Come Ride with Dave - July 14, 2024
4 сағат бұрын
Entry level luxury - Longines Conquest 43mm
Why the Invicta hate?  Invicta Pro Diver 43mm
Dave and Jimmy Show - July 7, 2024
21 сағат бұрын
Come Ride with Dave - July 4 2024
Bulova Marine Star Series B Unboxing
Chasing Cameron on Cherohala Skyway
Nick almost kills himself
Tidied up Dave's Garage a bit!
@R3L72 15 сағат бұрын
You made so many Great Common Sense points…Subscribed. Great points on the review and your take on night sights just SAVED me lots of money. Looking to get a VP9 soon.
@MidwestPrepper 17 сағат бұрын
Solid take
@MidwestPrepper 17 сағат бұрын
I like that you kept what you like, not just what was the most expensive. I’ve got several like you including tag heur, luminox, g shock and citizen. What do I find myself wearing most of the time? A Timex indiglo that cost me about $40.
@woodentulike2no 18 сағат бұрын
Do you like Divers watches? What brand would you consider purchasing?
@SquireSCA 12 сағат бұрын
Love Dive watches even though I don't dive. I just like the look, the weight and utilitarian design of them. As for what I like, it all depends on what your budget is? Put a number on the table, and I can make some suggestions in that price range.
@TheRealBrook1968 19 сағат бұрын
Bulova is the gateway into luxury watches and competes with the spring drive for under $1000. I have 3 precisionist movements and would not part with them, the smaller Lunar Pilot, the Jet Star and the new Super Seville. I also am pairing down the collection. Giving the rest to nephews and brothers and cousins.
@SquireSCA 19 сағат бұрын
I like Bulova a lot. The prices are reasonable, their designs are often bold and interesting. They have a rich history and story to tell. My Lunar Pilot with the red NATO strap is one of my favorite watches. If I had to only have a 3-5 watch collection, that would 100% be in it.
@AlessandroColettiConti 22 сағат бұрын
Hi Dave, thanks a lot for your video. I’ve searched for a custom map for the 2017 Tiger 800 XRx in your TuneECU Box link but it looks like it’s expired. Do you know if this procedure works also on my bike so I can gain some torque/hp? Thank you!
@SquireSCA 20 сағат бұрын
What country and VIN range?
@AlessandroColettiConti 18 сағат бұрын
Italy, VIN 820190
@MotoExtremeSupport Күн бұрын
Hey! Can we use this clip in one of our upcoming videos? You'll be credited with a watermark on screen & a link in the description/pinned comment. :)
@SquireSCA Күн бұрын
@billsexton5532 Күн бұрын
I Have one of these and it's the best homage I ever perched. I also have the homage of the tutor black bay. It is good as well. I have some expensive watches and ventage watches. I love this watch and gets more wrist time than most.
@SquireSCA Күн бұрын
Funny you mention the Black Bay homage... Just posted a review of that. haha
@peterostrovsky7142 Күн бұрын
I've taken a liking to the Invicta Grand Diver 48MM which works for me since I'm a big person. I've got several in different color ways.
@kenlee2374 Күн бұрын
Hi Dave, how to remove the CAT inside the pipe? regular drill and just drill through and take it out? was the CAT welded to the pipe? thanks
@FATBIKEMIKE 2 күн бұрын
They’re absolute garbage every single person I know has problems with these tires!!
@SquireSCA Күн бұрын
Its a shame, because I ran Dunlops exclusively for over a decade. I switched to Michelin Road 6 and haven't looked back.
The only answer is don’t buy Dunlop Q fives at least for any type of aggressive riding. I even had Dave Moss himself. Tell me all the suspension changes I should make to correct the problem I bought a cup Evo didn’t change a thing and all the problems went away. Right now, my Q5 is keeping my JetSki away from the dock that’s about all they’re good for!!😢😅
The only answer is don’t buy Dunlop Q fives at least for any type of aggressive riding. I even had Dave Moss himself. Tell me all the suspension changes I should make to correct the problem I bought a cup Evo didn’t change a thing and all the problems went away. Right now, my Q5 is keeping my JetSki away from the dock that’s about all they’re good for!!😢😅
@SquireSCA Күн бұрын
I like Dave Moss, got to meet him once when he set up my wife's suspension... but sometimes he gets needlessly into the weeds... This is clearly a problem with the tire construction or curing process. There are no suspension settings that will "fix" that. lol
@WhiskyStuff 2 күн бұрын
Hey Dave. Have you considered the shooter was a Conservative who woke up and saw his leader lies about everything? A loner who felt attached to Trump and then learned his saviour is a con man. Have you considered, this assassination had nothing to do with the democrats? Like I’ve said before. Americans have their perceptions formed, depending on the news they hear. I do blame Fox. They hide the truth. You don’t hear the success of Biden, you only hear their spin. I agree with you that the truth will come out. How are you and Fox going to spin when we learn the shooter was MAGA but learned he’d been lied to and realised Trump is the monster he actually is. Trump is for himself, not you. Give this some thought. There is nothing but anger that drives your narrative that the left or Democrats tried to assassinate Trump. No evidence. Like electronic fraud, all made up. You need to talk to a democrat, hear their thinking. Same advice for democrats, they need to listen to Republicans. I’m afraid MAGA’s are a lost cause. They love the fight. BTW, your MEGA woman, MTG is a lunatic.. Batshit crazy. I hope you Americans can heal. Keep riding Dave. Rise above the noise. It’s mostly bullshit. Peace ❤
@SquireSCA Күн бұрын
I am totally open to be proven wrong. I say that early in the video, that as details continue to come out, perhaps I will be proven wrong... What success of Biden? Border control? Wars? Inflation? Leaving our people and equipment behind in Afghanistan? Job market? Rent and home prices? Interest rates? His health and ability to do the job? I am willing to give credit where credit is due, but I honestly can't think of anything... My point about this laying at the feet of Democrats is two-fold. His ideology will emerge at some point. But the rhetoric from the Left, is real. Spending years claiming that Trump is "Literally Hitler" and that if he wins "the country is finished"... Saying he is an existential threat and that he has to be stopped by any means necessary... You don't think that several years of 24/7 spewing of hate and lies and such rhetoric, creates the atmosphere that inspires or incites this kinda stuff? That was the argument that Democrats made about Trump and Jan 6, is it not? And I agree, MTG is a moon-faced halfwit and an embarrassment to our Party. I don't listen to a single thing she says. Ever.
@WhiskyStuff 21 сағат бұрын
@@SquireSCA Dave, your thoughts are mainline Fox talking points. I watch Jesse too, he’s got a real talent for making things sound doom and gloom. Your President has accomplished quite a lot for his one term. Your economy is doing better than most after the pandemic. His jobs numbers are the highest in decades, also taking into account for the return of jobs suspended from the pandemic. The Dow Jones and the rest of the stock market are the highest in 50 years. Even Fox had to admit that, they were much surprised. He also pardoned all of the federal marijuana possession offences. This was a big thing for many Americans, as now they don’t have those offences on their criminal record when applying for work. This is one of his single gifts to your people. Why he get’s no credit from Fox is beyond me. Weather you agree with this next one, he forgave student loans for many middle class people. Maybe you had loans and didn’t see any of this money? Anyway, it was a great thing to do for the people. Added in this loan forgiveness was a new student loan system that lowered interest rates for new loans. Joe Biden worked with unions and is heavy into bringing manufacturing jobs back to American labor (You gotta respect I spelled that the way you do)... We spell it Labour. Anyway, what about the CHIPS and Science Act? This will help lower cost of electronics and have many of them built in America. He also allowed medicare to negotiate for lower drug costs. He capped insulin for millions of diabetics. He’s working on making the highest earning people pay a higher tax rate. Even 2% increase will bring a billion into your economy. It will take a few years to see the effect of this. He’s helped veterans get better health care. The Pits of burning waste caused many veterans to become very sick and die. His own son died of that. Now, I know you like your guns. I know where you stand. But many Americans agree that there is a solution and that there must be more restrictions. I’ll leave that there. Biden is willing to do more. Dave, Donald Trump is not someone who merely tweets stupid comments. You said the Democrats likened him to Adolf Hitler. I assume you didn’t hear DT talk about immigrants and calling them vermin how they infect the blood of your nation. That is an exact quote from him at his rally. That language is exactly what Hitler used towards the Jews of Europe. Of course the D’s were going to strap him with that name. You know who else called Donald Trump Hitler? His own VP choice JD Vance called him Hitler. Now, that’s funny. The war in Afghanistan and the American exit was a disaster. However, you’re not hearing how DT agreed to that timeline and if Biden didn’t pull troops out when he did, it meant prolonging the war even further. Trump knew that would screw Biden. He did it anyway. Trump is for Trump. I could go on with more examples of how Joe Biden impacted the people. Your borders were open long before Joe Biden, long before. You hear all the exaggerated tales from Trump, MTG and Fox. People have been flooding in for decades. What a laugh to blame Biden alone. How he rescinded this or that. All he did was rescind the cruelty. That was the point under Trump, to make it as cruel as possible for the Migrants. Biden didn’t create any wars, he only reacted to them. Yes, 13 of your military died when exiting Afghanistan . That was a big loss for him, on his watch. I’ll give you that one, even though like I said. Biden was dealt a bad hand from Trump, look it up.
@WhiskyStuff 20 сағат бұрын
You’re not going to say, these wars would never have happened if Trump was President? That’s what Trump says. He lies with each breath. You think Putin is afraid of Trump? That’s funny. Trump is his Bitch, he has dirt on Trump. I hope it comes out some day. Trump is going to resolve the war in Ukraine in one day? Come On Dave. You have to agree he’s a liar of the greatest order. You can argue each president lies. That’s true. But, not like Trump. He’s the master of telling lies. Look, nobody should shoot at the President or opponents . Your country is going through some tough times, a lot of hatred. The way you describe democrats is not right. They are closer to you than you realise. Stop listening to Fox. They have infected the blood of America.
@SquireSCA 20 сағат бұрын
@@WhiskyStuff Couple things here... Our economy is doing well because on average, America has a strong economy. It was a juggernaut prior to Covid lockdowns. Some of that came back to life after Covid. In fact, most of the "job creation" that you and Biden tout, are merely some of those pre-Covid jobs returning. That's not the same as new jobs creation. Right now the DOW and market in general are soaring, because they are hedging their bets on a Trump victory. In general, the stock market goes up and down but over time its pretty much always increasing in value. Every high is the "new highest its ever been", and it will continue for the most part regardless of who is in the White House. What will change are the ups and downs in between, but overall its typically an upwards trend over time... Layoffs are rampant. I have recruiter friends that say the market right now is the worst its been since the late 90s. Most leftists love calling out the bias of Fox, but they never acknowledge the leftist bias of CNN, BBC, et all... Why? Do you honestly not think that the bulk of the mainstream media isn't just as biased, only to the other side? Is Fox really the only biased one in the bunch, in your mind? Biden didn't forgive student loans. He passed on the payment of those loans to people who didn't take out the loans in the first place, the taxpayer. Loans were not thrust upon college kids. They signed a contract, agreed to the terms and then cried foul when they had to repay it? If an 18 year old cannot be expected to understand how a loan works, then they also don't have the mental capacity to vote, or elect surgery to be a different gender either, IMHO. Passing your loan on to your neighbor who might have already paid back their own student loan, is "fair" on what planet? The highest earning people ALREADY pay the majority of the income taxes. Under Trump's tax cuts, the richest 1% made 23% of the money, but paid 43% of all income taxes. The top 5% of wage earners pay 2/3 of ALL income taxes in the US. They pay their fair share, and a lot more. "Many Americans agree on gun control" is meaningless. Its a Constitutional Right, that says "Shall Not Be Infringed" right there in the law. We have gun control. Guns are already THE most regulated and restricted legal product on the US market, today. Over 8,000 laws on the books. The irony of the claim, is that Biden wants to do more to control guns, except when his son Hunter breaks a gun law that puts other people in prison for 5-10 years, he gets a slap on the wrist? JD calling CRIMINALS as vermin, I have no problem with. The drug cartels, the sex traffickers, the murderers and rapists fleeing prosecution in Mexico and sneaking over the border, absolutely are. You have to look at what he said in context. Its like when the Libs go after Trunp for saying that "Mexico isn't exactly sending us their best and brightest"... The outrage from that! Meanwhile, how many neurosurgeons are sneaking in? Doctors? Physicists? Lawyers? Structural or chemical engineers? Yeah, exactly... We are getting the poorest, the least skilled, and oftentimes the criminals. It's insensitive to say it, but that doesn't make it wrong. 🙂 Trump agreed to the timeline, yes. He didn't agree to leaving behind our people, weapons and equipment. Biden was the guy in charge. He decided HOW we pulled out(giggity) and he had the authority to adjust the timeline if needed, to do it properly. He chose not to. That's on him. Biden took a problem at the border that was at a 3 under Trump, and dialed it up to 11. He didn't cause the problem, he magnified it. His policies, his changes and executive orders had an almost instant and direct impact on illegal border crossings. The numbers don't lie, mi compadre... We are now seeing 250-300k crossing PER MONTH. Every 2 months, we get more illegals than the population of Liverpool or Manchester. Think about that for a minute... Biden was "dealt a bad deal" from Covid lockdowns. China unleashes the plague, and we overreacted and shut everything down. That wasn't Trump's fault. Trump is the one who got the damned vaccines to market that Biden later tried to take credit for and force on people, after saying before the election that he "wouldn't trust the Trump vaccine"... lol
@SquireSCA 20 сағат бұрын
@@WhiskyStuff As an aside, I like that we can discuss this like adults even though we don't agree on much. haha Civility is a lost art, these days...
@SigmaJAD 2 күн бұрын
Dave, the US doesnt need a Trump win, the West does. Im convinved hes our only hope to reverse the madness thats set in
@SquireSCA 20 сағат бұрын
Clearly, Biden can't win and even if he does, he will be forced to step down within months... He's not the guy for the job whether people agree with his policies or not. If its him or Trump, that's a very easy choice...
@spyderco329 2 күн бұрын
Did you ever take an exact weight of the whitetail?
@JonathanGurgul 2 күн бұрын
I just had the P2158 error code pop up while lubing the chain on my bike. 2023 MT-10 with same setup and flash as you. I have multiple Bluetooth adapters that can all see the code but they all get errors when trying to clear it. I rode it about 10 miles and still on too.
@SquireSCA 2 күн бұрын
I am assuming you had the bike up on a rear stand with the motor running and the wheel spinning with the front wheel stationary? Yeah, the ABS system will throw a code. It will eventually cycle out from riding it. I don't lube my chain like that. I have the bike on a stand, but I don't spray the chain. I just wipe it down with a rag soaked in WD40 and motor oil, and the engine is off and I spin the rear wheel by hand.
@JonathanGurgul 2 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA yeah that’s what happened. I never do that but was in a hurry so I thought I could get away with it. Thanks. I’ll just keep on riding
@deadlift9360 2 күн бұрын
400- 500 for D2 steel is super wild, i can see ppl going for clones. Ofc the real thing will always be the real thing and any knife collector will go for it at some point, clones give you the appetite tho.
@SquireSCA 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, and they cost even more now. Most people aren't gonna spend that for a D2 knife that is awkward to carry anyway... I ended up giving mine away to a family member, I never even carried it.
@johnniecameron8829 3 күн бұрын
One of thoes is a copy of a schrade i got 20 years ago
@Jordan-th8ps 3 күн бұрын
good timing.. right when you buy a Longines, Teddy Baldisore (however you spell it) releases a detailed video on Longines.
@thecappy 3 күн бұрын
I have a DNK tune for my ‘19 speed twin. It always felt off, or not fully right. Maybe I’ll give them a shout now if the CS seems better. I was just out today on it and came looking to see if others had my problem.
@pyrusmasterdan1 4 күн бұрын
i hate that the street triple moto2 doesn’t have way to be dyno tuned
@SquireSCA 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, the EU is really cracking down on manufacturers and fining them big $$ if they don't make their vehicles tamper-proof. Within the next 3-5 years, we likely won't be able to tune any bikes.
@pyrusmasterdan1 3 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCAbrakes my heart
@jcam1776 4 күн бұрын
Awesome knife. I want one.
@diclo383 5 күн бұрын
they messed that one hand deploy in my's confortable, ok, the expense of the lose more than 1/5 of the cutting space.....its very annoying.
@SquireSCA 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, I feel like there was a better way to get a one handed blade, but not reduce the blade itself...
@olafkliemt1145 5 күн бұрын
EF225 detent update please check if your pocket clip puts its pressure 100% on the lock bar. if so, rotate it a little so that it rests 50% on the frame and floats 50% over the frame lock. this way it takes a lot of pressure off the detent and can function as an overtravel stop.
@realcyphox5919 5 күн бұрын
you forgot the pin/needle stored next to the corkscrew. same here, at first i was like "thats too damn big" and now here i am, got my black one today.
@SquireSCA 5 күн бұрын
Doh! That's right, so easy to forget that's there...
@cwness4587 5 күн бұрын
So you don't support US made. I have heard enough here. You don't understand why buy US made products. China understands stupid Americans. We control them because we build all their products they use daily. All we have to do is cut off those products and what will they do? Comply!!!
@SquireSCA 5 күн бұрын
I support both. I have lots of US made knives. And Chinese, Japanese, German, Swiss, etc... Your phone was made in China, as are half the things in your house, or the parts inside your home, appliances, your car... or the raw materials used to make those things. Worrying about it won't change anything.
@shootermcgavin993 5 күн бұрын
What are the dimensions of the Flex? Roxon doesn't list it on their site :(
@Cullinane2010 6 күн бұрын
why is there 350 tag on the bike? haha
@SquireSCA 6 күн бұрын
Service ticket from the shop doing the dyno work
@HypnoticPattern 6 күн бұрын
Hey Dave, I really appreciate all the work you do to the triumph enthusiast community. It's really a gift to have guys like you out there giving us something to help with installs to go more cleanly and enjoy our bikes. Really appreciate it, man.
@SquireSCA 6 күн бұрын
Glad that's helping, even though I haven't owned a Triumph in over a year now. haha. I still help people with tuning stuff, just to help out and maybe promote the channel.
@quadkrazykeith 7 күн бұрын
I just watched a video of you praising this bike now it’s not good enough for you
@SquireSCA 7 күн бұрын
It's an awesome bike. But I get bored, and I wanted to go down to one bike now that I have the Corvette, so I sold the 14 and the MT10 and got a Ducati... I have had 35 motorycles... 34 of them since 2006, so this isn't anything new. 🙂
@quadkrazykeith 7 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA I understand, I’ve cut thru a few myself, I’m picking up a 21 zx14r on Friday w/ 2500 miles hence the reason I’m here 😂
@SquireSCA 7 күн бұрын
@@quadkrazykeith Its a fantastic bike. I enjoyed it on the street and track. But I spend a lot of time in the car now, so 2 bikes didn't make sense. And then I figured, if I am gonna do down to having only one bike, I wanted another Ducati.
@njcranes 8 күн бұрын
Plus 1 for the Quagmire reference
@Dukeman48 9 күн бұрын
Hi Dave - great videos, it is so cool that you do this for everyone, this is all new to me so I am learning a lot. - having both a Tiger 900 RP and R3 I have enjoyed your videos. I have a 2021 - 900RP - AT6733 - i have downloaded a couple of the 900 maps, 31054 (2022 tiger GT900 Unrestricted) can I ask if this will work on my bike? Quite keen to have a go on the 900 and R3... very cool. Thanks...
@SquireSCA 8 күн бұрын
If the base map number matches, then yes. But different countries have different base maps, so double check...
@cody3078 9 күн бұрын
I’d suggest for future videos to edit out all of the messing with the camera at the beginning. Plenty of free software options out there
on mine one side is scissors, fishhook scaler,awl package opener, small file/ fish hook sharpener. on the other side i have saw, knife, chisel,can opener, bottle opener. i use a large leatherman molle pouch to hold it, as well as additional tools, fire steel, file, diamond file, bit holder, t8 , H6,and the philips then I can swap them out if needed.
@chadmunday7448 10 күн бұрын
What's the price difference ducati vs yamaha?
@SquireSCA 10 күн бұрын
Probably depends on what country you are in, but in the US, about 3 grand.
@danmarcell3167 10 күн бұрын
One is made by Craftsmen in the US and the other is made by slaves in china
@SquireSCA 9 күн бұрын
You say that, but China isn't exactly the place you think it is. Most of the people making Case knives, are hardly craftsman, as evidenced by their more often than not, shoddy workmanship... The Chinese government, commie scumbags. The average person in China just trying to make a living, not much different than us.
@danmarcell3167 9 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA then let's take care of us and let them take care of themselves .. not to mention they don't go out of their way to buy our products and they just care about themselves
@SquireSCA 9 күн бұрын
@@danmarcell3167 China buys a LOT of things from us. U.S. goods exports to China in 2022 were $154.0 billion, up 1.7 percent ($2.6 billion) from 2021 and up 39 percent from 2012. U.S. goods imports from China totaled $536.3 billion in 2022, up 6.3 percent ($32.0 billion) from 2021, and up 26 percent from 2012. U.S. exports to China account for 7.5 percent of overall U.S. exports in 2022. Additionally, if many of our products were not made there, then many folks would not be able to afford the higher prices that US products cost to make.
@danmarcell3167 9 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA the goods china buys from the US is raw materials that they just don't have and gets turned into products that get sold back at three times or more of cost No they're not doing it out of the goodness of their heart and their labor is slave to to slave wage and the reason people in the US can only afford their products is because so many in the US won't buy US made and those people lose their jobs and can't even afford to keep a roof over their heads ... you're putting your own people on the street in favor of a government that may decide to kill you one day
@danmarcell3167 9 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA funny how I can't see my comment
@jimmunir8323 11 күн бұрын
the podcast is more interesting with no engine noise . Also scared that the dems will win. Theres an anti trump campaign in full force on X and tiktok. Cant even get on tiktok. People believe the most crazy stuff. Dems SO DESPERATE.
@SquireSCA 11 күн бұрын
Yeah well, with Tiktok, China is behind that, because they want Biden to stay in office. The Chicoms want a weak president that they can walk all over, not a guy like Trump that will stand up to them and slap the shit out of them with tariffs and sanctions, like he did last time...
@robgerety 11 күн бұрын
Nice item. I wish I could figure a way to use a paddock stand on my T100. I'm changing the silencers to BC Shorty Predator Pro. I'll have to look closely at whether the swing arm supports on that stand will work with those silencers on. How do you lift the rear of your Triumph? I am using a center stand now which is ok. But, it would be nice to just pull that off and use a paddock stand instead.
@SquireSCA 11 күн бұрын
I think for the Speed Twin, it didn't have mounts for the bobbins, so I flipped the pitbul stand hooks to the padded bumper side and just put that under the swingarm and lifted it that way.
@tedcity5861 11 күн бұрын
Ya trump is annoying and a serial liar, but i think his protectionist trade policy mostly benifited the U.S. Also holding Nato /euro to account for miltitary spending is welcome. Hopefully he can finish the wall. I think G Neusome would be way worse than who ever is pulling Joes strings.
@frederickwoods5943 11 күн бұрын
Hey Dave. I still have the Speed Twin 1200, that is what got me watching th garage! Which bike are you riding? I would recognize the Yamaha, seems like you or your wife has a Ducati. Edit: one of the prior videos is titled "Duke Streefighter V2..." I totally agree on the present state of affairs and am hoping to see it begin to turn around in 2025 😊
@SquireSCA 11 күн бұрын
I decided to scale down a bit, and so I sold the ZX14R to my buddy, and traded in the MT-10 and got a 2024 Ducati Streetfighter... She has a 2022 Monster+, so its an all Ducati family at this time. 🙂
@blackbirdpie217 12 күн бұрын
Seems the only stockman that is proud to put their decent steel in the ad is Kershaw, with D2. Most, including the Boker Tree brand (Solingen) just say stainless steel.I have an old bear and sons stockman that has soft steel, loose joints.
@SquireSCA 11 күн бұрын
Yeah... I like what GEC is doing with US made, proper steel, top notch fit and finish... I don't even mind the price... its the availability that is a pain in the ass, because collectors(organized hoarders) scoop them all up like the Beanie Babies craze of the 90's....
@Steve-mh4xx 12 күн бұрын
Great videos. I'm in Arizona on a BMX S1000XR and considering a Streetfighter V2. What is your opinion on the engine/exhaust heat on the V2? I'm hearing a lot of conflicting reports- some say it's intolerable and others say it's no big deal. Your take? I also want to test ride the Yamaha MT-10 and I see you think highly of it as your former ride!
@SquireSCA 12 күн бұрын
If you want the faster, better overall bike, get the MT-10. If you want something special, get the Ducati... The heat coming off it is kinda bad.., I put up with it in summer, but it will be welcome in winter. haha
@Steve-mh4xx 12 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA Yeah, that's the dilemma. I want something special but concerned about the heat from the Ducati in AZ. Maybe they'll update the looks of the MT-10 in 2025.
@SquireSCA 8 күн бұрын
The looks of the MT-10 are subjective. It rides and sounds brilliant.
@unwired2097 12 күн бұрын
Just want to thank you for all the time spent and sharing your knowledge. I watched a few of your videos on tuneecu and remapped my 22 tiger sport 660. So far has made a noticeable difference in how responsive the throttle is now. All I did was changed the values in road mode more linear, highlighted highest value at given percentage and pasted all throughout the top and enriched the afr ratio to 13.25 from 14.5 believe. My bike is completely stock and only plan on changing to a reusable air filter, maybe dna. Do these parameters sound about right? Not hurting the bike? Thanks
@SquireSCA 12 күн бұрын
Changing the AFR values to 13.25 doesn't;t do all that much. It can help around idle, but adding fuel to the F or Trim tables is how you would actually richen things up. For a bone stock bike, the changes you made are fine.
@unwired2097 12 күн бұрын
I just noticed you have a ts660 map. I’ll be trying that out as I liked the riding mode parameters better than what I did. And I noticed you did add more fuel to it. I’ll report back if my bike explodes lol
@NerdTouchingGrass 12 күн бұрын
i was looking at the SW bags but all the bags are WAY more expensive and so are the mounts
@SquireSCA 12 күн бұрын
Yeah, but after having used both now, the SW is a better product and system...
@UNIVERSEBIKE 12 күн бұрын
Hi! May I use this video in my next feature? Thanks.
@SquireSCA 12 күн бұрын
@bighill5680 13 күн бұрын
I've got that Ganzo G729. Very happy with it. I guess some people are into the name brands, but this has been great for me !
@ElMasChingon76 13 күн бұрын
No thx. Original look better than that kid stuff
@SquireSCA 13 күн бұрын
You like cheap molded plastic, rather than more grippy and durable G10?
@jeffclark8098 13 күн бұрын
I carry rotate a snubby m206 ; springfield armory xds 9mm 3.3 inch and a 856 3 inch in satin . Good wheelgun. All print similar in the appendix for me. I like em all
@MurrayWendman 13 күн бұрын
I was hoping you would show the oil change
@SquireSCA 13 күн бұрын
It was more of an update on the new bike, service and mods done and planned. I figured that are thousands of videos showing how to do the oil change on bikes...
@MurrayWendman 13 күн бұрын
@@SquireSCA yes but not on your make and model all good
@SquireSCA 13 күн бұрын
@@MurrayWendman Honestly, it's the same as on the previous model. The motor is largely the same, process is the same.. Just wasn't thinking of it at the time.
@thomasbednar7475 13 күн бұрын
Totally agree that the stock gearing is too tall. Tight uphill turns in the mountains of Pennsylvania are a pain in the ass. I can’t imagine trying to start out on a hill with a passenger using the stock 16/42 sprockets.
@Motorcycle-Moments 13 күн бұрын
Hey man, may I use it in my episodes? Full credited. Thanks !
@SquireSCA 13 күн бұрын