The Key to Democracy with Jan Voelkel
The Future of Crypto with Kinjal Shah
@SubornaKhatun-b5k 8 күн бұрын
Perez Patricia Walker Barbara Lopez Donald
@wolfgangstegemann9375 Ай бұрын
The brain is not a prediction machine. It is not its intention to minimize uncertainty, but the result of its activity.
@Silvertestrun Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@seemaophk 3 ай бұрын
Ok very good explanations
@notgaybear5544 4 ай бұрын
White people tend to ostracize "the other" blacks used to be the other now certain white men or the other. Hopefully one day they will not do this.
@patrickshanley4466 5 ай бұрын
Excellent discussion!!!👍
@nthperson 6 ай бұрын
It is certainly true that the single-family detached housing in most suburban communities is far larger than needed. We are a society addicted to conspicuous consumption and ostentatious displays of household wealth. One reason that this occurs is the economics of development. When a developer pays $10,000 for a building lot, profit can be obtained when the completed property sells for just four times the cost of land acquisition. Today, a developer must pay in many communities $100,000 and up for a building lot. Thus, the housing unit will be (must be) priced at a minimum of $400,000 or construction will not occur. Alan Durning's solution to the crisis of affordable housing is a partial solution. Yes, communities must rewrite zoning laws and building codes to permit the construction of housing units those of modest household income can afford. At the same time, we must come to understand that our nation's land markets are credit-fueled and speculation driven. The value of a housing unit is essentially its replacement cost, less depreciation. The difference between this net value and the total value of a residential property is the value of the land parcel on which the housing units is constructed. Thus, we need to reform how almost all communities and school districts today tax real estate. Economic theory argues correctly that the optimum amount of revenue to be raised from the taxation of real estate is the potential annual rental value of privately-held locations, exempting housing units (which are depreciating assets) from the tax base. If this change were to be adopted, owners of vacant and underutilized land would face a financial decision: either bring the land held to its highest, best use, or sell to someone who will. As this change is put into effect, land prices will fall. If zoning permits the construction of attached housing and/or multistory residential buildings, more of these structures will be constructed. Why? Simply because they reflect highest, best use. For more information regarding the proposed change in real estate taxation, search on "the two-rate property tax" or "land value taxation." The following economists have written extensively on this issue over the last century: C. Lowell Harriss (Columbia U.); Dick Netzer (NYU); Mason Gaffney (U. of California); Nicolaus Tideman (Virginia Polytechnic Institute); Fred Foldvary (San Jose State). This is just a short list. There are many others.
@danielsutton2290 6 ай бұрын
Chris Stringer is a Bad A** Scientist! Keeps ya from forgetting the scientific method the basis of which is falsify-able, reproducible hypothesis testing. What a breath of fresh air. It’s hard not to trust a scientist who’s so open about THEIR OWN hypotheses being falsified.
@Jontheinternet 7 ай бұрын
I once saw documentary about food with a similar argument. They described the journey of food and how if it is good, it uses humans to spread. Apples came from Kazakhstan. There were hundreds of varieties. Eventually they were used for cider and you have people spreading it all over the world. Then, the Puritan sort of moved away from alcohol. They then chose some varieties that were sweet and which could be used for eating and cooking. Where the value was in the cider. Then the value in eating them probably came from the financial risk of not using Apple anymore if we weren't going to use them for cider we better figure out what we can do with all the crops. It would seem the same genes. Genes probably want to spread. All of them do. But those that value real perceived, will be intentionally preserved. Same with coffee. by their utility, they have used humans to spread around the world. We grow them and propagate them. We work for them Conscious memories also seems to revolve around the value. Your conscious memories are usually things that provide value. Really good experiences, really bad you don't repeat them. Things that you repeat. Things that are repeated are inherently valuable. If you believe you are going to repeat something to the mind and body have incentive to keep them readily available in working memory. Or to create a habit. The way we drive without thinking about it. Something which has value typically will be taken care of or exploited. Loved or used. (and I suppose destroyed.) If a thing has no value, it will be often ignored or destroyed. The problem is when something begins to be exploited, some will often go to the brink of extinction in in order to maximize short-term gains. Love is sort of the opposite. Because it will care about long-term survival and maturing the development of whatever is valuable. When we love or value a meme, we spread it. Ideas seem similar. And so are thoughts. Your ego is driven by value. Things that are valuable, good or bad - like a painful experience you don't want to repeat - it will be more readily available in your consciousness. And what you value will drive your experience. it will drive an influence what you focused on and in many ways what you feel. If you are driving down the street and you need gas desperately, getting gas is valuable and you will focus on finding a gas station or noticing where there are no gas stations. It focuses and direct your attention. And so are ideas can't be discussed with valued. And means are also driven by value but will probably also tell you how to give time an audience values
@Jontheinternet 7 ай бұрын
No the problem is when it seems quite often our values systems get broken. Like addiction etc.
@Jontheinternet 7 ай бұрын
In Greek the word idea means "to behold". The implies there are something that exist independently, which we are able to see under the circumstances. So if they exist independently, it's very logical they would want to be noticed for their own sake. Makes you wonder if we are in some sort of matrix of competing ideas trying to influence biology
@hosoiarchives4858 7 ай бұрын
This is not how life evolves
@samuel_lament_of_hathor 7 ай бұрын
Say no not just to bed and dairy but leather (skin) - clothing, shoes, drums, etc And milk/cheese from (cows, goats, camels, horses, etc) the mothers who are treated just as poorly, then slaughtered and eaten when unprofitable anyway, along with their children -- especially their sons who are killed for veal/calfskin because they are unprofitable to otherwise keep alive. And like the pigs peter described, these also undergo traumatic repetitive impregnation and child/mother separation.
@Walker-ld3dn 7 ай бұрын
Lane is the best.
@muralikrishnag1773 7 ай бұрын
Feedback is uncomfortable, why cant we call it feed forward?
@muralikrishnag1773 7 ай бұрын
Hey Claire, I am blessed to have 35 beautiful folks working with me, for a founders vision that we all beleive in. But you are like a soul sister, articulating this so well. Thank you for putting out your MO ( and ammo) out there for us to learn. Scaling People is such an apt title.
@platzhirsch4275 8 ай бұрын
Also the way the highly complex biochemical processes of the citric cycle and photosynthesis are mentioned casually as its no big deal is, to say the least, disturbing. If we mention the reverse citric acid cycle and know it consists of eleven reaction steps we must remember each one requiring a specific mineral catalyst on the early Earth. Inside cells, this metabolic process employs complex enzyme catalysts possessing high specificities and capacities for molecular-level discrimination among the components of the cycle. But enzymes would not have been available on early Earth so it’s not likely that the right types of minerals needed to carry out these reactions would coexist at a particular locale on the early Earth in such a way to support the reverse citric acid cycle. Why ignore such delicate and vital requirements? Adding to this problem is the observation that the transition metal catalysts (associated with the mineral surfaces) not only facilitate chemical transformations but also prompt the decomposition of the proto-metabolic intermediates. This situation makes it rather implausible or unrealistic a proposed scheme. Isnt it even deception? I think so. Next the intermediates of the reverse Krebs cycle would not only react with one another, but also with other materials present. These side reactions would disrupt the proto-metabolic cycle. In other instances, the side reactions would stultify the autocatalytic cycle by siphoning off its intermediates. The primordial soup was no modern laboratory. I wouldnt even start with photosynthesis, a biochemical engineering process so advanced we cant even repeat it in any laboratory today. But nature did it accidentally....of course.... 😅
@platzhirsch4275 8 ай бұрын
It's amazing what BS people can come up with. A pile of maybes and could haves is now science. One tends to ask do they really believe all this fantasia? We have had thermal vents for billions of years and we explore them today but don't find any proof of bacteria assemble in it. We don't find any abiogenesis reactions proposed here. Nothing. Bacteria have been around for billions of years and have remained what they always where: Bacteria! Anyone just studieng the assembly of a bacterial flagellum must be in awe about the complexity of the assembly process to get to this highly complex biochemical engineering machine.
@rahulranjan9013 8 ай бұрын
Dude this is awesome! When wil your book drop? Why it hasn't already!
@standingbear998 8 ай бұрын
setting nice fossils on a table in the row you want proves nothing. a similarity between foosils does not mean one turned int the other. especially when they lived at the same time. and there still is no in between> there should fossils for every step along the way? what makes us human is not in any fossil.
@stephencummins7589 9 ай бұрын
This is all interesting exiting and fascinating,but you guys would have to admit all fantasy. Nothing more than intelectual scientific fantasy.
@robotaholic 9 ай бұрын
Wrong. No one's fantasy includes studying the Krebs cycle.
@meghanvail1713 10 ай бұрын
Im 46 years old I've been vegan for years now. 9 years. I was veggi, then I went full vegan.
@meghanvail1713 10 ай бұрын
I'm VEGAN...I don't eat, Animals, I don't wear them. Also STOP F.....ANIMAL TESTING... 😊 🙏... This I interesting to listen to...
@sgramstrup 11 ай бұрын
Any system have subsystems - internally or, externally - that makes sure the markov(?) blanket(s) are in homeostasis. I would call it an immune system. All systems have an immune system, also religions/ideology, or other meta systems. Otherwise they would fall apart, disintegrate. Additionally, all dynamic systems evolve - even if they have a guiding book - and only those with an appropriate immune system will survive. I find the belief system of 'Science' to be the best to optimize my free energy.
@kooisengchng5283 11 ай бұрын
That shows you the quality of the intellect among the so called intelligentsia. They can't face facts and are quick to label others as racist/fascist.
@danmaster9183 11 ай бұрын
Its all a fairytale and none of them are our direct ancestors
@Mdebacle 11 ай бұрын
The ape-men were not human ancestors. They were the result of human-ape hybridization.
@danmaster9183 11 ай бұрын
@@Mdebacle in nature hybrid offspring are docile and cannot produce kids of their own, just like a ligor, donkey, etc. This is another story they make to try and explain something they dont have the answer too, if a human and chimp had a baby somehow.. it would not be able to have offspring this is how nature works, even though we are said related
@danmaster9183 11 ай бұрын
Even the little skeletons we have like ardi are made from mix-matched bones to try and make them more 'human-like'
@danmaster9183 11 ай бұрын
Why cant i stop thinking of rhy as an alien lol i dont think we evolved but were gene spliced with apes to create modern humans
@nickyfurlano8531 11 ай бұрын
All my bank account balances went into reverse thanks to quantitative easing. All the homeless today and all the foodbanks are a direct result of quantitative easing.
@parkerbohnn 11 ай бұрын
QE put all my bank account balances into the toilet bowl.
@XRP747E Жыл бұрын
Everybody should learn from Peter Singer. A truly great man.
@jimmyjohnson1870 Жыл бұрын
Go raibh maith agat!
@kipraymond777 Жыл бұрын
Quantitative easing (QE) greatly increased the cost of living and precluded social and economic mobility for many Americans. This damage entails many forthcoming severe aftershocks. The Fed made a fatal mistake that will be felt for many years to come. This mistake has been flagrantly under-reported and under-discussed in traditional media channels. Most Americans are clueless. The Fed must continue to raise interest rates to counteract runaway inflation. Thomas Hoenig was the expert who predicted these consequences, but his wisdom and experience fell on arrogant, groupthink-crippled ears.
@parkerbohnn 11 ай бұрын
In the old west Bernanke and Greenspan likely would have ended up at the end of a noose. I could just puke at the fact Bernanke got a Nobel prize. Today we see the fallout from Bernanke's mistake of not letting the banks collapse in America.
@sentientflower7891 Жыл бұрын
Looking for a Reverse Krebs Cycle on the sterile Earth is about as hopeless a cause as searching for a fully operational jet engine anywhere on the Earth prior to 1900 AD.
@_TravelWithLove Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdoms filled videos !! Intelligent and educational !! Excellent !! Can Dr Tour and Dr Lane join for an open discussion and or debate ? Greetings from California … I wish you all good health, success and happiness !! Much Love !! ✌️😎💕
@mcmanustony 10 ай бұрын
Why? Tour is a lying fanatic who does not work in this area, had slandered Professor Lane and all the researchers working in this field. He's a hysterical maniac.
@Elephantine999 Жыл бұрын
Nick Lane's view of genesis is my favorite. His books are as fascinating as his lectures.
@amoon8515 Жыл бұрын
@todd.westra Жыл бұрын
Such a refreshing discussion! The tactics shared for effective management and building a strong company culture are on point. Trusting oneself as a leader fosters a positive work environment and empowers everyone to achieve their best.
@sigishere Жыл бұрын
It will be better to understand evolution if we knew more about the process of evolution. We need an Einstien in understanding the next phase of evolution and biology.
@danielsutton2290 6 ай бұрын
Evolution is far from needing an Einstein to help us out because it’s so very basic. Hypothesis testing is done all time and the results have nuanced the facts of evolution. Darwin and Wallace clarified the evolutionary process but evidence suggests that many had an excellent notion of it.
@monkeyfunky3287 Жыл бұрын
The president of the United States doesn’t even understand that he is alive still… I don’t think the prez understands any of this!!!!! Oh we are soooooo f<*%#!! And when Kamala takes 1 hour to say one sentence humanity will be so embarrassed we will have no other choice but to nuke ourselves…
@sparkyy0007 Жыл бұрын
Well...everything else failed so why not. Electrical gradients it Peace and love God bless you all
@missmurrydesign7115 Жыл бұрын
@JG-zd1cz Жыл бұрын
I really hope they don’t delete this video
@JG-zd1cz Жыл бұрын
Amazing video
@magalarova7157 Жыл бұрын
why would anyone bother to take on more investors when they provide less $$?
@magalarova7157 Жыл бұрын
i don't see where the word 'democratizing' applies. it's like Raya but for wanna be VCs from cool kids clubs
@ekteshafatdaily Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! Writing a paper about this now and this is exactly what I needed. I totally understand what you're saying about the lack of discourse around this topic. Thanks for sharing.
@RhysLindmark Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful, Nadine! Good luck with the paper :)
@bobbicatt Жыл бұрын
Avi is correct , we spend trillions on ways to kill each other. Any advanced civilization would look at us and shake theirs heads in disbelief.
@natadane9610 Жыл бұрын
Man will always choose to screw the rest will they get rich
@natadane9610 Жыл бұрын
Well you’re hopeful
@spamm0145 Жыл бұрын
I have watched tons of videos like this and I've never seen an explanation for inanimate matter becoming life or how precisely sequenced information that is incomprehensibly complex arranges itself so it can be read in multiple directions, has error correction, and encryption systems, if this had been engineered by man it would be hailed as the greatest achievement of all time, sadly it was just a process of random mutations producing mathematical impossible chance permutations that just gives the appearance of design. Nothing to do with God because who needs a God to create systems so complex they shame all of mans endeavours and just because a single cell is as complex as a city like New York, or the human body processes more instructions per second than every single computer on Earth and does this on a mere 20 watts of electricity, nope this is all achieved through haphazard mutations over Narnia billion of years.
@moontides7220 6 ай бұрын