Cea mai tare firmă, mulțumim mult pentru vacanța din insula Creta, este superb la hersonissos palace
@emanuelarama122611 ай бұрын
Experiența noastră cu "agenția de turism Christian Tour" în Thailanda a fost departe de a fi ideală. Problemele au început cu schimbări de zboruri care au dublat timpul de escală, iar ajungerea în Thailanda seara ne-a costat o zi din vacanță (10 ore). Mai apoi, am descoperit că suntem cazați în Khao Lak în loc de Phuket, solicitat inițial. Asta a determinat costuri suplimentare pentru schimbarea hotelului și transportul la excursii planificate. Am plătit pentru o altă cazare în Phuket, iar agenția ne-a asigurat că totul e în regulă. Cu toate acestea următoarea zi, după ce ne-am decazat, în timpul unei excursii, am primit un e-mail afirmând că nu avem cazare, deși confirmările au fost primite cu o zi înainte. După multe erori, agentul din Thailanda a rezolvat transferul, dar doar pentru 3 nopți în loc de 4. Am fost lăsați să ne descurcăm cu schimbarea hotelurilor și transportul pe cont propriu, pe timp de seară, într-un mediu aglomerat și periculos. După mai multe peripeții, am ajuns la resortul inițial, plătind cazarea pentru ultima noapte în altă locație, deși ni s-a spus că există șansa să rămânem în resort. La finalul celor 3 nopți, când am fost să ne decazam dimineață, cu bagajele după noi și pregătiți să plecăm, cei de la recepție ne-au spus ca de fapt mai avem o seară de cazare la ei și că ar trebui să rămânem, lucru care noi nu am fost anunțați de către niciun agent, fiind și cei de la recepție mirați de situație. Cu toate acestea, cel mai frustrant aspect a fost atitudinea agenției, care a refuzat să-și asume responsabilitatea și să ofere o soluție adecvată. Nici în prezent nu am primit restituirea banilor pentru cazările plătite, de care nu am beneficiat. Această experiență cu "Christian Tour" a fost dezamăgitoare, iar agenția nu a reușit să ofere soluții sau să compenseze greșelile făcute, lăsându-ne cu amintiri negative din luna noastră de miere.
@Made_in_china-11 ай бұрын
⛄Bravo, efortul tău a dat roade-😃🏆☺Fie ca drumul tău profesional să fie presărat cu reușite
@Made_in_china-11 ай бұрын
🌹Bravo, ești o sursă de inspirație pentru noi toți\✈🚲💦Fie ca fiecare pas în cariera ta să te apropie de succes
@MihocNicoletaMariaMihoc Жыл бұрын
@raulcrisan3800 Жыл бұрын
Se lauda pe munca altora de cand a murit ceausescu nu sa mai facut nimic in tara doar pentru alte tari si interese internationale AM FOST acum suntem slugile occidentului considerati tigani si vazut prost in orice tara pe vremea comunismului eram cei mai buni la orice
@MihaiR283 Жыл бұрын
@MihaiEnea Жыл бұрын
si....Rosia Montana
@UnRomanFericit82 Жыл бұрын
Am fost.... acum suntem datori vânduti, noi, copiii noștri, copiii copiilor noștri..... Etc.
@MariaJoita-bi3zo Жыл бұрын
Cel mai mare parc este parcul Nicolae Romanescu din Craiova ❤
@Erich9919 Жыл бұрын
Mă duci cu sania in zbor la prețul ăla?
@nico-5. Жыл бұрын
Nu scadetit putin pretul.😂
@cristiangherasim6955 Жыл бұрын
Da chiarca
@florinstanculescu9185 Жыл бұрын
@brendandollar7987 Жыл бұрын
'Promo sm' 🎉
@cutedogsandgames Жыл бұрын
I was there with my family its beautiful only the stairs to the beach are annoying but its really a GOOD hotel 20/10 strongly re ommend would and is doing again
@carminics Жыл бұрын
sunteti chiar nesimtiti si inconstienti legat de vacantele in bulgaria,cum puteti lasa oamenii n drum,sa-si caute singuri hotelul prin toata statiunea?rusine!vorbiti macar la hoteluri,sa vina sa-i ia cineva,erau azi batrani care se plangeau,nu stiau n ce directie sa se duca,nu cunosc limba,nici engleza si au fost lasati in voia sortii,macar puteati sa-i anuntati,ca nu dati transport ca alte agentii pana la hotel,dar nu,pt ca schimba lumea agentia,si pierdeti voi,jgrilor!sa va fie rusine,nu aveti pic de decenta si constiinta!
@christiantour97 Жыл бұрын
Buna ziua! ne pare rau pentru inconvenient. Avem puncte de imbarcare/debarcare fixe pentru Bulgaria.
@TenOutOfTenIGN Жыл бұрын
Dunno why but even back in 2017 the red slide at 0:34 was outta business. i wonder why tho
@robertdan5571 Жыл бұрын
Frumos video.
@anouaranouar9624 Жыл бұрын
Il faudrait mettre la carte géographique complète du Royaume du Maroc avec son Sahara occidental marocain !!!!
@renatakoziel143 Жыл бұрын
@ionimiroiu7859 Жыл бұрын
Iubita mea ,,imi plac toate postarile ,excursiile care le postezi ,ași stă în fața televizorului zi si noapte Felicitări
@eprohoda2 жыл бұрын
CHRISTIAN~unral ~ ))
@nicolaetopala13102 жыл бұрын
Daca trimiteti ca si ghid indivizi atat de batrani ca au devenit senili cumbeste Zamsa care mai mult dezorganizeaza si enerveaza turistii, mai bine evitati aceasta agentie. Circuit Turcia cu acest ghid, este un dezastru, bani aruncati pe geam
@elenaeren23162 жыл бұрын
@adelaoros53122 жыл бұрын
Ce prețuri are acest resort 2 pers allinclusiv ptr luna august 2023,cu aproximatie pretul
@yoshy26282 жыл бұрын
I have a vacation in 20 days on this hotel for 2 weeks, any tips?
@kw3sioor2 жыл бұрын
Food was good? Internet is free here? I go in september :) and I need opinion
@deepblue56423 жыл бұрын
Asta e, nu ai ce-i face...altii mama nu mai face :)
@anamariapopa11083 жыл бұрын
Este o locație fabuloasa! Am fost în 2018 și recomand!
@432Hertz694 жыл бұрын
We loveDhafer Jouseff 🗝Sounds🎖from TuNiShA🥇🏅🏆❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑Polynesian thousand Islands
@mcstefan70965 жыл бұрын
cine este prezentatoarea?
@gracedelangekassi8085 жыл бұрын
God does not send churches. God does not send apostles, bishops; reverends…But God sends a living prophet messenger on earth. And it is this prophet messenger who establishes some apostles, some church prophets, some evangelists and some teachers according to Ephesians 4:11. 2 Chronicles 20:20 says to confide in the prophets and Amos 3:7 says that it is to the prophet that God reveals His secrets. God raises up a prophet with a Gospel in a generation! [Kc.3v39-40] [Kc.6v34-35] [Kc.15v4] [Kc.28v13-14] [Kc.118v33-36] 20. Either you are a Christian and you follow the prophet that the Lord Jesus-Christ has sent in your time or you remain home. You cannot be a Christian today unless you follow Kacou Philippe, the prophet that God has sent for your time. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!].As at the time of Noah, you could not be a Christian unless you follow Noah the prophet that God had sent for your time. You see? Stop to be Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists. Stop to follow the devil and come to God through His living prophet. Because John 6:28 says that the work of God is to believe in him whom He has sent. [Kc.88v14]
@veroniqueyao83315 жыл бұрын
11. When a prophet messenger is sent on earth, it’s because there is no more truth on earth and his Message is the only truth of his time. He is the depositary of the truth. He is the legislator of the Word of God in his time. You see? When Noah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Noah. When Jeremiah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Jeremiah. When Elijah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Elijah. When the Lord Jesus was preaching there in the streets of Jerusalem, no one could be saved unless by the Message of the Lord Jesus. He said: "No one comes to the Father unless by me". You see? When Martin Luther was preaching there in Germany, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Martin Luther. When John Wesley was preaching, no one could be saved on the whole face of the earth unless by the Message of John Wesley. When William Branham was preaching there in America, no one could be saved on the whole face of the earth unless by the Message of William Branham. And today, you cannot be saved but by the Message of Prophet Kacou Philippe. If you were a child of God in their time, you would believe in them and it is the same today. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] [Kc.3v12] [Kc.31v18] [Kc.91v6] #Prophetkacouphilippe #PKpchanneltv
@kotchisheila38245 жыл бұрын
23. In your rebellion against me, I just want you to know that, whether you like it or not, I Kacou Philippe, am the one who is your prophet and without me, you will all go to hell. Reject me but I am your prophet just as the president of a country is the president of all opponents of that country. Noah was the prophet of all the inhabitants of the earth in his time. The Lord Jesus Christ was the prophet of Herod and Pilate and the Roman soldiers and all the Pharisees and Sadducees who fought him. And I that speak to you, I am the prophet of the kings and presidents and of all their governments. I am the prophet of the Christians and the Muslims and of all the inhabitants of the earth today. I hold the keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens. I am the way, the truth and the life and no one can be saved unless by me today. Blessed is whosoever shall see the Son in me. I am the life and everything else is just death, confusion and desolation. [Kc.3v33] [Kc.5v27] [Kc.108v14] [Kc.131v35] www.Philippekacou.org
@oseesea52875 жыл бұрын
Kc.1:13 All those who follow or work in the same spirit like them and all the prophets who travel around countries are magicians, diviners and fetish priests, wandering stars, at the service of Satan to seduce the inhabitants of the earth whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world as in the days of Noah. And that their ministry is the one of the serpent according to Genesis 3 and Matthew 24:24. Their ministry is the one of the frog according to Revelation 16:13-14. It is God Himself who has raised them up as an army against his enemies according to 1 Kings 22:19-23 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. And all their miracles, including those of the Branhamists, aim at seducing and preventing the elect from going out of Egypt, and at hardening the heart of pharaoh and of their kings. #Prophetkacouphilippe #PKPCHANNELTV
@donmoiseodje84085 жыл бұрын
47. All the good kings that God sent on earth, including Nebuchadnezzar, recognized the North Star of their time. But bad kings like Ahab did not recognize the North Star of their time. Pharaoh believed in "They cried..." Korah and Dathan believed in "They cried..." Ahab and Jezebel and the prophets of Baal believed in "They cried...", they had Louis Segond Bibles like the pastors and presidents today but King David loved stars like me and he believed in a North Star and made it his symbol. The star of David.
@deborahkacou60265 жыл бұрын
16. Man has his will which is not necessarily God’s will! But God, Him, watches over his Word to fulfill It! And the Word of God is being fulfilled today for the Salvation of the humanity. #GOD
@paulkra89895 жыл бұрын
8. John the Baptist saw a man and he shouted, "Behold, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." I too saw a man on April 24, 1993 and I shouted, "Behold the bridegroom, go forth to meet him". But you, who did you see and on which date? You look for God's existence in the creation, in the religions and holy books and in meditations, but I saw Him on April 24, 1993 and He spoke to me and He sent me to mankind and I have fulfilled Matthew 25:6. In the vision of April 24, 1993, I saw the Angel and the Lamb with my own eyes and I shouted, "Behold the bridegroom, go forth to meet him" according to Matthew 25:6. And the crowd came from all the languages and religions and races of the earth. But you, what did you see and hear, and on which date? And what will you go and say to mankind? 30. The Lord Jesus Christ is the bright morning star while Satan is called the bright night star or Sirius or the prince of darkness. All the suicides in sects including those of Jim Jones or the Order of the Solar Temple are called: transit or travel to the star Sirius. But when those dead get to Sirius, Sirius will tell them, "I myself Mary... I myself Sirius, I revolve around the star Polaris. Depart from me!". The North Star is not the brightest star of the night, which is the star Sirius, but the star Polaris which is the highest star in the sphere. The star Polaris is 48th in brightness but it is the guide. It has guided navigators and explorers. It has guided kings, men of war and civilizations through this gigantic universe that lives and breathes. 31. The North Star, also called the star of the sea, remains from eternity to eternity, the compass of mankind as the prophets have always been. It is the only star that is seen from all the place of the world. It is not the star of a race, a continent or a religion but the star of the whole world. During its time, the North Star is the unchanging magnetic centre of our universe. The North Star has six branches, it is the symbol of balance as the prophet messenger is the symbol of balance between the heaven and the earth, between God and men. The North Star is one in its time like the prophet messenger. It is around it that the moon and the billions of stars in our universe revolve. www.philippekacou.org
@coulibalysiaka61625 жыл бұрын
12. You hate me for no reason, like the inhabitants of my village. Some of you refused to shake hand with me, including your wife. In 2002, when I wanted to meet you, you received me at Sister Ita's house instead of receiving me at your house and we talked well, and when I left, I was told that you sprayed the chair on which I was sitting with an insecticide. I was afraid of you and I kept far from you. Then in 2004, I heard that you had fasted, kept vigil and prayed against me with Pastor Adon and you had preached that if someone killed me, God would bless that person. I was scared because, you Pastor David who threatens to shed the blood of your own church members in the pulpit, it is not I Kacou Philippe that you will spare. 23. I took the King James, Ostervald, Crampon, Colombe, Reina-Valera, David Martin, Olivetan and Chouraqui versions; All the versions of the Bible mention only one cry except for the 1910 version by the theologian Louis Segond at the request of the company of theologians of Geneva in 1874. How can you condemn theology and use the Louis Segond Bible if you are not a son of the devil? Even the TOB Bible of the Catholics says, "In the middle of the night, there was a cry: Behold the bridegroom! Come out to meet him." But recently, the Louis Segond version was revised in 2007 and they put: "a cry" because the original Greek says, "a cry". If you are sons of God, you must repent publicly for supporting "They cried..." 28. And one day, after America and the evening time, again, the three hands will have to form a constellation and the three hands will point to the sky and it will be midnight according to Mark 13:35. Thus, at noon a white prophet should appear in Europe and now at midnight a black prophet should appear in Africa. And one of the signs is that: When Moses, the greatest prophet of mankind after the Flood, came, he revealed the origin of mankind. And when the first great prophet messenger of the black race came, it was in his mission to reveal the origin of the black race.
@toahiwilfried37945 жыл бұрын
5. Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"].
@kouassiyvonne85385 жыл бұрын
1. We must not make the same mistakes that the Jews made against the prophets and against the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, the world has built the monument of John Wesley that it so persecuted and humiliated. 2. John Wesley, the man, was sincere. He was a deacon in 1725 but he was not converted. In 1737, returning to England after a mission to the United States, he said: "O God! I went to America to convert Indians. But who will convert me?" In that time, he was loved and approved of everyone. But when, on May 24, 1738, he received the true conversion to which I call the whole earth, he was no longer welcome on God's earth. Suddenly, the beloved son of the Anglican church became a subject of disappointment. John Wesley, speaking of one of those occasions when he escaped the fury of the people, said this: "Thinking that once I am knocked down, I will no longer be able to get up, several tried to throw me down while we were descending a hill on a slippery path in the direction of the city. But I did not flinch, nor slipped. Although several reached out to hold me by the collar or the clothes to overthrow me, they couldn’t do anything. There was only one who was able to hold out the flap of my waistcoat, which soon remained in his hands, the other flap in which there was a bank note was only half torn. A stout man who was following me closely hit me several times from behind with a big stick of oak. ... Another approached through the crowd, and having raised his arm to hit me, he suddenly pulled it down and only touched my head saying: "What a soft hair he has!" They were both Christians and non-Christians. Last month, I had received a stone and tonight, two. Two years ago a piece of brick brushed past my shoulder. Before that, I received a stone between the two eyes. You see? John Wesley suffered in his time like the prophets of the Bible. And as long as God will send a prophet on earth, it shall be thus. 3. But like Branhamists, Methodists do not know anything about John Wesley. Pastor Konan David, of the order of the Branhamists, at the death of Kacou Severin said: "A great man is gone". No one, if he’s not lost, can say that that Kacou Severin, this highway seducer whose soul lies there in hell, is a man of God. A seducer paid homage to a seducer. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And those gurus of the race of shepherds who build their empire with the skin and the flesh and the bones of their sheep send hundreds of souls to hell. 4. We know today that Branhamists are outdated and some levities of William Branham are unacceptable in the Church today! William Branham would go and preach in the churches on the common points, fraternizing with them and in his congregation, a Baptist pastor could dismiss the audience with words of exhortations and prayers. It was not bad in the evening time but today I tell you that if you are Christians, then you have no right to go and sit in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist service or at the vigils of payers of those prophets. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Those are the altars of all the abominations that God cannot leave unpunished. Even if you're travelling, do not go there! What will you seek among them? What will you seek in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, when you are a son of God? Your place is not there! You see? 5. And you, Branhamists, race of frogs! Alive, I will never cease to be for you what the lion is for the breed of deer, and when I am dead, I shall not be less. You know that I am the cancer that will destroy you. The hour of God's judgment has come and you will not escape. The Word has tested everything and the light made your actions known... 6. God is on the scene because we are living at a time of great seduction; Just like in the world they all want to be president of the Republic, in the church too, everyone has a ministry. Prophecies, dreams, visions come from every side to distribute some ministries. They extend the scope of women’s activities to the pulpit. The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a business asset; prayer vigils are set each month’s end. People fallen from grace, who are waiting for hell, are servants of God. Sons of demons! There are two things to do: Either you show that I am wrong and I join you or you publicly acknowledge that you are wrong and I dissolve your synagogues. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I've always seen things this way. 7. Three months after my conversion, I read the Bible entirely and they gave me some responsibilities in the church, another ruse of Satan to bind people. I conducted the prayers. But the day when I realized that the pastor wanted to administer me a trinitarian baptism, that is to say in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, I refused and I gave back all of their documents and I stayed home for two weeks because I did not know that there was a church that baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 8. Know that the time when we sat in temples to condemn is past! The evening time is past! And I do not want that some cunning impostors, inspired by false revelations, rub against what God is doing here. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] That is another ruse of Satan ... 9. While Christians were preaching against the Catholicism, some Catholics came up such as Francis Xavier, Ochino Bernardino, Jean Pierre Cafara ... who, while remaining Catholics, preached from town to town against the Catholic practices. They want to reform the Catholic church, yet, when a church has fallen, God does not help her up anymore, otherwise the Lord Jesus Christ would do it with the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It is a trap of Satan and in 1545, in agreement with the Protestants, they held a council but at the appointed day, December 13, 1545, no Protestant came. And those same old demons are there today, others even reject pastoral school, the entry of their churches into church councils and federations... They do all that while rejecting the living prophet of their time. 10. But we will never collaborate! The body of Christ is without grafting and his garment seamless. It's a trap of Satan’s, and whoever supports those churches makes himself guilty and makes himself an enemy of God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
@officierdelta5 жыл бұрын
53. And all of you who have believed in me, when I leave the earth, the public confession will always be the beginning of your worship services. When I leave the earth, you will never make papers like all the churches of the earth. You will never use the Louis Segond Bible or a theological product. When I leave the earth, you will never build cathedrals like the Branhamists because, if one government lets you pray there, another government will come and persecute you and close them. #PKPCHANNELTV
@Ane829835 жыл бұрын
Aceasta "mare" actriță, din liga lui Arşinel, mi s-a parut mereu lipsita de rafinament! Jocul actoricesc gălăgios, exagerat, chicotele şi râsetele iritante cu care-şi împodobeşte personajele vor să mascheze lipsa de talent, de profunzime! Nu mă mir, aşadar, ca si in aceasta reclamă aduce cu ea acelaşi personaj vulgar, dar care se doreste rafinat, încheind prestația cu râsul complice cu care o matroană te-ar invita la bordel!
@perun37065 жыл бұрын
i.imgur.com/YTKswiq.jpg Voi si la avion aveti geamuri lipite cu scoci?
@officierdelta5 жыл бұрын
53. And all of you who have believed in me, when I leave the earth, the public confession will always be the beginning of your worship services. When I leave the earth, you will never make papers like all the churches of the earth. You will never use the Louis Segond Bible or a theological product. When I leave the earth, you will never build cathedrals like the Branhamists because, if one government lets you pray there, another government will come and persecute you and close them. #PKPCHANNELTV
@toahiwilfried37945 жыл бұрын
5. Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"].
@perun37065 жыл бұрын
Sunteti niste penibili. i.imgur.com/YTKswiq.jpg Voi si la avion aveti geamurile lipite cu scoci?
@cosmin23665 жыл бұрын
Zici că e reclamă la OldSpice
@christiantoursrbija20355 жыл бұрын
@robertmv906 жыл бұрын
Ca sa stiti ce inseamna de fapt Christian Tour:Am avut curajul nesimtit se pare sa imi scriu pe pagina Christian Tour facebook,nemultumirea privind sejurul oferit de Christian Tour.Am primit ban de pe pagina si mi-au sters toate comentariile.Asa orientare catre client mai rar:) Feriti-va de ei si cititi repede pana nu mi se sterge comentariul!
@robertmv906 жыл бұрын
Am avut curajul nesimtit se pare sa imi scriu pe pagina Christian Tour facebook,nemultumirea privind sejurul oferit de Christian Tour.Am primit ban de pe pagina si mi-au sters toate comentariile.Asa orientare catre client mai rar:) Feriti-va de ei si cititi repede pana nu mi se sterge comentariul!