@jameslaughter5183 8 сағат бұрын
Cheryl Reeve is The Dumbest Coach That Ever Lived.
@jameslaughter5183 Күн бұрын
Refs made some calls against Fever that they were not calling against Sky. A few Fever players seem to not be able to catch Caitlins passes. The Big Reason for the Fever loss was definitely due to "Coach" Sides going into a slow down offense. Caitlin quit pushing coming down court and finding openings early in the 24. Coach Sides should let Caitlin be Caitlin, but Sides has an incurable learning disability.
@kozmiczian Күн бұрын
camera sux!
@donquixote1502 Күн бұрын
Great game, I hold Mitchell as the MVP in this game. Congratulations to Fever.
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
See how Kennedy Carter made that last shot that was nearly a 360 jump shot and she's not very tall and she shot over all those big girls it's because she's thin she's an athlete and she's a foot shorter than those other girls but she can jump you give me a team of small athletes I'll take them over these big girls every day of the week
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
This is towards the end of the game and they called a foul that they would never have called a foul against Chicago and they call a foul and all she did is have her hands up and reached jumped into her and they call a foul on her on the fever these referees just suck and you talk about Clark that has not set the whole game that's the point what I am talking about she is one of the few girls on the court that is in basketball shape and that's just being completely honest how wide these other girls are look how wide their asses are look how big their bellies are they are not in basketball shape she can run the whole game because she is in basketball shape look at the other girls on the court and compare her to them she's not thin he's just in basketball shape and they are not
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
This is towards the end of the game and they called a foul that they would never have called a foul against Chicago and they call a foul and all she did is have her hands up and reached jumped into her and they call a foul on her on the fever these referees just suck
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
That pass right there buy Clark hit her right in the hands and the girl behind her knocked it out and that's going to go as a turnover for Clark because the girl did not catch the ball when is hit her riding the hands that's such b******* these girls these big girls especially that are down under the basket that she is feeding the ball to they are not hungry enough and I don't mean for food there are plenty hungry for food they are not hungry enough for that ball they should be fighting for that ball we should be taken care of that ball when that ball hits him in the hands they should be taking care of the ball not letting a girl knock it out of their hands continually
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
These referees suck so bad they have no idea what a moving screen is they honestly don't they have had at least seven moving screens against the fever it is unreal that these referees do not know how to call things correctly and call the game evenly it's like under the basket they're calling the fever for things that they are not calling Chicago for they have been rough under the basket which they let them be too rough under the basket in every damn game that's why girls basketball looks like s*** because it's a free-for-all underneath the hoop literally a free-for-all in every game that's why it looks so sloppy and it's the referee's fault but if you're going to call roughness on one team you need to be calling the exact same on the other team and they're calling fouls on the outside that aren't even fouls a girl from Chicago got bumped by her own girl and they called it on the defense on the fever and she never even was close to her the WNBA needs to spend some money and get some real referees it would improve their game so much just like getting some real commentators that aren't talking about things in the past or this or that or other b******* and are calling the game nobody is interested in that other s*** we are interested in the game Caitlin Clark gets a great still it's not even mentioned because he's telling the story it's just stupid s*** like that and then she said that the pass was a little behind Smith it was not behind Smith hit her right in the side when you know a pass is coming you should reach for it when you are trying to thread the needle on the inside I'm not talking about a pass on the outside we're talking about a pass through four players to your Center and if the ball hits her she should have caught the ball your arms can move your feet can move your hands can move it's just that very few girls on the fevers team have good hands they just don't they need to work on a lot of passing drills and that's the coach's fault for not doing it just like it's a coach's fault when your team is not playing good defense because it's like they don't even know how to play defense you shouldn't be trailing a girl you are guarding you should be between her and the basket just like if she has the ball you should be between her and the basket trailing a girl is not going to help a damn bit it's like the women in the WNBA do not know the fundamentals and the basics a basketball you see better basketball played in college ball than you do in the WNBA maybe they are better coaches I don't know what it is but the fundamentals that these girls should have they don't have but when you watch college games with the girls playing they play a hell of a lot better because they are playing real defense they are hustling more and I don't know if these girls were as fat as they are now in college but these women so many of them are just too damn fat and when you are in a sport and you are too fat you love eating more than you love the game of basketball and that's just all that there is to it that's just the truth Angel Reese could lose like 30 lbs in just her ass and there are many girls out there on the court that need to lose 30 lb all over there are girls in the WNBA that need to lose 50 or 60 lb and that would improve their game so much you do not see these fat players in the NBA and everybody knows it the coaches should make them lose some weight or set them on the bench and let an athlete get in there and play somebody that can get up and down the floor Angel Reese is the last one down the floor every trip just watch her
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Why don't you tell the truth Reese has something to say to everybody all the time the woman thinks she's a diva and she is far from it the woman can't jump 2 inches off of the ground literally she can't so all they have to do is feed Smith with Reese guarding her Smith can jump in reese Kent she can score all day over Reese
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
I don't know which is worse in the WNBA the commentators or the referees I can tell you one thing both of them suck terribly and I'm talking about the referees that referee every game in the WNBA every one of those referees suck and every time there is a woman commentator they suck at what they do in this case even the guy that's with her sucks at what he does if you watch NBA games and listen to NBA commentators and watch NBA referees they are like a thousand times better than what they have in the WNBA and that's just the truth do you have referees that I don't even think they know what a foul is I don't think they even know that when the defensive player bumps into the girl that is dribbling the ball that that is a foul I really think they're that ignorant that's why can you watch WNBA who looks more like a bunch of Fighters out there instead of nice fluent pretty basketball because there are so many fouls so many fouls not called if the referees would call all these fouls these girls would stop fouling and once they stop fouling each other the shots would be better everything would be better the game would be much prettier it would be so much more fluent it would actually be like basketball instead of rugby
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
There wasn't anything close about that foul she completely mugged her it wasn't like she hit her on the top of her fingers hurt her arms went over the top of her you people say the most stupid things it's like you know nothing about basketball I don't care if you played it or not you don't talk like you know anything about it which most women coaches don't know that much all they know is X's and O's and nothing else and then most of them aren't even that good at that it's not like they make a lot of money so it's not like you're going to get great people in their at coaches you would never get an NBA coach to drop his millions and millions of dollars a year to come coach for 100,000 Linda WNBA and why was that shot by Smith ill-advised she went up and would have made the shot more than likely if she hadn't got fouled you people honestly know nothing
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
There wasn't anything close about that foul she completely mugged her it wasn't like she hit her on the top of her fingers hurt her arms went over the top of her you people say the most stupid things it's like you know nothing about basketball I don't care if you played it or not you don't talk like you know anything about it which most women coaches don't know that much all they know is X's and O's and nothing else and then most of them aren't even that good at that it's not like they make a lot of money so it's not like you're going to get great people in their at coaches you would never get an NBA coach to drop his millions and millions of dollars a year to come coach for 100,000 Linda WNBA
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Why would you say that because Caitlin Clark could have taken a three but the girl in the corner is wide open for a 3 why would you say she's going for a career high in assist like there was something to it besides her getting the ball to the girl that was wide open when she was covered you commentators make no sense whatsoever you act like there is something to it that she's going for a career-high assist that's why she passed the ball no she passed the ball because the girl was wide open sometimes you say the most stupid s*** that makes it appear like somebody has a motive for doing something instead of just playing a good game and making the right play she was not throwing the ball to her to get a career high assist she was throwing the ball to her because she was wide freaking open in the corner I hate listening to women commentators it's like they never shut up and just call the game instead of giving their opinion
@user-rv2bf5yt8c 2 күн бұрын
Caitlin Clark and B Griner wowwww!
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Angel Reese gets down the floor about a minute after everybody else I don't know how anybody can nominate her for rookie of the year it is just apparently they don't watch her they look at her stats were half of her rebounds are her own Miss shots
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Caitlin gets called for all of these turnovers and it is b******* so many of her great passes and I do mean great passes and I don't give women a lot of credit for passes what cause they don't make great passes they don't even know how to bounce pass a ball most of them and Caitlin gives them great passes and then gets charged as turnovers because they can't catch the damn ball that hits them right in the hands and then she also gives them great passes Greatest Hits 2 ft from the basket nobody in front of them and they miss a freaking layup it's no wonder they don't make more money than they do when you cannot make a layup 2 ft from the basket you do not belong in the WNBA so that would take half of the women out of the WNBA
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Mitchell has one of the best crossover dribbles in the WNBA she has the quickness that Clark does really not have it is just pure athletic ability of quickness and she is always low to the ground which Caitlin is not Caitlin has got where she has got by a lot of practice Mitchell has got where she has got by just pure ability athletic ability so it was a lot easier for Mitchell but there is a lot more room for improvement by Mitchell than there is by Clark because Mitchell has all this athletic ability as much ability as anybody in the league when it comes to being an athlete and quickness all she needs is more games more practice and she will become one of the greatest players in the league if she will do that and learn to catch the ball on pass brakes LOL
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
She's a good Edition at times edit time she's not she's a good Edition when they double team Caitlin because there's a girl that can shoot a three that is standing wide open with nobody in her face so she can take her time and shoot the shot
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
This coach may be a nice coach but she's a terrible coach if they don't get rid of her they will never win these girls no need to know how to play defense consistently just saying that they are shooting 71% and not telling them what they need to do to stop that does not do a bit of good do you have to actually tell each player what they are doing wrong and how to fix it and she doesn't do that she should tell Caitlin Clark your shot is too flat that's why you are missing it you've been shooting so far out for so long you have lost the arch on your shot so you have a half inch is all tell me it's the shot and she is on target every time it hits the back of the rim or the front of the rim when she misses it so she is on target she's not like these are the girls that are just missing it everywhere when you have more Arch on your shot you have 6 in on either side so that gives you 12 inches to miss cannot be completely accurate but when you have no art you have a half inch is all to be off she needs to put more Arch on her shot and her coach should be watching that and tell her that that's why she's missing her threes no Arch and that came from shooting so far from the outside your arch leaves because you do not have the upper body like Steph Curry the power to push it that far without flattening out your shot if a ball has Arch on it it has so much more room to go in the basket simply put consistently
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
You cannot file after the delay of game any little dribblers referee knows that
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Really you didn't know how a point and a center could be a two-man team and nearly control the whole offense have you ever watched basketball did you ever watch John Stockton and Malone that's all they had was a two-man team give and go give and go give and go and then back to the giver it's like you women commentator have never watched real basketball before
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Angel Reese lives in the paint it's like there's no three-point penalty in the WNBA when have you ever seen one called kind of like a charge when have you ever seen a woman take a charge
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Apparently the commentator has not been watching the games they have adopted that style ever since Caitlin Clark has come into the league it's just her girls could not catch the ball when she threw it to them down the court or we're not hustling enough to get down the court where the fast break could be run that is Caitlin Clark style of ball that is the most exciting style of ball with all the fat girls in the WNBA it is the best style of basketball Picasso's fat girls can't last getting up and down the court and I would say that 50% of the girls in the WNBA are overweight that's just the truth whether you like it or not it always amazes me when women blow an open layup they just spread out and let them come through instead of taking a charge and then the woman blows the open lay up and they want more money they don't deserve more money they should honestly be paying the people to come watch them play ball it's no wonder that the NBA has to sponsor them with 50 million a year to keep their league even going and then they turn around and knock the NBA the only reason they continue to play is because of the NBA giving them money
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Apparently the commentator has not been watching the games they have adopted that style ever since Caitlin Clark has come into the league it's just her girls could not catch the ball when she threw it to them down the court or we're not hustling enough to get down the court where the fast break could be run that is Caitlin Clark style of ball that is the most exciting style of ball with all the fat girls in the WNBA it is the best style of basketball Picasso's fat girls can't last getting up and down the court and I would say that 50% of the girls in the WNBA are overweight that's just the truth whether you like it or not
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Most of the women in the WNBA just do not know how to play defense they Trail their player that has the ball instead of being between her and the basket that is her job to move her fat ass and get between her and the basket and stay between her and a basket not to trail behind her
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
I still don't understand why there are so many fat girls in the WNBA there is no way they can stick with a fast girl or a quick athletic girl Angel Reese can lose 30 lb in just her ass and then there are these women that are just completely overweight why don't the coaches make them get in shape how many NBA players do you see that are overweight honestly how many NBA players do you see that are not in basketball playing forum these women look like they should be playing on the defensive line for some high school boys team I'm sure they would get run over but that's the size they are they don't look like basketball players they have no athleticism they're just big and they can't jump it's no wonder their feet never leave the floor when they are under the basket and rebound and put his shot back up they don't even jump their toes never leave the floor and if they do at all it is about 2 in it is ridiculous I don't know why I could take the shortest team in the league that of athletes of quick athletes that can shoot the ball and beat any of these big teams easily because they can't stay with you up and down the court you could fast break on them every single time and they would get down the court three times and they would be on the bench and the second team would be in and then they would stay on the bench for 5 minutes and then they would be back out on the court and they would last about 3 or 4 times of fast breaks down the court and then they're late getting there every time and they're back on the bench these recruiters let go check out the best players in college to see which ones they want to choose in the draft are idiots by choosing these great big girls over athletic women
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Mitchell is a great athlete and a great defender she just needs to catch pass after pass after pass in practice especially the long range passes and she will get where she will catch the ball right now she's just letting it slide through her hands maybe she needs some stick them on them and I'm being serious sometimes your hands can get dry and it's hard to catch the ball that's why most wide receivers wear those gloves that are sticky but I'm sure they would be hard to feel the basketball to shoot out of you don't see quarterbacks wearing gloves she is a great athlete and is going to be a great player in the WNBA I don't care what anybody says she's a decent shooter but most of all she's a great athlete when you are a great athlete you can improve so many ways with just practice and you are not a great athlete do you have to practice practice practice practice and more than likely you're not ever going to be great in the WNBA unless you're a great athlete to start with just look at Grindr who is actually a man I did not know that until I looked it up and yes he is a biological man playing against women he's 6'9 he should be dunking on women on a regular basis every time he gets the ball at 6 ft 9 so close to the rim he should be dunking on these girls but it just shows the man has no heart that's why he's playing on a girls team he could not make the starting team of a actually could not even make the team of a really good high school boys team
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Am I the only one that notices how these commentators exaggerated so much on any play it can be a lab oh it was great all it was the greatest layup of all time just on and on and on it is such b******* Stacy just called the game and keep their personal view out of it because they sound so stupid these women are not making any better plays than Junior High girls or then high school girls and not making near the place that high school boys there's not a high school boys team that could not blow this the the very best team in the league away so don't try to make something sound like it is the greatest play of all time when it is just what should be the normal especially for professionals actually for professionals they underplay the majority of them and a lot of that is the referees they have the sorriest wraiths I have ever seen in my life and that's not just this game that's every single game they must go out and find the cheapest referees they can find even cheaper than referees for Junior High games I mean really it is ridiculous the fouls that happened that they do not call that's why the WNBA is not pretty like the NBA it is not fluent like the NBA because it's a bunch of girls beating each other up and the only way to stop that is to call every single file you call it letting them play that is not letting them play that is keeping them from playing
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
Why are there so many women in the WNBA that are 30 to 50 or 60 lb overweight my other question is why is there a man who I checked on and Brittney Griner is a biological man he was born a boy and how can a boy that is 6 ft 9 that has some ability cannot be the best player in the league it's because he has no heart he can pretend he's a woman all he wants to but the truth is he's a man and he has no heart to try to get better and better and better and better that's what it takes that's what people that have exceeded expectations in every League have is heart and this man that is 6 ft 9 should be dunking on these girls every time he gets the ball but he has no heart it's no wonder he's playing in the girls League and then he doesn't even stand out
@tommyleefunderburg7766 2 күн бұрын
I want to thank the woman commentator so much for stating the obvious that the ball went off of Caitlin Clark's foot it's not like we are not like the referees we actually watch the game and see what is going on we actually see all of the thousands are happening which makes this league so ugly so thank you Miss commentator for stating the obvious for us why don't you state the obvious for us on every single file that happens and then tell the referees after the game to do their job
@henryfredette6735 2 күн бұрын
Yet one more crappy clickbait highlight reel.
@derekbauman6986 2 күн бұрын
I will never watch game highlights with this poster person ever it really really sucked
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
I can't watch any more of this I get so tired of watching women shoot with their elbows out watching them shoot at The Rim when they should be using the glass I'm not talking about 4 hours shots I'm talking about angle shots 2 ft from the basket women that are should be big enough to dunk the ball but they're too fat to dump the ball because they can't jump more than a few inches off of the ground they would lose like 40 lbs they might actually be able to jump you never know but we will never know because they're not going to lose the weight they care more about eating than being great
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
That was a bad deal when you have three girls around you you do not put the ball on the floor when you are a big girl
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
The problem is the fever have three good players or what I would say are real good players one that or two that is going to be great the other two starters suck and apparently the whole b**** sucks so when they take Caitlin out of the game that is when they did most of the catching up and it will continue to be that way she's going to have to be just like Michael Jordan and learn how to play the whole damn game and not take more than 2 minutes out and a half what other teams are just going to catch up when they get ahead the thing about Caitlin Clark is she could be a good defensive player if she would work on her defense and it doesn't look like she works on her defense it looks like all she works on is her offense she has the ability to be a great defensive player but she doesn't Bend her knee she stands too straight up all the time even on offense even when she takes her shots she is standing straight up when she is handling the ball she should have more of a bent stance with her knees and somebody should have taught her that a long time ago instead of just offense she needs to learn how to be a great defensive player all of the great players are great defensive players that's why I don't consider LeBron James a great player because he doesn't do defense that's when he rests is on defense he shouldn't be resting he should be in good enough shape and he should have been since he has a rookie he's been in the league how many years and he's never been on the all defensive team ever when Michael Jordan made the all defensive team I think just every year he was in the league he what is the best defensive player in the league he was the best offensive player in the league in the same thing and I don't know why people don't talk about it is Kobe Bryant he is a replica of Michael Jordan Allen Iverson was just a smaller replica of Michael Jordan and Michael Jordan replicated just an improved version of Dr J Larry Bird didn't have a lot of physical ability but he was a great defender and he was a great offensive player so you can be a great defender if you have high IQ in basketball you just have to be smarter than your opponent these women nearly all of them need to work on their defense and that's on their coaches they have more fouls than they do in the NBA and the NBA has many more games that they play
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
When you are 6 ft 2 or 6 ft 4 and you are young a young woman and your ass is twice the size of a man that is 6 ft 8 in the NBA and your belly is hanging over you're fat that's just all there is to it and you need to lose some weight and these coaches need to make them lose some weight or not play them
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
Look at it like this how many men in the NBA are fat are completely just overweight I don't know if hardly any if they are they're not in the NBA they are in the WNBA and that's what makes the WNBA unexciting is the non-athletes
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
There are so many girls on the fevers team actually in all of WNBA that are overweight that cannot move quick enough to stay with the real athletes and that's just the truth you can call him what that you want to but they are fat and they cannot stay with an athlete that is quick like Caitlin and a quite a few other girls in the WNBA that are true athletes these other girls are not athletes they might be who knows if they lost about 30 lb some of them 60 lb and I don't care if people want to hear it or not it's the truth whatever man that is ever played basketball at is thinking
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
Caitlin should have picked her up when she went to the left there were two girls Caitlin and another girl on one girl Caitlin's girl had the ball and she blew past Caitlin like will actually she was standing still and she shouldn't have been that's one thing she needs to work on is her defense and what would help her on her defense is learning to bend her knees and get down she plays ball too straight up and down you can always get better and if she wants to be a star in the NBA she's going to have to get better otherwise she's just going to be another player because they will start double-teaming her Threes And if her girls aren't moving she can't get the ball to them and when they start double team you ask Michael Jordan what it feels like ask Colby Bryant what it feels like when there is nobody trying to get free for you to get the ball to and you have picked up your dribble so you cannot dribble out of it
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
Do you see all of the standing around on the fever these girls should be setting screens and making cuts for the basket but instead they're holding the ball and nobody is moving they need a new coach
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
I do believe that was a bad call they should show that again because it did not look like she was on the line
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
The use of the bounce pass is only unutilized in the WNBA just like a lot of things that WNBA does not have in their fundamentals
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
Why do women in the WNBA not play with just a regular colored basketball that would annoy the hell out of me
@tommyleefunderburg7766 3 күн бұрын
Shooting from so far out for so long Caitlin Clarke has lost the arch on her ball so if her ball is not exactly perfect she has half an inch of error where she should have 6 inches on each side of the ball for error that when you shoot it flat like that and you are on target you either hit the back of the rim or the front of the rim choose what she does when she misses shooting from so far out and not having enough power has changed her shot from a shot that had the right amount of arch on it to a flat shot and that's why she's missing these shots they are perfectly on target she's just shooting them too flat and the cause of that is from shooting the ball so far out without enough power you have to shoot it flatter because you cannot get it up in the air enough to have more Arch it takes more power it's not like she is really Steph Curry who has that much upper body strength