@peaceharmony1943 14 күн бұрын
You are not Christian because you believe in it but it is your White Greco Roman Identity that millions of Western population embrace like you. It is pagan belief that you and your ancestors have embraced because it is belief system comfortable to follow. No Rules, No discipline , just belief and do what ever. What is happening in Western Countries for the last two thousand years are proof of how hypocrite Christians are. Christians say " Love thy enemies" but in reality in USA Christians hate even their next door neighbor and will shoot them if they even knock on the door.
@danielharrison1065 17 күн бұрын
Being a former orthodox Christian I advice you to embrace Islam. Islam is the culmination of all previous prophetic teachings. Islam is the last religion of the world. Christianity is corrupted and diluted with Pagan beliefs i.e Trinity. Islam corrects the errors of Judaism and Christianity ☪️
@j2shoes288 22 күн бұрын
anyone who takes Jesus as God or Son of God ( not sure how you can have both? ) will abide in Hell for eternity. I hope the message is simple enough for you!
@trinitymatrix9719 23 күн бұрын
So many people make career movement and reverting to islam to get 100 000s of followers to pay their bills and holidays. Its so dishonest and downright disgusting. God bless all...
@HolyLeague-ix6go 25 күн бұрын
(Al-lah need stone to remove your sin😂) It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “Touching them both [the Black Stone and al-Rukn al-Yamani] is an expiation for sins.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 959. This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi and as saheeh by al-Haakim (1/664). Al-Dhahabi agreed with him).
@zaheeruddinwhite 25 күн бұрын
Well since you are so strong in your Christian beliefs I guess this video isn't about researching islam but rather criticising islam and Muslims. You are basically telling us that we worship the devil and are going to hell. Our religion is wrong according to you
@sphinkstrenic462 28 күн бұрын
It's not God that is simple but The Concept of God that is simple bro.
@Adel12000algeria 28 күн бұрын
You follow your feelings not the evidence this is not the right way to find the truth Read and learn more about islam with an open mind and an open heart
@arakibhosen434 29 күн бұрын
@tegaklurus4839 29 күн бұрын
If God has a son then how many son He has? If God not simple then everybody can has own God…and everything can be a God..Just read Quran chapter 112 you will find who is God..we dont need to be rocket scienties to find true God..
@Son_of_zeus Ай бұрын
lol guess u havent gotten to the good parts
@Afghanman25 Ай бұрын
May the lord of Abraham guide you to the true faith of Islam and grant you the piety and reward you seek
@Afghanman25 Ай бұрын
Romans 3:28 King James Version 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. James 2:24 King James Version 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
@user-jh9vd2lh2l Ай бұрын
Astkhfurullaah wa atuubu ileyhi
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry I do not understand this, could you translate please?
@kamilabdulaziz7846 Ай бұрын
You seemed educated but confused....u obviously did not look deep enough to come to this conclusion
@heyyouFab Ай бұрын
simple. if you believe in 1 God Islam is the answer.
@UnrealatedContingency Ай бұрын
Hey there! I'm in my 3rd year of seminary. Knowledge itself isnt the problem. Pope John Paul 2 wrote a book -Fides et ratio- that talks about how all truth is God's truth. Science, philosophy, anything that's true was created by God. Sin is the SEPERATION from God. That's what the original Greek word meant. So knowledge that's not aligned with God's truth is sinful. But seeking knowledge itself is not sinful.
@UnrealatedContingency Ай бұрын
Your correct tho that people twist truth. So we have to be able to logically tie all truth back to God. This is why Christian apologists exist. There's some awesome information out there on defending the faith and giving you tools to test truth claims!
@mikelopez8564 Ай бұрын
I hope you’re joking. Truth is objectively good whether it comes from scripture or not.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
On this channel, I share my thoughts. Part of that purpose is actually for people like you to point out flaws and keep me on the right path intellectually. So Thank you
@ayaguzel4878 Ай бұрын
144 done 👍
@donystills3876 Ай бұрын
Christ is love and the way of salvation.
@lslamForever Ай бұрын
@AndyDL20 Romans and jews wanted to kill jesus . Allah cc saved jesus and cursed jews and romans with their maked up plastic religion. Allah newer deceive anyone.
@nawfelcopywrighting Ай бұрын
Love seeing you read and learn. Amazing, also make sure you look into the history of what you are reading, because depending on what bible you read, they will say different things, and then that might lead you to do some textual criticsm, who wrote this? Is this man writing and associating with god, or is it exactly what good said? How do you prove that, then you end with my last statements, much love!
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
What Bibles would you say are most accurate? I plan on buying a Dead Sea Scroll Bible (as I’ve heard good things about its reliability) around the same time as a Quran.
@nawfelcopywrighting Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 to be honest none. The oldest one we have today is in Greek, and so then you have to question the translators, and the early standard version, I think I the oldest, contradicts all the ones today. Also just so you know the Dead Sea scroll today, is rejected by most Jews, because it’s 1k years after Moses. And Jews disagree with many many parts of it! If you’re looking a reliable original, singular, there is none. And no pair of bibles are the exact same today. That raises a red flag. It doesn’t mean none are beautiful books! Just we don’t have the original, and if you don’t care about an original, I question if reliability in scripture is a part of proof for someone. I think it’s a must.
@Iamfsaly Ай бұрын
Allah is not just the best of planner but he’s the most wise and other attributes of Allah , that’s why something things happen and we blame God for this but we don’t realize that God is the most wise
@moafro6524 Ай бұрын
Bro You have not looked at Islam if you dont have a Quran. lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@moafro6524 Ай бұрын
You lost me at "I dont have a Quran" 🤣🤣🤣🤣, how can you make a video named "my thoughts on Islam and Christianity" when you haven't even got a Quran. When you want to speak on a subject you go to the source, the source of Islam is the Quran. The Divine speech of All mighty God, "the Father", brought down by Angel Gabriel, for you me, and all mankind. A preserved mercy and Guidance for mankind. Boby is correct, Quran makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is god wrestling with creation in the bible, and wait for it, loosing. What doesn't make sense "sacrifice your only son(Isaac)" Isaac was never an only son, never. God created light, night and day, then the sun, really bro, that's the order. Its sucks knowing and acknowledged it comes down to the fact you believe in "Human Sacrifice", I repeat, Human Sacrifice when Obviously and repeatedly in the Old testament God repeats his hatred for such practices. You want contradictions and errors "mental gymnastics to make 3 equal 1" corrupted text multiple versions and editions addition subtractions diluted 2x times away from its original language, if that's the path you want, enjoy. If you want clarity, preserved pure clear proofs, so easy to understand inline with all the teachings of the prophets, pick up the Quran and submit to you maker, not to MARK LUKE MATHEW JOHN AND PAUL who never met Jesus. btw" tAuthors of the bible did not claim God spoke to them" you are making that claim, maybe one did, but the rest of the 44 writers did not. Keep worshiping a man who was in the womb of his mother for 9 months like you, ate food, slept went to the toilet, yes take that man as Almighty God creator of the heavens and earth, yes that being goes to the toilet like humans and sheep and doesn't know the tree has no figs cuz he was hungry, bro are you serious.
@q7b663 Ай бұрын
Instead of looking at Islam vs Christianity you have to look at one and/or the other. How do you compare 2 religions you know little or nothing of? Assuming you know more about Christianity than Islam. I recommend you learn/read your own position as well as possible first (Christianity), and do the same for Islam. this means learning; - Basics of religion/ideological thought (definition, use cases, examples etc.) - Basics of monotheism (definition, use cases, examples etc.) - Basics of interpretation (avoiding fallacious thought, contextual logic etc.) And ask yourself the following questions in regards to the field. - Christianity in general; So what is the bible composed of (chapters), what are the most prominent denominations/sects (orthodox/protestant/Anglican/catholic), how do these denominations/sects vary, how do translations/sources vary, where do historical sources originate from, what are the sciences of biblical/interpretational/church father textual preservation & what else is prominent in the teachings of Christianity except for the bible itself (church fathers, denominational specificities etc.) - Islam; What is the Quran composed of (Medinan/Meccan surahs), what are the major denominations/sects (Sunni/Shia & schools of thought based on the sunnah/hadiths), how do these denominations/sects/schools vary, how do translations/sources vary, where do historical sources originate from, what are the sciences of qur'anic/tafsir/sunnah preservation & what else is prominent in the teachings of Islam except for the Quran itself (schools of thought, prominent medieval imams/philosophers, hadith/sunnah etc.) And based on this you can read the holy books with a basic knowledge in regards to the religion(s), so you know what you read, how you can interpret it, how it fits in the bigger picture of the religion itself etc. this line of questioning is what they thought us when I was studying comparative religion. I recommend you take this approach instead of: Oversimplifying the religion(s) Not knowing, misunderstanding or not entirely knowing the basics of monotheism and/or religious thought as a whole. Assuming/self-interpretation. one-sided perspective/taking someone's word for something. Then you can probably ask yourself, what are the main differences, how do people attack one or the other religion etc. (apologetical arguments)
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this respectful guidance
@noumi1971 Ай бұрын
1+1+1=1 God killed himself thru his creation inorder to save his creation from himself.... Christianity in a nutshell....
@nassermj7671 Ай бұрын
THIS IS TBN ON ISLAM: kzbin.info/www/bejne/kGTHY2R-lt6Li7c
@FortifiedEgg Ай бұрын
I am a muslim and i would say as long as you seek truth, you will definitely reach it. Look more into islam and christianity and always seek the truth without any hypocrisy or emotional bias and you will reach the truth at the end of the day. I went through my journey of seeking truth during the latest years of mine, and I reached a firm and strong conclusion that christianity is not the religion of the truth that will ensure your salvation in the afterlife with all due respect, and i reached another separate conclusion that Islam is the truth. Good luck in your journey of seeking the truth.
@fatiherdemkuscu4049 Ай бұрын
@andiakram1829 Ай бұрын
Hi I hope you read this. If God told us "I'm trinity, I'm one but also three, I'm three but also one" then yes there should be no problem confirming trinity. The Quran said "Say [Prophet], ‘If the Lord of Mercy [truly] had offspring I would be the first to worship [them],..." (43:81) But the trinity is not what God said, it's what the church say "this is what God said". Jesus never taught the disciple to pray to him, he taught them to pray to the Father in the Lord's prayer. But then the church makes it as if you should be praying to Jesus as well. The church are just human like me, their words have no authority over me. God is the real authority.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the respectful comment. I agree in that God is the only real authority, and that there is one being. However, I believe that the Trinity also exists. Keep in mind what I say below is my current thoughts. I encourage you to share yours. About what Jesus said. Assuming the important messages of the Bible are reliable (which I think is pretty reliable), Jesus did tell the disciples to pray in His name. He also used language within the Bible only used to refer to the Father. About what your prophet said. Many people say something like this to give their message more credit, like how someone may say “oh I’d be the first to know” somehow implying they know more than whoever they’re talking to. About prayer. We pray to God technically meaning praying to all three in a way.
@user-lx1jk4di3e Ай бұрын
I think you should listen to Christian Prince to know more about Islam because i think most of their guys are liars
@telorceploksambelkecap Ай бұрын
Islam's teaching is ONLY HUMAN LAW, you don't need GOD to develop that kind of law, in-fact their law is OUT-DATED... God's Law is always ETERNAL, never Outdated... Jesus never taught us any RITUAL, all of his teaching is about our MIND, on how to find the Kingdom of Heaven WITHIN OURSELF... But be careful in picking your Church.... better to learn it by yourself from various sources outside the church... COMPARE Jesus' teaching with what Islam taught, for example, find any verse in Quran that better teaching from these bible verses... LUKE 6:27-36 (MAT 5:38-48) ...Love your enemies... LUKE 6:37-42 ... about Judging others... MAT 7:12 ... about What You Should Do to Others ... MAT 15:11 (TB) ... about What You Eat ... YOH 8:1-11 ... on Adulterous Woman ... MAT 6:5-8 ... About How To Pray ... COMPARE with this Quran verses, that were SPECIALLY MADE FOR MUHAMMAD ... QS 33:50-53 .... READ FOR YOURSELF ...
@thesirclipsalot Ай бұрын
Allah is equal to evil people in that verse, here is why - the same word is used to describe the actions of the evil people wanting to remove Jesus AND for Allah's actions. Allah is the best of "planners/deceivers" AND evil people are the "planners/deceivers". Why is the same word used to describe both?
@ibnumajeed8893 Ай бұрын
If Qur'an is The words of God, you must read it, You will get the answer
@pericopalotes8176 Ай бұрын
@HolyLeague-ix6go 25 күн бұрын
Show me where in quran says it's the word of God?
@carlospena9915 Ай бұрын
Working materialism into your Christianity. Noice🙏
@mosfet987 Ай бұрын
I didn't even watch the video because I read the description and it said "Christians seem to be a bit more credible in several ways". Which is hilarious because 1. You don't have even the original revelation of what Jesus taught in the original language (which is Aramaic). Do I even need to explain how this is a massive problem? 2. The earliest COMPLETE manuscript is Codex Sinaticus, which is hundreds of years after the "death" of Jesus. 3. You have anonymous Bible authors. For example Book of Hewbrews has anonymous authors. Look it up. I can keep going but no one's going to read them because people don't like hearing their World view crumble BUT, I have good news for you...At some point, the revelations of Jesus was correct. It was uncorrupted. Your belief in Jesus is valid. But the Bible has been corrupted. My first 3 points alone are indicators. We can keep going on and on about a myriad of ways that we can prove the Bible has been corrupted. But, it'll all fall on deaf ears. As the Qur'an says: "Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind" - Surah Al-Hajj - 46
@keyboardmouse7699 Ай бұрын
Interestingly I started reading the Quran when I was an undergrad in my dorm room as well and it’s where my journey started. I pray the almighty guides you, sincerely!
@EB-gt1pq Ай бұрын
Muslims engage in mental gymnastics?? I’ve literally never heard anybody say this. Our belief is so straightforward. We believe in one god. On the other hand after 2000 years of Christianity nobody really knows what your main tenant is? Is Jesus god? Is he the son of God? Why can’t anybody explain the trinity? Did god create his own mother, so he could be born? Why does modern-day Christianity go against the teachings of Abraham and Moses?
@findtruth5329 Ай бұрын
You're talking about a group of people who put forth the MOST oxymoronical paradox that can even be mentioned from a human-mouth: "God died". I challenge people to produce a more illogical, outright stupid paradoxical statement than "God died". So, expecting these creatures to be reasonable and honest when at the FOUNDATION of their religion is the foregoing of reason? This is as they are: clearly unreasonable. You cannot expect people who have foregone reason to be reasonable. And they're not even honest enough to say that "yes, the trinity is a mystery of faith and even though it doesn't make sense NOR is it explained anywhere, I believe it". At LEAST if someone could admit that, I could respect them. But they cannot even admit that it is pure unsubstantiated, idolatrous nonsense. Let them go to hell. You cannot stop them even if you wanted to.
@mcdragon2248 Ай бұрын
I can answer all of Those Questions. But do you have Discord i will answer all of them with proof.
@nataliezarco Ай бұрын
I see you are not familiar with Christianity. The New Testament is a fulfillment of the Old Testament. It doesnt contradict it at all! On the contrary it confirms it! Jesus Himself said "Do not think that I have come to destroy the law and the prophets, I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot (vowel) or one tittle (consonant) will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Matthew 5:17-18 The New Testament just proves the Old is TRUE. God sets a test for being the 9only true God in Isaiah 46:9-10. Only God can declare the end from the beginning and tell exactly things that will happen thousands of years before they do. The prophets of the Old Testament wrote over a period of 1500 years, multiple people, writing different things (not copying what someone had already revealed before) And all those hundreds of prophecies came true in the Messiah Jesus. Just 8 prophecies being fulfilled have a mathematical probability of 1 in 100000000000000000000. How can you say it contradicts? Someone is lying to you.
@nataliezarco Ай бұрын
Jesus chose Mary to be His mother, yes. The Messiah is God according to prophecy and has existed from everlasting (no beginning or end) Micah 5:2 Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7, Daniel 7:9-14 So He knew her before she was born but as far as creating her special? No, the Bible says nothing in that respect, other than her being a devout, God fearing young woman. She must have been incredible though to have been accorded such an honor.
@mcdragon2248 Ай бұрын
@@nataliezarco She was Special before even when she was born. She herself did not have to choose for God created us on his image and the creator of us is God, So that makes he can make us so anything. Gods plan is far more bigger than ours. 1. Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
@user-jd1ig7ng3x Ай бұрын
Hello Andrew, lovely channel you have. Would you care to answer a question for me from your Christian perspective? I'm no longer a Christian, nor am I a Muslim, because neither religion adequately explains one very troubling part of our world, which is animal suffering. Every second, innumerable animals, large and small, die painful deaths. Many die in a state of panicked fright and all of them suffer greatly. Animals are sinless. They have no free will and never transgressed against the Abrahamic god like we humans did. We deserve our punishment because we wronged god, but the animals did no such thing, so what sense does it make that they should suffer so horribly? They can't soul-build. God could have made them mindless, but anyone who owns a pet knows that they're not. They're individuals with personalities. They're like little children, and they suffer on a scale that we can't comprehend. Why do you think that your god allows innocent animals to suffer with guilty humans, and only allows them to be at peace once humans have been dealt with? It can't be the serpent's fault unless you take genesis literally, and that would be an unsound thing to do, given what we know today about whether we came from dust or apes.
@Swiiss63 Ай бұрын
With all due respect where does islam promote animal cruelty? If you regard eating meat or chicken or fish as cruelty then would an animal eating a human be regarded as cruelty?
@user-jd1ig7ng3x Ай бұрын
@@Swiiss63 I never said that islam promotes animal-cruelty. My question had nothing to do with islam, in fact, beyond how it and Christianity both fail to address the question of why their god punished sinless animals to suffer because humans sinned. But because you've brought islam up, I'll show you a concrete example of animal-cruelty in islam. Qurbani is the ritual sacrifice of animals undertaken by Muslim pilgrims on hajj. Many innocent animals are victimized there. As for your second accusation. No. Animals don't have free will. When a dog bites someone, it's usually the owner who is to blame. When a wolf kills a hiker, it does that in order to eat. That's just what wolves do. They can't reason like we can. Their actions are of no more moral significance than the actions of a child.
@Swiiss63 Ай бұрын
@@user-jd1ig7ng3x I only said Islam because thats the religion I follow. I can't talk for Christianity. But my question to you would be how does your view on animal and what is considered cruelty become more honourable than what God had intended? Animals have their intended purpose. Just like Human beings do. Just like anything and everything in this world. Some of these purpose are for sustainance, transport, companionship, protection etc... etc... Also in Islam we believe this life to be a test so the way we treat animals is also part of that test. When it comes to Qurbani is an animal slaughtered following Islamic practice and its food shared between family/friends and the needy.
@question_mark Ай бұрын
I don't consider myself a genius or smth but reading the comments, I really feel like a lot of people including you need to pay more attention about whether their argumentation is rigorous or not
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
I would have to agree. I highly doubt most of the people here truly look into original source documents and the like. I will admit to this as well as you have already pointed out, but I want to keep learning more about both in as unbiased a way as I can manage!
@question_mark Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 I'm happy to see these discussion though, it's just that I feel that as humans we are never prudent enough and we should keep that in mind x)
@Tina-Trinity Ай бұрын
​@@AndyDL20I left a comment about who to contact on you tube for info about Islam. Shamounian has teachings about both Islam and Christianity. He also has a blog and tons of research. Think you'd learn a lot. He's a bit "much" but you get used to him and he has uncanny exogesis of the bible ( speaks Arabic too) God Bless you on your Journey. 🙏
@ibrahimba9538 Ай бұрын
Read the Quran and do part two!! and let us know what you think
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
It may take a long while for me to get around to that, but one day!
@RANasution Ай бұрын
Christian religion is created by Romans. Bible is not the same as Gospel, Bible is written by people, /and Gospel is words of Allah but it’s written version is not in existence.
@nataliezarco Ай бұрын
God is Almighty and cannot be defeated. Nor is He a liar. He has sworn that His word will stand forever. It is the only revelation that brings us to a knowledge God that will ultimately save us. Faith (in God) come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. In order to have faith in Him that leads to salvation, you.must first believe that He is exactly who He claims to be in His word. The writings of the Old Testament prophets and the life of Jesus in the gospels point us to everlasting life! How can you say they are lost? BTW when Satan wanted to lead our first parents to sin, he first made them doubt what God had said. The word of God is our only defense against the deceptions of the devil. Whoever is making you distrust it is leading you to destruction.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
@RANasution The Quran was also written by people…An angel did not bring down the Quran and, magically, copies were made. Also if you are going to claim the Bible is corrupted, you need more sources than one book written by one group of people.
@RANasution Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 Indeed, Alquran is written by people on the basis of words of The Almighty God sent down through angel of Jibrael to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing upon him, who is illiterate. We, Muslims, believe in all prophets and their books that are part of muslim faith. We, muslims, believe that all prophets are muslim (full submission to The Most Creator if this Universe and everything within). Torah, Zabur, and Gospel are also words of The Almighty God given respectively to prophets Moses, David, Yesous peace upon them, however they are lost and not preserved like Alquran. I am studying other books (Tanakh, Talmud, Bible) that are claimed as words of The Almighty God, but could not find like Alquran, the sign of miracle whereas it is preserved, beautiful language even Arabic speaker is amazed with its beauty and composition, no contradiction, no vulgarity, full of science, no human intervention etc. If you have pure heart and read the Alquran for seeking the truth, In God willing, you will find the real truth. Least not last, Moses, David, and Yesous peace upon them are sent to nation of Israel (descendent of prophet Jacob peace upon him), but Alquran is sent to all mankind. In Islam, there is no compulsory to revert but my duty is only to convey the true message and up to The Almighty God to choose who is to be guided to the right path. I do not receive any financial benefit if someone revert to follow Islam for my words except I am expecting this trivial action is noted as to fulfill my duty. It will not matter to The Almighty God if we follow or do not follow His true Words. We have to strive to get His paradise rather than to volunteer to get His Hell in after life. My and your entire choice!!!
@RANasution Ай бұрын
@@nataliezarco In due respect, I am encouraging you to read Alquran (at least it’s English translation as a start) and, in the God’s willing, I am expecting you to find the enlightenment since I am sensing that you have a pure hearth but need to know beyond your comfort zone. Being a Muslim (ever studied in Chatolic school, and having Christians best friends), I am studying Tanakh, Talmud, Bible, even Weda (Hindus’ book) for my own personal comparison. More I read them more sure I am that Alquran is the preserved world of The Almighty God, The Undefeated, The Most Knowing, The Most Holiest from lying.
@nataliezarco Ай бұрын
@@RANasution You're studying the Tanakh and the Bible? Have you started yet? Did you notice they are the same thing ? The Tanakh comprises almost 2/3 of the Christian Bible (Old Testament). The New Testament (what you call injeel) makes up the other third. May the Lord guide you and reveal Himself to you through His Word. With the Tanakh or the Bible, it's the voice of the Almighty God. The Talmud is not the Word of God. It's the rabbinical interpretation and commentary of men. But it is an interesting read. Just remember it's not from God and Jesus condemned a lot of their teaching and practices when He taught and tried to guide the people back to Scripture, the only sure foundation of faith. As for the Qur'an. My friend, I have it in 3 different translations (and two languages). I've read it and am currently trying to read all of Sahih Muslim (I'm in the chapter of repentance). I can assure you, as you have probably already surmised if you've read far enough into the Tanakh, that the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Bible is NOT at all the Allah of the Qur'an. They are not the same God and are polar opposites in many if the most crucial aspects. I can see where the Qur'an has borrowed from both the Talmud and the Bible but the character and purpose of God it gets the opposite of what God has revealed about Himself to the prophets before. If you're not that far in, you'll see it by Exodus. I deeply respect and admire your thirst for knowledge. I know you will find the Living God for He rewards and will reveal Himself to those who seek Him wholeheartedly. Genesis is an amazing read! I would recommend reading an interlinear Bible online so you can see the original text and click on the definitions if you don't have a Strong's. Just for understanding when you see the English word Angel it is NOT a winged creature but is simply, Malak, Hebrew for messenger or dispatch. The one who appears as the Angel(messenger) of the Lord throughout the Torah is actually God Himself. See Genesis 16, 31 and Exodus 3 Also, when the English Bible reads " the Lord" it's YHWH. The Hebrew name for the Almighty God, see Exodus 3. Praying you encounter the Living God in His word, brother.
@loganmisiak5573 Ай бұрын
The early Church Fathers believed and taught the Trinity, the Ecumenical Councils believed and taught the Trinity, The Bible teaches the Trinity! Muhammad is a false prophet, just like anyone that teaches anything contrary to the Church!
@Peace_r181 Ай бұрын
read the Entire Quran and listen to Muslim scholars and read interpretation books like tafseer Ibn Kathir if you don’t understand some verses, and read about prophet Muhammad pbuh from biography books like the sealed nectar and here’s Islamic KZbin channels 🤍 1/The Muslim lantern 2/ rational believer 3/ Rhyad Muslim 4/ towards Eternity 5/merciful servant 6/ one path network 7/manyprophetsonemessage 8/ Dr Omar Suleiman 9/ Dr Sabeel Ahmed 10/ Nouman Ali khan 11/ Dr Muhammad Hoblos 12/ smile 2 Jannah 13/one islam productions After doing this you can judge and give your opinion about Islam bcz now you have no idea what Islam is
@samyengland7244 Ай бұрын
you look educated ..so do not waste your time mate ..fellow islam and safe yourself>>islam is the religion of Abraham, Moses , Jesus and Mohammed
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
See, I do not believe I am wasting my time. That is why I’m here.
@Goatyabuki Ай бұрын
​@@AndyDL20have you tried studying sikhism, buddhism and advaita vedanta?
@personally4392 Ай бұрын
Islam is not the religion of Abraham, Moses and definitely not Christ’s.. no need to sugarcoat to make it sounds real. Christian believe is the truth. 33AD vs 700AD 🤔
@HolyLeague-ix6go 25 күн бұрын
When Jesus came back he is going to destroy the evil ideology of islam
@YouBuyWeRush Ай бұрын
You read 5 surahs? lol. Disingenuous. How about reading the entire Quran.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
It’s better than nothing and 99.9% of Christians, no? Also, I plan on reading the rest eventually. I’m aware that criticism is unfounded if you criticize what you haven’t read. That’s why this video was primarily in response to another channel’s video.
@YouBuyWeRush Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 Ok so you will be held accountable to your word. A man is only as good as his word. You CLEARLY state that you plan on reading the rest. Fine. We will see.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
Thank you for trusting me. I understand that you don’t have to trust me, but please show that you can have faith.
@YouBuyWeRush Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 Nah I don’t trust you nor do I have faith in you. I only trust Allah and only have faith in Allah. Why don’t I trust you? Well why should I? I don’t know a thing about you. As for faith? Why should I have faith in you. You sleep, eat, get tired, make mistakes, cannot bring the heavens and earth into existence, could have sons and daughters (which God does NOT have), can lie, cheat, steal, etc. So I definitely will not have faith in you. Also, you are giving your word, as a man, that you will read the entire Quran. How would we know that you won’t just lie and say you read it when you didn’t?
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
Yes all I can give you is my word. If you are only going to be overcritical, that does nothing but turn people away from Islam. I said it myself that there’s no reason for you to trust me. However, do not assume I am a caniving bastard with no value behind his word. That’s where you’re sorely mistaken, my friend. I will say it one final time. I will read the Quran. Don’t listen if you don’t want to. I will not coerce you into anything, only show you the love and fairness that Jesus Christ shows all of us.
@SkyTechLover Ай бұрын
Islam is false because is criticising Christianity and Judaism but Quran doesn't know anything about these two religions. Quran have no clue where Jesus was born (no place is named), Quran has no clue where Jesus Christ lived (no name is named). Quran/allah doesn't know that trinity doesn't include Mary. Sura 5:116. Quran confuses Mary with Miriam (a lady that live 1400years before Mary) Surah 19:27-28 and 66:12. Also even though according to Quran "allah" created Christianity and Judaism the same "allah" h@t3s them very very much. 5:51 9:29 98:6, Sahih Muslim 2167a Sahim Muslim 2767a.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
There are also stories in the Quran that match up very well to known fabrications about the Jesus of the Bible such as breathing life into a clay bird.
@EB-gt1pq Ай бұрын
The Arabic name for Mary is Maryam. In Spanish, it’s Maria. The Arabic name for Joseph is Yusuf. Yeshua is Isa. Jonas is Yunus. Moses is Musa. They are all in the holy Quran. You don’t know the basics about Islam clearly. Are you seriously arguing about names??? this is your argument for why Islam is wrong?
@EB-gt1pq Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 you’re claiming the story is false yet all of your holidays are paganism. You guys profess to love and worship Jesus Christ yet you have fake depictions of him as a white guy. He’s Middle Eastern remember?? His mom wears a head scarf remember? He doesn’t eat pork remember? He puts his face on the ground to worship God remember? These are all the things that Muslims do.
@SkyTechLover Ай бұрын
​@@EB-gt1pq Clearly you don't understand the argument. It is not only the name but also the connection of Mary as sister of Aaron and daughter of Imram. Mary didn't have any brother Aaron and her father was Joachim NOT IMRAM. You know who had as brother Aaron and as father Imram? Miriam a lady that lived 1400years before Mary! So momo/allah got totally confused. Whatever he had heard!
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
@EB-gt1pq How would you know that Christians don’t do this? I hope you are not claiming that actual informed Christians claim that Jesus was white?
@carlag.9914 Ай бұрын
I have thoughts about the missionary religions Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
First off, I think there’s way more religions that could be considered “missionary religions.”However, Please share your thoughts if you would like!
@carlag.9914 Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are spread thru missions that's why they are known as Missionary Religions. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are not ethnic base religions like Zoroastrianism and Judaism which are ethnic base religions and Christianity, Islam and Buddhism on the other hand their messages are from all sorts of people not just to a particular ethnic group or race.
@AndyDL20 Ай бұрын
Interesting. And what would this mean for followers of these religions (or how is it relevant)?
@carlag.9914 Ай бұрын
@@AndyDL20 It means that their messages of their religion are for everyone not just to particular people.