@Furiousbearcat 3 күн бұрын
Seemed pretty manageable until area 3, and then all those creatures started to get overwhelming! Glad we had amassed so much time, because even though we lost quite a few minutes in area 3, it never really dipped below 5 minutes. Think about how little time we would've had by the end with an average area 3 starting clock :O Was quite disappointed in the GM not taking out l!ckers that efficiently, considering that that's the way it's supposed to be used. That and those ivies that took forever to burn, agh. But seeing you melt that third core all by yourself looked pretty sweet :) GG!
@JawsFan78 3 күн бұрын
You are right about the GM. It’s not bad to use on birkin or regular zombies but I’d rather have the rocket launcher to use on lickers. I think Area 1 Went Very smoothly as well. In area 2 I got a phone call that I had to take so I was a bit distracted lol. Area 3 Rob did an amazing job taking out the first core by himself. It started getting a little hectic around the second core. I did my best to kill the core as fast possible with all the chaos going on. The third core I knew would be a death sentence and I didn’t want the mastermind to restock his creatures so I went in knowing that even if I died we would have more than enough time to get out. Thank you for actually acting like a January and taking out the cameras so that we weren’t too flooded with creatures. Belli carried all of us to the exit as she always does . I had a lot of fun and was surprised that there wasn’t a lot of lag ( lickers usually make things worse) GGs Bearcat 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat 5 күн бұрын
Wow! That was impressive, especially since you didn't have a Jan! Everyone worked together really well, and you were all very quick, which is super important against Nicholais like this. That's the biggest thing I myself struggle with. I'm guessing the MM was hoping to down Belli while you were all working on the second core, and then get a 30 second loss on her because she would've been too far away for any of you to reach her (and he would've been free to focus on the rest of you in the meantime). And if it went according to plan, you might have lost the match from that time loss. But Belli did a great job making sure that didn't happen!
@JawsFan78 4 күн бұрын
She did a great job surviving by herself for the time it took us to kill that second core. My goal was to kill that second core as fast as possible so I would be able to get over to help Belli . Fortunately she didn’t need my help. She was able to stay alive that whole time. Once I saw that the last core was at the exit I had a good feeling that we would escape. We had such bad randoms the whole night but this match we had decent survivors on our team which I was very thankful for. GGs to everyone ! 😁👍
@Bellicose_Nivans 5 күн бұрын
YOUUU did good Rindi. YOOUU held your own against Nemmy. 😛❤ GGs partner, you did so well. 🥳🎉 After Rob left, these two were like the only decent people we ran into all night. 😭😭 I'm sure the match would look a little different from my perspective.
@JawsFan78 5 күн бұрын
You always do great Belli! Like I always say you are one of the best Valerie’s out there! I always feel privileged to have you on my team. It’s about time we got some decent randoms on our team lol. GGs girrrrrrl 😁👍
@robmedina2617 Ай бұрын
@JillValentine87 Ай бұрын
GG ✨
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
Thanks! 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
It just kept going! And going! I was real glad when that match was finally over. I definitely misused a few instances of Interference: a couple of them were because I thought you guys were ready to push when you weren't, and at least one of them was just a pure and simple mistake. And that made me feel all the worse about it because this MM had near constant shields. The reason that third terminal and second core were as rough as they were was because the MM was able to replace his old shield with a new one pretty much instantaneously. I'm surprised I even took them out, let alone got seconds off them! I also wasn't really sure what to do as Jan when the MM had those neverending shields. On the one hand, I knew the shields would go away eventually, and so I wanted to remain focused on the camera.... but on the other hand, that time could've been better spent helping clean up the constantly regenerating mess of creatures and traps. The MM definitely didn't want me focusing on the cameras, though, given that he occasionally spawned a trap nearby me in an attempt to scare me away. Luckily for me, he never seemed to follow through on those traps, so I was able to get some free time from them while waiting for those shields to disappear. You were so close to running out of resources entirely! I don't think this match would've gone nearly as well for us if Bellicose hadn't gotten us all those credits. A big GG for sure!
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
This match was a nightmare! 😩 It was like a mix between trap spencer and terminal spencer. I really wish I would have used Jill. At least she has usb on her. You did great!, I know it must have been frustrating as January dealing with a mastermind that always had shields. I just concentrated on killing traps and zombies to gain back that time ( plus Becca’s ability to drop ammo after killing a zombie really helped as well) I want to thank Belli and Rob especially for this game because they kept opening up the cores to allow me to shoot it. I think we all did well and we really worked as a team. I’m very proud of everyone on this match. GGs Bearcat 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
I knew he was a smurf going in, but I didn't expect him to put up that much of a fight at that low a rank! In a way, this MM kinda felt like an anchor Spencer because of the creature defense anchors. I remember once a long time ago going against an Annette who used those, and unless those anchors were removed, the creatures were near impossible to take out! So even though they weren't invincibility anchors, I still felt like it was super imperative to take those out as soon as I possibly could, lest we be wasting way more resources than we'd otherwise need to (Though, no, I of course was not wallhacking at 3:37 or 10:09 : I started those when the doors were open!) It was a good thing you were playing Tyrone, because we definitely needed a melee bro to deal with all that! Especially on this map. GG!
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
He definitely felt like an anchor Spencer. I’m glad you were able to take out the health anchors. It was quite annoying 😂. He was definitely a Smurf. No way was he rank 13 😕. I’m glad I picked Tyrone because bemusement has way too many doors 😩. Rob Helped a lot with Melee as well. I always feel honored to play with such great players as you, Rob, and Belli. You guys/girls have great timing, especially when saving my ass 😂. GGs 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
Wow, that area 1 looked like it was going to be a loss for sure! You all did a great job hustling, though I think keeping on the move was the big secret here in winning: I think if any of you had really slowed down at any point to confront the MM's controlled creatures, he could've taken advantage and siphoned more time. Seemed like a risky move having Bellicose pull the exit by herself, but I definitely understand the urgency: with how little time left there was on the clock, at that point, it could hardly be considered "pulling the exit early". GG
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
Those Buffed zombies were a big pain in the ass 😂. If I was Tyrone it would have been easier to kill them. We needed to keep going or else we definitely would have lost. I was fine with Belli pulling the exit early because I had my fever skill. It was a close match though for sure 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
I remember I always used to say that l!ckers don't cause lag, but they make any existing lag way worse. But, idk, thinking about it more these days.... isn't that just a roundabout way of saying they do cause lag? If the lag is at say like a level 3, and l!ckers turn the lag into a level 7, then that's a quantifiable amount of lag that just wasn't there when there were no l!ckers. Like how the flamethrower's lag increases the more flames there are on screen. I've had some lag-free matches with l!ckers, sure.... but I can't deny how 9 times out of 10, when I'm lagging and there's a l!cker crawling about, the lag always gets better the moment we take that l!cker out. That was an amazing comeback considering how rough that lag was! If I had been teleported back to the start while rubberbanding like that with that little time on the clock, I would've thought it was over. GG!
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
The title was for “certain” masterminds who tells their followers on the streams that lickers & dogs do nothing to the game. It’s not good because It gives new players that don’t know any better the false reality that they can spawn 10 lickers without affecting the survivors .
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
Oops, my bad at the end of area 1! I didn't realize you had all gotten to the exit, and so I was trying to time out cameras thinking we were still waiting on someone catching up. You took so many bites, wow. This MM was pretty relentless with the creature spam. I was pretty pleased to have tricked them at area 2, though: since I was focusing on the camera in the third terminal room, the MM was distracted with me, and that let you get the second terminal done easily-- was worried about that because it was a two-cam terminal. I think what almost got us in area 3 was the resource drain. With the last two cores being right next to each other, it didn't really give breathing room to resupply at the box. But we made it work! And all of us going to resupply together before heading out to the exit ultimately turned out to be a smart move
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
No worries about area 1, I understand that sometimes you get focused on cameras or whatever and don’t realize oh everyone’s at the exit. I think everyone has done that at one time with this game 😁. I took quite the beating on this match 😂. Everytime I killed a zombie there would be 2 to take its place. I was happy on getting the head shot ( kill shot) on yorick from so far away. It was hilarious though when you kept the Mastermind busy while I was doing the two camera terminal 😜. That really helped. Area 3 kinda sucked I was really drained on resources ( hence why I was using Melee and a Raiden ) Everyone did great though. We definitely squeaked by at the end 😂 . GGs bearcat 😎👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
And to think we thought this Spencer was running a terminal build at first lol. I'm glad he wasn't, but yeah, what a wild amount of ivies and detonators! We were able to get good time though, and I honestly got way more turreted cameras than I was expecting. Definitely some good teamwork in this one for sure!
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
I was expecting terminal spencer too 😜. I think I should have bought a torch but I didn’t because Prince ( Martin) had one. You did great work taking out those cams. . We all did well considering all the creatures spencer was spamming us. GGs Bearcat! 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat Ай бұрын
GG! Man, what a stressful match almost the whole way through. That area 1 got way more overwhelming than I thought it would. Couldn't fully focus on anything because of all the creatures and the inf3ction. We pulled it back really well in area 2, but having to split up again for area 3 was so rough. That was really smart of you to give Bellicose the minign though, because that's what let her complete the second core on her own
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
@@Furiousbearcat That area 1 was really bad. I wasn’t expecting that many zombies and then he kept spawning too many for me to kill. I’m glad Prince & Belli was able to save us. Then you put the key in which saved us. Area 2 was much easier to get through. I knew in area 3 that you & Prince may need my help, that’s why I dropped the mini gun for Belli to use. I didn’t even notice manrusco memeing at the exit . I was like nope and shot his dealer right in the face and exited 😂. GGs Bearcat 😁👍
@Blackrosedoll__ Ай бұрын
GGs..😊 & srry for the constant (Tyrone) kick 😩 lmaoo
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
No worries! When you are Tyrone it’s always fun to kick them zombies to the ground 😜. GGs 😁👍
@Remaster-y Ай бұрын
Gd work guys 👌🏼😲
@JawsFan78 Ай бұрын
Thanks Bro 😎👍
@fufihs 2 ай бұрын
Just discovered this channel, I find wholesome the dedication behind your videos. A videoteca made out of hundreds of minutes of this one game. So obscure to everyone, but you still playing. Gotta say, props to the dedication.
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, not a lot of people play this game which is a shame because there’s no other game out there that’s like this. One of the better online asymmetrical games . 😁👍
@SprussellSpout_Gaming 2 ай бұрын
@oblivionthekhajiit1155 2 ай бұрын
I heard this game has quite the problem with cheaters and is very unforgiving for anyone new, is this true still?
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
There is many survivors who cheat by duping or spray cheating. I normally block the cheaters. It’s still fun to play though. There’s no other game like it. There’s a bit of a learning curve but it’s worth it. Once you unlock all the equipment you are good to go 😁👍
@marc-andrelachapelle5707 2 ай бұрын
I guess, youtube wants me to replay Resistance. Not bad algorithm this time.
@Blackrosedoll__ 2 ай бұрын
Smurf on duty 🫡😂
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
I can see that 😂, This was a fun match! GGs 😎👍
@Blackrosedoll__ 2 ай бұрын
GG 😊
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
Tough match! You all did great! GGs 😎👍
@swiggityswooty-qr2pp 2 ай бұрын
Mst3k pfp valid
@Furiousbearcat 2 ай бұрын
Wow, what a close one! Every second counts, indeed. Nothing but a heartpounder for the whole area And each core had something beautiful go just right: that kick to Nemesis at the first core, that supply bag pulling you out of overtime at the second, and Rob getting a 20 off his camera at the 3rd. And then everyone living through Nemesis at the end! That was a well-timed shout, GG :)
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! I saw Thomas run in to do the core and tried to give him some time . I stalled Nemmy for as long as I could. Luckily Thomas was able to kill the core in seconds. I rushed to the next core with time running out. Bellicose of course had our backs the entire time 😎. She hit the lift for Thomas while I was working on the second core. I knew that supply zombie was going to come in handy when the overtime clock started to go. I was rushing through everything so fast I didn’t even pick up the supplies after I opened the bag 😂. Rob definitely saved all of our asses when he got that 20 off the camera. I held out waiting to use safeguard because I knew he would drop Nemmy again, but by then the door had already opened 😊.
@EwwwwwPeople 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad the algo brought me here, holy smokes 1.2+ vids! What a bless!
@trevorheasley1590 2 ай бұрын
What are you using for your equipment
@JawsFan78 2 ай бұрын
Bullet proof glass 3, razor claws 3, resilient skin 3, infection canister 3
@trevorheasley1590 2 ай бұрын
Ahh ok cool
@trevorheasley1590 2 ай бұрын
@JawsFan78 for a fun alex strong build use health increasse 2 and 3 infection 2 and micro reactor use the infection passive where infection spreads to other zombies and use Energy leach bezerker and regen and just go ham with crazy tough zombies lol
@Remaster-y 3 ай бұрын
Wow well played guys turn of the table huh 💪🏼🐺
@JawsFan78 3 ай бұрын
Thanks bro! For a second there I didn’t think we were going to make it. Lucky for me I have amazing team mates 😁👍
@JillValentine87 4 ай бұрын
GG ❤😎
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
GGs well played ! 😁👍
@skythewolf35 4 ай бұрын
This stupid unbalanced crap is EXACTLY why I stopped playing.
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
It’s unbalanced to down nemmy? 🤷‍♂️
@JillValentine87 4 ай бұрын
Well played dude 😎 taught match :0
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! It was a pretty close match. Bemusement is definitely one of the hardest stages for survivors. I’m not a great Tyrone but I do my best. 😁👍
@Krahn-Hunter 4 ай бұрын
Nice match. It was a close one!
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! It was a really close match! You played amazingly! It really came down to the wire on this match. GGs 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat 4 ай бұрын
No Jan? No problem! lol Well actually, it did look like it got pretty close by the end: but that was a great job by the whole team considering there was no Jan or Jill at all :) Are you running EMP 2 on Becca? I've considered that in the past for her (and I've considered EMP 2 for Valerie too), although I ultimately don't run that on her, myself. But AFAIK without EMP 2, there's no way to 2-shot cameras with a RAIDEN in area 2. Definitely goes to show that against Nicholais (and MMs that play like Nics), it's really important for *everyone* to be focusing on the cameras, even if their camera damage is low. I can't imagine how much harder it would've been if even one person had the attitude of "Well, I'm not Jan/Jill; I'll play how I normally play and let everyone else deal with cameras." Reminds me a bit of a match back on PC against a particularly irritating player who was playing meta Nicholai, where I had chosen Becca on a whim instead of Jan like usual. But I took on the Jan mantle anyway, and after we won, the MM had the gall to complain about me using the MQ-11 and "wasting all my ammo" taking out his cameras. Like?? What did you expect me to do, man? I wasn't just going to ignore cameras just because I wasn't playing Jan or Jill. Sometimes I wonder if MMs see autopilot solo queue players and really expect that everyone who isn't camera-focused should just act like that all the time against their builds :/
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
I am running emp 2 on Becca . I had all damage on her but then decided it would be smart to have something to take out cameras faster. Right before this match Thomas was going to be Jan but I was like pick who want to be. He picked Martin and of course we get a nicholai ( It always works out that way, whenever we pick someone that’s not our mains lol ) . We did pretty well but it definitely got close at the end. Everyone played very well. Bellicose is an amazing Valerie. I say this a lot but I feel that I play with a lot of great players. ChefRobMedina, bellicose_nivans, and Thomasequinas are all what I consider top tier players. I normally help out with cameras as Jill but I knew I had to step up to take out those cameras faster considering there was no Jan on the team . Usually Thomas or Chefrob, play january so I don’t normally have to focus so much on cams like I did this match. I’m just glad this nicholai had a lot of turrets 😂. I was able to take most of them out with two shots of the Raiden. 😎
@Krahn-Hunter 4 ай бұрын
6:31 was perfect timing on the flash. 😮
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, thanks for the save! 😁👍There was a lot of near bites in this match 😎.
@guilhermepecanha11 4 ай бұрын
@@JawsFan78 bom trabalho victima
@loudwhispre9406 4 ай бұрын
You shouldn't be using the sledge on Tyrone. Jill, Tyrone, and Becca all swing the bat faster than the sledgehammer, and the bat uses less durability on them compared to the sledgehammer. Only Martin and Sam should buy the sledgehammer. The girls don't buy melee because the girls all use guns, and Tyrone does less damage with sledge than with bat.
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Although Tyrone does swing the bat faster than the sledge my Tyrone does 1500 damage with sledge as opposed to the bat which I only do 1000. The sledge also stuns enemies & bioweapons easier than the bat.
@loudwhispre9406 4 ай бұрын
Tyrone is one of the handful of survivors who uses the bat better than the sledgehammer. Tyrone, Jill, and Becca all swing the bat faster than they swing the sledgehammer, so they actually do more damage with the bat. And for some reason, it also uses up less repair kits for them to use the bat then the sledge. Only Martin and Sam use the sledge hammer, everyone else is either a gun girl or they use bat better.
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Although Tyrone does swing the bat faster than the sledge my Tyrone does 1500 damage with sledge as opposed to the bat which I only do 1000. The sledge also stuns enemies & bioweapons easier than the bat.
@lawlestest 4 ай бұрын
people still play this ?! alot of players quit forever when they found out the mastermind host can just cheat their way through the match by lagswitching and shit.
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
There is laggy masterminds out there. I normally block the really bad ones. The problem is a lot of masterminds use wifi which is bad for the survivors. Many Mastermind players don’t understand about the connection issues because for them the game is running fine while the survivors on the other hand are teleporting all over the place . The other issue is region lag. I’m in the USA & if Im playing someone in China it’s going to lag no matter what internet they have. I always tell people to use a LAN Cable ( especially if you are playing MM ). It will help.
@KeijiNoSora 4 ай бұрын
People still play this game?! Bro I figured everyone moved on, I might jump back in
@SodaKing04 4 ай бұрын
Yooo, that was me you played against! Was a tough game for sure, you guys played well, GGs!
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! You played great as well! It was a fun match. Thank you for having a great internet connection! It’s hard to find masterminds that don’t lag these days. GGs 😎👍
@krunchyapples 4 ай бұрын
I just can't believe there's actually people still playing this
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
There’s actually a decent amount of people that play this game still.
@Zman14888 4 ай бұрын
Really is a shame Capcom let this game die. Could've definitely been the multiplayer game they've been desperately trying to make for the last decade or so.
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
Yes I agree 100% 😎👍
@Veregx 4 ай бұрын
Nice job baiting those lickers at the end. They would have been trouble if they focused on us. 😄
@JawsFan78 4 ай бұрын
No problem! , I wish I could have done more at the end but I was out of greens from Birkins attacks.
@FaisalMY172 5 ай бұрын
If I were the dev, I will put all RE outbreak character into the game.
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I wish they would have. Hopefully one day Capcom will realize that people want a new outbreak game.
@Horridius 5 ай бұрын
oof. that was a rough run for the survivors lol.
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Yeah they encountered quite the onslaught 😂
@troytacticalgaming3798 5 ай бұрын
Invincibile zombies stacked with buffs sprinting at you. Horror.
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
This is true 😂
@animewacht 5 ай бұрын
@Krahn-Hunter 5 ай бұрын
Hey look. It's the grenade duper Exam.
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s so sad that players have to cheat at this game. 😕
@Bellicose_Nivans 5 ай бұрын
Could've balanced a glass of champagne on the edge of those cores. 😂😂😂 Nice work Rindi! GG, all. :)
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
😂 Thanks Belli! I was lucky to have a Top Tier Valerie on my team 😉
@Prince_AboMFr7 5 ай бұрын
Its ur first time in ur life u win against me while I’m rusty!! Why u upload it ? U know I won against u 1000 times , but its ok u r happy for win 1 time.
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
First time? 😂 I have several videos of myself beating you. I wasn’t going to post all of them because I felt bad. Thanks for giving me a reason to do so 😉. You may have beaten me when I had babies on my team but not when I had people who knew what they were doing.
@Remaster-y 5 ай бұрын
But 7 min in the exit isn’t it that much bruh ? 😄 ggs both side
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Exactly! 😂 If he was concentrating on defending his cores instead of messing with me he might have won 🤷‍♂️
@Remaster-y 5 ай бұрын
Gd job guys 🦅🩵
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Thanks bro! 😁👍
@Furiousbearcat 5 ай бұрын
Ooh, did he use reroute at that second core right as you smashed it? Love when that happens Nice red team win! Was a tight one for a lot of that :O
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
The only time I saw that he used reroute was on the first core. I kept thinking he was going to do it again but he never did. The problem with this Spencer build is that area 3 has no way of him gaining bio energy except by closing the biocores. This is why I wouldn’t use this build on prison. Bemusement Park is probably the ideal stage for it. Thomas and I had a good hunch that once we got to area 3 we pretty much had the win. There wasn’t much he could do. The build runs out of gas in area 3. It was a really close match though. GGs to all 😁👍
@Horridius 5 ай бұрын
damn ate 3 out of the 4 team members nice! that was the coup de grace right then and there lol
@JawsFan78 5 ай бұрын
Yateveo was very hungry that match 😂