Did Patch 1.1 Fix Wuthering Waves?
@shrimp1948 4 күн бұрын
I enjoy zzz. Lvl 34 Due to me not investing resources into my characters game is medium/hard on diff levels. I am saving for miyabi to build a full team around her. Hope she comes out in patch 1.4 But that sparkes questions. After saving for such a long time, when I finally get her and build her. Will there be challenging content remaining that will actually get me thinking about team comps and so on. If my account becomes to strong for games content then I will quickly lose interest after time. Hope they make new big locations and great content engaging the player. Used to be as invested in genshin until i got hacked and lost account hope they leave me hooked in months to come.
@ryujikuroshi 11 күн бұрын
thanks to you now I know what to do to enjoy nikke, through it suck that they gatekeeped the end game content with hard to get characters.
@mikiprohearth3664 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info.
@fugosfork7907 14 күн бұрын
refreshing content! It is quite rare to see someone with a cam that's both useful and entertaining in zzz
@NEONxTOKYO 19 күн бұрын
the new player experience is straight dog. I realized that I needed pilgrims to be good at the game, and realized in the same minute they are impossible to obtain. I'm at over 850 summons with only Isabel and Dorothy as my pilgrim roster.
@Maxcie 18 күн бұрын
Ouch. Yes I feel you, I still do not have a Scarlet after probably close to 2000 pulls. It is near impossible to be competitive as a F2P new player. It is still fun to just play as a collector/casually enjoy the first few story chapters I think though.
@ImNotQualifiedToSayThisBut 22 күн бұрын
Started playing JP on release, spent some money, lost my account, quit. I was about to start over again now, this time on Global but after reading about how they butcher the localisation I'm not sure whether I want to invest my time in such a game/company.
@Off_lucci 22 күн бұрын
my bother in christ there is a training mode were you can make bosses not move and you can lvl them to 60
@eurekadiaz3771 25 күн бұрын
I just aged 5 years instantly, dodge counter bro
@OleksandrSe 26 күн бұрын
Max! Do Bangboo damage multiplayer apply to bangboo himself, or to the Character in my team?
@vandaitran7341 26 күн бұрын
Probably the easiest game to start regardless of what year you start imo, I recently started playing, and the game really easy to catch on, what make this game great for me is no overly drawn out slop farm, even if there is, there is at least a sweep clear system which I can appreciate.
@WhiteTrashDiva 27 күн бұрын
she's totally off the charts! . . Qingyi M1 gives more damage to your DPS. . than Zhu Yuan M1!! And the better you get at hitting her dodge counter, releasing Enchanted Blossoms at the right time. . . the better she gets. Just brought Steam Oven to lv 50/50 today.. it's amazing on her until you hit either restrained or hellfire gears on engine banner. (M1 Qingyi though)
@Shin-hi5kk 27 күн бұрын
I got lycaon from standard (second pity), koleda from losing 50/50 on qingyi and still went for her anyway. No regrets 10/10 gameplay :D
@TheKenuy 27 күн бұрын
@ 6:30 u said that with anby u made user error thats why the time is lower but u would do it in 8:15, quin time was 8:22, so its only 7 s, considering u had a 8s boost on adds, seems like quin made u loose 1 sec compared to anby. another fun fact, u dont do def shred with nicole whenplaying as anby but did it while playing with quin. U should remove nicole and 2 man it for the test, so we dont get additional variable that seems u are not reliable to do on both teams. And the "cuts" in edits so we cant even see if used chains as u should or not. At this point, its safe to say, this teset is flawed. Its only viable for ur own playstyle.
@arkenvile2759 27 күн бұрын
You need to know, she work with any Attack character.
@bludybloop4350 27 күн бұрын
A couple questions: 1. What Mindscape is your Anby at? I've been playing since release and Anby is already at M5 and will no doubt hit M6 when pulling for Jane Doe. Anby's M1-5 all contribute to Daze is some compacity, though none seem to contribute a lot. 2. Is a second full stun from Anby required on the first enemy of the second fight? The first elite is nearly dead by the time the stun is over and it seems a mix of Nicole's EX and Zhu Yuan damage might have killed it faster than building the stun meter back up and going into another chain. This isn't to say Qingyi isn't obviously better, but I do wonder how much the above would tighten the times.
@Maxcie 27 күн бұрын
I have her at M3, so the dupes would help for sure. As for just picking that elite off without stunning it, the main reason I go for stun is that Zhu Yuan was completely out of juice. I did have full energy on Nicole so maybe it would have worked, but I think that since I only had normal attacks on Zhu Yuan, it would have taken a similar amount of time. That is one thing I don't enjoy about Zhu Yuan vs. Ellen is that in those pick off situations, it's tough when I have no juice, whereas Ellen I just dash in and chomp.
@loreto8537 27 күн бұрын
Im not watching this to cope because I lost her 50/50... YOU ARE 😢
@recelixproject 27 күн бұрын
It is absolute stun and fun combo with other characters
@4givenoxygenbarez 27 күн бұрын
personal experience. i do agree that qing yi, in term of stun dmg multiplier, is better.. i miss anby's easier rotation tho.. (you need to be mindful of qing yi's "voltage meter" thus forced to be on field longer than anby which lessens zhu yuan's time to farm for bullets (and yes maybe an skill issue for me)) ..but that single rotation on boss round on qing yi compared to 2 on anby as absolute better... (also having a C1 qing yi removes the onfield problem as c1 on zhu removes the reload prblem) nonetheless.. good pull if not going to pull for jane doe or calydon's jane doe's damage is high and seth synergy is good. (also jane doe passive procs with faction and anomaly)
@DegenKingYT 27 күн бұрын
A 5 star better than a 4 star. Thats a shocker
@chelo136 27 күн бұрын
Tell that to healers vs Gallagher in hsr , or
@DegenKingYT 27 күн бұрын
@@chelo136 the one lingshu is going to power creep
@Maxcie 27 күн бұрын
That is a given but the question I ask at 0:46 is how big of a difference does it make. There are dozens of examples in Hoyo games where they made five star versions of four stars, and the question of how MUCH better they are can help people decide if they want spend their limited pull currency on it. It is a smart thing to gauge that level of difference before pulling, and this video helps people do that :)
@DegenKingYT 27 күн бұрын
@@Maxcie I understand it will help a lot of people decided if it is worth getting an upgrade from anby
@chelo136 27 күн бұрын
@@DegenKingYT Only for casuals, lingsha cant abuse qpq like Gallaher does as she doenst have action advance like him , thats why he is meta for 0 cycle as he is a huge energy battery for robin and the rest
@Scummoner 27 күн бұрын
4:33 you want to switch to Zhu Yuan here on so you can defensive assist with Qingyi on the third hit. it contributes a lot of daze while stopping thanatos from dashing around.
@Maxcie 27 күн бұрын
You are right but my goal there was to build up enough gauge to do the charged heavy attack. If I would have just been focused on dazing him, I would not have been able to get the full 218% multiplier. Maybe it would have helped me stop him to actually hit the charged attack, but I did not wanna risk dazing too early so that I could showcase the debuff in the video.
@automato436 27 күн бұрын
I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Qingyi. I try to play Koleda. My Qingyi deals more Daze. I try to play Anby. My Qingyi deals more Daze. I try to play Lycaon. My Qingyi deals more Daze. I want to play Grace. Her best team has Qingyi. I want to play Zhu yuan & Nekomata. They both want Qingyi. She grabs me by the throat. I play the arcade event for her. I farm for her. I give her The Restrained. She isn't satisfied. I pull Hellfire Gears. "I don't need this much Attack" She tells me. "Give me more IMPACT." She grabs Seth and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more Daze with Jane ." I can't pull for Jane, I don't have enough Polychromes. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Officer Bangboo. She says "Get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, Daze application. What a cruel world we live in.
@NotADoctor 28 күн бұрын
So invoice= Goods and services?
@kaidite 28 күн бұрын
First of all, let me start by saying that as I was watching you clear SD with anby and calling her bad, I immediately said "skill issue" :D You should have rotated anby to the left to push both mooks together and against the totem. With that out of the way, I absolutely agree that Qingyi outclasses, not only anby, who is an A-Rank, making the comparison kind of unfair btw; but also every other S-Rank stunner in the game. They might have miscalculated how strong giving stun DMG% bonuses to a character is. Lycaon's buff is tame compared to this. You need an Ice team for lycaon to work. Qingyi is already great from the get go and she works in every team. That said, I don't think you need a second stunner if, like me, you are planning on building your second team as an anomaly team. Jane and Seth coming together makes the perfect core for it. But we'll see how good it is in the end. Still good video! Definitely subscribing to you. Cheers!
@joaquinchua3348 27 күн бұрын
I mean isn't that why Qingyi is so good in the first place? Her ease of use compared to anby is also much better making less "skill issue moments" you don't need to worry about stuff like positioning, pushing mobs for grouping etc. Qingyi does all that while mashing left click. Being easier to play means more room for error so thats also a plus 4 qingyi.
@4givenoxygenbarez 27 күн бұрын
@@joaquinchua3348 personal experience.. i have more skill issue with qingyi compared to anby xD
@4givenoxygenbarez 27 күн бұрын
@kaidite seth and jane doe does fill liike good synergy.. but tooo expensive if you pull both banner.. if skip for qing yi then still good.. but very expensive to build also, i think the reason they are comparing anby and qign yi is to justify skipping the qing yi banner
@dinnerboons1504 27 күн бұрын
@@joaquinchua3348You mean Qingyi has more room for error? Less room for error means she’s easier to mess up.
@joaquinchua3348 27 күн бұрын
@@dinnerboons1504 yep that's what i meant, anby is the one with less room for error, sorry i was about to sleep when I wrote this and my brain farted.
@emanuvelvinoy2268 28 күн бұрын
I just literally completed my side quest then I just converted my polychromes to encrypted tapes and i got around like a 119 pulls completely f2p. Then I just thought I need a copy of corin to have her at c6 so I just made a 10 PULL on Qingyis banner and to my shock it landed on an s rank character i thought no way I was gonna get her then to my shock she came home what an insane f2p luck😂
@nathanchaffin6380 28 күн бұрын
I wonder where Koleda stacks up. What does she have to offer in the way of a stunner? I dont have her personally.
@famimame 27 күн бұрын
Koleda stuns really fast and give chain attack buff but unfortunately her buff is locked to team fire.
@OmniNatureSmore 27 күн бұрын
She works better with dps that want to hog a lot lf on field time since she stuns quickly with EX special
@Luftgitarrenprofi 27 күн бұрын
Koleda is a burst stunner that frontloads her entire daze window with her EX. She's not a great on field stun (basic combo too long and low daze on basic hits) and doesn't have any synergy with burst attackers. Her additional ability is kinda bad even if active and doesn't make her a better stun character. Her Ben synergy, while fitting in terms of narrative and aesthetics isn't very useful in the current meta. It makes her better on field, but still not very good and Ben is essentially another semi Stun, leaving no room for support unless you want Ben as your main DPS. He does good damage, but their stun synergy makes no sense when Ben can't really deal much damage in a stun window due to his reliance on parry counters. She was my first S Rank and I used her to clear all content, including Shiyu 17 and Intensity 11 Withering Garden. She's viable, but Qingyi is better in every regard with the current roster after her buff prior to release by a pretty large margin.
@emanuvelvinoy2268 28 күн бұрын
Don't forget ur anby is like c4 or 5 and qingyi is only c0
@flying_duck_person3882 27 күн бұрын
C6 four star is comparative to c0 5 star, that’s how you’re supposed to compare them
@ANYC-VN 28 күн бұрын
As a stunner, both of them has a distinct way of combating the enemy For anby, its her mobility, her skill, dodge counter and basic atk all have little to no delay or require you to hold it constantly so you can focus more on dodging and chasing highly mobile enemy, but in exchange, her damage is significantly weaker compare to other stunners ( unless you have her C6 ) For qingyi, its the area damage she dealt and the stun dmg multiplier she gave her team that matters, in exchange, she not as flexible as anby so she is not good at dodging or chasing enemy around the map and requires her to stay in one place to get the most out of her kit
@Gabe_harristheman 28 күн бұрын
Well said
@kyotanaka920 27 күн бұрын
I disagree. Anby does get mileage out of dodging, but Qingyi has a far easier time with dodges and is rewarded in doing so. Her 4th basic hit and her ex special has her jumping in air, whichis effectively a dodge. And in her held basic attack mode, whenever she glows golden that's a period where she can dodge attacks. If she dodges an attack in this state, subjugation stacks is doubled. The only REAL issue with Qingyi is that you only get any mileage out of her if she stays out, while Anby does not have the same limitation. She needs to be constantly putting in work else she is dragging the party down. Anby can get away with not being active on field since she benefits far more from swapping
@Maxcie 28 күн бұрын
While I do think the sentiment of this video rings true, there are a few factors that were not touched on. I did some updated tests in my newest video, please check it out!: kzbin.info/www/bejne/bn6ploKbebmIi5Y
@sergioleal613 28 күн бұрын
After using her and using Anby since day one… It’s not a huge difference, but there is a difference. Qingyi is more viable in more situations and can really solo a lot of content, where anby was mostly just a stunner and not even top notch at that. Throw in the core passives, and how subjugation works, it’s really not an issue of ones better then the other in certain situations - Qingyi straight replaced Anby in every way.
@hazeysgarden 28 күн бұрын
The fact that you can clear this side faster than me and my characters are built wayyy better is making me feel like I have a serious skill issue.
@Maxcie 28 күн бұрын
Could be your comp too depending on who you're fighting! Also, to be fair I have M1 Zhu Yuan and her signature, which adds a lot of damage to the stun phase.
@hazeysgarden 28 күн бұрын
@@Maxcie ahhh okay. I have M0 Zhu yuan with brimstone, but I use Ellen on that first side and Zhu yuan on the second.
@feel.U-y5o 28 күн бұрын
Rules? Just one ☝️: EMBRACE THE "UOOOGH 😭" *OR GTFO* thnks
@Shuraig7 29 күн бұрын
Buddy your qingyi only gave a 24% stun dmg multipler, ofc she won't enhance your dmg a lot if you don't level her core skill. Also you need to use her enhanced basic attack twice vs a boss, not once. At max core skill the 80% stun dmg multiplier is literally a 53% dmg increase over Anby.
@aothe2239 29 күн бұрын
you didnt used qingyi's dmg boost and anby's combo so this test is not relevant, as i see qingyi is made for "wall" bosses and realy sucks on fast ones when anby feels fine everywhere, even after buff easy skip
@multiream 28 күн бұрын
Even for fast elites. Qingyi is still good. Her EX skill is a long dodge and her hold basic counts as a counter dodge if you just time it right. You literally have no downtime for her Basic 3 spam since it doesn't interrupt the chain. You can even just let go of the B3 to jump up and it counts as a normal dodge just like when koleda jumps up. So yeah this guy does not know how to play the game is just farming for content.
@multiream 28 күн бұрын
Including even just one mindscape for qingyi you can even just her hold attack attack at the start for free. No Ex skill required, no charge up, 30% faster charge up for her bar and 20 crit rate. At M2 she has a full blown 230 daze multiplier and 20% more daze extra. Even if there's 3 Anby's on the field at the same time.. qingyi is still going to kill the boss faster.
@emanatethegreat 27 күн бұрын
No, Qingyi is far better in every situation. (She was severely under invested here and they weren't used to piloting her.) Oh they re-uploaded, ya I haven't seen any situation where Qingyi doesn't take at least 15+ seconds off of Anby times except this video.
@aothe2239 27 күн бұрын
​@@multiream faster but how much faster cuz to got her just m0 you should spend alot of pulls ive losed 50% at 80th pool and only god knows how much i should spend just to anby upgrade that not much worse. id better spend my pulls to waifu for dates and forgot about meta races pulling character i dont want to
@nathanchaffin6380 Ай бұрын
Interesting. I mean, they do serve the same function. But you'd think an 'S' rank stunner would make a bit more of a difference. But, the passives are a big part of those characters and they werent lvled fully.
@Maxcie 29 күн бұрын
That's fair. Anby's core skill was at level 2 and Qingyi's was at level 1. They both shine on different bosses too. I was having a lot of success on Nineveh with Qingyi since it doesn't move around so much.
@nathanchaffin6380 28 күн бұрын
​@@Maxcie Yea. She'll excel at fighting larger bosses that don't move around so much. For sure.
@Zombiewood503 Ай бұрын
It’s funny you say the reason you were able to progress so well is because you started on the 2.5 anniversary. I just started a little over a month ago for the 3 year and got so many good characters. Dress hina, swimsuit hoshino, Mika, swimsuit hanako and so many other good ones. I’m actually just saving up for the 3.5 year atm. Battle Hoshino and terror shiroko looks great. I might pull a little bit here and there but will save most of my pyro for that.
@TurntBucket Ай бұрын
I randomly started playing recently and was lucky enough to get the dress hina, swimsuit hoshino, iroha, and dress ako banners as I was just starting. Really happy that I was able to get them. Haven't figured out if dress ako is strong or how to maximize her value, but the other 3 are absolute beasts. Plus, I also got other great students while I was rolling for those banners.
@swhawk Ай бұрын
I started playing three weeks ago (so around two weeks after this video released), a few days before Dress Hina's banner dropped (she was the character who lured me into the game). I can vouch for the statement that Fes banners (anniversary banners) really kickstart your account. While pulling for Dress Hina, I got a bunch of off-focus 3-star characters who have helped me push the Missions, including the re-ran Fes characters mentioned in the video (except Wakamo, who I didn't get). For context, clearing higher-level Missions unlocks upgrades for the Cafe, which is important because it increases your supply of stamina points, which are used to increase the account level. So, the sooner you push these missions to unlock the upgrades, the faster you can level up. Right now, after 20 days of playing, I was able to unlock the second-to-last Cafe upgrade, clearing the required Mission stage despite being underleveled by almost 40 levels (my account and students are level 52, while this Mission has level 90 enemies and bosses). How was it possible? Well, the characters I got from the anniversary banner (and the 100 free pulls campaign from the week prior, namely Iroha) are just that strong! So my account is set-up to grow very fast pretty early on, just because of all the good stuff I got from the anniversary events and campaigns. As a footnote: I think it's important to mention this for people who are not familiar with this game. In Blue Archive, a lot of "free-to-play-friendly" characters are actually amazing. The good stuff is not just limited to the limited-run 3-star characters (like those from the anniversary banner); some 2-star and 1-star units are great too. My favorite example is Yuuka, a character you get for free from the prologue and who is a low rarity student in the gacha. She is an amazing tank when you invest in her (increase relationship level, upgrade gear and skills, etc), and she even is top notch in both PVP and for pushing Missions. Tsubaki was also mentioned in the video, and she is another great tank too. In terms of DPS characters, OG Hina is now given for free if you complete some challenges, and she is amazing with some support. Oh... Another feature of this game is that you can obtain some non-limited high rarity characters without needing to roll in the gacha, by farming their Elephs (the character-specific material used for Limit Break). It takes some time (and in some cases requires pushing Missions on Hard mode), but it's something that is possible. I've heard OG Aru is another great DPS that can be obtained in this way, but I haven't been able to farm her Elephs yet.
@krisrgt9303 19 күн бұрын
Bro, lmao same. But i was hooked to Izuna (for Senko reasons...) though I didn't know Dress Hina was kind of a meta i was just gambling the fest for Izuna but didnt get lmao, managed to get 4/5 of the fest though!
@krystalhydrex8783 Ай бұрын
I also started playing last January 2024 Been playing casually everyday (dailes/events) And I've been able to reach Lvl 84 already. I have most meta/famous chars for easy golds in any event Cleared all story (hard and main) Blue archive is very generous and you should start playing too! PLAY NOW.
@GhostEmblem Ай бұрын
I think taking away player abilities is sacrificing fun for difficulty. Why take a way the parries except to make it harder. If thats the case then just slow everyone down to a crawl and only give them basic attacks it would be way more difficult and also boring as hell. Pls encourage them to make it difficult whilst still allowing for counters, combos, and player expression.
@vot6847 Ай бұрын
Glad you’re back Max, and this is the first gacha game I’ve ever gotten into. I pulled Zhu Yuan without the the guaranteed S pull, so safe to say I’m addicted to gambling ☠️
@Maxcie Ай бұрын
Thank you for the support Marco. Enjoy your police officer mommy
@thegamingfiend5443 Ай бұрын
i cant wait for more chapters to come in the game
@Kyosukedono Ай бұрын
Yes it's too late, leave blue archive alone don't play the game. Keep tourists out
@Zeynirix Ай бұрын
I am a new player but I am not against the fandom's vibes am I allowed in pwease?
@renon1946 Ай бұрын
​@@Zeynirix if you enjoy the style and gameplay without feeling the need to complain about pointless implications, you're good.
@Zeynirix Ай бұрын
@@renon1946 I really love the visual novel story and how they made it with all the sound effects! Gameplay gets a bit choppy on my phone sometimes, but I am really loving the slice and life with action sprinkled story. Characters also have lots of personalities and are fun and well-written.
@renon1946 Ай бұрын
@@Zeynirix better than azur lane that's for sure.
@Elaina-0416 Ай бұрын
@@Zeynirixthe story is honestly amazing, eden treaty, volume F made me cry like a bitc-
@Superbucket Ай бұрын
so sad I missed it
@soulrebelstudios3185 Ай бұрын
"Oh no i gotta play hollow zero"
@iamkurogane Ай бұрын
Iyo hinted at it heavily that there’ll be additional floors in the separate new Shiyu activity Like a whole separate node. They kinda brushed over it though in the livestream so I dunno if it’ll be 7 new floors again. Regardless it’s a good start. Hoyo has proven to me with with HSR just how much they can evolve the game with time. Expecting the same from ZZZ Also can I just say Shiyu is way more fun than Tower in WuWa? The encounters are really nicely paced in ZZZ and it’s genuine fun to correctly optimize my positioning to make sure I get all the small enemies in a pile. In Tower it’s basically a DPS check since the characters usually have amazing aoe
@Pro-Diletante Ай бұрын
The only thing I despise is the frequent crashes.
@Pro-Diletante Ай бұрын
The three year anniversary was beautiful, I loved almost every aspect of it.
@Pro-Diletante Ай бұрын
The moment you gave your opinion on the wurthering waves characters I SUBSCRIBED HOLY cow. Idk if it’s the voice acting that feels soulless but YOU ARE SO RIGHT
@iotatheninth Ай бұрын
Isn't he N.E.P.S. precinct becoming available as a (albeit small) new area?
@proggz39 Ай бұрын
Sucks Luckyboo can’t do a chain attacks but 5 starring them for free should make up for it. I’m planning a Nekomata, Jane Doe, & Lucy build for my 2nd team in zero hollow so Luckyboo should fit nearly into that