-preferences-fill in “your” name ... The spoken word without using the pronouns (I,me,you,they, ...) puts on an apparent feel of Truth and power, which is either being agreed to and followed by the one listening (usually a heavy approval seeking seeker with heavy association with Ego-Self). Or it is being challenged by the Ego-Self in the other (usually a "rebel-seeker" with extra heavy association with Ego-Self), by for example asking the Original speaker something like - "Are you a published author?" or "How do you know that?” or “But ...this and that” and such, thus trying to start the “survival of the fittest Ego-Self” power game. And meanwhile for the apparently liberated, all of this is just what is happening...
@MUSICOBLISS 10 жыл бұрын
Being alive is what is happening 🍃
@woof203 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Anthony, I was really saddened when I heard that Nathan had died. l loved listening to his recordings but never got to meeting him. He sounds like he would have been a great person to know. Best wishes, Martin
@psstheyyou 10 жыл бұрын
Great. A guy with a sense of humour with something interesting to say for a change instead of regurgitating all the same neo advaita claptrap.
@claraclaraj 11 жыл бұрын
Holy shit this fucking blows my mind over & over.
@nickharris9761 11 жыл бұрын
It was great to watch no one and nothingness by using an iNothing
@freepiratequeen 11 жыл бұрын
What a good guy... He's got something different. No bullshit.. just perfect!!!
@MrNakhann 11 жыл бұрын
He is just having fun, demolishing everything you know, he s an excellent teacher ;)
@MrNakhann 11 жыл бұрын
So funny, all these serious people sitting there trying to get something out of it ;)
@nitramruk 11 жыл бұрын
thank you
@woof203 11 жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for the interest. I'm afraid I dont know anything about subtitling, but you are very welcome to try. Thanks
@nitramruk 11 жыл бұрын
Hi woof, I would like to subtitle this video of yours into my language (czech) if you do not mind. Do you have any idea how to do it? How can I drag this video to make subtitles? Thanks
@TheLetsbegin 11 жыл бұрын
The show is only ever known to itself, and the show has no opinions about concepts like "real" and "exist". The show knows that it exists. Within the show concepts like "real' and "exist" show up. Neither of them has any meaning. This just is.And these words are also just stuff showing up in the show.
@acuaman42 12 жыл бұрын
I hope Nathan comes to America this 2013. If so, let us know it.
@jesuisravi 12 жыл бұрын
@PresenceMoment 12 жыл бұрын
this AND that ... yes AND no. He makes this clear of the apparent paradoxical mystery of it all .... all be-ing Love . It's all perspective and he does not call upon anyone to agree or get. By get ,I mean reach for from a sense of lack or loss. As everything IS , and I am everything, there is nothing missing, Isness is complete. Thus nothing to get. Apparently !
@PresenceMoment 12 жыл бұрын
What he is saying is "We" exist Quentin, just not as we believe we exist, as in John Doe born from Jane and Tarzan Doe as the apparent story of who we are. He's not saying they don't exist ... and that there is nothing to do, as in doing for yorself and others. For beyond the apparent surface of the veil of identification as John Doe/human being, is pure Love. Love is veiled as every one and every thing and every act and all imaginable.
@sanoroknfnf7872 12 жыл бұрын
i rather to drop the pants...of his girl friend.
@osvaldovaldes10009 12 жыл бұрын
Let me guess....he charges illusory money of no one and puts it in "his" pocket that does not exists to benefit no one....right?
@srikalyc 12 жыл бұрын
siddhis come when you play with the subtle energy by some kriya practices, but it is a bondage where you can get stuck for a long time until you realize it is not better than a state without siddhis, so go beyond siddhis and mystical powers.Ramana maharishi would say "Siddhis is like child's play" how long do you want to play ? Cheers...
@jimcrich 12 жыл бұрын
All there is is This - and it's OK! Many of us were taught in early childhood to be unhappy with our selves and life so we go looking for Answers, Salvation, Self, god, something - which means happiness. We were taught to be unhappy and are constantly looking for happiness out there when happiness is already right inside of us if only we can ACCEPT our self again. All these exotic teachings are only telling me: ACCEPT YOUR SELF JUST AS YOU ARE - RIGHT NOW! And I do! I'm OK just as I am.
@jimcrich 12 жыл бұрын
All there is is this! Are you happy with it?... happy with your self right now?...happy with the world, life, events? No! Why not? What are you looking for? What's missing, wrong, etc.? All seekers are looking for some HAPPINESS so what is keeping us from being happy right now, just as we are? In early childhood I was trained to be unhappy with myself and my life but then psychology showed me how to be happy right now just as I am and get it back when lost. Happiness is a choice! It's us
@talkinghead22 12 жыл бұрын
You debunked Tony Parsons? Well congratulations! Subject-object arrogance strikes again...
@talkinghead22 12 жыл бұрын
Miraculous and supernatural occurrences (in that sense) have nothing to do with what is being discussed... At what point did he claim to be psychic? Parsons' talks have to do with the discovery of the ordinary.
@FirstPersonHood 12 жыл бұрын
Forget all these concepts go to and be through with it!!
@KevinBrianCarroll 12 жыл бұрын
Ramification exists. so this guy's not being accurate about reality. I know that ramification exists and persists because I just typed this post and hit the "post" button and now you're reading it. And all this happened regardless of how many hits this video gets. And I debunked this guy's entire philosophy by posting this comment. That didn't take much. Not much of a philosophy.
@talkinghead22 12 жыл бұрын
..."back into self hood"... that's a good one!
@synesthesia251 12 жыл бұрын
i see you have found the way to break down every word just like i have, which is the key to understanding that everything is an assumption by the THOUGHT
@kwixotic 12 жыл бұрын
What he spouts flies in the face of the "real deal" i.e., Nisargadatta Maharaj, who made a steadfast three year commitment to becoming liberated. Some lucky "person" in that audience could glean the message of "liberation" but it would last only until he or she gets to their car, then it goes away in a flash.
@osmo321 12 жыл бұрын
You could say that it's to get that there is nothing to get.
@catlinmorgan 12 жыл бұрын
It concerns me the effect his teaching has had on many of his students - I understand where Tony is coming from in reducing the Truth to this level, he was for many years a student of Osho and he is reacting against Oshos apparent over complication of the Awakening Process and is attempting to cut to the core and straight to the experience of emptiness but the balance is lost
@catseternity2 13 жыл бұрын
This enlightenment thing is about finding Your truth. Why discuss Tony Parsons interpretation of his truth? Teachers can help you get a bigger picture, map your lies, but ultimately You are the only authority in your search, you have to go alone. What is your experience? Tony Parsons is inside your reality that you are inquiring, so how can he be your authority? Being one with everything isn't the point, only a side effect. The point is realizing the Only truth there is in Your reality.
@scottywont 13 жыл бұрын
"there’s no one sitting in this room; there is no one. there is no separate individual. all there is, is what’s happening." but what is it that's happening? tony parsons would charge me with being a seeker. but of course! that's what drives the happening. he's not answering any questions. rather, he's using self-confirming logic to explain his points. I take advaita very seriously, but I think there is indeed something flawed about his solution, and the solution of many that came before him.
@claytonfairn 13 жыл бұрын
nonduality isn't a denial of the self, its not a validation of the self either. Nonduality is a word used to point to the actual nature of thought. Thought is imagination and can be nothing else. Taking thought to be more than thought is the "problem". just made my first vid check it out "nonduality and belief".
@talkinghead22 13 жыл бұрын
@Gladwynne1 You miss the point in that there is no one to pursue the idea of enlightenment. "Enlightenment" to the individual is always sought, never realized because it reinforces the notion of a story, a seeker, etc. When it is realized that there is no one, love just happens. For no one. Oneness cannot "practice" being oneness, it is already oneness. Already only always love itself.
@talkinghead22 13 жыл бұрын
Strange, I was searching for squirrel videos and I got this weird non duality talk...
@talkinghead22 13 жыл бұрын
@lollolllolllll That is utterly assumed. When what he is talking about is actually understood, you realize there never has been a "you" there, doing life, cooking, riding a bike or taking care when holding a baby. It just happens, no one is doing that.
@Qscrisp 13 жыл бұрын
@JonMcIntyre68 The question I can't help asking is why he's even bothering to talk to people who don't exist. I suppose he'd say he's not talking, because he doesn't exist either. Complete waste of time, and utterly solipsistic. I'd like to see him explore the issue of why it's "inappropriate" to tell people in Uganda their suffering doesn't matter because they don't exist. Maybe because it would be the act of a smug, solipsistic git?
@anatureperson 13 жыл бұрын
@VonHuger1 If there is nothing to get then what did Parsons get? Parsons 'got' something did he not? He got that certain something he did not have before- the knowledge that he is teaching. He may say that there is no one here that is teaching, but he didn't get that prior to his 'realization.' So there is something to get.
@acuaman42 13 жыл бұрын
I hope someone subtitles Nathan audios into spanish, his pointers will be very good for many people in spanish speaking countries.
@avadootmaharaj 13 жыл бұрын
The illusion is based on the physical, but we are eternal spiritual entities as per the statement 'mamaivamsho jeeva loka, jeeva bhoota mahesvaram'. Bhagavad Gita 15.7. So, there is a reality based on the fact that there is One Supreme Eternal from whom all the minute eternals have come from- Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). Speculative philosophers are like bees busing around a bottle of honey-they never taste the real nectar. So buzz off!
@reycafe1 13 жыл бұрын
Hi Tony! More free videos please? I can't attend your meetings for now because I'm from the Phlippines, but I bought 2 books of yours already - THE OPEN SECRET and ALL THERE IS. Thank you!
@rapolaz 13 жыл бұрын
@MrSigma except that there is no-one who can drop the concepts...
@apgwilym 13 жыл бұрын
This is rich medicine.
@everest001 13 жыл бұрын
Beautiful message as always. Thanks for posting.
@acuaman42 13 жыл бұрын
Lets hope that someone subtitles Tony's videos into Spanish and into German. His message is too important to be keep just in English.
@acuaman42 13 жыл бұрын
@swingtrade2 No one exist, all is a virtual projection from emptiness. Read the latest book by Stephen Hawking, THE GRAN DESIGN, he explains how this and thousands of millions of other universes are apparently projected by quantum forces. I am sure you will able to understand that book. Good luck.
@acuaman42 13 жыл бұрын
Lets hope that someone subtitles Tony´s videos into spanish and german. His message is too important to be keep in just English.
@1alopezg 13 жыл бұрын
I love this man
@merkaba360 13 жыл бұрын
@mcbrave15 Ahh! But it is helping itself. There's only oneness (ocean) in the room, going thru a process that can help to destroy the illusions in the room of individuality. There is no He, you keep forgetting. Just a process of an ocean in the room with waves. The oneness is using one wave as a porthole to effect the other waves back into wholeness.